Month: June 2019 (page 2 of 4)

Petering Out

Gemini 27° (June 17)


Thirty one days to go until I hop a boat. Waiting on one errant artist to send his information and then I can pass the poster and projection slide along to the venue. It is super frustrating.. I have had to say: I am getting the Names poster with your added M to the printer today. I have never put things into work without all artists contracts back to me but I have no choice in order to stay on some kind of deadline here. As mentioned all other artists have long since sent in their signed contract pages for the Afterglow Festival and all their materials to put into works. Our graphic and web team require that I hand all words and pictures to them at once to design the postcard, build the two websites (ours and venues), create the large format individual posters and for the venue itself to put tickets on sale.Which means I keep having to push them back and they keep having to create room in their schedule.

There was a funny One Toke Over the Line song sung by young couple on an old Lawrence Welk and they had no idea what they were singing, I promise you. I showed it to A. while she was here. Starting tomorrow I’m going to start re-writing AF blurbs in Marthe voice, I will then add newbies and put it all on AF Insta. I’m hiding out a bit right now bcause, I don’t know, I guess I’m overnervous. About what I’m not sure. Things are just feeling compounded and heightened and so I’m here talking to you right now as a sort of break, today, from the to-do lists I’ve been sharing with you as of late. I am finally feeling calmer but there are just some places I don’t want to go anymore. I don’t understand why things have to be so complicated. The only answer is in becoming a fierce witch, which is really where I think this is all leading. The chat with P. today was so right and enlightening. Because it is getting me all fired up on a personal level, too, in terms of how I see myself, in grey slacks and blue turtleneck, with bits of jewelry and ever whiter hair.

On the subject of packaging I’m seeing dark blue box closed on four sides with a drawer in it, paler blue, trimmed in gold with our name in gold on it. you’d open the drawer, the interior of which was Klint like (as would be any tissue we had), where there is a gold pouch. Another idea is more charcoal, green and orange or red, kind of like that house outside Harvard Square on Mount Auburn Street. Cambridgeport, MA is another place. It would be perfect. Cambridge • Paris • Montreal. One can dream all sorts of things. But what a great idea branding wise, really. Or–2001230578. In any case will will make a witchy choice—it truly is the only choice—and I’ll start chronicling some ancient pictures we have stockpiled. I can’t explain how full body the whole process has just become. Peter really helped me see what I needed to see and nomatter how we slice and dice it. It just feels fun and it creates this filter, now, too, where I am looking at what is already in my life. I would love to have an artshow using all the debris in my life, I’d call it Pisces, the flotsam and the jestum. It’s all about pulling out points. I know I’m nearly there.

How ironic that it is all about to-do lists. Aries needs to do further analysis. Aries quick ot insult and anger. Athena is competititive her main myths hinged on centest. Women brag they are better than her and she’s not better enough to rise above such comments but rather this means war to her. She retaliates and by archetypal extentionso it is for Aries woman.  I feel this thing is happening I have to say. Joseph Campbell, it is said, was planning to write an astrology book before he died, which doesn’t surprise us. Because people born under the twelve signs of the zodiac, which we further breakdown in binary fashion along gender-identy lines, are themselves heroes with a thousand faces.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Like It Was Yesterday

Gemini 26° (June 16)


It’s That-Man-Who-Never-Ate-Dinner-With-Us-Weekdays-And-Who-Never-Spent-Summers-With-Us-Rageaholic-Who-Liked-To-Hit-Me-With-A-Belt Day. Yay. A rainy day is very welcome. Awoke around five made myself a little coffee then sat down to write. I def have a lot to do on that score. And then to set up event page for tee shirt launch and start designing website ticketing page. That all sounds very relaxing actually. I have pretty much all I need in now except for the artist with an M. Oh well. We are forging on. I did get to send images to A. I have to contact the following: Seth, Skeens. I did get something Perry’s. And I have to schedule in the following: Reading Virgo Woman chapter, contacting new and second round of sponsors, taking the deep dive into the proposal. I also must schedule in some shopping. But otherwise I have really plowed through what needs doing. I was very happy that it was a rainy morning because I truly didn’t want to have to get out and walk this morning—still rather stiff from yesterday—and my little yoga studio awaits which is fun. The only trick moving forward is scheduling the units of time that need scheduling and to shift our attention to purest creativity. It being a rainy day I decided to stay upstairs and check out a bit giving into that lazy feeling. I made some lovely zucchini to go with the flounder filets we simply sprinkled with fresh oregano. We have found this lovely Chinon for a song but, even so, I go on the wagon tomorrow for a good thirty days just to get off that annoying extra ten.

