Month: September 2018 (page 2 of 3)


Virgo 16° (September 8)


I was asking myself today what would a perfect day be like. I think it would be me rising for an hour by myself, having some tea or water, and tweeting out some S +C thought in the morning in regard to the cosmic weather or positioning. I might then go and read of my old Blague on the Sabian Symbol, and more about that symbol in general. Then write a few lines about it for the Blue Book. These thoughts may or may not be represented in the new Blague, or I may again link back, looping through again for another year. Anyway I would open my daily Blague file and have it open most of the day just to keep writing into—various thoughts and what not that can go in this direction or that—and QC would tweet/gram about that and share S + C and vice versa; as well as anything Stella, product, and the tweets of our closest friends and allies. Afterglow would do a tweet and gram per day, only. At noon, there might be another tweet or gram from S + C on various theme(s). I would have an early morning yoga and lunch. The day would consist of the hours between 2-7, for the purpose of the collection, and then one would have a soup or small salad, 10 being my ultimate bedtime. Work from 6-8 or nine, yoga then lunch until 2 then a good 5 hours of dedicated work for the collection; of course clients fall into those hours as well. As does any administration regarding projects with ad agencies or other fashion companies, that don’t have a product component, but might want to feature us in their shops as well.


I believe I may have to get my PhD from the Sorbonne in Metaphysics. It will only take me about ten years but so what? I too will have become somewhat astute at this sort of thing and Stella can help me; or I was thinking Harvard Divinity School for some kind of spiritual degree. I know it sounds crazy but why not. Stella is well on her way and she managed to fit it in some how. There are crazier things to consider than that. I don’t want to spend very much time in New York City; I have a morbid fear of doing so. It would make so much sense on so many levels and yet sense isn’t really what motivates me or rather sensibility isn’t. Sense does very much in the Jane Austen sense—ha, ha! I know there is a balance; and for one more year at least we will do first things first. And that means combing through the existing existence and eliminating majorly.


I need to ritualize saying goodbye, even to objects; well especially objects, actually, in many cases. I feel I can say goodbye if someone is watching me do it. I know that sounds crazy. And I could just record everything for the camera before dumping it, which let’s face it, I was always going to do. This is me hanging on to ephemera within an emphemeral existence. If Einstein can die who the fuck is going to miss me? Some people but not many. I’m not a crowd pleaser to be perfectly honest. You have to really know me to love me and most people really don’t—know me, that is.


I had this journalist aggressd me today and I was really having none of it. I took screenshots of her spew and sent it directly to her manager. Then saw she apologized so I wrote said manager to say never mind. Forgiveness is all. It really is. But fuck these people who think you owe them…for what? I don’t owe anybody anything and they owe me nothing in return. I am on top of my shit and I juggle a lot of shit, so don’t come knocking at my door or my Facebook Messenger LOL to wipe all your poor pity me angry insecure bullshit. I don’t have time for that. The voice in my head is a righteous black woman. And it’s not the Maya Angelou type of righteous, or even the sort of peturbed and put-off voice of Nina Simone; no the voice in my head is way more sort of worldly wise Southern, proud, warm and loving, but still not taking any shit. You hear me boy? Oh I hear you voice in my head.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days.

 Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2018 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2018 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Like, A Hurricane?

Virgo 15° (September 7)

I don’t like talking about the orange menace, but my question is: if he has a short list of twelve people what does that tell you? that he considers pretty much everyone in his inner circle not to be above suspicion. Think about that. He can’t trust even the ones closest to him; it’s the same reason why he throws everyone under the bus; he doesn’t think anybody likes him so like a sixth grader he’s going to dump you before you dump him, because you were going to to it anyway.

Who here has ever had a panic attack? Who here has ever had a panic attack while driving? Who here has ever had a panic attack while driving, feeling like you’re going to have a heart attack or stroke, and then a commercial comes on the radio for stroke rehabilitation? Time to pull over. But I find this sort of thing to be one of the ways the Universe likes to fuck with us. Prankster that it is. That’s a cruel joke for sure but sometimes it gives us funny ones like:

Besides what it says about the Cape Cod demographic, Provincetown is High School. Commercial Street is the Hallway along which many people share lockers.

