Month: May 2020 (page 3 of 3)

And So It Goes

Taurus 19° (May 8)


We worked all day yesterday. It was sunny and cold. I can buy my beach sticker online. They don’t make it super easy but that’s fine I will figure it out. Which I did. Went shopping in Orleans, sombitch with her mask around her chin taking up an entire aisle of the store, talking on her cellphone, nobody who was observing distancing could get past her. I said you know you have to put your mask on—it is written clear as day that customers must wear their masks—and she held a finger to her mouth and told me to shush. Let us see how well you know me. Dag, let’s do that: Do you think I stood their quietly or did I rip her a new one? My alignment feels like the characters after they fall down a flight of stairs. It’s funny sometimes how you think of a word you’ve never used before, not really knowing its meaning, but you somehow gleaned it and find it meant what you thought. Know what I mean? It’s cloudy today and if it were only slightly warmer it would be one of my favorite kinds of days at the beach, warm and maybe a bit foggy. I love that. Anyway, I finished next year’s horoscope books, like done. Now all I need do is bring home the branding project by Monday and then I am single focused on the big book project due for delivery next year. I’m really psyched about it. I have a magic plan don’t you know.

So that will be the linear through line and then there will be the other work to round it all out. And on that score I can think of a couple of categories. One of which would be Filling In. That is to say getting things done that might have been done long ago, that fills in empty spaces in our plan. Like beefing up the mailing list and followers. Like our Wikipedia page. Like getting a good voice activated program going. Like going over the collection. Going over the biz plan. Filling in the gaps, girl. Then there is the setting up: Conceptualizing sidebars along the way, definitely putting a festival together falls into this category. Then, third category would be clearing out. And for me that dovetails with creating a sacred art and performance space, you guessed it, on premises. If those kinds of things could swirl around my main task at hand, added to which will be clients and exercise and the making of meals, I think it might be possible to make this shizz sizzle. I would be working remotely at some point later in the year. These musings are really helpful in getting my head around big picture stuff. The rest is really about the details, but anyway, I have a good starter kit here for conversations with S. You guys, this is going to be a really big year.

The following blocks of texs are exceprts from my first year of  Blagues, nos. 241-245  I am reading through all my Blagues, five per day, and posting some samples here. Now, in my sixth year of writing this Blague, but the time I get to my seventh, I will have through all the daily Blagues of my first five years. If that’s confusing I apologize:

Wherever you or I take a stand against the traditional tide, we know there will be consequences. At the very least we will be labelled a subversive—ah, now that’s a Scorpio word we can hang our hat on. Whether as conscientious objector, rebel or revolutionary, we will be spurned and outlawed. Robin Hood is the perfect example of the Gemini-Scorpio construct and, if you’ve read your Sextrology, you’d know that he is a prime Gemini male archetype, a mercurial character akin to Puck, Peter Pan, Jack Sparrow or other such flighty (winged) men in green tights. He saw injustice and went underground, the Geminian spirit being rebellious and rogue and ringleading. But Scorpio deepens that underground element. We aren’t swinging around on principles; we are dissenting from a deeply spiritual place whereby we are prepared to make the ultimate surrender of our ego-less nature and sacrifice our self to the cause, knowing, that we shall make the force of that resistence all the stronger. This is some serious Obi Wan shit.

All powerful society finds it isn’t so when faced with individuals who are prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice. And really, isn’t the soldier already prepared to do that for the society bent on war? So, is this simply not a shift in sacrifice to Peace instead. Peace and personal liberty. Because even the society, to which the soldier is in endentured service, cannot lay claim to his soul-conscience, which is ever free. We are always free so long as we have slain our ego and fear of some terrible consequence (death?) which awaits us beyond the velvet veiled chamber of Persephone enthroned in Pluto’s undercastle. We are always free to follow our conscience wherever it leads. If it leads to dire consequence that shall only serve to solidify the bonds of fellow like minds yet living. Scorpio is always about merger, solidarity—its fixed-water assignation is a crystalization of feeling, desire. True desire, to my mind, is a divine principality deep within us; real estate owned by the All that has a stake in us from whence it can work its magical goodness. Why else would we feel conflict within ourselves—our worldly want to be safe and survive can often be in conflict with this greater divine calling of desire/destiny; the Gemini twins are one mortal one divine, the ultimate duality between what will save my temporal skin and what will serve our eternal soul.

We can, all of us, at every moment express our true individuality by living in that principality of true desire, that which is the goodness of the Universe seeking Peace, pressing on our conscience to, simply, do the next right thing.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365/6 days per year—so they nearly, but not exactly, correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2020 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2020 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Orange Antichrist

Taurus 18° (May 7)


Look all I can do is the best I can. And happily there are past postings to paste here below. There has been such a dearth of them in recent days, which is okay. I am willing to write big postings even as I set it up this year: that I would read five old Blague entries a day and cut and paste bits that were more of a personal nature, while not pasting in things that were strictly about the Sabian Symbols (which only make up the first year of five previous years). I’m just about a month away from reading through year one. After which time, I suspect I will be pasting in quite a lot and only writing small intros, like this one, as my focus will be on writing a new book, some bits and bobs of which I will likely also post in here. But I cannot do double duty for the most part this year (and when I say this year I mean this new astrological year, which began with the sign of Aries, in March). So that’s it. Unless I think of something else to say later today.

