Month: July 2021 (page 3 of 3)

Seven in Seven

Cancer 17° (July 8)

That much more little nightly catnaps but still not enough and waking up in a puddle of sweat once again. Much to write today but I’m hoping if I do manage to bank some pages then I might be able to sleep in the afternoon. Perhaps I’ll do a J.D. and create all night and sleep much of the day. I have “cleaned up” my Blague schedule a bit and look forward to keeping that going as a means of remaining sane. Back and forth with Nan this morning which was quite helpful. Also reaching out to let more friends know: Elvira Gulch isn’t much different from Wonderland’s Red Queen; she rules over “half the county,” and she wants the power to destroy, kill poor Toto, meaning “all.” Her own name, Elvira, translates to “all true” while Gulch speaks to a deep and narrow void, that dreaded emptiness created by a torrent (of self-defeating emotion). We don’t worry that she’s going to try and pull the same crap on Dorothy and Toto once they’ve returned to more black-and-white reality. Dorothy’s hunt truly begins when she runs away, which she does out of her own fear, insecurity, being small and meek. Like the Red Queen, Gulch, is potential shadow side of the sign and a cautionary tale, and Dorothy has already assured herself she will never fall into that chasm, killing Elvira, spiritually, on her shamanistic journey. As well, nobody in the kingdom of Kansas is going to capitulate to Gulch again, inspired by Dorothy’s brush with oblivion. The evolved Leo doesn’t have to push her weight around, threaten or even so much as retaliate—Dorothy only accidentally destroys her adversary’s “beautiful wickedness” by way of expressing love for her companions, for whom she feels responsibility in exchange for their unerring loyalty. 

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. 

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2021 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2021 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.

The Long Arm

Cancer 16° (July 7)

It was shopping for solicitors day. Not fun, but it had to happen. Day seven no sleep and lost as many pounds so far. Keep waking up in a puddle of sweat. I have started a huge legal-pad list of everything that needs doing. I also scheduled movers for the inevitable. My goal today is to write just one page: For Leo dissatisfaction can be her greatest asset, because it such a motivator. We have long spoken of Dorothy Gale from Oz fame as being a literary emanation of the Leo archetype. She lives in a dull gray world where everyone is caught up in banalities and pettiness and nobody understands her. As her surname suggests, that brewing storm and she are one and the same. She has a run-in with a charlatan, when she herself is the shaman in the story. A window flies open, bumping her head and putting her into a trance that exports her to a vivid realm of magical beings. Here she must perform the ritual drama of the hunt, if she is to achieve her desired destiny. We have defined the companions she meets as metaphysical representations of her cultivating mind, opening heart and would-be lionized spirit, all of which are developed during the hunt along her golden path. Follow the yellow brick road, she is told, presumably because it’s a method that has worked in the past. Already vanquishing one demon upon arrival there will be greater ones to face and kill. Like Dorothy, Leo woman is the hunter and perceived wickedness is her prey; meanwhile, she will capture the minds and hearts and spirits of entire populations, these dual actions going hand-in-hand. The Wicked Witch is a terribly insecure character, she’s paranoid and her sinister nature stems from the sin of a lack of self-love. The fixed fire of the sign, and the astrological fifth house of the love you give, are prescriptions to Leo to continually fan the flames of self-regard and -affection. As is true in all ritual dramas of the hunt, they are largely designed to achieve healing. And so, we find Dorothy ultimately surfacing from her trance, back in the lap of Hestia’s domain of home, where she’s killed the original green meanie, a bundle of fear, envy, greed and other such vices that give rise to victimhood.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! +  FlashbackThe degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. 

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2021 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2021 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.

Sue She

Cancer 15° (July 5-6)

Chats with friends and virtual hugs. Vivian, Kip, Rebecca, Bonnie, Neil, Penny. Will get some sushi on Monday and that will be my first outing, and probably my only one for some time. Going to try and write another page: Leo woman is naturally inclined to endow herself with the ritual power of this expectation, the power of the ritual performance, doing as has been done before, only better, provides both the vehicle (the drama itself) as well as the well-worn path of restored behavior by which she will become suffused with the confidence of capturing the prey of her own personal truth and meaning, in the final act and analysis. Thus, there is always something of the self-fulfilling prophesy in the Leo’s approach to her life goals. which might strike others as if she’s putting us on. Marrying this notion to what we said herein earlier on—coming after cardinal-water Cancer, the Flood, the surrounding myths of which are hinged on the notion of recovery, which speaks to the in-passage and -process personalities of people born in that sign, the fixed-fire Leo and its association with the Book of Kings, speaks to a certain metaphysical and metaphorical manifestation of restoration, the reestablishment of human life and the conditions thereof, a newly constituted experience and estate that would suggest a new covenant, a new co-creative deal with God, but also a more improved, a better class of the human species, unlike the faulty, previous version that needed to be washed away. This archetypal energy lives in the hearts and minds of Leo people of both sexes; and feeling oneself the best that humankind has to offer can make one displeased and disappointed with a world peopled by those who don’t share that same self-regard.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. 

