Month: August 2019 (page 2 of 3)


Leo 22° (August 14)


Went to the farmer’s market today for the first time in two years and the last time ever. It was like fifteen dollars for a bag of peppers and one stalk of fennel. A tiny chicket cost twenty six. I’m happy to have paid this kind of money today because it goes to a good cause (I guess, if the farmer’s market is a cause), but that is some stoopid shit. Seriously. I live in a town with at least three liquor stores and not one decent bottle of wine. I have to drive about twenty minute to get a whole chicken or a decent bottle. So I thought okay I’ll got the farmers market but now all I can think is I’m happy to get in the car and drive the twenty minutes to a store. Oh, the Mercury retrogradeness of it all, and we are nigh on a full moon too I think. Why did I ever choose now to take a break from drinking wine. Wine is the only thing that makes me feel good at this point.The world is falling apart. So I advocated for a wine run and got it and I am so fucking glad. Yes I will look at photos of myself from 2014 and know that I have to do the twenty-one day cure. You know the twenty-one day cure? You don’t. Oh well, I’m certainly not going to tell you. I have made some good inroads these last few days but I’m definitely struggling a bit when it comes to putting first things first. One way or another, starting on Tuesday of next week, I have to be able to focus on just two projects, which means getting one major one out of the way, pretty pronto. I’ve gotten myself backed into a bit of a corner these past few days. But that’s fine. I have also made some progress. Twenty five days until festival and I really need to get things cooking. I will finish up one of the HA books today, editing, and then move to two a day after that. By Tuesday my morning ritual will be all about the sample chapter and I will try to put it all together in a fortnight. I think if I get some things off my plate (read: mind) I could have a singular understanding of what needs doing.

I will go down the list of existing supporters and I will do a whole tie in to the social meda. Tomorrow would probably be a good time to come up with some language to get the Sparklers into gear. There will only be three weeks left, working around the clock, to optimize the opportunities here. And that’s okay. Why not? I will go on the total offensive with folks, getting them super motivated and there is no statute of limitation here. And there is infinite time to make things sing. I have to make this process easy or else it will come back to bite me in the hiney-ho. I’m feeling great, been enjoying being back on Cape, finally, having gotten through the reentry. As always, the boat now feels like a dream I had not anything real. I actually will have to go back and read some of the history to remind myself of all the places I’ve been. I’m looking very forward to having our entrepreneurial life take hold. We are living in troubled times but there is a desire to push forth. I’m sort of late to the party asking certain people to give but that’s just too goddam bad. Money needs to be made and no stone will be left unturned in the final three weeks to getting to our goal. There is no privacy to be had. Ever. The sheep in wolves clothing are circling once again.  I can’t hear the falconer either. Nor do I want to? Fuck the falconer. Fuck every control freak. I can only ask people to leave me alone but will they? No. I remember going up Skyline Drive in New Jersey to go record shopping and there was some redneck shit going on. It is one of the LCD factors that people fall into. I am blissfully unaware of others. But I would go and I would find Buffalo Springfield and Doors and Byrds records and it was always a good day up there. I don’t know that I would enjoy it now.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Threading Through

Leo 21° (August 13)


Okay this is where it kind of gets tricky. I will go on to make some major inroads today but it still isn’t linear but rather so much more punching my way out of a paper bag. I have started the process of utilizing the IG in a pretty substantial way. And the trick to all this moving forward will be to come up with two different bits of text, one for Missionaries and one for Sparklers where I can cut and paste and work my way down and try to put something into works. At the same time it has been made clear that, in my correspondence to would-be missionaries it can often help to attach the blurb so that it is already in works. I reached out to another hotel yesterday and it seems that they will be able to accommodate us and also give a donation which does bring the total up significantly now which is really great. Less than four weeks out but I have to say we are not in terrible shape. I have to put together the bike lists and the box office lists and I have the tech stuff in works as well too. I picked up the car with smashed windshield from the garage yesterday because the glass guys were meant to come today and confirmed a thousand times that they were. Then they call to say they don’t have the gasket or something that means Greek to me. So the garage agreed that I should bring the car back. But of course when I go to open the hood it won’t open so the whole morning was kind of more Mercury retrograde fucking with me. Finally I got it open and took the car back in.

