Month: February 2018 (page 9 of 12)

Dada Minutes

Scorpio 21° (Nov 13)


On November 13, I am in Paris and my diary reads:

Train to London. Waldorf Hilton=gross. Back to Aldwych. Lunch at Frenchie. Met at Shoreditch House with P + M. Left my phone and glasses in a black cab.

And here I now am on February 7th writing this which is something written some time in January. So we are all over the temporal map. I may bring in things from early 2017 as well. We’re waxing eternal.

But now for Dada Minutes #2 

AsterCast is our art deconstruct paint – metallics gris gris

Sign two year lease save three year money

Paris consultancy top priority. Lo-tech.

List of artists Redifining Glow Fest

Set up Glowberon and Afterglow

Boston Globe Bunny

Fine weed Raina fill Audience Afterglow Mark Cortale

Jim and Serge Inspiration Room Paint the shelves and walls

Fracture glass on my own drawings

Pick up ball

Forty nine


I think that’s the best we’re going to do folks. But did you know that you can put 4 cups of just off the boil water and two cups of shredded coconut into the Vitamix and flip a swish and have coconut milk. They say strain it but we don’t. Makes some very yummy things so good to have on hand. And super inexpensive if you get the coconut in bulk.





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Copyright 2017 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2018 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox



Scorpio 20° (Nov 12)


On November 12, I am in Paris and my diary reads:


Zero sleep. Breakfast in. Packed up a bit. Went to Freddy’s for lunch. Then to royalist bar on Rivoli and smoke to original barman. Kept waiting to hear from Charlie and bummed around met him at 8PM finally. Aborted Pasta meal at home. Wine from the cafe.



I’m going to type up some Dada Minutes.

This page is called Timeline:



Afterglow: Get notes to all Sponsors
Go through papers and files in office and basement.
Re-write the business plan for the new design collection
Draft an Events Memo
Research planet moves for next year’s Haute Astrology



Re-work the book proposal
Continue on basement, office, upstairs
Cast next year’s Afterglow and Afterglow at Oberon (formerly Glowberon)
Begin research for Nextrology
Intro pages for 2019 Haute Astrology






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Copyright 2017 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2018 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox


Scorpio 19° (Nov 11)

On November 1,1 I am in Paris and my diary reads:

S at the mosque for hammam. Researching Paris theaters, spoke to guy. Miscommunication I thought S. would text when leaving; she thought meet at Iode so I was late. Tense. Jeuners. Bon Marché, Canal St. Martin, another mishap of lateness. Dom + Nan’s with Stan, Claudia, Esther making cameos. Home at like 4am. Private Club out of control downstairs. Oy.

First on the list of things to do today is to create an ad for V-Day. Something like For Valentine’s Day: February is Self-Love month and Sextrology is loving, probing cosmic survey of selfhood via the stars; and Cosmic Coupling is a rollicking speed through all the possible romantic relationships under the stars; and there are still 48 weeks of 2018 to go so get your book of weekly Haute Astrology horoscope e-book. All by Starsky + Cox. That’s good for starters.

The next thing on my list is to sort out my Dunn and Bradstreet account. I applied for a number a couple of years ago. And that took some doing. Then, as I recall, you register the number with the government. However the Dunn people made a typo and so the numbers didn’t match. More time on phone with them and they promised to (have) fix(ed) it. After lunch I will revisit that:

 I am also going to send all the people on my Sponsor and Sparkler list their books today. I hope everybody enjoys the gift.

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Copyright 2017 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2018 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Getting Right Down to It

Scorpio 18° (Nov 10)


My diary on this day reads:

Breakfast in with nice bread. Early off to the flea market. Walk back through the 17th. Met Mao of Mao Yoga. Saw Impasse Naboulet. Walked to where Pardoxe 67 once was. Fell back in love with Batignolles. Metro to Nouvelle Mairie for lunch. Evening stroll to fetch Persol and to vist our church, thento Susie Holland’s for cocktail party and dinner back at Chez Rene.

