Month: December 2019 (page 1 of 3)

Birthday, Grrr

Capricorn 5° (December 27)


Today will be a fun day because it is Louie day. We will go for a long walk and the plan was to hit the Portrait Gallery then The Wollesely, but we were so starving by the time we started walking we decided to eat first and at J. Sheeky instead. A rocket salad and fish pie for me with a bottle of Chablis. That works. The drinking is going to have to stop. I will learn in two days time that there is something called dry January. That’s for me this year me thinks. Seems counterintuitive being away and all that but the fact is I’m here to work. But for today we will enjoy ourselves. The Portrait Gallery was fine. Not everything was to my liking but mostly I would say. And I could tell neither of us was really in the mood for a lot of museum action. We decided to stroll back and stopped at Lambs Conduit to make a little detour only to stumble upon Noble Rot, which we will likely circle back and visit. There was a tiny side road where people kept potted plants right on the street. London is a wonderful place even in its grimness. I am feeling fairly low by this point and upon our arrival back at Sadler’s Wells we went to suss out the butcher’s schedule—he won’t reopen for days. We went to the French wine shop and found something really good and were directed to Camden Passage to check to see if the cheese shop was open. It was. Coq Epicerie.

It is one of those December days in London, mild, the street lights reflecting off the wet cobble stones. If ever I could live here I would live right here. I am looking forward to Shoreditch too but mostly this is where I would stay. We are ridiculously blessed that we have friends whoare so generous with us. So with our cheese in tow we headed back to Myddelton Square and had a lovely time playing records and snacking in the sitting room. John Coltraine, Millie Jackson. We talked through some of the stickiness we encountered, mostly generated by me I really don’t want to be the cause of that sort of thing. But I too often am. We talked through the entire entropy of the publishing process. I realize on this day more than any other just how incredibly sad I am. I wanted so much to make this move. And now we will have to confront the situation head on, for real. I am no longer in the bravado phase. I am really truly upset and we will have to address it. I am actually hurt by the initial suggestion by M. in the process. I know these things will happen in waves, coming and going, the feelings of disappointment and rejection. One of my pet peeves is people who type really loud on their laptops, or as I like to call it slaptops.

I am really needing to let go of all this and more. The friendships; the feeling that I’ve made so many connections for so many people and they seem not to care enough to keep me in the picture. I’ve been a happy connector for people and I just don’t see why it is that I am so damn dispensible. But I have to not fight it. I must accept and move on. I am truly ready to do that now and I want most to triumph over what used to threaten to bring me down; there are so many more good things to look forward to and I cannot continue to try to get blood from stones. I will put my mind to the positive things and what that actually requires is severing all the emotional ties of the past. I have had the fantasy of disappearing into the ether. We shall see what people are made of. Espeically those who might just want to make money from us and nothing more. That will be eye opening to say the least.

I think what added to my sense of depression and loss was my sense of depression and loss. Losing things has been a theme, whether it applies to my ready-readers or opportunities passing me by to friendships that need falling away by the force of their own weight. I will spend New Year’s Eve writing out my affirmations and getting a fix on my finances and finding a way to further my aims and speed the plow. We are obviously being funneled in one direction and it all comes down to that. I will do a little math and I will make all the cash myself. Not only that I will make sure that people are properly dealt with and, not only that, but I will make it my goal to get my rights back. Examples will be made and the justice will be swift. We shall see that it is wielded because we are not afraid. People are not going to be able to get away with what they determine to get away with. And at the same time I will let the past be the past and move forward that much more singlemindedly. What is working is going to work really well. And we have time and inclination and energy and fortune on our side. I will make a success of all of this and I will live somewhere where it will all make sense and all be empowered.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox  

The Write Stuff

Capricorn 4° (December 26)


I was awakened by talking and was aware there was turbulence. A flight attendant had sat down to talk someone through it. It was a sibilant monologue. Apparently I shot her a look. Sorry but not really. I had an almond croissant. Soon we landed and I realized I had already lost my first item of the trip, a much needed pair of reading glasses. I will have to replace those. These things seem small but they do make for a sad and empty feeling, something I am struggling with anyway this time of year, having no family and friends who are hard to find. At the baggage claim the Virgo talked to us and I was having none of it. As I’m writing this I feel like I’m having some kind of allergic reaction. It feels to be all in my head, quite literally. I mean to say I’m feeling a physical sensation inside my  head somewhere near where my throat meets my ears. Anyway. I’m sure it will pass (like the morning dew). Our driver will be late and unapologetic. I realize he’s just kind of not very bright. I sound like such an asshole and I’m not not. Especially today. The drive was fine but slow. London looked good to me on this quiet morning. We arrived at Myddelton Square but driver only took cash so S. had to set off to find some and returned to inform me that our cards weren’t working at multiple banks. Typical. I arranged the bags and drank some sparkling and we set off in search of lunch because it was not time for it. The only things open in Exmouth Market were the Greek deli place and a delicious Italian restaurant where we (I) got into a state. I’m not good at directly communicating my feelings at this point and am being weird and exaggerative, two euphemisms for something worse. I just want to shed some skin and don’t know how to do it. The point is I’m terribly disappointed in what transpired with agent and all that and I simply cannot process it. It is eating me from the inside out. I will reach out to make a plan to speak on the sixth. I really can’t say more about the date at hand other than I came back to sleep and returned to the restaurant at around ten o’clock and overate and overspent and am just plain over myself.

