Month: January 2023 (page 3 of 6)

Lost Is Space

Pisces 6° (February 25)

Cy wants to have dinner and you know me during this whole eight-month phase: all I want to do is hide and not see anyone. I am depressed and feel gross. And I actually did not sleep AT ALL last night. We all say that but I really fucking mean it. Not a wink. I tried to nap and maybe I dozed off but I said yes to success which is Cy incarnate and he picked me up in a loaner car. We went to Mac’s and shared sushi. He always under orders and me the opposite. He does seem a bit awkward sometimes but he is also strangely soave. I did a search on him for the first time ever and he really is a leader in his field I had no idea. The nights start late but they do end early and he is moderate in drink which is good. He is a Leo so I suspect a creature of habit. Anyway, to work: February 11

A most grounded Aquarian, your color is sinopia, an earthy fresco red. You survey the landscapes of situations before entering in, uncovering all there is to know about a subject. You evolve and innovate as a rule, drawing on what came before to illumine new visions.

February 12

So strong is the red-violet vibe of this day the air about you is nearly scented. You have a complex interior despite outwardly embracing simplicity. Keeping your sidewalk clean, metaphorically, you will not create bad karma. You can document the effects of doing so.

February 13

Your birthday color is snowdrop, named for those first flowers that bloom in February. A harbinger of good cheer, you don’t give in to darkness, pinpointing sources of hope and renewal. You know where you’re going career-wise, but you’re in no rush to get there.

February 14

You give off a crimson glow. Fitting for a strong, bright and deep soul like yourself. You are a messenger to people, spreading good news and cheer. Lit from within, you remind us that life-force can brim from those, like you, who only see the good in life and others.

February 15

Iris, the messenger of the rainbow, is a descending goddess who elevates mortals. The  flower comes in a spectrum. You are attracted to earthy sorts, unavoidably raising their consciousness. You have many colors, a chameleon, who, even so, never throws shade.

February 16

A Day-Glo blue birthday vibration befits your high-energy design-for-living and your ability to always find something to positively rave about. Friends must be hardworking and culturally engaged. You never stop moving, but don’t play fast and loose in love.

February 17

An unnuanced cadmium red speaks to your straight-shooting attitude and blatant—we didn’t say brutal—honesty, particularly in the heat of the moment. You don’t avoid the obvious in life, work or art, often inspiring the jealous words: Why didn’t I think of that?

February 18

Lavender is a de-stressing flower and color, so no surprise it’s associated with your day. You keep your vibe chill by never biting off more than you can chew and making no entangling alliances with others. You’re the poster child for healthy Aquarian detachment. 

February 19

You’re a bit of a throwback, a lover of history and gilded ages. Fittingly, old gold is your color vibe. You see beauty in faded glory, reflected in your aesthetic, favorite haunts or social circle. Cultured characters with catalogues of experience make the best soulmates.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2022 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Finish That Thought

Pisces 5° (February 24)

This is probably the most reclusive day of all time. I really don’t even open the door to take a breath. Things are hitting me so hard. I binge on Pam and Tommy and it’s pretty delicious, only the actor playing Pam is either really good or wildly overimagining her character. It dawns on me that I should be a television reviewer. I do have a list of possible jobs somewhere should this all go pear shaped. That was the trigger of two weeks ago. Being told what one isn’t prepared to do rather than what one is. I contacted the TV folk and got an immediate response. I also have a couple of more.

February 1

Cerulean derives from the Latin word for heaven, that which you create everyday, here, on earth. It’s actually a family of blue befitting your morphing vibrational need to remain chill, adapt, float even, as far above any fray as you can stay. And they call it spacey?

February 2

There’s an ice blue called Alice which wraps around you like ribbons. You are meant, you see, to remain in the present. It’s a gift to be able to do so, and nobody does it better. You give full attention to people and to projects. That means you have little to no regrets.

February 3

Arsenic, a color of night, carries a devious connotation. Nocturnal action not withstanding, you embrace covert behavior, secrecy keeping your power of determination undiluted by other voices. A lovely deviant from the norm, you celebrate diversity and bump off hate. 

February 4

You’re enveloped in an antique white. The past provides inspiration, your Luddite ways serving as an antidote to this fast-paced world. Home is a visual feast of cherished furnishings and finds. Often a night owl, your imagination is in tune with mystic forces.

