Month: January 2023 (page 4 of 6)

Miss Communication

Aquarius 26° (February 15)

Left D+A’s and did a large food shop at Friends. So many things make me sad, especially the things we did together. And this will end up being the beginning of a terrible spate. I did my big shop and then rushed home to have chat with S which turned out to be one of the most contentious chats we’ve had in all these months. I don’t know what was wrong with the energy. The only thing I can say was this was the first time the impetus was to preview me to things they would be adding into the agreement. It triggered me for sure. We spoke over each other and I actually had to hang up at one point, only to call back again. In the end the conversation seemed to right itself and even ended with the most endearing term thereof that I’ve been called in so long a time. It felt like a return to love in such a radically positive way. And yet…the next day…you see.

November 21

You’re built for speed, so rosso corsa is a fitting vibrational color, that of Italian racers. Your love of antiquity not withstanding, you are light years ahead of peers in the creative or philosophical expression of your soul. You are the future of (fill in the blank).


November 22

In a purple haze, you gravitate toward adventure and exotic experiences. A citizen of the world, you exude an entitled air, feasting upon life, as a banquet. Seeing the best in others inspires them to rise to your expectations; while you settle for nothing less than splendid.

November 23

Ochre is a primeval pigment that expresses the elemental side of Sagittarius. There is a shaman in you, in tune with ecstatic universal energies. Aligning your higher mind with your wild animal nature makes you the sexiest, brainiest beast on the astrological block.

November 24

Deep indigo speaks to your inner journeying, seeking self knowledge through personal experience. You keep your mental and creative processes close to the vest to reap their full import. Serenity is what you seek, attaining it by making fewer and fewer demands.

November 25  

Saddle red expresses unbridled energy. Even when life gives you a whooping, it’s only going to push you further along. Whatever it takes for you to call yourself excellent—a lot—you’ll do. And as you do do so much for others, it can be all about you, you, you.

November 26

Don’t be absurd. Or do. With an aura the orange of circus-peanut candy, who knows what you’re capable of imagining or realizing into being. Innovation can take unexpected even ridiculous form. Don’t edit yourself—let them laugh. You’ll do so all the way to the bank.

November 27

You have grape glow, an intoxicating vibration that inspires emotional responses. People really love you, and readily so. Your jovial presence makes any occasion better. And to think, beneath the surface of your unassuming affability, is one of such genius aspiration.

November 28

Like the orchid-grey of wisteria, you give off a wistful air, a poet and a sage who won’t sit by and let memories fade, finding a way to weave all life experience into a fabric of art, philosophy or an extraordinary design-for-living. You seem to have many answers. 

November 29

Peacock blue is your color, the bird sacred to Juno, goddess of women. You champion femininity and feminism, owning your inherent power. With searing insight into human relations, you’re a brilliant storyteller. Life for you is in the details. You love tiny objects.

November 30

You exude a stately laurel green, fitting for someone so honorable. You rise through hierarchies quickly and are prized for your ability to oversee complicated operations. You shoot high and enjoy positions of power. In them you nurture talent along with your own.

You’re built for speed, so rosso corsa is a fitting vibrational color, that of Italian racers. Your love of antiquity not withstanding, you are light years ahead of peers in the creative or philosophical expression of your soul. You are the future of (fill in the blank).


November 22

In a purple haze, you gravitate toward adventure and exotic experiences. A citizen of the world, you exude an entitled air, feasting upon life, as a banquet. Seeing the best in others inspires them to rise to your expectations; while you settle for nothing less than splendid.

November 23

Ochre is a primeval pigment that expresses the elemental side of Sagittarius. There is a shaman in you, in tune with ecstatic universal energies. Aligning your higher mind with your wild animal nature makes you the sexiest, brainiest beast on the astrological block.

November 24

Deep indigo speaks to your inner journeying, seeking self knowledge through personal experience. You keep your mental and creative processes close to the vest to reap their full import. Serenity is what you seek, attaining it by making fewer and fewer demands.

November 25  

Saddle red expresses unbridled energy. Even when life gives you a whooping, it’s only going to push you further along. Whatever it takes for you to call yourself excellent—a lot—you’ll do. And as you do do so much for others, it can be all about you, you, you.

November 26

Don’t be absurd. Or do. With an aura the orange of circus-peanut candy, who knows what you’re capable of imagining or realizing into being. Innovation can take unexpected even ridiculous form. Don’t edit yourself—let them laugh. You’ll do so all the way to the bank.

