Libra 13° (October 5)

I know it’s painful but I have to just get into this. Athena gives the kid to be raised she doesn’t actually raise it. Ares means imprecaution, brave, ruin. Phobos Fear and Terror. Prone to mansplaining, man of steel, feels snubbed so easily. Tarot, botanicals, animal. If so then what. None of this really needs to make sense to you, reader, consider it like trying to get the ignition of a car to turn over. It’s just so much of that. The point is to chip away, chip away. The more I think of it, as I said yesterday, the more I’m convinced that the eight of pentacles in the tarot will be the guiding card of this project. Foremost the card signifies the importance of just showing up, putting the time in, even if it feels arduous and tedious in equal measure. It is also a paradoxical card (as they all are of course) in that it portrays the perfecting of the craftmanship of the work of creation, little by little over time, but also the perfecting of the self as craftsperson, being worked upon by the work itself, or works themselves, the pieces of art creating a better artist, bit by bit.  I’m very much down with that interpretation. 

After a day of getting in I managed to make a bit of progress and then sat outside in the fresh to take stock of where I am. Today was difficult on four hours sleep but we did manage to push forward, much thanks to the power of the eight of pentacles. It was nice for S. that she had a guest this weekend for a couple of hours in the afternoon and then spoke to the jazz-a-gals Sunday as is becoming a custom. We watched that moving documentary about the octopus, which was fantastic and (finally) made the dietetic transition to our autumn menus. I will be working my little tail off these next few days before jumping into the car on Thursday for an overnight surrounding two days of doctor’s appointments. I need to quell my nerves for sure in the process, and just might spend my afternoons doing a bit of online Bikram for sheets and geegles and then packing (and rearranging my closets for the season in the process) in the evening. I am not on schedule but I’m not terribly behind and I have to let the prevailing tarot card work its major magic. Was awoken today at seven by S. yelling we need a fire extinguisher. That was fun. There was a fire under one of the stove burners onto which I chucked water. Cheap appliances. I look forward to getting out of here this year and into a new house and environment and starting up everything anew once again. This might very well include renewing the festival again for 2022. I do not believe that there will be any performances in 2021 due to the pandemic. 

Anyway I’m going to talk myself through some points yet to be discussed for the Aries chapter, working backward. Some teasing and hot conversations during the day may make for foreplay. She does attract very possessive types on the same-sex front especially. We say foreplay schmoreplay. We already said Lilith likes it on top. Sidebar of all the Liliths which we already worked on. Asteroids in general associated with astrological signs. We said Paris didn’t pick her and it meant war. We say she may be with someone lame but won’t we don’t say is that she uses it against her own disability (which is her ability to commit to relationships). It is Hephaestus who frees her from the moment of their experience. Ooh, that is a good one. Mars, Hephaestus, Athena is the birth order. She is first born daughter. E. is on a kind of autopilot and never asks a single question about others way more interested in putting her stories out there (like her dad) and is very much self-mythologizing. Once knew an Aries who dumped a old deco chair on us, which we had in our possession for over a decade, moving it from city to city apartment to apartment then she called one day to say she was picking it up. Wide planal face. We can upgrade to having exaggerated features. Very little nuanced about the Aries, We can do more in terms of the rule of the face: Because this is about identity. We can run with that. Also we do not mention the Cavewoman thing at all. Link to primordial!!! Keira Knightly, Diana Ross, Emma Watson, all the cavewoman with their heavy brows.

Sidebars on the primordial feminine: These are notes from a session with someone I was supposed to speak to today. How funny. S. and I both have Lilith in Scorpio. There is the Asteroid version  about rage, resentment and sexual manipulation. Lilith is Impressionable and objective; the Moon is subjective. We spoke to that NBC journalist she was into asrology but hadn’t read our book(s)? What’s up with that. She had an affinity for Lilith. I asked if she was an Aries (to which we assign the Lilith archetype. And she was. Of course.

She may even flaunt her sons virility to the girls he likes. Dangling him. Making friends with them in appropriately. She is not the most faithful of females. Then again she often mates with males that outright or subtly enjoy playing the cuckhold. Patsy Stone’s mother. Incantations to the divine feminine. Evolving is channeling into more Buddhist direction. ** on the mentor subject ** checking their self-sufficiency. Who is helping them out really. Do they just appear self starting? E. once again. The first-born female/daughter archetype is not uberfeminine, the female embodiment of the masculine (Mar) principle. The Ewe on the bluff, she calls others.  Relationship to other women, we say invites scrutiny and derision. She might work on that.

Aries men pursue, she draws others out. She turns them into Aries-type men in effect. We said she draws fire. She fights against the patriarchy whereas Leo works within it (can’t beat ‘em join ‘em attitude….Artemis gets into the race, into the hunt.)  The least impressionable and empathetic of creatures. Empathy not strong suit. We needn’t say she should fight against this nature but best to be aware of it as a short-coming. She is so much about her own intention and feelings. We say Larry Darrell in Razor’s Edge. His true counter part is Sophie (Sophia, goddess of wisdom). She can be consumed by tragedy and self-destruction.