We had a substantial b.l.a.t. salad and I got a crazy amount accomplished; meanwhile the plan was to have a little bit of soup for dinner and then head to the library to see Baroness something or other do a speech on Brexit. We were like forty minutes early and were turned away even though there were about thirty empty seats that people were saving for others arriving late. Reatha Ciotti.  is the head of the trustee I need to speak to. I spoke to Jennifer who is the library director and…well this is what I said in the community space: We addressed the issue and will be contacting the chair of the trustees. The library directorship itself agrees there should be an offical first-come-first seated policy, no saving of seats, moving forward. Apparently the people who actually had seats being saved for them and were sailing in last minute to claim them were none too nice to the staff for stopping them at the door (not knowing who was someone with saved seats or just some schlub like me showing up). Although as I said, this schlub was there forty minutes early since the event was advertised as “seating limited, come early” not “seating limited, send someone early to claim a bunch of seats while you finish your martini at Winslows Tavern.”

So got drenched for nothing returned home and ate the ice cream we bought on Sunday thinking we would binge it and never did. I am being torn in so many directions I need to stop, drop and roll with the punches. I reached out to the Quibi folks and she thought someone had gotten back to us in February which they of course hadn’t. How would you not know something like that. Oh well, it doesn’t matter. The night on the boat, the first night Jess arrived, when we ended up doing a number of people’s charts: I resulted in everyone saying how we should have a podcast which of course we should (and will) have once we can get the energy to settle down a bit and I can drop into my body a bit more. All said there are twenty five days until the festival which means fifty days for me because I’ll be working doubles the whole time. And that is as it should be. Oh, man. I don’t know what to tell you.

This saga with the car is really bumming me out. I will have to call the garage again today to sort things out. So much fun (not). But all will come right in the end I’m sure of it. I have to get these books off my desk and into others hands and then I will have three weeks in which to absolutely change the world and I know I can do it. I do everything I set my mind to. Like with the car thing. In the very near future I will have Stew come and fix my windshield and when he’s finished he and I will look closely under the hood and open our eyes and discover, in conversation (con and vers in the same word!) Etymology is a great sidebar. Linguistics are key to the treatise we should say so in the opening. I should just go absolutely nuts and overshoot my mark with this proposal sample copy .


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox


Leo 21° (August 12)


Getting a bit waylaid but also plowing through chunks of business that cannot wait. We did a bit of work in the morning —getting all ducks in a row in regard to Mass MoCA so when that converation happens there is some understanding of where I’m coming from—then headed into Provincetown. I swear these days everytime I leave the house something weird happens. We were inching along Commercial Street and had to squeeze past a sort of dump truck looking thing when all of a sudden the driver, wearing one of those neon green shirts, jumped out and down onto the ground with just inches of space between our car and the truck, and bounded into our right hand mirror which easily folded in. He then started shouting that we hit him. We openend the window and said, first, calm down, second you bashed into our car, well, not even our car, just our mirror, which folded in which it is designed to do. He either was waiting for some kind of opportunity like this (in my most skeptical thinking) or he was just weird and belligerent and, more likely than not, on something. Anyway he was ranting and raving and there was no talking with him so we just pulled away as traffic was backing up behind us. He then started running after our car yelling at the top of his lungs. So we stopped again and both got out and again were trying to calm him down but he was raving like a lunatic and taking pictures of our license plate. He was a DPW worker we now realized and was read in the face and becoming increasingly aggravated and threatening. One of us said something like “are you drunk?” at which point he turned one-eighty on his heels and started back down Commercial Street. We continued on to the post office, our destination, and pulled around to the back lot; we decided, given his threats, and his snapping of our license plate, and his overall seemingly psychotic behavior that we better phone the police. As we had them on the line I saw his truck pass by on Commercial and I had the feeling he was going to pull behind the post office as well; sure enough here he was and we told the police he was now in the parking lot. They instructed us not to engage and we locked the car doors and he drove by us, slowly and menacingly. They were sending a squad car, which soon arrived with two officers, one of whom took our statement and my driver’s license information. After the post office, where one of us ended up leaving our keys, that’s how shook up we were, I dropped S. off at an appointment and went to get some posters and post cards I had on order from the local printers. Nora was there obviously getting things printed for a show. Turns out she is doing the one she premiered at Afterglow (and never promoted) for now a third time in town. She reprised it last year for that thief at Provincetown Theater; and now she is doing it at Velvet. I told her we would definitely try to be there.

