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Not At All

Taurus 23° (May 14)

A nice day to have off. Don’t have a super clear idea of what happened on this day but I know I’m gearing up for Monday which we all hope will go smoothly which it does-ish. Haven’t been seeing anyone socially and can’t even get to the beach. Sushi from Mac’s Shack and Steak Tip Taco’s Captain’s Choice

Pisces Man

Pisces floats in and out of your life but is totally present when with you. The most knowing, least knowable, of the signs, Pisces functions best unanchored. That said, if he wants in to a certain milieu, just try keeping him out. He permeates situations, getting through the cracks, like a gas, shamelessly appealing as a selfless creature, obsequious yet taking up a lot of space. Pisces is the sole mutable-water sign, symbolized by the salt sea, foam, mist, fog, vapor, ether and, yes, gas. He should be like a lucid dreamer, giving himself over to experience, letting it take him where it will. Ruled by Neptune, planetary energy of dissolution; Pisces must dissolve into life, which ironically, is best achieved when moored, spiritually and/or romantically, to someone who’ll give him wide berth. The opposite-facing Fish sign is the paragon of paradoxes. Its motto is I believe, and the Pisces can realize any desired outcome with his superpower imagination, a word linked etymologically to magic. If the previous sign of Aquarius is the rainbow veils of Salome, we are now over it, Pisces being the man behind the curtain, a wonder-filled wiz at carving out his own corner of nirvana. Pisces tends to be a visual person; his process is nonlinear, impressionistic, allowing creative ideas to surface from meditation on his given subject, rather than imposing them. He has a way, too, of letting opportunities find him in his field of experience or expertise. He lives life on life’s terms, taking a path of least resistance. He seems to absorb knowledge as if by osmosis, especially omniscient regarding artforms under Neptune rule—painting, design, film, photography, mixed media as well as theater, dance, opera et al.

Pisces is whom he imagines himself to be. He is a revisionist in the purest sense of the word, reframing his life to suit the life story he wants to tell. He is a fabulist who clears his history of unwanted storylines, inserting others he’s dreamed up. He will put on erudite airs, adopting a yah style of speech, just as he is drawn to rarified enclaves that smack of an upper crustiness. At the same time, he may frequent “underground” milieus where most fear to tread, but keep it to himself. Pisces has typically seen it all or intends to. Like that gas, he seeps in everywhere, achieving a certain omnipresence to match his omniscience, which is right up his archetypal alley. The Pisces fish are the mythic animal totems of Aphrodite, also called Mari, and her son Eros (love), at once the oldest (father) god, and yet the eternal babe (son), Sound familiar? The Jesus fish fits Pisces man to a tee; as does his ability to fall into the arms of the world and let the universe decide his cosmic plan, sans struggle but not without sacrifice. Sometimes actually messiah-complexed, Pisces identifies with the marginalized, surrounding himself with disenfranchised souls whom he inspires, if only at cocktail parties. The twelfth astrological house rules outcasts, pariahs, the forgotten or exiled, and other such meek inheritors.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2022 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Against Hope

Taurus 23° (May 13)

Friday the 13th. My dreams are a torture I am living a nightmare for realz. I cannot believe the utter devastation that has been caused. I feel like I’m in some kind of alternate reality. My sleep patterns are crap. I honestly cannot believe the total assassination. I would never do that to anyone. Although I am accused of it, but that’s what perps do—they accuse you of what they themselves are doing. If it wasn’t so damaging this cliché would be laughable. There isn’t much more to say. My hope is that when I revisit this Blague I will be writing a good deal of book material. I don’t know if this is something S. is going to want to work on. I can only hope so. 