I know I need to back to find more of these and bring them forward and work on them. I just, most of them being on a Provincetown theme. Like you really can’t get away with being a total a-hole in Provincetown. Trust me I know. (Laugh maybe? And a little bit more about me if it’s funny.

I mean if you’re an asshole to someone in a big city, you know it’s not that small a world; or if you live in the suburbs, say, and you have some kind of run-in or whatever, it would be isolated and disconnected and alienating but…in Provincetown which is Here if you get into a sit with someone, it’s like that scene in Grease and you’re like Rizzo and everybody knows you’re knocked up by the time you get to Tim-Scapes. That reference will only make sense to some, my execution of the analogy not withstanding…

There seems to be a hurricane coming our way. That would really be the icing on the cake. Well I guess I’ll then have to do some recovery relief. I mean, really, what is one to do? It actually isn’t the end of the world. I would live to fight another day. There is in fact enough to do by just doing it

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days.

 Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2018 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2018 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox


Never At

Virgo 14° (September 6)


I should focus on the two signs of Scorpio today, but I won’t. And I, I mean Marthe, should focus today on doing some hotel write-ups and, in the process, I should make some inquiries as to places that might be so kind to host us. The thing is there actually time to do this? and I should make it part of Sunday’s focus? I think I need to stop, drop and regroup: and take a look at my big black book.

Oh the sense I feel remembering fashion weeks in Paris and Milan; duh, of course that’s what we’re doing. I don’t know if I can truly stomach New York again; but I know I need try. I will work out some math in the morning but it should be quite easy to accomplish; meanwhile staying uptown will be a nice change; and I look forward to catching a vibe.

All I’m doing really now hinges on how it is I conduct myself henceforth. I do have to be careful about my relationships—it’s an area where I’ve been cavalier in the past. And I would do well to begin building back a few bridges. Though I dare say the bulk of what moves me is the ability to work with people more readily on creative projects. Something is beeping outside and it’s driving me a bit bonkers.

We did some local morning radio today, which was fun, and then strolled and had ourselves a wee Kofi; we got into a nice chat with Tim about product and learned that Chris Mart. has been in town this whole time; who knew? We did some box office jazz hands and headed home and realized we wanted to go beack that evening to P to see Midnight at the Never At.

The play happens in a sort of limbo state of afterlife where you can build your own existence, or at least a room in this case, from your memory. The setting of the play, thus, is the back room of a Greenwich Village gay bar called the Never At in the 1960s where there is a little stage where the main characters once performed a show at midnight called Midnight at the Never At. What I realized is that limbo and memory go together and it’s very Pisces in that sense, the triple goddess in triplicate, numbering nine, the muses whose mother is Mnemosyne (memory). Mnemosyne would be a nice name for a luxe supper club, itself. I do love a luxe supper club.

But that’s all of a same piece as all the feelings that are bubbling up of late; I really could cry a lot if I set my mind to it. I have such pangs in my heart and viscera; such sadness and regret and anger being released, chaos of emotion distilling into wisdom.



To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days.

 Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2018 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2018 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Gunky Bits

Virgo 13° (September 5)


Want what you have. It’s a cosmic spell. Wanting what you have inspires three-fold appreciation. Peter Frampton, Donovan. Taurus are evasive. Henry Cavill. Bjork & Yorke. Charles Daniels. Christo Jay. Dane Chenery. Reginald Johnson. Paul Nesbit. These are names I come upon. To be honest I was in part making a list of black people in Provincetown as I know very few which isn’t a shock as we unfortunately live in the whitests of places. Not that I have very much against the whites (except everything). I do think one of the things I’m most lacking is a bit of socialization. I think I’ve forgotten how to be with people on some level, such is the solitary life of a writer. I think that’s also why I do things like festival and such. Just so I see more people. The consultancy is even going through a phase where most clients live a world a way, some of them, and we do appointments by Skype.