That was a long paragraph.

Made a formal complaint about that DPW worker after lugging all my printed materials back to the car. Then Stella and I went to lunch at Canteen and then met with Tim about our tee shirt (and more to come) collection, which seems to be selling great without that much fuss. Come September I will surely give more focus to that. We bought some sole and some zucchini and had a really lovely meal and (me, again) watched the final Years and Years (what an incredible production) and then I turned S. on to Sleeping With Other People which is like a dirty rom-com. I usually don’t like Jason what’s his name but he’s prety good in this and it’s just a bit of dumb fun while the world downward spirals into chaos. Everything is on fire, and that is just they way they want it. We are not going to find a savior this time. We have to do it ourselves. I think revolution is coming much sooner than people want to believe—mainly because it’s such an inconvenience to folks. I did manage to make some inroads and JCM said he’s going to help promote the festival in IG which is really kind of him. My so-called assistant has an alter ego and I have been wating to get them onto FB. The fact is they have a FB profile they just have never really used it. From appearances, they have been living in Italy (and still doing work for us) and now they are back to home in their ancestral lands and are going to help me with some social media and press and also the writing of the blurbs for the concierge section on our site. The plan is to then post those blurbs with photos of the places with a link to the concierge sections of the website, driving traffic there. I think this will make for a very good formula moving forward. Also as I keep following peeps on the AF IG this gives me a great list to work down asking for Missionary love (and if I don’t get that then…won’t you just please then Sparkle).


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Press On

Leo 20° (August 11)


What to do: Send Jarboe a check. Update the Sponsors and Sparklerson the website. Make some noise about Rachelle Garniez. Pinpoint ten people from whom I need things per day. Still grab Migguel and Molly info. Print out Missionary Sponsor Packets.Circulate the Baie info to givers. Set up an Afterglow One Hundred Page.Start the AFIG praise machine—three a day perhaps? Catch up on my In/Out and PC docs. You don’t necessarily need to know what that means. I do. Get some art work to JCM. Deposit checks in Provincetown.Maybe I can touch base with the lady on the IG front in any case. I think that’s sort of enough for now don’t you? These may all seem like small things but really they’re not. I’m going to spend the next hour working on som HA books and then I’ll come back to you. Print, sign and scan Molly and Kareem contracts. Go through my brown notebook from the boat and get more pleas out to more peeps. Including Eric Borgand the Stowaway guys. Also we neeed to post about a fish tank. There is such a growing list of things to do. No sooner do I think of something that needs doing, sometimes, that/when it vanishes from my mind (I cannot make the sentence structure happen). Anyway it is Sunday and I will try to set things up for the week. Ah I also have to get some information to press including Cape Cod Times, Banner, Provincetown Magazine.

Here some thoughts to put forth along with the press releases that are going out: Beyond the cut and dry Release and the Roster, here are my ever-evolving thoughts on the Afterglow Festival and the general gist of things I would discuss with a journalist. Perhaps if there were to be a story on our organization in advance of covering the festival itself? Probably a lot to ask but perhaps there is a way to weave some of this in. Anyway….

I would love to talk about the mission and what it takes to present mainly unknown artists year on year in an increasingly gentrified environment, non-profit, when so many sponsors have moved on to more affordable pastures to be replaced by lots of rich and famous absentee folks whom you’d think would be so giving but arent. And how that only strengthens our organization’s resolve to preserve Provincetown’s legacy as an incubator for progressive non-commercial talent, emerging, experimenting and forever on the fringe in a world of famous TV drag and Broadway stars in a town where even stage space is real estate.