The following blocks of texs are exceprts from my first year of  Blagues, nos. 236-240  I am reading through all my Blagues, five per day, and posting some samples here. Now, in my sixth year of writing this Blague, but the time I get to my seventh, I will have through all the daily Blagues of my first five years. If that’s confusing I apologize:

When we make such a connection, “Uhura, open a channel,” we become a conduit for transmission. Now the first thing we think of is that the information is flowing from the divine (within or on high) through us into the seen world. Remember Scorpio rules the unseen. But maybe this is a two way street? The notion that we beings embody the consciousness through which the Universe might perceive itself? Ah. Now that just sounds a bit spooky doesn’t it. For we just then seem like upward-standing moveable hairs, sensors, on one little planet, feelers via which a blind inner unseen and unseeing universe might have some notion of itself. Makes you feel almost a bit used, doesn’t it. And yet it connotes that we are not separate from the Universe—and, really how can we be. Grow up. Still, let’s go back to the one-way street notion of creativity working through us, information working through us, genius working through us, our being a means of transmission from the inside out. Could it be that we possess this power of channelship? I know my answer to that. Could it be that people who, in their astrological charts, have this particular degree of Scorpio accessessed or highlighted in this way, have more more potential in this area? I dunno, but I’m going to keep on eye on that. Just as I’m going to keep an eye on all 360° of the zodiac and add this Sabian Symbol wisdom into my practice with clients.

I do believe we all have the capacity to transmit transcendental knowledge. And that the person who lives in a sustained state of Faith has more capacity than others. I do believe that there is knowledge and wisdom that transcends our normal, organic, brain capacity for understanding it. That’s why it’s called transcendental. Those who learn to still their minds surely have more capacity to hear the utterances of the All because, hello, they are listening. This is how superhuman realizations come to be. This is why DaVinci or Einstein could “come up” with things just be staring at a wall. Because they weren’t just staring. They were channeling, my people. Godz isn’t watching us from a distance—godz is watching through us from inside and yes godz is talking a mile a minute. [The invention of this new word godz to refer, lower-casedly, to the divine as both singular entity and plural pantheon just happened here] I believe the best poetry, especially, is channeled. Songs. Physics. Math. Chemistry. Comedy. Choreography. Invention. Philosophy. Puppet shows. All of it. The genius depends on how far out of the way you can get this divine expression happening through youz.

Can you shut the ef up and listen? On the other hand, I know, I have friends and colleagues and clients who feel they are too open a channel. My question to you is: Can you discriminate. Either way you have to allow, without fear, and in full Faith. There is nothing abnormal nor is there anything sinister in being an open channel. Fear of being too open is still anathema to Faith which you must go full into; there may be a glut of divine conversation you’re blocking and, at first, you may be flooded when you release into Faith. But soon that flood will become a flow, and sometimes a trickle—the trick is to express what you’re hearing as much as you can when those floodgates open. I know, I’ve been there. It can seem overwhelming, but you can literally work it out. And don’t be confused by what is the ego pretending its been surrendered acting like the divine voice. That is the real trickster. Just as the ego-mind would sometimes have you believe you are the source of true genius, it will also pretend to be the true divine source and that can be confusing. That means you need even sharper skills of discrimination. You truly do know when it is you are the means and when you are the end. When you are truly channeling higher intelligence(s), you might feel happily overwhelmed and unable to record all you’re “hearing”. When it is your ego pretending to be that higher voice, you will feel frustrated, forced, edgy, alone and maybe afraid. The one thing that a truly open channel will learn ya: You are not alone.


Our Taurus friend Andre Gregory in My Dinner With Andre, describes this ritual happening (in the Hamptons no less) whilst he also explores the imagery, meaning and archetype of the Minotaur. (We told him: You can’t escape your archetype, Andre!)

Ah but the courage it takes to step into the darkness. I remember, nigh on my confirmation into the Catholic Church, how we and fellow initiates were whisked away for a day (or overnight?) to some Catholic retreat place—there’s a name for these places you often see on hills as you whizz by on a highway, but I can’t remember what they’re called. Anyway, I remember being led, blindfolded, through the darkness of this place’s basement along with other sweaty adolescents full of trepidation and utter boredom; and I suppose it must be a vestige left over from some pre-christian original Eleusian ritual; although, even if I had there wherewithall, I doubt the robed Franciscan brothers guiding me through the gauntlet would have appreciated my interpretation that we were inside the great mother goddesses’ mystical box. Something tells me, however, that, if I could go back in time, my saying so to Brother Whosit would inspire just the right kind of fear that might have been associated with the once ritual death and rebirth ritual of the Elusians. Because really, that’s what we are talking about here.

When it comes to actual sex one might say a man can find rebirth and regeneration in the offspring he might find conceived by that great, receptive female. Metaphorically, the true mystic comes to realize, in facing death, that it is only fear that is killed and that he is reborn as a new self that is fully unified with the power of the divine feminine, “the woman within.” Now we may all know many a man whose woman within has been without much of the time; but we aren’t talking about any other form of transformation (another key Scorpion world) that which is had by the endowment of spiritual, mystical power. We can entertain the notion of transcending death; but can we live the concept fully. Can we understand that we are going to be here for all time; and that means all of our actions, and even our thoughts, will constantly, ultimately catch up with us. The Libra, with her Scales, weighs the consciousness of each of us, the emblem of what is Karmic law; but Scorpio delivers the verdict—it is Persephone who decides your Fate based on the life you lived. You make your own heaven or hell. And you’re going to have to live with it for the rest of eternity. So go ahead, make your next move. The spider is watching and waiting.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365/6 days per year—so they nearly, but not exactly, correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2020 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2020 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Me Time

Taurus 17° (May 6)

I woke up from the weirdest, most sordid dreams. They are all like that. Like drunk dreams. I was having this bizarre threesome, no wait it was a foursome, or rather two two-somes—me and this blond girl/woman, and this gay male couple I know were also having sex on the same bad, although I don’t think there was overlap. Oops, yes there was, I just remembered. Sheesh. I typically don’t have these sorts of sexual reveries and I have to say it wasn’t a pleasurable experience. Again, it all just felt wrong and compulsive and not at all wholesome. Anyway, let’s leave that subject. I will throw down some coffee and munch a bit of yoghurt and then take the car in to be serviced. The stroll back will do me some good. The first thing I saw when I stepped out this morning was a bunch of golden finches, like seven or eight of them, all in a fury, chasing each other and squeaking madly as they do. S. was just going to start an online yoga class and I told her about the finches and then did the car thing and came back and started cooking. She finished and told me class ended with the teacher reading a Mary Oliver poem that mentioned a group of golden finches singing “in this broken world.” Chills. How cool is that? I am just here floating around. I am getting administration done but that’s really about it. It’s nigh on one o’clock and I will end this day, hopefully, by six. It is the last night before the marathon thirty days of Bikram and other healthful goals and I am pretty happy about that I must say. The time has come. I have to begin impressing myself more and more first and foremost. It is the moment to begin this love affair with self.