February 5 

You are ultramarine, down, not-so-many lengths, to your soul. Indeed, your spirit is right at the surface, an ease in human relations being testament to your gift of self-acceptance. Your capacity for love brims full like your Waterbearer’s cup, yet only for the worthy. 

February 6  

You don’t mind being bubblegum. You get high culture, but you see equal genius in pop-media creations. You like the ubiquity of art and ideas now being shared by the masses via plastic devices. It’s fun knowing what’s in the pipeline—pure joy to put something in it.

February 7

An electric green, even your aura is gorgeously geeky. Embracing technology and progressive ideals puts a spring in your step as you leap frog over others in areas of learning or in friendly competition, the only kind you know. We look to you for direction.

February 8

A greeny Xanadu grey aura says you come from an out-there place. News? No. Aquarius is a state of mind where the proverbial cup is filled with ambrosia of eternal youth. Where your own brain goes must be the greatest place, cuz your chill-child vibe is ever uplifting.

February 9

Your tickle-me pink aura reminds us that we can all go further in cultivating of joy. So, though you’re essentially one of the happiest on the planet, you don’t comment on it. To do so would stop the flow of exaltation. You’re grooving into the next moment of rapture.

February 10

Your color energy is so vivid a watermelon we can almost taste it. You’re a populist with a pop-art aesthetic. With an ear to the pavement, you gauge what’s coming down the pike. In a subculture of countless acquaintances, you’re a luminary, leading toward the future.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2022 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Work Ladies

Pisces 4° (February 23)

Was going to invite folks for dinner but decided against it. I feel rundown and not in the right head space. But I will have R+T for Cous Cous as soon as that works out. I am definitely making some progress stepping on the morning scale which feels good. I make a lovely roasted salmon and potatoes with sauteéd baby spinach. It is getting easier to eat alone I must say. And I’m so sick of hemorrhaging the moolah. Oh well. This too shall pass. I will be creating more and more content. I spoke to Mike from Providence and I discussed going to cooking school and he said I should check out Attleboro. I’ve never even heard of Attleboro.

 January 21

Deep Purple portrays your serious nature, infused as it is, with a innate need for freedom. You can’t be fenced in, yet you crave constant companionship, urging you to associate with liberated like-minds. You may have a series of careers and no entangling alliances.

January 21

Deep Purple portrays your serious nature, infused as it is, with a innate need for freedom. You can’t be fenced in, yet you crave constant companionship, urging you to associate with liberated like-minds. You may have a series of careers and no entangling alliances.

January 22

Chartreuse suggests a unique and healing aura in keeping with your quick and quirky personality. You’re hungry for life and thirsty for knowledge, drawn to unusual enclaves and esoteric thought. Emotional for an Aquarius, you channel feeling into art or crafts.

January 23

You radiate vermillion, vibrantly idiosyncratic in speech and manner, but inimitable. Technique is at the core of your talents, not that you let on how hard you work. A born professional, with nary a diva bone in your body, you never stop learning and growing.

January 24

Like a heated pool on a winter day you’re a shot of aqua cutting through any gloom. You exhibit physical grace and a deeper sense of it, taking nary a moment of life for granted. You possess a childlike exuberance with a buoyant carriage and bubbly attitude to match.

January 25

Edgy in every sense of the word, your aura is lime, sometimes Day-Glo green. You feel internally prodded into creative pursuits, which then prove provocative to others. Keenly, you cultivate down-time, preserving your sense of play with equally game individuals.

January 26

Goa orange suits a guru like you. Your energy is outsized, like a blazing star to which others hitch their wagon. And you need them. Your grand illusions, um, visions require disciples, er, delegates. You’ve got your act together and you always take the high road.

January 27

Neon yellow permeates your being. You can stop others in their tracks with progressive ideas and actions, not to mention a radical-chic style. You’re a futurist, tech-savvy and seeking to evolve the field in which you work or create. You readily embrace new orders.

January 28

You express the browny pink underbelly of experience, a deconstructionist of the first order. You are all for transparency in relationships, just as you like to see how systems and structures tick. You seek the true reality beneath all artifice you strive to strip away.

January 29

A deep Russian red reflects your reserved, enigmatic nature. Even if in the public eye, you keep your private life behind an iron curtain. This lends you a healthy objectivity and camaraderie with others without taxing your emotions, which you express to a select few.

January 30

You have a butterscotch glow that makes others feel safe, secure under your command. Ironic, since you’re rather revolutionary, spontaneously popping onto soap boxes to air your views. Still, you can be strategic, playing life as a chess game, always moves ahead.

