Month: March 2021 (page 1 of 4)

Clearly Not

Aries 10° (March 30)

Pizza Night in the end. Was thinking about Derek today for some reason. 

It is said hope floats. And, as the driving force of recovery—metaphorically, something that Cancer man is in all the time—he personifies the very concept. Noah was a drunk, so he is acquainted with experiencing  on a personal level. His personality is hinged on the transition from Gemini to Cancer. If the Fall is about experiencing life as a sudden split—Geminis are the most, and mostly benignly, split-personalities—then the Flood is about immediately moving toward the repair of said split. The whole thing about putting animals together, two by two, onto an ark is literally about re-pairing. And another meaning of the word ark is a promise, one which we mainly hope we can keep to ourselves. The Cancer symbol can be interpreted as a crab, but also as two peas or seeds in a single pod, in either case floating along, not determining the direction, going with the proverbial flow. All of this, too, being a metaphor, to use a recovery phrase, for living life on life’s terms. In our book Sextrology, the Cancer man and woman chapters are called The Player and The Pearl, respectively, and they speak to the strategic navigating of life as something of a game or contest and the perfecting effect that even the most tumultuous life, with its turbulent ebbs and flows, can have on a being.

I am now in my seventh year of writing this Blague. Year six, I went through the first five years, and excerpted from five Blagues per day, as a way of taking inventory of what came before. If there are any blocks of text following this paragraph that would be from the corresponding day last, the sixth, year.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. 

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2021 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2021 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.

While It Occurs

Aries 9° (March 29)

In our original philosophy of the stars, we have discerned the unfolding of the spiral spring of the zodiac, itself, as analogous to that of many “sequences” found in metaphysics and mythology as well as in nature, science, philosophy and both practical and esoteric programs. We’ve long equated the first cardinal-fire sign of Aries with big-bang creation, the second fixed-earth Taurus with the garden, Eden, and the mutable-air sign of Gemini with munching on that apple—consciousness characterized as and synonymous with duality (The Twins) and the proverbial Fall, expulsion into chaos. Then along comes Cancer, cardinal-water, the Flood, to wash all cares and sins away, and re-create order, providing recovery and providence itself. Flood myths promise passage, deliverance, and promise itself. Without the Cancer-ruled energy of Hope, there can be no possibility. Water symbolizing emotion and intuition, the process of recovery is indeed an emotional one—the Cancer motto is I Feel—one that involves getting to the source of our human emotional being, which is where we tap into our higher power (represented by Cancer’s so-called opposite sign of Capricorn—not actually opposite at all,  as the two signs are mirrors of, sharing resonances with, each other— the relationship between the two offering a wealth of metaphorical and metaphysical wisdom to be mined. Cancer is likened to a spring or source of a river, a vivid representation of initiating, originating cardinal-water; while Capricorn is re-source, a reservoir, contained by the horn-shaped, cardinal-earth landscape of Capricorn, its name, meaning the goat horn-of-plenty, also a container, preserving bounty. Cancer women, especially, can be gushing while Capricorn women tend to be reserved—men born into these feminine—water and earth—stand in ironic contrasts to their female counterparts. Capricorn man may seem flamboyant, and Cancer man, staid. But the operative word in that sentence was: seem. In truth, Cancer man is gushing on the inside, just as Capricorn man is more somber than he may be letting on.  In call and response, Cancer Hope finds its answer in Capricorn Faith. Someone wise once said that, “hope is faith holding its hand out in the dark.” Mythically, too, these signs are linked, in that we see the story of the baby prince Moses, given passage, carried along a river, from one mother to another, floating on promise of deliverance, a metaphor for Cancer man’s reliance on, and ability to elicit (m)others’ care for him as a means of his own desired momentum; while the story of adult Moses, going gray all of a sudden, in discussion with a burning bush, receiving a list of ten shalt-nots—the containment, restriction, structuring of Capricorn—portrays the faithful, old-soul hierophantic personality of men of that tenth sign.

