Month: October 2019 (page 3 of 3)


Libra 15° (October 8)


By any other name: S. had to do some errands in the town of P. and I stayed home to wait for deliveres and to deal with the work being done in the basement. It was a fairly wet day off and on. The kind of day only a cape kid could get into. I haven’t been sleeping well and sort of fell in the early morning, waking up cranking and abruptly. The reentry is feeling harder than expected and try as I might to get my thoughts down on paper, I am once again a bit stymied. I will be cranky and not good company and take my bike into town for some necessary oysters. I really needn’t hoard the money I’m sitting on and must use it to pay some fees and so forth for the coming year. We also have these costume events coming up so it will be good to get some of that work done as well. Some light keeps going on and off. Okay so we really should move this thing along. I still have quite a nice time ahead planned. Let us turn it out and up and make it good and right. I will set up shop in Boston this year. I still have a few bucks to play with. I could get my own office somewhere even, nice and cosy. Say Allston or some such I don’t mind being out there to be honest. Well yes I do. I prefer to be in Brookline and that is fairly easy to finesse. Cambridge too of course but it really doesn’t matter much where. I am keeping my funds in the back and I am feuling them; then when I have it all together I will set myself up as some kind of creative monster.

As if I’m supposed to understand how this works. All I know is that in fifty minutes from now I will have finished up all that I am wanting to say, take a shower, and be slicing zucchini. This stream of consciousness period in the Blague must be driving people bonkers; and perhaps I don’t give folks anything much to hang onto. If they are coming to this fresh today they have no guide as to what this seeming rant is all about. But that can be okay too, don’t you think. I do. There will come a time when all shall be revealed. What people shouldn’t do is search for their names on here that can be dangerous. But wow what a great device for me going back over things. And well, who cares, Edith? I wonder if Edith and Mary have ever seen The Women. I would love to have an entertainment center in my house with recliners of sorts. Imagine inventing an untacky recliner. Well the Courbusier chaise longue aint bad. Will I be too old to be sexy in Paris. Is there still hope for me. We shall see! We shall see!Those just might be the lines from a musical about a middle-aged flaneur. With a little bit of drageur thrown in for good measure, why not? It’s all your fault Jessica. If you weren’t doing some Weineropera there wouldn’t have been a chain of musical director’s chairs. We had director’s chairs growing up. They were such a thing. I don’t totally hate them but they are not my faves either. I was never really down with the wicker wonders that hung from the ceiling next to plants in macrame holders. That was never my scene. I didn’t like the seventies very much as I was living them. They didn’t fit my body type at all. I was a Danny in a Keith Partridge world.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

That’s The Way It Goes

Libra 14° (October 7)


Awoke to a discrepancy in accounting for my series collaboration. Will be a lot of back and forth today as we sort through the disinformation, while driving back to the Cape. Boring stuff. Just want to eat pasta and get into bed early. Did Valery happen yesterday or today. Terry Kates takes the cake. Beach. So the

Absolutely no problem and sorry for being repetitive, but I wanted to include everyone you and Sophie had included originally on this thread.

I’m still a bit unclear myself about the bit about “it only coming into play when the guarantee has been broken” (I will re-read the contracts to try and get my brain around that).

From my recollection, the contract template doesn’t actually pre-date you. I thought we worked out details of contract(s) anew, after Ari left ART/Oberon—do I not have this right??

Do you also recall our going back and forth (February 2016) on agreement points in negotiating what was to be year three of the series plus the one-off summerfest??

Perhaps wording got changed in section 4 at that time and I missed that point—while ART/Oberon accounting was still used to splits being on the gross?? To be honest I can’t deconstruct the logic in this.

I do know that we have been telling artists when they ask (as they typically do)  if travel and accommodation comes off the top and we have always said “no, that this is an expense ART/Oberon kindly assumes” because that has been the case since day one, whether it was a mistake on ART’s part or not. Again, I can’t really deconstruct that bit either. All I can say is that this marks the first time I saw a change in the accounting, though I understand from your emails that Sophie was actually taking her cues rightly from the wording in the contract which we have all somehow overlooked.

I wish I could diagnose this situation. And I do of course understand that it is the same for you: that the cuts don’t always equal the investment of money. But the point is that investment takes other forms. Afterglow benefits from its association with ART/Oberon, which helps to legitimize our wee operation. And hopefully Afterglow has benefited ART/Oberon in terms of the brand of programming and the build of (new) audience that has increasingly come to see these artists at, as I say in my curtain speech, the home of Oberon in Boston/Cambridge we’ve established for them.

