Month: February 2018 (page 7 of 12)

Aries Unlock

Sagittarius 11° (December 3)


the following is a transcript from our lecture series. all rights reserved:


The first sign of Aries is all about birth and new beginnings. The headstrong Ram is the symbol—we’re typically born head first. Aries is the cardinal-fire sign. It is a spark, and ignition of new experience. On the grand scale the spark of big bang creation but on a personal level it is our individual spark, our purpose, motivation. Aries is ruled by Mars, named for the Roman War god the Greek Ares (A-r-e-s) who, like the Ram, attacks life. He is fiercely single-minded in his sole objective. His emblem is the spear. He has a point.

Aries people tend most to be this way. Perhaps to a fault. Not that sensitive to their effect on others. But they illustrate the point. That we must put ourselves first. Our own oxygen masks on first. That we must all be one with our purpose.

So you must first ask yourself what is your point? What we you born to be? Are you being it? It all starts with living your purpose. And it’s never to late to do so. The first house rules the physical body. Embodiment. Mars rules the blood. What is in your blood?

Aries motto is I am. Being. Being and Embodiment. Buddha was an Aries. And, his brand of spirituality, and really Aries default brand of spiritualityis all about the capital S self.


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Copyright 2017 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2018 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Unlock Introduction Part Two

Sagittarius 10° (December 2)

We doubled up on our intial rehearsal today and got much done. We had a light soup of watercress and cauliflower for lunch so I didn’t get too slowed down, and had salmon with avocado,rice, salad for dinner

the following is a transcript from our lecture series. all rights reserved:

…figures and Libra the only inanimate symbol in the Zodiac in The Scales. I don’t know if anyone here is a Libra or knows someone who is but Libras do tend to be in a word abstract.

Okay, so yeah. The zodiac. I know what the zodiac is. First of all you don’t second of all have you ever stopped to ask yourself what this thing truly is. Or why it has not only survived down through the ages but it factors in to our lives on a pretty regular basis. You can’t pass a newstand or go online without some mention of astrology or the zodiac. It has somehow survived for eons, appealing to us on some level, keeping itself alive in our lives and imagination. But few people have ever really taken the time to examine the zodiac. To meditate on it as a mandala. We have of course. We’ve spent our life doing so. And over the years it has spoken to us. Not just in terms of reading our clients. But just on its own.

This thing. This thing. What is it. It’s meant to depict the circle of constellations in the sky. But have you ever seen the constellations? Do they really look like a Ram or a Bull or a SeaGoat? Not really. And it’s not important. The constellations were really just like ancient post-it notes that reminded the ancient peoples that, at this certain time of year or that, the energy “feels” rather Ram-like or Bullish or SeaGoaty??? Yes because these animals and humans and the scales are all symbols. They’re all metaphors for a set of ideas and feelings and directives, all of which are coded in this thing called the Zodiac. This thing we’re so used to seeing we ignore it. Well we don’t and neither should you.

Because we believe that the Zodiac itself is far more than the sum of its individual parts, signs and houses. It is, as a whole, something powerful. Just as it depicts our Solar System from our earthly perspective, IT IS A SYSTEM we believe. An ancient system for…ready…drumroll…for self-actualization. It’s an ancient self-help manual. It’s the original twelve-step program. And don’t think for one minute that our modern twelve-step programs aren’t based on the design of this twelve-step system. That’s the T.

We would be here for months if we were to provide you every in and out of why we know this to be true. Because every sign has associated with it innumerable attibutes and assignations. We are going to just stick to a few to illustrate each of the signs, the twelve steps, in quick succession. It’s just an overview but it will illustrate the logic of the zodiac as a system for ordering your life. You’ve heard of living a full-life? A whole life? A 365° experience of life. Well this little baby (the zodiac) has the answers and asks you the right questions. We even have a little questionnaire for you which we’ll send you away with to answer at your own leisure how about that?

So we’re going to focus on a few things. We’re going to focus on each of the sign’s mottos. We’re going to look at the element and what’s called the quality of each sign, in combination, and we might explore the symbol of the sign itself as well as the planetary rulership or each sign and perhaps touch on its body rulership or that of its age span or its associative myth. But that’s really it and we’re going to do it fast, because…(looks at watch) we want to leave plenty of time to sign your books and so forth before we all head off to our dinners. We’re meeting friends for Chinese food and we’re psyched.

Twelve. It’s the number of cosmic order. Three, a magic number associated with the divine (the trinity) times Four, a number or earthly existence, the elements and four corners of the world. Four elements—fire, earth, air, water—times three qualities—cardinal, fixed and mutable—make up the particular element-quality combination specific to each of the signs. Over your head don’t worry about it it’s fine.