I am now in my seventh year of writing this Blague. Year six, I went through the first five years, and excerpted from five Blagues per day, as a way of taking inventory of what came before. If there are any blocks of text following this paragraph that would be from the corresponding day last, the sixth, year.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. 

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2021 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2021 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.

What You Deserve

Aries 8° (March 28)

The fourth astrological house under Cancer’s rule kicks off the second quadrant of the zodiac, the threshold being at the very bottom, the nadir, of the cosmic wheel. This sweet spot in an astrological chart points to our most private nature, and the fourth house is thus that of our home, domesticity and private life, something in particular Cancer man has a natural and enviable ability to cultivate. He carefully picks and chooses interests, hobbies, sports that involve little to no interaction with others, except perhaps a single coach, trainer or instructor whose undivided attention he can command. He is covetous of time spent as such for the likely reason that he will be otherwise largely dedicated to responsibilities and care of others on the domestic front, which falls under his sign’s astrological fourth-house rule. Family is arguably more important to this man than any other. And he possesses the perfect temperament for playing house husband, should his partner be more professionally engaged, and as rearer of children. Still he will plot out a path for creative or intellectual fulfillment and bide his time until it becomes his turn to prioritize career, which he will do with tunnel vision and the power of a newly freed, heretofore coiled spring. Though, Cancer man is the least likely to be among them, the first thing we tell clients who come to see us for the first time is that the Sun placement in their charts really signifies the hero’s journey, that it to say the you whom you are becoming. The Sun signifies completion, a full circle surrounding a central dot, which symbolizes the individual in a perfectly centered sphere of their own making, their sense of fulfillment and wholeness. Such that, whether you believe people incarnate as particular signs to experience and work through the energies and influences and endemic life-lessons inherent in certain signs for the purposes of a more soul-level evolution, or not, you might more readily accept our simpler notion that, if you’re born with Sun in Cancer then your ideas surrounding what constitutes wholeness, fulfillment, completion, success, even, would be described in Cancerian terms. For Cancer man, the hero’s journey is that much more real as he specifically draws on the archetype, the word, hero, like the name Heracles (Roman: Hercules), meaning the “beloved of Hera,” the queen-goddess of women and marriage. Cancer man, is more accurately, the embodiment of hero-prince. For the male Moonchild, it is a journey toward an ever-increasing sense of security and protection for himself, his partner, as well as his family. A life well lived is one where he can document, in brass tacks, a steep climb from the quality of life he was born into, to that which he cultivated for himself and his loved ones. Rarely conspicuously consumptive, material trappings are nonetheless essential to the Cancer, who counts his successes in rings of the cash register, More than most, Cancer man goes from (what he considers) rags to riches. Fulfillment entails achieving a certain nobility of spirit, giving off a particularly subtle aristocratic air of insouciance. Happiness for him is to live worry free, which he will come to learn is unrelated to the breadth of his financial portfolio. Progeny is typically paramount to Cancer man, and a sense of completion will come from leaving behind a legacy, meanwhile living surrounded by souvenirs, steeped in memory, nostalgia being yet another aspect of the astrological fourth house. A sense of togetherness is of prime importance, even if it means sacrificing autonomy. Cancer man seeks the providence of pride in himself and his loved ones whom he’s cosmically designed to regard as extensions of himself.

I am now in my seventh year of writing this Blague. Year six, I went through the first five years, and excerpted from five Blagues per day, as a way of taking inventory of what came before. If there are any blocks of text following this paragraph that would be from the corresponding day last, the sixth, year.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. 

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2021 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2021 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.