So I have to start working out some bits. I mean, really, I suppose, bits, or attempts thereat, will comprise the bulk of this Blague for the next few days. Let’s just say Provincetown is a tough town. For those of us who live here it is a tought town. Foc’sle. Alex Carlton. Bu The I Dint Haaa. The town has changed so much so fast Ryan Murphy has only managed to buy four houses. R.P.’s opposite of the People moving out people moving in. All because of the fo-ore of their skin. It reminds me of the white exodus of the early 1970s, where the whites left the city to the largely black population moving in. The gays are the new white people. As you can see I’m not quite there yet. Bits are now just junked up, gluey, gunked up in my exhaust pipe. And so this is a bit dada-tastic today but that’s okay. I’m not really myself yet. I took in so much over the weekend and then I overloaded myself again over these last two days.

This administration is feeling like so much leading up to that explosive “going away party” Cerse Lannister threw. You don’t make a ton of friends doing what I do. Some here might ieven call me let’s just say Tenacious. I prefer to call it Absorbing. This is a Cancer man thing. As the sponge, paradoxical: Yes like a sponge, taking it all in, but also absorbing meaning irresistably enthralling, someone who sucks you in. Charles Daniels. Omar Neil. It makes me nervous when people, newscasters say, well, especially newscasters, but also politicians all kind of pundits, when the can’t get through a sentence without slightly mispronouncing and then repeating, repeating what they say; so that the pattern of the discourse is like this (hand motion); I get so lost in anticipation, angst really, sometimes total panic, of when they’re going to make their next mistake.

They say…well somone says something but, having stepped away, i no longer remember what I was going to say, let alone, them. I have two weeks to drop a suit size. Sorry that thought slipped out. Maybe I should just stop here.



To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days.

 Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2018 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2018 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

My Friend Scott Part 1

Virgo 12° (September 4)


My particular spritual father isn’t Hemingway, it’s Fitzgerald, a superior writer, though obscured, in large part by his own reputation and (thus) a fellow Libra. I love everything about the myth and the man, whom I know less than the myth. But I have always thought that we would have made great friends. I can feel his pain if not his genious. And just imagine the two of us, traipsing around Paris, on a lark and on a bender, young, tan and full of the dickens. We would try to impress and outwit one another. We might buy each other ties as presents. We would meet our wives for dinner with inside jokes. Where had we been together all day they might ask? The answer may include the words bars, hammams, parks and haberdasheries. He may have bought me this hat on a whim. We are more than friends Fitzgerald and me; just this short of lovers probably. In a couple days time we might disappear without a trace to the Riviera for nearly three weeks sending one funny but not so amusing (to some) telegram. There would be rumours which we scoff and in which we each, secretly, revel. We can’t decide between the two of us who is the most good looking. From the inevitable sizing up that happens when you share a hotel room, I know mine is bigger.


Scott really is an amazing person. That one night, downstairs, when I ordered les grenouilles, he was absolutely on fire. A little manic I’d say. I think he wasn’t being square when he said he didn’t drink in the day. It really seemed he had; and I have a pretty good radar for that kind of thing. We had had a perfectly normal breakfast, although now, come to think of it, he was rather quiet and monosyllabical and yeah, cagey, I suppose. After my little walk to get cigarettes and postcards he was already gone from the room, which felt a little loaded with unncecessary deceit. Anyway I was headed to the beach and got one of the last lounge chairs. It would prove to be the hottest day of the week and I had to run to the water lest I scorch my feet. The families were gone by midday and didn’t return in the afternoon. I had my lunch en place. By the afternoon only half the chaises were filled and there wasn’t a kid in sight. La Rentrée happend within the span of an hour, this extinction burst of families crowding the beach were all, apparently, just taking in a little bit more on their last morning before checking out. I made eye contact with several of the adults and probably made it obvious on my exiting the plage that I was staying juste en face. In my perverted mind I imagined some of those beachgoers being so enamored that they followed me or planned to show up in my hotel bar in the next two hours. About which, it turned out, I was right.

I had smoked half a pack on the beach in my frustration and my lungs were literally hurting—I could feel it in the shower—like when you get waterlogged, as a kid, from staying in the ocean all day. So I was rather lost in self-recrimination as I descended the hotel’s sweeping stairwell, muscle memory walking me across the lobby’s marble floors, around giant potted palms, to the moulding-mirrored doors, still closed, leading into what at first seems a tiny hotel bar until you see it is a long, narrow bistro, to the right, leading through blue light, cooly reflecting off checkboard floors, ceiling fans blowing the high chalk walls rolled the hotel’s long narrow bistrot, spilling through its sidewalk café. So long it was that the square of light that marked its entrance, still at the bar where I stood, would appear to fit within the circumference of my watch face…


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days.

 Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2018 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2018 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Strike Through

Virgo 11° (September 3)


Today’s agenda entails getting the house tidy for S.’s return. doing some writing about the Libra. I need to check the twitter to see if I had any question on my Virgo woman question to the relative masses. I will use the 5-7 hour to upload some press. I will also book a ferry for one of our visiting guests. I need to change the city on the King release (I know you have no idea what I’m talking about but that’s too bad.) I must clean up my lousy desktop and get passes and sparklers list to the box office; and find a venue for Tuesday night party; and to collect the posters for the marquis. To raise another $7-8K. I have this to write and two others, plus five signs so that’s eight which means four hours which mean six-thirty. Nobody reads this except Erin. That whole story is hysterical, now, in hind sight. Of all the people in the world who might read their name in here, the last person I would think would would (I love would would) be Erin. But I think that’s cosmic in itself. What I mean by that is she and I were never going to work as colleagues. I liked her very much when we met her in Bushwick; and she is one of the greatest actresses of her generation in my opinion so I will always have respect; but she’s gone from iffy to work with to a risk to downright abusive. On a level that is beyond anybody, even the Virgo. So go euphemism yourself Erin, in case you’re reading this. You’re not. Or you may be. Either way I don’t care. I don’t like unkind people and as I always say: If you’re going to have enemies, they better be really bad people.


One of my favorite artists and people is Mary Birdsong who nonetheless didn’t conduct herself “correctly” in our dealings; but Mary is a human being with a conscience and she made things right by us. Of all the people I’ve met in this life I consider Mary the most gifted with the bird song. There’s nothing she can’t do vocally, from my perspective. Amber Martin comes close but Amber doesn’t take care of herself the way a singer that gifted should. But like Kavanaugh says we are all imperfect being. Yes that sentence was loaded with irony.


Set up every FB page and finishing inviting folks. I must also finish the grant work with Brian. Figure out the refridgeration of Tuesday’s sushi and where we are actually to gather. I did send about 100 emails to folks. I have not made enough money to pull off this festival. I will have Brad get our S& S gift card. I will send the comp list and the sparkler list and the festival pass list to box office. And I will have to go back and ask people what they are or aren’t doing opening night. And work on some bits.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days.

 Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2018 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2018 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox


Virgo 10° (September 2)

I slept a whole hell of a lot. And spent the day getting super caught-up on my fundraising. Honestly, I really have done all I can do—the rest will have to be maintenance. It sounds like S. had quite the time in New York filled with kismets. She saw Siobhan and JVB and other friends; but she also got put back in touch with Andrea Liberman, who has her own store of Greene Street, as she should do. She ran into our artist friend and designer, Emily, and Woody Allen and Soon Yi walked into the bar where she and Griet were having a something. It sounds to me like she had one of those visits that are one in a million.

Wigstock looked kind of boring from the outside (pictures on social media); so many people in the community bitch about the commercialism of Ru Paul, and yet this enterprise, spearheaded by Neil Patrick Harris, seemed devoid of soul. But I dunno, I wasn’t there. JVB looked beautiful in the pictures.

Anyway it’s past 9PM and Monkey Business with Cary Grant and Ginger Rogers is on. It really is a bizarre film. Ginger is always so embodied and does a ton of interesting things. Cary Grant is terrible and ad libs way too many words and antics. He actually ruins the film. Also the guy who plays Lloyd in All About Eve is in it—I was just thinking the other night that I’ve never seen him in another film. He’s soave and interesting. (Hugh Marlowe) They film also has a bunch of kids in it, including that kid that appears from time to time who has a deep voice. I see Dean Stockwell in it too, only he doesn’t utter a word.

Anyway in the movie Cary invents a formula that makes people become younger in behavior anyway. It also cures the onset of farsightness and should bursitis. Ugh. And there is another scene in it that I see I Love Lucy ripped off. That’s the bummer of I Love Lucy: If you live long enough you see that the writers “borrowed” ideas from other films, plays, sources.