Aquarius Woman

Aquarius is a contradiction in terms: at once conventional in the nerdiest ways, and yet the freest, unfettered freak on the astrological block. From childhood, she is folksy, a homebody who revels in group activities with close family—quilting, performing sonatas, playing cribbage. She makes friends and would-be love matches in settings where she and like-minds gather, at work or play. Many an Aquarian partner with people who perform the same job, role or function as she does. Friends can find her choice in mates to be questionable. It can seem she isn’t aspirational enough in love. She is, after all, like The Star card in the Tarot, which portrays the Waterbearer, a naturally exalted, twinkling figure in her loved ones’ lives. She is Tennessee William’s Stella to his brutish Stanley. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, named for the god of the starry universe, and it’s fixed-air status, translating to a point of light, is symbolized by the star. Aquarius, with her far away eyes, is metaphorically coming from another planet, and yet she is looked upon as a beacon, a north star, who helps others navigate their own human condition. The classic Waterbearer is Hebe, goddess of youth, “daughter”, the maiden form, of Hera (Roman: Juno). Divine Hebe falls for mortal brute Heracles (meaning: beloved of Hera). Hebe is a “descending goddess” deigning (better than slumming) to love a mortal who, by that love, is too made divine. Then there’s the pitcher toting Iris, Hera’s messenger, goddess of the rainbow, the path she takes to bring “good news” down to mortals, thus elevating them. The rainbow’s seven colors are synonymous with the veils of Salome (and her own revealing show) counterpart to John the Baptist, the biblical water bearer. Aquarius is designed to reveal inspiring truths, that good news, to be a revelation, raising up, if just one significant brute. To some, she casts her pearls. Both things can be true. Just one Aquarius paradox: For all her starry notions she thrills to play on the ground—Stella and Stanley got those rainbow-colored lights spinning.  Her sign’s motto is I know, and we tend to look to the Aquarian—Oprah, Ellen—not just for answers but for new insights and inspiration. To their zillion fans what they dole out is nothing short of manna. 

Whether a cupful of immortal nectar for the gods, or a holy grail o’ grace, or a backward dip from Baptist John, Aquarius is serving life everlasting, the ultimate balm, salve, salvation. A Waterbearer superpower: She champions friends and lovers simply by association. If she likes them, so should I. How else to explain Dr. Phil?  Aquarius gives life. The wife-mother of Uranus is Gaia, meaning all life, not strictly Earth. Uranus energy is sudden, shocking, revolutionary, and as I always say: Aquarius keeps a packed real or metaphorical bag under her bed. When she goes, she’s gone; but it can be a long time coming. She is essentially the most free-wheeling of women, if only she can remember the fact. Though she is a revelation to others, she must mind her own awakenings, also a long time coming. While giving others direction, she needs to read her own signposts, follow her own star, be her own shining beacon, and go where true love is.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2022 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Service Industry

Taurus 22° (May 12)

Went back to Gregory’s to do a bit of laundry. Making salad of cucumber, tomato, feta, herbs. Working till about ten o’clock. Quite a busy night.

Aquarius Man

If Capricorn is about preserving the past, Aquarius is the unwritten future, from whence the male Waterbearer seems to have traveled. In youth, he is distinguished as being different. His unique brand of intelligence mightn’t conform to conventional standards; and he is drawn to new, nascent areas of interest. His penchants may be unpredictable; but he is creature of routine, if working odd hours—he tends to be nocturnal. He may have scores of acquaintances, followers really, but few close friends. He is an outlier, bucking systems he was brought up in, finding comfort with fellow fringe dwellers. Often an ugly duckling, he typically matures into an alluring, imposing figure. Still, he will always possess a deep sensitivity, a gooey center of vulnerability. He is infamously detached, even disdainfully cliquish, revenge of the nerd. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, named for the primordial god of the universe (space) whose name means to rain or urinate, befitting the Waterbearer. Uranus was castrated by his son Cronus (Saturn), and from his severed bits sprang to life numerous beings, including the goddess of love. John the Baptist, too, facilitates (re)birth, paving the way for his cousin JC, who is also love. Aquarius is likewise a front-runner, a lone voice in the wilderness, bringing radical views, sticking his neck out, often losing his head in his ideas. Born into this fixed-air sign, symbolized by a star (The Star card in Tarot portrays the Waterbearer), Aquarius espouses fixed ideas, truths, and convictions; the paradox being that these truths aren’t necessarily self-evident, yet. As they say: science fiction of today becomes science fact of tomorrow. It’s like the advent of evolution itself. Sudden mutation is the quirk that becomes the mainstay, ensuring survival. The cupbearers to the gods poured nectar of immortality. Aquarius is a metaphorical mutant, pouring out his progressive viewpoints. On the shadow side, he can play the guru serving up some Kool-Aid, a need for adoration by and control of others becoming blown out of pathological proportion.