Crimson And Over

Aries 7° (March 27)

That which Cancer man wants to instill in those in whom he invests his time and attention is a total sense of security. And few of us will disallow him from playing the metaphorical role of designated driver, if not trust being in his hands over our own. Cancer is always appealing to someone, in one sense of the term or other. In our first book Sextrology his chapter is titled The Player, and he is indeed a natural actor, a coolly emotive and romantic figure who is rarely so macho a man as to read in the least bit threatening, any form of misogyny being largely absent in the Moonchild population. The astrological fourth house, under the sign’s rule, governs the popular opinion of women, among other attributes—Cancer man inherently knows how to particularly play on the emotions and opinions of the women who populate his own life. And as the title also suggests, Cancer is determined to be an A-player in business, that is to say one who is seen as adding great value to a company, institution or industry. As far as being a player in relationships goes, defined as someone who plays on a lover or mate’s emotions and then either ghosts or cheats on them or both: We say yes to the emotions bit, but generally no to any blackguard behavior. Possibly no other man wants to secure and sustain a steady relationship more than this one. He is, in all things tenacious, so much so we have likened him to gum on the shoe—or, in our live performances, in an adult cabaret setting, one of us just might have delivered the line: Crabs are so hard to get rid of. But it’s true! Guys of the sign are naturally insinuating, though perhaps not so much to be insidious. Cancer simply subscribes to the notion that the fulfillment of his potential requires getting his hooks into certain “host” people and situations that provide patronage and a secure environment where what he perceives to be his destined success can unfold in the fullness of time. In the meantime, Cancer man keeps it simple and his head down, quietly powering through. He is entirely pleasant, as a rule, across the board, to friends and acquaintances alike. In fact, there often seems little difference between the amount of interest or affection he appears to invest in any case. As suggested, he isn’t very present minded—something you can work on, Moonchild—which, to be fair, may be product of being cosmically engineered to continually look, with hope, toward the future. Future tripping for the Cancer may result in anxiety; and he must strive to find increasing comfort in uncertainty, which he mostly does by keeping what he can, year on year, the same. Change, the good kind—success, renown, financial reward—mostly comes to the Cancer, inhabiting the same well-worn waters, cased in his carefully cultivated, protective shell. The world, existence, for him is all too real, despite his Walter Mitty-esque flights of imaginative fancy—he is probably the least prone of individuals to employ any form of magical thinking (or so he thinks). He is surely one of the existentialists of the zodiac, not given to the proverbial opiates of religion or set belief systems. He might intellectually perceive an ordered universe, but his gut tells him that the bulk of existence is random, and thus up to him to make the necessary inroads. He doesn’t understand—and won’t even agree with this, reading it, now—that his infamous daydreaming is a form of ,what we call, wishcraft, something women of the sign are typically well aware they have the power to perform. Cancer man is an unwitting practitioner.

I am now in my seventh year of writing this Blague. Year six, I went through the first five years, and excerpted from five Blagues per day, as a way of taking inventory of what came before. If there are any blocks of text following this paragraph that would be from the corresponding day last, the sixth, year.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. 

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2021 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2021 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.

The Start Of The End

Aries 6° (March 26)

The post from last year was bemoaning the fact that 223 people in America were dead from Covid 19. Can you imagine that small a number now when there are over a thousand a day dying, still, even with the vaccine rollout. Had to get my cousin to back off finally as there is nothing in it for me to have a relationship with this doomsday narcissist. What else happened. I need to get my timeline in order. But I woke up with some words in my head like: I cannot overstate how relieved and grateful we are that there are now lawyers in place on both sides and that we have this first opportunity to have the court’s eyes on this situation because, frankly, since August we have been suffering innumerable and varied slings and arrows of our landlord’s lies and bullying and abuse and intimidation and harassment, which is not only intentionally designed by him to destroy our right to peaceful habitation but to scare us and make us feel continually unsafe. As time has gone on, since August, he has only become emboldened and we are, yes relieved to know that there are others, beside the police, whom we’ve had to call to the property and whom, at their request, we’ve reported every abuse to. Because the house we live in is on a larger property which includes a working farm and a workshop, for which we have been paying electricity for nearly eight years it turns out—we’ll get to that—our landlord is on the property every single day. We cannot go from our back door to our car without his having made comment or standing feet away from us, hands on hips, glaring at us. On one occasion he even invited a friend, a stranger to us, to come to our property and shout abuse at us telling us to “get the hell out” and “go back to where we come from” which has hateful, xenophobic overtones to say the least. I have been parked in the center of Wellfleet when he has driven his truck up this close to my car, blocking me into my space and glaring at me menacingly. Just two weeks ago we had friends over in the evening and sat outside on the back deck (pin in the words back deck) and he drove his truck around the property menacingly while we sat outside peeling out, screeching, onto the road and back again. The next morning he dumped leaves that were raked neatly to the edge of our property back onto the space right outside our door and  he built a fire pit not fifty feet from where we sit outside on the back deck, placing a dozen chairs around it. Everything he does is designed to intimidate, bully, abuse. Indeed this whole thing, the whole reason, the larger event leading up to this moment is all one big act of harassment on the landlord’s part. And it’s just the tip of the iceberg. Our list of counter claims better known as his illegal actions and abuses will make your hair curl. And as much as we are grateful and do earnestly seek resolution here via this process, we are equally determined to reparations and retribution, that is to say, to see see justice served. And if we cannot achieve both resolution and also reparation and retribution via this process we will trust the judicial system and a jury to help us get the justice and the retribution for the many damages that the landlord not only exacted but seemed to delight in exacting.