Starting this week my basic units of time (I keep referring to) are comprised of four hoursof would-be book writing. Two hours of festival work. An hour of this sort of writing, which is going to change dramatically this week as well; plus I need to add in a ninety minutes for mydaily yogaand then I must leave another ninety minutes for beach walking most days. And I’ll be dedicating an hour a day, as well, to the product projects. That alone is eleven hours. Add in meal prep, eating and general cleaning and grooming and we are talking thirteen or fourteen hour days for the next three weeks. But that would mean that I would still have two months of summer with very little work on my plate and about six weeks to work nearly solely on the festival and bringing in funds to that end. Come September I would the put the H.A. books together and meanwhile S. can set up that you get both 2019 and 2020 books for the price of one. If you’re reading this you must be bored; but believe me I need to give myself these little pep talks every once in a while in order to move the ball down the field. And I also need to make a separate to do list for the festival itself. Here is an old checklist which will work just fine as a jumping off point for new one. I went searching for this on my computer and what is so daunting is just how many files I have on my laptop that outline all my hopes and wishes and plans of which I’ve barely scratched the surface. But the good news is they really haven’t changed all that much. The to-do list I mean: Here’s what I can work from


Contract Venue

Engage Artists—Contract Artists

Engage Hotel

Secure Ferry Sponsourship

Secure Graphic Artist

Hotel and Train on Hold

Design Logo new Colorway

Update Website

Design Names Poster

Book venue for opening night

Collect Artist Info and Separate into Tickets + Aftists

Collect Artist photographs including hi res for posters.

Create ticket list for Art House

Postcard design

Projection Slide

11 x 17 Names Poster also designed for 2×3 foot

Sponsor and VSB Logo


Create collateral for General Fundraising—Sponsorships—as well as Missionary Sponsorship and Sparkler—General, New, Returning, Missionary, Afterglow 100

Add the Oberon Series and the Boston Globe to these. Play up Joes. Series at Joes

Find the Yearly Roster and The Sponsorship Mailer

Make better use of Mad Mimi

Foster Mailing List

Create a Schedule for Promoting Artists.

Write a Press Release for the Festival/Roster

Postcards Everywhere

Book Train and Ferry/ Create

Create bi-weekly Newsletter

Get Tech Requirements from All Artists

Schedule Meeting For Tech Rehearsal


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox


Gemini 25° (June 15)


This will be a kind of twisty turny day I thought when I awoke and strode upstairs to fetch some documentation I need to get our yearly beach and transfer sticker. The paper wasn’t where I left it and was nowhere in sight. So I hunted and ended up searching the whole house twice, even looking in unlikely places like the washing machine. Finally found it wedged mid-air behind the sofa in my office which is the most challenging thing to imagine from a physics point of view. (I see John is in Provincetown for the film festival.) More on Virgo not the competitive type, the sign demures related to its humility. Accepting of human frailty. Sixth house of daily habits not sure if you’ve ever tried to change your but doesn’t happen in a day. The irony of Mercury ruling Virgo whose energy is gradual. Virgo is a crucible, a smoldering caldron. The Vat. Which is the word to which the French version must change because they use Vessel (Verseau) but that is also the name of Aquarius so that just ends up seeming stupid. I did see the word “vat ” listed in my notes in fact. Coming from a place of helplessness. Learning you are not empty but rather open. Virgocan be a real victim as we know. Anyway I was talking about getting my beach and dump sticker….

So we are on the way to dropping S. off at pilates—she had printed me out some additional documentation thankfully—but we realized the registration wasn’t in the glove compartment. Another cosmic joke on me today after the temporary disappearance of the paperwork this morning. Anyway I know I got the car inspected in April as I needed brakes done; so I called the garage and said I think you have my registration and they said they would look around. I drove right there and was told the guy I spoke to was test-driving a car, however he right away showed up and said he would have a look and appeared seconds later with the errant registration. This is not going to be a bad day I said, though I could scarcely believe they had it; and I headed down to the sticker shack and waited about an hour, people watching and otherwise making critical observations. A lady cut the line. It was just crazy and then I was still back in time to collect S. from Pilates. We did a little food shopping and had a very large lunch and then we worked for a bit then went for a very long walk on the beach and then to get a repeat on that Chinon which was so delish.

