Month: June 2019 (page 3 of 4)


Gemini 17° (June 7)

What I must do today is tie some bows on my book intros which really shouldn’t be hard. At this point I need to read through the final chapter intro and actually do a bit of editing I imagine. It will feel good to tie a bow on this particular phase of my yearlong work. So here goes that:

Vibrating at a high cosmic level, Pisces people prove this newly invented adage, that: the more accepting one is of what is, the more one may change it into what could be. Acceptance is the gateway to Love on every level. While in this cosmic context of Pisces we aren’t speaking of romantic love, but of the purely spiritual form of Love as, we might agree, the animating force in the Universe. The great primordial goddess of the sea, who emerged from the foam thereof, is Aphrodite (Roman: Venus). Though planet Venus rules Taurus on the earth plane (nymphs and flower god archetype) and Libra on the astral plane (airy Apollo and prophentic high-priestesses) the archetype of Aphrodite-Venus powers the sign of Pisces. We think of her as the goddess of lower-case love and beauty but she was rather demoted to that post upon entering the patriarchal pantheon which struggled to place. We see her in emanation, too, as the wife of  Poseidon-Neptune, Amphitrite, his famed trident originally being her symbol, that of the great triple goddess, as is the shamrock, the lily (Aphrodite’s sacred flower), the fleur de lis. The mother of Poseidon’s two daughters are alternately, dually, attributed to both goddesses. The name Amphitrite literally means “the third one who circles the sea.” Three points making a circle, the triple god/desses portray the whole of human existence, youth-maturity-age. This speaks, here and now, to Pisces people having a more wholistic sense of the entirety of their life than the rest of us, being more accutely in tune with their own alpha-omeganess—it also speaks to their being something of an every-wo/man empath who can relate more readily to others, if to a fault. Pisces people will gravitate to those they don’t already know in a given room or gathering. For males of the sign, the trident is the triple phallus, meant to mate with the triple goddess, and thus points, despite his signature unpredictability, to the ability of the god Poseidon (and his human Pisces sons) to be the life-long mate who plays the eternal lover of the maiden, to the mother (of his children) and to the inherent wise woman she becomes. Pisces men can be lifers when it comes to love relationships.

Another name for Aphrodite is called Mari (the sea) and she is thus cognate to Mary, Stella Maris, the star of the sea. Both Aphrodite and Mary have sons, Eros and Jesus, who are embodiments with Love. Eros, which means love, like Jesus, is the eternal babe, yet he is also the oldest, most primordial of the creation gods, just as Jesus is one and the same with the father-creator. Aphrodite and Eros took fish form and we know all about the Jesus fish from certain people’s automobile decoration. All this to say that the philosophical concept of Pisces is thus: That if you were to remove all physical manifestation from the world (which isn’t physical but energetic or spiritual anyway) what is behind it all, the very backdrop of existence, is, essentially Love. And someone once supposedly said something like: blessed are those who believe without seeing.

The body part ruled by Pisces is the feet which, metaphorically, speaks to Pisces people being parapetitic, if not perpetually adrift. Of all the signs, Pisces are the least moored to their origins, both in terms of their actual home and family rearing, but also in the assignations that go along with it. From birth, nearly, Pisces people move in a desired direction of character and bearing, most often fancying themself to be erudite, if not encyclopedic in their knowledge, with a certain lockjaw upper crustiness. They are indeed fancy. And we don’t use the word lightly. For Pisces people it is an actionable verb whereby they fancy themselves, art-directing their own personality and, really, they’re very being. They always embody a departure from their roots and they will stay in motion (unless, paradoxically, they isolate and roam around an inner world of their own making instead). It is the belief that they can be anything they want to be and, to look at the feet, again: before we can walk on water we best believe that we can. Science ultimately proves many a belief. Like: all isenergy; and energy can neither be created nor destroyed. So the primordial soup, expressed by Pisces, is all that is and will ever be. Pisces people seem to personify this notion. They are not attached, as a rule, to people places and things; the other side of the paradox of beint the most empathetic of beings. In Sextrologywe joke that Pisces woman, in particular, rely on the kindness of strangers, being embodiment of the Blanche du Bois archetype (she wears della robbia blue which is the color of Mary’s robe); but Pisces people, regardless of gender, are at home with people, among strangers, even as they travel to distant corners of world. They tend to treat everyone equally, which can seem strange to significant others or even their own children. It’s as if they understand the impermanance and eternity of our shared existence.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

D(ouchebag) Day

Gemini 16° (June 6)


