Month: January 2023 (page 2 of 6)

Pigging Out

Pisces 16° (March 7)

Went to bed late last night but did finally, actually sleep. In fact it was past eight when I awoke, just in time to get ready for Zoom call with Tim and S. It went well I think. She has a Juno ring where her wedding one once was; and two tattoos on the same wrist. I have been energetically dispelled from the hand I once held in matrimony. I go for a long walk into town with my backpack Mike comes by early evening and I am having the last of the Donkey Goat. I feel so relaxed after today. Trying to find some new things to watch. But end up going down to the Pig for a glass of wine instead. Doodle Oodle Loo. Bac to the future and working on book proposal. In addition to being a contributor to The New York Times“Styles’ section, I wrote for The Boston Globe arts section and was a contributing editor to Detour magazine and wrote for other publications including The New York Observer, InStyle, YM, Paper, Stop, The South China Morning Post, having worked on the editorial side of Paris’ Passion magazine, AvenueDV8*, The New York Social Calendar and, ultimately as executive editor of Wallpaper• in London. I was also field producer for the television show “Ooh, La, La”, a streetwise spinoff of “Fashion Television,” both produced by City TV in Toronto. In the late 1990s, Time Inc. was launching Teen People and the editor asked me to create a horoscope. We decided on a his-and-her concept, treating males and females as separate signs, befitting our philosophy and the magazine’s mission of attracting young male, as well as female readers. At the time, Ellen Degeneres had a joke about God’s waiting room containing only two magazines, Guns and Ammo and Teen People, goofing on the fact that adults everywhere were reading this teen zine. This was true enough: Enter one publisher with his own glitzy imprint at William Morrow who asked if we would like to write a book for grown-ups hinged on our theory that there were twenty-four, not twelve, sex/gender signs. Et voila: Sextrology was published in 2004 by HarperCollins, which purchased Morrow and dissolved the aformentioned imprint while we were typing away. Ultimately launching at Barneys New York, Harvey Nichols and Selfridges in the UK, Colette in Paris, and other bastions of chic around the world, Sextrology was touted by top fashion press like Vogue and Elle and Vanity Fair, affirming our unique vision that astrology could not only be smart and sexy, even satirical, but also super stylish, all at the same time.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2022 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Name Tags

Pisces 15° (March 6)

Went to UU church. That’s all I seem to remember happening at the time. Doodle Oodle Loo (time traveling ten months into the future), here I am working on a revamp of my book proposal. And here are some words to that effect: While a friend across the pond was redrawing the landscape of global publishing by penning children’s books that proved that youngsters were encyclopedic in their ability to digest multifarious age-old myths, spoon-fed to them in the guise of a world of young wizards wearing hoodies, I was doing something not totally dissimilar, albeit on an infinitely smaller scale, and in substantially fractional sales numbers. The inside joke of this author’s redemptive depiction of the otherwise flaked-out “astrologer” character in her books not withstanding, as a writer of astrological non-fiction, I’ve considered the particular brand of magic I cast in my work to be, in a word, real. Our readers, hungering for a multifarious feast of self-knowledge, might well agree. I met the person behind the personality Stella Starsky in college during our junior year abroad in France. Aside from the usual attractions, interest in astrology was something we shared, each of us having descended from families with mystical leanings. On that starry subject, what struck us both was the fact that men and women of the same sign seemed to be, often radically, different in character, and we set upon exploring the astrological reasoning for this, not realizing where this would one day lead us, despite the fact I was also developing some snazzy predictive powers. (As the years have ticked by, it turned out that I had inherited viable psychic gifts, no doubt, from the Celtic side of my family. In fact, my astrological practice, working with private clients, provided a framework for my psychic faculties to crystalize into a functionally intuitive tool.) After graduation from university, we first moved back to Paris, where and when we first met that children’s author, then on to New York, sparking careers in fashion and journalism (with the off- inauspicious foray into show business) traveling, mainly, between those cities, in addition to London and Milan, throughout the 1990s. After a day working in the fashion trenches, we would conduct astrological readings in the evenings for our friends—designers, photographers, editors and burgeoning artists and actors—who would one day become the early readers and adopters of our books, products and services. As editor friends moved up the mastheads at magazines, I began writing features and then columns under the Starsky + Cox byline (at this juncture didn’t want my The New York Times and other publications’ editors know I moon-lighted slinging horoscopes).

