Month: May 2019 (page 2 of 3)

Enough Is Enough

Taurus 25° (May 16)


I was thinking how it is, during the lead up to the election, that one of the new rules of the game, as Democrats, this time around, is that we aren’t “supposed” to say anything negative about any of the Democratic nominees, especially certain ones. So as we deal with the far right telling us that facts are fake news, our fellow democratic allies tell us we can’t air our opinions either if it’s going to be what they consider negative or “divisive.” First of all I didn’t realize that airing ones opinion from the privacy of ones own laptop could wield such power, and, second, grow the fuck up. I champion your right to your opinion and you should champion mine and everyone else’s, especially if we are talking nuance of personalities and policies within our own party. For example, I think Beto is a wannabe pop star and a bad political candidate and a narcissist who thinks posting a video of himself getting a haircut is interesting while Elizabeth Warren, who will likely not get the nomination (because she is a woman) is the most qualified and inspiriting person running in the field. Notice I said “I think.” In case you forgot that means that this is my opinion. I might also say “I believe”, an other indication I’m expressing an opinion. I have also said things like “my spidey sense tells me” (which is even less an expression of an opinion but what is commonly known as a hunch), for instance, that Bernie might be something of a plant in the presidential race. I don’t have to back it up with evidence. I’m not saying it’s a fact. I’m saying it’s a hunch. I am just as entitled to my hunches as I am to my opinions. And so are you. I have had people, actually friends, threaten to unfollow or unfriend me on social media because I’ve aired such “feelings” (I’m using this, now, as a synonym for hunch) because they “can’t handle it?” Really? you can’t handle people having opinions or airing their hunches in public? Well yes then please do unfriend or unfollow me because you sound pretty unstable to me. Meanwhile these are typically the same people that go on their own rants and jags. It’s cool whatever. The following will seem very similar to what I just said but that’s okay. I ranted separately in like fashion and am just pasting it in here.

I think it’s so important to realize that we are the majority albeit largely unarmed. At that I won’t say deplorables but I will say purposefully disenfranchised (that goal of not offering free education and healthcare in American society) have been made to feel desperate (feeling you’ve nothing to lose makes you dangerous) and militarized and bred to believe that the educated, motivated lovers of democracy who would seek to elevate that manipulated (made) segment of our population are the enemy of the people. Republicans are divided into a number of related camps. There are those who don’t want this country to be a democracy but a plutocracy bordering on an autocracy; the Russians are and have been involved for decades and there is a Republican camp that has been comprised to varying venal degrees that they are towing the plutocratic line because of the kompromat on them; and there are the so-called evangelicals. If the population is saddled with debt and no education (thus poverty level income) no healthcare which is more burdensome if you have babies and more mouths to feed then it is miles more difficult to rise from that disenfranchised state; and the Republican machinery continues to point the finger at us as the culprit so those poor people continue to villainize us and vote for them and learn to hate more and more based on race, gender, sexual orientation and religion. This is isn’t accidental. This has been designed for more than a half century. Graham, Barr, McConnell, on and on…they are not only the true culprits but the most compromised. They’ve had to sell their souls and band together. Even the devil-in-chief, who has been pro choice all his life, has had to change his tune. In his case (and the Russians knew this) that thing, like the Mountain in GOT, has no conscience and no humanity left in him. But we have to change tack too. Yes we must continue to do battle armed with justice and ideals and the Constitution but we must do more. We must first remember there are more of us then of them. And though we shouldn’t become militant and start buying guns ourselves—this would only be line their pockets anyway—we do need to wrap ourselves in true patriotic ideals and keep standing up together. As the Democratic leaders move toward (self-) impeachment we need to get ready for the fight of our lives. There should be weekly protests starting now. We need our politicians, yes, but also other voices. The power of celebrity can really work in our favor the way it did during the Viet Nam era. Only then John and Yoko leading the charge were still grass roots, humble individuals despite their wealth, a great deal of which they spent on peace and freedom. They weren’t going from award show to award show wondering what to wear next on the red carpet. They were in the same hotpants and jeans they wore yesterday. They weren’t deciding which interior designer would do up their next mansion, they were using their bed as a war room. Even our own “downtown” performers these days have lost their spirit of activism and are much more concerned about their own hair and wardrobe and what ussies they’re taking with their (even more) celebrity “friends.” What happened to us? What happened to War Is Over (if you want it)? What happened to Power to the People? Pre election, we all must know, that there will be a Trumped up reason to start yet another when we are still fighting two others (and those are just the ones that are on the books). This is Cersei Lannister stocking that explosive green stuff under the city and we are like so many Margery Tyrells, slowly boiling frogs, getting incrimentally used to the newest daily normal not noticing what is potentially really going on here. All the evils are related and money making. The building of “tent cities” aka concentration camps along our border lines the pockets of those building them while young girls, mainly, get separated and sold into sex slavery. But they are also an “invasion” so they are villified as they are victimized. The wall is a developmental contract for someone giving major kickbacks. And we infight over the fact that we can’t have our own opinions about which democratic candidate is crappy or not? Because that’s divisive. Beto is a bad candidate Warren is a good one. Are you going to get on me for saying that in this rant du jour? Are you going to unfriend me because I’d rather have Kamala than Bernie and say so? Am I your enemy? Or are you just being further distracted while you peruse pictures for the most recent Met Gala?