I had some thoughts about what to say: Just checking in with you guys. I know when last we spoke you had said you were uber busy with work projects and that we would reconnect in a couple of weeks.  Can you believe it’s been like ten weeks? Time is already flying this summer. Anyway we assume you guys stayed ultra busy this whole time and we surely didn’t want to pester you. Hoping all is going great guns there!

We have forged ahead moving the needle as best we can. As all the various aspects of the biz start to unfold we are determining where we have to prioritize/frontload and what projects/plans we can hold off on until such time as we get additional funding. In so far as S + C world go, we found someone who can simply convert our old wesite to a Square space and instead of doing a total redesign on that logo we are going to see if we can work with what we have and just open it up a bit to make it a bit more legible. And with A/C, too, we are going to toy with the vertical logo we currently have in works and see if we can massage that into something for the time being. Poking around it seems the best plan for A/C site is Shopify as it is a simple but functional option for us at this time. The same guy who is doing our Square space for S+C can also Shopify A/C. He comes through our friend T. (who has a store in Provincetown as well as online shop); we are currently collaborating with T. on a line of astrological t-shirts. So this web guy comes highly recommended and is easy for us to interface with as he is NYC-based. Onto the subject of packaging: For now we are focusing on functionality and sourcing companies that do pouches and such (one good one in Italy) as we know we need those items to hold the actual product. We haven’t gone beyond that. A team who came through another friend wanted to pitch us as well but they would have been about ten times too expensive. These are the sorts of things I might like to say to you.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Never Again

Gemini 24° (June 14)


Some days are just yucky, and today I have to have an eye exam and it is the birthday of both this horrible president and my awful sister from whom I am happily estranged. People universally agree that she is theworst person they’ve ever met. I don’t know what else to say about that. This day will go well and as suspected the spot on my retina is nothing to fret about. Which is good news. I’m dilated and S. is designated driver. We head directly to the Cape but as expected the traffic is just awful. My eyes are sensitive for hours. We get to Orleans and have a little bite at Sun Bird and Liz comes in which is great. She’s just been to Bikram—we had planned to go together tomorrow—meanwhile I’ve decided to do Bikram at home and so after late lunch and a little food shop I bought myself a cheapish full length mirror. Stopped off for some organic wine to have with our picnic. And we unpacked and got laundry moving and I otherwise started to organize my office for a busy weekend ahead. And So I am going through all my papers and writing the words down directly into this evening’s post: Mapping out when what is happening. Working on those petty cash receipts. Getting the festivals insta-game in gear. Reaching back around to all thos sponsors. Actually I have to make a whole separate list for the festival. Typing up notes on plants for A. Ending this paragraph.

These are words on papers I’m throwing away: PiscesSoul ScorpioEssence GeminiFruition 12000 15000 x .80 50 x 10 = 500 x30. Build out Afterglow perhaps the introscan be more side hustle. Research 4 more names PiscesWoman Cold Feet. Cosmic Cereal 37.  Virgoall healers Greey Hephasestus god of Forge necessity being the mother of invention, harvest, ripening, shit or get off the pot, that is to see Mercury rule a different kind of crossroads. The Blackboard, Consultancy, Events Business, Musical Shows. Librapeople call out others constantly. They can be pointed. Tee event. Raffle for sure. Sign in window that we are in store 3-5, 6-9, For FB event page we will invite locals for a bitt of bubbly? Nothing like that. Stains. Dixie Cups. Twenty four character studdies are evolving them Taurus put in a ton of work to appear effortless. They work the mirror, their most loyal audience. Carving the calendar by units of time. Emissary. Geminimen go back and forth in an instant. Geminiwomen are both at once to two separate sets of people. When they are in betweeny they speak in a quasi-tolerating, nervously dismissive, quivering voice designed to nip discourse in the bud. Divine Divides. And Eat It Too. Geminideveloping logic…they are the most present minded. Cancer navigation at night by the stars. Natural law and order. Working the quincuncx.