The following blocks of text are exceprts from my first year of  Blagues, nos. 941-945. I am reading through all of my Blagues, five per day, and posting some samples here. Now, in my sixth year of writing this Blague, by the time I get to my seventh, I will have journeyed through all the daily Blagues of my first five years. If that’s confusing I apologize. Year seven, I’ll only have to read through year six, once a day

On November 18, I awake in Wellfleet and my diary from that day reads:

Pasta. VSB grant. Finances.

On top of which, here is another Dada Mission:

The Next Page

The Terribly Wonderful Process of Writing

Experts at Living How To Live

Essential S + C These memos written to Stella

Should be the format of creating cntent

The other half can be secrets, poems,

both biz brand and philosophical memos

It is the engine.

Action Item: What are the top 10 Things about being you?

Focus must be Afterglow and Provincetown.

Festival to Sponsors

Grow to the next Year 8

Seven felt like the end of a cycle and Year Eight we hope will portray fransformation and grown in an overall vision, which incorporates, encorportates, champions ? man goals.

LIST THEM…what are the goals of Afterglow this year.

Eight is number of power of infinity, the lemnicaste, of crystalization and distillation.

Speak to the progress the WGBH and other press and so forth.

Articulate what the Glow Festival. meet with Boston Globe

Start to work other arenas.


On November 19, I awake in Wellfleet and my diary from that day reads:

Heard back from P. yesterday in a very kind note. Drove to Orleans late day after Bianca for wine and orange cheese. The morning we shopped in Provincetown and then spoke with Cathleen.

This will constitute one in a series of instances that might all fall under the heading: barely got away with it. It’s never good to be the messy one and, though I manage to avoid that most times, I do notice that there have been more instances with frequency in the last quarter of the year. Oh well. That me would be glad to know I’m now in self-love mode such that I’m not drinking a drop of anything alcoholic. It goes in cycles for me. But given the larger socio-political landscape and general shape of things, it’s been that much easier to lose oneself in a pre-dinner bottle of Lambrusco. But it never solves anything.

Anyway here I am getting an enormous handle on all that needs to be done during the next month, while I generate content for ten blagues a day over the next, still, let’s see, over roughtly tne next eight or nine days. That doesn’t sound so bad now come to think of it. By this time next week I should be in pretty good shape actually. It’s very strange this whole process of distillation whereby I have gone through ever piece of paper on my desk (there is a small pile on the other side of the room dating back, no doubt, to this time last year, but it doesn’t quite make sense to tackle that now. I should probably do so on Saturday when I will need a good deal of material to work against. As it is right now I’m pretty much full up on what needs or doesn’t need to happen in the coming days.

I think once I again meet myself next week and are back to normal one Blague a day I will begin drafting the evening before and then finish it during the course of the day, beginning in the morning. I can record just about anything on any given day. Especially days that aren’t writing days, I can still represent some of my ideas, ongoingly, without getting quote unquote behind again. That is for the birds. And I say I was derailed by the publishing news we received in October but really, let’s face it: I was in a position to let myself be derailed and that’s not so dandy.

I do need to rewrite any dodgy headlines this year. I think it will be easier than I imagine. There are so many wonderful people out there and I need to get out and social this year. I need to give myself the gift of as low a percentage of body fat I can muster and I need to get a bike lock so I can leave my bicycle at the Provincetown Inn. I think I’d like to get myself a room there from time to time, maybe even from hotel 2night. I can also make that part of my rounds with hoteliers: We are looking to move ourselves back to Provincetown do you have any leads? Meanwhile we are going to stay at hotels randomly this summer. Do you have a secret hotline we can call?


On November 20, I awake in Wellfleet and my diary from that day reads:

Cousin Jim let slip today that he loves having us here and hopes we’ll continue to stay. This coming off our washing machine dying its full death before we left for the UK last month. He made clear he wasn’t going to buy a new one, that it was on us; which would be cast into a strange light, admittedly, if he didn’t want us to stay on come end of lease next year. But one never knows. So now we know he is smitten and as keeping this place is such a cinch—touch wood—we have a couple more years of phenomenal daily beach walks ahead.

Joan Didion probably tops the list of authors, in her case, essayist and novelist, whom I’ve never read but wanted to read. I saw Griffin Dunne’s documentary and not only loved it; but it loosed in me a spree of creative expression, such that I was determined to watch the doc again the next morning, which I did; I long to see it again. S. has been a rabid fan since the stone age but being no kind of white woman, I wasn’t rushing to read Didion because, anyway, I don’t read, a fact, I’m now determined to change. And I chose Didion to read.

