Pisces 3° (February 21)
It’s nine am and I’ve already had breakfast, and prepped lunch and dinner. I pulled the two of swords, tentatively. Ever notice when you’re kind of hesitant you don’t totally align with the card you flip; however you must accept it to be part of your experience. At least when you do when you’re me which means psychic, witchy or crazy or all of the above. I like the two of swords though in that it favors the psychic mind. The character is blindfolded to increase second sight; the moon and rippling water portray the influence and power of subtle vibrations. We are all of two minds, the tricky rationalizing one and the one that is powered, from the inside out, by our emotions, to which our mind should be a messenger. That is one of the central tenets of Starsky + Cox’s own brand of metaphysics I dare say.
Above as below
What do you know
The truth is revelation
turning round revealing now
Above as below
Micro cosmic
Macro cosmic
Centers and orbitor
Particles energy dissolving
I used to think life was banal
Then I though compared to what
One day seeing only miracle
Believing life a lucid dream
So So So So So
Above as below
We are meeting with a longtime client today for the last time (I think). It is good to be forced to let go sometimes. It’s good for the soul to perform without a net. There is only one net anyway and some day we will all be part of it.
Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
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