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2021 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2021 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.

Independence Day

Cancer 14° (July 4)

I will talk to Moo today which will be helpful. I am in the thick of it. The only way out will be through. Going to try and write a page: The sign’s fifth house is that of the drama of life, and indeed Leo can be the queen thereof as well. Let’s just say she has a theatrical mind. Leo is prone to exaggeration, not to mention ersatz accents, but only in rare instances will she be an out and out phony, which, if she is, would signal a kind of emotional emptiness, which is a terrible sensation for her to experience. Leo is naturally prone to make much of herself because doing so is a true expression of her self-regard. She generally likes to do things big, and she has the outsized energy to make a sensation, with some still to spare. The hunt itself is a ritual drama—it may in fact be the first ever. Scholars have likened the advent of the hunt to the unfolding of a theatrical piece wherein the final words or final scene are akin to the actual capture if not killing of the prey. In a play, thus, you might say that the prey is the meaning, the moral, the truth needing to be perceived, captured and thus revealed. This all comes down to what anthropologists, and especially those who explore the subject’s relationship to theatrical drama, would call “restored behavior.” The hunter, like the shaman, the exorcist, one falling into a trance, or the actor on a stage must adopt certain behavior to frame the performance, each time they give in and over to it. That is to say that, like an actor taking on a role, they must act as if they are the role they are taking on, not the individual they are, in order to achieve the desired end. Many primitive cultures of course employed the hunt as the ritual means, say, of marking the transition, the rite of passage, from a boy to man. All this to say, when we speak of the Leo woman, whose primary archetype is the huntress, her evolutionary path is one of restored behavior. We already know that the fixed sign of Leo isn’t an originator but an imitator in the strictest sense—one and the same with slipping into a role, where one is expected to adopt a brand of restored behavior,

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. 

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2021 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2021 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.

Call Your MP

Cancer 13° (July 3)

Chatted with Matt. It was similar to the conversation with Dave in terms of being “odd couple” which is surely true; and realizing that the giant irony is that they are friends and associates and nothing more. So, all they need to do is figure out separate residences. And now this: I first want to admit that this really sucks that ilost 5 pages of this text that I’m writing is just devastating but I am of the mind to turn this into something positive that I’m going to get this party started so hard that it’s just never going to stop and I’m going to do this freaking project now from where I am to the completion of this first draft in the matter of one single month I was saying something about Artemis seeking exceptions from Zeus and how it leads to the Leo woman wanting to lead an exceptional life. There’s a certain pent up energy built in frustration about being born in this sign because there’s such a desire to take such a huge bite out of life that if the natives of the sign don’t feel that they are living a life of superlatives they can feel pretty desperate insofar as that word relates to despair. It takes a lot to make the Leo woman happy and she needs to feel she’s killing it in every aspect of her life. The clients who come to us were born under the sign picking up the thread of conversation from earlier their ideas of achieving fulfillment completion wholeness a life well lived is very much hinged on Knowing that they left no stone unturned in there hunt that is to say knowing that they’ve done everything they can to affect their desired life goals is will be reward enough what they won’t be able to abide at the end of the day is the feeling that they didn’t give it their all. Even as a youngster they will be singled out as exceptional among their peers infamously inhabiting the world of adults making friends with teachers and colleagues viewing their peers as comparative children. They’re on a fast track from day one And they don’t take life lightly 

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. 

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2021 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2021 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.

Hatch’s Plan

Cancer 12° (July 2)

