Sagittarius 26° (December 18)


Drove in to NYC. No real traffic the whole way. Met a client at our hotel and had some psychic insight. We were talking about the Waldorf school with the client and Stella, minutes later, mentioned that shw was going to bring up the fact that the first person she knew who went to Waldorf schools was Juliana Margulies, but didn’t. When, only minutes later, after the client left, we gathered our things from the hotel restaurant and passed through the bar only to see Juliana seated on a stool. We knew her in the late eighties when we used to socialize and play charades with mutual friends—she was good at charades. So I said hi Juliana remember us. Of course she did and we had a quick kiss and hug. She introduced her friend Samantha (who I knew to be Samantha Mathis) about whom I hadn’t heard very much in a number of years. Anyway, a very quick slicke of synchronicity. We said we wanted to grab a quick bite. Juliana said we should go to Otto, which is where we were going to go in any case. “We just closed on an apartment around the corner said J.” In a world where one could so easily be envious, hearing of one closing on an apartment on lower Fifth could put a green lens on things. But I’m so used to being surrounded by rich people that it doesn’t much faze me like it once did.


Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
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