I once met Mädchen Amick back in the earliest nineties and she was awful. She was dating Alessandro Nivola who apologized to me for her behavior. I bring this up because Drew Droege, doing his Chloe Sevigny at Wigstock, namechecked her in his very funny bit.

It’s now past midmight and I cannot sleep. I’m doing everything I can to keep my side of the street clean, as they say.

I hate tall men, not all of them but most. I recently learned that in Europe, and maybe it’s true, too, in America (I wouldn’t know) that in bars this is the trend: Tall men get picked on the most, in the outplaying of a scenario that goes like this: Tall buff man enters bar with friend. Other men want to beat up becuase he’s tall. (And a conquest?)

I am going out on a limb—and I’ll be sure to alert the psychological community—but I would label this the Goliath Syndrome. Aren’t we all just perfect golden Davids if we can slay someone whose being suggests he could snuff us into dust. I’m going to say yes.

I did a bunch of drawings and encoded them with letters then promptly forgot what the letters stand for so the drawing will be as mysterious to me as everybody else until my pre-dementia un-kicks in.



To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days.

 Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2018 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2018 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Coxfin

Marthe Shops

Virgo 9° (September 1)


Saturday spent the day doing some cleaning and making stock and such. I know this is the most boring thing I’ve ever written, but my energy has been going to myriad other things. It’s supercrunch time now in festival world and I have fielded a thousand emails and requests and questions et al over the last few days while also running the household here on my own these last couple days. Half way through and hoping Marthe has more power in her. Here she is a shop girl:

Afterglow Festival Concierge
Provincetown In and Out 
 by Marthe Svenjördt



We can’t believe it’s closing but t’is true. We heard a heavenly glee club break into acapella harmony when this cosmetic “retail experience” for men and women first opened its doors some seven years ago. Because, as for Edwina in Absolutely Fabulous, “it takes more than a cold flannel and some Body Shop oatmeal scrub” for us, you know. With emphasis on eco-friendly, vegan and animal-cruelty-free product lines, K+M offers the top innovative brands we expect to find in our favorite city cinters, and then some. The genius owner Christine is the real-deal cosmetologist who has werked her magic for modeling agencies, on the runway, and for premier beauty companies like MAC, Stila, Lancome, NARS and Dior. And yes, K+M gives good face in the form of expert skin care consultations, make-up applications and, even lessons. Forgot to pack your Clarisonic? No problem. K+M’s got a full line of these amazing machines. Getting married? Well, who isn’t? Brides and grooms and their parties, can get more than their blush on here with custom packages available. Despite the close-out sales, you still might find unisex skincare products including Mario Badescu, Malin + Goetz and Suki; cosmetics lines like Kevin Aucoin and Stila; and mens lines including Taylor of Old Bond Street and Lab Series. And get this: The Kiss and Makeup Charity Lipstick Collection, inspired by and named for the performing artists of Provincetown, which helps people with substance abuse through NRI (Northern Rhode Island Institute). 244 Commercial Street. 508 413 9337.




A mini version of his East Village, New York  stores, John Derian has a gem of a shop stashed on  a quiet street, steps from Commercial, just east of town center,  housed within in an eighteenth century structure perfectly suited to his cracked and crumbly chic aesthetic. It’s a Boo Radley  treasure trove of  the designer’s signature decoupage, melamine plates, Astier de Villatte pottery, Hugo Guinness Lino-cuts, John Robshaw bedding, assorted imported textiles that throw, spread, wrap and swathe, Cire trudon scented candles and endless things, sweetie, things that you don’t need but might want, for a price. Derian’s sensibility is distressed 19th century which by all accounts makes sense; as we hear he operates by gaslighting. Hours are 11am to 7pm. Closed Wednesday. Law Street behind 396 Commercial Street. 508.487-1362. 


