Aries 0° (March 21)
Today is an absolute fog. I didn’t sleep very well and woke up feeling rather grim and nervous, reasons for which I cannot put my finger on. And then my morning chat with S. was aborted. She ended up making a doctor’s appointment which is fine. I am just going to binge on television. I really didn’t end up wathing anything good except I did find a new so-so show called Minx. I also ended up watching a bad documentary about the Bad Vegan. There was some news sprinkled in. I tried to watch a few other things but couldn’t. Turned to the news and then the Gilded Age followed by the best of the night, my Brilliant Friend. More chicken chili.
We think of the zodiac as this static circle, a pie with twelve slices, if we think of it at all. It is the height of irony to me is that people take what is a mighty mandala for granted, some people even pooh-poohing it, unaware of the great power—call it cosmic or metaphysical divine or what have you—encoded in this symbolically rich system. People mainly associate it with horoscopes they find hokey or new-age mumbo jumbo, when practically every ancient culture on the planet had its own zodiac—Chinese, Celtic, Egyptian, Hindu, various Native American, and our western one, to name a few—all of which arguably derive from that of the Babylonian zodiac dating back over three millennia. There are also four score plus schools or branches of astrology. As mentioned, I am a humanistic astrologer whose life study has been dedicated to understanding the psychology of individuals born, generally, under the signs (and more specifically, in private practice, in terms of every detail found in a client’s natal chart); and, yet, even through the lens of general sun-sign astrology, I found there is such a wealth of information and inspiration to, well, write whole volumes of books on the subject, which bumps up against metaphysical studies such as in Theosophy, as well as Jungian psychology, in particular.We see the zodiac as this static circle and yet that is just a sort of cross section we can slide under the microscope of our rational minds, when in fact the zodiac is, like so many patterns in nature, a dynamic spiral—imagine a stretched out piece of DNA with twelve main points of interconnection—a living thing, a moving thing, it, too, both the essence of, and a vehicle for, human and, more practicably, personal evolution.
Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2022 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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