Food shopping in the center of town was absolute agony. I couldn’t get out of town fast enough. I took photos of the piano and put them online and already somebody wants to see it. I didn’t get much done but I am trying to get back up to speed. I hope against hope that something will shake out. I will leave Ken and Moo messages and speak with Dave twice. Had a little salmon but that’s all I was able to manage. I have some thoughts to put down: The fixed signs in astrology, the second in each of the four quadrants, aren’t as a rule the initiators or orginators that the cardinal signs, which precede them, are—instead, they are the imitators, in the best sense of the word, the honers and perfectors, taking seeds of ideas and fully developing them into solid, more viable forms. Fixed Leo are especially skilled at fully baking ideas over the hearth fires of their passionate expression, birthing their intellectual and creative brainchildren to wide appeal, through sheer force of their indefatigable will. You’d be hard pressed to find a Leo woman who doesn’t give her all in life, even if she doesn’t do so by way of a career, or in the public eye. Woman of the sign are really never not creatives. In our view, there are two types of creatives: those who express themselves through a certain art form or other, and those for whom the living of life is a creative process in itself. Leo is typically the former and she’s near always the latter. All that she endeavors, she does to the nth degree, or should do. Even as a youngster Leo will be singled out as exceptional among her peers, infamously inhabiting the world of adults making friends with teachers and colleagues, while viewing those her own age as comparative children. Leo is on a fast track from day one, determined, and mapping out actual plans, to reach some pinnacle triumph when, to her mind, she’s still young enough to enjoy it. One to want to have it all, she tends to equally prioritize raising a family and having a stellar career—as a child, if in the back of her mind, the age group of 28-35 associated with the sign will be a target time-frame during which to bank these dual accomplishments. The symbolic interpretation of that seven-year span is that it represents a time of life when one is at the height of their physical and spiritual (energetic) powers, in the last throes of youth before middle-age settles in, yet having had enough time and experience under one’s belt since reaching maturity, to make an impact (especially if you’re a Leo). In keeping with the sign’s color, Leo seeks to personify the gold standard in all aspects of her being. She is the one to beat at the game of life, and she’s typically way ahead of you. To be a fulfilled, Leo, is to satisfy your hunger(s) in life, and there are more than a few ways to assuage each one. In the meantime, “hunger is good discipline,” (said someone once) and a healthy dose of dissatisfaction is what forever fuels and propels Leo forward. You can be the most challenging of people, Kitty, no easy walk in the park. Like your animal totem, you spar with others, the whole cat and mouse routine, flexing your muscles, keeping your claws and teeth sharp, just as all that kind of play between lion cubs amounts to training for the real adult battles in the jungle ahead. There is typically someone, if not a handful of folks, at any one point in time with whom you are at least vaguely at odds, in your experience. To some degree this is healthy, again, keeping your wits sharp; but when the love of drama begins to outstrip any actual need for it, then we caution you against unnecessary engagement of this sort, as it can become something of an addition. Still, you will find that queen Leo will always have some bee in her bonnet about some revolting subject or other needing to be put down, be it person, place or thing. Just don’t let her see you eye-roll lest your head be next on the chopping block. Don’t forget that Wonderland’s Queen of Hearts archetypally rules the shadow side of the Leo woman, representing the darker aspects of The Knockout’s personality.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. 

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2021 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2021 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.

Beers To Men

Cancer 11° (July 1)

I haven’t written for a few days. Brad will come today, and I will sign all tax stuff and pay him some cash. Then Dave will pick up pre-payed Thai food and we will chat for several hours. It helps a little, particularly on the subject of pair bonding. He is a biologist and anthropologist and he says that one experiences rifts of this nature physically. He brought beer. I had one. I can’t really drink alcohol at this time. The Pad Thai was disgusting. Everything now smells of garlic. I broke down a bit when he left. The loneliness is unbelievable. Here is what I’m thinking: Just as Artemis seeks those exceptions from Zeus, being a Leo woman is a mandate to lead an exceptional life. Leo doesn’t take her existence lightly, embodying a sense of urgency, from a young age, to enter onto the world stage. There’s a certain pent-up energy, a built-in frustration in being born into this sign, that eternal fixed fire burning inside natives thereof. Leo has such a hungry heart, hankering to take huge bites out of life, that if she falls short of living a life of superlatives (as she sees them) she can become that much more desperate, desolate and despairing. It takes a great deal to make the Leo woman happy, that is to say make herself so—the huntress must be convinced that she’s killing it in every aspect of her life. Circling back to what we tell Leo women clients: What constitutes wholeness and fulfillment at the end of the day for the Lioness is having lived as fearless a life as possible, to feel that whatever maybe didn’t pay off in the end was for no lack of trying. Along with the heart, Leo rules the backbone; the Strength card in the Major Arcana of the Tarot features that big golden cat, and for Leo it is a matter of standing up to her full height in life, leaving no stone unturned in her effort to achieve desired goals. It is crucial for her to know that she didn’t shy away from challenges, nor shirk responsibility of doing right by her ambitions. As much as she appreciates external rewards, she is already cosmically designed to experience her time here as a reward life, one up to which she must live; and she finds nothing more gratifying than the knowledge she has pulled out all stops, never taking no for an answer. All the fire signs embody an indomitable spirt of sorts—whereas the cardinal Aries woman seeks a sense of singularity, to be the first, a stand-out pioneer, innovator and initiator; and mutable Sagittarius longs to experience a certain omnipresence, the most life has offer, generally through travel, world-citizenry, education, and the proliferation of ideas; the fixed Leo aims for the best in life, both her personal own, and all the trimmings whereto are given natural rise. The specific means by which excellence might be achieved takes a back seat to the achievement itself; this can see Leo changing creative and professional lanes, particularly early in life, discerning a path that will take her furthest, fastest. It is often a subtle shift in gears—for example, if she works in entertainment, and dancing, say, isn’t paying off, she might seamlessly switch to acting or singing; if she’s hitting a wall as a fashion designer, she might try her hand at interiors instead; if a career as a chef isn’t making a name for herself, she might become a sommelier. Not taking no for an answer, she innately understands, can necessitate a certain flexibility in getting to yes. Leo plays the odds—that fifth house of games and gambling—chances for success with an endeavor outweighing the importance of the exact niche with which she chooses to achieve it. She gravitates toward avenues where she feels she can make the most impact while retaining her autonomy and sway.  To her mind, success begets success, and once she scores a win, she feels she will have a golden ticket to tick all her many goals, creative and otherwise, off her list. 