November 27

You have grape glow, an intoxicating vibration that inspires emotional responses. People really love you, and readily so. Your jovial presence makes any occasion better. And to think, beneath the surface of your unassuming affability, is one of such genius aspiration.

November 28

Like the orchid-grey of wisteria, you give off a wistful air, a poet and a sage who won’t sit by and let memories fade, finding a way to weave all life experience into a fabric of art, philosophy or an extraordinary design-for-living. You seem to have many answers. 

November 29

Peacock blue is your color, the bird sacred to Juno, goddess of women. You champion femininity and feminism, owning your inherent power. With searing insight into human relations, you’re a brilliant storyteller. Life for you is in the details. You love tiny objects.

November 30

You exude a stately laurel green, fitting for someone so honorable. You rise through hierarchies quickly and are prized for your ability to oversee complicated operations. You shoot high and enjoy positions of power. In them you nurture talent along with your own.

Aquarius 26° (February 15)

Left D+A’s and did a large food shop at Friends. So many things make me sad, especially the things we did together. And this will end up being the beginning of a terrible spate. I did my big shop and then rushed home to have chat with S which turned out to be one of the most contentious chats we’ve had in all these months. I don’t know what was wrong with the energy. The only thing I can say was this was the first time the impetus was to preview me to things they would be adding into the agreement. It triggered me for sure. We spoke over each other and I actually had to hang up at one point, only to call back again. In the end the conversation seemed to right itself and even ended with the most endearing term thereof that I’ve been called in so long a time. It felt like a return to love in such a radically positive way. And yet…the next day…you see.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2022 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Cutting Back

Aquarius 25° (February 14)

Sleep was terrible. And I’m suddenly remembering it’s Valentine’s Day and I am hesitant to be on someone else’s romantic date. D+A definitely want me to join them. It isn’t so difficult to dig out the car but all these things are keeping me from jumping in the car. And yet it turns out it is the last night of the Japanese pop-up and I have to make the effort. It will be expensive but I don’t care. It will be totally worth it. Delicious food and then we did a little wine shop there afterward (they won’t be serving wine moving forward). We hung out and sang a bit and I slept over which was fun.

November 11

The color pine portrays your ever-verdant spirit. While others change like the seasons, you’re consistently loyal and dedicated to excellence in all you undertake. Someone to confide in, you keep to your cone of silence. You love to be alone and are rarely lonely.

November 12

Who better to bust out a color vibe of red devil? Not to say you’re diabolical. Indeed, you’re wicked good. It’s just that you see so deep into others’ consciences they feel like you clutch their souls. Thus, you have a positively transformational effect on everyone.

November 13

With a color vibration of jazzberry jam, those born this day are brilliant self-inventions. Never mind not feeling the world owes you a favor, you relish making your own way in it, needing no tradition or convention to follow. You’re a freestylin’ fool to no one exactly. 

November 14

In no way regional, you vibrate an international orange. You were born going places and, though you hold a few most dear, you make many meaningful connections. This keeps the ground covered for big breaks, meanwhile insuring you won’t miss social flights of fancy. 

November 15

A most rock-steady Scorpio, you’ve a firebrick glow that insures you can take any heat, but rarely do you have to. You enter situations laying down ground rules and other safety features to make for quick professional turnarounds and personal outs, if you need them. 

November 16

Your birthday glow is fluorescent pink. As if shining under a blacklight, you steal focus, whether you intend to or not. Ironic, as you’re the poster child for privacy—praise equals embarrassment. But blind us you must, despite yourself, with talents beyond compare.

November 17

New York pink is your cosmic birthday color, joyfully jaded, like you, as it is. We’d be lost in a rose-colored daze if not for your wittily weary world view and words of wisdom. Never taken for a ride, you’re driven to reach for the stars, seeing glam even in the gutter.  

November 18

Orange-red is a modern invention, much like you. Though you glean lessons from your own past, you never dwell in it. Your focus is the present, cashing in on creative visions. Andy Warhol said “good business is the best art” and you’re a living testament to the fact.