I think this was my favorite night of the trip; after which time the private club downstairs will continue to keep us awake all night as it already had the past two; but it was about to be even louder and later and sleep would no longer feature favorably on this trip. But this night was quite wonderful until it wasn’t. I remember it ending on something of a snit, no doubt in anxious anticipation f the inivitable racket. I think too we had had a great deal of time together in close quarters and we needed personal space. I would take it the next day. I’m meant to be working all the while on the e-books but it just proved impossible. I was in Paris so I was going to do stuff.

I think the concern is that living in Paris we would be caught up in some kind of debauch; I think it would be the opposite. I would front-load yoga and delicious food. I also want to make some good friends. I would like to fly over in January and arrive on Cape in June. During that time we could travel to a few key cities and visit friends and have them visit us. Over the summer the flat could be given or rented to friends depending on how much I like them. October and November we return to Paris, but here’s the point: By the end of 2019 we are going to be working with a whole different landscape.

So some things you could be looking forward to: An open letter to Ryan Murphy, letter to sponsors, making sense of my social media world, press release, letters to other venues….



 Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2017 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2018 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Introduction on Introduction

Scorpio 17° (Nov 9)

It’s actually early February when I’m typing this. So I will also need to jump to today’s date in the journal to give that a start Blague a start. That may make no sense to you, and that’s okay. On November 9th, I’m in Paris and I say:

 Breakfast Nouvelle Mairie. Food shopping at Bio Nature. Marlene Dietrich exhibit. Persol lunettes, eau d’emeraude from the church shop, found amazing Korean restaurant, Jimin came to see us, back to dinner at Nouvelle Mairie.

What’s going on now is that I have a small pile of paper and one of many notebooks, but one I’ve been writing in lately, and mainly work stuff. I have to now distill it to know what the main categories are, if you will. There will be ideas about book writing and our consultancy plans and that for the new design company or for the festival and other stage productions, and so on, but those aren’t the actual categories I’m speaking of. I have to figure out what requires what. How many one page treatises that will morph into letters or minutes or webcopy. En route to knowing that, I have to put everything through a couple of grinders. One grinder I’d like to call Dada Minutes which is the result of the process of typing exactly and in the exact order what appears on any given page of random notes. Other grinders include open letters, memos (typically to Stella, but I have had other people in mind at times).as well as spontaneous any-old-little-thing to say….or, as in today’s entry, a sort of introduction to an introduction. But that’s what every day is, the lotus unfolding to reveal more lotus, fractiles within fractiles.

 So I just went through all those random pages, maybe a dozen in all, and annotating them, as I’m wont to do, in green pen, my favorite; Stella is on call with clients today and I’m getting down to the nitty gritty. I’m also running out of battery power.


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Copyright 2017 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2018 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox


En Vivant

Scorpio 16° (Nov 8)

What you never want to do is Google deep vein thrombosis. It’s probably never a good idea to get stoned and do it—can you imagine? Why do I think this is funny. Anyway, I’m at the beginning of a delicious void wherein I can fill to my heart’s desire. Typos happen. This is my open road. My Easy Rider. Just me and the past and the present and the future.

To recap: My writing in ital is that happening in the here and now (when I am posting this Blague, rather late, playing catch up on, well, a good four months of daily material. So I’m on this journey, in this presently italicized time, to bring the Blague up to speed. And the open road to which I refer is that, after posting obout seventeen of one-hundred and-twenty posts I’ve hit a run of about ten-days Blague where there are no notes in the word document where I create the entries before posting them on the website. My launching pad if you will. And easy archive in Word.

So what I’m about to do is refer back to my black diary for 2017 to put in some entrees from that day, which shall not be italicized, while beginning to kill at least two birds with one by writing, anew, things on my list which need writing.