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Cranking Up

Taurus 24° (May 15)


Another great and harrowing (nerves on edge) Fosse/Verdon. My real red-haired mother (who took me to see Chicago with the original cast) and Gwen Verdon must have been so similar as people because I swear Michelle Williams is channeling her. The voice, the laugh, the way she holds her body. And I’ve counted now five actual exact wardrobe items. Anybody out there who knew Peggy please watch and tell me if I’m wrong. It’s truly freaky. Consider that somewhat of a late Mother’s Day posting. (Like most holidays, it’s something I avoid, because it’s truthfully just too damn painful.) I never stay up late enough to watch the show when it airs, so Wednesday mornings are my ususal viewing time, over coffee. But honestly I felt as if I needed a sedative, myself, after watching Sam Rockwell do his Fosse bit, which married so tightly to the film All That Jazz. Meanwhile the girly playing Ann Reinking has the voice down pat. I wonder what the really Annie thinks about it all. (Quick break to Google her). Wow she’s been married four times and none to Bob Fosse.

It’s still so fucking freezing out, here, in New England. Anyway I’ve got to continue my work today and that means polishing up some thoughts, still, on the sign of Aries:

Ares starts wars, the first to charge into attack just as his more ancient shepherd status saw him likewise leading his “charge”, that is to say, the sheep in his keep. Leadership, initiation, action, ambition are all Aries’ strongest suits, as is coming on strong in situations, for better or worse. Aries energy is lean and mean. People of the sign travel light, unwilling to be saddled with unnecessary emotional baggage or undue responsibility for others. They stick to a specific, niche agenda, focussed narrowly on a singular goal at any given time. They do, however, expect others to support their causes and further their aims, taking even seeming disinterest in their enterprises very personally indeed. The shadow side of the warrior is that s/he is most readily affronted and deeply wounded by others’ opinions, behavior or attitude (in regard to them) which the rest of us may more easily shrug off. The sign’s motto I am is more than a declaration of self-evidence, it is one of an overblown sense of importance. They don’t take much in, blasé about what you or we might be up to, but they do expect others to experience and appreciate their impact.

The first astrological house is that of self, but also of the physical body. And embodiment is a key factor in the Aries experience. These are not vague, floppy or whatever type people. Aries are individuals who are one with their purpose, exemplars of embodiment. No other sign is more comfortable in their skin. Buddha was born under this sign and the default brand of Aries spirituality is rather DIY. Aries outsource nothing  on that score looking to themselves as the be all end all of their existence. What these spiritual warriors do struggle with is their need for atten-hut!The titles of the Aries male and female chapters in our book, Sextrology, are The Oneand The Original, respectively. Aries man, with his signature bluster and sense of entitlement, takes up a lot of space and  is especially engineered to live life as if he were the only person on the planet, for better or worse. Aries woman none too patiently demands credit for her unique abilities and ideas, expecting others to fast-track her ambitions. Both are determined to win this contest called life. The sproating horns of the Aries symbol, a sign of dominance for the male, is also called the wise brow and nose of Athena, signifying acumen in the female. Taken together, Aries is about taking the top spot, unapologetically emerging onto whatever desired scene, being held up as exemplary, premier, first and foremost.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Getting There