January 31

What better than an atomic tangerine aura for a suddenly mutating Aquarian with your unexpected changes and potential for running off to clown college? You personify evolution in a sense, the most gorgeous ahead-of-the curve quirk we all inevitably follow. 

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2022 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Edit Post

Pisces 3° (February 22)

Yippi. I will food shop but only end up eating guacamole with tortilla chips. I have been plummeted back into much bedtime as we are still incommunicado. It’s really quite sad and disturbing but what can you do. I distract myself by watching Ideal Home for the hundredth time.

January 11

Nobody but you could vibrate the color of purple mountain majesty. You’re iconic for your style and, moreover, for your high standards. You may seem distant to those lacking self-preservation. But to people who exist on your esteemed level, you’re anything but.

January 12

Awash in sepia, you radiate traditional values. Not to say you’re not a modern lady/boy, it’s just you see some elements of the past worth preserving, in danger of being lost in our fast-paced world. You recognize the power of handwritten notes and formal introductions.

January 13

Your day is silhouetted in cameo pink, as befits unforgettable you. You have that je ne sais quoi that makes a lasting mark, even in a fleeting meeting. Life for you is a series of full circles, people from the past factoring into your future, forever elevating your profile.

January 14

The island itself is a Goat’s spiritual home, your aura-glow aptly being clear Capri blue. You blend a need for glitz with that of natural communion, and we mean that in every sense of the word. Any proverb to live by? If this yacht is rocking, don’t come knocking.

January 15

Your color vibe is school-house red, which makes us all hot for teacher. You are a bit strict, especially with mates, a loving disciplinarian who need rarely take no for an answer. Your life is for learning and you’ll never stop feeding your head. Isn’t that right, marm? 

January 16

Languid lavender, a light purple grey, expresses femininity that won’t be objectified. You will not be labeled, despite a love of designer ones, which you never flaunt but almost hide. Expressing your mind, with reined emotion, characterizes your big creative style.

January 17

Olive is your essential color. Wisdom is your watchword and you are prudent in your myriad practices. Knowing yourself is an eternally worthwhile pursuit. Poetry plays in your mind if you listen up. You have much to communicate and illuminate for others.

January 18

Your color vibe is outer space, a nearly black blue-grey that likely predominates your wardrobe as well. Even if born in the wilderness, you’re an urban dweller with the soul of a beat poet and beatific beauty to match. You tap universal themes in creative expression.

January 19

Alpine white, a tiny bit blue, is your birthday hue, pointing to your aspirational nature laced, as it is, with emotion. Money is a means to an end: To live a life, maybe close to nature, where you can breathe easy. You know life has complications, so you create none.

January 20

Of all the Capricorns, you’re the most racy, so radical red is, unsurprisingly, your color. You’ve a jet-setting soul, veering toward careers that fuel you creatively and let you live on the fly. Biz and pleasure mix perfectly well. Who else leaves parties with paychecks?

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2022 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

A Real Life…

Pisces 2° (February 21)

I will repeat last night’s menu, but this night will see Sioban and her friend Chase, who is a yoga teacher. I am trying to rewrite my history and headline a bit. So far I’ve mentioned to her and Mac and Todd, so that’s three venues where I can hopefully make some extra. Desiree beams back in and everyone is having to get used to the new reality. 

STELLA STARSKY + QUINN COX, a  real-life married couple, are renowned authors, astrologers, metaphysicians, and cultural arbiters. They are consultants and coaches to fashion, art and entertainment industry leaders on an international scale.  Stella and Quinn received their training at the London Faculty of Astrological Studies. Quinn is widely recognized for his credible psychic and intuitive abilities. Stella holds a Master of Science degree in Applied Positive Psychology from the University of East London and is pursuing another degree in X from X; she is also a certified meditation guide.  

Starsky + Cox reinvented the genre of astrology with their groundbreaking, best-selling book Sextrology (HarperCollins) which has sold upwards of a half a million copies worldwide. Referred to as “the red bible” and translated into fifteen foreign editions, Sextrology launched at fashion bastions around the globe including Barneys in New York and Los Angeles, Colette in Paris, Selfridges in London and Harvey Nichols in Dublin and Edinburgh. The many outspoken fans of Sextrology include: Charlize Theron, Russell Brand, Parker Posey, Megan Fox, Isaac Mizrahi, Kelly Ripa, Rufus Wainwright, Sharon Stone, Cameron Diaz, Marc Jacobs, Scarlett Johansson, Kate Moss, Tori Amos, and JK Rowling. Sextrology was followed by Cosmic Coupling (Random House) and Starsky + Cox’s popular Haute Astrology yearly horoscope series. A new book and a television series based on their collected works is currently in the works pipeline. 