 A line like “there is no time like the present; that’s why they call it a gift.” I am much more naturally funny when I’m in a wholesome place. I am very happy to have this day and this night. I am feeling incredibly grateful for it all. I need to pace myself and give myself time and space to recover. It will be all summer I think. I want to be able to go here and there and I think I should remove all obstacles to doing that. People who are sheltering in place are making up the majority of new infections. I don’t understand why that is but thems the facts. I was thinking how freeing it would be to name all the people with whom I have dead ends, simply to illustrate the fact that they aren’t as numerous as I suspected. They are A.D., X.S., L.R., D.M., J.D., B.H., R.M., D.D., A.S., M.S. (E.H.) and maybe J.P. That isn’t that bad considering I know thousands of people. I dare say that was quite a freeing exercise. I seem to make things work for myself in my head. And the thing is that half if not all of these people should be ashamed of their bad behavior—it truly has nothing to do with me. As I survey this list I can’t help but think things like: crazy, narcissist, mean, mentally ill, alcoholic, drug addict, liar, sychophant, gaslighter, backstabbing and any number of negative assignations. I really can’t get over how freeing that felt. I am guilty of guilting myself. But when I look at this list of folks all together it is clear that these people are creeps for the most part. And my whole life is about helping people work through their issues—that is the mainstay of my actual profession. And with my non-profit endeavors, too, all I want to do is help artists develop their work and skill. That is something of which I am very proud. I even posted something rather self-celebratory (I never do that) on social media. I feel empowered today even though my circumstances haven’t changed an iota.


The following blocks of texs are exceprts from my first year of  Blagues, nos. 231-235  I am reading through all my Blagues, five per day, and posting some samples here. Now, in my sixth year of writing this Blague, but the time I get to my seventh, I will have through all the daily Blagues of my first five years. If that’s confusing I apologize:

There was nothing to post by way of past excerpts today, sadly.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365/6 days per year—so they nearly, but not exactly, correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2020 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2020 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox


Taurus 16° (May 5)


We had a lovely dinner last evening of roasted cauliflower steaks with sautéed brussel sprouts and turkey bacon with a side of quinoa with scallion and herbs. Ended up watching a lovely documentary called A Secret Love about this lesbian couple go get married in their late eighties after nearly seventy years together. I slept okay but not great. My dreams are so dark and fraught with guilt which I must address. I think it’s the isolation surfacing some stuff. I felt the urge to write someone with whom it ended badly just to sweep something off my side of the street. We have a full day with clients today and I want to be really present, so I will work on that. I am prepping a roasted red, yellow and orange pepper soup for lunch and dinner with be easy, leftover chicken and an arugula salad. Easy peasy. I may brave the shops and get some celery in at least. I’m none too worried about it. I have a marathon day tomorrow, reading and editing about eight or nine books which means about ten hours of reading, which can be relaxing if I let it, and then Thursday and Friday I will finish up with the branding project and then it is on to all new things for the rest of the year. I still have to figure out if there is going to be a festival this year or not. I suppose I need to reach out and touch the venue once again. I did that and put another word into the ferry service and also contacted the hotel. It is just a matter now of writing the sponsors. The whole thing makes me feel out of body, actually. I am going to speak to my two clients and then knock off early. I am feeling very locked up physically and we will go for a long-ish beach walk on the bayside of Truro later. So lucky to be able to do such things. I fear for what is going to happen here in terms of this virus. Moment to moment is the only way to proceed.

Watched this documentary of Darrell Hammond. Jeejshush. The guy went through terrible trauma in his life, so much so that it triggered my own just watching it. It’s called Cracked Up and I do highly recommend it. I made some mashed celeriac with scallion to go with dinner an rejigged the pantry to eek out as many meals in advance of shopping on Friday. I managed to get us through a good two weeks, making delicious dishes in the process. I will be focusing on my comedy and poetry in equal measure for the next couple of weeks. The rest is gravy. I want gravy now. Dammit. I did manage to score something real and it’s been quite calming to say the least. It feels rather cold, still; and my energy is at a minimum. I will get to where I’m going. I get excited when I think about making art in the basement and going through all the belongings; we just need to continue to feel safe and proceed accordingly. As we cannot truly connect with others in real time, our defenses are down and we seem to be reaching out more to even more peripheral characters than usual. With autocorrect I don’t need to use my brain figuring out what might or might not be typos any more. I scheduled a primary care appointment. I was unable to reschedule I certain procedure I’m meant to have. I did speak with the lovely ferry lady and we shall see what we shall see. I truly want to dissolve more into this experience. If I have to put up with it I might as well totally surrender. I need to get some serious food in the house on this trip. Maybe enough to last three weeks this time. June should be sort of okay. I don’t know what to expect come July. There must be some clever way to cope with this season here in tourist land.

The following blocks of texs are exceprts from my first year of  Blagues, nos. 226-230  I am reading through all my Blagues, five per day, and posting some samples here. Now, in my sixth year of writing this Blague, but the time I get to my seventh, I will have through all the daily Blagues of my first five years. If that’s confusing I apologize:

We have just returned from a reunion of sorts pinioned to a belated birthday party thrown by a dear friend of ours who ended up becoming the most popular children’s book writer of all time. The year was 1985 and Stella and I had moved back to France, having studied there just two years before—we have been traveling in Europe this past five weeks during which time I actually saw my “French family” whom S and I hadn’t seen since we waved goodbye to them in the Spring of 1984 (hand over mumbling mouth) years ago. A Dutch friend who had been with us that junior year abroad in Grenoble was in Paris in 1985 when we moved back to France. She was staying with this German girl called Susanne and we immediately became fast friends with her and around us formed a little rag-tag group of would-bes with whom we remained tight all these many years. In addition to the one of us who went on to write those books, Susanne became the fashion director of Selfridges and Harrods, our friend Jaqueline (whose boyfriend Laurence visited every other weekend) became the Llewelyn-Bowens who are household names in Britain and some of us weren’t so lucky to survive until this birthday cum wee reuninon in Scotland we attended this past weekend. So you will understand my now jaded surprise at today’s oracle being: A Fellowship Supper Reunites Old Comrades.