Taurus 23° (May 14)


So yesterday was pretty interesting in the end. I did manage to get very creative and let my imagination go a little wild and enjoyed some alone time just doing some home grooming and going through some clothes and costumes really. I’m going to focus now on getting some more thoughts on Aries down on paper, having moved the needle a bit, too, on casting the festival and series. People are by and large seeming very dysfunctional and disconnected. I know it’s because of this cultural (if you can call it that) climate. We have to all step up our pussies at this point. While, on the note, even Drag Race seems rigged. The thing we need to do is be kind to one another. This is the most important thing we can do. We need to emphasize the fact that we are the majority. That Above Us Only Skydocumentary of John & Yoko really hit the fact home. It harkened to a time when even celebrities didn’t want to be—they struggled against it in the name of artistry. I have gotten myself so riled up by what’s going on in our country and yet shouldn’t I be outraged. Shouldn’t we organize and take to the streets. Isn’t this outrageous enough? Maybe not for enough people. Anyway I have spent the morning enraged so I better get back to some astrological thoughts that need doing. Right as I said I was talking about Aries:

Aries also governs the human ages of birth to seven years, that which is defined by adjectives like “terrible” and nouns like “tantrum”, when a person is at once the most helpless and the most shriekingly selfish and demanding, others be damned. Even supposedly fierce Mars/Ares was a big baby who would run from the battlefield crying for his mommy if he received the slightest wound. There is a lot to unpack here. The cardinal-fire sign, which translates to a spark (of life), our ignition and animation, also signifies our purpose, the Aries personality can be impulsive and reactionary and unbridled—think Jack Jack in The Incredibles. Mars signifies pure energy, that fight, spearheading goals and otherwise taking life by storm, but it also translates to the other adrenalin effect, that of flight. Athena mainly stays above the fray, employing strategy and diplomacy and prudence to support her aims. And so it is no surprise that the most singularly directed of sign-energies in the Zodiac, that Aries people are themselves singular, self-motivated, me-me-me, every wo/man for themself. They typically have pinpointed campaigns and quests they’re determined to go on and they do so, unapologetically, with a certain vigiliance. It’s as if they can’t separate what might appear to us to be selfish-from a self-originating sense of duty toward the fulfillment of their objectives. Aries feel they were bornto do whatever they aim for—that it is in their Mars-ruled blood— endowed (and sometimes burdened) with an outsized mantle of import; such that the pull of said goals feels heightened to that of a spiritually calling. Or maybe it’s vice versa—that Aries people, by virtue of their ardor, lend their pursuits this exaggerated sense. The point is that the singular Aries, despite their gender, doesn’t second guess it. Incidentally, Aries people seem to be most binary in nature in regard to gender with a smaller sector of trans people among them as compared with other signs.

            In our book Sextrology, we likened the Aries woman to the female sheep—hey Ewe!—who keeps herself aloft, on her climb, watching male rivals vie for her below; mostly this speaks to the Aries’ woman’s ability to raise herself above arguments in wise Athenian fashion, if not pit opponents against one another to elevate her own position. And though there is the usual overlap between the sexes of the same sign, you still might say with confidence that, as a rule, Aries man tends to be embody the warrior most often on the frontline, while Aries woman is cooly strategizing from her metaphoric war room. She may may adopt lambish air if only to pull the wool. Why sheep?, you may ask. Well, besides the warlike qualities of the Ram, in mythology, the war god Ares/Mars evolved from an agrarian shepherd god, really a male fertility figure. Possibly deriving from the more ancient Minoan snake goddesses, armed as they are with serpents, and also from the bird goddesses like the wargoddess Inana and Ishtar, Athena, with her signature breastplate—the sheepskin aegisthat bears the venomous snake-haired head of the Gorgon—is associated with the owl, her wise totem, whose form she takes. Snakes and birds. Athena emerged a defender deity, among other attributes, as a palace goddess, inextricably linked to namesake Athens, although her Pallas pre-fix is more suggestive of phallus than palace, as she is eternally depicted wearing full masculine, martial garb.