A local or regional paper has never done a piece on our organization. We have presented upwards of 70 artists here (and in our Afterglow-at-Oberon series at the American Repertory Theater in Cambridge) and we’ve had more of that kind of coverage from The Boston Globe and WGBH Open Studio with Jared Bowen but never a think-y piece on what we are doing by a home-town paper. We are thought of as more than an arts organization. We are also something of a cultural/historical “Save Provincetown” entity.

I dare say even our community theater has become rather star struck in recent years (not to mention presenting several Afterglow artists, even doing the exact same pieces we premiered, in new “festival” formats). I suppose imitation is flattery. But we are the grass-rootsiest thing going in the world of theater and performance in Provincetown and we aim to champion the rather ironic “tradition” of always presenting the progressive, new, non-commercial live artist and artistry. The first time any Provincetown audience saw John Cameron Mitchell or Lady Rizo or Justin Vivian Bond or Taylor Mac or Penny Arcade or Bridgett Everett or John Early or Our Lady J or Erin Markey or Cole Escola or any artist who has now become a household name in town (and ubiquitously) graduating toTV personalities or Broadway playwrights or movie stars, was here at Afterglow. We premiered pieces that have moved Off-Broadway and beyond to stages around the world.

And it’s not just about getting a bit of deserved credit. It is the fact that people (audiences) need to understand that (our) history. That before we brought such talent to town—we always know who is on the brink!—and drove these artists into Provincetown’s consciousness, the audience turn out for these artists’ shows was pretty meagre. But we can’t bring artists back for more than a few seasons because that’s not the mission. Sure a few can cycle back after a while as a sort of guest star. But mainly we are always presenting NEW talent. So that means audiences have to trust our curation and not rely on knowing the artists work already. This is a challenge especially in Provincetown. But Provincetown was always the place (until relatively recently) where genius weirdo talent could find a place and an audience and stretch and grow and expand audience’s minds in the process of entertaining them. This is what Afterglow is trying to keep alive. This is the kind of story I would love to see written by a home paper if ever possible.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Coming Out

Leo 19° (August 10)


Awoke from a dream about the Olsen Twins. They were landing a helicopter onto a plane that we were traveling in. They looked old and terrible and one of them (Mary Kate I think) was binging on licorice. Today will not be a good day. Yesterday was too frought for that. More car trouble. More professional impasses. More fundraising pleas falling on deaf ears. There is no time for joy it seems. And my other dream was me looking for a car I parked somewhere and wondering if it got towed. That happened once in real life back in the very early nineties when I went to visit Dean Niarkis at his apartment somewhere in the twenties. I had parked my car and slept over and in the morning I went looking for it and couldn’t find it—I suppose I didn’t remember where I had put it. I was so desperate looking for probably a full hour and then, not giving up, I finally found it. Anyway even though the title of today’s posting is slightly rosier sounding it is a total lie. Things are super shitty right now and no matter what I attempt in hopes of reversing the fact it just leads to more problems and psychological warfare. Anyway I’m still have fever dreams and I’m still trying to feel physically better. I have thirty days now until festival eve and I am determined not only to enjoy the last vestiges of summer, which really lasts a good long time after the fact. And I have to look at these darker hours this week as a way of touching a certain kind of rock bottom from which we can rise.

Happily things did turn around and we did some emotional housework and then went for a second sushi of the week (don’t judge). The weather was changing, the oppressive heat being sent out to sea, as winds and clouds from the east swept over us, plunging the temperature to a tolerable level. We shared a bottle of rosé bought from the shops in overcrowded Wellfleet and then still had a little Chinon to take to bed with us. I am urging someone to watch Years And Years somewhat against her will. Yes, the subject matter is really scary; however the product is such top quality and the acting/ensemble superb. Belfast is on my mind today—I do love Maine so very much. But I have to stop my real-estate porn addiction because it doesn’t keep me in the now which is where I want and need to be. This should be an interesting month as I allow the intermittent fasting thing to take hold while I make the beach an everyday thing and go off any and all sauce for the duration. With so much holiday fun this summer already under my belt I don’t really expect this to be much of a challenge. And anyway I have to be all foward movement. It’s a psychological thing. I almost want to be awake as much as possible. Why is that? I’m predicting I will live until eight-four. Is that weird to say? I just have a vibe.