We are staying with our dearest friends in the world, whom we know through connection with the aforementioned primary fellowship. Though our dearest friends all seem to live in the UK or Europe, we don’t have the benefit of constancy and must make concerted effort to keep the fires of friendship burning. And yet not: as, though all relationships (other than parent to child) must be conditional, there is a decidedly unconditional element to these particular relationships. Nobody is perfect nor should they get away with untoward behavior or attitudes—there are differences in political and religious and social ideology which are nonetheless easily transcended through the mutual bond. I think the shadow side of this particular dynamic is that of cliques or, in the extreme, cults. I know a lot of cliqueish Scorpio people—that is certain. Indeed, as a personality type, people of the sign do stick to a certain tribe. It’s where we see the emotionality that they might otherwise mask. Fitting that this symbol is ruled by Cancer in a twelve-fold sequence as that sign deals with the family you come from and the one you create for yourself. And, of course, it’s hinged on nurture and emotionality and one’s private life. Shared experience, even if brief, that happens at a particular time in ones life, or is of such import, is the glue that sticks us together and we do become a family centered around that experience. Like trauma, we might not know the full import of the experience as it is being impressed on our root (sub) consciousness—it’s only over time do we realize how pivotal it is.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365/6 days per year—so they nearly, but not exactly, correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2020 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2020 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

A Peace Of My Mind

Taurus 15° (May 4)


It’s Monday. May the Forthe be with you. George Lucas is a Taurus. I’m going to take ten minutes now just to get this day going, not sure what the content of it will entail. I am everywhere. I am in my past with the people I grew up with in the various places I did so; and I am so fortunate to say that there is such real love there. (It occurs to me to write to the Verms and give them what for; their actions are the only proof I have ever needed of the narcissism and superiority with which they were, and have been accused—I may write to the ex, the “stalker” accusation not withstanding. I really have to wonder what happened there. I was a stalwart friend when David was spinning down and losing his noodle and hiding from his wife and kids, talking to me on the phone, because he was drunk and scared that he was going to be uncovered. Whispering, he would tell me this. And now for some reason I am the one who is having to cajole some kind of response from him. I have written you back so many times. And still the last message i have from you is nine years ago. I have reached out to your sister and I think Madeline and one of your kids, maybe, over the years and nothing. One of the last time we spoke on the phone you were drunk and hiding in a room (from your kids and wife). I do not understand why it is you have been so nonresponsive all these years. I think maybe we spoke one more time by phone? I can’t even remember. Whatever it is I hope this note today finds you. I’m going to try another round of notes to your loved ones. Maybe you never understood fully that [redacted]. Anyway, I don’t know what to say. We continue to work and create and write and express ourselves. Writing you from a pandemic; for what it’s worth we are used to being alone (here by the beach) and writing in our offices and seeing clients virtually. Where the fuck are you David? It is heart-wrenching not to know. Maybe I can find the Giordano(s) and they’d have a clue? I’m at such a loss. But you know what folks: Being nearly five years younger, maybe he didn’t think of me like a brother so much as a bother, a pain in the ass. Or maybe he’s dead. Well probably not that because there would be some indication on his kid’s social media. I really don’t feel comfortable reaching out through his now ex or his kids, even though I suggested I might. The whole thing makes me rather emotional actually.

Oh well. One must recognize when one is being ignored, or in this case, discarded. I am so looking forward to a different kind of time, one via which, we can really see an uptick in prosperity. It ain’t going to be easy, that much is certain but if we can just make enough to refill the coffers and make a cool and humble profit, that would put us in the right stead for the rest of our days, the total sum of which, let’s face it, is getting smaller. I’m fairly sociable by nature. And, though I have butt heads with a great many people (because I deal head on with so many) there are casualties, that’s just the nature of the beast. And I no longer really give a flying fuck to be honest. Cancel Culture is Canceled, as far as I am concerned. I thought I would take just a quick and hopefully prolific ten minutes to get some thoughts down on virtual paper. I am extinction bursting as isn’t unexpected. It will be fine and I will slowly ween my way into a good place again with the exercise—it’s so hard to be motivated to do a daily practice on ones own. I could really benefit from some meditation at this juncture, too, me thinks. I know I have books on it. I’m tired of beating myself up and having all my issues invade my tissues as the saying goes. So it wasn’t a happy childhood; it wasn’t the worst probably, but not the best either. I always assumed my earliest sexual experience, ridiculously young as I was, and certainly a result of seduction, was quasi-consensual at the very least; but when you look at the resulting patterning and wiring one would think it began a whole helluva lot earlier than I previously considered. There is something about a cinderblock that I can’t quite understand. I’m trying to think who would have had access to me? A camp counselor? I get a flash of a hairy kid in a jockstrap in the shower. Some teenager that lived in the blocks of apartments where I spent my early life? I get a glimpse of this tall well dressed older man who lived in the building directly attached to mine, and I find myself in the basement of that building for some reason. I don’t think I’ll ever know, because if something is buried it is buried so very deep I know I’ll never unearth it. What I am aware of though, is the emotional abuse that stretches back to a time before I could speak; and the main culprit there is my only sibling from whom I’ve been estranged, now, some fifteen years or more. This day is getting off to a cheery start, isn’t it.

