Month: January 2019 (page 4 of 5)

The Other Shoe

Capricorn 9° (December 30)


We will be conducting our Cosmic Clinic today in Provincetown which should prove fun. Today also marks the start of my more comprehensive social media presence for the coming year. It still baffles me. And as I have multiple accounts and, well, businesses, I really do need to get a handle on all of that. With a move back in to a city it will be easier to get some intern action to handle much of it I realize; so I look forward to that as one new aspect of what we will do to accomplish what we need to. I am increasingly uncomfortable with certain silences—the fact that holidays and birthdays have come and gone without so much as a peep from certain quarters. But, without taking a hard stance, I have made a pact with myself that I’m not going to be the one constantly reaching out; too many relationships have become one sided due to people’s narcissism and I really can’t be a party to it any longer. I am ready to let so much go at this juncture. Someone recently made fun of the fact that some people write (blog) about their daily life; it was someone who is a successful writer of sorts and I couldn’t help thinking that he was throwing shade at me. But I thought, you know what: I am trying to get to universals via my personal experience. I can’t always hit the mark but there is much to be gained by the steady outpouring of my observations which I hope sometimes are humorous.

Such an irony that no sooner do I write this and head to our tithing station for the day at the lovely holiday market in Provincetown that we are confronted by the fact the friends whom we’d introduced and with whom (we thought) we still had mutual relations had their holdiay revelries planned without us; a truth I feel I have extracted from the ether today not only via today’s emission but via the affirmation I also put forth today regarding, well, basically releasing everyone from any kind of obligation to me or to any kind of past high or low, boon or difficulty, joy or obligation. The real point that needs being making now is that this collective situation is completely dead to me. There is nothing but snarky cliqueishness here. In short, actually, the lousy who have peopled my life can truly go fuck themselves. I say this fully now before the start of the new year because I want to truly get it out of my system. I think if I read the signs right here today I am being asked to completely close certain doors behind me and find a way to feel completely, mentally on board about that. I am fifteen minutes into a three-hour commitment and I intend to honor it, but in this next two hours and forty-five minutes I am going to let die any false hope or misunderstanding that I have harbored.

And this is the real gift. I really knew the truth this whole time. The fact is I was right all along and now I don’t have to second guess or wallow in the gaslighting. I can know what I know and that can be the end of it. Good riddance is not an oxymoron. And so I offer up these simple phrases, on the Sabian Symbols from the origins of this Blague:


I’m not sure what it is in my newly emerging personality that is manifesting as daily challenges—the yoga, this Blague—plus the horoscopes and other writing, our priority consultancy, the production and direction of a new Afterglow Festival, for which I must now begin fundraising in earnest, not to mention a number of upcoming shows by Starsky + Cox, both separate and together. Believe me I’m not complaining, I’m going somewhere with this: Today’s Sabian Symbol for 10° Aries is A Teacher Gives New Symbolic Forms To Traditional Images and I immediately think of re-branding, changing the headline, and revigorating old modes with powerful new widgets.

So the above litany: That was the old me feigning to be dragged through the new normal. In truth, I’m not planning to stop daily yoga after just a thirty-day challenge—I hope to do it every day for the rest of my life. I’m not shying away from the Cosmic Blague, it requires at least a year of my attention and so I have to sit back and enjoy the ride; and, as has always been the plan, I’d like to die in the wings during a live performance where I’m, forviging the pun, killing it. So I’m giving over to these new forms, now, in my daily existence and letting myself, if not my brand, be changed by them, so I can meet the future more as I see myself. Gosh I hope that made sense.

 Dane Rudhyar speaks of today, 10° Aries, as embodying a “revision of attitude at the beginning of a new cycle of experience”; the traditional images we have of ourself and our circumstance might be outmoded, and we need new forms that suggest a wider range of meaning. This isn’t personal. We needn’t have an emotional take on, or reaction to, what is our new design for living We’ve made decisions and we’re sticking to them. This is us now. And we need a new abstract form to mark this shift in our outlook. And it all begins with that ‘tude.

Short of pulling a Prince and branding ourselves with some kind of unpronouncable symbol, or taking on a Ziggy Startdust persona, or inventing a new pronoun to which others might refer to us—all valid moves that great artists and thinkers have done to mark their development—we should at least think about, today, what might emblemize us. What have we stood for? How has that changed? What do we mean (to ourselves and others), now? And what might be our logo. Did you know that the first ever logo to be trademarked was the Bass red triangle in 1876. Thank you Wikipedia.

The fact is that the meaning and interpretation behind any symbol are endless. Especially this symbol which is about new symbolic assignations being added to, or replacing, older “traditional” ones. And it’s awfully generous, isn’t it, for this teacher to be shedding new light on some old forms. Gosh, I wonder if I know anybody like that? Hmmm. The point is we are making progress. We are not static beings. We are not locked into our own traditions and so, every so often, we need new symbols for ourselves, even, to mark or growth in wisdom.

When I was twenty-one I toyed with calling myself Pan and moving to Paris to be an androgynous cabaret artist. Well I have never been that androgynous due to hairy Italian genes; and it took me another twenty years to attempt cabaret. But it didn’t not happen. I had the symbol, the form in my mind, way back when. And as most do, I took on a new name when I began working as a professional astrologer-metaphysician. Granted, we had invented the His & Her Horoscope column for Teen People and I didn’t want my New York Times editors to know that it was me writing it, but still there was a tradition of doing this. Alan Leo. Athena Starwoman. Linda Goodman. Dane Rudhyar. The name happened first and then I sort of grew into it. I think that’s how it works. We change our attitude and we mark it with some word or picture, if only in our mind, and then we grow in that direction. Esso just sounds so mid-twentieth century—but Exxon, now that’s a name that could travel into the new millenium.

So, today, ask yourself: What’s your attitude? And how would you characterize it in a word or in an image. What emblemizes the new you? I think I’ll be a big blue ball. Interpret that to your hearts’ content.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days.

 Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2018 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2018 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Undercautiously Optimistic

Capricorn 8° (December 29)


We don’t usually have a client on Saturdays but we made an exception for one of our loyal ones today. Otherwise I am promoting our new books as I do the Holiday Market we will volunteer our time for tomorrow. It really is pretty cool. This couple Loic and Rob own The Canteen restuarant in Provincetown which is absolutely delicious and one of the newer positive additions to the town’s dining landscape. Anyway, they have this entire beach front as they are right on the harbor and Loic, an Aries, is a really talented framer among many other talents (including being an ex ballet dancer) and they built this tiny little market city extending out from the back of The Canteen onto the beach with various local vendors and such. Anyway they are really giving folks and so it is a joy to dedicate some free time to setting up our famed Cosmic Clinics for folks to get brief readings from us, gratis. Hopefully we will draw something of a crowd we shall see. So we will have one more night out which will be fantastic. And a local hotel has been so kind as to donate a room to us for donating our time to the market. So we’ll get to have some Ptown fun. And as this is still my holiday, I am adding another re-run of the original weeks of Cosmic Blagues dating back nearly four years. Enjoy:

The Sabian Symbol for 9° Aries is A Seer Gazes With Concetration Into A Crystal Sphere. The correlation of this to the 9th sign of Sagittarius, the motto of which is “I see”, and the sign’s association with the third-eye, is fairly evident. It is written that the crystal sphere represents wholeness, I would suggest that it is the third-eye itself, activated by insight. The third eye, tertiary perception, is that which sees beyond duality and embodies the notion that there are three sides to every story, a fully rounded view. The crystal ball is all-seeing, not only in the sense that it sees everything, but that it sees all sides of any one thing. This is the opposite of navel gazing, which is synonymous with a myopic self-obsession. Here, we don’t know at what we’re looking when first we gaze—our eyes and our understanding are open to every and all possibility. What slowly comes into focus is the sum total of possibility so that we might act from a vantage of considering all factors—this crystal (clarity) is a sphere, suggesting full 360° circumspection. We can be assured of what we see, and we also must accept whatever that might be, for better or worse or both

In this symbol we see the merging of our intellect with our intuition, and we must use the former, in this case to serve the latter, creating a power line between the two. This constitutes “seeing situations as a whole”; intuiton and intellect on their own might each tell part of the story. There is the Seer and there is the Sphere, the Seen. It is the Concentration, which, like concentric, etymologically points to “bringing to a center” that unites them. Concentration isn’t projection of will, but a circling in on a larger truth.There is a marriage needing taking place between text and subtext, between conscious and subconscious motivations, between surface actions and underlying intentions. We are seeking to awake the supraconscious. For me the takeaway of today’s symbol is there being more at play than the naked eye can see. We mustn’t take situations at face value, we must consult the oracle of our own intuition—our emotional intelligence—and let our brain develop a cinemascopic picture of a situation based on its understanding, as difficult to articulate it as it might be. We must employ that spacious mind of yesterday, symolized by the Large Woman’s Hat. We can’t have prejudice and we can’t read into situations to serve the smaller aspects of our mind.

Funnily enough I’ve owned a crystal ball. And the story surrounding it does touch on the shadow side of gazing into it, for real, or metaphorically speaking. It was given to me by someone who, it just so happens, was a master of subtext and subterfuge, which can characterize the shadow side of a Scorpio personality. The sign’s ruler Pluto is named for the god of the underworld, a metaphor for a deeply profound personality who is miner for meaning and hearts of gold, on the positive side; while expressing an undermining nature on the negative. We see this in fearful, insecure and unevolved people of the sign. There were always two conversations going on simultaneously with this individual in question. The one he had with people —in person, by phone or by text—and the one he had about them, via, shall we say, subtext. With people of a character such as this, one is naturally leary, and should never get too close until they hopefully develop out of this behavior, which most shadowy Scorpios actually do. Meanwhile, ironically, it is the sense that people don’t want to warm up to them that fuels their detrimental scheming below the surface. Although this person’s put downs of others were barely subliminal, I assumed them to be isolated and petty, and didn’t give them any power. Until I saw the subtextual web this individual was capable of weaving. The scorpion is an arachnid lest we forget; and the kiss-kiss of some spiders, man or woman, as well as their idle surface chatter, can be designed to mask—Pluto wore a helm of invisibility—the stealthy time-released character assasinations they make against those they target.

Symptomatically, this individual in question was a paranoid, as one might have to be to cut so undercutting a figure. As people know I’m wont to do, I’ll post inspiring, uplifting, motivational messages on my Facebook page, from time to time. There was a spate a few years back when I did this daily. Then I noticed this individual had disappeared from Facebook; he hadn’t, actually; he blocked me. When I asked him about it, he said that he thought my posts, meant to universally empower all my cyber friends, were barbs pointed specifically at tearing him down. He was taking my new-agey or Eastern mystical, inspirational quotes personally…and as insults. Now that’s paranoid. The point I’m trying to make here is that sometimes we gaze into our metaphorical crystals with fear in our hearts and ill intent in our noggins, and that’s the picture that will come into focus. Self-fulfilling prophecy. If we go looking for problems, bent on reading ill intent into others’ conscious or subconscious motivations, we will always find them. Not to say we should gaze into our crystal wearing rose-colored glasses either. We must keep that supraconscious line between the subconcious and the conscious free of any imposition of will, hope or fear.

Incidentally, I never used that crystal ball that was sent to me. First of all it arrived with a broken pedestal, which I took as something of a sign; but also, probably because I’ve read too much Tolkien, I was concerned the object could read me on some level, so it was ultimately banned from view, put into a dark corner of a basement; perhaps, one day, it will be resurrected, cleared of negative energy, and employed for its intended purpose; but none too soon, I can assure you.

This is going to be a short one today folks. At least I hope so. I’m on day twenty-one of a thirty day Bikram Yoga challenge and, though I made it through a Boston winter without getting sick, with basically no heat in this impressive looking but ridiculous apartment in which I find myself, I now have some combo platter of Dickensian illnesses that would seem to combine consumption, rickets, pleurisy and gout. I jest (ish), but oucha-magaoucha do I feel like pooh warmed over; and Monday is a big client day and I must be sparklingly alert. Snap out of it.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days.

 Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2018 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2018 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Cornish Pastie

Capricorn 7° (December 28)


Another morning at the Eliot and another client over the holidays which was nice. It struck me today that we seem to live in a number of places at once, not least of which is this hotel. Although I think we have sworn off this particular suite as it no longer seems quiet—early morning mechanical and/or dumpster noises every day; it’s also in some disrepair—and there was the shower/Draino incident; and it always seems to have smokers in it right before we take up residence. So we are moving, next time, to a different “line” in the hotel. We shall see if that doesn’t make things better. I know this might make me sound somewhat spoiled but not really. I mean nothing is cheap in this world and we are regular clients, and hopefully valued ones. The rain is out of control today and my back is completely out once again, so I will take the passenger seat to the Cape; well for the beginning bit in any case. We needed gas and food so we stopped in Hingham and I sat in the car in the torrential rain while S. shopped and then we switched and I drove the rest of the way. We had a little wine and some lovely cheese and it was bliss to sleep in our own bed once again after so much to’ing and fro’ing. We thought the tree might surely be a tinder box but it has barely lost any needles and is still subtle to the touch who knew. Anywig, I continue my rerunning of old Blagues as my holiday, I’d like to say continues but, let’s face it, it is just about to start.

