Aries 20° (April 9)
I got nothing.
Nextrology provides further in-depth analysis of the twenty-four astrological sex-signs since the publishing of my first book, twenty years ago. The book pinpoints people’s proclivities, potentialities, and would-be pitfalls, prodding them to deploy particular elements of personality in the face of this or that situation, challenge, or opportunity. Nextrologymoves beyond exposition, providing specific instruction to the reader who will get some sense of what it’s like to sit in actual private consultation with me. The book bridges from the occult- or the academic- or the mainstream pop-astrology aisle over to that of personal development. In it’s Introduction, Nextrology will offer information already covered in the “Overview” of this proposal, in addition to reading one’s own chapter, the personal benefit of reading all the others, based on the rulership of the other sign’s over the various astrological houses in the reader’s own chart. The content of the twenty-four chapters is completely unique and specific to each of the signs, while the chapters are all structured the same—each chapter will be comprised of a concise “snapshot” of the individual followed by three main-text sections:
Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2022 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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