In this reading of the zodiac. Let’s call it the 85th as yet unnamed branch of Astrology, let us remember the zodiac is a metaphor for you and you’re own journey. The zodiac’s twelve signs and houses really illustrate the different aspects of You, in turn, with encoded wisdom on how to fire on all these twelve cosmic cylinders if you will. In this philosophy, we look at people born any particular sun sign as just another attribute of it. They are simply the best, examples, literally personifications, of that sign’s particular energy. To help us understand it. Again, don’t worry you’re getting it.

Here we go. Wanna time it and see how fast we can do it?



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Copyright 2017 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2018 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Unlock Introduction Part One

Sagittarius 9° (December 1)

the following is a transcript from our lecture series. all rights reserved:

Hello. Thanks for coming. We are Starsky + Cox and we are Humanistic Astrologers for the most part. That is to say the astrology of the person and personality, tying the practice of astrology with that of psychology. Stella is a Mindful Meditation practitioner and soon to be practicing Positive Psychologist. We are both Metaphysicians and sometime Psychics. Quinn is especially so. We both are. Something we chalk up to our Celtic Blood Lines.

We both descend from families with certain mystical leanings—lots of witches—white witches—and we met here in Boston in the 80s at Logan Airport where we embarked on a junior year study abroad program from BU.

Besides the usual attraction—I like short men—and, me, classic beauty. We were was once in Nantucket visiting the Stillers, you know Jerry Stiller, Anne Meara, Ben’s parents. And I was walking behind Quinn and…on our way out for drinks and Anne Meara says to me. Don’t you just love short men?And I do. And we have been called, even by their own children, the Stiller and Meara of astrology. And the Nichols and May. And the Sonny and Cher. And the Shields and Yarnel.

Anyway…what was I saying, oh yes….apart from the usual attraction, what drew us together was the discover of our shared interest in astrology. And particularly in the notion that males and females of the same sign actually seemed to be very different. Ultimately this became the premise of our book Sextrology, which you’re all being “gifted” with your ticket price here tonight. Which is a great deal because it’s basically what the book costs at retail. So this part, the semi-seminar if you will is really just the sugar on top. But we will enlighten you for sure. And don’t worry if you’re not getting it all up here. Because you’re getting it on some level. It’s something of a transmission. So just let it wash over you. And anyway, it won’t last long. We want to save time for questions if you have any and also sign your books.

So, yes, Sextrology. Sextrology divides the zodiac into 24 signs, males and females being very much their own characters, drawing on different archetypes. And what is an archetype. Well at its core its an energy—isn’t everything?—but you might call it a living energy. Thus these archetypes were “personified” as gods by the ancients in every culture around the world—comparitive religion will point out how this Greek god is the same as that Indian god or Norse god or South Pacific god because, no matter what you name these energies, these archetypes, they remain the same. From the gods to the characters in fairy tales and in fiction, drama, art, dance, film, TV, even comic books and video games, we see the same basic set of prime and ancillary archetypes again and again and again. And each of the signs, each of the 24 signs, has main and ancillary archetypes associated with it. You each have your own set of archetypes on which you draw.

The psychologist Carl Jung, who was heavy into astrology, really brought the notion of archetypes into the mass consciousness and our brand of Humanistic Astrology, founded by someone called Dane Rudhyar, was in turn inspired in large part by the work of Jung. As a point of interest, you might like to know, that at last count there were actually 84 different branches of Astrology which speaks to the multi-purpose and multi-application of the Zodiac itself and how it serves as a metaphor and a mandala for everything. This is probably one of those bits that you’re not getting here, again just let it wash over you, and we’ll try to make it a bit clearer.

First, who here has had their chart read by an astrologer? Okay so you know when you see an astrologer they prepare a chart for you. It’s a wheel, looks like this. (Show Chart) It’s the wheel of the Zodiac, the full Zodiac. And what makes each of our charts unique—New York, unique, New York—is the particular pattern which, when one factors in all the planets and asteroids, is as individual as a finger print. Even twins born minutes apart will have different birth charts, natal charts. And anyway, twins tend to gravitate toward different ends of the spectrum of chart interpretation but that’s another subject.

So you can pass that around. And what we look at, as astrologers, is the placement of the planets in the various twelve signs in the various twelve houses, and the connections between these planets. That tells us the basic story of your life, your strengths and weaknesses, your potentials and pitfalls, your purposes and challenges to overcome. In our private practice with clients it is the first thing we look at. We will use other charts, too, to tell us where you might be in any given time in your life journey but we always relate those back to the original natal chart.

We read the chart counter clockwise from 3’oclock. And the houses are numbered 1-12 all the way around. Now in “Carlo”‘s chart the first house is ruled by the sign of TK, the second by TK and so forth all the way around. But in the Natural Zodiac the first sign is Aries, second Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo all the way around to the twelfth sign of Pisces. These signs are the Natural Rulers of the Houses of their same number. So no matter what sign rules Carlo’s first house or your first house, the first house itself is always associated with the sign of Aries and its ruling planet Mars and all the innumerable qualities and assignations that go along with the sign of Aries.