Artists are unused to getting less than 40% and part of the dialogue in helping them over that thinking-hump has always been two-fold. 1) That Afterglow takes its 20% to help offset time/energy that goes into creating audience and securing press and promoting (actually, as I say, it rarely ever even covers my coming to town for a show-night, such losses being totally expected and money making never being part of the reality for Afterglow); and 2) that ART/Oberon also travels and accommodates you (the artist) without it coming off the top. This has always been the pitch. And you will find it time and again in our shared correspondence with our artists.

So, not to make this another long-winded email: I suppose our contracts have always said one thing while our correspondence to the artists have always said another???? Kudos to Sophie for actually bringing this all to light where none of us have seen this discrepancy before. I appreciate your keeping things the way they are. I have always been as mindful as I can to get the audience numbers to the 100 person mark where you guys have said is the point at which you typically (at least) break even box-office-wise. Given the nature of our programming we are always going to mix in a few shows that don’t hit that mark, but hopefully compensate with shows like MGC or Lady Bunny, the more commercial and confectionary acts, that do.

As with most things, communication remains key and we should continue to verbalize our thoughts and concerns in an effort to improve the series on every level. As the little guy in the equation, Afterglow will never be financially remunerated for the work—there are no paychecks we have to write to anyone on our end, unlike with your team, which I totally understand and appreciate. Our only goal is not to lose more than we have to in the process of co-producing with you, and to make sure that ART/Oberon actually loses nothing, cash-wise. And that we all gain audience, press attention, a little acclaim, and artistic fulfillment in the process!


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

The Professor and Mary Ann

Libra 13° (October 6)


Well the aim is to write a blue streak for the next hour and really never stop. This will put me a day later into schedule wise but thems are just the breaks. Break it up break it up break it up reak down. The duo behind Sextrology a wildly popular astrology tome whose straight-forward attitude has been embraced by the chic set. It’s a Vogue quote I believe. stuff to Tim today. I didn’t need my pills or passport just a curtain speech an overall acceptance. Things can run shorter when they are more poetic. There is impetus to write about Theosophy, the Man in the Desert. Tarot. Sabian Symbol. Numerology Laura Scopes. Haute Astrology in print form. Aries Man most cut and dry, Aries woman most cut and run. The realists. Change comes slowly. The Tokien movie. The real Anne Lester is an Aries Diarest. Shibden Hall intimate detals she wrote in code, a combination of algebra and [tk] Greek, deciphered in 1930k. Friend of the lovers the Ladies of Llag[tk].

And I do (me like) getting things done. No sad sister am I. I never talk or even really think about her. It is one of the great sadnesses of my life. Not that I miss my sister but that I have a sister I don’t miss. I can’t. From the moment I remember she was there pretty much hating on me, the slightest shows of affection being so rare an expression. There was something, was it in the Dick Van Dyke show, where there is a line about laughing at others tragedies. It is an interesting Google and something I might like to bring into my own creative conversation. My room is so easily tidied these days it’s not real. I must also look for the Migguel check. Alchemical Change. A two week tv-show makeover 14 episodes. Haven’t gotten as far as I thought I would by the same token I might be furhter along. It’s feeling good to be back in my office. I must fluff the bed. I think I might want to write this book after all. It might take another month but who is to care. I won’t be doing the Halloween thing now it looks like.

I do love Provincetown in the winter quite possibly the best. The only people there are people who want to be there and there are enough of them until after the New Year. It’s kind of the best time, too, emotionally. It’s when a community feeling is built. I kind of hate Halloween, I must say. And I don’t mind having a bad time around it. That is to say the fact that I have a deposition around that time can feel creepy or it can feel empowering. I like to get into the whole witchy spirit of the thing. The Witch and the Warlock. The Warlock & The Witch. Anyway, I was saying or you were whoever you are. Watching the DVD show is very triggering. It’s heteronormative promise, it’s American promise, it’s Norman Rockwell charm, it’s Edna Furber subtext, it’s embracing of commercialism, moralism, chauvinism, wholesome sexuality and Everyman implausability.