Last night was fun and we had a lovely meal but I woke up feeling terribly spooked and I’m not sure why. Or I am. Partly because it’s my father’s birthday and in many ways he was not unlike the orange thing. And I’m feeling as triggered as a millenial watching The Shining. That made no sense but I don’t care (I’ll insert a better example when it occurs to me). I have to stay on top of things it is such a total must. I also do not want to be photographed right now which was the original idea for the shoot. Now that I’ve decided to speak up and bow out, I feel it was the right thing. I don’t think I would feel as comfortable promoting the product via peddling pictures of myself. There is something cringy about it for me certainly but I would imagine also for anyone who is receiving it. Anywig I had a bit of a dark day of the soul and couldn’t quite stay the course as is so required of me right now—I really can’t afford even the slightest slip up right now. And I’m not being unnecessarily hard on my self, trust: I have to have higher not lower expectations of myself right now to get and keep things super on track.

Anyway I shouldn’t be speaking ill of the dead even if they were my tormentors. I didn’t realize how emotional today would get me. And it’s not as if I even miss my dad or anything because basically I don’t. I felt quite relieved actually at his passing some sixteen years ago (it was sixteen years ago). I think why the sudden bursting of emtion and plunging into dark feelings today was the result of thinking just what a total waste the whole thing was, which is was. Why did I have to spend so many years, nearly forty, being treated so harshly. And my sister, from whom I’ve been estranged for thirteen years (when my mother died) always piled on. She was even worse than he was. And recently we worked on our wills which is never a cheery prospect either. But I’ve had to make sure that none of my work, struggle or strife, not to mention any reward, will ever go to that evil being, if she is even still alive. Who knows. I don’t want to know.

So it’s time for a little pep talk: You (meaning me) have to get laser focused and stay very juicy writing this since it’s the only therapy you have going on right now (although you know you need go start a new phase of the actual talking kind). So I have caught up a bit now on the artist front. The next step next week is to start building the website and get information together for the posters and postcards. And I will next week get further into the fundraising as well. So that’s shaping up to be something managable. Meanwhile I’m going  to get myself going on this proposal because it seriously has to happen and be somewhat easy. I need to start writing the actual sample starting the fifteenth of the month which would gaive me a good three weeks to put this together. Meaning: During the course of the next seven days I will have a draft of the proposal proper and I will have read through the bits of the old book that need reading through.

In the meantime there is this bit of project I’m working on which is trying to hone in on some plant imagery per sign, which is kind of slow going but it isn’t a total fail as of yet. It is much more challenging than I thought it would be however…

Wisteria                       Romance

Oak                             Power & Courage

Palm                            Peace

Cherry                         Good Fortune, Love, Romance

Birch                           New Beginnings

Elms                            Intuition and Inner Strength

Redwood                     “Forever” Eternity

Maple                         Balance & Promise

Cedar                           Healing & Cleansing

Japanese Maple          Blessings & Peaceful Retreat

Fir                               Springtime



Apple                          Youth, happiness, health, beauty, magic

Ash                             Sacrifice, sensitivity, Higher awareness

Bamboo                       Spirit, Regeneration, renewal flexibility

Beech                          Tolerance, patience, lightness of spirit and words     GEMINI

Bonsai                         Meditation, harmony, peace all that is good

Birch                           New beginnings, cleansing of the past and vision quests

Cedar                           Healing, protection, cleansing                                     VIRGO

Cypress                      Role of sacrifice

Elder                            New life, renewal and the fairy realm

Elm                              Inner strength, realm of intuition                                CANCER

Eucalyptus                  Wealth abundance fortelling

Fir                               Springtime, fortitue, immortality

Hazel                           Hidden wisdom, dousing, divination, cleansing healing SCORPIO

Heather                       Healing from within, immortality, rites of passage

Holly                           Protection, overcoming anger, winter solstice

Juniper                                    Journeying, staying true to self, integrity       SAGITTARIUS

Maple                         Balance, promise, practical magic

Oak                             Courage, power, might

Olive                           Repair relationships, reward, victory, strength, purification, fruitful

Palm                            Peace, soul-enrichment

Pine                             Reaching for the stars, eternal life

Redwood                     Eternity, ancient wisdom

Sequoia                        Lofty dreams, stretching limits, reaching for starts

Wisteria                       Romance, great and enduring love

Willow                                    Fulfilling wishes of the heart, learning from the past, innervisions




To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Not That Big A Deal

Gemini 15° (June 5)