            We likewise link Athena, in the biblical line, to Lilith, Adam’s first wife, predating Eve just as Aries precedes Taurus, whose own female archetype isEve and other such “innocents.” Lilith and Adam split up because they both preferred the top position, and she was winged—that element of flight—with serpentine qualities all her own. You might say all of the associative Aries goddesses are archetypes of feminism—and we do find a slew of feminists born under this sign, Gloria Steinem included. The symbols for Athena is a triangle or diamond shape set upon a cross—these portray yoni power above all. It is not a passive symbol of reception like the Venus glyph with it’s circular womb above a crossed staff (hymen), but, like Mars’ own genital “spear-and-shield ” symbol, it is one of definite action, even if on the defensive, blocking, a hard-knocks nod to the Ram, which, in nature, thus vividly defends its flock. The gender dialectic between men and women, cisgender or transgender, in the sign of Aries, is  not one of the virile masculine to the passive feminine but along a spectrum spanning from the purest objectifying masculinity to the most ardent feminism, refusing objectification.

            No surprise the sign of Aries rules the head—we enter the world head first, as a rule, and Aries people never abandon that trajectory. This speaks to the Aries experience, suggesting they come into this world armed with their sense of purpose and ambition, again, Athena, born in full armour, ready to do battle.  She is the goddess of helmsmen, those steering the ship—she and brother Ares wear plumed helmets—and the Aries personality is pinioned on leadership and taking the reins. Ares starts wars, the first to charge into attack just as his more ancient shepherd status saw him likewise leading his “charge”, that is to say, the sheep in his keep. Leadership, initiation, action, ambition are all Aries’ strongest suits, as is coming on strong in situations, for better or worse. Aries energy is lean and mean. People of the sign travel light, unwilling to be saddled with unnecessary emotional baggage or undue responsibility for others. They stick to a specific, niche agenda, focussed narrowly on a singular goal at any given time. They do, however, expect others to support their causes and further their aims, taking even seeming disinterest in their enterprises very personally indeed. The shadow side of the warrior is that s/he is most readily and deeply wounded by circumstance the rest of us may more easily shrug off.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Gimme A Break

Taurus 22° (May 13)


I should like to not find a piano player and perhaps just have very little song in my show, such that I can block out a few chords and just do it that way. Maybe even speak to that in the end. It will now take me all June really to get the show in order but that does give me two months to slowly rehearse it and, who knows, maybe I will bring Drew to Boston for a couple of days and knock things out that way. I get to take a little break today because, you’ll notice that we are in the point of the journey around the wheel where the 365 days have gone past the 360 degrees of the Zodiac wheel. So today, like yesterday is still Taurus 22° and I’m taking this as an opportunity to write very little and pick up this conversation in the next installment. Cosmic Blaguer needs a Cosmic Breather.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox


Taurus 22° (May 12)


So it’s mother’s day and I’m going to stay put after all. I was going to go to Boston then on to Portland but I’m staying put after all. The weather is supposed to be cold and rainy and crappy. When does it not rain. I feel as if the clime has really shifted and we have English weather or something. Anyway, I was going to meet my friend Ken but he is going anyway and I would be making a special trip. Besides I’ve got a boat load of stuff to do and I should hunker down and do what’s on my plate. There is a computer geek I might reach out to as lord knows we need one. Going to take it easy mostly and maybe get some nice beer in house. I’m loving that Devil’s Purse I have to say and as beer always makes me snore it’s best I drink it when I’m alone and have the chance without ruining someone else’s nights sleep. Basically, it being Sunday, I’m just existing long enough to watch Game of Thrones in any case. I wonder if there is any benefit to being on LinkedIn. I’m going to say no. It hurts my feelings when people I’ve been friends with don’t return my direct messages. I know it shouldn’t but there is this one person who pursued and befriended us when we first moved to Provincetown years ago and we hung out and really enjoyed time together, though I always felt that she thought we could be of some benefit to her. She was frustrated I think because her acting career didn’t take off despite the fact she was the offspring of famous writer/actor (and an heiress mother, which didn’t hurt) without ever having to work a day in her life. She was in her thirties then. And lo and behold in her 40s her career did actually take off and she doesn’t now give us the time of day. I find it so weird. I guess she’s just one of those people who see other people as either serving a purpose for her or not. She is married to this guy who also has never had to work a day in his life. Her mother bought them houses here and there and he’s just this hipster that skulks around. They really are the biggest phony baloneys on the planet and yet, damaged individual that I am, I still feel hurt that they seem to blow me off. I really shouldn’t be I know. Anyway I’m going to stop there because I sound too sad-sacky otherwise. I’ll just add one thing: They have kids who are young teens, barely so, and they are already stuck up little prigs as well.