It doesn’t matter much what I’m saying, I will be in the pocket because then I’ll be reading and reacting and writing that down here. That is the glory of that. I do take great pleasure in being functional; and I think the missing link here is easy to fix. Once you are done with this proposal and you’re back into grant land, you’re going to have a bunch of conversations and you’re going to go for corporate money, because you are indeed instituting the Glow Festival, for which you wish to find partners. Creating that neo Vaudevile circuit you done plum talk about. This sounds like a huge undertaking, and it actually has to be. You can write those astrology books in your sleep boy; and by the time anybody gets around to understanding what the what, you’ve already written, what?, four years of books? Like you can’t recycle the front matter, starting from the beginning? I think you can. And Anna Jarota and all the rest. Here on Gilligan’s Isle.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

More Than This

Libra 12° (October 5)


Today was okay but it too could have been a bit better. We headed to Reading after a slow check out and everyone (but me) were slated to go to a wedding in New Hampshire where only S. and I (of all the family members) would have been placed at a table with strangers. As brother-in-law also did not go, S. was able to take his seat and actually sit with her own family. Good grief. Well the entire week was dismantled really because the original plan was to go to Canada and stop at this New Hampshire wedding, that of her cousin’s son, on the way. Well I’m surely not being looked on favorably but I’m not in a mind to care about that. I will look after the dog and nurse myself back to health a bit. And anyway I have this to write which is really really fun. I did end up doing some chatting with friends but that was about it. I think Mike is kind of pissed off that Dave said he wasn’t coming as a result of Tony cancelling. Hey, what can I say other than maybe Dave is right, which I did. Steve wasn’t making any appearances on the email thread so que sera sera. I’m certainly not going to beg people to come. The dog is very cute she never really left my side and when I went to bed she came with me. Adorable. I took a bunch of pictures. Also of the rabbit mace under the sink. Do they really kill rabbits in their yard. It’s not like they grow a plethora of vegetables or anything that would warrant killing bunnies. Oh I dunno what’s wrong with people but things are. They definitely are. I watched some bad movie on television I can’t actually remember. I’m not here to be literary today in case you haven’t noticed, I’m just here to speed things along.

There’s not much more to say today. I wish there had been. There nearly was. But I need to go back to break neck speed. This will be the month of Sundays where every night features a Blue Moon. This will be The Eight Days and Nights of William Willing. This will be the time when all the magic circles back, when all the lights are burning, when all shall be forgiven. This is when the magic can begin. I will put it to the test. I won’t have a single respite. I will power through and all will be long magical twelve hour days. It will simply be the time it happened. Then there will be anothe eight days to tweak the fuck out of it. This is when all shall be revealed. When the power will be in full force en route to the day the veil will be the thinnest. I’m just going to have to power through and do what I do. Joey Arias’ archives are now at the Harvard Library. I wish I knew what that meant. What sorts of things would he have given them (and what would he have received in return)? It all seems a crazy thing does it not? There isn’t all that much to do really. We just need to keep on plugging away. And that can be it’s own reward really. I found myself some soup and ate it. I am feeling uneasy, at odds. I tried, lord knows I tried to affect some happy outcome but all attemps were aborted. That’s okay.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

This Is What You Get

Libra 11° (October 4)


Oh this day will not have gone as planned. It is not my shiningest moment. Not by a mile. It started out fine. Well not really. I had plans for myself which just never materialized; and I tried and tried to be creative in the process but just could not get my brain to work. Frustrated I went out. And then I came back and slept for a good chunk of the afternoon and still woke up in a state and I was not the best company. Still we managed to get out and to the restaurant for an early dinner before the show. While eating the raw Wellfleet clams appetizer I did have the sense that one or two of them tasted sewery; which added to the already poisonous mix going on. I was also in a mood because somehow I lost my reading glasses in the hotel room. I had them. And then they were gone. I suppose I could still call the hotel and see if they have these glasses—you’d think someone would have phoned me though—but actually the best thing to do is to order a whole new bunch of them and just stop being such a baby. It’s like with everything. One way or the other tomorrow I am in my proposal, in earnest. So tonight’s show wasn’t feeling as eblouissant as lasts; and I did overdo it. The curtain speech went fine but I was exhausted and then that churning in my gut that sent me running for the restroom which, at times like this (sorry world) I personally prefer weren’t all gender. Forgive me but if I’m about to have raging diarrhea I prefer it wasn’t in the company of other women, trans or not. I don’t have as much regard for men as I do for them and comparatively speaking would rather sound off and stink up a bathroom with only other dudes present. Anyway, I ended up running out of there not realizing some stuff had fallen out of my bag. Yes it was one of those nights. Happily and most kindly my friends brought stuff by Uber to the hotel.