Starsky + Cox have partnered with and created content for Marc Jacobs, MAC Cosmetics, Sephora, Neiman Marcus, Chandelier Creative and Kylie Minogue. Additionally, Starsky + Cox have contributed to publications and sites worldwide, including Vogue ParisAllureCosmopolitanVanity Fair, The Daily Beast, Elle and Glamour. They have been were regular guests on “Chelsea Lately” and innumerable numerous other TV and radio programs. Starsky + Cox regularly present their Cosmic ClinicTM, offering on-the-spot astrological readings at corporate, private and charity functions. The duo have written and performed scores of starry themed musical comedy shows on notable stages including Joe’s Pub at The Public Theater in NYC, and the American Repertory Theater in Cambridge, MA.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2022 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Sesame Wise

Pisces 1° (February 20)

Macs for  Oysters, Salmon Skin Roll, Shrimp and Grits will be how the day ends. In the meantime I’m just doing work and trying to make contact. Nothing major to report. Taxes are all up to date. All the bills paid, I’s dotted, T’s crossed. That type of thing. I’m in touch with Kip and Bonnie and Greg and others. Trying to keep it real. I have a list a mile long of what needs doing and I ams hitting my marks as best I can under the circumstances. Credit wise I made a leap, which Is cool. January 1

A classic navy blue is your enviable hue. No matter your background, there is Yankee in your blood, a determination to do things yourself with a stiff upper lip. You don’t need what you don’t have, which brings untold abundance of both material and moral riches.

January 2

The congealed red color carmine speaks to emotional scars all Capricorn scapegoats bear. It’s a red badge not just of courage or survival but spiritual ascension. Blesser is French for “to wound”, and yet it’s where we get the word: blessed. See where we’re going here?

January 3

Bole is a rosey shade of brown that portrays the guileless beauty embedded in your earthy person of substance. You prize your wise and honorable mind, amping your sensuality all the more. Add that clownish humor, which always causes a stir, and you’re a triple threat.

January 4

You project the majesty of snow, inspiring longing anticipation in loved ones, yet enough foreboding that others fear to tread on you. You’ll settle for nothing less than carving out a private wonderland in this lifetime, a finely crafted, comfortable corner of the wild world.

January 5

Are you cinereous? From the Latin word for ashes, often applied to gorgeous gray birds, it portrays your power to rise in flight from any so-called ruin. You bring on challenges. They send you higher toward success and self-awareness, making you ever more smokin’.

January 6

You’re as tender as your faun-colored aura, but you’re no babe in the woods. You’ve seen more than most, but you have an ever-renewing energy that keeps jaded, sad or bitter feelings at bay. Grace under pressure, there is no arena too big for you to play and win in.

January 7

The russet aura of your day inspires faith and confidence. It’s a color of bounty that speaks to the simple gifts of life. Health, home, family, community. These are your major motivators. You can’t chase any of them; they must be cultivated with careful constancy. 

January 8

Radiating a rich sienna, you portray primal energy of that hue, a predominant pigment in early cave paintings. You know you’re an old soul, who came intact with lessons learned. Any major ones? That living can be an act of kindness. And you need less than you think.

January 9        

You’re all over, smoky topaz, suggesting a love affair with culture and correct company. Not to say you’re a snob. Your rarified social enclave is based on inherent class, not the inherited kind. At times materially overindulgent, you never lose your innate spirituality.