Well GOT was kind of a let down despite the high production values. I mean they are setting it up to make Dany just some hysterical woman. And we spent years watching people slowly travel north to south and back again over whole seasons and now it seems people can just beam from place to place. I thought last week was bad enough: That we can defeat the Night King in one episode. Really? After all that build up? It just took a dagger? And now this week we fight an entire other war and, while last week a dragon was knocked from the sky by a single arrow, okay two arrows, and Dany had to flee on her ride, this week she manages to wipe out the entire fleet in one go and then destroy an entire city. Suddenly, I guess, dragon fire has the power to cut through stone. I don’t know, it’s a shame that I’m becoming disappointed. And how the fuck are they going to wrap up all remaining story lines in one last episode. I think it will be the obvious. Honestly, I hope Jon (Kit Harrington bugs me and always has) and Dany kill each other. I kind of hate them both. And that Sansa gets the throne somehow with Arya as her hand. That would be my vote. Meanwhile Sophie Turner is already now an action hero in the Xmen franchise taking over the Jean character from Famke. S. said that it all seems like a big fuck you. Like the point of it was just to have all these actors, directors and the lot making big bank, which they have done. Apparently in the books, which I’ll never have time to read, the Catlyn Stark character didn’t die but sort of lived on as a different shadowy entity. I would have liked to have seen her. I liked the Red Woman the best. But here I am talking about GOT because apparently I GOT nothing better to do.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox


Taurus 21° (May 11)


Aries: Instinct Drive Honesty Force Physicality Lust Vigilance Ambition Spirit Initiative Objectivity Directivity Muscle Selfhood Libido Reality Realness Autonomy Action Id Temper Ingenuity Edge Enterprise Arrogance

Taurus: Sensuality Value Bliss Ease Relaxation Cultivation Materialism Stuff Possession Ownership Appetite Hunger Beauty Attraction Innocence Temptation Naivete Allure Nature Beauty Stick-to-itiveness Persistence Pleasure

Gemini: Thought Smarts Nerve Savvy Curiosity Versatility Savvy Excitement Stimulation Transaction Community Disruption Provocation Immediacy Cunning Wit Style Flash Trickery Companionship Information Communication Intimacy

Cancer: Intuition Hope Mysticism Promise Deliverance Flow Rhythm Recovery Direction Care Guidance Determination Trust Security Appeal Acceptance Guts Providence Nurture Irony Expression Wishcraft

Leo: Strength Backbone Courage Authority Loyalty Restoration Passion License Nobility AutocracyDedication Edification Leisure Play Tyranny Protection Heart Ego Authenticity Fun Play Recreation Creation Confidence Pride Sanctimony

Virgo: HealingProgress Improvement Discretion Discrimination Conscience Devotion Composition Lemonade Service Work Functionality Sympathy Virtue Vulnerabity Cure Core Purity Alchemy Ingenuity Diligence Humanity Invention Self-help Humility

Libra: Character Light Charm Harmony Principle Prophecy Idealism Glamour Class Cool Reason Equipoise Order Balance Craft Peace Perfection Elan Elegance Poetry Elevation Temperance Fairness Abstraction Relationship Karma Justice Temperance Solidarity Society