Here I must take the initiative again in loving the look of black letters on a white page, really one of the more lovely images to illustrate my daily existence. And freedom can be gained in the matter of ninety minutes. All I have to keep doing is this. Just this. I got myself into a tizzy. I’ve been here since the conversation at the hospital. It was such a chance thing but I thought it was something of a sign it wasn’t. My doctor, by the way, reminds me of Dick Van Dyke whose eponymous show I plan to watch sometime next week. I know that’s an odd segue but hey that’s the way it goes. I’m not going to write more than two paragraphs today because I really don’t have to. We have been spiritually sold up the river and we need the rule of law, now, to come home to roost. Rudy needs to be the next arrested, of this I am certain. My stomach is still queazy but what do I expect. Those clams are going to cling and linger. Chomping at the bit. Apparently that is what some editors are doing. I find that very encouraging but also a cause for dread and procrastination. I have to move through as quickly as possible. I wrote a show in five days this year, so surely I can bust out with some fabulous ideas on this one special subject called the Virgo woman. The Virgo woman. It had to be her. I have had so much difficulty with them. Karen, Amy, Anita, the proverbial cat people. Leo woman might be the cat, but Leo woman has them. I think I’m going to go ahead with the money raising plans. I will launch the major offensive in January. I need some big bucks this year to make the next steps happen. It would be fun to have Trevor back. Or Keiji in his own show. I will go down the list. We will create something new and glorious. I hope this finds you happy and well and that you have a brave new year. I missed singing that song last year but wow was Stella ever grand doing the new Scorpio number. Sometimes it’s hard to think Mary Tyler Moore is dead. And now Valerie Harper. People die, someone once said. Where is that someone now. I hope very happy. Some people need to recycle through friends. It’s just something that happens I suppose. Enough of this.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

On That Note

Libra 10° (October 3)


Had an appointment this morning with a favorite client then we went to the Naco Taco truck. Was delicious in the extreme, but we don’t we’ll be hungry tonight. I am taking an Uber to  Mt Auburn, will have to get an MRI. Turned out was in the hospital, walked into Harvard Square and stopped to use the facilities at Charles Hotel before strolling slowly to Waypoint to meet. I had some local-ish oysters and a glass of Italian white. Then we sat and shared a picked vegetable salad. S. had some peel and eat shrimp; and I had her usual pasta. I went to the space for half hour whereupon I was met by Sophie who told me the curtain speech was changed once again. I went directly to the trouble-maker and he pretended he didn’t know what I/Sophie was talking about. S. found him incredibly rude which of course he was/is. It’s too bad that this person represents this act. I forsee it being a point of downfall. Also as good as a voice as an artist can have, like our festival MD once said, when people don’t know how to sing properly, the shelf life of their voice can be shorter than they might like. Anyway it was a decent evening if not a bit overlong. I am looking forward to tomorrowland but it might never come. In fact it doesn’t. But for now I’m doing the best I can. And it was nice that we had a new friend on hand to play with. I can’t recall if anyone else joined our table. There was another empty one so I sat apart in any case, just soaking in the experience, which is never that earth shaking. Some people think they are better than they are, but that’s okay too. Look, I need to put whatever I can into what it is I and we are doing as a duo. That very much entails doing what we can to keep the enterprise going. In fact, I need to raise money now to do what I can do in the coming year. This will not be a popular decision, but it will be one to make in any case. I will be putting out requests for folks to give me whatever they got.