I have to clear out my brain and get my psychic self buzzing. That’s what these daily summits will be all about. We have to create our own excitement. And part of that is also clearing away the cobwebs of past negativity and dysfunction and, yes, destruction. I for one have never been perfect (I know that might come as a shock) and I have behaved badly in my life but it has never really, at the core, been anything but beating myself up, whether I’ve done it privately or in public. I want to fall back in love with writing again. This is one of my goals for the coming year. I’m prolific I know but I have to be a bit more purposeful. I need to find an almost physiological focus, a literal unscrambling of my brains. There is something about me always that feels as if I’ve been shaken by a giant babysitter. I sent a note to JCM asking if he would give a little shout here and there for the Afterglow Festival and he wrote back in gleeful affirmation. I’m so grateful for this kindness. I really am counting my blessings and friends as one.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox



Leo 18° (August 9)


I am playing final catch-up today. I will find out what the tide chart says. Perhaps it might be a good day to go into town and reconnect with the community on some level. We could go to Hatches at five then into town by seven and maybe grab a snack at eight or nine, just take our chances, or put our name down. Maybe drop a whole bunch of clothes off at Ruthie’s on the way. I will book Seth’s ferries; and I did reach out to Ptown Bikes. I might as well also mention something to Mac’s and Mercedesjust to keep those spirits bright. This weekend must be completely dedicated to focus on new, mainly missionary sponsors of the Afterglow Festival and getting things in print. I also need to drag Migguel’s tech info into a file. I also need to put the team together for the Joe’s Pub shows and thus write Ben. Did that. Tried to work together on the book proposal but it soon devolved into argument or rather I had thoughts that I wasn’t allowed to express. More bottling up. More silent treatment. And then the explosion. They typical pattern. I have to get out of this cycle for myself and for the betterment of all those around me. I surely cannot keep going along this path. It was a very stressful day all in all. I’m not sure where this stress stems from. But I know it is going to get worse before it gets better.

I tried to defuse the energy by going out to the bank and to pick up a nice wine. It is so hot today, I really want some cold rosé to start. It was the wrong bank, the tire sign in the car went off. I went to find a gas station to fill it but the only one between there and home had an air machine which was out of order. Made chicken and bok choy. It was a super tense night. I wrote this today:

The Afterglow Festival needs your support. Celebrating our ninth year we have never been so challenged by rising costs (of everything) in the face of so many Sponsors ($1K+ donors) and Sparklers ($100+) no longer affording to live or visit here as we continue our mission to bring new and emerging artists (with whom Provincetown audiences are not as yet familiar). Our mission is to preserve Ptown’s legacy as a century-old incubator for progressive theater and live performance and to provide emerging and experimenting artists sacred stage space, here, in the birthplace of modern American theater. Provincetown audiences probably first saw many of their now favorite performers at the Afteglow Festival. So you have to trust our curation. Don’t take for granted that this festival will always exist because it won’t without your help. In return for being a Sponsor or a Sparkler we give you so much—full passes, pairs of half-price tickets (depending on your level of support), dinners with our aritsts and supporters. And if you’re a business, we drive our audiences to your establisments, advertising on our website and promoting you through social media. And you still write it all off. So as the price of doing this rises AND we continue our mission to present you future favorite artists you’ve probably not yet heard of, we need your tax-deductible dollars to make it work. And to make Afterglow Festival week the funnest, most exciting and inspiring week of (it will still be) summer. We don’t have a lot of wo/man power (basically we are a two-person operation). So I myself am often very forward (read: pushy) but I’ve learned there is no other way to do this. AND AND AND You do NOT have to live in Provincetown or attend the festival to help. Friends who Sponsor or Sparkler will have their benefits payed forward to students and seniors and anyone struggling who otherwise couldn’t attend the festival. We want audience for our artists! We want to continue to afford to travel, lodge, feed and pay our artists to come to Provincetown which is the spiritual home and birth place of modern American theater and live performance. So as hard as it is to doorstop people for their sponsorship I can’t afford to be that delicate (I’ve tried—it doesn’t work) I have to swallow ego and pride and go for the jugular here. We need your support in any form and any amount you are willing to give it. You don’t want to donate?—that’s fine. Then please buy some full-price tickets. Our artists/shows (as everyone will tell you) are excellent and ground-breaking and molecule rearranging. Again, how many performing artists that you now count among your favorites did you first see at Afterglow? We are a month out from the Ninth Annual Afterglow Festival and we still have a goodly amount of funds to raise to break even. If you can help please do. And write it off! Glowingly yours, Q