Reading Virgo Woman chapter of Sextrology, gathering together any and all material I have on her and putting that all into a single file. Then I will be returning to the proposal itself, Wednesday-Friday, tweaking the proposal all the while I’m away. While beginning to process of reading multiple Blagues a day. I should give myself ten days for the proposal and ten days for the sample, from soup to nuts. Part one 16-25; Part Two: 26- July 5. Print it out. Make changes before we leave or tweak while traveling. Two months to go until Festival at that point. Three months, say from, today. [I have to say I don’t recognize the person that wrote all of that] And now that there has been a dimensional shift, I’m here to tell you some fun facts. Like I did fuck all today but go to the beach, cook, have a meeting, go to the dump food shop, run errands and do some shopping and otherwise run three businesses. And honestly it felt so relaxing because I just fielded things. Some days you have to just field things.

I miss Fosse/Verdon. I love class television because it’s good and it is broadcast in your home. Oh, so: iPhotos did something sinister which was to ping me on my laptop tempting me with “memories” and one of them was Paris when I took nude photographs of myself, which wasn’t itself alarming. But what was is how thin I was in 2014. And how I’m so going on a diet right now. Watch me work. But yeah so I got delayed a day. And as this entry started as a to-do list why don’t we take it one step further. Certain things I’d like to say like: Sweetie you have to beam in. But I don’t do it. And if you wait twele hours then sweetie does beam in. We are all on the same page or almost nearly.  I asked my friend D. if she knew J.T. with whom I’ll be sharing a holiday. What once took a digit now takes a mile.

I’m sick to death of all the people I have to say. Watching that asshole at Buckingham Palace, the Brits normalizing this shite. Not having heard back from certain people (friends) what are we supposed to do? Molly coddle them? Fuck it all. I am losing my own shite today to be honest. Seriously finding myself at a crossroad where I can not but suffer a bit. Suffering is a good thing actually. We went for a long beach walk over three miles and I feel physically together. But I still think my nerves are way on edge. I’m hoping to break through certain barriers. We shall see. I’m actually at a loss for words today to be honest. I know it’s important to keep up with this daily but sometimes I just find it so much a chore. I think where I’m at today is sort of giving in or over towhat’s what. For whaterver reason I’m no longer willing to hang on to so much of what defined my existence in the past. Anyway it’s three days hence and I’ve slipped into some sort of emotional miasma these past few days. I’m realy not sure why. I have to work on my own personal sustainability. I got this!

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

A Bit Overblown

Gemini 14° (June 4)


I had been awake awhile before getting out of bed whereupon the clock read 3:13. Oh joy. It’s nigh on 8 now and I have cleaned my office and done some writing and organizing, had breakfast during which, I dunno why, I couldn’t keep a straight face. I’m a little bit obsessed with the early nineteenth century, not enough to start dressing like other people with a similar penchant for that part of the past might do. I should be, by all rights, be sliding into home today, having drafted all twelve Haute Astrology books for next year. I think we will get them on sale in October and say that if you buy 2020 now then you get  the 2019 book, so a quarter year of horoscopes, for free. It’s quite a good idea really. And so is the raffle idea, particularly, for collecting email addresses. And then they are on our mailing list. We can do quite a good promotion.

I was meant to move into the sign of Pisces toay, to chat about it and say something shiny and new, but I’ve yet to do that today and I’m not exactly sure that I actually will, though I hope to. The thing is, as mentioned, I have been up since the middle of the night and I might find that a nap is just what the doctor ordered. Speaking of which I have to go to the dentist today, something I’ve been avoiding. I think I have my first ever cavity and as such I am panicked about getting shot and getting the drill. Most people have experienced this from the time they are very small but I now, at this advanced age of thirty-nine, don’t fancy the notion. I hope I don’t actually have to get it done today because my current mood doesn’t fit such a first experience as this would be. It is just after 10 in the morning and I suppose I can stay awake for the rest of the afternoon and manage to get some more work done. I would like to sit outside, if possible; perhaps I might fall asleep in the Sun—I can’t say I would much mind that. I’m not so sure why I’m feeling so flimsy when it comes to getting certain projects more fimrly on track. I suppose it’s that sort of pathology of completing things.