Anyway we had a lovely picnic indeed featuring cheese and olives and pop corn. Watched Gentleman Jack which delivered a very decent season finale, after listening to the one of the best albums to ever be. David Crosby Graham Nash from 1972 Each song is better than the next. And typing in some other random notes Aries output. Birthly blood battle for life begins we are all warriros first and foremost. Objective energy. All the male babies happened in the beginning of Jesus’ life (Slaughter of the Innocence). The hardware of the Zodiac. Physical being same as spirit. Sign of Canceris like a gerund…passage moving from one place to another; Leois the restoration “the return of the king” Pisces Chaos, Gaia, Pontus. Unlike Cancer whose tides are rhythmic against the shoreline Pisces is the unpredictable as is the god Poseidon. I’ve grown afraid of my friends. Emerging goddess. Gestation. The Siren. The Goal here is to tie off. It is immutable. Geminilike a bird can detect the slightest, most sudden moves. They don’t miss a trick. Notes moving forward: Libra too thought out “Indecision is an awkward inkling of fear” The way an itch is a minor pain. Capricorn negative ladies. Ariesblabber mouths speaking before thinking. The women like to get others into trouble.


Virgo woman a grabbag Virgo man more up for grabs. Keanu sides with the matriarchy.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Je Me Souviens

Gemini 23° (June 13)


Last morning here on the lake and I’m so bummed to leave—I love it here so much more than I would have thought. It is a total wow. I took a long swim while S. went to the gym and then we headed down for breakfast where I had an omelette of duck confit, mushroom and chevre. Again a wow. We overate a bit knowing we wouldn’t have lunch and made a plan with the front desk to return. We set off and got to and through the border crossing with no issue. They took away our orange which was as dramatic as it got. I was not feeling my best while driving as my motion issues were getting the better of me. I was happy to stop in Barton where there is a great looking vintage jewelry shop I need to explore. We continued on through the Franconia notch and I was still a bit iffy but once we got through the slow bit and worked our way downhill my anxiety seemed to ease. Even driving for the next two plus hours, basically, in torrential can’t-see-nothing visibility, I was suddenly superfine. So I don’t know what the fuck comes over me at times; I do know it’s a nerve thing that shit’s for sure.

So, yeah, we got to Reading and I ran out to Pamplemouse for some pre-game cuz we were meeting the sis with the bro and the rents. Five in a car to meet Nancy at some restaurant with the word Heat in it. It was packed so I jumped out as they (very luckily right away) found a spot. I was met by two towny looking hostesses who couldn’t have been nicer and I explained: Incoming oldies. So they gave us this table to use as a weigh station while waiting for table which would be about twenty minutes. I wanted a beer (the place was basically all about it) so, with my dinner buddy being my father inlaw (which is a much better way to say it—subtly different), who asked for a bud lite on draft which obvs they didn’t have cuz this was the suburban equivalent of a craft-beer outlet which had to draw the line somewhere. Anyway father and I got to taste two beers and we ordered the better one. I felt I was kind of getting the hairy eyeball because they think dad has been losing it a little lately so I figure I’m the best candidate to be his dinner date; and so I spent the night chewing his ear off more than I’ve ever done before. In fact, I think I spoke to him more in just that eighty minutes together than I have since meeting him in 1984.

So that happened.

But, you know, I have stuff also on my mind. I have to get my list on for sure and tomorrow go through all the papers in my midst with their random notes to self. I might as well type them in here (as I’ve done in the past). And I need to map out the days. I have to institute a very strict schedule of units of time between now and carrying through the entire Boston to London to Suffolk to London to Corfu to Albania experience. I can do it. This is where I am right now in the process. So the first thing I will do is do this sort of thing. Everyday must include a little something about one of the Afterglow Insta-folk. I do want so much not to feel hurt by the chips falling a certain way in particular circumstance; but the reality of the situation is that, letting a little air in and allowing some time to pass, nothing is going to matter all that much on this front anyway. It should be a very progressive time, now, moving forward. At least that is my hope. And I must focus most ardently on books. I still have three weeks before embarkation and a month before hitting the boat. I must work on my calendar in coming days to make sure I hit all the marks. More magic can happen more quickly than that if I let it.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

G and G, Geminis

Gemini 22° (June 12)