Food & Wine


The center of the Provincetown universe, “141” is so much more than the best grocer in town. It’s a one-stop gourmet shop, organic market, restaurant, bakery, juice bar and modish general store all in one.  Beyond being stocked with healthy dry goods, produce, bulk items, natural beauty and health products and eco-friendly necessities, this light and airy purveyors is Provincetown’s answer to the agora where people gather daily to buy fresh ingredients, eat a natural vegetarian or vegan lunch, grab some fresh-made prepared meals, and connect with one another sharing the news of the moment over a nosh at the large communal table, or while in the check out line. Open at 8am, you can grab a fresh fruit/veg smoothie or coffee and baked breakfast, from buttery croissants to gluten-free muffins, and your menu items for the day. Carnivores can shop with confidence, too, as 141 stocks natural cheeses, cold cuts and frozen free-range and naturally grown meats. There is little you can’t find here, except for schlock and crappy processed foods. Owners Chris and Joe are hands-on proprietors always willing to find (and even order) something you can’t readily spot. It’s information central, too, for the higher consciousness set, where you’ll be directed by the shop’s bulletin board to find a great yoga instructor, acupuncturist, masseur/se or other masters of healing. But don’t be blinded by this third-eye perspective: Bradford Natural Market is also the place to get the goods to prepare a meal at home that would satisfy Nigella without raising Gwyneth’s ire. If you don’t like to cook, you could easily eat lunch here every day—a hot buffet brimming with spicy, veg Indian or Middle Eastern inspired fare is not to be missed—while you can trundle back home or even to your hotel room to stash some savories and sweets for a simple readymade supper. No wine sales here. 
 141 Bradford Street. 508 487-9784.


The East End of Provincetown would be lost without Liz Lovati at Angel Foods. In the heart of the gallery district, directly accross from the PAAM museum, Angel Foods offers beach-ready picnic lunches and full catering for any occasion in addition to being a shop stocked with basic and gourmet goodies, wines, cheeses, produce and a deli with prepared foods, made-to-order sandwiches and a bakery of gooey delights. The grocery aisles feature natural imported Thai, Indian, Italian and Spanish items; the butchery has New York sirloin, filet mignon, free range poultry, smokehouse meats and natural nitrate0free sausage and bacon. There is also a vast array of oils and vinegars, imported sauces, chocolates, local wines and beers. Though Angel Foods has a thoroughly up-to-date selection to satisfy the most jaded urban visitor, Liz sets the shop’s native Provincetown tone with a warm, accessible, no-nonsense retail style. Don’t see something you need in the meat department or want to order large portions of fish to grill? Just ask the boss!
467 Commercial Street. 508 487-6666.


When Tom Fielding and Scott O’Connor took over the corner of Tremont and Franklin streets (at the West End turn of Commercial Street) they not only opened one of the best alimentary shops ever to grace Provincetown, they beautified that corner with a tastefully historical building reno, updating what has been a corner shop since 1934. Former restaurateurs from Portsmouth, NH, Tom and Scott raised the bar on wine and food offerings on Cape Cod which has lagged behind other regions when it comes to quality artisinal delicacies and libations. In addition to their own Perry’s Helltown Pinot Noir, the shop offers wines hand-picked for unique qualities and accessibility. We never not ask for the newest recommendation—and many a Provincetown resident will have cases delivered , leaving the selection to Tom and Scott. Their artisinal cheese selection features fresh & aged cheeses from small family farms in the States as well as rustic cheesemongers from Europa. With cured salami and d’Artagnan pâtés, olives & spreads this is one stop shopping for a drinks party. To boot, Perry’s has the highest quality meats—whole air-chilled chickens and French pork chops from Quebec and Pure Gold Angus Beef cuts from Texas—to make home cook-outs and -ins a breeze. One Tremont Street. 508 487-0140.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days.

 Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2018 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2018 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Marthe Services Lacking

Virgo 8° (August 31)


Unfornately I woke up feeling poorly, like my sinuses were in a vice, which was strange as the weather was really perfect, and I hated to miss it all. I did manage to do some Marthe work but there is more in the category to be done:

Afterglow Festival Concierge
Provincetown In and Out 
 by Marthe Svenjördt



There’s no phoning it here. The expert staff at Ptown Bikes have quick, solid answers, whether you’re buying, renting or repairing your cycle. They’re fast and friendly and totally full service and take their businesses seriously. This premier Provincetown bike shop specialize in TREK, Gary Fisher, Lemond and Klein cycles, and local residents ritualize taking their bikes there each spring for tune-ups or to purchase a gently used pair of wheels. Many folks also make use of the shop’s winter storage facilities. This highly functional establishment will even  pack and ship bikes home to you. Renters can phone in reservations so you can be in and outta there in a flash—with free roadside service added into the bargain. The official bike shop of the Afterglow Festival, its generous owner is a patron of the arts who often donates bikes to non-profits hosting events in Provincetown. There are other good rental places in town but Ptown Bikes is always a cut above.  
 42 Bradford Street
,  508. 487. 8735