Oh screw it. I ended up fixing up some Pisces content after all:

In our book Sextrology, the Pisces woman and man chapters are titled The Dreamand The Drifter, respectively, and, of all the individuals on the astrological block, they are best at giving in and/or over to living life on life’s terms. That is to say dissolving into the here and now of their circumstance, if only sometimes treading water, seeking foremost to avoid struggle, all of which requires a great sacrificing of ego. They posses, once again, paradoxically, the greatest potential for transcendence via their power of belief (whatever their particular brand of sublimity might be) and yet they are most challenged to achieve such an end, feeling more lost than the rest of us in the soup of life. Their superpower is to perform magic, if not miracles, which is no easy feat. Still there is something (about the metaphysics of this sign) that compels its natives to let go all expectation (of the how and the when of their successes) while holding firmly to best possibleintention. Pisces’s sign motto is I Believewhich is more than just faith (Capricorn) or conviction (Aquarius); as a mutable sign, which blends the energies of its two previous sign, we thus perceive belief to be such an amalgam of purest faith and truest conviction as to infiltrate the very fabric of reality not forcing, but allowing it to yield Pisces goodly intentions. This is the true meaning of the mutable-water assignation, and of Neptune’s dissolving force:If all we perceive isn’t truly fixed, but fields of energy blending, one into another, than the so-called substance of being is determined by the energy we are, and that which we are putting out there via our belief. If we dissolve the impediments to them—circumstance and limiting thoughts—and we remove the notion of space and time (trusting in inevitability of the manifestion of our belief) that which we belief in, primarily our self, is already coming into being. We, all of us, possess this power. It’s just that, for Pisces people, it is decidedly frontloaded. They more readily give over to the plot of life as it is already happening, like a lucid dreamer must do if s/he would have the dream continue. Any lucid dreamer will tell you that if you try to impose your will on the dream it will dissolve before your mind’s eye). But if you continually give over to the plot of the dream, yourself dissolving into it, you will be taken on an inner journey of phantasmagorical depth and dimension. Such is the desired dynamic of Pisces’s actual existence and their default approach to bringing such a vivid path to life.

Vibrating at a high cosmic level, Pisces people prove this newly invented adage, that: the more accepting one is of what is, the more one may change it into what could be. Acceptance is the gateway to Love on every level. While in this cosmic context of Pisces we aren’t speaking of romantic love, but of the purely spiritual form of Love as, we might agree, the animating force in the Universe. The great primordial goddess of the sea, who emerged from the foam thereof, is Aphrodite (Roman: Venus). Though planet Venus rules Taurus on the earth plane (nymphs and flower god archetype) and Libra on the astral plane (airy Apollo and prophentic high-priestesses) the archetype of Aphrodite-Venus powers the sign of Pisces. We think of her as the goddess of lower-case love and beauty but she was rather demoted to that post upon entering the patriarchal pantheon which struggled to place. We see her in emanation, too, as the wife of  Poseidon-Neptune, Amphitrite, his famed trident originally being her symbol, that of the great triple goddess, as is the shamrock, the lily (Aphrodite’s sacred flower), the fleur de lis. The mother of Poseidon’s two daughters are alternately, dually, attributed to both goddesses. The name Amphitrite means “the third one who circles the sea.” Three points making a circle, the triple god/desses portray the whole of human existence, youth-maturity-age; and speaks, here and now, to Pisces people’s sense of the all of their life, all at once, you might say, their own alpha-omeganess; but also tho being something of an every-wo/man or an empath who can relate to the all of life, including the people in it. Pisces people will gravitate to the strangers in a room at any given gathering. For males of the sign, the trident is the triple phallus, meant to mate with the triple goddess, and thus points, despite his signature unpredictability, to the ability of the god Poseidon (and his human Pisces sons) to be the life-long mate who plays the eternal lover of the maiden, to the mother (of his children) and to the inherent wise woman she becomes. Pisces men can be lifers when it comes to love relationships.

Another name for Aphrodite is called Mari (the sea) and she is thus cognate to Mary, Stella Maris, the star of the sea. Both Aphrodite and Mary have sons, Eros and Jesus, who are embodiments with Love. Eros, which means love, like Jesus, is the eternal babe, yet he is also the oldest, most primordial of the creation gods, just as Jesus is one and the same with the father-creator. Aphrodite and Eros took fish form and we know all about the Jesus fish from certain people’s automobile decoration. All this to say that the philosophical concept of Pisces is thus: That if you were to remove all physical manifestation from the world (which isn’t physical but energetic or spiritual anyway) what is behind it all, the very backdrop of existence, is, essentially Love. And someone once supposedly said something like: blessed are those who believe without seeing.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Kitchen Twine

Gemini 13° (June 3)


I have been overthinking about my performance heroes which do include Spaulding Grey and Eric Bagosian. That’s really what I’m going for. I’d like to put together a whole bunch of writing and just sit in a chair until I felt like getting up. That’s my idea of performance. I don’t get a lot of what I see. But that’s just me. Anyway, I’ve said it before but it’s on the list of life challenges I’ve yet to meet; but I gotta say, for the first time probably ever I can say: that I’m definitely there. Believe me it isn’t a boast I would readily make if such a boast could be. Forty five to go. It’s six weeks basically and I’m feeling confident about it. I am looking so forward, too, to swimming in a warm pool. I might figure out how to do just that on Saturday as well. Yes that is what I will do I will find a pool to go to and just stay in it. Harkens me back to glorious times on the roof of the Printing House—how I loved taking jacuzzis with the likes of Robert Sean Leonard. What ever happened to him? He’s like a younger JCM in so many ways.