I don’t want to feel constrained in my writing. I want things to flow from my brain onto the page a little bit more easily. I am taking the entire day to get thoughts and feels out of my tense shoulders and down my arms and out through my finger tips. I will put Machine Dazzle on the list. And here I go, a little late now in the game, but that will be part of the fun. I want to eradicate the phrase “catching up” from my vocabulary; nobody needs to know what’s going on with me either so I will add to that eradication list “apologizing, complaining, explaining”—it turns out it was Dorothy Parker and not Churchill and certainly not Kate Moss who coined that original quote which I bastardize here. I would have liked Dorothy Parker but she would have eaten me for breakfast and not in the fun way. We love the Golden Girls but the aesthetic of the show makes us so nauseous we can barely glance at the screen. Other people I have let get away with murder when I in fact have gone so wildly unforgiven. I will find a path through the maze. That’s okay. I think I can see a bit of a path this time. I don’t know how to arrange my thinking quite yet but I have this distinct feeling that I needn’t try. I did reach out to Brian to thank him for the help with promoting shows for us, which was a very kind thing to do indeed. I won’t be around past this November show, so I will need to groom Brian in a direction. I wonder if he’s given any more thought to what I proposed. It is too bad that people can never admit their faults. I seem to always be doing so (to a fault). The language we want to use. Hey you two. Hoping all is well and rosey in your world. We’ve been a bit unsure about what to do since your emails from July. We know you were playing catch up from when we chatted a few months before that, and that you were making some hay while the sun shined—and the last thing we wanted to do was pester you or make you feel obliged in any way shape or form to work on this. So we are just jumping in here to say we totally understand if Astercast hasn’t been topping your agenda. And we are just confirming that you haven’t yet done any work on this before we explore options with a few other designers who have expressed interest in taking on the project. We have to be armed and ready at the start of the new year which will soon be upon us. That said, and as discussed before, there will always be opportunities to intersect and collaborate down the line. If all goes to plan, Astercast should require something of a permanent art department at some point. And more than anything, we don’t want to put any kind of strain on our most cherished friendship and we want to eradicate even the slightest feeling of obligation in all of this. Communication is king (and queen) here so there is nothing you can say that will disappoint us. The timing has to be right for you guys!


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Against Type

Libra 9° (October 2)


Got up before the crack of dawn , packed as quickly as possible, and hit the road. It was about a three hour journey. We drove directly to High Rise where I had a nice tumeric tea. Off to see Beckett and readings were all over the place. I need to get a handle on it all. Got early check in and went to Sonsie for a salad. Back in hotel doing just a little bit of writing, failing to get very much done. Going to meet downstairs for dinner, which will turn out to be over the top. Lobster, sashimi, skate to name a few dishes. I actually had cocktails which I haven’t had since Italy. Loud people near us. Finally couldn’t hear myself speak and so I asked them to lower their voice. That didn’t go well. But what can you do. Eat a Klondike bar and go to bed. I’m frustrated. I’m tired of blowhards and peace wreckers. I’m tired of the bullying culture. I can’t understand how it is we got to a place where we talk about this loser twenty-four-seven. But that is what he has always wanted that much is for sure. This all makes the world seem devoid of certain spirituality, a dearth of which has already come to define us. I want that feeling again. That feeling. You know the one. Where everything just feels like one big floating yes. I cannot believe authoratarianism has come to our shores. I suppose with McCarthy there was a sense of it. I wonder though if we have encountered anything even remotely like it since.

I am still trying to put the pieces together on how I’m going to hit the next big mark which is a big one for sure. I know I can do it I am actually quite undaunted. That’s what I said yesterday. I feel slightly differently today I must say. Look I just need to get my confidence back a bit; and to feel a little bit of spiritual wind beneath my wings. I have let myself down more than I care to admit this past year, even as things start to finally percolate. I have to go one moment at a time—it’s really the only way for me at this point. There are always reasons why things don’t work out. The only way forward is with a little help from my friends and by that I mean my spirit guides, very few of whom seem to be embodied at the moment. If anything most people I know are pretty much up their own selves. People are dying everywhere and others are still taking selfies and photographing their food. To me that is one of the most vivid expressions of polarity meet with everyday. Once these shows this week are behind me then I’ll have nearly a month before the next one. I have many mistakes to make between now and then. And I will definitely make them. I never intend to let more questionable elements of self surface, but I have come to the conclusion that I have a lot of pain and suffering still seething underneath said surface. I thought I had transcended much of it but it is only coming home (once again) to roost. I have made so many mistakes with people, but I do try so hard to move through and get to the next phase where things can be fun and simple and not derail me.