I had this weird dream that I was acting in a play with Lucille Ball. She lived in my (parents’) house in Belmar, New Jersey. And I had to visit her first to pick her up or something. It was sort of like she was coming out of retirement. It was an uneasy dream. I had to drive along the turnpike or parkway to our house in Wyckoff as well. I have a strange numbness. I’m sure from carrying all our bags and so forth. I need a bit of recuperation. I don’t know where I left the bag of food. All I know is I didn’t have it when I returned. And really the last thing I needed was a hit off a joint from strangers. I was having a sort of out of body experience I think. I do not want to repeat this. I forgot to take the necessary required. Tomorrow will be quite a dip as a result of all this. I will have that very scary kind of feeling I won’t know how to shake it. I am definitely not in tiptop form now. I did hope that I would sail into this new reality feeling a lot better than I do. Anyway I have to transcend the cause of all this which is still this crappy book situation. What a lousy bunch of people work in that industry. Honestly, it has never been fun to work in any aspect of publishing. I do have a sort of funny idea of what kind of book I could write but it would be a rather ironic publication. Waking Nightmares Working in Publishing. I do think it could be rather fun to put out there. The stories would run chronologically. The first one would be about Paris 1985 working at Passion (and would include meeting all the friends we now have; Dizzy Place, and the do you sell Passion question, fashion shows, Princess Caroline, Clic, the mini tell, Ilene Rosensweig, Andree Carroon, Stephen Daly (was that his name?) Robert, Maia, Mimi, Stacy Madadam. I applied for an internship I guess. I do believe I remember writing a letter saying why I wanted to be an intern, having no money and having to leave, going to Tilburg in any case; there being a staff party and going to Le Palace, taking Jackie and Lawrence, going dancing at the club privé, David Clark was also an intern, writing about the biologique market. Hanging out at La Palette.

I suppose the next chapter would be Avenue magazine and the move to New York. This would include the Mikail Barysh story, also DV8 and that whole world. It would include acting and Uta and maybe New York Social Calendar which actually happened before the book of the month club and comedy class and all that jazz; perhaps it would bridge into the next wave of working at all the magazines like Detour and InStyle and YM and Paper. I think Paper might have happened before National Actors and all that but probably not. I will need to work out something of a timeline. And then all the fashion show era and pitching to the Face and all that perhaps and working for City TV and the Darren Star bit. All of that would probably go together nicely together. Something about losing all my notebooks at Florent. The rest will have to be sorted out as we go. We know it involves the crap our publishers pulled. People are basically really awful in that industry. We will see what happens next.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox  

Take Offs

Capricorn 3° (December 25)


I can’t say I feel all that terrific today. And I’m kind of over the sloppiness of the situation. Apparently the FIL fell yesterday. He came over with MIL and he wasn’t very friendly. First off, he was told last time we were here that this would now be a dry house. He had asked his granddaughter for beer, she’s ten. There is an embargo on, and we have been instructed not to offer wine or even display it. Well it didn’t make for a very jolly evening. Seems no matter what one is going to be taken hostage by the man in the mood. Apparently he BIL if there was any beer and was told no; so he went and grabbed one he brought from his pocket. Imagine asking when you already have a stash of sorts. Then he asked the granddaughter to ask S. if there was any wine. That was also a no and has raised a lot of ire, which it would from the BIL. Anyway, on the bright side, the kid is gorgeous and had a lovely morning opening her prezzies. And there was Irish soda bread from SIL’s best friend whom I love (and who visited yesterday with her kiddies). And we had some fun doing Mad Libs and I made a soup before the harrumphing no helpers retruned and made noise and otherwise lumped around. Aren’t I nice. All I know is that in less than ninety minutes I am heading to the hair-port and can only hope that the loungers will be open. They’d have to be, I imagine. I don’t want to sit there for hours not taking advantage of what might be on offer. I will try not to snore tonight on the plane. I was fortunate enough to have avoided that fate last evening. I’m so glad we are flying upper class on Virgin because it takes all the pain out of the process. In a world where everything has become second rate it is some compensation. Now that we live in a gilded age part of this trip will be about trying to make the new world order work for me and mine. Wherever democracy is safest is probably where I’ll end up going. Once the oldies in my life finishing kicking the bucket it will be easier to escape Merry Christmas.