November 19

The fixed-water sign, crystals symbolize your consolidated nature. Salt-of-the-earth is the color of your day and a phrase you’ve heard describe you. Devoid of superficiality, you are realness, seeking to express your true essence and to unearth such elements in others.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2022 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The Pleasant Peasant

Aquarius 24° (February 13)

I will actually end up watching the Superbowl tonight and it was such a fun game and such a great halftime show. I am starting to work in earnest on tax stuff. I basically just need to cook and use up what’s in the fridge. My plan is to do another major food shop and to some how stretch this all out for a good two weeks. Some cocktails and then I get so starving I make this late-night dish of eggs and goat cheese and bacon. It’s basically Superbowl munchies. I heard from D+A and I suggest we go to the restaurant in Dennis. They are traveling up in this pretty crappy weather. 

November 1

A cool black provides protection, absorbing negative energy. You can pour on the charm, even the comedy, to further career. But in private you’re ultraserious with high standards for pals and lovers to live up to. Your embody your aesthetic which makes a statement.

November 2

Puce was the fave color of Marie Antoinette, born this day. As these things go, it chose her, not she it. It is an historical hue, befitting your love for treasures and mysteries of the past. It expresses truth in decay. If you had to be honest, you’d admit to a little decadence.

November 3

You’re loud and proud, fluorescent fuchsia announcing the fact you’ve arrived. You take big bites out of life providing yourself what you deserve without apology. You call others on the carpet, taking socio-politics seriously. Oppressors beware, you’ll tear them down.

November 4

Rust never sleeps, and you won’t rest until you’ve reached a daily goal, righted a wrong, or returned an overdue email. It’s not mere follow-through, but going the extra mile—excellence—that’s key to your surpassing success. In love, you can run them ragged.

November 5

Like a red cardinal on the wing, you catch ones eye and have a bit of an edge, swoop in, speak your mind, and then you’re off again. Brilliant in directorial positions, you exude no insecurity, warm and fuzzy to a select few. You waste no time in achieving happiness.

November 6

Like cooled lava, one suspects, you’ve had your hot times. But your priority is laying the groundwork for growth and the proliferation of your talents and ideas. You see life as a fertile landscape where dreams take hold. A sought-after creature, you ooze social grace.

November 7

You’re a well of inky blue, a deep source of imaginative power. You make friends with bogeymen and other emanations of your subconscious, naming, facing, voicing fears. That’s how you disempower them and clear a path to accomplishment and fulfillment.

November 8

Like the red of maple leaf, you’re deep, brilliant, and transparent. Beyond being incapable of lying, you can’t help but reveal the truth in all situations. That makes you forthcoming, and a bit of a sleuth. Your deft verbal skill in coaxing others to come clean is unrivaled.

November 9

The universe made you mocha, a rich aura-glow that soothes and inspires. You lend yourself ample space for creativity, coloring outside accepted lines. You likewise provide a safe emotional environment for loved ones to express their souls and realize potential.

November 10

A most sensual Scorpio, your color vibe is apricot, which speaks to your idyllic life view. 

You let things unfold, never forcing issues. Process is paramount to you, and you’ll forgo opportunity unless the mix of company is correct. In all things loving, you take your time.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2022 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Grand Mothers

Aquarius 23° (February 12)

I end up once again at Mac’s as if I want to repeat last night’s snacky kind of meal. There is no place at the bar but the same two couples are there and so I sort of join them. I’m reticent but they’re welcoming and we end up bonding and laughing even more than the night before. They’ve admitted to Googling me. Then in come Tim and Billy with a friend and they visit our table which is really nice. This is the birthday of Nanny and Mama Rose.

October 21

Pale peach expresses your juicy creativity. Barraged by big ideas, you can’t realize them all at once, but you can ultimately bring most to life. Meanwhile, you learn to live more in your body and less in your head. Challenging yourself physically is chilling your mind.

October 22

Ruddy pink is a color that speaks to your florid taste and rosy disposition. Vitality is the hallmark of your day, so steer clear of aura vampires who seek to drain you. You’re a wholesome character—don’t pretend otherwise. There’s nothing sexier than innocence.


October 23

Like the palest ice blue of your home planet Pluto, you seem frosty at first, keeping others at arms length until you’ve given their psyches a proper scan. Your inner circle is an elite clique of philanthropic mover-shakers. Your charm and sensibility is old school.

October 24

Your aura is the color of lemon crush and your company is just as refreshing. You’re a serious soul with a purpose to fulfill, and you don’t waste time or suffer fools. You possess a strong spiritual core, learning life lessons young. You’re a mentor and a marvel to others.