I started writing the Cosmic Blague a week ago and in some ways I feel like Lucy and Ethel at the chocolate factory, needing to get into a rhythm, not letting the process get away from me. Also I haven’t done much in the way of outreach to let people know about this new project—not to say I’m writing anything so earth-shattering that people are missing out on something monumental. But I think I might do a bit of promotion today so that people get wind of it. Today’s Sabian Symbol for 8° Aries, A Large Woman’s Hat With Streamers Blown By The East Wind, seems to fit the mood —mine, anyway. I want to be a bit breezy today, I don’t want to get too heavy into it; as I write this I hear in the back of my brain the following phrase: Famous last words.

What strikes me most about today’s symbol is the fact that it’s a hat, belonging to a large woman, but the woman herself is not necessarily in the picture. It seems like an image from a dream sequence in a film, or one you’d have just falling for a brief moment in the middle of the day. There is something cool, calming and Spring-like about it. And, I can’t not equate the image with an Easter bonnet. This date and degree of Aries is surely one on which Easter has fallen. And so we must consider the energy of rebirth and regeneration. I mentioned yesterday that this random site I found online——lists all the Sabian symbols, labeling them with titles, all of which, in Aries, begin with the word Integrity. Yesterday was labelled: Integrity Light; today is tagged Integrity Regeneration. The description goes on to say that “the main quality of this person”—I’m assuming “person” refers to someone who has a planet in their birth chart pinioned to 8° Aries—”is his spaciousness of outlook.” I like that.

The fact the image is a hat belonging to a large woman suggests that the energy of the day is “feminine” in the sense that it is an energy of receptivity, those streamers reading something like antennae, picking up messages and vibrations. The largesse of the woman would suggest that the capacity for receptivity is vast, that today we might be of an expansive mind and attitude. We can also be open to have our minds blown on some level. But safely so. The hat is a symbol of protection from the elements, specifically the “masculine” Sky elements of Sun (fire) and wind (air)—fire and air signs, in astrology are masculine, whilst water and earth are feminine. An east wind symbolizes new beginnings and also spiritualizing forces. The streamers are there to sense and signal direction, like a weather vane. The hat is receiving the revitalizing forces. The message here is not to blow like the wind but to be open and flexible to new ideas and even sweeping change. Streamers are designed to catch the wind, they suggest a certain rejoicing in doing so. Today we celebrate our ability to go where the winds of change are taking us; doing so could very well characterize our own rebirth or regeneration. We let undeniably strong unseen forces, symbolized by the wind, move us. Interestingly, in biblical symbolism, the East Wind is one that disperses falsities and evil.

Think about the false notions others might have about you. To be great (or large like the owner of the hat) is indeed to be misunderstood; but instead of fighting falsity or evil mendacity we let them blow over us. The east wind destroys destruction. The good among us have nothing to fear from it, but for the baddies, it’s a bit of g/God’s wrath or judgement. So long as your side of the street is clean, you can welcome today as a wind that will wipe away the unrighteous and leave a renewed sense of innocence in its wake. Irrefutable truth is written in the wind—the answer, my friends—and we need only let it blow. We have no responsibility or cause to impose our truths on others. Our higher mind, the hat pointing to our crown chakra, knows the true nature of everything—I think of J.K. Rowling’s sorting hat—we can huff and we can puff but we can’t blow anyone’s house down, nor they ours. It is not for us to do. We must trust the larger forces at play to do such righteous work for us. The winds may gust and blow, but the weather within us need never change.



To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days.

 Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2018 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2018 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Post Boxing Day

Capricorn 6° (December 27)


Stella’s Birthday Day! I feel as if I’ve slept a thousand hours. One of our LA cum NYC cum New England clients will come to visit this morning which will be fun. And then Stella will work her way down Charles Street and T it to Cambridge where I will meet her in Central Square. Another day of catching up on this writing and slowly emerging into new material as I continue to post some ancien materiel. Working on Brian, it was rather a bust again today. Just one sort of nothing contact. Sometimes I feel these directors are just giving lip service. Anyway, I will go to Cornish Pasty and have a delicious potato leek soup with stilton cheese. I am rather in love with this place I must say. And I will walk Mass Ave over the bridge, breathing deeply, meet Stella and we will walk further on to Harvard Square and have a drink at the bar at Alden & Harlow before heading across the Cambridge Common for our reservation at Guiglia. I expected more from this place, frankly, given the hype. We had pasta because they make it fresh. I ordered a boar ragut type deal to erase the boar ragu pasta I had at that nightmare “resort” in Connecticut last week. So there is that. We had fun actually. And we Ubered back to the Eliot and had a dessert at Uni, all in all a perfect night. Here to satisfy your (and my) need for quantity, another re-run of the original swipe at Blagues past:
Lo and behold today’s Sabian Symbol, for 7° Aries is: A Man Successfully Expressing Himself In Two Realms At Once. For starters, seven is a number near and dear to my heart as it is the Libra number, one of Light, Order and Music, seven rainbow rays of in a lightbeam, seven notes to “The Scales”, and many more Apollonian connections. And ways in which any of us lead double lives not withstanding, when I think of two realms I immediately think of the material and on material realms. Yesterday we explored A Square, With One Of Its Sides Brightly Illumined whereby we were drawn toward that illuminated side where we might break on through to the proverbial other side. (I neglected to mention that the square, or the cross, symbolizes matter and the material realm.) Today, we look at life from both sides now: We have broken through to discover that the other realm or dimension might be immaterial but it is in now way unreal. This is always a real a present reality, whether or not we are engineered or inclined to perceive it, while it would also be empowering to imagine that this dynamic is esepcially available to us on this particular day. I’ll be curious to peruse a list of people born on this day to see if they personify this dynamic in any way. 