            I know is Aquarius’ motto. While it points to something of an eidetic memory, his computer of a brain, it also points to his emphatic convictions and, on a negative note, snap decisions and judgments. He is all too quick to affix labels onto people—he might not make fast friends, but he can create instant enmity. As marginalized as he is growing up, like a victim of abuse, he can become an abuser himself, holding himself up as that proverbial star, high on his own popularity, looking upon others as the little people. As much as it sounds like exaggeration, megalomania can be a real trap for this guy who can be the least empathetic of all the signs. Unlike his opposite sign of Leo, ruled by the Sun, a star, who seeks to be the center of intimate attention, this Uranus-ruled man is most inclined to crave universal appeal. Hopefully, he will settle for a cult following for his innovative ideas, artistry, or inventions. He knows he is ahead of his time, one way or another, and he must cultivate patience for any credit he feels is due him.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2022 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Meister Burger

Taurus 21° (May 11)

Paying someone to help set me up here in the cottage with electronic stuff and so forth. Will go to Gregory’s to do Zoom with a client and a bit of laundry. Took myself for a burger at Montano’s easy peasy. Learned about the ex of my ex farmer miscreant. Some back and forth with Domres.

Capricorn Woman

Capricorn is at turns staunch and capricious, depending on environment and stimuli. Her human condition hinges on connecting the rigid and carefree sides of herself. Ruled by Saturn, planet of structure and containment, she’s born with boundaries. And as Cap man draws on the mythic deposed god-king Saturn, Cap woman draws on his wife-queen Rhea: (meaning: ease). This definition may surprise Cap for whom all has been hard knocks and roads to hoe since youth. But Cap can come to understand that she lives backward, becoming more carefree and childlike with time, The sure-footed Goat, aiming for heights of success, should ease into ambitions and/or callings, taking time to embody, assuming the roles she pursues. Rhea is goddess of motherhood; the mountain mama (mater horn) the mythic grandmother or (fairy) godmother. She bequeathed her full estate—leopards, cymbals, orgies, et al—to her grandson, Dionysus. Likewise, the seemingly buttoned up Cap woman, the zodiac’s Marion the Librarian, possesses a libertarian spirit. Her sign’s energy is that of ascension, and along her lifelong climb, she must learn to let go and lighten her load as she goes, an oft painful but freeing process.

Whether or not she ever has kids, it is Cap’s birthright to play a universal-mother role to a great many, nurturing, mentoring, and administering to the proverbial children. As an actual mother, though loving, she imposes a healthy formality, wary of codependency, taking a more grandmotherly approach, with a cool remove. Born under this feminine cardinal-earth sign, symbolized by a mountain or horn, Capricorn personifies the cornucopia, the goat horn of plenty. Saturn’s power is that of containment, preservation, like a natural reserve of bountiful resource. Capricorn is the Sea-Goat, to be exact, the watery element signifying a reservoir of emotion. Cap can come across as guarded, closed, haughty even. Saturn is Father Time, and that’s what it takes for her to lower defenses and invest her reserved feelings. Rhea wears a turreted crown, a nod to her impenetrable mountain fortress, and Cap only grants entry to those who promise something of an eternal bond. On theme, she is a keeper, in every sense, a devoted friend and mate, and a guardian of traditions she believes in passing down. She is a human time capsule of classic style, decidedly old-fashioned and proud of it, the original golden girl, but even Marion the Librarian ditches her glasses and lets down her hair, a rare glimpse of Capricorn that few may witness. Regarding her granny archetype, others may find her methodology, shall we say, unhurried. But she should know that slow and steady wins her particular races, haste making waste, anathema to her sign motto I use. She takes herself most seriously; she neither trifles nor will be trifled with. Respect is her main objective, and she should groom herself as a refined person of importance. It’s part and parcel of assuming the desired executive or other venerable positions to which she ascends. The Sea-Goat has her fair share of sinking feelings, but this can become a motor of self-empowerment and the veneration she seeks is worth the suffering and the climb.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2022 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Spare Tired