January 10

Your melon aura-glow says you’re a melancholy baby who transcends singing the blues. Happy, in fact, for your infamous dark nights of the soul, they provide material for creative expression, not to mention emotional depth you bring to personal relationships.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2022 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Pisces 0° (February 19)

Was so excited to see an email from S. That is until I read it. Boy oh boy am I the bad guy once again. As I said it was probably our first emotional conversation in ages and I guess it will have to be our last. It is near impossible for my position to be observed as anything normal. There are new adjectives and tags for me but I know my truth. I know that I tried my damnest. I had the most bizarre dreams, which I swear I wrote about already somewhere. But now I don’t see it. I can’t imagine having sent her the deets. But one where I threw these pencils into a kitchen—gosh where did I write this down? Maybe that was also in the dream—anyway S. was laughing hysterically with a friend on the phone which was in sharp juxtaposition to my absolute sorry, so throwing the pencils was my soft tantrum and I went running up the stairs of the house which was much like hers growing up (the same as my friend Moo’s in layout. She had put the phone down and tried to grab me on the stair, rather affectionately actually, but I kept breaking away. I was crying hysterically and turns out I was doing so in real time so I woke up shaking from a crying jag. Next dream I was jolted out of by a kind of violence that was happening at a social gathering and I kept having to pick up pieces of pottery and the like that my mother kept knocking over. It was inside this large labyrinthian hotel where I feel my dreams have been recurring-ly set. And then there was a weird third dream, all of them similar with large gatherings of people, where this younger person presented himself saying that he was told he was my half brother. He looked all but exactly like my father. It was weird to wake up startled three times all in different ways. The feeling on the last one is that there is some younger man /half sibling out there somewhere. It felt like a relief. Like oh good I might have family in the world after all. Anyway…Doodle loodle loo Back to the future: I was just reading this and remember about that dream of having a half brother. It’s not all that improbable actually and chances are, given the hypcritical bigot my father was, he’d be black. Boy oh boy would I love to have a half-brother, or someone even remotely nice and sane to be related to. I just saw this grand announcement by BH canceling his show of last night. As if anybody fucking cares. I am truly getting over this place I have to say. I would like to live in a city again but also be by the sea. This always brings me back to Marseille. Wouldn’t that be fucking amazing. To live in a city where you could go to the beach with ease. Not to mention get to Paris, and even London, by train. I mean, that’s a pretty good idea of some place to end up. I guess I would just move all belongings to permanent storage. Why not? Or have it all moved to L’s storage and, oh, I dunno.

December 26

You’re a hard nut, brown being your color. You’re not one to crack under pressure, as evidenced by others ever looking to you for guidance or solace. You don’t break because you fully absorb the impact of things, summing up any situation in signature satiric style. 

December 27

Like a fine wine, you improve, revealing intricacies, with age. A rich, smooth burgundy, you’re nuanced, a bit dark and complex. Seemingly reserved, you conserve energy for people and passions you love. Your humor is intoxicating. In love, you need to breathe.

December 28

Garnet, flicking red and gold, is your eminence. You’re a perfect mix of dedication and dalliance, sobriety and sophistication. Serious as all get-out, you will get up to no good, enjoying the “gathering ye rosebuds” with your nose to the grindstone. Whose life is better?

December 29  

Platinum is your energy, and possibly, ultimately, your hair color. A frontrunner, you’re more capricious than cautious a Capricorn. You’re feminist, female or otherwise, oozing what can only be called old-world charm; yet leading the charge for the modern wo/man.

December 30

Indian red expresses inherent wanderlust, a need to fall into the arms of the world. You must act on such longings as they provide sure leads to your destiny. You are visual, even if you work with words or numbers. You know life is more enchanted than most think.

December 31

Magenta is the color of highly charged, harnessed feelings. Sound familiar? You pack an emotional punch in all you do, be it art or career. And you don’t take relationships lightly. You pose a challenge to would-be mates. Even slacker friends/family don’t make the cut.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2022 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

No Where To Run

Aquarius 29° (February 18)

Well here I am. Still no response to my correspondence. At least we have some glue holding it all together. We hurried our hineys to get the jewelry up and jumping and I don’t know what the rush was for now. Anyway, the work is done and that is a boon. I’m on guard for more than a few things and I’m tired of feeling skittish and on edge. I will rally some and get the house in order and the menu set for the week and food prepped and so forth. Finished everything for taxes for the year and otherwise put some wheels in motion. It may or may not be enough we shall see. I make myself a series of notes about restarting my festival and drafting some speak for outreach to friends on myriad topics. Making a giant vat of chicken stock and otherwise determined to be productive. I’m living on fumes and renewed sadness still, I have a number of components that I now need to figure out, which is fine. I’m laying very low indeed. I decided I’m not reaching out again to certain folk whom I’ve asked to visit me, one of who lives literally five hundred feet away. I have been so very hurt, it is becoming near impossible to bother me further. I have decided to observe a lent of sorts and really there is no time like the present. I have been so depressed now for the last eight months. There really is nowhere to go but up from here (eek gads I hope that’s true). Doodle loodle loo. I continue writing new copy for the website that speaks to the new order and reality. It’s fine. It’s actually getting to be somewhat fun.  As an astrologer and documented intuitive with a profound metaphysical understanding of energies and archetypes, Quinn takes a practical, hands-on approach, specializing in helping individuals realize career and creative goals—changing professional course, starting new businesses, etc.—as well as ridding clients of obstacles and negative patters of conditioning, clearing pathways to self-actualization, financial freedom, and personal fulfillment in relationships of all kinds. 