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Darker Still

Leo 17° (August 8)


Emerging from the fog. I have what we call round these parts the “fou-fous”; (I caught some kind of something that my body is trying to rid itself of by way of sweating). A surplus of things is occuring to me. I need to run down the list of existing sponsors and send them the party invite. I also need to go for the jugs with getting “the persuadeables” (sorry) to donate. Scallops and leeks for dinner tonight. I need to fill in with more rerun material:

Why do I do what it is I do in regard to the half of each year, I spend, putting together performing arts festivals and series. Well, the simple answer is that Ed Sullivan and I share more than a birthday. Like Ed, I was a journalist from the age of 22 to about 40. IN fact the main reason I thought to adopt the pseudonym of Quinn Cox was because I wanted to keep my journalistic world—editors and publishers and the subjects I wrote about—separate from what might or not be a success as an astrological duo which has affectionately come to be known as Starsky + Cox. But you see paradoxes began to spring up. Like my Libran brother Oscar Wilde said, and I paraphrase because I’m too lazy to look this shit up: Give a man a mask and he’ll reveal his truths to you. Okay I’m going to look it up and see how close I got. What he actually said was: “Give him a mask and he will tell you the truth.” Which is much simpler and better but I was close.

People do not know me and that’s been okay. I think I’m getting ready to reveal myself in teaspoonfuls. The fact is that back around 2005 I thought Stella and I needed to take to a stage, something we had only done together, rarely, in acting classes where, at HB Studios, we were labelled “the Lunts” which, I won’t lie, I loved. I had a sort of rock-bottom epiphany where I thought, hang on, our book Sextrology came out last year and it has been a success, so we should take to the stage and somehow combine comedy and astrology with some music thrown in. At a place called (under) Elmo in Chelsea, which one tried to convince oneself was a boutique version of Fez under Time Cafe which had recently closed down, we launched our first “Cosmic Cabaret” to a full house of wonderful people we knew personally and periferally. Lots of fashion people—Zaldy and Ruben and Isabel Toledo and John Bartlett—as opposed to performer folks. And, I have to say, after another decade or so “being” with performer folk, I much prefer the people in the fashion and design world, despite the fact I was so utterly convinced, in 2005, that I wanted to stop hanging around with fashion folks whom I did at the time find fatuous and enter the “real” world of performing artists who were down, dirty, honest and true.

Performing artists, who had been down, dirty, honesty and true for the whole time I dipped in and out of their circles, for the past 20 years since I made my way to NYC, but when, in 2006, I began to seek their company, they were on their last gasp of genuine experience. Now, first, let me say, there is no downtown. And I say this as both a journalist and a downtown denizen who more dabbles in performance. I have said this for a decade now: Round about 2007, “downtown artists” began emulating some hybrid breed of Upper East Side Socialite and opera, indie-movie and/or rock star. Quite a leap, I know; but one felt, downtown, that one should speak in a mid-Atlantic accent previously reserved for Rosiland Russell and garb oneself from head to toe in outfits that were spontaneously ready to pass, if pressured, at a Met or Whitney Event.

Suddenly the creme de la creme of the downtown scene used words like creme de la creme. Though they might still live in apartments where the bath tub was recently or still, in the kitchen, they thought they should no longer have to pay for meals or makeup or plastic surgery because they were iconic, and they were. Some still are although that particular brand of enchantment is wearing off and, dare I say, thin.