October 25

Pomegranate is the color of the underworld, the fruit of Queen Persephone. It symbolizes the subconscious, a realm you inhabit—exploring your own psyche and probing others’. You seek deepest connection with inherent desires and with those you bond in sexy love.

October 26

Colors of ember and ash portray your being a slow burn. It takes time to know you, in relationships for the long haul. Loathing indecision, you hold others’ feet to the fire. Yours is the most indomitable spirit. Never down for long, you ever rise like a phoenix. 

October 27

A bright spot in Scorpio, powered by Mars, your vibration is scarlet, denoting a sense of urgency and action. You are not one to sit idly by; you must make your mark, bold and indelible. You’re witty and urbane, verbally adept, thrilling to make killings in your field.

October 28 

You, slathered in a red-black lacquer, a hue hinting at killer instincts in business, the social sway or entanglement in dangerous liaisons. You bring on the night, non-chalant, vampy or a tad vampiric. Cool in mixed company, you can be bossy with your own sex. 

October 29

You’re that rare snow white Scorpio, providing an escape valve, comic, or indeed cosmic relief. You’ve a way of changing the energy in the room, clearing bad ju-ju, establishing chill vibes. Wizard at cutting tension with a wise crack, you wryly concede joy’s a choice.

October 30

You’re engulfed in the deepest orange you can imagine, suggesting you’re dramatic and extreme. You may feel scorched by the past, but purified, as if emotional obstacles are perpetually removed in your experience. Life seems ever easier, horizons looming larger. 

October 31 

Misty grey are those born today when the veil between this and the supernatural world is meant to be its thinnest. Whatever: You embrace mystical mystery every day, haunting favorite spots, anonymously sculpting out solo space in life you can escape to, unnoticed.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2022 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Aquarius 22° (February 11)

Will end up at Mac’s tonight for a love dozen clams with a spicy tun handroll and some shrimp and grits. Sitting next to a two couples from Jersey City whose kids ended up going to the same charter school where Mary worked. I will write John a note which he will never return.

October 11

Your emanation a Paris green, it’s no wonder you love an orderly life, balancing urban sojourns with splashing in puddles, picnics on park benches with Dom Perignon, catwalk shows on China’s Great Wall, anything merging civilized formality with natural elements. 

October 12

Your vibration being a Persian blue speaks to the fact you’re a beautiful mosaic, a collage of various influences and experiences you’ve singularly pieced together into your own design for living. Like most Libras, you’re a minimalist, though, decidedly, one with soul.

October 13

Sunset is a Libran color, the symbol of the Scales recalling that horizontal scene. So no surprise your vibe is so beautiful and so serene. You bring tense situations down required notches, knowing when enough is enough, or to call it quits. Nobody is more of a closer.

October 14

You’re resplendent in folly, a chic pink aura expressing fashionable understanding of the world. Knowing the rules lets you bend them every which way without breakage. Staying this side of outrageous is a fun, jolly way to be a pioneer, a progressive and a free radical.

October 15

People might assume you sprung forth sucking a silver spoon by your Eton blue aura. But, baby, you were born with it: A sense that life is a privilege, that you needn’t sell yourself short, and that you are who you understand yourself to be: True human pedigree.

October 16

Like a mimosa tree blossom on the breeze, you float in a fluff of orangey pink, exotic for your environment. Delicately, you roam. A blithe spirit, who won’t be bogged down by disparaging words or crunching numbers, you only seem to go where the wind takes you.

October 17

With a pale pistachio color vibe, you prove that big things come in small packages. You work in an intricately detailed manner, from seeds of ideas you let germinate and grow.  This mirrors your taste for quality over quantity, understated elegance over blatant bling.

October 18

Your aura color is best described as pumpkin, befitting your great Libran expectations. Yours is an active idealism that sees others live up to the hopes you have, while you patiently await desired outcomes, vigilantly committed to causes that better life for all.

October 19

Maya blue is the tenacious color vibration that expresses your steadfast nature. The kid who stays in the game, you succeed in the end—never, ever give up on your dreams. There is a ritual connotation to this blue, so embrace the power of your own devotional routines.