I am now in my seventh year of writing this Blague. Year six, I went through the first five years, and excerpted from five Blagues per day, as a way of taking inventory of what came before. If there are any blocks of text following this paragraph that would be from the corresponding day last, the sixth, year.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. 

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2021 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2021 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.

Buttermilk Washing Machine

Aries 5° (March 25)

Resolution, Reparation, Restitution. I woke up way to early once again after staying up way too late. But it’s cool. I’m healing and this is part of the process for sure. I’ve learned that I might be alone on this vision quest which might actually be a better thing than worse. I have figured out how to order my mind and that is to put all surrounding thoughts into the form of a deposition. I am going to open up the channels for taking in some dough in the coming weeks and for otherwise moving things around in such a way as to make a difference for the people. I know what’s up with some appliances and I have a few recipes up my sleeve. Haven’t heard back from Tony P. but I will. I sent Dave a message and a bon voyage back to whence he came. I think that’s all that needs doing. I recalled our run in with Hume Cronyn who was quite a funny man there in the end. I think of all the people I’ve known and I think yeah right. I’m of a mind and in a mood. I’m ready to start breaking things up and putting my thoughts into some semblance of a tonic for the toxic. At least certain things are far enough in my past now that they matter less and less; and the love that I feel for the newcomers far outstripped that which I ever truly felt for the discarded. The truth is I’m glad they are in my review. There is so much to look forward to and I see no real reason not to enjoy that fact. I mean the process means accepting where you are right now which isn’t always easy but it is liberating if you let it be. It is one of those days where no information will come in and everything I need to know is inside my noggin so let it be.

I am now in my seventh year of writing this Blague. Year six, I went through the first five years, and excerpted from five Blagues per day, as a way of taking inventory of what came before. If there are any blocks of text following this paragraph that would be from the corresponding day last, the sixth, year

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. 

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2021 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2021 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.

And So It Begins

Aries 4° (March 24)

Very strange night of sleep. Had this one dream where we were outside during a kind of picnic. Was more like the back field in Harwichport. Suddenly the sky went dark and there was a massive hail storm. And these people on skis begin to fly by, like ski jumpers caught be the strong wind but not unlike the wicked witch flying by. One of the ski jumpers flew around in a semi circle so we had to look in the opposite direction as she landed which she did with grace. She was this tall dark haired beauty in a black long gown the bodice of which created a criss cross and she had a white shirt under it. She had the look and power of a lovely raven haired goddess. It was very cool, as the hail still blew all around the sky, like a March sky, was at once dark and stormy and sunny and bright. I was awake for quite a while in the night which is no longer a surprise. I’m not sure why I had such a dream of beauty. The night before I had close encounters with two deceased friends which left me feeling very disturbed indeed. This is the new day one and of course it entailed getting yet another case of delivery. No matter. I am not swayed today. I am an even one-eighty which is a good metaphor for where my directionality is coming from. We have two regular clients today for whom I am very grateful. Someone asked about the festival and I responded: 

It is not easy with Ptown I hear you. We won’t know until May really who gets to perform where if at all. Right now Art House is trying to stay afloat and only some artists are indeed willing to perform on season (many aren’t) and they are looking to optimize in an environment of reduced capacity etc. If performances can happen at all Art House may still want to push Afterglow into the Fall and try to keep making as much bank through September as they can. So the simple answer is we have no idea LOL. We are acting “as if” keeping expectations low! Miss you and hopefully we can see our full vaccinated selves in the flesh once again.