And I started to miss my friends that worked at magazines that no longer existed. I started to miss the art directors and fellow writers, like myself, who live such solitary lives that it takes a proper poking or, at the very least, a more gregarious partner to stap you into interaction. But what I missed most about living life as a more anonymous character was the ability to move on a dime, to travel, undetected, without needing to be any one place on any certain date….

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox


Leo 16° (August 7)


Pesto for dinner tonight. S. says she has another bottle of wine stashed in the pantry. That’s good. Raids in Mississippi. This country is pretty ill. I don’t know how to process a lot of what is happening right now. My poor body feels as if it’s been through the total ringer. Oh well I just have to go with it. I’m going to binge watch Years and Years, Big Little Lies, Sex Education, Baskets and watch a slew of mivies on top of it all. I’m vocused on intermittent fasting—twelve noon to eight in the evening. I’m reordering pills and checking on car repairs. I’m going through the list of outstanding donors. I’m making as much progress as I can with my writing. I’m simply doing the best I can. But here is another rerun of things I’ve written in the past to make this process easier today:

As we often are, we were approached by an event planner to do readings for guest at a private party. But there was something mysterious about this whole affair as the planner didn’t seem to be someone who threw a lot of parties, and we came to learn she worked for just a few clients helping them with their private and corporate events which kept her busy. This event was to be at a private home in Rhode Island and we took it as an opportunity to see a new part of New England. Only was there did we realize the island was where much of Wes Anderson’s Moonrise Kingdom was filmed. So we drove around to visit location spots, most notably, the “cove” of the place that serves as the film’s title.

The party itself only had about forty people in attendance but it was pretty elaborate and the grounds on which it was held, a private home on the water with multiple acres and buildings, was something the likes of which I’ve never seen; and I’ve spent a lot of time around rich people. We were set up in a sort of tower structure from which we could look down on the partygoers whom one couldn’t help imagine lived very privileged lives. One never knows exactly on which side of the political equation people might be in this position but, we were in short order led to assume that these people here assembled were on the right side of politics and history. How did we know this? Because they were all incredibly nice and unassuming people. In a world where the biblical adage that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of the needle than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven often rings so true, this party of people was to prove twrong that saying.

We had no idea the name of the hosts all the while we were at the party. Only by doing a bit of Google detective work the next day were our assumtions corrobarated. The host of the party was indeed a well-known, celebrated, very wealthy man of the Warren Buffet school of philanthropy where he was determined to give a great deal of his wealth away and to put it in service of others. We’ve always said that when it comes to private clients the best people in the world seem to find us and to be genuintely interested in raising their consciousness, making it a joy to help them in that aim. What we realize is that the same holds true for those who come to hire us for events. In either case we have never solicited interest but allow word of mouth and, I’d like to say, some good karma, make the referrals for us.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox


Leo 15° (August 6)


Getting my brain around a timeline today. We will make salmon with salad and stewed tomatoes and avocado for dinner tonight with some wine from the Orleans shops. I spent the day mostly in bed feeling very weird and sweaty. The fou-fous are now in full force. This is proving to be the kind of week you wanted to be a period of immediate snap back; but instead it has been a one of somewhat dysfunctional aftermath. It happens. There is no real crime in it and I can only do as much as I can do. I did have some good time alone to myself and I did manage to get a few things done, but today is going to have to be a something of a rerun. So here is something I’ve written in the past:

I love Julia Child. Who doesn’t, I know, but she has always held a special fascination for me. When I was a waiter in 1986 at the Harvest in Harvard Square, she and her husband Paul would come in for lunch. You would here “Bonjour Roger” in that booming unmistakeable tenor as she greeted the tiny alcoholic nicotine sodden  maitre d’ whose name she properly prounced in French, ro-jay. Paul, a curled shrimp of a man who had already suffered his series of small strokes, followed hist towering wife into the dining room where she would always order the same thing: a burger, rare, no bun. She is a Leo and I’ve often remarked on the similarity between her choice of lunch and the bloody meat one would throw into a lion cage.