Taurus 20° (May 10)

Will get pizza’s tonight from Montano’s then crash. Pretty uneventful.

Capricorn Man

Capricorn man is a throwback, cosmically steeped in tradition, born with an old-world sensibility, a penchant for tried, true methods, and a romantic reverence for faded glory and grandeur. He is ruled by Saturn, named for the deposed Titan god-king who reigned over the mythic golden age when the world was a harmonious, prosperous paradise devoid of vice and strife, where people didn’t work to survive and lived hundreds of years retaining youthful mien, and dying peacefully. Capricorn lives by a solemn code—rules, regulations and long-held traditions being attributes of his tenth astrological house. He nonetheless indulges in certain decadence—decay being a hallmark of his artistry and aesthetic. There is a wistfulness to Cap, if not a deep melancholy— a nod to the wailing goat god Pan and namesake panic—which is surprisingly motivating. He is no defeatist. The sign’s motto is I use, and his pain is source material. Realistic, too, regarding talents he does or does not possess, he uses what he considers his greatest gift, putting all his eggs in a single basket. Counter to expansive Jupiter, Saturn’s energy is containing, restrictive and retiring. Conservation. Cap must learn to pace himself, owning his designation as the zodiac’s leisurely retiree (nobody owns more loafers), despite his intense ambition. Conducting himself elegantly appeals to his old-world bent. Like a senior of good breeding, he has nothing to prove. The use of the scapegoat was as an escape valve for the ancients, by which they could rid their lives of sins and bad juju: Cap’s creative process in a nutshell. The cardinal-earth sign, emblemized by a mountain or horns, the former is a symbol of permanence, preservation and divine (cue: Moses) providence, the latter, of contained plenty.

            Young Cap is the zodiac’s Holden Caulfield (field of hills) with his shock of white hair, wiser, presumed older than his years, and prematurely jaded. There’s much to mine in Cap’s own psychology: He feels unduly burdened and responsible (for saving others), a result of his conditioning which, (true for all of us.) works tongue-in-groove with his astrological assignation. Sickle toting Saturn is old Father Time, that grim reaper, and Cap uses his wisely. Holden is on a mission, if a suicide one, working a short bucket list. Despite this, or due to it, he is also sowing wild oats, exploring seedy milieus, arguably wasting time with some decadent sorts. One of the sign’s many paradoxes. Like Holden, Cap can be an intellectual and moral snob. The mountain is high and mighty, from whence to look down your nose, but how the mighty do fall—cue “the catcher” to save the innocents/innocence. In truth, Cap doesn’t find his own lofty aspirations and licentious leanings to be mutually exclusive. The goat enjoys a good frolic and tends to be something of a daddy. The metaphorical flipside of the Goat saving “kids” is leading them to slaughter, savoring the spoils. Hello, Cap Salinger himself.  Capricorn must learn to be the tortoise playing the long game, moving the needle bit by bit but, yes, savoring life along the way. 