On that note I will write a few sentences. Dear Friends. If you are receiving this email you are valued advisor, sponsor, artist (or all of the above!) and a valued member of our Afterglow Festival family. Last year at this time we were in a state of shock and confusion and denial about our 2020 season which was to be our tenth annual, hopeful and operating “as if” all would be safe come September for presentation at Provincetown’s Art House, who was going ahead full steam with their summer season. Until they weren’t. Within weeks, it was clear there would be no indoor performances for any venue, and Afterglow immediately pivoted its focus from performance festival to provider of artist-relief funds.

Although we raised just a fraction of our usual yearly financial support, we nonetheless channeled money immediately into the pockets of a dozen performers, commissioning them to create new works which could hopefully be presented at a later date, while helping them make ends meet and keep their artistic flames alight. Our efforts were immediately cited as inspiration for larger non-profit partners in New York and New England and we have consulted these institutions on how to successfully pivot as well so to become an agent of much needed aid for artists, who have been most in danger of being lost in the financial fallout resulting from the pandemic. As paradox goes, this past year has been among the most rewarding years for Afterglow to date; and we could not have made even the slightest difference without the combined moral and financial support of you now reading this.

As we have witnessed a change in political climate, and the rollout of vaccines is well underway, like many non-profit arts enterprises, we still face confusion and uncertainty, and yet we are preparing for any combination of outcomes. To be specific, most Provincetown venues are planning to operate at half-mast this coming season, but nobody will really now the score for summer until May when the powers that be fully weigh in. Many top name performers who typically appear in summer have declined to do so, and for-profit venues are trying to draw top talents while facing limits on audience numbers. Our own host venue will likely extend their season, which, should there be an Afterglow in 2021, would push us further into the Fall, which is fine. But again, with so many variables and state and municipal decisions still months away, nobody has a definitive crystal ball. 

We are cautiously optimistic that we will be able to present a program of artists and put on an Afterglow Festival in celebration of our tenth anniversary. Failing that, we are poised once again to function as a purveyor of artist-relief funds and to commission artists continuing to help them stay afloat until we reach more promised shores. As you might imagine, we already have a waiting list of artists who raised their hands for aid last year and we are preparing collateral for outreach to new and veteran, emerging and experimenting artists whom Afterglow has always sought to foster.

I am now in my seventh year of writing this Blague. Year six, I went through the first five years, and excerpted from five Blagues per day, as a way of taking inventory of what came before. If there are any blocks of text following this paragraph that would be from the corresponding day last, the sixth, year.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. 

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2021 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2021 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.

Headline Change

Aries 3° (March 23)

I’ve called and left a message for the police and scheduled chat with lawyer. I’ve also got the ball rolling on Maine. Reworking this week’s menu. Have a big client week ahead so that moving the needle will happen in stolen moments. There were peaches today which was a drag, so much of the day spent in response to that. Anxiety producing to think about the day ahead but trying to keep head where feet are if at all possible. A case of wine was delivered and couldn’t resist, so delish. And the talk with the lawyer yielded fact we are entering mediation which is good. Hopefully the fuckface’s lawyer will keep him from being abusive. There are now checks and balances. Heard back from back doc too so, all in all, let’s let the healing begin. I will get nutsy-boltsy in regard to the writing schedule beginning tomorrow. I will be fairly brutal now in the great clear out of things needing to go into storage. There was so much to say and now I’m not so sure. I will get the draft book in order and update my finances. I also need to sit with S. and review the benefits options. I do believe we should move forward as best we can on that score. I suppose I have the relief of knowing that nobody is going to make us try to go anywhere during the summer and that we can at least feel protected as we travel if we do. I am giving myself the goal of reducing by two pounds a week. I think this is doable. I am going to use this time, too, to let the more obsessive parts of my nature fall away gently; and I’m going to use my advice of tying off as a method to some madness. I do think that there is a lack of reality going on here and it definitely needs addressing. I have to do it in a gentle way or else it could get tricky as it often does. We decide to buck the menu and make pasta; I will do a sauce of cherry tomato, caper, red onion, oregano and basil and we will take opiates in the form of 18 year old episodes of friends—that’s like me watching I Love Lucy in 1972, one of my favorite years. It is time to get all the little boxes ticked. I did manage to shoot the doctor all the information he might need and to cover things in regard to that accident of 2019. I feel as if I let too many things go when I should fight a bit for my rights. More on that as time unfolds. In the meantime I refuse to be a victim in any way, shape or form. That terrible man will get his.