Well it is (as they say) what it is. I don’t like that expression and never have. I think the trick is to really stop caring about things like: If I don’t text my friends, I would never hear from them. I am truly tired of being the one who reaches out. And I’m shutting that shit down. I need to save my strength for self interest and any number of happy acquaintanceships. Clearly, I am not good at the close bonds, other than the main one. I am so hard on myself and not hard enough on other people (until I am way too hard, punishing them for being withholding). This is the theme I’ve been dealing with since playing with my Barrel of Monkeys in my crib. And exactly why was I allowed to have a bunch of small plastic items to play with in my crib. One has to wonder. I will do my best today, but I won’t hit the marks I thought I would. In basic news I’m going to get my old Mercedes fixed this week, and we ordered some outdoor furniture to make that environment nice and inviting. I wonder if we should have shopped other places but it’s kind of too late for that now. Anyway I’m going to move on to some other projects and recalibrate my schedule for the day. I’d like to get outside at some point today and I think that should actually be a priority.

The following blocks of texs are exceprts from my first year of  Blagues, nos. 221-225  I am reading through all my Blagues, five per day, and posting some samples here. Now, in my sixth year of writing this Blague, but the time I get to my seventh, I will have through all the daily Blagues of my first five years. If that’s confusing I apologize:

The five Blagues I read from the past didn’t yield a single word to paste in here!

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365/6 days per year—so they nearly, but not exactly, correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2020 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2020 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Life As Jigsaw

Taurus 14° (May 3) 

 Today I will speak to client at ten. Then eleven to two I will do a quadrant. And then from two to five I will revisit the fashion story. (None of that happened by the way) I find I have something of a sour stomach this morning and I’m trying to figure out why that might be. I’m literally cleaning the oven right now. I’m going to start over reading the Jung biography. I don’t know what it is about me and certain books. Sometimes they hang around for years and I start and stop. This is one of those books. I’m curious about that and then I want to read The White Goddess next. I will roast a chicken and serve it with arugula salad, and maybe some rice as there is a tiny bit of thyme left but alas there are no shallots tant pis. I will type up the notes I gathered from this morning’s meeting with the client and that will constitute part of this entry today. I’m only one person and I have to do things as I do them if you know what I mean. I could use some post-it notes. The plan is to get up at the crack tomorrow and get the reading of next year’s books in motion. I have self-published quite a bit of material over the last several years, not to mention keeping this daily practice going. I really am nothing if not prolific, which I hope will keep me in good stead during the year ahead writing another big book. For some reason I don’t feel all that daunted though part of me thinks I should. What use is there in that? None that I can readily see. But I’ve always been a bit blind I suppose. I have two and a half hours left of my work day and that is surely enough to make some major Hedwig.

 Add non-seasonal into the Gilet paragraph. Charlotter Perriand embracing challenge twentieth century art and living. Placing the person at the center of design. Inspired by designers, not necessarily those in fashion. Solution driven. What are the problems that are requiring solutions.

Intention. Of course it’s a business and a creative thing but also because clothes have the ability to empower people, breaking down notions of season and seasonality. To Minimize waste, repurposing items existing garments and objects, one item at a time. Store: colors inspired by nature, free-form and organic Unique background for someone doing something like this. Salient thing to differentiate the brand. Enhanced functionality, aesthetic, material volume. Enhancing functionality through aesthetic…Commercial. Beijing is meant to project a sense of capturing/entering into international market Boon is Seoul, Joyce and Lane Crawford in Hong Kong LMDS in Shanghai, Bergdorf Goodman in New York City. Events in London, Paris and Milan. Coming off private events a sense of building community. That J. Cricket has an amazing international presence. Well kept secret. Private events. Retail partners and in-store collaborations, Lee working closely with customers and inviting their direct feed back.

 Commercial trajectory. Ecommerce, retail partners, in-store collaboratons. First retail post in Beijing. Store allows me to showcase the whole JC universe and also have a direct connection with the customer. Aligned with pop-up stores. The collaborations brought validation and positive feedback.The metaphysical estate of the twenty-four seemingly binary sex-signs boasts a full spectrum of archetypal sexual and gender identity and experience. To serve mankind. Designs to be interspersed with Art work. Constant renewal through evolving details but otherwise evergreen. Functional and poetic. Function/utlity/purpose….poetic/fluidity, romance. We want to Jazz Up the commercial direction. The store organic forms interdispersed. Lead into the private work and the collective behind the scenes. Mirroring behind the scens operation with the in-store dynamic. The notes are the notes. I still cannot believe that leading up to all this we were living such an alternate reality. Like way alternate. We’re not defending Astrology. We’re saying it encompasses and expresses everything. This was how the line first appeared. Though it migh be better to say.We are not defending Astrology, au contraire: We believe it encompasses everything, and expresses the All. I’m going to keep playing with that.

 That last paragraph was really funky, I’ll admit. Things should smoothe out pretty quickly now and, honestly, there should be more content coming from my look backs, over the years, to the Blague posts, five at a time, because the whole point was not to have to write so much this coming year. Because I am already writing so much this coming year. So, really, kids, I have to start backing off at this point now. I have been reaching out to friends, fairly regularly, and I know some people are scared, but others just seem to be so completely shut down, checked out. I will have to reach back out to the producers doing shows in town this week and I’m meant to speak to one of the directors of the ferry company. It’s all cool. We will find a way to move on with our lives. I will rework my schedule because there aint no way in Hades I’m going to finish all this crap on time. I need to focus solely on the branding project Monday through Thursday and be done with it. And I’ll add my work on the HA books to the same days I’m reading the other books. If I play my cards right that can be a three hour work day, four with this wee Blaguey, and then I’d be in Schaffer City, which is supposed to be a very good place from what I’m told.

The following blocks of texs are exceprts from my first year of  Blagues, nos. 216-220  I am reading through all my Blagues, five per day, and posting some samples here. Now, in my sixth year of writing this Blague, but the time I get to my seventh, I will have through all the daily Blagues of my first five years. If that’s confusing I apologize:

The five Blagues I read from the past didn’t yield a single word to paste in here!