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2022 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

In Like Quinn

Pisces 14° (March 5)

Of all the entries I have tagged to write at a later date this is the only one I’ve encountered so far where I have absolutely no idea or indication, by jotted down memory or some trigger, what occurred on this day. I do assume, given yesterday’s entry, that I kept a low profile. Anyway I’m perfectly okay not knowing that went down on this Saturday, not even what it is I ate, apparently. But that will distinguish this post from the rest, all of which, anyway, will be relegated to obscurity if not certain oblivion. Doodle Oodle Loo. I am now back to the future and on this actual day of writing, some ten months later, I have to tell you that there is nothing left to watch on television—you’ve seen it all—and you’ve lost the desire, need, whatever we are call it, to x-out or anesthetize and, certainly, to socialize. The comfort of shock has completely worn off and I am left bare to my feelings which are so bruised to the point of permanent damage. I think that’s what happens. I will never know the truth but I learn as time goes on that there was more and more support for the actions of discardation—a word I’ve just created, apparently. Anyway, one does what one can with what one has. I have been played by more than one double agent, one of which is now dealing with an even worse pain of losing a partner, permanently. At least mine is puttering around the planet somewhere, which is, weirdly, at times, cold comfort. Sometimes I envy the widowed who were connected to the end; at least they have little doubt in their mind if they were loved in return. Unlike the disposed of of this world. Okay going to cut and paste part of what I worked on today: Truth be told, I’ve not traded in sex willy nilly. I’ve done so because sexuality is both intrinsically and universally central to our being. Surely, since the publication of Sextrology, a more sex-positive culture has emerged and played catch up with that notion, just as media and entertainment have become, in some cases, lightyears more sexually sophisticated. Point being: I’ve long been in the business of examining human beings and all their behavior, sexual and otherwise, through the lens of the zodiac, in both my writing and my one-on-one consultations with clients. The itself reminds us that we are wholly connected to our animal natures. In case you’ve ever wondered, zodiac means “circle of animals,” drawing on the same etymology as the word zoo, as all but one of the astrological signs are represented by an animal or human symbol. To my cosmically inclined mind, this factoid alone, along with the exceptions to it—Virgo and Aquarius having human symbols and Libra, the Scales, the sole inanimate one—opens a window onto character interpretation. And that’s just for starters. In fact,  Sextrology, turned readers onto the many astrological assignations associated with their signs, expressed in both the main text and in clear-cut sidebars. To name several: their sign symbols; the unique element (fire, earth, air, water) and quality (cardinal, fixed, mutable) combination of their sign; their planetary rulers and namesake gods and myths, associative biblical, literary and pop archetypes; the bodily systems ruled by their signs and planets and the corresponding metaphorical significance of those systems to our psychology, physicality, sexuality, and even our sense of spirituality; and so on. A little light reading? Not exactly, but so it seems: Many readers have bordered on obsession, devouring every intricate detail of the book. No wonder Sextrology has come to be called “The Red Bible” by a multi-generational audience weaned on a culture of instant gratification yet yearning for deeper personal insight and self-understanding.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2022 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Pisces 13° (March 4)

The whip is officially down and I’m ready to start up the big shedding, both body and in tangible property. It is definitely time to lighten my load in this life and streamline all I have in hand. I’m just going to eat all the ratatouille I made with a bit of shortgrain brown rice. I feel it’s a good way to kick things off. That and a complete embargo on alcohol and sugar for this Lenten season. I am definitely marinating today and tonight I will stay up until five o’clock tomorrow morning, going in and out of sleep until two. I will have convinced myself I had an eleven a.m. rendezvous that I’m going to be rather shaky to attend. Doodle Oodle Loo. Some people who see the title Sextrology may think it’s merely clever or, most likely, salacious. But the hundreds of thousands of keenly intelligent readers who count it among their all-time favorite books? They recognize that I strike any number of balances in my writing—between proverbial stars and glorious gutter: —which makes my work uncategorical, in the best way. They’ll also say I’m pretty effing funny.Look, we all know sex sells; added to which, astrology appeals to people’s inherent narcissism. Yet, it’s not exactly been a slam dunk for the other authors out there who’ve tried to combine these two subjects in the creation of a book that enjoys mainstream appeal. It can only be a recipe for success if done so superbly, indeed sublimely, that is to say inspiring in both its execution and its message. Regarding execution: I consider it my own special brand of artistry to compose the likes of astrology, psychology, myth, pop culture, literary criticism, eroticism, esotericism, humor and humanism, among other elements, into one seamless treatise on personality and, thus, personal development, via the stars. Still, the message is the thing. And it’s taken many years to develop mine. I dare say I am whole-heartedly convinced that, over the years of focused attention on the subject, that I’ve cracked the code of the zodiac to a certain degree; and, in so doing, I am fairly flooded on a quotidian basis with its infinite wisdom and source of inspiration. This perspective powers every word I pen, even those engaged in exploring and extrapolating upon the sexploits of a person of one particular star sign or other.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2022 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Mews House