I think Libra people really let other people have it, which sounds bad; but, more times than not, they do call out others on their worst stuff—they shine a light on it, draw it to the surface, into the light, they expose others, provide disinfectant. Of course she’s a Libra: Judge Judy is like the funnest example we have of this. It’s a good way to think about it given the sign’s association with light (August Lumière), the abstract image “the personality” as a snapshot, a projection. Anyway just another passing thought. Also if a Libra is finding any one of the infinite relationships they have to be lop-sided, unequally reciprocating, they are not above saying so. Justice isn’t blind, it’s bitchy. People of the sign would do well to let some things go, if only for the fact that it often creates more upset for the Libra to be that long arm of the law than it does for the target of Libra’s rebuke. I myself have regretted the severity with which I have censured people in this situation. I have too strong and cutting a way with words and it is probably my most prominent character flaw. So I like to take my life experience and make it general fodder for a Libra chapter in some book. And there’s nothing wrong with that.

The fact is I might have gotten all I could get onto paper right now. Not to say I won’t keep delivering even as I get ready for my afternoon meeting. I’m looking forward to it I think. Well I’m definitely into the project we are currently working, which actually launches in under three weeks. What fun that is going to be. I really want to promote the pooh out of it. And do all we can to proliferate the entire enterprise. I would love it if they would take off in all different ways and when I say they I mean the product. There’s a clue…the meeting went quite well and yet we have to pull back on some things like photo shoots; but I have my eyes and ears open for other creative possibilities. The point is to be as creative (prolific) as possible; it is the creation of the thing. All very Leo (followed by critical Virgo which may improve upon the pure output of Leo). The sheer proliferation of Leo (that is a nice phrase). The path of proliferation? Perhaps not. At this point I have written three chunky enough paragraphs to tie this thing off and call it a Blague.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

And Good Thing

Gemini 12° (June 2)
Starting today I am to read a set number of installments a day. A month basically covers a year. So it will entail about six months which is fine and great for mining. It will take me There is a lot of New Book to mine as well as creative ideas for performance and so forth to catalog. And it must be done. It’s a strange feeling to be ones own resource, but I have been cranking out content nonstop for the last four and a half years, plus all the paid-for work I’ve done, or writng as collateral for my various projets. It’s a wonder I don’t have carpal tunnel or whatever. Anyway…Wanted a movie to space out and probably fall asleep to. Figured Book Club would do the trick. It’s terrible but fascinating. All the creative and producing credits are pretty much men, most notably the writer. Diane Keaton’s character alone (once again the ironic ingenue with a neckerchief fetish) apologizes to the “man” she meets, beginning pretty much every sentence with “i’m sorry,” I suppose, mainly, for being “inept” and “kooky” and “clumsy” and “naive” and….stop me or I’m going to be sick. I understand taking parts and making a buck but how much money does a person need? And why make such schlock as to set women back seventy years at least. I never fell asleep by the way because the above rant was just the tip of the iceberg. The only worse thing one can watch is Wine Country which is just turn-it-off bad. Okay that’s it for me today. Gumby is meeting the Queen. Whatever.

If Trump is Gumby that makes Pence Pokey. And you know what that means.


Anyway some more cosmic thoughts about the Waterbearer…

Aquarius is all about drawing back the veil on everything, exposing realities heretofore unbeknownst to us, that is what revelation is: the revealing of that which has been true all along. What is social or cultural evolution but the discovery of natural facts that inform our own invention subsequent innovation. If we wish to fly a plane it should be designed on a bird, or the helicopter, the dragon fly. Revelations are sudden and sweeping. They are the dawning of immutable notions that ultimately alter the course of our life. Aha’s happen in a moment and we newly navigate from there, sudden revelations being quite like biological mutations in this dynamic.