When you have no family and friends are hard to find, you can become quite cynical on a holiday such as these. And you think and say things like what the fuck is this mass hallucination that sees us still celebrating some guy’s birthday when, if he even actually existed, wouldn’t have been his birthday but an existing pagan holidays with toys and trees and nothing to do with a supposed Messiah. And this year, especially, gathering with family who aren’t family, while the authoritarian forces are slowly taking over? Yeah okay: Gather with your friends of misfits and pretend everything’s alright. That’s fine. No, there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s just that we don’t really live in a democracy anymore. But don’t worry, you have really cute cats and your new creative project is just stunning. I am going to get some major perspective during the coming months. It’s going to be slightly difficult to go without my usual crutches, but I know that in the end this is exactly what is needed. It will all come right in the end. I will write for five more minutes and then I will start moving my baggage downstairs. I made that soup, as I said. I’m having a bit of wine in the room. We will get a ride from Dobie and drop his mother off first, much to her seeming disappointment. Check in took forever as there were no workers at their posts. We ended up talking to this couple—he’s English, she’s American—they live on the South Shore. He seems like the English equivalent of a townie douchebag and that will turn out to be very much correct.

We arrived at the lounge and the lovely lady checking us in was dressed something like a yankee chic Mrs. Claus. What will happen during the first part of this trip is a rupture and all the underlying stresses will surface along with all the suppressed annoyances and resentments. Meanwhile we don’t know that so it feels fine. I took a picture of the lady and had a vegetarian Tiki Masala. Those people said they couldn’t use the lounge because they were in economy plus but suddenly they were there. They said they talked their way into it because they are semi regulars (or he is). Things were going sort of fine. He is a Scorpio and she is a Virgo, so we should have known something wasn’t going to be right. And indeed it was clear he was a thumb-headed blowhard and she the personification of acquiescence. She shook a lot. She mentioned she had had a child before they met and that the child had cerebral palsy. Fast forward to how the evening ended when I showed them a picture of Nancy Pelosi I had on my phone and the douche ws obviously an impersonation of the orange menace doing an impersonation of the journalist who had a like disability. To be clear, he was doing an evil impersonation of Nancy to suggest she was somehow neurologically disabled as if he was swallowing whatever kind of speak was coming from the fake right news. That was that. I told them they had to get the fuck out of my face. They did. Soon we were called for our flight. It was late and we were exhausted. I had them make up my bed in the herringbone class of Virgin and I ordered food but I was asleep before it arrived.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Feliz Naviblah

Capricorn 2° (December 24)


The journey begins. I feel that I am bringing way more than I need but at the same time there is room to jettison things as we go. I really feel that if we work the French books over the course of the next few months they can simply go in the trash afterward. I also need to focus on my reworking of Sextrology in various ways. First of all I am pushing forward on my book idea and will find someone who will put into print—why not. I was so excited by the prospect and I can’t let a little set back get me down. The top five are Penguin/Random, Harper, S&S, Hachette and MacMillian. After that come Scholastic. Disney next. Houghton Mifflin is number eight and Workman is nine. Then tenth is Sterling, whichi s Barnes and Nobles imprint. Eleven through Twenty is a mix of (independents) Norton, Kensington, Chronicle, Sourcebook. Anyway we will get to the bottom of how we might make a difference here. I think that if I write this story and then try to get it published it would make quite a saga. I want to take the reins of this and make a true difference in the world of what’s what. I think it would make very interesting reading in the end I really do. Mightier Than. Mightier Then. Rising From The Mire of Traditional Publishing. So I don’t want to get sued by any of you people so I am sending you paragraphs and passages from some stories I’m working on, on the theme of my life in publishing, working for glossy magazines and newspapers, ad agencies and advertorials, and as an online (and broadcast) contributors and content creators; and of course as authors, under pseudonyms. As an idea it will have to keep I realize.

The car is arriving at eleven thirty and I suppose I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. We are bringing food that is in the fridge, some berries and youghurt and spinach and turkey bacon and I will forget the hard boiled eggs that are in a bowl in the fridge. And that’s not all. The drive in the SUV, from this driver we’ve used before, was great; but the car was really hot. S had four or five bags, as did I, including the bag of food. We asked for the heat to be turned down which is slightly was. We got to my inlaws. We brought all the bags in and I noticed something was leaking. What had happened. The boot was so heated, and the food bag was obviously placed over a heating vent, because the turkey bacon was all but cooked in its plastic wrap; the baby spinach salad was likewise now cooked in its plastic box, the yogught had been turned into a sort of cooked version, like a yoghurt cake, but the weirdest thing of all was that an unopened bottle of wine had apparently come to some kind of boil and had pushed out its cork about half way, completely popping out of it’s metal casing. So everything but the wine was thrown away. I’m thinking I should make a mulled wine out of it; although I will find that idea will be shut down. On the way to town I passed the time cutting and pasting holiday wishes to people in my contacts. One friend wrote back she was thinking of that day; she lives in the next town over from the inlaws coincidentally. I told her she should come visit any time after five.