There is precious little written online about these symbols. But I stumbled upon an interpretation of 7° Aries being labelled “Integrity Light”, all the Aries degrees being “Integrity something”, tomorrows, according to this site is “Integrity Regeneration”, regeneration being the keynote of Scorpio which follows the sign of Libra which is (cardinal-air) Light—so I’ve just stumbled onto some validation that these symbol degrees may indeed be following the zodiac’s pattern of twelve, thirty times, circles within circles, equaling the 360° cycle of the calendar year. So, you see, sometimes (read: always) leading with our intuitive sense with result in concrete proof in the pudding. Anyway, in this description, this symbol is characterized as “the one who keeps his lamp alight whatever the price”. We have moved into the light (cue that little person’s voice from the film Poltergeist) and now we are holding that lamplight aloft, or indeed we are the light, that shines in two directions at once. I think of the children in C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia, entering that realm for the first time—Lucy (meaning light) first encounters a lampost, which marks the point between the so-called real and imagined worlds.

Whether we are speaking of the world of our imagination, or some spiritual, energetic realm that we can “psychically” visit if not fully inhabit, we are on about the same thing. Back in the late 1980s, right before I had an extraordinary “event” happened to me whereby I was triggered into an altered state—I will try to write about this for you at a later date—although Stella and I have told this story a number of times, live on stage: I had a dream. The dream centered on this giant black book from which I was privileged read; the book was titled, in giant silver letters: I Magi Nation. Now of course it spells imagination; but it also points to the notion that perhaps I was a Magi and that I wasn’t alone, but part of a larger body, community, nation of them. Within days after this dream this weird event occured—it may’ve been triggered by a stranger slipping something into my drink—I will never know—but it resulted in my being endowed for a night with super human thought and strength that involved my “seeing the math in my head in blueprint form” for successfully dive-rolling out of a car going 40 miles an hour, landing on my feet and then sprinting faster than a gazelle as well as my “seing the math” to launch myself in the air and scale an eight-foot fence without touching it; “seeing the math” as well to “find the sweet-spot” in a chain-link gate, embedded in cement, where I could hit it with my vintage Columbia bicycle so that the fence/gate would be knocked over, out of its cement foundation, allowing me to ride my bike over that fence without so much as taking my feet off the pedals—I remember that was important to me—to stay balanced on my bike without putting a foot down. This and more all actually happened on the eve of the Harmonic Convergence, August 16, 1987. I won’t bore you with the rest of this story now; but the upshot was that I learned the hard way, and in a manner I did not invite, that I was capable of perceiving (an) other realm(s) that had heretofore been closed to me. It was violent and forced upon me and at the time I did not see any good in this having happened. In time, though, I’ve come to understand that, whether welcomed or not, this event provided a breakthrough.

 Needless to say, I strongly relate to today’s symbol, but just because I readily imagine my particular two realms to be that of a solid world and that of an impressionistic one, doesn’t mean the duality begins and ends there. I do find it funny that my partcular first “psychic break” with “reality” had “physics” overtones; as someone who hated math and science growing up, I suppose the joke was on me that my being endowed with extrasensory powers for one evening back in 1987, manifested as a combined superhuman strength powered by sudden flashes of mathematical, physicist genius. What springs to mind as the two realms you inhabit might be drastically different from my set. And yes there are terrestrial dualities that might be portrayed by phrases like “leading a double life” or “juggling two worlds at once” or even “bringing home the bacon and frying it upon in the pan.”

Still, I am inclined to see the Sabian symbol of A Man Successfully Expressing Himself In Two Realms At Once as being pinioned to the material/non-material world dichotomy. I think that we are, all of of us, expressing ourselves in these two realms simultaneously, but I don’t believe that we are all doing it successfully. Even those of us who might be conscious of doing it at all might fall short. I consider myself a auto-didactical metaphysician—metaphysics itself can be defined as “the science of the immaterial”. Indeed, “there are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy (Hamlet 1.5 167-8). Increasingly, I am made aware of this and, hopefully, becoming more succesful at said expression. And, having looked at life from both sides, now, what I’ve gleaned from my understanding of the unseen world has only inspired me to live more simply, healthfully and sanely, in the seen one. I am conscious of the fact that the expressions of our thoughts and actions don’t just manifest in the here and now, they make an impression on the “other side” as well—call it the spiritual realm, or that of infinite or eternal or, plainly, the energetic—where elements of our being, thoughts and actions are duly noted. Perhaps there is an Akashic record, I don’t know. But when I consider the possibility I immedately flash to my dream of I Magi Nation and the very real experience of realms of possibilty that seemed to defy my own natural laws or even those of physics, which I had encountered in the days that followed.

 A footnote: When we embarked a decade later on writing what became Sextrology, our publishers assumed we would write a popular, splashy, sex-sells sort of book. We, however, sensed it was an opportunity to write a book that you really couldn’t judge by its title let alone its cover. Delving the immaterial but very real world of archetypes and energies as we did in the writing of it, Sextrology itself is a successful expression in two realms. It is at once very real and funny, bawdy and poppy, academic and as logical as an astrology book can be and yet it is also suffused with an “off the page” element, an admittedly slight tapping into esoteric knowledge, a knowingness and mystery that speaks to readers on a more purely energetic level. And, without getting too specific, I will venture to say that we’ve had indication that it has indeed been well received in realms beyond Horatio’s grasp.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days.

 Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2018 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2018 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

La Stoppa

Capricorn 5° (December 26)


La Stell had a series of appointments in the hood and then went to see the Nutcracker today so I am catching up on a little writing, including this. I’m making a great many contacts and will connect, about Brian, with Greg and Kline and Smith. I will rant about terrorism and my fears will be given rise. That’s really all I can say about all that except for the fact that the shower in this suite isn’t working properly and the maintenance guy will walk in without asking even though I have the Do Not Disturb sign on. Anyway, I was given a key to shower in another room while they filled ours with Draino. I will go to Eataly and get some delicious La Stoppa. Stella brought me back dinner from Meyers & Chang = hooray. I will fall asleep by 7 PM. It has been an exhausting two weeks of travel and intrigue. I will return to inserting some musings on the Sabian Symbols from the past a/k/a “reruns”:

When does our solid foundation, the structures we created, our constructs that provided security become cages, prisons and how will we find a solution, a way out. The Sabian Symbol associated with this day at 6° Aries is A Square, With One Of Its Sides Brightly Illumined. Squares symbolize stability and a sense of completion, so before we set upon dismantling that fact let’s acknowledge it. We can’t deconstruct before we understand our structures. Philosophically, anthropologically, linguistically, upper case Structuralism, as our substitute for a brain Wikipedia puts it: “is the theory that elements of human culture must be understood in terms of their relationship to a larger overarching system or structure.” Basically what this says is that no part of us can be truly understand without looking at its relationship to all the other parts, the whole, of us. Meditations on our our own wholes not withstanding, we all crave solidity in our lives, means of definition, boundaries; and we all put up walls. As I type this I get a visual flash of today’s image being something of a house of cards. What goes up may need to come tumbling down, but not necessarily so.