Making a seemingly sharp turn: the sign of Aquarius rules the ankles. Now guess which human body part among the most recent evolutionarily? Yep. As we were raised upright, the ankle went through an accelerated reinvention, which is why, you see, it’s also among the most fragile parts of us. Fragility is thus an element of the Aquarian spirit which you will readily agree with in light of those of the sign in your lives. They are in this way extreme: Of all of us they are the most solid in their convinctions, indeed synonomous with them, living, like a devout follower, or more likely the guru or cult leader, navigating life according to strict and typically lofty, radical and sweeping ideologies, if only personal ones; and yet they are the first to crumble if you say boo to contradict them. They are all too quick, Aquarian men, especially, to take any form of criticism or contradiction as outright persecution. Things become very heightened for these children of the heavens.

Now, we’ve spoken of the sky god Uranus but what of his mother-wife, Gaia, the personification of the Earth itself, also a Waterbearer, the planet being three-quarters covered (not to mention ice caps, glaciers, ubiquitous moisture and the vapor-filled air—clouds, too, bear water)? Gaia is a primordial goddess, second only to Chaos; she is the great- (great) grand mother goddess who bore the Titans who in turn bore the Olympians and their reigning progeny. (Note: the Sagittarian archetypes are Olympian, followed by Capricornian’s Titan archetypes, and now we are one more time removed a generation in Aquarius with its archetypes.) And with Gaia as mother to Uranus she is once more removed herself. This speaks to the difference in personality between men and women of the sign, too. Aquarius man, as befits his sky-god assignation, can be equal parts distant and utterly imposing, whereas Aquarius woman who is probably more detached a personality, still, is more lovingly so.

They are universal mothers in the sense that, though they may rise to guru status like their male counterparts, they are seen as nurturing, indeed mothering forces. But make no mistake: the likes of Aquarians Oprah and Ellen are charismatic cult leaders just the same. Regardless of gender of which there may be many—this is among the least binary of signs—Aquarians are the most impersonal of folk. They divest emotion generally, universally, and what they lack in intimacy they make up for in multiplicity, knowing a great many people whom they treat rather equally. They make the most affable acquaintances while showing little more affection in their otherwise closest bonds.

            Aquarius rules the ages 70-77 which, at least metaphorically, may coincide with a certain second childhood—an ironic correlation perhaps to the renewal energy of the cupbearer doling out eternal youth. Following the 10th house of individual career achievement, status and standing, the 11th house is where we use that sway for universal benefit. It is the world stage, vast networking, large groups and organization and the affecting of positive change via sweeping platforms. You might say we see a return to a sort of free-form, wide-scale adult-kindergarten where focus is on collaboration and sharing. Someone said “unless you become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven,” that fixed, airy paradise Aquarius seeks to establish here on earth.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Other Wise

Gemini 11° (June 1)


Got into bed at a ridiculously early hour. And the day ended with me already breaking my self-pact to wait another week to party a bit. Oh well. It is just one night this week and I wouldn’t exactly call organic, biodynamic red wine a drug. But it definitely took the edge off and I was ready for that. Besides I made a lovely halibut with a lime beurre blanc (only it was rouge cuz I used the only above-mentioned wine in the house) and some greenbeans with oregano. So delicious. We’d been having TV nights and it was getting a bit boring so we stayed up a little later than usual and lit a fire and chatted and played music and got ’round the piano a bit. And I did get a bit of writing in so that’s good news:

Even the fact that Uranus is named for the Greek god of the Universe, while all the other planets bear the Roman versions of their mythic namesakes, suggest something of a departure from the norm that characterizes the sign of Aquarius. Uranus, meaning sky or heaven, has many a debatable and probably composite etymology. We derive the modern word urine from the name, and most root words have watery origins and associations, like “to moisten”—it is said that Aphrodite emerged from the sea fertilized by Uranus’ castrated bits (Saturn struck him down just as he was later struck down by his own usurping son, replacing him as chief god). Uranus is associated specifically with dew, which parallels the Aquarius female archetype of, among others, the goddess of the dawn. Ruled by this starry god the universe, and placed opposite Leo (ruled by the Sun) on the astrological wheel, Aquarius is associated with other, distant suns, a single star, if not the infinitely sparkled heavens filled with countless ones. In the Tarot, the Star card depicts the astrological Water Bearer; but Aquarius isn’t a water sign but the sole fixed-air sign, again a point of light if not a billion of them. Air signs are ideological, and so fixed-air translates to a steady beacon, immutable fact, upper-case Truth and conviction. The sign’s motto is the very definite I knowand, as a rule, Aquarians are emphatic and insistent in their intellectual viewpoints despite the fact that they are often a lone voice in the wildnerness, the proverbial weirdo who is really just ahead of their time. That biblical Water Bearer, John the Baptist, lives outside of societal norms, going out on a limb to deliver his fixed-air version of the truth, the good news, speaking of what (and who) is to come, bidding others “prepare ye the way” for some sudden and sweeping change. And  in so doing, Aquarians do lose their head a bit in the expression of their zeal.