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2022 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Munster Mash

Taurus 19° (May 9)

Went to Hyannis then to Boston, to get replacement laptop, then back again. Had some oysters for late lunch at Mac’s then ended up going back for dinner—sushi for me, not fish and chips

Sagittarius Woman

Sagittarius woman is an arresting character who runs the gamut from quietly charismatic to blow-horn blatant. She can be dazzling, easily lighting up a room. Yet there is something nervy and skittish about her, a bubbly mixture of natural enthusiasm, excess brain activity, and a penchant for pleasing. She is a flatterer, but a sincere one, keying into the best qualities in a person, often missing their worst, at first. Like male Sag, she appears larger than life, her ruling planet Jupiter hinging on largesse, optimism, in every sense of the word. Her default view is one of celebration, feigned or not, but the bigger the enthusiastic bubble, the more likely it is to burst. And so, she is a potentially explosive woman, needing to negotiate a super-spontaneous nature against a wildcard element, that sees her swing to extremes—daring to dread, devotion to disdain, delight to despair. She must learn, too, not to get to ahead of herself. She is the Archeress, after all, with her narrowly expansive eye on the target, the proverbial prize, and future. The silver lining about Sag is that she is acutely aware of her shortcomings and is most compelled to make positive changes. The sole mutable-fire sign, symbolized by lightning and wildfire, she is endowed with outsized power that is wholly unpredictable and no cinch to catch in a bottle. Sag will tell you she has thunderous tempests raging inside her. 

            As Sag male draws on the archetype of Jupiter, the chief god of thunder, armed with lightning bolts, Sag channels his goddess wife and queen, Juno, goddess of power, knowledge, and women, none of which, she will learn, are mutually exclusive. Juno (and Sag) is prone to jealousy, and when her envy flared, Juno would emit an energy so radiant that all were burned or blinded. Ironically on theme: the sign’s motto is I See (and I Understand). Juno blinded Tiresias for siding with Jupiter against her, conferring “second sight” as result. She is Lady Godiva (goddess-diva) who put out the famed peeper’s peepers. Sag knows she’s likewise volatile, capable of both scary and resplendent shows of personal power—taking control of and responsibility for it is another story. In comic mythology she is the X-Men’s Jane, whose unleashed power is unrivaled. Being a Sag is not for the faint of heart. She does receive bolts from the blue of opportunity, having move on a dime, amid fiery family relations, friendships, and too-familiar working bonds. Hers is a process of allowing her genius aspirations to increasingly meld with her more preternatural urges. The symbolism of the Centaur, a race of sages: Finding a smooth connection between animal self and higher mind, both of which are more infinitely potent than we realize. Sag makes big love-bonds with those who live large and promote a worldly lifestyle. She has heightened expectations of what partnership should impart, wired to want it all—adventure, money, a meeting of the minds, and carnal know-how. As for Auntie Mame at life’s buffet, more is more; yet Sag should learn that externals don’t cut it in the true-happiness game, and that she must shine her inner light for herself, radiating Juno-like with knowledge and power she can impart to others. She is meant to be generator—not a drain.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2022 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Munster Mash

Taurus 19° (May 9)

Went to Hyannis then to Boston, to get replacement laptop, then back again. Had some oysters for late lunch at Mac’s then ended up going back for dinner—sushi for me, not fish and chips

Sagittarius Woman

Sagittarius woman is an arresting character who runs the gamut from quietly charismatic to blow-horn blatant. She can be dazzling, easily lighting up a room. Yet there is something nervy and skittish about her, a bubbly mixture of natural enthusiasm, excess brain activity, and a penchant for pleasing. She is a flatterer, but a sincere one, keying into the best qualities in a person, often missing their worst, at first. Like male Sag, she appears larger than life, her ruling planet Jupiter hinging on largesse, optimism, in every sense of the word. Her default view is one of celebration, feigned or not, but the bigger the enthusiastic bubble, the more likely it is to burst. And so, she is a potentially explosive woman, needing to negotiate a super-spontaneous nature against a wildcard element, that sees her swing to extremes—daring to dread, devotion to disdain, delight to despair. She must learn, too, not to get to ahead of herself. She is the Archeress, after all, with her narrowly expansive eye on the target, the proverbial prize, and future. The silver lining about Sag is that she is acutely aware of her shortcomings and is most compelled to make positive changes. The sole mutable-fire sign, symbolized by lightning and wildfire, she is endowed with outsized power that is wholly unpredictable and no cinch to catch in a bottle. Sag will tell you she has thunderous tempests raging inside her. 