Didn’t sleep very well and was up for about two and a half hours in the night; finally fell but then the alarm (set by last guests we guess) went off at six so not feeling extremely rested but not to bad. Got a bit of writing done this morning and then headed down to the best breakfast in the world where we had a very good meeting and sorted out a lot of stuff. I sent some notes to the more errant artists who’ve yet to deliver their goods and am getting my brain around a few things that need doing in no certain order: 1) Go down the list of Sponsors who’ve yet to give (most of whom I’ve already written just a few of whom I haven’t) and put a fire under them. 2) Pull the trigger on the festival’s Names Poster and get it into works, also reminding peeps (J.) to send an invoice dated July 1. 3) Begin to build out the Tickets page on the website and get all relevant information to the Art House. 4) Send pics to J. for him to finish the job and to create the individual artists pages. 5) Start hitting the Sparklers one by one. 6) Start targeting the would-be Missionary Sponsors. 7) Use this platform, here, to get some Marthe blurbs in works; 8) Book all the artists trains and ferries; that alone would put me in good shape by July 1; trying to get the bulk of it done on the weekend(s); meanwhile June 17-21 will consist of the completion of the above plus the nuts and bolts of the proposal proper which will be sent to our agent, June 22 and 23 is going to be about collecting all the needed fodder to start the process of writing the sample which will happen 26-4. I will do my shopping at Map on July 5 and figure out the bus schedule along with the sticker needs.

Anyway I’ll keep adding to the above.

Meanwhile we had massages today and then took a stroll around the grounds and then had a lovely lunch of oysters (me) and shrimp salad with all sorts of yummy stuff and some local white. All great. Then we sat by the pool all afternoon where we met two lovely guys, a couple, from Argentina by way of Somerville, both Geminis, Guillermo and Geronimo, whose birthday it was. I swam a ton and did some reading up some Boston folk. And had a pretty good idea about getting our design biz moving which is definitely going to be a full time job and so the bulk of my writing here will likely change and become very much focused on notes for the new tome. Because there will be other forms of writing needing doing in regard to the business and the product descriptions and all of that. We did find out from Tim regarding the tees that Ben and Tess will indeed model. Speaking of which S. is thinking about a new agency in Boston and I would love to have Nancy take our pics—indeed all our pics, portraits and product included—for all our upcoming projects. I will also talk to her about being on our board which I also mentioned to Terry yesterday. Pretty much all the performers have beamed in which is quite a boon. I’m looking very much forward to an easeful couple of weeks of putting everything into place.

Got a bit dressed for dinner and headed down for a cocktail outside. I finally feel like I’ve gotten rid of the rif raf in my life. I don’t want to go back to that nor do I feel I should. It’s all about moving forward and making the connections we are making and finding a new and elevated footing. The work ahead will not be easy but it can be simple if we let it be. There is so much possibility now and even something like the tees, should we sell a thousand of them, would reward us ten fold, which is a nice bit of something; added to which, and this is the most important part, the advent of a new book should be the main focus, now, for the next six weeks. That is enough time to make a proposal sing and to put it into capable hands. I am definitely honing in on the future and I’m looking forward now to a little bit of unfolding to occur. I deserve to be the happiest I’ve ever been and the only advice I need give to myself is: Don’t fuck it up. I will put more thoughts onto paper about product and such when I land back in the U.S. tomorrow.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Oh, Canada

Gemini 21° (June 11)


Last night was indeed very weird. Today we head to Canada even though it’s kind of torrential out there but never mind. I am sitting here in bed in Reading sipping some coffee in the early hours thinking of how I can put myself into a little bit of bootcamp and also save a lot of time (and little bit of moolah) and I think I have the answer. I am going to set up my own little home hot-yoga studio after all. All I really need to do to achieve that is to purchase a cheapo full length mirror and the rest is super doable now that it is summer and I can heat up the room upstairs to 100° quite easily I imagine. I can use two space heater and shut the doors and windows and put the heat on for 90 minutes a day in any case if I need to and move the twin bed to the basement and maybe even get that existing heavy mirror upstairs if, say, Jonah wants to do some heavy lifting for me. I think that could be quite a good idea actually but really I don’t need to do that so scratch that idea. Oh but look, even though I mightn’t employ that notion, I still managed to get a paragraph onto paper…