It’s all about that forth wall. In my mind the top, left and bottom of the square are drawn by solid lines, red lines in my mind’s eye, and the right side of the square is the illumined one, glowing brightly, as if a red line has been drawn over with a yellow highlighter. But that’s just me. That fourth wall is energized, not so much electrified as powered, like a forcefield. Unlike the other ordinary solid walls, this one, though solid too, can be passed through, as if into another dimension. As a thespian whose fourth wall was strengthened by a very strict Uta Hagen, I cannot help but look upon this image as a stage with a pronounced proscenium, the illumination being the flood of the overhead spot- and footlights, where we are compelled to express ourself, giving It all we’ve got. Here we are ready to articulate what needs being said, perhaps to as great an audience as we can reach. Expression is key, whether it be a player on the stage, which all the world is, or someone inprisoned in a cage, shouting convincing pleas into the glare beyond bars. It is here we are ready, perhaps, not only to express but to confess, in either case there is a purge suggested and, by extension of process of purification. The illumined side provides an outlet.

We are all of us contained, if not trapped, within structures within structres. There are walls all around us, designed to protect and/or contain us. There are literal material trappinga—we are limited by our physical, mental and emotional spaces and the expression of our soul, thus seems a transcendent outlet. We are constrained by natural laws, by societal codes, by circumstance, by our family origins, by our nationality, by our station or class, by shortcomings, by faults, by our needs, our desires, our addictions, by economic status, on and on and on. However, we have freedom of expression to purge ourselves of so-called restraints by pointing at them, speaking to them, using them as our source material. Whether we are comedians or legislators, activists or gurus, physicists or folksingers, we step through the fourth wall to deliver our observances on the barriers we come up against in our quest for personal or collective growth, freedom and understanding.

Uta used to say: Obstacles should only make your objective stronger. And that is as true in life as it is on the stage, the latter being a metaphor for the former. The more we come up against in life, the more compelled we should be to take to that proscenium, or pulpit or soap box, tearing down that (fourth) wall in an awakening of self, and others, to the Light that needs to be shined into this box or that we find ourelves in. We all feel imprisoned in various ways, by outside influence or inner fears and insecurities. We can hide in the dark corners of society or in the repressed recesses of our minds, or we can run toward that Light and boldly let loose sounds, vibrations, that would shake those walls behind us to their foundations. They will crumble under our jokes, they will melt from the heat of our debate, they will disintegrate and turn to dust, blowing in the wind at the sound of the folk song. There will always be walls, in every epoch. There are walls every day in our individual lives. Feel them, bang your head against them, claw at them and consume what they stand for because they are the confines which to scale; and the containment they are designed to provide should send you over the top in your expression, be it creative, intellectual, spiritual, nurturative, enlightening or all of the above.

I woke up thinking, holy merde, I hope I haven’t gone too far in the one direction of exploring the energy of each day via these Sabian Symbols. Not to say they are limiting in any way—au contraire—they are opening a new world of thought to me on one hand and also providing a program to which I can stick, so that I can come to this blague every day with inspiration for something to say. But I awoke worried that I wasn’t exploring the other direction I hoped to: that of the blague cosmique, the cosmic joke element of life that is fairly obvious, in my life anyway. I have a list I’m keeping of stories characterized by strange phenomenon, synchrinicity: outrageous coincidence, seeming divine intervention and also what I sheepishly must admit is my own psychic ability, which comes and goes, and yet, on the whole, grows stronger from year to year. That element of my psyche has always “been there”—I believe it was inherited through my Celtic bloodline—and this extra sense has steadily intensified, crystalized, the more I’ve exercised it via my metaphysical work with clients. When I read people’s astrological charts, for instance, information flows two ways: There is the literal patterning of planets in signs in houses, and how they connect to one another, and what that all means, looking at an individual’s astrological chart, portrayed by the wheel of their zodiac; and then there is what I call “off the page” information whereby “stuff comes through”, the circle of the astrological wheel, which becomes something of a scrying device, a wonder wall, a magic mirror (I was obsessed by “Romper Room” as a kid), a crystal ball of sorts. Clients of ours know what I mean by all of this.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days.

 Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2018 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2018 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Xmas Mitzvah

Capricorn 4° (December 25)


Finally Christmas day has arrived and I will make some shirred eggs which will gross everybody out because they will strike them as too wet to be properly cooked or edible. That’s okay, I’m making them anyway—after an embarrassment of gifts being opened. My goal today is to have a Jewish Christmas so we are checking into a hotel suite and walking from Back Bay to Brookline to see The Favourite at Coolidge Corner. It will be packed. We have reservations at a Japanese place but I truly want Chinese. We will also pass by what looks like a promising Thai restaurant. I thought the performances in The Favourite were all very good; but I didn’t love the movie in the end. It was like Peter Greenaway L.I.T.E. And it didn’t stick with me. Tant pis. The Japanese restaurant was a joke—rude and dismissive atmospehre—and we left. The Thai restaurant was dizzzzgustingly dirty. So we started walking back toward Boston, figuring we’d pass the Chinese restaurant that gets good reviews. It was packed and we waited fifteen mintutes just to talk to the “hos”t, during which time we decided to get takeaway. The “host” tried for that entire time to run one credit card that wouldn’t run; meanwhile the rest of us were a gaggle of people who had checked in and were waiting to be seated; people walking in off the street; people waiting for takeaway; and those wanting to put their name in for a table. And everyone was unempathetic and rude and pushy and randomly asking strangers (us) what the hold up was as if we knew. Oy. Finally I said to the “host” can you attend to other things beside that one card and your huffing and puffing? We just want takeaway. Oh that will be an hour wait. Fuck this. We stormed out.

