Today’s image is ruled by Pisces and the transcendent astrological twelfth house: Children Skating Over A Frozen Village Pond portrays our ability to overcome natural limits that might paralyze us—symbolized by the ice—and get our skates on. Inhibiting circumstance is the catalyst for the development of character and the transcendence of environmental restraints. It’s the ultimate “if life hands you lemons…” energy. So today let’s not only overcome but let us glide and do pirouettes.
The wintery image portrays darkness and potential hibernation, giving up and going in. Opportunities may have turned cold. Relationships might have become frosty. Are we going to be victimized by such obstacles or are we going to let them make our objectives, especially for fun and pleasure and freedom, that much stronger! Obstacles might force us to grow and to hone abilities that easeful situations don’t necessarily nurture. We will not be stopped. We will sharpen the blades of our abilities and exercise them. They say all is entropy, but not when it comes to the human spirit, which evolves through duress and hardship. We shall overcome.
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