Gemini 18° (I”m only behind 18 degrees) I”ll catch up fast.
Something about being post this last Full Moon has made me feel slightly less, I shouldn’t say pessimistic, but: pessimistic. It’s so unusual for me to feel that things are going down tubes even though all you hear leads me to believe that.
We took our morning constitutional today in Wellfleet which takes us along the pier and there was a boat that read, on the stern, where the boat’s name typically is: Trump 2020. There was nobody around that looked like they might take ownership, inspired under our breath expletives as we strolled by. Then walking back up into town this suv came barreling too fast down the road and, on its bow it read: Trump 2020 and it was filled with loud, ham-faced bully folk, all men. Sorry you have small dicks.
It says in our book Sextrology that Geminis have small hands. We wrote that way before president lump lumbered into office. Why are we struggling to connect the dots? I ask the media. Can’t someone go out on a limb and say the lump isn’t concerned with Russian hacking our election because they were part of it? Can’t someone say that the lump’s celebritory tone in the oval office with the Russian diplomats was a bit of a confab of fascism?
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