The first house is that of Self, among other things. And, I don’t know if any of you are Aries or know someone that is, they tend to be pretty Self-y if not ish. And there is a reason for that. Well a “reason”. It harkens back to those energies those archetypes. Just as they’ve been personified as gods and characters in literature and so forth, they also live in us and we are personifications of them. Over your head it’s okay don’t worry about it. It’s sinking in some where.

We can take Carlo’s chart back. Okay so that is a person’s individual birth chart. Separate from but of course related to the Zodiac itself. That gorgeous circle with its twelve signs depicted by these beautiful mythical creatures and “fantastic beasts” (to answer the proverbial question: this is where to find them). The Zodiac means circle of animals. It shares the same root word as Zoo. And indeed eleven of the twelve signs are depicted by animals if you count humans as animals since Virgo and Aquarius both have human


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Copyright 2017 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2018 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

I’d Like To Thank

Sagittarius 8° (November 30)


This will be a putting together of Acknowledgements. I’d like to acknowledge William Blake and William James. And Webern and Schoenberg and Mondrian and Kandinsky. I’d like to thank Grace Jones, Bryan Ferry, and the lady I saw in a one-breasted gold lamé gown dancing at Castel in 1985.


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Copyright 2017 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2018 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

See More An Introduction

Sagittarius 7° (November 29)

New Book Intro:


In the decade plus years since the publishing of Sextrology, our seminal work, we have continued to develop our theories and notions about what it means to be the star-sign you are, and what resources for self-empowerment does your symbolically rich star-sign provide. The “estate” of each sign is comprised of so many archetypally charged symbols, numbers, planets, myths, elements, metaphysics, animal and plant totems, and objects of power. But the forces of the Zodiac aren’t static but infinitely DYNAMIC, round and round on what astrology would hope for you is an upwardly spiral staircase.

As soon as we put pencils down on Sextrology we began to fill notebooks for what could come next. And it turned out what comes next is what comes next. We’re going to bridge the genres of astrology and personal development here, for the first time, to employ the Zodiac, in this volume, to determine DIRECTION for each of the signs


with its mysterious symbol and planetary guidance and mythic association





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Copyright 2017 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2018 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Coming, World

Sagittarius 6° (November 28)

I’m hard pressed to make a reckoning of what all might have happened since we created that range of jewelry way back when. We had the notion you see to create a range of jewelry, based on the symbology, and even original designs thereof we had made up to illustrate our books, into a collection of charm necklaces by sign. Jewelers we knew with their own collection called Ten Thousand Things said they wanted to do it. So we created twelve charm necklaces for women, with five specific charms of our own divining. These are what got the major press in magazines. And there was another line of more unisex necklaces in an i-d pendant style. They were a big hit commercially, which was perhaps unexpected. Anyway, it was a beautiful experiment but our collaborators were focused on their own brand. As were we. We kept the name, but it was lodged in the backs of our brains that we would some day soon pick up that ball and run with it. And over the years we began to design the concept for what AsterCast should be: The most beautiful and truly empowering fully customizable collection of potent charms, amulets and precious stones that the customer can arrange in powerful combinations.

I must make it so I need the sense of creating demonitized dynasty. Since last incarnation we published a second major book as well as launched a series of yearly astrology books. One of us got a master’s degree in psychology, we hosted a successful radio show and guested regularly on top-rated cable shows, we contributed columns to, among others, Allure, Vogue Paris and German Glamour magazines and to The Daily Beast. As fashion and design experts of note, we contriuted numerous features to Neimann Marcus’ The Book as well as collaborating with, creating content for: Chandelier, MAC, Kyle Minogue, Selfridges, Harvey Nichols, Marc Jacobs, Colette, Nokia.

We formed a festival, in its 8th year and 3rd year series at American Repertory Theater . Stella is creator of American Baroness, a TK and Quinn is creator of the Cosmic Blague, a daily reckoning of a life careening through space at TK MPH on an orb with a circumference of X and a diameter of Y. Peformed a Starsky + Cox musical show.