Left Boston area around 8:30 AM and was raining most of the way. Fairly relaxing only a few moments of feeling a bit dizzy as the barometer kept shifting and we rose higher toward Franconia Notch. Listened to both Crosby & Nash records, the first one being a total gem of an album now listed among my favorites of all time. We had it growing up but I didn’t remember many of the offerings, or would have known to appreciate them. A small wait at the border but not too bad and we were at the manoir in under four hours, and it is a world away. I really have come to love this part of the world and the hotel is so glamours in the most understated and earthy of ways. I plan to come here again and again and again. Surely to get my tennis on (again) and maybe even get back onto that horse. I don’t think I’m quite as afraid of certain things as I used to be which is quite a good development of age. We had a little bit of lunch in the tap room as we awaited to check into our room; and then we went for a dip in the pool. S. left fairly soon and went to the small gym. I swam and swam and swam and felt slightly weird after I must say. I do think I must have something going on with my inner ear or something but I will get to the bottom of that soon enough.

Came back up to the room and had a little jacuzzi and did a little bit of writing—hello—and then went to dinner which begain with a wee cocktail and then some delicious local cabernet franc followed by a even wee-er bit of medoc and, something I never have, a calvados. But after scallop (me) lobster (her) appetizer and lamb (me) and salmon (her) main (with a little amuse bouche and then a suprise of duck with chestnut and mushroom), followed by a lot of cheese (we opted out of the dessert) the liquid portion of the meal barely made a dent. I learned a bit about the history, meanwhile: The area was settled by loyalists who lost (obvs) the Revolutionary War and asked the crown for some land not very much further north of the border. And then those who lost the Civil War opted out of their former summer digs in New England, the land of their enemies, and they came north too to settle around the large lake that defines this area. I am an ocean queen there is no doubt about it, but I can see myself setting here too. In the meantime I intend to come here every season (okay maybe not in winter) and make it my retreat (maybe not in summer either), so I ammend: I’ll come here in the late Spring and early autumn for a week of time each. It is so damned relaxing it’s not real. I will do a little research on house prices in the area too why not?


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Bored of Advisors

Gemini 20° (June 10)


So we did a little packing and the plan was to meet up at Sonsie, however they are doing some reno and weren’t able to accommodate so we ate downstairs at the Eliot which is so great for dinner as it’s Uni, which is fabulous; but it is terrible as the breakfast room. It could be so great with so little effort but it just isn’t. It’s always been a weird room layout in any case even back in the day when it wasn’t this current incarnation. Anyway, S. had come from an appointment and was needing to go back out for one. And A. had to pack and get all her product together for customs etc. We checked out and hopped in the car and headed to the MFA which was great. For once I actually could have stayed all day which is super rare for short-attention-span-theater that I am. We first did a Frida Kahlo show which I liked as it included popular (folk) art from her own collection along with works by her and the show was sort of about how those two things go together. But the real winner was the Toulouse Lautrec which absolutely blew my mind on so many levels. I have seen much of his work in the past at the Musée D’Orsay and so forth but to think that this man was a fine artist but also basically the first graphic artist in a sense, making posters for the performers and cabaret and theater venues with which he was associated, hobnobbing with queers and prostitutes, feeling himself completely rejected from his weird imbred aristocratic family. Anyway some artists and museum shows really get your blood pumping and this was one of them.

We dropped A. off on Comm. Ave and made our way to Reading which took an hour anyway despite our leaving town early. We stopped off for snacks because one never knows the plan. G. was cute as usual. She cut her hair off to have wigs made for cancer patients. They got four wigs out of her overgrown mop. Her little bob looks beautiful as does she and she’s such a good human and is showing talent with the violin. N. seems quite healthy despite some recent worries but all is good. However dinner was a disaster on a few levels. I will leave it at that. B. got a new motorcyle which I think is a dumb idea but nobody asked me so I’ll keep that to myself. Trying to do a little catch up and to get my brain around all that needs doing (what else is new). First things first: Having perused the website for Spiegeltent and so forth I see that JCM is doing his show there which I suppose makes a lot of sense. Also R.L. has two nights there which also isn’t that surprising I suppose. I dare say he better keep it tucked because that crowd is not the Ptown crowd by any stretch of the imagination. Like attracting like, I’ve come to realize that this particular community of artists (which, let’s face it, does not embrace me/us) is not my tribe despite the opportunities and promotions I have given them. It had bothered me for a few years that those artists-friends I’ve brought to Provincetown seem to side-step me personally/professionally to cozy up to the more, shall we say, radical (read: insane) artists that have been embedded here for the past twenty years. On the surface it makes sense. But the real upshot for me is the realization that the very things I don’t like about the provincial crowd are the same things that, in the end, I do not enjoy about the ones who flock to them and kiss their flabby asses: They are all a bit too trashy for me. Now I know that sounds like an insult but the fact is it isn’t—I’m using the word as a descriptive attitude for the demi-monde that self-defines them and proudly so. And to take it a step further: the reason I’m not embraced by them is because they think I think I’m better than them which I don’t. These folks pretend to be in love with their poverty and label me something bourgeouis (if not unrightly thinking I’m a trust funder or something) when in fact they have the money to buy multiple houses and are the biggest hypocrites on the planet, jumping at any chance to walk some red carpet and do such things as the true “downtown artists” of the day would never wish to do even if invited to do so. They want to pretend to be so down and out meanwhile they have far more money and resource than I surely do. They also use their non-profit status to line their own pockets which is a widely held opinionated fact, oh so sincerely making nightly curtain calls directing patrons to put some extra dollars into the pink envelopes they find on their seats. Good grief. The nerve of some impoverished millionaires!