            As Sag male draws on the archetype of Jupiter, the chief god of thunder, armed with lightning bolts, Sag channels his goddess wife and queen, Juno, goddess of power, knowledge, and women, none of which, she will learn, are mutually exclusive. Juno (and Sag) is prone to jealousy, and when her envy flared, Juno would emit an energy so radiant that all were burned or blinded. Ironically on theme: the sign’s motto is I See (and I Understand). Juno blinded Tiresias for siding with Jupiter against her, conferring “second sight” as result. She is Lady Godiva (goddess-diva) who put out the famed peeper’s peepers. Sag knows she’s likewise volatile, capable of both scary and resplendent shows of personal power—taking control of and responsibility for it is another story. In comic mythology she is the X-Men’s Jane, whose unleashed power is unrivaled. Being a Sag is not for the faint of heart. She does receive bolts from the blue of opportunity, having move on a dime, amid fiery family relations, friendships, and too-familiar working bonds. Hers is a process of allowing her genius aspirations to increasingly meld with her more preternatural urges. The symbolism of the Centaur, a race of sages: Finding a smooth connection between animal self and higher mind, both of which are more infinitely potent than we realize. Sag makes big love-bonds with those who live large and promote a worldly lifestyle. She has heightened expectations of what partnership should impart, wired to want it all—adventure, money, a meeting of the minds, and carnal know-how. As for Auntie Mame at life’s buffet, more is more; yet Sag should learn that externals don’t cut it in the true-happiness game, and that she must shine her inner light for herself, radiating Juno-like with knowledge and power she can impart to others. She is meant to be generator—not a drain.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2022 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

By Name

Taurus 18° (May 8)

I will work tonight, grabbing a bit of chili as my stop-gap meal. It’s funny I really don’t eat anymore and yet I’m the same weight I’ve been now for ages. I feel like I need to step up and change some habits to jump start my metabolism, just as I need to jump start my existence. There is something I was talking to Clemons about—that I have to reclaim my nineteen year old self as that was the year I thought I made the best decision in my life to last forty years but it turned out to be the stupidest move of my life and I should have ran for the hills. Other guys would have done so but I was such a sucker for a wounded animal. My love always was wrapped up in some need to rewrite another person’s history, to help them be the best, fullest iteration they can be. Doug and Paul come into work and ask for me by name.

Sagittarius Man

Sagittarius man has the most unbridled energy of anyone in the zodiac, and he must come to handle himself as one would a prized thoroughbred, minding, harnessing, his signature cyclone of fabulous ideas and outsized inspirations. He is at once totally at ease in his skin and yet jumping out of it. His is the sole mutable-fire sign, symbolized by lightening, that proverbial wildfire in the sky; and his sign is ruled by Jupiter, for the omnipotent chief god, like Thor, of thunder and lightning. Lighting is the most immense natural power there is, metaphorically pointing to strikes of genius. The sign’s motto is I See or I Understand, hinged on the notion of a third-eye perspective of existence. The physical seat of the third eye is the pineal gland, so called because it resembles a pinecone. The wildly ecstatic god Dionysus bore a staff topped with a pinecone. He and his father Jupiter together comprise the sign’s main archetype as, unlike his other hundreds of sons, Dionysus is the heir apparent, inheritor of his supremacy. The largest planet, Jupiter’s brand of power is expansive—and so is the Sag man’s m.o., for better or for worse. The male population of the sign is replete with figures who’ve gone to great lengths and/or too far. They are born with an ex prefix, driving them to experience, explore, experiment, express, expose, expand, and explode onto any given seen; but potentially also to excess, expense, exhaustion and early extinction if not mindful. If he is, he will more readily master meditative, mind-expanding practices than most men. He is typically an extrovert and unapologetic in the extreme. Even though Dionysus is a chip off the old block, he is also a rebel nonconformist who shakes, and perhaps breaks, the traditional order. Sag is likewise a mini-me of sorts, particularly at ease in the patriarchy regardless of sexual or gender identity, and yet he is bound to shatter the mold he so easily fits. Sag tends to work in the same line of biz as his pop, but does him one better there, at the very least, still expanding out from an existing formula.