In classical mythology, the female cup bearer, Hebe, pours the nectar that restores gods’ youthful immortality (just as John the Baptist bears baptismal waters offering everlasting life). Hebe (the maiden form of Hera) is wedded to Heracles, a mortal, who elevates to a god via their union; the name Heracles means beloved of Hera. This makes her a descending goddess, one designed to elevate the mortal experience. Likewise, Eos, the goddess of the dawn, also falls in love with a mortal, and, again we again have reference to the dew, one of the interpretation of the name Uranus. In a sense, the dawn which brings the dew, is a water bearer itself. The goddess of the rainbow Iris, who also carried a pitcher of water/nectar (and sometimes doubles for Hebe) is the messenger of Hera and, like the other descending goddesses, is the link between the divine world and that of we mere mortals. Back to the bible: Salome, the female counterpart to John the Baptist, with her seven colored veils isthe rainbow goddess, her striptease is the drawing away the veil, inviting us over the rainbow bridge, just like Iris, drawing us upward to the heavens, yet another interpretation of the that fixedplace in the air.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Body Electric

Gemini 10° (May 31)

Today is Walt Whitman’s Birthday Walt Whitman is a Gemini. So is the circus peanut. If you want to grasp the duality of the sign ponder that. On Whitman’s birthday we are reminded of the divine glory in what we all too often consider mere existence, a perception made all the more difficult by a tangerine demon who seeks to destroy every moment of the daily love and celebration we should feel just being alive. We must take up the better angelic, swift sword of righteousness and disallow the diabolical creatures to drag us down any longer. We are not powerless. We are the majority and goodness shall prevail but not without a fight. Take a stand, make a move; don’t stew like a slowly boiled frog. Don’t kid yourself into complacency. Be vigilant and be kind and be strong. Start by ridding yourself of your own indecencies. Make amends to those you’ve wronged. Free yourself from the bonds of even a glint of darkness. Ready yourself for the moral, mortal battle of the ages being waged in the human heart.

Today’s Forecast is No You Better Didn’t with a 99% chance of Karma Goin’t Bite Yo Ass. That’s the way I’m looking at it anyway. I have cleared the path (I hope), swept my side of the street. Sometimes it takes clarifying something from the past that isn’t sitting right. Not always making amends but also giving others the opportunity to do likewise—whether or not they feel they owe it is on them—as I take a rather medieval approach to this sort of thing. (sitting on a horse in armor) “I hereby offer you this mercy to clear your conscience and in so doing receive my forgiveness in the name of all that is holy divine.” I just did that in case you were wondering. Otherwise forever hold your peace sort of thing. And I just get tired of letting things slide, if you know what I mean and why wouldn’t you?

We spent the afternoon strolling Provincetown as it just looked too dodgy and cold to go for our beach walk. And we ran into just about everyone we could synchronistically see. It was fairly life affirming and a good reminder that there are so many friendships and blendships there for us. We ended up walking about five miles which makes sense as Commercial Street is three miles long and we didn’t go quite to either end but just about. Grabbed a dozen shrimp and sort of wung it and they definitely came out delish—just some lime, chili flakes, fresh minced garlic, salt and pepper—and we served it on Caesar. Nothing wrong with that. We had a mocktail of watermelon juice to start. For the past couple nights someone (not me) has been falling asleep to Victor Victoria but never getting that much further along than, say, twenty minutes. Last night we did get to nearly three quarters the way through. I now have seen it six and a half times at least in the past several days. It’s faggy Friday when we always watch something super fagged out. Tomorrow, Saturday, is Subtitle Saturday when we watch foreign films or TV shows.