And so I really do want to brush these thoughts aside and focus on my mission and what I’m really doing here today trying to keep Provincetown’s heritage alive. We are all about the avant garde and many artists now we’ve presented over the past nine years have become the old garde. The avant-garde are are people or works that are experimental, radical, unorthodox with respect to art, culture or society,  may be characterized by nontraditional, aesthetic innovation and initial unacceptability, and it may offer a critique of the relationship between producer and consumer.

This is the ninth year of the Afterglow Festival in Provincetown and many of the avant-garde artists we originally presented are now fairly old-garde whether in terms of their career trajectories or in their total absorption by the culture at large, including the local residents right here at home. The Afterglow Festival honors and preserves Provincetown’s legacy as a spiritual home for experimenting, emerging, often radical artists—our heritage and our mission, therefore, is to champion our rather oxymoronic “progressive tradition.” The challenge in doing this is that audience must trust our curation over the comfortability of going to see performers with whom they are familiar. So we don’t always pack ’em in and so we rely on Sponsors and Sparklers to give generously to our non-profit so we can keep alive Provincetown’s birthright as the birthplace of modern American theater and performance. We have these last nine years made the “solo play” the centerpiece of our theatrical efforts, which has been imitated by other local theater enterprise (often with the same artists and indeed the same exact works Afterglow premiered); and we continue to bring to Provincetown uncategorial works that rearrange the molecules in audience’s brains and inspire thought, creativity and, even, social activism; while we entertain and amuse and otherwise uplift spirits. We provide artists who, in this day and age, would never be able to come to Provincetown as artists have done for a century, the opportunity to do so— to spread their artistic wings, Afterglow traveling and housing them, providing them sacred stage space to create and grow in this, the spiritual home and decades-old incubator of such progressive talents and their works. Provincetown audiences might not know a single name on the Afterglow Festival line-up this ninth year; but if you base the quality of our roster on our track record of bringing to Provincetown those whom you ultimately regard as your (now) favorite performing artists you’d previously never heard of until you first saw them at Afterglow….well, then, you will likely show up and otherwise support us. Sponsorships start at the $500 mark. And you can become a Sparkler for just $100 and in so doing receive PAIRS of HALF-PRICE tickets to all our shows. And everyone gets to join us for our opening night festivities at the beautiful Baie Bar Resto.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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When The Bough Breaks

Gemini 19° (June 9)

So yes my bed is broken and I must do something about it. But I managed to sleep in no small way due to the surplus of gummies A. fed me. S. had appointments out this a.m. and I decided to get (first) in line at Stephanies to snag an outside table for a bit of breakfast. It slightly delays getting started today but it really is just to beautiful not to get a bit of light and sun and air. And there’s nothing like crab cakes benedict to start any given day. We had some fun and laughter and then strolled around and back up Marlborough Street just to show A. a bit more beauty before settling into the hotel for hours on end armed with just a little Pellegrino. We worked for about three hours and then took a break and got some smoothies in. Then worked for another several hours. I will or will not talk about some specifics. I think it might be helpful. But I do need to process this whole thing. And there is still the D + N question to ponder and I think we have to find some small way even to make good on our word and anyway it would be great to give them a shot. I think we need to be honest about it all and figure out a plan that can still include everyone. As it is I think we might want to use E  + M as well so we will have to find a way to make this work.