            With his unique, expansive perspective Sag breaks on through to the other side of whatever his field of interest may be. It is little wonder that so many satirists and comedians are born under the sign, but whatever his profession, humor is one of Sag’s superpowers. He always brings the funny, points out the absurd, if not rattles nerves and cages, exposing what others fail to see. He can be stream-of-consciousness incarnate. Mark Twain, a pen name meaning the “point between”—that third eye—a Sag satirist of the first order, also exposed societal ills and, thus, altered global perception. Sag is at once uber-demonstrative and ultra-detached, expressing affection with grand gestures, likely overcompensation for emotional lack. He is all over the place in relationships, whether due to diverse preferences—he’ll try anything trice—or sheer quantity of experiences. He’s of two minds about most things, wanting his cake and to eat it too. 

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2022 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Taurus 17° (May 7)

I will end up taking myself out for a Caesar salad and chicken wings at Captain’s Choice. I’m chatting with these chaps called Doug and Paul and they are big Montano’s fans. Organizing as best I can in the bunker. The list of things to do is a mile long and not sure I can get it all accomplished. 

Scorpio Woman

Scorpio is an immoveable figure, seemingly born with an intact moral code and fixed opinions. She embodies the notion of nature-over-nurture. The original Sphinx, she appears to have all the answers and she’s asking all the questions. A born psychologist—think Lucy of Peanuts fame—she compels others to bare their souls, trading her default caustic style for a professional one. Scorpio draws out others, typically with series of queries, triggering true confessions. Then, stony faced, she will tell you exactly what to do, when, and in what order to fix or refocus efforts. Ruled by Pluto, planetary principle of elimination and transformation, named for the god of death, which, in astrology, signals regeneration, Scorpio aims to kill off that which drains energy. An autumnal sign, when we prune and nature sheds its leaves, rerouting energy to that underground root level, Scorpio likewise won’t go out on limbs for any reason, rooting herself ever deeper into her exacted design for living. She is dug in, setting the agenda with loved ones with inexorable gravity, and thus can be a bit of black hole, too. You can’t easily escape her spider’s web once drawn into her vortex of directives. Her main mythic archetype is Persephone, the entranced queen of the underworld, the proverbial maker you meet upon your demise who tells you which way to go—Scorpio does tend to collect lost souls and finds power and purpose in doing likewise, and, as the fixed-water sign she can be something of an ice queen herself.

When it comes to a life partner, Scorpio has a composite sketch in mind of perfect match. She will seek to develop the desirable qualities she observes in a mate, and the rest she’ll aim to kill off, characteristically, with withering looks. On some level every Scorpio woman sees herself as a femme fatale, a Scarlett O’Hara, as Mammy sees it: “sitting there waiting for him just like a spider.” Scarlett also ends up munching on a root vegetable, fist to heaven, vowing, determining her future, and everyone elses in the process. She has a notoriously high opinion of herself (overcompensation for insecurities), such that she might declare, without irony, that her partner couldn’t do any better than her. She is an alpha of the first order, but unlike other signs that fall into this category, she is not an aggressor; on the contrary, Scorpio does everything by seduction, inviting every prospect and opportunity. She will have you do for her, unabashedly asking for favors, connections and entrées; and she couldn’t be more certain that, in granting her request, she’ll provide a feather to your cap. Circling back to Lucy,—even she was convinced she drove ’em wild; unaware of Schroeder’s eye rolls from the piano. The Scorpio paradox in a nutshell: bossy as hell, wearing the trousers; with who knows what underneath. Undeniably, it makes for a potent, if not figuratively lethal combination. She can kill off relationships with her selfish motivations. In truth she brims with skills and talents and wisdom and wiles. And if they don’t find proper expression and deepest appreciation, she will become cauldron of frustration and fury. She does not take her existence lightly, and you best not either. She incarnates all the mysteries of the ages, Mona Lisa smiling wryly, luring others to, and inspiring longing for, her. 