October 20

Libras are often labeled dispassionate but your pastel-violet aura-glow begs to differ. You may be impressionistic in your approach to career, following instincts instead of forcing an agenda. But your soft tack belies a near ecstatic conviction of your destiny’s call.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2022 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Clamming Up

Aquarius 21° (February 10)

Back on Zoom for another session with judge but the judge thing won’t really materialize. We have another two months which feels good. This feeling will be very short lived. Wrote all I needed to draft for DSM. I will take myself for clams and get a brainwave to head to Sal’s for some Vongole, to remain on theme. It will be a fun night, one of the first in a very long time.

October 1

Powder blue is the color of peace, of which you’re the prince/ss. You find conflict of any sort abhorrent, playing mediator, only up to a point. Even your patience has limits. Once others reach yours, they are up for elimination. Glamour, you prove, is a state of mind.

October 2

You’re bathed in a bisque color, a sign of spiritual aspiration. The feel of environments is central to you, a minimalist, sensitive to energies. You can be ascetic, forgoing earthly delights, which can be consciousness raising. You can have it all—you’d share it equally.

October 3

Cadet blue says more about you than you like a man in uniform. As a Libra, you require order and you stick to enjoyable routines. No one is more productive. You can’t let others take advantage of the fact. You are in service to your lofty dreams and great expectations.

October 4

A bright jasper red, you are no dispassionate Libra. You’re a doer with a hint of danger. This explains the appeal of thriller films and novels, let alone your attraction to rugged individualists. At ease in your body, you undertake and prize feats of extreme physicality.

October 5

Blue steel speaks to your self-control and total command of emotional range. No wonder so many actors are born this day. You can be the coolest diplomat or undergo catharsis all in a day’s work. Twilight is your time, and you embody the élan of those free after-hours.

October 6

A sonorous rosewood vibe surrounds you, attuned to energetic undercurrents. You don’t miss a trick, a fact you don’t advertise. Patiently absorbing information, you’re deliberate,  you don’t deliberate. And you don’t need to find yourself—you reveal, when you’re ready. 

October 7

A lilac aura-glow expresses a venerable nature. Loved ones give pride of place to your masterpieces and awards, esteem you highly, and defer to your decisions. Your high-status body language says that nary a person, place or thing is ever too good for you.

October 8

Vibration-wise, you’re mint, a color suggesting a strong mind-body connection. You train your brain not to race ahead, to remain in synch with biorhythms. Life is your gym, every circumstance an opportunity for increased at-one-ness. For you, there’s no place like Om.

October 9

You’re of a crystal-blue persuasion, the color of intelligence bordering on clairvoyance. You not only boast a keen analytic faculty, you can be prophetic, experiencing strings of synchronicities, predicting bits of people’s fates. Artistry, similarly, works through you.

October 10

Libra is associated with light. So, Payne’s grey is about a dark as a Libra’s vibe can get. This distinguishes you as the one Scales lady/boy who embraces her shadow side. Thus, you’re never engulfed by it. Nobody illumines universal human conditions quite like you.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2022 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Tennis Match

Aquarius 20° (February 9)

Blueberries and yogurt for lunch and the rest of the Lamb stew for dinner. Quick chat with bon bon. Spending the entire day getting stuff back to them. S. cancels chat. Back and forth on stuff needed for DSM.

September 21

Fallow is a fitting color vibe. You understand the benefit of rest and recharging batteries, and how to let initiatives germinate without micro-managing them. Socially, you leave space, letting others seek you out. You take your time in love, never forcing feelings.

September 22

Fandango is a jazz-age fuchsia named for a medieval dance. You are aptly precise in your movements, never missing a beat. You choreograph your schedule and long range plans, plotting how the former effects the latter. In love, you need a mate set on the same speed.


September 23 

You burn a cool sapphire, serenity being your watchword. You embrace diversity and bestow emotions democratically, flying neither too high nor low with feelings. You take pride in humility. Creating an enviable design-for-living is how you combat detractors.

September 24

You emanate a pink opaque, the color of the astral plane, where you project your thought-forms into life. You are a hyper-idealist, swinging your scales of justice, slamming all with your lofty convictions, while none of this is obvious to look at you.

September 25

You twinkle with the blue of twilight, Venus showering you with high aesthetics. You prize order and innovation, minimal in your style, while embracing the shock of the new. Still your mind and you hear the music of the spheres, reassuring you of a divine plan.

September 26

You can be quite contrary, so how does your aura glow? With silver, clear as a bell. You always see both sides of every argument in your Libran quest for eternal balance. In a state of democracy you get our vote. Hands down, you are indeed the fairest of them all.

