Month: October 2015 (page 4 of 4)

There’s A Light

A Blazing Fireplace In A Deserted Home speaks to the realization that even in our most desolate hours spirituality burns within us beckoning our consciousness to return to a soulful center. This oracle at 8° Libra is ruled by Scorpio in a twelve-fold sequence which makes sense given that sign’s association with the depths of human consciousness—both in terms of suffering and finding meaning—which are catalysts for the regeneration that is the hope of this image. Many of us lose our way. Those of us on spiritual quests may abandon these even though we’ve had experiences, if just glimpses, of essential beingness. A couple images back, we entertained the notion of transmission of said beingness from a master. Even those who’ve received this mind might stray from this “guru’s love” but the true guru, or spiritual practice, awaits our return with open arms.

This is also an image of hitting ye olde rock bottom, which again is often the place from which people soar. We must go to the darkest place, sometimes, in order to rise phoenix-like. Planet Pluto which rules Scorpio has an eliptical orbit which sees it rise and fall from our perspective. The subterranean god, Pluto and his wife-counterpart Persephone, are Chtonian figures, meaning ones who inhabit the underworld. In psychological terms, it is a metaphor for our own subconscious wherein lie the seeds of awakening to a new reality that will see us rise ever higher. How low can you go, or have to, one wonders.

I think today’s oracle bids us examine where we are experience desolation and to alight on the spark of our spiritual fires still burning. Woe it is for those whose light has already gone out, what Dane Rudhyar calls a rare and tragic occurance. And yet we all know when we encounter such zombies and sociopaths who are beyond the hope of spiritual rekindling. Even if the creative dream we were trying to foster and protect is abandoned it isn’t the end of us. The destruction is part of the same cycle as new creation. We find new hope. And though there are times when this cycle is all encompassing—Scarlett O’Hara digging into her Chtonian tara to root out a vegetable she chomps on before vowing never again—we all experience tiny occurances of this cycle all the time, even in the midst of great fortune. So today let’s ask ourselves where the desolation lives and then see a fire there burning in the midsts of all that’s cold and broken.

Copyright 2015 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Here, Chick

At 7° Libra we have A Woman Feeding Chickens And Protecting Them From The Hawks. We could all use her. This image is ruled by Libra in a twelve-fold sequence and it follows from yesterday. Today we are taking the perspective of the guru or mentor or master who is protecting his, well protegés which means “protected ones”. Wherever there is power there is the possiblity of its being used for light or darkness, creation or destruction. We might have had our creative visualization in place, fixed on making a better world for ourselves and others; and yet the power can be corrupted by those looking to benefit from others’ hardship. It isn’t enough to have the creative idea, we have to protect from the power hungry that seek to use it for their own ends. “We witness the contrast between the ideal situation envisioned clearly by the creative consciousness and what will be in actual operation; thus the forever-present struggle involved in making it possible for the future-oriented actualizers of an ideal to survive the attacks of tradition-worshiping minds that can only follow the lines of automatic response.”

This is the energy of certain guardianship. We must be watchful and vigilant, feeding the ideas as well as protecting them from the hawkish. Our brain children are so-called for a reason as they inspire the same kind of care as our literal creative offspring. We so often refer to our projects as “our baby” and it’s with that same kind of attention that we must continue to nurture and grow our creative plans.

Copyright 2015 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.


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