Libra 21°
Dividing the Zodiac into 24 signs was groundbreaking. You have a different take on Virgo Man and Virgo Woman, for example, whereas previously one size fit all. When it comes to sexuality, you cover straight and gay males/females of each sign, but how does someone who is transgender or identifies as non-binary read this?
When Sextrology was published in 2004, we unfortunately weren’t having the same conversation about transgenderism as we are today. There are many meaningful transgender myths and archetypes —Hermaphrodite, Tierisias and Caenis to name a few—that we dig into, and from whose cosmic power and inspiration individuals can draw.
Most friends who’ve transitioned have done so in the years since we first putlished Sextrology. As it was, we had to petition publlishers for equal measure of gay and straight content. In Cosmic Coupling, hetero couples are dedicated two pages while gay and lesbian chapters only get one. Cue soundtrack about book size, the cost of paper and affordability.
The upshot is we’ve come along way in the fifteen years hence Now, no sociological conversation can disclude the transgender movement and the stunning effect it’s having.
The upshot is we’ve come along way in the fifteen years hence Now, no sociological conversation can disclude the transgender movement and the stunning effect its having.
Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
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