December 21

Your color is itinerant tumbleweed. You eerily stumble upon desired situations, a master of sustained synchronicity. Fortune smiles, yet you use resources mainly to foster freedom. Would-be mates take heed: Unless it’s true love, you’re just passing through.


December 22

You exude a cool gold, quietly asserting a high status, demurring to overly engage with others. You reserve attention for a select few, funneling energy into fostering prosperity, privacy and calm. Prizing yourself highly in love, you weed out weak, unsuitable suitors.

December 23

Onyx is your color, your experience being dense and heavily weighted. You think you can have it all and often do, achieving myriad goals, one of which others only dream of. You meet many people of great import. You should strive to do less and foster more fun.

December 24

Ruby red is a color of luck. And luck, a wise guy said, is “the residue of design.” Not that anyone sees all the work you put into your successes, you designed it that way, too. You keep such luck rolling by never pressing it, taking it for granted, or leaving anything to it.

December 25

There’s no coal in your stocking, but it’s your color vibe. A source of sustenance and warmth, you’re a diamond in this rough-and-tumble world. Pressure only perfects you. Yours is a diligent mind, dedicated to learning. You’ve got that librarian chic look down.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2022 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Aquarius 28° (February 17)

As it dawns on me that all communication is cut off I am now experiencing one of the lowest days I’ve faced in a long time. I’m thankful that I have a session today with a client in Alaska. It dawns on me how different our perspectives really are and how much built up resentment there is against me, which is understandable as I have my own version of that which built up over many years. There is nothing to be done about it except to try to move forward. Anyway I will never get out of bed today, that is the upshot. I will rewatch the same movies and programs I’ve seen a hundred times and I won’t only do so all day long but also into the wee hours of the morning. I won’t fall asleep until nearly four AM. There is one dream in which I remember throwing a bunch of pens into a kitchen where S. is laughing hysterically with a friend on the phone, and it is very much set in her house growing up in terms of the layout of architecture, I go running up the stairs and she lovingly follows me and tries to grab me but I’m crying so hard it turns out I’m actually crying in real life and so I wake up crying and shaking in the midst of a jag. Another dream also wakes me up but it is more a sense of danger that shocks me out of my sleep. Of course part of me waits until she will be awake in the UK so I can try again to bridge the gap. This day is perhaps the darkest of all in this process because we keep making progress and then that other shoe drops. I know that she hit a wall and I try to be so empathetic to that but I’m hitting one of my own.

December 11

Royal blue is an expression of your regal air. You can come across haughty (and we know you’re super naughty). Excitement is almost an addiction. You do nothing in half measures—thankfully your brand of excess is health, exercise and unbridled confidence.

December 12

You’re as expansive as the yellow plains. Nobody is more generous with, or accepting of, others. You embody freedom and it’s liberating to be around you. All, children especially, benefit from your belief in surpassing human ability of which you are a living example.

December 13

You perceive the paradox in everything, evidenced by an aura of peridot, a color native to your opposite sign, Gemini. An enlightened Sagittarian, your third eye is fixed on finding compromise solutions and tertiary routes in negotiation that please and appease everyone.

December 14

A mordant red portrays your inherent edge. A challenging character, you take nothing on face value. You deconstruct and distress in the creative process, just as you break down belief systems to forge your own philosophies. In relationships you need acres of space.

December 15

Demure for so demonstrative a star-sign, your birthday aura is ultra cool and creamy. You’ve always risen to the top, fast-tracked for successes. Perhaps this is why you seek quiet and comfort: To counteract the excitement, luck, you tend to experience every day.

December 16

A mysterious Sadge, your day is lacquered in a Chinese red aura. You’d go to the ends of the earth for a dream, goal or interest, excavating untapped parts of yourself in the process. This also happens via inner journeying, which you do, if subconsciously, every moment.