I don’t love Christmas I must say but I get through it for the one little one in the family. The gather consists of such a rag-tag gathering of folks it isn’t real. I helped in the kitchen. I had to drink wine in secret because we are trying not to trigger an advanced aged and advancing alcoholic in the family. And by this I don’t mean me for once. It is weird to drink in secret for other reasons other than trying to hide your own indulgences. I sent more Christmas notes. I took a shower. I got a bit buzzed so to tolerate certain conversations. I didn’t keep myself from tasting stuff but I was pretty disciplined where I could have gone full gluttony. And I fell asleep around eight thirty, not realizing that our friend was texting about then to ask if we would still be going at nine thirty. Everyone had left and only S and her sister and brother-in-law and niece and the brother-in-laws mother  were still about when J. knocked on the door bearing a poinsettia and truffles. Oh lord. When S. came up I woke up for a minute and she told me of this late arrival and I did feel rather remiss and terrible about it. Ah, Christmas. I see from social media that folks are gathered upstate. I feel sad sometimes not being invited places; and a bit out of joint that some of the invitees include people that are not nice to or supportive to my causes. But really, it’s Christmas, so I can only wish them well. I will try and mean it.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Head Contents

Capricorn 1° (December 23)


Today is something of a grab bag. I need to update my finances for starters. I will put that tarp on after my dump run and get to the bank to tell them where I’m going to be. I’m updating my finances. I gave Brad my keys. Christmas Eve, tomorrow, I will send out more gifties and on Boxing Day I will ask for major money from all the donators. And then on S’s birthday I will go the extra mile in flinging the book out there into the ether. I hope to be able to do that all the month of January and February too if need be. These should be big months for us. I can better articulate what will need doing. I am thinking Irish today. Cleaned the entire house from top to bottom, like crazy clean. I am aware that my resilience has taken more of a hit than usual. More of an imperative now than ever, then, to make sure things are moving forward. At first I had this idea of writing a tell all about my experiences. It really isn’t a bad idea. I have known a great many people and I could combine the stories into something seamless, peripherally about what things are supposed to be about. I do know I have to stop bitching and whining on here. And I could use a good tutorial on my new laptop so that I don’t end up hating it. The next week will be fairly telling. I will do my best not to overdo certain indulgences on Christmas Eve and Day. I am not eating every baked good in sight. I want to get out in front of the curve again. I know the best way to achieve this is to remove myself and really focus on the bounty at hand, what is working, instead of what is limping along. I don’t want to be motivated by revenge, but I do believe in fairness. Fueled by my Irish feelings and a last puff for the road I will dance a jig tonight. There is this musical show on our local radio called The Fiddle and the Harp and it is one of my favorite things. I used to listen to it at J.D.’s house after a bath many years ago, when I traveled everwhere by bicycle. I love living out there yearround I must be honest. But nothing is affordable any longer and there are few other towns on the Cape where travel by bicycle makes as much sense. It is cold and lonely there to boot. But I must say it is wonderful and if I could do it I would do it.  At least I think so.

Random thinking: Reach out to get money for Afterglow. Drive to Provincetown. Work on putting next two weeks into Moleskine. Run down list of clients who are receiving books. Schedule a day for the gift giving. See what I can order from Etsy on a steampunk theme. Order new shoes from Huckberry. Put pill package together. Clean refridgerator.

Remove screens. Tell Jim about trip.Buy shirt and tie flourishes.Finish reading Nerve and Jung book.Start reading French grammar books (maybe pack some French books).

Schedule procedure. Talk to dentist about whitening. Find or recreate the schedule of writing 2021 HA books. Subsequent Blagues: Go through the daily planner and type away! Blackboard: Cream colored spraypaint or other means of touch up. Go Back and Find those emails from LFC about Alice and TimPaypalMechanicsLaptopAstro Program

Hair CutShoesCar ServiceBikramPlease send me photos Jesse,AliceGift giving of HA Books….all clients and those to book appointments Send VSB grant. Order a car tarp.

Phones Devise a daily social media schedule.Schedule promotion of the books

Have a flyer for the (Paris) consultancy designed for proliferation.


Write Jackie: Can I namedrop at Flora. Do you know what time you get into Edinburg. Spoke with Alberfeldy hotel and they asked if we wanted to dine with them night arrival I said we did Schedule Dr. Yamin.Call Dr. Wang and S’s Derm.

Write Pascale Flesh-out Blackboard Artist List Illustrious. Buy New Daily Planner

Schedule Planet Moves (early Jan). Starter Kits (late Jan/Feb/March) 72 days

Decide when is Providence. What is January itinerary—Antonio? Griet? Antonella?

Vaudeville.Peter Davis.Tim Blanks. Get a fix on Wardrobe/CD Player

Sonos. Update Astrology App.