Back out on the streets, we walked across the Mass Ave bridge and all the way up through Central Square to Alden & Harlow which was so good—A. was super impressed and we shared a whole bunch of yummy things including steak and kale salad and had a really good wine as per the somelier’s advice. We were planning on getting a car back but ended up walking through the vast neighborhood of Cambridgeport which on a Sunday night was so quiet and spooky and the temperature was perfect and the air was alive like I remember it in Cambridge in summer back in the day. I love the space and anonymity of Boston and Cambridge in the summer I have to say. We were dreaming and scheming about living there and I think A. was thinking it might be all of us all together which was very sweet. We crossed th B.U. bridge and upon doing so looked down to see geese or ducks or swans or some combination thereof all harbored together on one side of the Charles. There was an old graffitti covered train track that some guys in hoodies were crossing. Not sure what that was about. And speaking of trains there actually is a train the goes from South Station to Hyannis (via Brockton and Bourne if you can freaking believe it). We then strolled on Bay State Road and then voila we were back at the Eliot. We had a little night cap and watched some clips of Tracy Ullman doing Angela Merkel which was funny. It was an incredibly exhausting but fruitful day and boy oh boy do I have my work cut out for me today like wow. So many great ideas that I need to formulate feeling a bit strung out but very hopeful at the same time. We actually came up with a roll out and what might be a very good idea for getting another round of VIP investors. At least that’s what I think can happen and I’m super excited about the possibilities of what all this year will bring.  Time to hit the broken bed again.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

No Glitch

Gemini 18° (June 8)


Got up around 3AM because I had to actually be up by 5 the latest. Anyway, long story, but we headed into Boston this morning as S. is taking a class at the North Street School. Our room at the hotel wasn’t ready so I’m sitting in the restaurant downstairs next to a mother and daughter who are talking to their husband/father on speaker on their phone. The daughter left in a huff after reading the mother the riot act about what seems to be a sibling rivalry; and the mother is a nightmare, now, telling staff she doesnt want to pay for the potatoes she ordered, that her cappucino isn’t hot enough, and she’s pacing and never using the words please or thank you. This pushes my buttons so hard and the old me would probably aggravate the situation by saying something but I am all too good at taking other’s inventory, even that of strangers; but there is something about this place that attracts total assholes. Probably because it’s expensive and rich people generally suck. There is this one person now talking so loud on her cellphone i want to aim and throw my butter knife right between her eyes. But I have a feeling that would be frowned upon.

Finally got into the room around 1PM and completely unpacked as is my custom. I texted Alice to say I was taking a nap and that she might think about doing likewise. She said either that or espresso martinis? to which I responded ha! or something. Happily we both napped and met up in the lobby, she wearing her famous rainbow-y skirt which was perfect since it’s pride. It’s very easy to talk to A., like really easy, which I find rather unusual as time goes on with people, but this is just another clue that all is meant to be I think. We strolled down Comm Ave and could look off toward the South End and see the parade which I suppose was along Boylston Street. We chose to meet S. on Charles Street because we thought it would be out of people’s way. But no. The parade actually continues along Charles and then up Beacon so it was a bit of an uh-oh. I texted S. who was coming from a jewelry class in the the North End and she was having a bit of trouble crossing the parade route. She had went by Haley.Henry to case the joint and it was empty so after a quick buzz through the jewelry shop Butler or whatever it’s called we headed up Beacon Hill and down again erelong to pop over to Province Street for some nibbles. The H.H. was quiet and we easily snagged a large table which is probably the only one. We had some delicey (delicious and probably too pricey) cold and a bit fizzy natural syrrah and then followed up with something a little bit more earthy paired with olives, potatoes, stuffed calimari, smoked oysters, tuna belly (all in their imported tins, which is the hook of the place) gnocci and some other things that escape me. The air was soo cool and intoxicating as well spilled out onto the street.

We strolled back around and into the Common and through the Garden and talked our way up Newbury Street. A. had had a banner day selling to this woman who has private jewelry clients with a set up on the first block of Newbury right near Cartier and Van Cleef et al. We decided to have a bit more wine so we popped into Eataly and found some good Le Stoppa and a Barolo and went back to the hotel and chatted and laughed past midnight. Tomorrow will be something of a marathon of work so I’m glad we had this more jovial night together. My bed in the hotel is actually broken and I will have to do something about it.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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