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365/6 days per year—so they nearly, but not exactly, correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2020 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2020 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

It Might As Well Be

Taurus 13° (May 2)


I left off yesterday with Shonda Rimes. She has a set of IVF twins. I’ll come back to that. Woke up when I woke up. I’ve been very dry in the night. We are in a ritual state of sorts. (I want to remind myself about applying “the magic of living” to everything you’re doing and devise steps to go even deeper. Not sequitors: We are the witches, the real ones. We are the New England witches. “a suburb of Salem”; is there going to be a point to even living near a city? There will be more to add to this parenthesis though I shall end it for now.) So, it is suddenly Spring, for real. There is something about a season’s effect on your behavior. I was not going to pre-think or do it at all. I was going to go from one sense to another (this is Taurus time after all) so I left bed and headed to where the coffee was, which was in the salon. The last thing I wanted was food for awhile. I feel actually fine and I’m going to stick with that sense.I always found the title Sense and Sensibility to be bidirectional. Quinn Cox: Bi Directional. Too much? Probablement.

At coffee this morning I am informed that Nançoise and Gee are making another appearance. They will have a picnic and then go to the beach. I’m making chicken stock, roasting red peppers for soup, sautéing onion, celery and carrot and also making a salad for lunch of cucumber, feta and cherry tomato, with oregano and mint. S. will eat her portion outside with the gerls, I will sit alone in the salon. The outdoor shower is on. All the screens have been washed. The house is being spring-cleaned and all the windows can now be open. It is that day. And I will even get a chance, while they are on the beach to strip off and sit in a beach chair and air all my pahts

The Cosmic Blague (blog on the website) will be one thing and then I think I should do a weekly comedic thing. We have this basement which I can clean and light. I am a minimalist, I am not stuff-y, get it. I’m already on a pretty tight schedule which is fine. I’m just so grateful that we have returned to spring. I might be able to make a purchase tomorrow which is pretty great. In fact, I wouldn’t mind very much writing myself a check this week for petty cash reimbursement, I’m probably owed so much at this point. I need to get a day of finances into the schedule next week. You don’t knoeed to know any of this. I haven’t been able to be clever yet, I will make it my goal in the coming weeks to figure that out. We are going to have a lovely dinner of roasted salmon with shallot and tarragon, some asparagus in mint, and roasted new potatoes. There is more lemon curd pie for desert. It will be my responsibility not to get depressed during this time. I will be doing my daily yoga again starting Monday cannot wait. I miss my studio practice and the peeps there who were so kind and embracing.

There is lots of magic in the air right now I just have to keep on keeping on. We took a little drive and there are too many cars on the road. People are really freaking out in Provincetown especially, but it will be the same everywhere on the Cape because this is where everybody comes, from all over, starting now. Living in this tourist environment simply means more virus in the air. And, without much relief in sight, we ill have to get used to the whole process. I think of people who have built immunity to this thing (am I one of them—many people who’ve had it never develop symptoms) and feel ready and willing to get on with life; and I think of Sweden; but the truth of the matter is that we need to need to stay distanced from one another for as long as we can this first time out because the next time it shows its head, in the Fall or if and when it follows a seasonal pattern, we are not going to have the luxury of any kind of shut down. People will have to power through and more will die. Those of us who survive will be all the stronger for it, having amassed the requisite antibodies, et al. Anyway, tonight we are going to drink wine and hang out and enjoy the Springiness while it is here. The cherry blossoms are abuzz with bumble bees and the birds are talkative overhead. The wind is whistling but not enough to drown out the increasing woosh of cars going by. I don’t love living on so busy a road and I look very much forward to the greener pastures which are now in wait for us. Trying to love everybody, but it aint fucking easy.

The following blocks of texs are exceprts from my first year of  Blagues, nos. 211-15  I am reading through all my Blagues, five per day, and posting some samples here. Now, in my sixth year of writing this Blague, but the time I get to my seventh, I will have through all the daily Blagues of my first five years. If that’s confusing I apologize:

So here I am in the south of France which will sound very glamorous which it is in some ways. Meanwhile, I’ve been working constantly, getting writing projects along with Starsky + Cox and Afterglow business mapped out for the year ahead. The Fall is always my most ambitious time, business-wise, and I find it’s not in conflict with travel but rather I gain the right kind of persepctive on issues that seem to crowd me when I’m back at home. Something about flying away and working on things in a different landscape from a different level of consciousness naturally prioritizes not only what needs to be done next but what new direction life should take. Along with this detachment also comes the realization of who are the radiators and who are the drains in ones life, a metaphor borrowed from a London friend of mine. If you’ve been paying attention I divide people into those who celebrate and those who tolerate. I find this is one polarity that remains rather black and white; although radiators can be drains or vice versa, but mainly they stay in one camp. I find that travel gives me a perspective on this particular issue as well. Being away makes me want to return to my usual surroundings to live life in a new way.

There are always things too that are better about Europe (or anywhere) than about America and the inverse is also true. And what is considered good or better also shifts like the sands of Cape Cod or the Mediterranean. The trick is to alight on that which remains true north in our experience and to channel energy into that which makes us most happy. I don’t like moving sideways in life although I am aware that is how much of the momentum manifests. And I’m not one to push to make things happen (despite what donors to my non-profit arts company might think); I”m more about helping the pieces ease into place at this point. And removing any square pegs from the pile before I start doing so.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365/6 days per year—so they nearly, but not exactly, correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2020 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2020 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

May Day, May Day

Taurus 12° (May 1)


Rabbit, rabbit, once again. May Day will be a final hoorah of sorts, this time for real, with scallops, hopefully, and the last buckets for thirty days. If all goes to plan I will only have to make two stops in Provincetown. As it is I think I will avoid the bigger stores all together and focus on making wee purchases at the fish shop or health food store. They institute a mandatory mask policy for Ptown today so that is a good thing. I need to check the front door and see if our gloves have been delivered. I noticed a delivery across the road which I hope isn’t our stuff wrongly delivered there. To invest and investigate, I wrote it down. So I am seriously functioning on zero sleep here and the greater part of my itch seems to have passed, let us hope. I need to make appointment with my (new primary) and seek to reschedule that certain procedure that people my age and older need to get, and I need to contact the dermatologist office here as well. I woke at 2 a.m. and watched Taxi Driver and then I just lay there mulling over everything that was on my mind, work-wise and creatively. And before I knew it, it was 5 a.m. and I had to get upstairs to work. The only thing is that now it is nearly 8 and I’m yawning and haven’t made much of a dent. So here are some of the paragraphs I have to write today me thinks. Actually turns out there is only one: Central — core collection is the gilet, essentially a sleeveless coat with poetic license to function in various lengths and styles—from blouse to vest to tunic to bodice—straight-sided or cinched at the waist. The gilet is designed for freedom of movement andof expression, as it can be worn any number of ways.