Before the book and movies about her during the last decades, I always thought she would make a great subject for a work of art. I won’t go any further into that thought lest I actually end up pursuing this instinct myself. At the very least I think she and her husband would make great costumes for Stella and me, come Halloween. But, obviously, there’s more to it. Here was a couple who worked together (even though you didn’t know he was behind the scenes), who had no kids and were rather late bloomers. They were also obsessed with France and had an affinity for Cambridge, Massachusetts and Maine. All of this I can relate to.

She described herself “as the cat looking at the king” when she was a student of Le Cordon Bleu—what can be more Leo an expression than that. And what person from any other sign could turn what was for her a personal passion into an entire movement, changing the way Americans cooked, forever. What other sign could see a chef superstar embodied in the form of a fifties something woman. I’m happy I had the few opportunities I did to wait on Mrs. Child whose name couldn’t be more fitting for someone who lived life with a childlike exuberance and who gave so much to the world.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

On The Outs

Leo 14° (August 5)


Went to get my bank balance and not even a minute into driving down the highway my hood flew up and crashed my windshield. I had to pull in to the nearest drive to turn around. In the moment it didn’t have that great an effect on me but, writing this later in retrospect, I can tell you that I will be altered for days to come. I had this dream I was chatting with Dave who had a kid on the Cape and we were drinking Jameson. Mine were sort of fever dreams. And I fell asleep midday, too, when S. went into Provincetown to run some errands and got some checks from the post office which was somewhat inspiring. That letter came from Mass MoCA and I phoned them and gave their voicemails an earful. Some checks came in too, but it just isn’t enough this year, which is going to be the grandest of struggles. I am definitely rejigging my thinking on all of that. The good news is I won’t need to find another venue for next year which is a total god send. I am really coming down to the wire once again. And the trip away doesn’t even feel like a dream I had but rather something which didn’t happen at all. Sometimes going away makes the reality of being back in one’s mundane life all the more challenging and dispiriting. The fact is that this place in which I live is filled with rich offspring, mainly, of parents who wanted to see their delicate children set up in a lifestyle where they felt protected (and also out of parental hair). There are enough of these people to populate small Provincetown. And then add in the recovery population and what do you have? Queer, exiled, trust-funded, self-indulgent, indolent creatures who can fill their days with meetings, community theater auditions, and renting out bits of the houses that were bought for them. And yet they will complain about their lives ad nauseum. On color in my new leaf is not to be friends with anyone who has never worked a day in their life.

I have also decided to make other changes. For one, I have a so-called good friend who I caught in a lie. They said they changed their email address (when they hadn’t) as a cover up for not writing me back on certain topics, namely, continue to give to my charitable arts foundation. I didn’t really want to believe that instead of just telling me honestly to my face that they made up a labyrinthian lie; but in the time since I have realized that they are quite the pathological liar and has even asked us to lie for them. They never did change their email (and not receive my messages) because they still/again/now write to us from it. So, in review of their character, I have decided to let the friendship go. The thing is that they will barely notice. It will probably be years before they realize I haven’t been in touch. But this is the sort of thing that occurs to someone like me who, having grown up with malignant narcissists, attracts them, mainly, in relationship as an adult. At this point it is my own fault not to do something about it.

Since nobody ever reads this, and given the fact I’m going through one of the most challenging periods of my life, I’m not going to hold back. I have been used up like an old wash rag and by those who I would have never thought capable of doing so. I have no choice but to completely surrender to what’s happening and not fight any more. I will find a way to keep my location stable for the next year but I will have to make a number of changes and figure out a path through and then out. All best laid plans are now completely blowing up in my face and I have no choice but to give in. I will not fight anymore. There is no point. People do not see things from my perspective and I cannot make them do so. I am basically unable to trust anyone at this point and so I have to focus somehow on trusting myself all the more. I have no family to speak of and, having been in a couple for so long, any friends I have are couple friends; and in those instances, the women become closer and closer as the men become purely periferal. Well I’m not longer taking the tack that this is happening to me.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

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