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2022 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Taurus 16° (May 6)

I do have to work into the evening tonight so I have to pace myself. I will go to the soft opening of Salty Market and by some (aptly) Maldon salt and olive oil and some breakfast tea which I desperately need. And I set back to work keeping my physical condition under wraps. Fat chance. One person says I look pale. Another says I look tired. Oops. My voice sounds terrible. A Virgo friend with a pharmaceutical purse feeds my Tylenol. Somehow moving around makes me feel a whole lot better. It is amazing what one tiny pill can do. Plus my whisky voice seems to be seductive. I’m working hard but not too; I’m in the flow. It is, as they say, all good. I like the vibe and I’m fine with just keeping getting my feet wet. In my fever-dream delirium last night I imagined the torment of this current process in my personal lives as being three separate whirlpools. I express that rather frankly and bluntly. I will get no word back of course but I think it’s clear that I’ve hit a wall. I know there is concern about an upcoming Zoom date; but I have to say that wee note from you know who, dispelling all and any illusion, has had a freeing effect of sorts. 

Scorpio Man

Scorpio’s path toward success and happiness is stealthy, biding his time, doing what is necessary, largely unseen, to bring about desired results. Ruled by Pluto, named for the god of the underworld and riches, Scorpio is likewise subversive, often gloomy, and suspicious, seeking to dig below the surface of people, places and things which he simply cannot accept on face value. The underworld symbolizes Scorpio’s own subconscious, in which he’s entrenched, wrestling with repressions, obsessions and a tendency toward possession. On the positive side, he is unswayed by distracting external climates; only the weather within determines his singular actions, not to mention his sting. He is most likely to be that proverbial mean kid and, all too often, the most vindictive of men, resulting from his own hurt and dejection. Success can be all too synonymous with revenge, a bad recipe in the end. He is loath to admit he is an egoist citing a string of insecurities to prove his point, still taking up a lot space and energy in so doing. His friendships tend to smack of hostage taking. A creature of subtext, he doles out backhanded compliments and takes jabs at those who populate his inner social circle, while being fiercely proprietary toward them. And should he sense someone slipping away, he will launch cloaked attacks, gaslight and spread narratives designed to discredit even once closest cronies, freezing them out. This fixed-watersign translates to ice, crystals and gems. He is the most paranoid of all the signs and not above such sabotage. The prime Pluto myth is that of his surprise abduction of the goddess Kore, who transform, 180°, into Persephone (Roman: Proserpina, prosperity, those riches). Scorpio man likewise takes a smash and snatch approach, lying in wait, until he can exact his agenda. His inferior interior voice tells him he’d be shot down were he to approach objective desires openly. Scorpio man will never risk rebuke. He will not venture that which he is uncertain to gain. He plots and makes every preparation to pull people and opportunities (too often one and the same) in. If friends are possessions, love objects are treasures, gems to be guarded. So clearly Scorpio has a lot of “relationship work” to do. Paranoia and fear of abandonment plague him, until he comes to realize they are self-fulfilling prophesy. This psychology is often rooted in his feeling unloved by his own mother, sadly, too frequent a fact of Scorpio man’s life. And so, he keeps most people at bay, picking and choosing those he’ll then put to the test with his subtextual slings and arrows. Only the few who can put up with his obsessive and possessive approach to life, and love him in spite of it, will actually pass through his fogged looking glass to find that he is really a benign and caring, profoundly devoted (though still dark-humored) prince among men who would lay down his life for those he loves. Drawing on the Pluto archetype, others include Orpheus, Dracula and The Beast of Beauty fame.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2022 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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