September 27

You’re a willful one, emanating a fiery amber aura. You don’t easily take no for answer, which propels you far. You’ve learned to pick your battles. You know it’s better to love than to be loved. With a great capacity for compassion, you can provide for those in need.

September 28 

Like your color vibration, you are true blue. Nobody makes a better friend, and Truth is your ideal. Others may find your honesty brutal, but you’re nothing if not tough-loving. You embody lofty ideals and classic beauty. Intelligence is at the core of your aesthetic.

September 29

Like a Navaho white, your ethereal energy has a hint of sandy grounding. Good thing, since you often deal in bringing stability to your life and to others’. As abstract as Libras are, indulging in vigorous physical activity (wink, wink) helps maintain your equipoise.

September 30

Who are you with that rose-quartz hue? A highly intelligent conceptual thinker, you’re often blessed with a beatific beauty. Nobody’s arm candy, you are on the defense for those who objectify you as ornamental. In love, call the shots or you call it quits.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2022 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Society of Angels

Aquarius 19° (February 8)

Sirloin from Fanizzi’s then I’ stroll down to Sal’s.  I will see the SA again today and have to spend the day fine-tooth combing. Such a slow process.

September 11  

The air seems to shift and warms around you, a shimmering pastel red. Inside, you lead a still life, no matter how wild and wacky circumstances become. Work is a labor of love, but you live at your leisure, easily weaving work in, elevating the daily grind to high art. 

September 12

You’ve got arrested development in all the right ways, says your cotton candy color vibe. You never lost a sense of play. You believe in make believe. And that people are good. You’re learning not to love unconditionally, which only parents for children should do.

September 13

Your color vibration comes in waves of wheat color, illustrating Virgo’s connection to Mother Earth whose virgin aspect, holding a sheaf of grain, is your sign emblem. Human effect on the planet is a theme of your existence, which you embrace every which way.

September 14

Color-wise, you’re a stizza, sister. This earthenware hue expresses a formidable spirit, forged in the fire of experience. No peddler of half-baked ideas, you come up with goods when good and ready. You give the people what they want, knowing what they burn for.

September 15

It may come as a shock that your aura vibration is shocking pink. Then again, you know how you set a sedate stage only to periodically shake things up. The element of surprise is key to your innumerable successes. The zodiac’s own bombshell, you drop it like it’s hot.

September 16

A bright tangelo, your birthday color suggests you’re a sweetie who can tart it up. Not one to be labeled the friend or a little sister, like so many Virgos, you insure you’re seen as a sexual being. You bid would-be admirers welcome without ever being a doormat.

September 17

Zaffre is best described as the blue of a flame, a nod to your ability to appear cool in the heat of any moment. Virgo is associated with the Earth’s core, its furnace and life source. Like the planet, you hide the fact you burn deep inside, but it’s how you cook up success.

September 18

You’re wrapped in a deep forest green, keeping your cool even when the heat is on. You exude good manners, prizing and practicing formalities with pleasure. The social fabric is important to you, and you keep it together with careful give and take and clever tit for tat.

September 19

Taupe, a warm gray, is your color vibe. And just as folks argue over what this color looks like, you are likewise difficult to pin down, making varying impressions on others. Ah, but keeping people guessing is the secret to your landing opportunities for love or money.  

September 20

French rose is a flawless color, and you’re the perfectionista of the zodiac. You know that supreme functionality gives way to great design, so there is no room in your experience for dysfunctional behavior or co-dependent people. You are your own greatest achievement.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2022 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Over It

Aquarius 18° (February 7)

A dozen clams and a rainbow roll on the super early side. Will make lamb stew late night for tomorrow. They only get us stuff today and we have to immediately dig in and work on all of it once again. 

September 1

You’re luscious and rare with your brown liquorice aura, suggesting great depth but not without a dash of whimsy. You employ technical proficiency in service of creating joy. Your pet peeve is sarcasm, a believer in saying nothing at all rather than spewing poison.

September 2

Like Aztec gold, you glow, exuding an exoticism all your life. Feeling like you don’t fit in, as a kid, becomes your greatest asset. In competitive careers, you’re ever singled out. Your ebullient laughter brings joy. Whatever you do, you may call yourself a producer.

September 3

As in a storm of pink sand, you whip into situations, demanding focus, as soft as a powder puff. Working in a team, you’re the secret weapon who can wrap others round a pinkie. In love, you want a partner who can beat you at your own game, half of the time.