Scorpio: Seduction Mystery Investigation, Subtext Desire Shade Possession Stealth Surprise Chemistry Meaning Sex(y) Psyche Magnetism Mesmerism Control Gravitas Depth Subterfuge Captivation Gaslighting Strategy Investment Sting Silence Profit Regeneration Transformation Elimination Proof Deception

Sagittarius: Freedom Pizzazz Jazz Philosophy Wanderlust Genius Radiance Spontaneity Understanding Power Knowledge Expansion Magnanimity Generosity Abundance Exaggeration Bigness Risk Reward Optimism Ecstacy Exaltation Success Greatness

Capricorn: Faith Ascension Superiority Icon Dignity Ease Structure Exclusivity Stature Containment Preservation Reservation Tradition Culture Endurance Patience Solemnity Perseverance Posterity Glory Eternity Gravitas Atonement Renunciation Honor Footing

Aquarius: Communion Grace Joy Truth Revelation Diversity Eccentricity Uniqueness Unicorn Futurism Inspiration Vision Camp Universality Quirkiness Mutation Evolution Revolution Prescience Distance Detachment Individuation

Pisces: Belief Fantasy Delusion Illusion Imagination Magic Dreaming Love Compassion Symbiosis Dissolution Empathy Sacrifice Transcendence Release Interindependence Memory Oneness Meditation Nirvana Serenity Distillation Solvency


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

One More No More

Taurus 20° (May 10)


Today might be a bit tough. I wasn’t in the best mood last night as a result of, well, a number of things. Reptiles of the mind as Blake put it. I don’t know what’s preventing me from moving forward these last few days. I mean I haven’t completely dropped the ball I’m just having a hard time not being distracted. There really is no reason to be, just my mind being a bit wacked out is all these days. I am trying to do better I really am. I’m looking forward to this trip away as a mental health break and hope to make some decisions about work and so forth before things start speeding out of summer control as they always do (let’s not kid ourselves). I will have to take my lumps meanwhile and try to figure out the path through. For starters I need to work on finishing up some of the sign intros for next year’s book. But it will have to keep because over the last couple of days I have let al my chores slip, giving into sloth and gluttony and other such sins. Speaking of sins I saw a funny movie called I think Small Hours or something to that effect, about fourteenth century nuns. I thought it was going to be serious and pastoral when I clicked it on but as the credits began to roll I realized it was going to be a comedy with Dave Franco, Molly Shannon and John C. Reilly. It was kind of dumb but in a benign and humorious way. Unlike Wine Country by Amy Poehler who, I’m sorry, is a total hack.

I will use this day to heal and catch up. I think not only that the only way out is through, but I think some of my recent upset and falling into a bit of a hole is part of the journey toward soaring which I intend to do. I really do need, first, to make some ammends which I will do; but mainly I need to give myself a good talking to, as Dylan said. My nerves definitely need a bit of soothing and I shall endeavor to take the next fortnight to put everything back on track and hopefully get back into the hot room. That is a personal goal of mine to be sure. Not that I fancy driving to Brewster every day but the point is I could. I think some shorter trips in the car might be good for me; I don’t expect you to know what that means as it refers to an inner struggle I’m working myself through. It will all be right in the end. I have hope for my immediate future and see no reason to postpone my joy. I have a ways to go and I have to take it a moment at a time really but the good news is I think I might do so fairly successfully and over the next two weeks I hope to walk on the beach every single day. It is time I believe to make that a reality. There are certain things I can put off and other things that I cannot. This falls into the second category.

Some of the main thoughts I need to get down on paper presently: Devising all the keywords for our new t-shirts. Really getting to the bottom of sic. Casting the festival and putting all fundraising into place. I have already spent the hour reorganizing my schedule. This has to be a marathon and not a sprint and I really want to honor myself and get a piece of work together that is cathartic. I might buy myself some nerve tonic in the coming days to see if there is any real effect from it. We shall see. There is some basic stuff you can get at CVS. I’d like to see if it can help with the inevitable bouts of anxiety over the course of the next several weeks. I need focus and concentration too. And meditation and silence. I know that with steady diligence I have the power to pull this off. I just need to embody the real meaning of the word courage: really just moving through. That’s my main goal here. I have some dragons to slay. To be sure, is Miss McKay would say.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Taurus 19° (May 9)