Now we had had a reservation for a fancy Christmas dinner at La Voile a serviceable French restaurant on Newbury Street, originally, for 5PM that day which we canceled to celebrate the Jewish Christmas idea which bombed. We called them. They said they could put us at the bar. We hopped a cab. What they didn’t tell us by phone was that they were closing then in fifteen minutes. We casually sauntered in and were stuck in a corner at the bar up against a two-top down below, behind us whose faces were competing with our coats for air space. The bartender moved us to high table, in the bar, instead and said we should get our order in since the kitchen was closing. What? Wow, just in time. We ordered a beautiful red and some soups and salad (if foie gras fringed with greens can be considered a salad). Anyway it was delicious. I had chestnut soup on Christmas day and it was infused with truffle and the true spirit of the day. Fuck Jew Christmas followed by Chinks. I have never been so happy to be a lapsed gentile than at this very moment. Singing Silent Night silently and in French in my brain, I was definitely going to draw out this experience and so ordered dessert. I thought doing Jew Christmas would feel so anonymous and sneaky, but duh: Brookline was packed with god’s chosen all scrambling for tables with prepackaged chop sticks. Meanwhile, here on Newbury Street, it was a sparkling ghostland at the early end of eight PM as the closing of this, one of the only restaurants in town to be open on Christmas, and thus it was here I found that feeling I was chasing. It wouldn’t have happened at 5PM in the place. But it was accidentally happening now; and so after a chocolate confection and single espressi, we only had three or four blocks to walk back to our awaiting suite and sleep.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days.

 Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2018 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2018 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Sneaky Pete

Capricorn 3° (December 24)


Headed to Boston this morning. We will stop and get some wine and such to bring. I for one intend on keeping myself in some form of self-medicating bubble wrap so to deal with the strange menagerie that will be assembled today. I love my immediate in-law family but the collection of more distant relatives and others that will come for the party this evening suffuses me with social anxiety. Anyway, I will dive into a staunch kitchen role where I can sip wine for hours on end without raising too many eyebrows, fulfilling a functional role and I flirt with holiday induced addiction. I offer up yet another re-run of past musings:

It follows that I ended yesterday’s reading of 4° Aries with the notion of two entities, or the two sides or polarities of the self, adding up to more than the sum of it’s parts. This thought takes flight with the Sabian Symbol for 5° Aries: A Triangle With Wings. We know biologically that the coming together of two individuals can result in a third, so we have a literal, organic expression of one plus one equaling three. But, as I’m inclined to relate everything in these themetic meditations to the individual, I feel that when one feels married to their higher, upper case Self, married, if you will, to their spirit or their genius, we give rise to offspring of our imagination. We often talk, in practice with our clients, about marrying our behaviors with our beliefs—doing so characterizes the cure of many a conflict. The triangle, a geometric shape, represents a tertiary expression, a culmination. The two sides of our being, if not our brain, have come together to make a point. We’ve confided in ourselves (we are confident), we’ve got our inner dialogue going and made a pact (commitment) with ourselves to stick to a path, a direction, so a brainchild may be born. The triangle, here, mainly suggests an abstract thought form, and that thought has wings. Synergy within ourselves, or indeed with another, gives rise to certain transcendence. So what is our point? And can we let it be made rather than making it. Can we accept what naturally arises from the coming together of energies?

I think of that biblical quote Matthew 18:20: “Where two of you agree on anything that they may ask, it shall be done.” The keyword here is agree. Often times when we come together with another being we each have agendas to assert or expectations hoping to be filled. But it will only be the shared agenda that ends up being given flight from the conversation. The thing agreed upon in a meeting henceforth exists in thought form.

As a Libra, the Scales being the only “inanimate” sign in the zodiac, the male archetype of the sign being Apollo, the god of abstracts like: art, order, music, reason, prophesy, light, I’m sensitve to seeming too conceptual, not real, to others. And yet I’ve come to understand that the true nature of the sign isn’t about being inanimate but to animate, or to reveal as animated, that which is supposed unreal because it’s inorganic. What is Art? What is good Art? What is good Abstract Art? Why do we attempt to equate, compare Life with Art? Seriously, why do we do that? Why should Art be akin to Life? We might judge the merit of a piece of Art that falls under the heading—gotta love the term—”abstract realism” or any purely abstract work—a Mark Rothko piece comes to mind—on whether or not it seems alive or, in Rothko’s case, breathing. There might be something real in this. The artist working in absract forms may indeed be giving life and on the whole we, as the observer, sense, if not know, when s/he has. Characters in a play or in a novel are brought to life. Or perhaps they are revealed to be living—that they embody, giving abstract form to, archetypes taht already exist, in intangible form. What is music? We don’t really make it. It exists. We’ve simply found it and, like the triangle in its geometry, music has an inherent math that we’ve divined. All the art forms, personified of course by the Muses from whence the word music derives, are essentially abstracts; but we might consider them to be not only living but also life giving.

I don’t know if we must be careful for what we wish for. But I do believe thoughts are alive. And, by extension, that thoughts as well as deeds can affect our karma. It mightn’t be so hard not to push a so-called nemesis down a flight of stairs; but it’s way more difficult to resist thinking about doing so. These are not the thoughts we wish to bring to light or life, however. In fact, perhaps we shouldn’t be trying to bring thoughts to life at all. Maybe we are meant to simply remain open to the best concepts taking wing into full fledged brain children. The life of a brainchild begins at conception. And so I believe today’s symbol, A Triangle With Wings, is truly about being of a state of mind that is open to conceiving. The triangle, the delta, is an obvious symbol of the receptive female reproductive organ, designed to conceive. The high-priestess of the oracle of Delphi, sacred to Apollo, sat upon a tripod stool. Today, this Sabian oracle suggests, we must acknowledge ourselves as being programmed to receive, that we all have a conceptual coochie that is open to divine, creative insemination. That tertiary point of our triangle might well be our third eye.

I’m not making any more apologies for my theory that each sign of the zodiac presides over each degree of the zodiac in turn and that at 5° Aries we have some serious Leo energy at play. Three points to the triangle plus two wings, forms a pentagram, just as does Da Vinci’s “Universal Man”, which places the divine human at the center of the Universe, the heart and sun center. Leo and the fifth house are centered on creativity and procreativty, astrology making no distinction between real or metaphoric offspring. The Triangle With Wings is the very emblem of creativity, or, more specifically, to employ the fifth-house vernacular “co-creation with god”; is there any other kind? We are both creature and creator. And don’t our best creative ideas seem to come through us as opposed to to us? I could honestly go on all day with this but I must put my pencil down for now. So I will leave you on this note: Let us all, on this day, allow our cosmic yoni’s to take flight and be fertile receptors for divine-creative inspiration!

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days.

 Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2018 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2018 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Oop La

Capricorn 2° (December 23)


Got home yesterday. Here for a total of forty-eight hours. Totes bushed. We escaped Connecticut and stopped at Olga’s for lunch in Providence. Weather still crappy. Just making some quick stops to get some sustenance in house. Otherwise, I’m going to post some more past musings on the Sabian Symbols and what stories they have triggered. Consider this a fortnight of reruns.

4° Aries is characterized by the Sabian Symbol Two Lovers Strolling Through a Secluded Walk and for some reason I find very little interpretation of this from outside sources; which is probably a good thing because I’m feeling the need, today, to remove the training wheels and to employ my own spidey sense, meditating on these symbols, to come up with my unadulterated interpretations. My strongest inkling about this symbol is a sense of repair and of promise. I believe that the lovers can represent the part of ourselves that longs for a flesh-and-blood other; but I think the imagery also points to a would-be love of self. In the zodiac there is the astrological first house of self and the seventh house of other; and we are bound to look up the house of other not only as it relates to another person, but also to one’s own personality, and the development of our character, in all senses of that word.

To me, the process of knowing oneself is accelerated in our significant one-on-one relationships. Those with whom we partner can be a mirror, or sometimes they can represent parts of ourselves, qualities, which we feel we lack. The adage that “wherever you go there you are” is brought into sharpest relief when we are faced with the constant presence of another invested party. We can actually avoid ourselves and our own issues more readily in solitutde. In isolation, we aren’t necessarily reminded if or when we’re being irresponsible to ourselves. On the flipside, we do tend to bring our best selves to relationships with someone significant. As an evolution from 3° Aries, where we are part of, representative, of a group, collective or community, here we bond with a like-mind, a kindred-spirit. Perhaps we’ve singled out from the group someone we wish to pull away for a walk down a secluded lane, just we two, away from the rest. Whom would we do that with? Probably someone whom we feel is most like ourselves. So this symbol and, by extension, the perceived energy of this day, might be about recognizing our self in an other. In 3° we aimed to see our own personal divinity as being part of the larger divine—our Atman in the Brahman. Here we recognize the divinity, the likeness, the kind-red spirit in a fellow or a lover. And our ability to walk the same peaceful path. 

But let’s again consider the figures as two parts of our one self, first, from the perspective of masculine and feminine energies. We are all walking-talking yin and yangs. A man has a feminine anima, a woman a masculine animus, trans or third gender people, perhaps, have it all together. We don’t want these energies to be polarized, we want them to be integral to our experience, moving us in the same direction. This is true not only of the masculine-feminine dialectic within us, but of any so-called opposite feelings or forces. We don’t want disassociation of self on any level. We want to be honest with ourselves and to find unity, harmony, literal integrity, especially wherever there might be internal division or schism. We want to have a good talking with ourselves. In fact we want a private inner dialogue going on all the time. We want to be honest with ourselves. We want to confide in ourselves. For, is that not the true definition of confidence?

 If we see two people, presumed lovers in particular, strolling down a secluded path we might suspect they’re seeking to share some form of intimacy, sexual or otherwise. We sense they want to be alone. Perhaps they have something secret to discuss—the walkway is isolated for that very reason—they might need to hash out a problem, confront one another, and seek repair. There is always something to repair in life, with others and within ourselves. I promised I wouldn’t do this but I do see this Aries 4° as being akin, in many ways, to the fourth sign of the zodiac, Cancer, cardinal-water, associated with flood myths, the most famous of which involves (re)pairing animals two by two and putting them on an ark (synonymous for promise) and sending them on a journey toward deliverance, in reparation of a spoiled, broken world/experience. Perhaps these lovers on their path are making a promise to one another. Maybe that is the upshot to whatever subject they needed to privately discuss. If the goal was repair, the promise might be never again to do whatever caused the rift or damage. Perhaps the promise is one of deeper commitment, the seclusion providing the perfect setting to propose a marriage of sorts, or some new covenant, marrying intension, determination, goals, purpose. If the lovers are symbols of parts of our one self in conflict, would we not make a promise, a pact, with to ourself to do things differently moving forward on our life path? The two individuals might be our lower case self and our higher Self or power. Cue that song from Carousel.

I just perused a list of famous people born this day and it’s not a day of very showy Aries people. Indeed, those born this day seem uncharacteristic of the sign. Even the few super famous figures are distinguished as being rather retiring and private people. I will venture to say that I feel today has the energy of a time out, when we have a wee off-site meeting with ourself to regain our inner harmony and equilibrium. We might understand on this day that the most important relationshiop we have is that with ourself and we are taking time and space to get ourself together, examining where it is we might be coming apart, and making the necessary reparations to feel whole. Yes we recognize that we are made up of polarities, that we have two sides to our brain and to our personality and that they work better, and are larger than the sum of their parts, when we blend them into a singular Self. We are always/never alone. Wherever we go, there we are.



To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days.

 Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2018 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2018 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox


Capricorn 1° (December 22)


We had the worst weather for driving yesterday. It was so stressful. There was no visibility. And I was a bit nervy from all these nights out in a row. So we decided to stop some place on the water in Connecticut. It was horrible. First they put us on the same floor, in the same block of rooms, with a family reunion with a surplus of badly behaved, loud children who made the hallway their personal playground. No. So we moved to two more rooms until it was palatable. We ate in the “lounge” for lunch which was not good. They also had a “tony” Italian restaurant where we had dinner at it was almost worse. Couldn’t not wait to get back on the road. And now we return to more remembrances and inferences on the Sabian Symbols from Blagues past in honor of the fact that if I have to write another word I’m going to have a nervous breakdown.


Excuse me, waiter? There’s a Macrocosm in my Microcosm.I’m already sensing a pattern within a pattern. That is to say that I think the twelve signs of the zodiac might very well impact these 360 degress of Sabian Symbols in turn. I just read brief synopsis of the first twelve, and I can easily see how each of the zodiac signs, Aries through Pisces, influence the first twelve interpretations, in sequence. So, without jumping too far ahead, I’m going to be looking for that pattern to repeat. If this turns out to be the case, or just the signature basis of my interpretation, well, I’d be happy either way. I’d like to feel, of course, that I’m not just doing a Julie & Julia, serving up recipes of interpretation by rote, but rather just taking the title of the recipe and freestyling. But yes: 1° Aries was all about birth and emergence and objectivity (all very Aries stuff) while 2° Aries was about self-reflection and our nature and subjectivity (so Taurus) and today, moving into 3° Aries, the Sabian Symbol for which is The Cameo Profile of a Man Suggesting The Shape of his Country, the theme of which is intersection, identifying with community, sussing up immediate surroundings an understanding the playing field (very Gemini indeed).