September 4  

Against the chalkboard green of your auric backdrop you glow like chalk exquisitely drawn unto life to learn all you can and to use it as a playground, with proper decorum. 

You pledge allegiance to your loved ones, with personal liberty and poetic justice for all.

September 5

Here in functional Virgo lies fantastical you, a glittering purple people eater, digesting others’ ideas, arts and inventions, down through the ages, while munching on current experience. Knowledge powers your own creativity, which is both epic and essential. 

September 6

Your color vibe is an open sesame. You do have a way with words, always saying the right thing and the honest thing at the same time. You’re queen of constructive criticism without rancor, revealing how Virgo’s infamous critiques make the world a better place.

September 7

Your ruddy energy is as strong as an oxblood. A most vigorous Virgo, you embody the ideal that health is wealth, treating your body as a sacred vessel. Like a vestal virgin, you see sexuality and spirituality as synonymous, never taking your personal religion lightly.

September 8

Don’t bemoan a battleship grey color vibe, because it means you’re never sunk. Yours is a buoyant personality still armed to the teeth to win the day. You’re encircled by a crew of true devotees, and whether life’s full steam ahead or a bit choppy, it’s all hands on deck.

September 9

Mulberry carries a connotation of temptation, a notion with which you’re not unfamiliar. Your personal saga is as juicy as your physicality, over which you have total command. A wink, a flip of hair, a swift kick you know where, and others seem to fall at your feet.

September 10  

A pastel brown aura is a testament to the fact that softness is your strength. You blend in social situations, silent and demure, like a cameo, inviting interest. How can someone so unassuming steal focus time and again? With a whisper, an informed mind and much to say.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2022 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Governor of Delaware

Aquarius 17° (February 6)

Cuke, Tomato, Feta for lunch. A long chat with Tom. Vongole for dinner.

August 21

Your day radiates purple amethyst, named for the stone used by healers to focus energy. Nobody is more laser concentrated than you, who consistently exceeds expectations. And that healing power can manifest literally, as a mindful laying on of manicured hands.

August 22

Sunglow, the color of California poppies, best describes your birthday color. You’re a diffused creature, gentle and modest, still winning the spotlight, despite any demurring. You welcome attention, only to further burning causes. Others bask in your kindness.


August 23

The sheer utility of steel gray mirrors the precision with which you operate. Nobody knows thyself more than you. And you waste no time executing your agenda, mostly, in service to others. Empathy makes you tick. Humility cannot belie your divine giftedness.

August 24

Visceral pink is your color, connoting an ability to get to the core of matters. You take time with people and situations, until sure of their intentions and your emotional safety. You are the original material girl/boy. You know your worth and it’s far above rubies.

August 25  

The gray of clay implies potential and your ability to sculpt life to your liking and mold yourself to circumstance. Making yourself indispensible is how you win power. You are sensual in the extreme, no stranger to life’s candy. Your aim is to be yourself, completely.

August 26

Slate blue is your vibration color, one of sheer utility. You pride yourself on contributing on a grand scale, as you sort out functionality in your private life. And you do it all with the patience of a saint. But stop the canonization process! You’re too racy to ace that test.

August 27

Like quicksilver you’re slippery. You have the wisdom to know: self-reliance is a muscle we exercise exactly because we are inherently interdependent. A pretty paradox, you prove that spiritual enlightenment and sexual exploration aren’t mutually exclusive.

August 28

You glisten like sable, luxuriating in a liberated life. Travel and adventure beckon—you try on philosophies and fantasies like you do fabulous footwear. You can go far afield, safe in the knowledge you come from a solid background. You’re a vulture for culture.

August 29

You exude the blues. But you’re only down with exaltation. Art and music are typical ways for you to touch the sublime. But even in business or with family, you keep the bar high, inspiring others to be their best selves. Yours is a sultry, soulful lens on the world.

August 30

You give off a bittersweet sheen, the color of the flower of truth and trust. You must invest time in your talents, relying on inner fortitude to see your goals through. People lean on you, too much, only, if you let them. You have a poignant message to deliver.

August 31

Paris is a Virgo and its greystone continuity is akin to yours. Strength and beauty mix in you, and you carry yourself with integrity and conviction. You are exacting in your thoughts, economic in your actions. Prioritizing your day makes you chill come sundown.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2022 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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