Pisces 12° (March 3)

So far I haven’t done fuck all. Except watch Better Call Saul. I keep writing S. but she never responds. I don’t know why it’s so regressive, but it is. Really nothing to be done I suppose. I will plan to stay in but end up dragging myself for sushi nonetheless, which is interesting as I meet a cool photographer. I am deep beck into sadness which I’m not really happy about. In other words, I really don’t want to be this unhappy anymore as it is taking quite the toll. I will pass by and see Julia and have a heated debate about the state of the world with someone next to me. I honestly think that I was jealous of him as he has a wife and young children and he’s living in Ptown—like that season of American Horror Story, it just made me a bit sad for the past and all that was never meant to be. Doodle oodle loo. Reading this I wonder if this was the night with that guy where as he was passing by I simulaneously  stretched and ended up accidentlly and I hasten to add rather softly slapping him in the come si dice. I am having a hard time recognizing the sensations in my body these days. It’s like my various systems are all colliding—digestion with respiration with neurology–it’s quite odd actually. Anyway I am doing the work at hand, namely moving the spoon on my book proposal. So here goes: It’s been said that the Starsky + Cox brand and books reinvented the genre—the astrological wheel, as it were—dragging the subject out of the occult aisle and ushering it straight into the zeitgeist. The books are smart yet accessible—just academic enough to have made their way onto universities’ syllabuses, while remaining widely appealing to a pop sensibility. I find it personally and creatively exciting to explore so-called headier realms of psychology, mythology, archetype and metaphysics, but only as they relate to modern life and real human experience, and can be viewed by the reader through an ultra user-friendly lens.Astrology is by its nature jam-packed with symbolism, and I am wont to explore every bit of it. I have been devoted to its study for decades, and I have mainly spent my days as a humanistic astrologer in private practice consulting clients. It’s not been a tightly kept secret that there are famous names among them, as a number of people of note have sung ye olde praises in the press and media. Of course, I welcome such endorsements (not to mention having stockpiled them all in anticipation of this next book!). For now, though, let me catch you up on a little backstory: As is literally true in my career history, I am a writer first and an astrologer a close second. It is to this that I attribute the success of my previous books. Before assuming the penname Quinn Cox, I spent many years contributing to major newspapers and magazines, even editing some. I know how to package my ideas in a way that encourages people gobble them up. This goes a long way to explain why my written work to date has been so resonant and entertaining, even for readers who wouldn’t otherwise buy into the subject of astrology. Especially riding the fine line, as I do in my process, between, high and low, academic and amusement, celestial and terrestrial, metaphysically spiritual and sexual, sublime and subversive, and so on, it takes expert, artful wordsmithing to successfully put such interwoven ideas and themes across 

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2022 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Rubber Hits Road

Pisces 11° (March 2)

I will have Tim for tea today after running a bunch of errands. Gumbo dinner tonight in Truro which should be lovely. Paid the excise tax and got the mail out and visited Perry’s to take to take some lovely unfiltered organic wine to my my host. I search for bread all over town—nobody has a nice loaf of bread. Passed that awful Josh P. person on the street which his side eye. I have been in touch with the folks from Hudson. I’m going to go back to the UU this weekend, which I’m looking forward to. Getting my brain around how to make some mad money en route to zzz money. Doodle Oodle Loo. Flash forward ten months and I’m reworking the proposal: What began as “a word-of-mouth phenomenon” (Time) and grew into a “marketing triumph” (Vanity Fair), Sextrology: the astrology of sex and the sexes is the most critically acclaimed and universally celebrated astrology book of its generation. Since hitting stores in 2004, it has appeared in fifteen foreign editions, sold upwards of 250,000 physical copies worldwide and it continues to grow in sales and popularity both here and abroad, right alongside the profile of its authorship, Starsky + Cox. As a brand in equal partnership, the duo created an array of compelling content in various forms and media, established a successful private consultancy and event business, made myriad broadcast appearances, and staged live performances of original work at popular venues in New York and other cities.Already a seasoned writer, journalist and editor prior to publishing the brand’s first book, serving on numerous mastheads and contributing interviews and features to top magazines and newspapers, including The New York Times and The Boston Globe. Quinn undertook the writing of the Starsky + Cox books as well as the many articles, columns, performances pieces and all penned content created under the tandem authorship and byline. Stella assumed the crucial role of an in-house editor in the publishing process. Quinn Cox—that’s me! And for the first time in my career as an experienced astrologist and writer of all things zodiacal and metaphysical, I am psyched to go solo in crafting this singular new book under my own steam and name, nom de plume such as it is, for public consumption.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2022 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Back To The Book