So on this day and the day before (I skipped a diary day yesterday), while in Paris, my diary reads:

No breakfast. Merci for lunch. Bought Esther gift at shop owned by girl on Eurostar we remarked on. Jeweler. Maison Puisson. Walked up those blvd; ragwool chairs outside at a café; cased out Vivant; then to Fragonard museum. Tuilleries, Palais Royale, the market streets to Richer for a drink then Vivant, gois gras mousse, gnocchi.

Then, next day:

No breakfast.Nice walk to  La Laiterie for lunch. Bonne Nouvelle. Hammam. Poulette for dinner: samosas, fish and duck, family of Sardinians next table. Walked all the way back to St. Genevieve.


Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2017 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2018 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Interview Outtake

Scorpio 15° (Nov 7)

 We were recently interviewed for an online author website and I started down the following path before realizing I had misinterpreted the question and this wasn’t the answer at all. But here is what it is:

It says in Sextrology, written in 2004, that Gemini man has small hands. The unfortunate American president was born on June 14. Gemini’s chapter is entitled “The Goodfellow” as he, ruled by Mercury, named for the winged trickster, o.g. artist-of-the-deal, street-smart or thug, duality, dualistic, mercurial—slight of hand. There is an obvious nod to Robin Goodfellow, Shakespeare’s Puck who plays messenger to Oberon as Mercury does to Jupiter, all flitting around in tights like Robin Hood—Errol Flynn a Gemini, also played many a swashbuckler. Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., too. Peter Pan, from whose namesake syndrome all Gemini men suffer, also flitted around in green tights. He didn’t want to grow up. The god Mercury never does. He is the eternal adolescent. Peter Pan teaches us to fly. The sign is mutable air and the Mercury symbol recalls an insect, an angel, a demon. The Gemini, Castor & Pollux, hatched from separate eggs, one mortal one divine. Duality and flight. Jack Sparrow. Johnny Depp. And so it goes

Taurus woman, likewise: The Snow White myth is her central story. It’s all about Eve. Ruled by planet Venus, goddess of love and beauty, appearances—Venus’ symbol recallis a mirror. The fixed-earth sign—think of the Garden—Taurus lives in a natural, metaphysical state of grace and innocence and the maiden-flower earth nymph is its core archetype. Snow White is the fairy=tale retelling of the myth of Io, the white heifer, bovine links baked into Taurus. Io, too, gets into a hassle with her queen, “cow-eyed” Hera, the goddess of women, for letting herself be plucked by Hera’s hubby. Zeus. Jump cut to understanding that a prime theme in Taurus woman’s life is negotiating her relationships en route to becoming queen herself. Both the myth and Taurus woman’s life is value themed; cultivation being a garden leitmotif. She is both Hera and Io, trying to wise herself up, without losing guilelessness. The mirror really does have two faces…


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Copyright 2017 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2018 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Le Retour de Starsky et Cox

Scorpio 14° (November 6)

Presently on the train to London and procrasting (or productinating) writing this instead of the horoscope books that beckon. We had another major Scottish breakfast and cabbed it to Waverly station in Edinburgh. Our seats go backwards which is nauseating and there isn’t enough room for me to put my computer on the tray top in front of me and actually type. So I’m on borrowed time sitting in someone else’s seat. Question: Why is there always the young girl who looks just fine and fresh faced who then spends better time of the journey putting on gobs of makeup? And then takes a series of selfies. She is the same girl, typically, who then has some kind of online chat with someone, laughing all the while like some vacant doll. It’s just one brand of crazy of which I am aware. And so many people in the quiet car wear headphones, unaware that they are breathing as heavily and audibly as they are. But I’ve always been a rather cranky passenger.

I managed to have a blast anyway. We switched at King’s Cross for the Eurostar. It is ridiculously convenient that they moved it all to this station which is within seven minutes’ walking distance from our friends house in London where we regularly stay. I cannot wait to get my two-bedroom apartment in Paris so I can return the favor and have all manner of guests. It is my current dream! And I am determined to realize it within this year’s time. I have been championing making Paris our full-time consultancy city, now, for some time; and it should prove to be an easy do in one year’s time. Meanwhile…plenty to put into place between now and then. This trip sealed that deal for me.