Okay I am forging ahead and going to do a little timed writing on the Aquarius experience:

Following Capricorn, the cardinal-earthsign, which correlates, among other things, to the old-guard and the edification of tradition, comes the eleventh sign of Aquarius, breaking through what has come before with explosive energy. Aquarius, fixed-air, is about the establishment of new orders, air signifying the world of ideas, sets of ideals, as well as social ideology. The signis associated with all things revolutionary and evolutionary, the sweeping in of new waves and epochs, new concepts, paradigms and constructs. The sign symbol depicts two waves, air-waves, new waves of frequency to which we are all are colletively attuning. The sign’s ruler, Uranus, is the deemed “the awakener,” and its cosmic force is sudden and sweeping. Named for the god of the universe it points to our collective consciousness and, well, univerality—the eleventh astrological house rules large groups and organizations such as would usher in sweeping new modes of thinking. This is also, among many other attriubtes, the astrological house of the future—all that is new to explore, and what uncharted territory, metaphysical or otherwise, into which one can boldly go forth. How better do we represent the future and that which is still left to explore by us but by the concept of infinite outer space, itself, that which the sky-god Uranus personifies in mythology. The fact that Aquarius people are known to be far out or freaky is more than pop-astrology, it speaks to the future energy of the sign.

Uranus signals divergence from the norm, in keeping with its revolutionary power. Now think of it biologically: What is a sudden mutation but an oddity in the present which nonetheless will become the mainstay of the future. It is a glimpse of what is to come. Diversity, all too often a dirty word to conventional thinking and society, is actually the most crucial aspect of the survival of any species. The mutation ultimately  becomes the mainstay. And so if you want to know what the general norm of the human personality will Look like down the line in our history, look to your Aquarian friends and family and they will give you some idea. Shocking isn’t it? Well, shockis that sudden sweepingness of the new. And who knew that Darwinism was thus encoded into this most ancient Zodiac—those crazy Chaldeans! Of course Chrlie himself was born under this most evolutionarily minded sign along with other light-bulb heads like Galileo, Thomas Edison, Copernicus and H.G. Wells who could never have predicted that his steam-punk sensibility might still be trendy into the twenty-first century. Or maybe he did. The male and female Aquarian chapters in our book Sextrologyare titled The Visitorand The Vision, respectively. Taken together they speak to the alien(ated) quality of the sign, as if they are visitors from outer time-space, and to the revelatory energy of the sign, both in their own epiphanous experience as well as that very same effect they can have on others.



To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox


Gemini 9° (May 30)


Something I had to write today somewhat redacted:

HeavilyTo view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox


Gemini 8° (May 29)


Wonderful day. Gummies in the wee hour when I awoke sent me into Nirvana sleep. I rose later in the morning in this sort of sleepy state I haven’t felt since I was in the summer of my fifth year when all I had to look forward to in the waxing morn was to going to day camp. I ran away from day camp often but I don’t think it was because I didn’t like it…?…necessarily. I also dreamed I wrote some text with multiple double negatives which were hard to follow and we laughed about that. Attemped a walk on the ocean side as it was so sunny at the house but as we drove to the beach it was all clouds and it was absolutely freezing and damp and people were leaving the beach like refugees. So we headed over to the bayside instead and had quite a lovely stroll and managed to do over three miles in the end, anyway. It’s a much easier walk so not as good for the glutes but…anyway…

The final Wednesday morning watching the previous evening’s Fosse Verdon which is probably the best mini series ever to be produced for television. Sam Rockwell is fantastic but can’t hold a candle to Michelle Williams which is kind of perfect given the theme of Fosse forever overshadowing Verdon. I read somewhere they might bring it back but that just seems impossible given the full circleness of the ending et al. It was a perfect gem as is anyway. The way Michelle/Gwen said Bob was the way every woman of that era seemed to say Bob, which was with a sort of jovial contempt. The character she put over seemed the 1970s Everywoman to the max. It was actually at times even a bit painful to watch because it so directly evolked long buried feelings associated with my early seventies childhood, mainly, of single-digit age.

I wonder how much of my pain is referred pain. I mean it literally but as I type this I see the metphor involved. I am on call today for clients and will speak with one in particular. It’s funny because when I do experience certain (real) it might be when I’ve taken some oils or something medicinal. It’s like the medicine reveals the something there, instead of dulling the pain more precisely pinpointing where it’s stemming from so in a sense making it worse and yet isolating it as if to point out to me the spot(s) where I should be focusing my breathing and meditation, creating that kind of pain that at least gives you the sense of potential healing, a subject, in astrology, expecially, that is always so paradoxical. And I do welcome the direction even pain might give me.

Besides writing some solo work; separate from acting in a play, I do think it could be interesting to study screenwriting. Something tells me it’s a skill set I could aim to secure. In thinking about WOW or any creative writing work, prose in particular, in can be to varying degrees helpful to consider the whole world of the thing. Something Leo’s are particularly good at I would also like to be a botanist “to co-create with god”…Harry Potter is a world as well as a single character. And we are once again back at the A of a Y. I really multi-dutying here but that’s okay too.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

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