It is one of the darnest things, though, that I stumbled upon a forgotten bit of joint and so was able to give myself a little gifty. Fun, right? After a morning of bring it all home we had a client and then headed to the big city of Orleans Cape Cod, masked and ready to make three quick stops that yielded scallops for dinner tonight and some sayanara celebratories. We had a BLT salad for our luncheon and then I lay down just as The Roman Spring of Mrs Stone was coming on. I only dozed for about fifteen minutes near the end of the film, but it is enough. Our client said she’s been sleeping twelve hour sleeps. I’ve decided that’s what I want for myself in this coming month, for sure. Anyway I had a meal to make of scallops and leeks and fingerlings. And I needed to get a jump on the menus for the week as well. I am feeling fine but it isn’t going to last. At the same time I am going to be hyper productive and do a bunch of spring cleaning tomorrow to be sure. I want so much to transcend the state I’m in. I know with this new book that we will definitely be getting ourselves out there again, but there are so many imitators now on the market it isn’t easy to work our way up and threw. Someone put out a book about the color associated with your day (using Pantone) which, of course, was one of my ideas. I need to get my brain around the fact that people have been eating our lunch, which is fine, but I need to get my brain around how to make all the truth work.

But for now I’m simply going to enjoy this evening and laugh and have some fun. We’re Here is a great show and I’m really enjoying it. The Hollywood show was of course Ryan Murphy. First of all the cast members—Darren Criss, Holland Taylor—were a giveaway; but so was the slick, pat and campy production value. I was surprised to see that my friend Dan had directed an episode (I wonder how many) because he is much better than that show and really has done some artistic work of note and merit. But it’s a Provincetown thing. They both live there and so, over complimentary appetizers some kiss-ass restaurateur would have sent to the table, a deal would have been made to slap dash that shit together and put it on the screen. And still it’s tempting but it’s cheap, trading on the revisionist theme in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, by Tarantino. Anyway, I’m going to really think about all this. I will probably check out a few more episodes only because there are some good people in it, like Mira Sorvino and Brester Paget and Jim Parsons, all of whom I really like. But these actors that find their way into the Murphy universe—I dunno—there is something sad and demeaning about it. I never saw the American Horror with Billy Eichner. I’ve tried to be friendly toward him and I loved his live show and guerrilla TV work back in the day, but he’s the kind of guy for whom any kind of fame goes to his head. And so you kind of don’t want to give those people more attention than they think they deserve. I see people re-posting things from C.N. which is great. She wrote a “how to read three bits of your own chart” book; it’s not anything that hasn’t been published a thousand times over the last hundred years. But because she’s an “activist” and “queer” and all the rest, she has a lot of momentum with “the community” which happens to find themselves in vogue right now. And she calls herself a writer, which is great. We think of ourselves as writers first as well. And I know this will sound like sour grapes and I swear to you it isn’t: It’s a lot of smoke and mirrors. What we do is so totally different. We don’t offer the masses downloadables of video or other such content on “Uranus entering Taurus” or some such and charge fifty bucks a head (stupid of us probably because she gets like tens of thousands of people buying that stuff). We work with clients one on one. We really are trained astrologers. We know our craft and we have a wonderful clientele who pays us handsomely to work with them very intimately in helping them spiral their way upward toward greatest success. That is the real work. And as writers we are humanist astrologers who are deeply steeped in archetype. It’s what motivates us. I’m closer to a writer like Joseph Campbell or even Madeline Miller than I am C. who, power to her, is doing fantastically and I think everyone should get theirs. She’s had a lot of help. Shonda Rimes or whoever she is…

The following blocks of texs are exceprts from my first year of  Blagues, nos. 206-210  I am reading through all my Blagues, five per day, and posting some samples here. Now, in my sixth year of writing this Blague, but the time I get to my seventh, I will have through all the daily Blagues of my first five years. If that’s confusing I apologize:

I hope you all read that a dozen times. We arrived yesterday afternoon in Grenoble where we met on our study abroad program, exactly thirty-two years ago this month. As we drove from Lake Geneva, down, through Annecy, and arrived in this Alpine city, the gateway to the south, where we go today, I had butterflies like crazy. I was expecting to find a dreary, dull town, worse off than when I left it, with little interest but vague nostalgia, but I discovered the opposite: a culturally rich and beautiful little city along a river, that used to be neon green with industrial chemicals, now clean and pure, it’s ancient fish returned. I know this because my “french family” told me. When I was nineteen here I lived with a young couple, Gérard, who was 30 and Christine who was twenty-eight and their two and a half year old boy, Laurent. On this study-abroad program, as I said, I met Stella-Lynne. On the last night in Grenoble we baby sat Laurent so that Gérard et Christine could go out (for once) and they did, all night. We had a train first thing the next morning and Laurent kept us up all night. I had to mimic his father’s voice to keep him in line but I thought of that trick to late. No sleep. Gérard was fresh as a daisy at four a.m. when they came home and by five he was driving us to the train station. “Dites pas au revoir,” he said, “mais à bientôt.” Okay, so thirty-two years later I arranged with Laurent to suprise him and Christine, and we met at a restaurant last evening near our hotel and didn’t take a single ussie because we forgot, no, we, didn’t think of it because it was a genuine experience.