I read the preface and whereupon realized I am reading a book of essays, all?, most? of which have been published, thirteen of twenty?, in the Saturday Evening Post? Anyway, she speaks of writing the Slouching Toward Bethlehem essay and having to drink gin and waters 20 hours a day, and take Dexetrine, and all I thought was, ma’am, how could the writing of an essay in a magazine cause all that. Trying writing a 560 page treatise with sidebars and three hundred relationship appendixes over five years. Even I, l’ homme qui resist pas,” waited until the fourth year, and until 5 o’clock, then 1PM, to drink tiny lemon flavored vodkas to push through till 7.

Girl, get over yourself, thought I.

But tonight I might actually read some of Didion’s actual writing. So I might understand her position better tomorrow. I won’t end up doing so until the very last week of December while floating around off the West Indies. Poor me.


On November 21, I awake in Wellfleet and my diary from that day reads:

Cheese and bread and soup dinner. And I wrote, here, on that very day:

I find that I rise to my full powers around this time of year, if I had to put a cyclical lense on my psychic abiltity per annis. Last night was a sliver of a sliver of a sliver Moon, just a day and a few degrees off the New. We talk about dangling the psychologist and psychic spin of the Starsky + Cox brand, but the truth is there is truthiness without pushing. People find us. We have never solicited a single client.

All of this is true and I’m temped to cut and paste it but really where does one put things like this. Not surprisingly I felt such power in the sign of Scorpio. I suppose into a Blague that is supposed to be funny but isn’t. And boy oh boy do I feel the opposite of self-promoting. That will change. I really need cut my losses with some people I realize. I’m going to have to go into a certain shop, for instance, and pretend that nothing happened.

It looks like maybe Stella would have alreaded headed to viisit family. I stay behind. I know I can have what feels natural without having to lean too far out of my comfort zone. I’m thinking about many things, no doubt. Not least of which is Social Media.

Q will man the S+C Twitter account and S will mind the Instagram. The plan is to be up and running on some kind of system by 12:15 PM on March 20 with the Spring Equinox.

I believe I will start the Sabian Symbols. Will likely present whatever Sabian Symbol that is, hopefully also kind of cuspy. And then start with 1° Aries on the 21st. I’ll also be studying the Aries Man for a fortnight. I’ll be telling the people that’s what I’m doing. Particularly on FB. All the Next book research will be primarily based in Facebook.

I will do weather report every morning as the morning tweet from S + C. I can use random imagery or Sabian imagery—though the more I think about it the lighter I would go on this, but keep this as my private project. I can mention the Sabian Symbol. But might just stick to mentioning anything astrological that’s occuring or something says smooth sailing or some sort. As far as research for next book goes I think I shall put things in the form of a question, maybe pulling from Sextrology and debating about it so…I think QuinnCox on Twitter should be synonymous with the Blague but of course retweet whatever S+C Twitter tweets. All S+C tweets should also be landing on S+C Facebook page which then can be shared on private pages plus Sextrology, Haute Astrology, Cosmic Coupling and in the S+C group.

The midday S+C tweet will vary by day. The seven revolving themes are TK but include: “Today is the Day…” , perhaps something to do with the Kitchen or in the meantime some remerching and for sure some kind of V-Day advertisement. I’m on it.


I was in Wellfleet on this day and made some kind of Pasta for dinner while gearing up for an entire Thanksgiving weekend meal(s) for myself, since I was going to be very much alone. I know I was already compartmentalizing on many levels. I recently came across a piece of paper (I chucked out) which outlined the timing with which I had to prep X or psre-cook Y so that I could have a seamless cooking schedule on Thursday and a nice roll-out of leftovers to eat since I would be alone for a total of four days. This day, like today, is a Wednesday, in preparation of some alone time. But in my case it won’t happen for another three days. Still we know how fast that can be. There must be something I can froth together.

I was musing yesterday on how nice it would be to have budget to stay over in Ptown when wanting a full night there a few times a month. I think just always have hotel 2night at the ready. Same for other areas of the Cape. It would be a blast to go to the Ocean House some Spring night and stay at one of the nearby Inns. I actually think I prefer something like that. Or somewhere in the center of Chatham just for a laugh. One really must laugh. I can for sure add that sort of thing to the budget for the coming year. It’s all a crap shoot anyway. I’ve been thinking too about getting high. I was surprised to hear the story about Ezra and J. I can’t imagine dealing with a dealer.

Nowadays it’s legal. So maybe people just give you some and then with a wink you give them an early cash Christmas present? I think it’s great but, being a new phenomenon, in a landscape of nothing quite being, never mind the same but, as it should be. It just adds to the surreality. I don’t recognize this world. It makes me want to regress. To the eighth grade. Where I can tuck into my sister’s bigger full-size bed, she being at college for what will prove just over a semester total, and turn on Family on a…Sunday night I think it was? I want Kristy MacNicol’s problems. What was her name on the show? Something junior lesbianic. Oh, Buddy! That’s right of course it was.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365/6 days per year—so they nearly, but not exactly, correlate.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2020 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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