December 17

You throb with a congo pink vibe. Rhythm is your master, as you follow your body over your mind. Even your intelligence seems to manifest as physical grace and poise. Your higher Sadge mind connects seamlessly with keen animal instinct. What could be sexier?  

December 18

Rose madder is an ancient red which expresses your old-soul Sagittarian nature. A fugitive color, it doesn’t hold fast. And in your wisdom you know most things in life are fleeting and that attachment brings suffering. Style-wise, you illustrate how less is more.

December 19

Sky magenta is a blue-red blend of opposing colors that portrays an ability to forge beauty out of conflict. Even if emerging from a contentious background, you position yourself as an often creative force behind which everyone rallies. Your style is classy with a twist.

December 20

Not one to avoid the obvious, Tiffany blue portrays your on-the-nose philosophy. You give yourself the best things in life with nary a sense of entitlement. You live for the day, prepared for tomorrow. Neither borrower nor lender, you avoid the emotionally bankrupt. 

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2022 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Went Too Far

Aquarius 27° (February 16)

 The joy of yesterday which was the end result of an emotional rollercoaster is one big other shoe dropping. I won’t know today how relegated I again am to Siberia. I sent a slew of texts but they fall on deaf ears. I will speak with T.C. about the email he and I received as it is obviously loaded and I just want to keep things from getting poisoned, there is no reason for it. Anyway I keep hoping that the emotional embargo lifts and I’m focusing on cleaning the house and making some food for the week including a roasted chicken. It is fortunate that I have a bit of distraction and though it was “our film” I’ll rewatch “Eurovision…Fire Saga” just because I need some kind of laughter in my life. It saddens me that I haven’t danced or sang or even laughed in way to long a time. I owe it to myself to start figuring out some plans for myself. To get my writing going. To continue to whittle down. With my roasted chicken, the usual bok choy and roasted potatoes. I actually find that making a meal today is the only lifeline I have. This icing out feels so abusive a word I’m not allowed to use apparently. Anyway…

December 1

Yours is a plum life, filled with love and opportunity. Growth is crucial to happiness— you may reinvent yourself numerous times, via career or personal pursuits. You expect great love affairs with larger-than-life characters like you, intent on cultivating the mind.

December 2

With a flamingo pink vibration, it’s a challenge to fly under the radar. You personify flair, often making a living as a tastemaker. Others look to you for cues—you’d rather social direct than follow a flock. You prove you don’t need a fortune to exhibit extravagance. 

December 3

A rich chestnut expresses your outdoorsy nature, which may manifest in long strolls through manicured parks rather than roughing it in the wild. You are a most gentile Sagittarian who cultivates a landed life. Roaring fire and twin black labs not included.

December 4

Vibrating a mushroom color portrays a solid, earthy nature, offset by a resilient, elastic adaptability and versatility. You can create magic from even the most shite circumstance and in the shadiest of environments. Out there, sexy and funny, you are, in a word, a trip.

December 5

Your turmeric aura-glow speaks to an exotic nature and esoteric interests. Like that spice, you add flavor to life, while possessing secret healing capabilities. You trust the natural world to provide cures for whatever ails us, and you’ll seek far and wide to find them.

December 6

Like a splash of orange blossom, yours is a refreshing presence. Ever the optimist, in every sense of the word, you hold positive thoughts and make the most out of every moment. Others learn by your example to remain in the light and let darkness fall away.

December 7

Funny: the hue that most portrays your essence is that of patriarch blue, as Sagittarius rules big ol’ boys clubs. You’re a one wo/man version of one, powerful enough to go toe to toe with anyone in business, yet never dumb enough to shoot a good friend in the face.

December 8

Trailing clouds of regalia purple, you come prepared, a master at “living as if”. You are ever ready for your good—whether it’s Hollywood, the Nobel prize people, or true love calling, you will never be caught unawares. Investing in yourself raises personal stock.

December 9

Rather nonmaterially minded for a Sadge, your aura-glow is like a sweet sangria. No matter how big a fruit you can be, people should know you can deliver a wallop. You harbor no pretensions—a lover of goofy fun, people who pitch in, and, ah, humanity.

December 10

You’re a showgirl, so why wouldn’t your birthday color be purple pizzazz? For you life is about kicking up your heels and giving the people all you got. You become a seasoned performer on the world stage, slipping into retirement, when it suits you, a lot like Cher.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2022 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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