To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

I Got Nothing

Capricorn 0° (December 22)


Woke at four and watched Nova and Nature. Then made a pot of coffee, cooked and prepped a few meals and did a bit of laundry. All the while I am thinking that I cannot go on this way. Last evening was a last straw and I suppose I did end up silently marking a turnabout with the Solstice. I sat down for a meal and, given the fact I never have a chance to discuss anything, let alone money, I was asking a few questions which were met with a total shutting down on the subject which would have been fine in and of itself. Except that instead of nipping things in the bud, I was met with a volumnous monologue all about how we are not to discuss such things (but we can discuss not discussing them ad nauseum apparently). I couldn’t stand another second and retreated to my solitutde and fell asleep as soon as I was able. So this morning I am resolute. I am never again putting myself through any of this. I am sticking to a singular path and will figure out as I go. My to-do list, as you might imagine (if you existed) is a mile long and I have forty-eight hours to go. My one and only goal in that time is to come down off all the tension I feel and to do the following:

Final dump run and then I need to cover the car with a tarp. Clean entire house. Pack my cases. I am going to be ridiculously spare on that subject. I need to go to bank and get a final accounting. I need to prepare a package of keys and instructions and deposit slips for Brad. I need to collect all of Terry K’s information which is strewn about somewhere. I will be adding to this list as the day goes on. Like finding a bunch of small safety pins. Also I will be going down the list of folks that might give late-breakingly to the cause and thus refill some of the coffers. This will largely be in vain but you never know. It should entail running down a list of the folks on my budget sheet. I will keep adding to this particular paragraph.

So having walked out on dinner last evening there is still a lot of uneaten salad and there is nearly an entire pot of soup. So today we will eat leftovers for lunch and we will have a veg plate of sorts for dinner. I can make some red onion and quinoa to go with it if we feel it necessary. It is Sunday. I have ten full days before the evening of the party. I am going to make a latch ditch effort and losing the extra and I am going to try and reduce my inflammation overall. I know it is possible for me to accomplish this if I set my mind to it. I will seem much changed to others. This is what we used to call “second semester” coming early this year. I need to stay spare and airy in my brain and stress free and so back to what I was saying about being in the kitchen this morning and having turned the solstice corner. I am really truly finished with certain dynamics. I will take care of the finances and settle things myself. I am no longer goig to ask for any information or allow for any more opportunites to have information that is meant to be privy me to be withheld. I am going to try my damnest to remain solo; but in so doing I have to be totally above reproach. These are things I can do. This is where being away might come in very handy. I have to find myself again and I have to work out a way to get all I need to get to into works. I will only be away for a few short months. And in that time I will cast the festival, reach out to the former stars, write an entire new series of 2021 books.

Ended up making a delicious lentil power pasta dish with cauliflower and having a pretty fun night in the end. Tried to watch SNL because everyone made such a big deal out of Eddie Murphy. It is still unfunny and not watchable. I am scrambling but I will get everything done. I need a holiday if nothing else and I’m going to make sure I have one.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

All There Is

Sagittarius 29° (December 21)


Last two evenings are a bit of a blur. I made a lovely salmon meal last night and was held hostage a bit all day, first by people coming to fix my windshield (who never came) and then my computer guy who is great and totally expert but who has nonetheless jerked me about these past two weeks, during which time (if you’re a regular reader you’d know) I’ve been put through the proverbial ringer. What I will say to MT when we get to the end of the next fortnight is this. Hello M! Hope you had a lovely holiday and Happy New Year! We have been bouncing around a bit here and spent a few days in Scotland and now we are settling back in London where we are seeing clients over the next couple of weeks. So, in the spirit of renewal, we would love to set up a Skype/Facetime chat with you—how does Monday morning-ish (your time) the 6thwork for you? It will be great to reassess and regroup and get a handle on what’s what so we can move forward. We put a lot of love into the proposal and sample in 2019 and are holding the thought that we will find the right home for this book and others we have in us. Meanwhile we will continue to build the brand and make things as juicy and proactive as we can. Curious too about the UK market. We have many fans here and lots of support from the press etc.. We are going to make our plan and plan our work and let the rest take care of itself. I’m not feeling very confident about getting everything done today. And I am today really down a rabbit hole watching all Watchmen in a day. I can’t even tell you if I like the show or not. That is how disconnected to self I’m feeling. Back to MT: We think we should spend a couple of minutes post-morteming a bit, a) on Harper and b) on all the other folks we thought were chomping at the bit. Then make a solid plan for how we want to move forward. We have the opportunity here to do product as awell as books. And there is no such thing as no, really. I would like to find a house where we can make the book a bestseller; someone with whom we can work in a trusting collaboration. We believe that as doors close they hasten us to our desired ends. At least that is the pep talk I am currently giving myself. I do believe it—I honestly do. I just haven’t gotten my brain completely wrapped around the fact. But I think I’m getting there.