Trump and Bernie share voters. Stewart Copeland made a The Police movie. There is an ad for a show hosted by a guy who used to be a white supremist and now helps that tribe disengage. Mixed feelings about pretty much everything. I cannot believe that only an hour has gone by. I also cannot believe that at entire hour has gone by. The United States has just taken over a North Korean ship. The more things heat up the more they will heat them up. I was looking at things to do in Portland. I really want to have a great time while in town there. I’m thinking I will call for early check in and leave Boston around nine then get there by eleven. I think it would be fun to do a long walk up to the Eastern Promenande and East Bayside. The next morning I will do the West. I will make my hotel time the five to eight time. I think I’ll have dinner at the Press the first night. I have dinner plans for Fore Street on night two. I don’t have to get on the iCloud. I need some encrypted stuff in my life and system. I don’t want to know different passwords. I will put my old-school hard drive into a safe deposit box. Watching old Fosse & Verdon clips from the b/w sixties. So proud of our friend who wrote the latest Fosse Verdon. A part of me needs to have a small presence in Portland, where I have always wanted to live.

I woke up feeling pretty poorly. Not sure if it’s allergies or cold or what. But I swear I can feel my uvula when I swallow. I was walking around and felt like a small bone shifted inside my head and it was a positive adjustment. I have never had any sacro cranaial or whatever it’s called but it was something I imagine like that. A small shift in skull alignment? Why not. I feel a large life force inside me that needs certain expression. If I tell myself that I can’t take my fingers from the keyboard what is to keep them from sticking to typing away. Nothing. I flash back to the short time I lived in Hoboken hovering outside of New York City for a few years before I moved to the West Village. I was still living there when I made my Broadway debut. It had been twelve years since I left my native New Jersey for New England and Europe; but I suppose it is fitting that the Jersey boy is the one to have debuted on Broadway. If by 430, two hours from now, I could take a nap I might be energized enough, later, to forge on. With KC DC and Katy Tur and Hallie Jackson added to Nicole Wallace and Stephanie Ruel (spelling?) it’s hard to keep straight the women of MSNBC.

Some days are just a slog. It’s the way it goes. I said the other day how much more I have to say when I’m in a city. But when I’m just back at the beach working on things that need to be worked on, there isn’t that much more to talk about. And yet there is a secret center of the sublime within the more prosaic experiences. I am soon (the phone rings) and I forget what I was going to say because a stupid eye doctor has cancelled my appointment. My question is: If they list certain days and hours as available you’d think they would not schedule surgeries or whatever else at that time. “Nothing contributes so much to tranqulize the mind as steady purpose,” said Mary Shelley. I need to remember that as the week unfolds.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Da Doo Doo Doo

Taurus 18° (May 8)


I don’t have a lot to say when I’m in a same-samey space. And yesterday I actually ended up just stringing random sentences together I had floating at the end of a document. Not quite a to-do list, more a bit of Dada that I recorded for various purposes. It is important to get out there and to be visible, a word that looks weird to me. We will today figure out whether we will do nouns or adjectives for the back of our t-shirts—I advocate for the former. They are more powerful. A. is the most talented of people. I actually miss her. It is a boon beyond measure to actually like the person with whom you decide to work. It was a magical trip to New York, I feel. Taking the train does make all the difference. I have to use the poison to get my way back to the nectar. Who isn’t running for president I wonder? I’m going sentence by sentence. I just saw an advertisement for the Peabody Essex museum. I want to buy property in a number of places. I feel that I can pull that off. Good grief Danny Deutsch has been given his own show. Starring him and his teeth. I have to thank Chris Hughes for his courage. And he’s way cuter than Mark Zuckerberg.