I am now in my seventh year of writing this Blague. Year six, I went through the first five years, and excerpted from five Blagues per day, as a way of taking inventory of what came before. If there are any blocks of text following this paragraph that would be from the corresponding day last, the sixth, year.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. 

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2021 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2021 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.

Everybody Leaves

Aries 2° (March 22)

We are being aggressed. Last evening with Dave and Allison here farmer fuckface recklessly drove around the property peeling out, his truck screeching. Today when S. went out he dumped leaves we had raked to the side back onto the property and we had awoken to a fire pit placed on his property close to us. Then there were police here for some reason I do not understand. I am contacting our lawyer to discuss what can be done. I think fuckface needs to receive a letter the paragraphs of which would address the ongoing abuse (added to our counter claims) which would only make the situation worse for him—if he doesn’t stop aggressing us we will begin process of getting a harassment order against him. Plus, we must reiterate the fact that we have been model tenants for nearly eight years and, despite his abuses, we are keeping our side of the street clean. As such we need a recommendation from him in hand if we are to find another place to be. I think a third paragraph would focus on following up on previous lawyer’s demand for reckoning and accounting of the workshop electricity for which we have been paying. I also want to think about the personal injury aspects.

I am now in my seventh year of writing this Blague. Year six, I went through the first five years, and excerpted from five Blagues per day, as a way of taking inventory of what came before. If there are any blocks of text following this paragraph that would be from the corresponding day last, the sixth, year.

Well another night where we awoke at two thirty in the morning and then stayed up. The jet lag will cease and in the meantime it matters little as there is no place to go. I did my best garde manger of the pantry, fridge and freezer, and we have enough in house to stretch out over the next ten days probably. That’s all I’m going to say about that as I don’t feel that the constant narrative is helping anybody right now. So: Of all the people I know I am the fastest to reacclimate post travel. I have fully unpacked and am prepared to start my work day tomorrow; by the same token I have shopped and cleaned and will spend the afternoon setting up meals (soups and stews, mainly) for the week ahead. I am concerned about creative projects and there is surely no way to begin fundraising while we are in this situation. I actually had an artist whom I was planning on presenting reach out to me to try to pin me down on dates and their demands. I found it rather unbelievable. People are literally dying and this individual wants firm assurances. It is mind boggling. Anyway here I am still talking about it. Hard to turn the corner when the corner hasn’t been turned. And when you live in a country where the leadership no longer cares about the well-being of its people? That was my argument for staying put in France; the only thing is we are not their people. So, despite the fact this government has abandoned the safety and welfare of its populations, at least I live in Massachusetts where, despite there being a Republican governor, the state institution itself does value the health of its people. I will be the corner and the turn I suppose. I just want to help other people, now that I’m settled (and safe? I dunno) here at home. Stepping up the contributions as best we can being there for the other folks. Making sure the people reach out and ask any questions they might want or need. Maybe set up a day a week where people can send chart info or some such. Whatever we can help with. Doing a little Cosmic Clinic of sorts. We will be talking about pod casts in any case as the days unfold.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. 

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2021 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2021 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.