We arrived Gare du Nord and queued for a taxi, arriving at Panthéon earlier than actually expected. The owners were nice. I had such great hopes. Dom and Nan arrived and we drank a bottle of red and watched funny videos of Peter Kay (who was at the party in Scotland) then headed to our favorite café-resto in the city. Can’t tell you where that is. Burratta, Rilette de Macquereaux, Huitres, and delicious main courses and more red. Dom and I talked about studies saying how often men should ejaculate which is like a lot. We explored some elaborate masturbation techniques—in conversation only.

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Copyright 2017 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2018 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Scottish Clowds Brewing

Scorpio 13° (November 5)

Breakfast at Fortingall and brunch at Jo and Neil’s then back to Edinburgh. Flo was hungover and needed a lie down. We trammed from the airport where we dropped off Aine. Had a quick drink at the Residences then met Flo and Jill for Indian. Couldn’t find the restaurant as the map with directions was misleading. But got a little walk in, in the brisk Scottish air. It was Guy Fawkes whatever that means. We heard fire works but didn’t see any. Took a nap and caught up on some emails. Noticed Chris Stein, who is quite cranky, had put up some sychophantic shots of Jo and Debbie, so being the sychophant that I am, I shared them on social media. Meanwhile, I had caught up with my Instagram, including great shots of ourselves in costume. We really did well, having collected all the elements thereof on our many beach walks back in Wellfleet. The Indian food was rather amazing but I really wasn’t sleepy and only sort of dozed in and out all night.

The truth is I had been partying for days and never quite recovered from the huge party in Scotland. I wouldn’t have admitted it then but I think I felt pretty lousy, but soldiered through because that’s what the die-hard do. I can’t wait to be stationed in Europe such that short-range travel can become more de rigeur and we can see many nearby cities and countries we’ve yet to explore it actually just makes good sense to refocus from a Paris or London.


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Copyright 2017 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2018 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox


Scorpio 12° (November 4)

Took the train to Edinburgh from King’s Cross yesterday met up with Aine, Flo and Jill at the Edinburgh Residences. Had a wee drink then hopped a cab to the Dog’s for dinner. I didn’t like it nearly as much as I did years ago. Completely unmemorable. A few glasses decent Monserat after an anemic Languedoc. Then back to the hotel, where the three had gin tonics (how?), for another glass of red then bed. Woke up to a full Scottish breakfast then immediately started assembling our costumes. Jill and Flo went to fetch the car—a giant white people carrier—from the airport. We piled in and set off. Aine is a lively chatterbox and kept the conversation going. I tried to fall asleep, determined to take a nap later. Went over the new bridge at the Firth of Forth or whatever it’s called. Arrived Aberfeldy in good time and had lunch at The Three Lemons, as is now tradition. Then a stroll where we found a lovely clothing shop of repurposed tweed and some makeup we needed for the party. Then to the Fortingall which is home to the oldest living tree, if not the oldest living thing, on Earth. I never did sleep. Stuffed myself into formalwear and got into costume. We looked great and ended up finalists—five out of two hundred—in the costume contest. Saw wonderful Jackie and Laurence and really spent a great deal of time with them at the party. LLB challenging as usual but I adore his quipping affection. Was a full moon. The party was of course incredible but slightly unnerving given the dystopian theme. Saw a guy in a mask that only revealed his mouth and I said: Is that Rob? Of course it was Rob Roth which was weird. How do you know Jo, I asked. I’m here with the band he responded. Then of course we know who that must be. Debbie Harry or Blondie. It was Blondie. Had some bonding moments with a few people including Emma Watson who was adorable. All the HP girls got up on stage and danced as Debby was singing. Party was long and fun and slightly squiffy. Discovered the oysters way too late. Didn’t win the costume bit. Don’t remember going to sleep.


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Copyright 2017 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2018 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox


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