I’m making a roasted pepper soup and a salad of cucumber, tomatoe, feta, mint and oregano for dinner. I like a meal where a good olive oil can make a real difference. I am going to underachieve on every level and leave it to tomorrow to do the opposite. I know I can accomplish a good deal all in one fell swoop if I put my mind to it. I can’t get it out of my head. It has sort of triggered me I think. Well I will have to rid my mind of thoughts that aren’t serving me. I sent out a whole bunch of books and was surprised to find that certain folks I thought wouldn’t write back or respond with any kind of lovingness actually were the first responders so that made for a happy moment. I am going to come out of this. I will find a outlet for this (book) project. I will remedy (and seek recompense) for the wrongdoings of the cancel culturalists. It will send me deeper into self-startingness. In fact as a reaction to set-backs I tend to go pretty far in the resilience direction. I need to race against a clock a bit right now if I’m going to get done all I need doing. I keep forgetting I’m meant to continue spewing negative shit so I get it out of my system. What else is stuck in my craw? Oh yeah how about people that waste our assistants’ time and energy because they are lame ass procrastinators who can’t stick to an agreement? How about those dumb asses? Or what about the people that say they are going to flow me information and never do. Okay well that pretty much does it for me on here today. I can’t believe that I have high-profile friends on completely opposites of an argument spectrum having it out with each other. Then again it just goes to show how much people don’t really give that much of a shit either way. I saw Terre put up a post of JVB singing the song about the house burning down at Christmas, just as I was talking on the subject of worlds colliding.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Sorry Not Sorry

Sagittarius 28° (December 20)


This evening shall include getting my costume into works a bit. I wanted so much to finish the books I’ve been reading but I’m afraid it’s not going to happen. I could do a little reading and then wait and ship things home that might be fun to do. Somewhere I have written down a schedule of how Im going to approach the book writing process. I suppose I can replicate it. I think the idea was for me

You say you want a resolution? Well, you know, that is a very Capricorn thing to do. We are posting a lot about this sort of thing on social media. Sometimes the post hit FB but mainly you need to follow StarskyandCox on Instagram for the full effect. We are trying to be better at social media. Apparently having followers (which so many people just buy anyway) is more important than having actual readers of ones work, and by that I mean books. Just when you thought traditional publishing couldn’t be even more twisted, venal and celebrity worshiping. But let’s not talk about that. Let’s talk about cancel culture instead. It is so much more fun. This past year I had an artist cancel a show very last minute leaving my non-profit holding the financial bag. Do you think this artist cared? No they didn’t. But it doesn’t stop there. The artist then turns around and bad mouths the very non-profit that spent a ton of money to support them and with witch the broke a contract without batting an eye, let alone exhibiting a conscience. It’s more than galling. Another performer last year cancelled out on a series we put on which meaned having to refund tickets like crazy. Again no remorse. Anyway this is going nowhere.

A Resolution is a very Capricorn Thing. Shalt-nots being Saturned-ruled restrictions.Don’t bet me started on Moses—ten commandments, tenth sign of the Zodiac—whom God told to build a tabernacle out of Goat Hair. I’m off subject…My Resolution this year is to be an Agent of Accountability in the Age of Cancel Culture. If you bad-mouth, ef-over, gaslight, virtue signal (not to mention break a promise, let alone a contract with me) or otherwise sow any seeds of false narrative (bear false witness) against me, my work or organizations, or anybody I even remotely like, I’m going to call your shit out. I don’t care if you’re a community high priestess or the maharincess of liberal politcical correctness. One of my myriad Libran selves is a bad ass born on the streets of Jersey City; and starting in 2020 I’m bringing guido back, pulling no punches and taking no prisoners when it comes to the very basics of living life by the Golden Rule. I have no more blind eyes or cheeks to turn and there may even be some retroaction on that score. So if you think you maybe got something by or over some proverbial mister niceguy, don’t let 2019 hit you on the ass on the way out.

I’m almost done with this spewing I promise you. I have just a little further to go with all of this and then I hope it will be out of my body. It is more sickening for me than it is for you can promise you that. I’m so not putting up with any crap this coming year. I am so not letting others get away with murder. I am so not letting the ghostlighting and the cancel culture take me down. It is all a mass hallucination on so many levels in any case and I am determined to keep this situation as real as I possibly can. I promise that when I get into the post that corresponds with two days hence I will begin to say positive things. I’m also aware of the fact that I started thoughts that I haven’t finished; but that too is part of the process here. This new laptop has the loudest keyboard I said that but I can’t believe how loud this shit gets. Anyway I want this Blague to be like a big pre-colonoscopy treatment where I get all the shit out of my system. I have had to deal with so much negative crap over the last couple of days and I have not risen above it. I haven’t lashed out but worse: I took it all in. That was my bad for real. And I haven’t fulfilled a number of promises I made to myself.  Anyway, I have once again written enough. Tomorrow’s post may be that much more vehement. But you can handle it, whoever you are.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