As I write this Stella’s iphone alarm is “ringing” with Nina Simone singing “Here Comes The Sun.” Read Dane Rudhyar’s words one more time because there can be no better summation of the key to today’s symbol and I would fail if I tried to top that. All I can say is what I kept saying yesterday as I walked along the Isère and through Grenobles winding ancient streets: “I feel reborn. I feel like this is a new beginning. I feel alive. I feel revitalized. I feel like this is a fresh start. I feel like a giant thread has been woven back through the most essential fabric of my being and I’m no longer holding onto some mythic past because my present is suffused with all that is essential and relevant about it. I am filled with love and hope and renewal. I am the fox. I am the rooster. I am the dawn.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365/6 days per year—so they nearly, but not exactly, correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2020 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2020 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Lady Bird

Taurus 11° (April 30)


So this will be the last posting of this month. I don’t know why it is I have been so blocked but getting a good eight hours in between now and then will bring me to about ten in any case, maybe twelve, let’s say twelve. I spent a good number of hours now on putting these pieces together, and now I will spend another two hours trying to hang some meat on the bones of this project. I’m still fairly unclear about what I’m doing. Like way. I will have to mold things I already said into paragraphs and work on something about the collective. I suppose we want to talk about all the individual pieces. I am really not sure what to make of it. But we are in process and that is good. I will work steadily over the next two hours and then I will work from around 5-9 and take my coffee upstairs. That is four hours and I will have worked four today as well. So that is eight and yes I’ve spent at least two hours already on this so another ten should do it, five on Saturday and Five on Sunday. The rest of this posting today will consist of the actualy writing I need to draft today, so forgive the double dutying.

Apologies for the delay in getting you something. I know it is later than we would have liked, but, wow, what a weird month. Yesterday was the first day in weeks I didn’t experience constant intense itching, so I’m actually feeling pretty giddy about that. We are of course chatting soon so I look forward to hearing all your news and plotting next courses.

Attached is a Word document and a PDF. The Word doc is the one you want to dig into. The PDF only has a selection of the draft text (thus far) arranged in a suggested order of paragraphs, giving us a rough sense of the visual layout of words. But the Word doc has all the prompts and questions remaining to be answered. You’ll see. FYI: today, Saturday and Sunday are completely cleared for me to work on nothing but this project; and I have big blocks of time each day next week as well. So we should be able to bring this all home now. Happy May Day and see you shortly.

SO…What we have here, below, are various paragraphs, blocks of text, with alternate versions suggested for some, to give us some choice. They are in a basic flow/order but the text blocks are “modular” in the sense that we can combine them in a few different ways, and mix and match for various purposes—website, brand book, press communiqués, etc. I’ve also included some first-person text blocks as we can always go that route, having you bethe voice of the company. (And it’s easy peasy to change voice in every bit of text if we decide to.) In the third-person, I’d like the text to make tribute to your achievement(s), without sounding too overblown. The use of first-person, of course, allows for more warmth. Anyway, you’ll see I’ve flagged [in brackets]things to think about here and there and you weave through. Think about any elements that might be missing, either whole ideas or points to add to existing paragraphs. Also flag any words or turns of phrase for which you might want synonyms or re-phrasing. For instance, I like the word clever, but people think it has a negative connotation. I know it has, in the past, but I think we’re past it, and the word feels, again, fresh to me. We can also borrow sentences from alternate versions of like text boxes, and vice versa. In other words, this process is totally fluid and, with your direction, I will go back and make final draft(s), or completely rewrite, all the words we need! Okay here we go…Brand Book and/or Website Copy:

 The story of —- is that of its influential creator —-, a multi-hyphenate figure—designer, creative director, buyer, brand developer, entrepreneur—who has long made her mark on the international fashion industry. With —-, it is not just a matter of understanding, from her vast experience, what women want to wear; — is determined to create clothing items and accessories she knows women need. Her design philosophy demands a deep dive into each piece, aiming for the kind of full expression of craft, function and aesthetic one expects from powerful architecture, furniture and product design. [Alternate example in First Person]

The story of — is my story. I’m —- and, over several decades, I have been an (I’d like to think) influential multi-hyphenate figure—designer, creative director, buyer, brand developer, entrepreneur—working within the international fashion industry. With —-, it’s not just a matter of understanding, from my experience, what women want to wear, I’m determined create clothing items and accessories I know women need. My design philosophy demands a deep dive into each piece, aiming for a full expression of craft, function and aesthetic, the kind one might expect from powerful architecture, furniture and product design.

[though the next text block naturally follows, we can also segue here in the thematic direction of collaborations and curation and the “collective” you wish to create with others beyond your own collection—in that modular mode I mentioned, you will find a text box of that sort further along in this document]

“I’ve seen any number of labels, over the years, position themselves as a “collections of items,” says —, “but I’ve mostly felt that individual items were never fully developed enough. Take the gilet, the sleeveless coat, for example, or even a simple shirt: my goal is to give each piece more context, to make each shape far richer, using volume, especially, in an interesting way, where creative innovation and comfort always combine.”

How do you see the material structured. We need a catchya opening and some very interesting. We will touch on a few areas in the “opening paragraph” that we will then take up, more in detail, as we move through the text. I have designed the paragraphs to mix and match in a sense, as there are various ways and orders in which blocks of text can attach to one another.

(Oh, and, on this day I went to the window, debating whether or not to light up my life, and on the book of matches was one of those tiny orange harbingers of spring with a single black dot whom I set free and hopefully didn’t kill. I thought it a bit of good luck.)


The following blocks of texs are exceprts from my first year of  Blagues, nos. 201-205  I am reading through all my Blagues, five per day, and posting some samples here. Now, in my sixth year of writing this Blague, but the time I get to my seventh, I will have through all the daily Blagues of my first five years. If that’s confusing I apologize:

There is nothing from that block of five previous posts that warrants placement here today!

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365/6 days per year—so they nearly, but not exactly, correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2020 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2020 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

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