Cancer 15° (July 5)


Wow. Today, Sunday, is a rough one but an exhilarating one. I honestly have not felt this altered in a long time. Way to go cosmos! Still I’m not going to make any fast moves because I need a full day at least to make this transition. Surprisingly or not, my day started out with the conversation With nomad who has always been a mystery to me. I was surprised that he beamed in As he did telling me what an inspiration our book had been on him. Meanwhile he has been in the back of my mind because of his interests and dare I say power. He seems to know a lot about the shall we say esoteric world and he is a great reader of cards. It is 4 days hence and I’ve yet to take a look at his chart but I promised myself and him I would, still I need to go with the flow of time this week. It is a busy one. A hodgepodge of clients and writing and these daily entries and doctors and dentists and banks and post offices and shops and kitchens and vacuums and papers and fires and leftover ritual wine from last nights powerful ceremony. But then the day turned sour as I happened upon a post by someone who actually said things like I love quarantine And I only love people up to a point and basically saying how glad they were for this because it let them have licensed to Daydream with an accompanying visual of a big painting his person had done with the words call me when it’s over. I found this incredibly tone deaf and said so, and yet I woke up the next morning to uslu a tirade of hate and ultimately was blocked by this person by pointing out her gross privilege. Well we have friends experiencing cancel culture on a large scale globally I found I’m often the subject of it here close to home but to be great is to be misunderstood And I am capable of suffering the slings and arrows of narrow minds. A patron who hovers will write me a note asking if I’m OK because I seem to be angry . You think? My only question is why aren’t you angry enough. Why can we watch these people on soapboxes talking about how their businesses are being compromised by an onslaught of uncaring customers just keep your business closed until this is over you don’t need to be daily posting 4000 words on it how wonderful you are and how awful everyone else is. The insanity is taking many forms and even people on our so called side or exhibiting crazy behavior like never before and like I said to that person who posted that terrible thing, it is not a good look.

And so it goes. I suppose that’s one of the main benefits of being in this new rituals face is the clarity that it brings period to be honest that wasn’t my main goal here although it was to have things be a little bit simpler to change the energy and hopefully to slimmed down my existence so to speak. I am compassionate toward those who need to make a living and yet I know that many more people who would be working 6070 hours a week right now in summer at their service jobs were able to safely stay home and collect some sort of relief . Unfortunately they seem to use the time to express their narcissism via social media it is not something that needs to be done. I know a great many privileged people many of whom don’t feel they need to comprehend empathetically what this is all about. In the end it will be those people for whom I’ll feel the most because I think they’re really missing out on an opportunity to understand the world and humanities role in existence in a far deeper way. But I’m not here to change hearts and minds. The origin of this blog is to point out the inherent jokester in the personality of the universe. In keeping with that to explore all its so called coincidences , synchronicities , strange phenomenon. But it is a challenge to look on the funny side of life when things are so sweepingly tragic and so the best we can do sometimes is just to welcome tightrope between Exaltation and despair that middle way we are meant to dread in any case . I put the following plea out there…

For months now the Afterglow Festival has redirected its aim from raising money for our 10th annual presentation in Provincetown to activating our non-profit to create “relief funds” for artists, commissioning works to hopefully be presented at a later date. Word went out to our sponsors and to our increasingly widening circle of artists, the former responding with generous gifts that we are passing along to performers who need it. In the last week it has become clear that our affiliate venues in New York City and Cambridge are remaining shuttered for the remainder of 2020; and as we are in the process of liaising with these great i(also non-profit) institutions, devising strategies for artists’ survival and alternative presentations of their work, we are seeking to step up our fundraising efforts to help as many artists as we may. I am pulling out all stops in this effort with the time and energy I usually spend on whipping a full festival into shape this time of year. I am name-checking our Directoral and Advisory Board members in hopes that they will share this posting as I continue to do so with artists and would be new and returning sponsors, here and on other social media platforms, as well as through direct emails. We are already nigh on helping a dozen artists make ends meet and I hope to more than quintuple that amount before the season’s end. If you care to help us in this go to: www.afterglowfestival/org/sponsorships
Artists seeking assistance please write to

The following blocks of text are exceprts from my first year of  Blagues, nos. 505-510. I am reading through all of my Blagues, five per day, and posting some samples here. Now, in my sixth year of writing this Blague, by the time I get to my seventh, I will have journeyed through all the daily Blagues of my first five years. If that’s confusing I apologize. Year seven, I’ll only have to read through year six, once a day.  (For thirty days this paragraph will include this parentheses to say: I realized that in the summer of 2016 I actually didn’t post for some time, such that for the expanse of two months, I will continue to number the past Blagues, as above, five at a time, but there will be nothing to post from that period.)


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365/6 days per year—so they nearly, but not exactly, correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
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