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Copyright 2017 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2018 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Peoplegraphs One

Sagittarius 5° (November 27)

Paragraphs I want to deliver people:


I am really happy for your success and I see into you and know what you’re up against. You feel it could have all been different, that you’d be bigger; so you pretend not to hurt at taking the jobs you do, even though they would be great for somebody—they’re just not great for you. So you fake it. And you puff it up and you will blow it out and milk it, of these things I have no doubt. I’m going to try and experiement and offer my services to you. I can co-produce things. I can act. I can do whatever. I think there is great potential here. I really wish you’d stop smoking. It’s so gross. And all the whistling in the graveyard meanwhile. The thing is you lied. You did. You put on a show for your “manager” whom we knew and you blew that relationship because you said we were going to pay you some ridiculous some when the plan was to split 50/50 whatever we made which was nothing. When he came over you turned it on and preteneded we were mid conversation about “wrapping up our deal” when that wasn’t true at all. I ended up giving you a quarter of what you asked for just because. And still you didn’t really do right by the relationship. You rather threw it under the bus. But we have to rise above. And we can never bring it up to you—you would only go on the attack again. It goes with the territory being me: I have to let so much slide and suffer such slings sometimes. I have to be the bigger person. That’s what I am all about, in this lifetime anyway. In the next one the gloves may be off.


#2 And you. You seem to forget one basic fact in your forging through every conversation: you don’t have to make a living. You could basically do nothing, ah but there’s the rub. You still seem to choose to call yourself X when X mightn’t be your strongest suit and, because you have unlimited time and resources, you can afford to be just okay. And that would be fine. But you challenge us all to critique you all the time. It really can be exhausting. And the truth is no, you’re not the best in the world at X; but that wouldn’t even matter if we thought you were having fun doing it. There is no good or bad at X or anything. There is just the love of the do. I would do anything to help you see that forest for the trees. Just enjoy it more and we’ll all enjoy it more. Just throw it out there and don’t need anything in return. Performing should be one big long way of saying Fuck It. And the truth is I do really value your friendship and I want to speak honestly. I do think you have talent and I’ve thought so since the first time I saw you when, I think, you were, purposefully or not, being very simple. Simple really works for you. Light and simple and sweet is, well, the sweet spot of how you shine. I really believe in you. I wish you believed more in yourself. And I wish you’d stop hanging around malignant narcisissits who have become reliant on your worship. Idolatry isn’t good. You are your own true goddess. Do an incantation to YOUR higher power.


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Copyright 2017 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2018 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Martha Called Me A Mage

Sagittarius 4° (November 26)

A whole bunch of interesting folk are born on February 8. You might think this isn’t à propos but it is.

 The Cosmic Blague will largely be synonymous with living up to being some kind of modern Mage. The truth is I am endowed with pretty stellar psychic ability but the fact I can’t control it in any way shape or form, and that it’s taken me a lifetime to trust it, precludes any patting myself on the back for any of it. And yet it is part of me. And there are funny stories, one including a fence, and one including an old man in Rome, that pop to mind. I cannot wait to be able to take two trains with an overnight to Rome again. The phrase make it so has lately been ringing in my ears. This begins February 19 of next year.

 On March 21, I will walk up stairs and create my first official tweet of a new era. I will be speaking with you, much like this, telling the world what I plan to do hourly, daily, weekly. I will tell you that I am studying a sex-sign per fortnight. (And I’ll be making notes for my next big book). I will also be, in part each day, Blaguing again about the Sabian Symbols, making some Poetic Notes on the Sabian Symbols. And I will talk about my discoveries of the sign of Aries man, for example, and engage the audience. So that’s book, two being given a little sugar. I think I might even work a bit on the aura books. Making some notes on the vibration of color and so forth. We can explore the entire enterprise and estate of each day.

Maybe we can come up with 360 degree symbols based on the Sabian symbol. That could be beautiful.

Noted. I think the notion of our being in Europes for Haute Couture means we must start exploring all those casts and characters. I look so forward to leading with asthetics for a while in my life. The showbiz life is one thing, and it is my primary love, but after some time you end up feeling just like a person who was born in a trunk.

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Copyright 2017 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2018 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Blond Girls

Sagittarius 3° (November 25)


I must remember that Sagittarius 3° is where I work on drafting the letter to sponsors this year—returning, lapsed, would-be or Sparklers. Wow so that’s actually more than several different sponsor letters I’ll need in all. I’m not sure what I’ll say but I’m sure to say something. Why it is I can’t bring myself yet to even think about it not withstanding, it may be that I need to find a new relationship to fundraising. I may need to get some blond girls on board. Anyway here goes.

I hope this finds you well, in the eleventh week of winter, looking forward to spring and all it brings. We are extra excited on our end to be planning the eigth annual Afterglow Festival in Provincetown. Year seven felt like a milestone, year eight already feels more dug in and we hope, with your help, will prove to be transformational.


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Copyright 2017 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2018 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox


Sagittarius 2° (November 24)






Amond Butter









Fancy Olive Oil

Olive Oil







Trio Peppers



Red Onion







Sweet Potato






Bok Choy






Plum Tomato



Shredded Coconut

Almond Milk

Date Palm Sugar


Chick Peas



Red Chili Flakes

Whole Chicken


Fish 2







Dish Soap

Hand Soap

Paper Towel


Small White Trash Bags


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Copyright 2017 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2018 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

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