The First Full Day

Aries 1° (March 21)

I think this will be the last day of hedonism for this year. Dave and Allison are coming over tonight and so I’m letting the timing be good. I tried to do some piano work on film but it was a bust. There was some take away in that I feel it is something I can do. I have four months now to make a draft of this book and that is going to have to be enough.

I am now in my seventh year of writing this Blague. Year six, I went through the first five years, and excerpted from five Blagues per day, as a way of taking inventory of what came before. If there are any blocks of text following this paragraph that would be from the corresponding day last, the sixth, year.

Needless to say I have never flown on a private jet as such. I have been on private jets, arranged by the same angelic friends who arranged our flight yesterday, just to get some short distance. But I think I just experienced a once in a lifetime thing: S. and I flying across the Atlantic on a plane that can seat twelve, with just a pilot, a first officer and a flight attendant. It was the smoothest flight I’ve ever taken and I didn’t have a single moment of anxiety as I have had on tinier jets and, certain, on jumbo ones, packed in like sardines. I cannot fathom the extent of the generosity with which this gift was given except to say that, would the circumstances have been reversed, I/we would have done the same for these very good friends of ours. Still it is gobsmacking to say the least. The terminal at Stanstead was Harrods Aviation. Like Harrods, with items for sale in the lounge from the shop. Even the tickets put on our luggage say Harrods. It was surreal. The captain came into the lounge to apologize. He was American and later said he was an army brat who grew up all over, which is exactly what Kirby, our flight attendant, said. Kirby was a trip. A gay silver fox who seems to be a devout Episcopalian, and we know this because, in discussing the corona virus, which we are trying to escape, he recounted going to church recently and taking the body of Christ. S. thought that made him Catholic but I was like uh-uh, he’s from the deep South, his name is Kirby, he is in no way a Catholic, which proved correct. I was on super light Bloody Mary’s until I was brought one I couldn’t drink as it tasted like Jet Fuel not Greygoose, and switched to a little wine to accompany lunch which for S. was chicken Saltimbocca and for me a Shepherd’s Pie. Kirby made up a bed for her and she went to lie down in back, though apparently didn’t sleep at all, as I watched Rocketman and then Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. Both were pretty good, the latter being less enjoyable ironically.

And before you knew it there we were landing in Boston. It was almost hard to say goodbye to these people who personified our return. We were shocked at how hot and crowded the airport was and a bit guilty that we were being ushered by border patrol agents through passport control and then through a CDC checkpoint. They took S.’s temperature which was lowish and didn’t even take mine at all which was totally random. Meanwhile, leaving London, they had swabbed me randomly for traces of explosive. We felt a bit guilty getting special treatment but sometimes in life you just have to take the favors given you. The pilot then revealed that he could have actually flown us all the way to Provincetown if we wanted that—indeed we could hop right back on the plane now that we were cleared and do that. But we had a driver waiting, Jean-Paul who has chauffeured us before and Nançoise had had him stop at her house first to give us some groceries so we wouldn’t be left in a pantry lurch. There was nobody on the road from Boston and it was very strange indeed to arrive back on Cape to our usual reality. Unnerving really. I could only slightly unpack before eating a corn muffin G. had made us and climbing into bed. We forgot we had turned of the cable and were annoyed to find that the company had also turned off our wifi; so after some tetchy waiting on the phone to speak to a human we finally got everything turned on. We awoke at two in the morning and have been up ever since. We had some coffee and decided to do a major food shop as the stores opened in Orleans, opting for a smaller market, not a super one. There was plenty of food and we did a giant shop, not in a panicky way at all, but the kind of shop you do when you return back to the Cape after being away for three months. We then came back and did some more unpacking, of groceries and luggage, then went out again, back to Orleans, to get some fish and other things from shops that weren’t open the first time. We really thought we had to get a jump this morning and were at the shops, originally, at seven, way before anything else opened up. We are going to have one last hoorah of gluten—some linguine and clam sauce—and then get into bed and call it a day. It is already about eight o’clock at night for us.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. 

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2021 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2021 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.

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