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. 

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2021 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2021 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.

Completely Gutted

Cancer 10° (June 30)

Gone and not coming back. I will spare you the gruesome method in which this was enacted but it included a missive that portrayed a villainous character bent on cruelty. There were times of the latter but never of the former. Spending the morning blowing up voicemails, bawling brains out and otherwise rending garments and beating breast. The truth of the matter is there has long been this great schism and it was inevitable. There will be no end to trying to obtain contact, all in vain. But going to push through: Circling back to what we tell our Leo women clients: What constitutes wholeness and fulfillment at the end of the day for the Lioness is having lived as fearless a life as possible, to feel that whatever perhaps didn’t pay off was for no lack of trying. Along with the heart, Leo rules the backbone; the Strength card in the Major Arcana of the Tarot features that big golden cat, and for Leo it is a matter of standing up to her full height in life, never to have shied away from advocating for, nor shirked responsibility to, herself. All the female fire signs share a similar sense of spirt, which fire symbolizes: Where Aries aims to be groundbreaking, the first to do this or that; and Sagittarius is wont to achieve a kind of omnipresence, to be far-reaching and to learn, see, travel and achieve the most she can, Leo is hinged on being her personal best, and she holds herself to an extremely high bar on that score. In keeping with her sign’s color, Leo seeks to personify the gold standard in all aspects of her life. She is the one to beat at the game of life, and she’s way ahead of you. Perhaps, reading this, Leo, you agree in theory but not in practice, that is there may be a disconnect between your belief, that you’re the one to beat, and your behavior, which isn’t currently proving that point. (See the prescriptive text box for some guidance on this score.) To be a fulfilled Leo woman is to satisfy your hunger(s) in life, and there are typically more than a few ways to assuage each one. In the meantime, “hunger is good discipline,” as a healthy dose of dissatisfaction is what forever fuels and propels the Leo forward. You can be the most challenging of people, Kitty, no easy walk in the park. Like your animal totem, you spar with others, the whole cat and mouse routine, flexing your muscles, keeping your claws and teeth sharp, just as all that kind of play between lion cubs amounts to training for the real adult battles in the jungle ahead. There is typically someone, if not a handful of folks, at any one point in time with whom you are at least vaguely at odds, in your experience. To some degree this is healthy, again, keeping your wits sharp; but when the love of drama begins to outstrip the need then we caution you against unnecessary engagement of this sort, as it can become something of an addition. Still, you will find that queen Leo will always have some bee in her bonnet about some revolting subject or other needing to be put down, whether person, place or thing. Just don’t let her see you eye-roll lest your head be next on the chopping block.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. 

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2021 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2021 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.

We Shall See

Cancer 9° (June 29)

Well this day will promise to be fantastic as the property case gets settled. S. spends much time out and it was weird because when she got back from Ptown I suggested I would go deposit check but she insisted on doing so. Otherwise all was normal. We did the usual putting on France Musique and putting the cushions out and she had brought home three bottles of wine which wasn’t totally out of character but she doesn’t typically do so. We had an extended time outside and were musing about the future and talking about how we finally were on the same page of the book—our whole 6 and fix philosophy—and I drank all of the second rose and was pretty high and we made salmon and salad and tomato, quick dinner and then cleaned up and I went to bed not knowing my life was going to be forever altered upon waking. While we were sitting outside I was writing: That the Queen of Hearts is a tyrant because she is terribly insecure, otherwise wouldn’t need to grandstand. Female Archie Bunker, armchair autocrat. Something about taking stand but also dying on what hill. If they are not achieving on their own right that can become belittling or minimizing. They are not pussies they are something else more blunt. Relating the autocrat to Artemis showing now mercy. Can be merciless. 

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. 

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2021 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2021 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.

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