I am fortunate in my fantasisma. It might not be a word but it should be. Every sentence is a mountain to climb today. I have something lurking in my throat whilst I make plans for a solo joint to Portland, one of my favorite places on the planet. I do need to address the speed with which certain crutches have become fixtures. I don’t need any of that I really don’t. I have been watching tons of Gwen Verdon videos online. I had the good fortune of my mother who took us to see Chicago with Gwen and Chita. Growing up in the TriState area offered we children of the seventies certain sophistication but also a propensity for destruction, of the self-sort. Rhythm in your bedroom, rhythm in the street. My mother kept (I now think) me home from school when I was in kindergarten or first grade so I could be her date to go see the film Sweet Charity. We had such fun she and I together. Me and my very own Auntie Mame. While my sister was in school, I was an only child, and I think my mother preferred it that way. She never quite clicked, chemically, with my sister. Theirs was an uneasy alliance always. And here I am, one o’clock the next day after this post, still working on filling out a few paragraphs. Donald Trump Jr. is subpoenaed, Barr is in contempt of Congress, another child is dead from a school shooting, a hero child: Kendrick Castillo. We will never forget him. We must honor every soldier in the war of domestic terrorism. When he tweets it’s breaking news. That is media’s fault. Wake. Write. SM/bite. Exercise. Notes/Coffee. Write. Lunch. Work. Dinner. Read. It


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox


Taurus 18° (May 7)


I’m intolerant. If people talk on their cellphone in the quiet car I stand up and glare at them unblinkingly. I am always the police. I’m sure it has something to do with being raised in a household with an explosive rage addict. I am working on completing the final report to get another burst of grant money; and I am slowly moving the needle, still, on casting next year’s programming in Provincetown and Cambridge. I completely unpacked and re-jigged my closets and so forth, and I think I will be making special trips to the dump soon either to chuck everything metal and/or to bring things to the swap shop. I had someone come and cart away an old king-sized mattress and am now lying on a new one which is quite low to the ground which feels Scandi-Japanese-y. I really hope we can oust this horrible president. The news has never been so grim about someone in the beloved White House. They will have to fumigate after this guy. We can’t become a fascist country—not us; it is shocking to even think of it happening. But it now no longer seems impossible. And yet people just keep going on with their business (of making money) and nobody seems to really care what is happening here. We really are in constitutional crisis. There are actually criminals running the executive branch of our government which, I realize has never been pristine. But we are in uncharted territories and we have to get out of this. I get derailed by the fatigue associated with all of this. How can the people in power have no respect for the institutions they run and the people they are meant to serve.

I just got back from New York yesterday and I really could have used a bit of rest and a mental health day; instead I overachieved in a variety of ways. Hey it happens. But now I’m feeling a bit under the weather. Focus has been on organizing and getting back to normal with food and sleep. It is very possible that Arya and Sansa side with Cersei and somehow there should be metaphor in that. There isn’t. There has been some word from Spain but it doesn’t seem good. I don’t know why those who play the victim also always want to be the perp. Jonah came by and he seems to be in a good place. He looks handsome and together and I hope all is well with him. I have cast Penny in the series for next year but I still have some work to do to get the festival cast. I’m really not worried about it but it would be nice to bring something together.  I will grill Brad on who owns what. Cafe Heaven Patrick Drummey. Liz, Victor, Sparklers like Chris McCarthy It would mean the world to me if….I’m not sure why it is that my main sponsorship stream has all but dried up but I have to go where the tide takes me. I will write the Blurbs and then submit them to the powers that be. Instagram should link to website. Link in Bio

Write up on PAAM Tech StuffFigure out what to do (Emerson) with CDs and so forth.

Genius stuff. Using The Sign of Sexual Desire To Desire Is to Obtain. One has to be careful about psychic. The Libra symbol is a portrait of evening in all senses of the term.

Cancel Veritas. Dear Me, as a title of a book about writing to yourself as one can do. The plan thereiswas to offer the book for free for a day. And to start telling people about who we are and what the brand is. I will begin the day with the cosmic climate. And I’m going to focus on events and workshops this year while I outline a new proposal. I have to turn the page and change the headline all at once come late March which gives me a good two weeks—also our event is exactly a fortnight from today. I love the spring awakening. I love that Nina Simone song Another Springat least I think she wrote it. I meant to add that all kinds of conjuring could be going on. As I get into this myself it should inform the work. I’m happy to publish this when I’m sixty and to have thirty years with it. That would be a lovely thing, but I need to make changes and start pacing myself now don’t you reckon.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

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