They’ll Get Theirs

Sagittarius 27° (December 19)


Yesterday I went to Yarmouth to the dermatologist and made the mistake of passing through some old haunts. Thre is a new online newspaper called the Independent to which people are contributing. I will only do so if there was money in it. It didn’t help my mood to take this trip today. I have a bunch of errands to do as well and that’s fine. I fell off my yoga wheel and will try to get back on during the course of the next couple of days. I’m giving myself ninethy minutes to write the next three days of posts because, if you’ve been paying attention, we are late to the party. Okay so here I go, kicking into a sort of hyper mode, which is the only way to go. I drove past the West Dennis beach I drove up Old County Road. And then made the mistake of going up Gorham, ours is the only house on the street that exists solely in memory. I want to get and stay ahead of all the curves. I want the pain I feel to fuel something. I am frightened of this trip ad of myself. I am tired of the withholding way that so-called friends (who never really were) are wont to treat me. I am going to get into this feeling today and I am going to accelerate it into a burning feeling of fiercity. I’m tired of the self-promoters and all their bullshit. I need time off to fucking get my brain around everything that is now happening and I don’t see why I shouldn’t. I am going to try and book some low-key characters. I have to shed five pounds in the next ten days. That is something that must occur. It should be easier. If I can just stop chowing like a pig and drinking like a fish. That messed up Shari E. who stood us up all those years ago—figures, as she’s a friend of that soulless Jack P.—well turns out that she is a major Qanon Trumpster. Big surprise there. We took down all her art and will likely burn it. I’ve lost so many things I’ve loved it’s not hard for me to lose shit I don’t care about Merry Fucking Christmas. Oh, man: I have no holiday spirit to speak of. Negative holiday spirit. I’m so mad at the world this week. But it’s no use pretening I’m note. I have to go through this as part of my process. Not meant to be speaking to the usual middle wo/men until after the holidays. Once I get the full skinny I’m going to go for the jugular. I know the universe can do the work for me. That will be my m.o.. There is not only no reason for revenge; it actually does the opposite of the desired effect.

And so I try and try to turn the corner on this particular issue that is burning at my core. I spent so much of the year writing a book and trying to get it published. The first round people didn’t bite as expected. Would that we didn’t’ go from “I’ve got so many editors chomping at the bit” to waah, waah. So that will be the first thing to figure out: How can that be. That will be the first thing we tackle. The second thing will tackle is this bad wrap bulsshit by HarperCollins. I will pick up the thread and write about the fact that we wrote for the worst person ever Joe Dolce (well actually his boss Bonnie Fuller was the worst person ever). I hope they are Googling themselves and see this. There have never been more unspiritual, soulless people than these two. At least I’m lucky enough to say that. So wow, yes, this is a purge. I am getting out all my vitriol. Underneath it is me, HI!, Quinn the Kind. I promise I haven’t gone to the dark side. I just need to release this shadow. I need to get to my truth. I will happily write a tell all. There is so much to say and do and so and say and say say say. Sherherazade. I don’t mind the free association. We had a mini vocal band back in the day called The Free Associates. It was a fun offshoot of the other more elaborate jam bands I was in. With my so-called best man. Ha! That’s a joike. I have always attracted the same one zodiacal sign as my best friend for as long as I can remember. And they always betrayed me. Always turned on me. They were always insular and selfish. I think I bring out the worst in this particular sign. Have I said enough already. I’d like to think I have. I have so much more to get to and I don’t know that I ever will.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Fishing Muddied Waters

Sagittarius 26° (December 18)


Where to begin. I feel like starting it all up to be honest. I want to start me up. I’m going to follow through shooting the moon. I’m sick of cancel culture and I will continue the story I started yesterday. And I will gently urge…that’s where I ended writing on this day now four days ago. This is what always happens—I get derailed. So it is now the 22nd. Last night was meant to be our solstice show at Joe’s Pub, but I barely even remembered it was solstice let alone did I commemorate it. When people treat me badly I pile on and treat myself like crap. This is what always happens. I further blow up my existence and then I have to spend time picking up the pieces. It isn’t enough that I have a full plate and that I’m leaving the country for months and am enduring the usual stresses that entails. No I have got to make it worse. And there are always the usual and unusual delays. Like this week was a horror of getting my new phone and computer sorted. I am now typing on a new mac and the keyboard is so loud. I hate loud keyboards. If you know me you know it is just one of my pet peaves. I have so many of those. More than most people. I feel broke on so many levels. I suppose I shall get back to the story at hand although I must say I have lost much interest on that score. Anyway I need to recall what was happening on this actual day. I think this would be Wednesday. I know that over the last couple of days I did send out a number of books.