Ahoy! The only boat we Provincetown folk ever take is this one—the official ferry line of the Afterglow Festival. It is super-fast—just 90 minutes from dock to dock—super clean with a super cool crew, and it’s conveniently located in Boston at the fashionable Seaport. Bay State Cruise Company offers inexpensive parking, climate controlled cabins, a full service bar & snacks, and dockside luggage storage all designed so you’ll arrive in P-town relaxed and/or ready for action. Seniors travel at a discounted rate. Children under twelve sail for free (they require a reserved ticket) and, for no additional charge, you can even bring your pooch so long as s/he’s on a leash,. Got a bike? It’s only 6 bucks extra. The ferry runs seven days a week and there is an early-bird Monday morning boat in-season so you can be back in the Hub to catch that worm. If you’re flying into Logan Airport, as some of our artists and audience do,  you can hop a water taxi directly to the dock. Their website is super easy to navigate while their customer service give great phone. Ask about their summer music cruises, private charters and whale watches!   200 Seaport Boulevard #50
,  877. 783.3779

Wellness & Beauty


Not since Heimy in “Rudolph The Rednosed Reindeer” uttered those immortal words: “I want to be a dentist,” has any DDS been so devoted to his profession as Dr. Scott Allegretti, the official dentist of Provincetown’s Afterglow Festival. Scott started dental assisting in high school—no joke—and, over the last 30 years, he has cultivated a practice that raises the bar on state-of-the-art dental services, not just in Provincetown but, hello, anywhere. After earning his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree, and while in private practice in Virginia and also a member at the state’s Medical College , he joined the U.S. Navy as a Commissioned Dental Officer where he received advance training over five years of active military duty. Today his expertise includes Invisalign Orthodontics, Dental Implantology, CEREC Robotic Crown Fabrication, and all phases of Cosmetic Dentistry. (seriously, not since Heimy.) In recognition of his advanced training, Scott has received numerous awards including an elite Fellowship in the Academy of General Dentistry, a prestigious honor achieved by completing high-level continuing education over a 15-year period, a Fellowship in the International Congress of Oral Implantologists, and Membership in the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, distinctions reserved for the crème de la crème of DDS’s. Dr. Allegretti is like a special operations high commander for your mouth. The Dental Arts’s mantra is Excellence, Technology, Quality and his practice totally lives up to it—sure it’s reassuringly expensive on first visit, but the thorough, preventative care afforded patients here has saved many a pretty penny. There isn’t a soul on Cape Cod who’s visited this office and not sung its praises from the shingled rooftops. Dr. Allegretti proves that being healthfully obsessed by ones profession pays off. It’s just an added boon that, as a member of our community and a big proponent of the arts, sports and health, Scott supports local theatre, all creatives, and various baseball, football and physical education programs in the area. New This Year: Provincetown Dental Arts now offers esthetic procedures utilizing Botox and Derma Fillers. Botox can remove wrinkles in various locations on the face and neck including around the lips, and Dermal Fillers can enhance lips, cheeks, facial and nasal folds. Did you know that Botox can reduce and eliminate migraine headaches as well head neck and shoulder pain? It’s FDA approved. 
135 Bradford Street. 508 487 2800.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days.

 Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2018 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Marthe Arts

Virgo 7° (August 30)


The hope was that after taking S. to the ferry and doing some shopping I would circulate some of these Missionary Sponsorship Letters, especially to the realtors upon whom I feel it is most encumbent to contribute. I’m not sure I used the right words there, but I scarcely care. I bought myself some cocktail fixins as my diet doesn’t allow for anything but spirits—I don’t drink spirits but oh well. It is easy to shop on this diet, though; if I just pick up some cheese and greens I’m good to go so long as I have a chicken or something to play against; avocadoes being most essential to getting fat without gorging on dairy. I’m modestly losing weight but I’m geared to speed up the process. Anyway, I’ve stashed myself away for the next few days to get my fundraising on track. In the meantime, I offer up Marthe Svenjördt:


Afterglow Festival Concierge
Provincetown In and Out 
 by Marthe Svenjördt

Albert Merola Gallery

Connections. The unifying factor for the artists shown here by Albert Merola and partner James Balla is a relationship with Provincetown, where this gallery stays open year-round. And yet, we find it the most New Yorkais of Provincetown’s art spaces. You’ve got some big names here who, yes, either make the seaside hamlet home, or summer here with regularity. Jack Pierson, Tabitha Vevers, Pat de Groot, Tabboo!, Michael Mazur, Milton Avery, Richard Tinkler, Mischa Richter and John Waters, who has curated exhibitions here, are either or both internationally renown and locally recognized for riding their bikes or walking barefoot through town. We think there is a sense of this gallery presenting the crème de la crème and that may well be true. Still, the proprietors are super warm and friendly without the slightest whiff of elitism. Surely, this gallery is known the world over from SoHo to the Left Bank to Brussels, Beijing and beyond.
424 Commercial Street. 508 487 4424. www.albertmerolagallery

Art Market Provinctown (AMP)

Punked. Probably the most ambitious gallery in Provincetown, this relative newcomer, owned and run by Debbie Nadolney, champions the emerging artist working in various media; and, as a resident of New York’s East Village, she brings that gritty sensibility to the art scene here at the tip of Cape Cod. There is an emphasis on the cool factor, perhaps stemming from Nadolney being rooted in New York’s downtown music scene in addition to fine art. Some say it can feel forced. While, we at Afterglow have been flattered that the gallery has given space in art shows to a number of the performers we’ve presented in Provincetown, including Jill Pangallo, Justin Vivian Bond, Chris Tanner, Penny Arcade and others. The gallery sometimes doubles as a performance space—which bristles some locals—and other artists we’ve presented, like Nora Burns and Nath Ann Carrera, have moonlighted here. Our favorite AMP painters are Larry Collins, Karen Cappotto and Christopher Sousa; and photographers of note: Katrina del Mar, Bobby Miller and Jamie Casertano.
432 Commercial Street. 646 298 9258. www.artmarketprovincetown

Four Eleven Gallery

Salt of the Earth. There is an essential authenticity which characterizes this gallery. Nobody here is trying to pitch or sell you on something, nor do they ignore or shoot you icy looks. Here one encounters pure joy in engagement. There is a purity that the artists who show here share. Of all the galleries in Provincetown, this one probably has the best energy and you get a sense that its artist proprietor Liz Carney has created this space out of a true love for painting and other fine arts. If creativity is indeed the gateway to spirituality, that entrance is found at the threshhold of this eponymous address. For over fifty years, the big white house on the beach has been a studio and home to many artists and writers. And few places in town, let alone galleries, evoke the spirit of a Provincetown of yore as this sacred space does. Along with Liz Carney, Peter Hocking, Matthew Capaldo, Helen Grimm, Madelyn Carney, Janine Evers and others show here. We can never pass Four Eleven by without stopping in for a vibrational recharge—there is always a vibrant exchange of ideas, inspiration and passion in this place.
411 Commercial Street. 617 905 7432.

Schoolhouse Gallery

Thoughtful. Mike Carroll, the director/owner of this unique gallery space that specializes in modern and contemporary  painting, sculpture, photography and printmaking, has a meticulous eye and attention to detail. Representing over fifty artists of the mainly mid-career to notable variety from the end of Cape Cod (and throughout the US and Europe) the Schoolhouse maintains a large inventory of works. Here, the focus is on the collector, whether the seasoned sort or one just finding his or her way. Carroll works with individuals as well as museums, corporate and other art professionals in the presentation as well as the sale of works. The Schoolhouse’s design services include consulting for acquisition and installation for the individual as well as for home, office or corporate collection; and we find Carroll’s practicable approach to curating to be heartfelt and helpful to those seeking a valuable selection of works. Located in Provincetown’s historic East End, The Schoolhouse is the only  remeaining one of three builidings built in 1844 to replace the one-room school houses that existed up until that time. There’s a lot of history here; and in that setting, the extensive collection of forward-leaning art makes for a poignant and powerful juxtaposition.
411 Commercial Street. 508 487 4800.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days.

 Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2018 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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