I don’t know why I feel so compelled to hit marks I set for myself. Other than the fact that it’s all in a day’s work. I can also do less because nobody but me, really, is reading this stuff. There is so much to gain by just sitting back and giving into the flow of the black type on the white page. Maybe that is just the kind of purge my brain really needs. Maybe I just need to set a mental timer for ten minutes for the next one-hundred hours at a pop and see what, well, pops out. I don’t think there can be anything wrong with that. It might actually be just the exact kind of purge that is needed to get me to the next project. Susan Nylund died. She probably won’t remember me. She was a beautiful girl I grew up with whom I rubbed up against, socially, because of my connections to some older characters. She went on to become a model. I just read she died of cancer. People shouldn’t really do that anymore. But we live in world where efforts go into greed and destruction. I am personally trying to find a way to align with my schedule and to then sail out in front of it, the desired to content being the masthead on the prow of the creative ship I’ve set to sail. Instead I often get lost in the need to numb or distract myself, one and the same for me I think. Anyway that was the first ten minute sriting spree and I am ready for the next one. The ten minutes, I’ve decided must include titling and posting. When I can to the end of this next ninety minute challenge I will let you know what’s what. i don’t think I need to do that, really, before the fact. You’l see what I mean, whoever you are. Some day this Blague will have many readers and by then, this will just be some hidden entry, not a gem, no diamond in the coal.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Down The Hole

Libra 8° (October 1)


Rabbit Rabbit. They managed to be the first things we said today. I’m sick to my stomach though because what began as a calm morning turned into one of sick dread and loathing as someone lost their very expensive personal item in which were recorded many important things. If you’re going to make it a point to buy yourself something of that nature you best be damn sure you don’t lose it. Or that you leave it at your home desk. That is just my opinion on the subject. This is why I don’t spend a lot of money on things like this. It is just so not worth it. I really cannot afford this anxiety today to be honest. It’s just too too much. I am always made to feel like I’m the careless one. Accidents happen I realize that; and it wouldn’t be such a big deal if the level of upset wasn’t so distressing. Anyway things are just things. But I did awake that morning thinking what. I was thinking about how my notebooks were stolen all those many years ago. And I suppose it was some kind of prescience on my part. Anyway now I am totally preoccupied and I don’t want to be. I’m already dealing with so many stresses…anyway it really turned out to be nothing in the end because the missing item wasn’t. It was in the glove compartment of the car. Crisis averted and lesson learned. And an hour of my day down the tubes, but there are far worse things. So now to resume our regularly scheduled programming. Well let me just say first how weird this all is because the morning we awoke in the hotel where it was assumed said item was left: I was overwhelmed with pangs from my twenties when I took all my notebooks to Florent for a full day in the air conditioning reading through all my words and annotating—this will be for a show, this will be for a novel, on and on—the prime notebook of which dated to 1983 in which was inscribed a poem I wrote for S. now in her own hand (as she gave me the note book) with the sign off Grenoble, 1983 (now write!). I haven’t refused the command in any case.

So it’s still before ten o’clock in the morning, and I don’t have a client for another six hours, thus I should be able to still hit all necessary marks. Unlike yesterday I actually do need to achieve something tangible today. But still I’m not going to stress myself in the least. I want to have as chill a day as possible. And that requires some focus on my part as much as it does relaxation. I turn on the TV and see these older women in a line holding Women for He who must not be named signs. And all the women have died blond hair. They have died blond hair because they are fucking racists. Okay I’m giving myself exactly fifteen minutes to get this day back on track: So I will get a whole bunch of stuff to Brad, then I will review my history for the dottore, then I will rejig my schedule regarding the book and then I will pack things up. Anything else that bubbles to the surface in this process will be fine. I suppose I can just get this party started and write more later. But I have this weird process of needing to completely certain things before starting others. It’s just the way it goes for me typically but I will give this whole thing a whirl. You’re not reading this anyway. Going to make a move!

And I did. Wound up getting a goodly amount of work done. The trick on Friday will be to go through what I have written on the computer as compared with what I have in the looseleaf book because that will constitute pre-write day one. That will be a good process. We have been relying on old Ab Fab reruns as a traquilizer at night. There is a commercial on TV right now that is using White Rabbit by the Jefferson Airplain…I think  it’s Celebrity cruise line. Good lord. A giant moat filled with reptiles. Russia if you’re listening I hope you take this fucker out. I am doing my very best but not sure it’s good enough. I really do try to strive. Or is that redundant. All I know it that we are filling this fucker out. I have been so abstemious and so focused. And I really am working hard to toe..tow..the line, whatever that means. We made a lovely Caesar salad with our trick-o-shrimp, which is buying already cooked and cleaned shrimp, like for shrimp cocktail, and then we heat up some hot oil and red chili flakes and garlic and then sort of toss the shrimpies in it.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Corner Turn