In the wake of the publishing of Sextrology, Elaine Markson quietly and unofficially retired and we were often on the front lines with the various departments at Harper. There were a numbe of foreign deals made, not without some foibles on that score, but nothing we remember. We just know to explore this since Liz Sullavan intimated in our meeting at the Marlton that something was amiss with the rights department.I don’t know if I can do this actually.I think I won’t. What I will do is cut and paste somethings.

I sent this to Meg: When Sextrology came out Stephen H was the publisher at HarperCollins under which our imprint, Harper Resource,fell—he was Megan N’s boss and was replaced by Joe Tessitore who I think recently passed away.Fast forward to 2013, Steve writes to say he is setting up his own agency and would like for us to be his clients. He says he thinks we should do a “Birthday Book” concept. We say that we have a project in mind, we call BBOD, which remains on our to-do list of books to write (as we’ve mentioned to you). He says he wants to set up a meeting at Abrams just a meet and greet, not a pitch scenario. We say fine. We go to Abrams, we like each other, then Steve pitches his idea for a book, not our idea. (He also showed up an hour late, wearing shorts, and, afterward, was a bit too “celebratory” at lunch for our liking).  The Abrams folks we met were Holly D. and her colleague at the time David somebody. (Note from her to Steve post-meeting is below). We decide not to sign Steve on as our agent—we were not interested in writing his idea of a book—and so we completely drop out of publishing at this point to focus on our private consultancy and self-started projects. We don’t know what exactly Steve would have said to Holly. All this to say: Do you know if Holly is still at Abrams? Is she someone we could add to next pitch list of folks?

Then this: Cool. We have our thinking caps on.

Honestly, though we always rise above and make the lemonade; We have been quite upset by the Harper thing. I’ve spent the last couple of days doing some narrative therapy which has helped a lot. Still, what keeps coming up is how much crap we put up with and forgave HC (some hair-raising things that would strike you as painfully comical if not completely unbelievable) like the pretend book tour Kate Stark fabricated before leaving Harper just as our book was coming out (I kid you not) with fake flights booked and appearances at Book Soup and Booksmith in SF. HC ended up writing us a check to design our own book store which ultimately included those two places.

And this is just one of the trauma episodes coming up. Yet, we forgave them all their trespasses and still now don’t know what it is they still have in their bonnet about us. Because Harper didn’t buy Sexxtrology to begin with, and we ended up on their doorstep, they were one big Miss Minchin to us the entire time. None of the people we know of (who were  there at the time) are even still there. Despite the crap we went through we remain friendly with folks we first worked with; and have tried to forge trusting and collaborative relationships to those who’ve inherited us, pinballing from one imprint to another over the years. At some point I think we will need to know exactly what bee they have in their bonnet; we feel whatever is being said by whomever is messing with our livelihood and that is truly upsetting. But for now we are doing our best transcendence act

And this I sent to Mary Ellen C.:  I hope this finds you well! You’re probably like What The…?

I am working on funny stories about our experience in the publishing world and I am trying to piece together a timeline in so doing

When Sextrology was about to be published I think both Megan N. and Kate S. left HC and you came aboard, is that right?

I think also that Joe T., whom I hear is no longer with us?, replaced Steve H. at the same time? Steve actually wanted to agent us a few years back and I recall that he was a bit bitter about all that. Anyway, I’m off the point…..

This is my recollection and I wonder if you have the same one: There was this whole west coast book tour set up for Starsky + Cox (by Kate before she left) including TV appearances and radio and airline tickets and book store events at Book Soup and Booksmith in SF. We received an entire itinerary I remember and we tried to follow up about the plane tix and such only to discover that the entire tour had been fabricated. No tickets purchased. No TV appearances. And the bookstore owners had no idea what we were talking about when we called about our in-store events. Do I have all this right?

I do remember you and Joe decided to write Stella and me a check so that we could re-create the tour ourself and then some. We used the money very sparingly I know and did appear on KTLA in Los Angeles and at Book Soup (where friends of Tori Amos came and gave her a copy of our book which inspired her to write “Goodbye Pisces,” crediting us in her own book about song writing called Piece by Piece!!) and also at Booksmith in San Francisco where the Chronicle did a wonderful piece on us that really got the press rolling.

In my mind the check you gave us was for $3K. Anyway the funny bit about SF was that we stayed at this cheaper hotel owned by the Triton hotel and they piped music into our room. We had done the Booksmith event and they made Starsky + Cox “trading cards” as they do for authors. I said (never being a baseball fan) that the only cards I ever collected were Partridge Family cards. The morning after as we packed to head for the airport they piped “I Think I Love You” into our room. I got to the airport and used the mensroom and in there was Brian Forster who played the part of Chris Partridge on the show. I said “I used to collect your cards when I was a kids, so here you go, take one of ours!” Isn’t that so weird and synchronistic. Then again stuff like that happens to us all the time.

Anyway, I hope this jogs your memory and anything you can add to this story would be much appreciated. Everything happens for a reason and on some level I suppose I’m grateful to Kate Stark for faking our book tour before quitting Harper!


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

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