As I communicate this theory I realize how laborious it would be to do this every day in my interpretations, so I will leave off it moving forward, keeping the nothin in the back of my mind. A cameo is a quick rendering, an outline, an immediate encapsulation and likeness. It speaks to our ability to know where we are and to what we belong. It is associated with the Logos, our ability to name and identify and give life to our identity within a context. Here, today, we identify with some whole and the larger life it expresses. Spiritually speaking it is the connection of our Atman with Brahman—also very Geminian considering that sign’s duality on the theme of divinity. Stop I said. Here we identify so much with a group or even a notion that we become it’s life. When we are representing some whole, acting as it’s agent, and I am borrowing, now very heavily, here, from my hero (and my Julia Child, if I were to have one), the great humanist astrologer Dane Rudhyar, whose birthday it is today (I just realized!), in saying that this Sabian Symbol touches upon leading a transpersonal life. That is to say that we are not mere spokespersons for our surrounding but the conduit through which the whole expresses itself. When we give ourself over to cause or country we do take on a Christ-like nature. We are the face, the “cameo”, of the larger portrait, the collective “country” or environment.

I’m kind of freaking out because, in my calendar, I had set aside this past weekend to work on the cause which I profile: The Afterglow Festival and The Glow Theatre that I founded in Provincetown, Massachusetts. It’s a non-profit arts organization and yet it’s so much more than that; and my assignment this weekend was to communicate, in written form, how much more it actually is so that I might inspire increased support and fundraising in an environment of increasing greed and obstacles. I know my boss (me I thought) is going to have me work nights this week accomplishing this task. But this Sabian Symbol meditation has inspired me and, as I say, it sort of freaks me out. As if the cause of what I’m doing is the real boss. That somehow it found me and made me it’s agent and I’m the conduit it through which it is finding expression and life. Because, really, it is so much bigger than just a weeklong festival in Provincetown or the starting of a sustainable new theatre company, it’s the spirit of the place that is seeking salvation: Provincetown is the birthplace of the modern American stage; this is a fact. And though it’s also noteworthy fine-arts heritage has remained intact for over a century, it’s theatrical heritage hasn’t been so fortunate. People buy fine art because they can own it and it lasts. When it comes to the seeming ephemeral nature of a theatrical experience, people can be short-sighted perhaps. In any case, in what was once a haven for artists living among the local mainly fisherman community has become an enclave of realtors selling second homes to people who barely inhabit them or who bought them for the sole purpose of renting them out to tourists to whom nearly the entire town and its businesses cater. Some establishments cut and run, making bank enough in the summer months to justify their existence; others complain that there isn’t enough year round business and they want more, more, more.

The glare of the on-season is rife with gimmicks and themes to attract collectives of tourists under the guise of diversity whilst really its just serial homogeny that’s being served up. Provincetown is like a great aged actress turned out to turn tricks. It’s artistic theatrical soul is in danger and in need of saving. And, for whatever reason, I’ve become a cameo for this country. Dane Rudhyar says this symbol characterizes Participation in a Greater Life. I’ll buy that. I feel as if my campaign for Provincetown’s theatrical heritage is akin to that of Save Venice. But instead of saving the town from literal rising waters—although something tells me those are coming too—I seek to rescue it from its baser nature and the voracious sea of mediocrity, mendacity and greed. I see a Provincetown, with all its lamplights glowing, all the year round, hotels and inns filled with theatergoers gathered together to experience the creation of theater. And I see theater as the single most profitable and sustainable industry that Provincetown can foster. The Afterglow Festival and The Glow Theatre themselves are just avatars championing what can be this whole industry. Sundance migh have started as a film festival, but it has defined an entire city and revitalized both it and our independent movie industry. I know Afterglow can do that for Provincetown and for the American theatre.



To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days.

 Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2018 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2018 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Ca M’Enerve

Sagittarius 28° (December 21)


Yesterday, S had to go to Frankie’s. And I had the day to really space out and make up for lost time. Met for lunch at Quotidien then had a little lie down before our appointment with an old client we hadn’t seen in many years. Like all our clients, this one leads an extraordinary life but perhaps a bit extra so than most. I don’t know. We had dinner at East Pole which was meh. Anyway continuing from yesterday’s rememberances:

But here’s the weird thing. First, since I lost my ring, it made the loss of those aformentioned people pale in comparison and it completely cured me of any pangs or angst on that subject. The second thing that happened was that I kept getting the phrase in my mind: The ring is a Horcrux. Now I’d like to say I know so much about the Harry Potter world that I could immediately rattle off to you what a Horcrux is, but I couldn’t, and I didn’t bother to even look it up until this morning, despite the fact this phrase has been being repeated in my brain since my ring’s loss. What I did have the greatest sense of, though, without knowing what a Horcrux really was…was..that somehow the ring being flung out there into the snowy world amplified a certain spiritual power and connectedness. I can’t quite put it into words but I’ll try: It has something to do with my mother who passed around the time I purchased the ring. Okay, however strange this sounds, my sense was that the ring, flung out there somewhere, instead of being on my finger, was taking on the form of a remote receiver, like a power station, and that it is actually functioning as a transmittor between not only me and my mother, but me and whatever powers from which I draw my own brand of psychic ability. And that the loss cum sacrifice of this ring, which I came to possess in the first place by way of a very lovely and entertaining cosmic joke, not only provided healing and closure on some pretty serious emotional pain, but it has become far more a source of strength and power than it ever could have been in my sweaty-palmed possession.

So, as I said, I looked up the term Horcrux this morning and it does serve a similar function to what I sensed my ring was providing, in that it is an object of power in which is hidden a fragment of the soul of the person who created it. The Horcrux anchors one’s soul to the earth if the body is destroyed and the more one makes the closer one gets to immortality. The upshot is they’re evil and only created by a Dark witches or wizards. Any opinions on my person from certain quarters not withstanding, I am a very white warlock and so I believe my ring to be the Light version of a Horcrux, designed not for some future immortality but for a very present sense of divinity. Interestingly, the Greek root hor- has two meanings: the first being boundary, as in the word horizon, which seems to define J.K. Rowling’s Horcrux, being that it is bound to its creator, and it binds him or her to the earth; the second meaning of hor-, however is hour, as in the word horoscope, something not unfamiliar to me. I cast my horoscopes as I cast my ring.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days.

 Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
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