Libra 7° (September 30)


Last day of September already. Man I am feeling the passing of time. I didn’t sleep well. Woke at 330 and stayed for about an hour then was up again by before six, waking from a nightmare of sorts. Not a scary nightmare but the frustrated kind. The main thrust was two-fold: First, it was in a sort of real time where I knew the coming day was September 30; and I only had this one day to pack up an entire house of belongings to move or put into storage and not only that but my surplus of stuff was spread out over a few different houses, stored in people’s attics; and I also was aware that I never went to (that same old) history class all last semester and never went to the dean to ask for some kind of incomplete instead of just failing. On top of that I took a part in a play that meant I couldn’t work (or earn money) in the evening. Anyway the entire fever dream was so confused, labyrinthine and frustrating and I just had to wake myself up. Strangely, though I hadn’t had a single thing to drink yesterday, I feel oddly hung over, my sinuses aching with sharp pains in the top of my head that come and go. Not that great a feeling I must say. But there is more to this day than me complaining about my aches and pains. I want to underachieve. I want to write a little and get into reviewing the main project at hand but I don’t want to do much else, but for unpack and already start repacking. We are surely not going to Canada now so I will have a choice about what to do with my time on Saturday. Will be fun to just see what happens that day. I am hoping we won’t lose any money on the trip I’m expecting not to. As it turns out we have a year to rebook our trip so that’s totally cool. Will be so nice to get up to Canada again in the Spring with a bulk of work already under our belt.

I will need to rejig my schedule today. Thinking I’ll do that in the four o’clock hour. Between now and then I’ll repack and rejig. I also need to print out the little curtain speech I have prepared for the MGC show. I do need to update things for Brad as well, and put the petty cash together, just as I need to reach out to Terry K and see if we are on the same page. Otherwise I will ask David S to do it. It’s just one of those days where I can’t seem to get enough energy amassed to move the needle in any significant way but that’s fine too. I also have to get my injured pics onto my phone as well. Oh wait no the other way around…I need to get some of the injured pics I have on here onto my phone. I also have to work the “portal” for the doctor. It helps to make the list today; I just don’t feel like actually doing any of it. I need a mind-and-body chill day. I will put a little profile together for the doctor as well. I will see what kind of support I can drum up for my larger projects as I’m not really sure where things stand right now. Again that’s fine. I will review what went down since last I was at (I don’t even know his name), let’s just call him, Doctor Who?. I am writing one short sentence at a time. I’m looking forward to the corner turning. I’m glad we are pressing pause on travel, actually. I want to stay put and go through all the rooms and put things on sale and make my art installation in the basement before it gets taken away. That was kind of a fun project. I wouldn’t mind working on that in November. I suppose we could have made the NYC thing happen but it’s just as well it isn’t. I need to trust that I can take a break and not be punished or exiled for it. And if it turns out we are we will work out something else. Anyway it is just the right thing.

And I need to allow some space for some light to get in. And tomorrow must begin the book work in earnest. Look already this year I have accomplished so very much, and though I might trick myself into thinking that the project at hand is more daunting than others, it really isn’t. My goal must be to have some fun with it. The rest will really keep. I have some gaps to fill in as well. If I were to continue on I would be operating at a deficit, this much I know. I suppose everything can wait in terms of what is in the mailbox. That was an imposing thought. What was I saying? Oh yes, I want to breathe. I want to do my yoga and read my books. I don’t want to do winter here that much I know, so I look forward to finding myself a little place abroad for a spell. It is time to let these go and make room for new experiences. I fully intend to write my show this year, now that I’ve ripped off the band-aid and know what I’m doing. And I look forward to going down the line and making some positive things happen. It’s that year. I cannot waste any time today. I guess, going back to the previous thought, that I am happy to set sites on next year’s show, maybe bring musical director to Provincetown to work with. And this way we could get some future show songs under our belt. This year is going to be all about getting the profile amplified, which is a noble pursuit in itself. Today is the last day of the third quarter and I’m looking forward to making some serious hay in the fourth. And then taking a much needed powder in the first of twenty twenty.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
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