Pisces 10° (March 1)

Tonight will be a Chinese Soup. I’m super into re-watching Victoria, which should have been given subsequent seasons. I read that there were plans, perhaps, but nothing yet confirmed. Anyway I end up watching the state of the union address. It is amazing how little time is left in this place. I feel like I’ve been here forever. It has been really indulgent the first four cold months. I have still been eating out a ton but now that lent is upon me I’m already starting the great reduction which feels pretty good I must say. Doodle loodle loo. I hadn’t given much thought to our last exchange since October I think it was. Suddenly it came to mind and I thought give me a break. First of all, you didn’t pen that letter to me—it was in a different voice completely than your own, and I have a pretty good idea whose. Next, please, once again, you can firmly rest assured I have no desire to see you in any context; that said, if I want to be some place in town where you just happen to be singing or screaming that’s too bad for you. You are at every venue and there are few open. So I guess I’m saying get over yourself. Oh, and I did look back to my sent emails to you and I have been extending friendship for well over a decade. I credit you, as I said, with some pretty effective assassinating of my character over the years. It no longer hurts me as it once did. The sweeping irony in all this is: you don’t even know me. You never took the time to do so. Your every interest in us was motivated by self-aggrandizement, a power we never possessed to bestow; once you figured that out we were of little use to you. You made your connections and you made your way which is your prerogative. I don’t know where to go from here. All I know is that I need to figure out future steps. It will become vividly apparent that I need to repeople my life, that I don’t have the love and support in this world that I thought I had. I need to find a way to rescue myself from this mire. Even this time last (this) year I had more friends than I do now, the conflict during the divorce process contributing to tension and for that, too, you will be solely blamed. Enough surely is enough. You were born such a good person, an angelic creature really. You were the shining light in your family but, due to abuse and neglect, over time you turned into someone who seems to invite scorn and derision. I really don’t have a clear grasp as to why. I think it was within the context of the relationship and boy oh boy was that weaponized against me. All this said, you are so used to sorrow that it has made you impervious to the kind of pain that would in the past be your undoing. You will see the love of your life move on as with nary a second thought and engage in all things new from home city to vocation to a new love relationship. The only thing that will remain the same will be the myriad friendships that used to be mutual but are no longer available to you. Like G. says “the fix was in” and it was so carefully planned. I guess that’s where all the time and energy went. It certainly didn’t go into furthering our career. What I am most shocked by is the narcissism. I knew one could be self-preservational, but I now see the parallel between another person of an opposite sign whose behavior mirrors that of the father in the film Force Majeure. Some people throw themselves in harm’s way to save a loved one while others would push anyone else into harm’s way in even an unconscious impulse to save their own skin. I think if I leave this town and try to secure myself some greener passions and a new set of peoples I might find a level of happiness heretofore denied me. I have alighted on the north shore as my domestic choice; as much as I love it here. Look, first things first and that means moving the needle as best I can to keep this train on track and to give my new professional partner a chance to make some magic. To that end I have to look fairly decent myself. So, really, having a summer to tweak and chill would be just the ticket. I could spend my nights reading and listening to music. I could take the bus in and out of town for a dollar each way and attend parties and dances and, worse comes to worse, uber home if I had to. There is every opportunity for me this year to have the summer I always wanted, to exercise and feel my best, to reinvent and create a rosy picture as someone with buckets of talent and hutzpah and the ability to sieze opportunities as they arise.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2022 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Fin De Coulours

Pisces 9° (February 28)

Just hanging out today. B., staying in Chatham, comes for a cup of tea. I have to truly begin focusing on what’s actually happening. I’m hopeful we will receive something this week but that shall turn out not to be the case.

March 11

You emanate a warm black, like that of the ocean depths. And it’s your compassion that is most fathomless, learning, however, that you can’t save people. So you set an example not only of survival, but thrivation, working on yourself. You enjoy being called sultry.

March 12

A rich latte, your color is at once soothing and stimulating. Sound like someone you know? You can play agony aunt to loved ones, and happily so, but motivating others is  just a byproduct of leading your own directional life, never devoid of creature comforts.

March 13

A brilliant rose, you are an unapologetic seeker of beauty, which likely factors into your choice of profession and creative pursuits. You make avant-garde forays, but are a bit old-fashioned at heart. Your word is sacred, eschewing others who send you up garden paths.

March 14

Your color vibe is a rich auburn which speaks to your earthy romanticism. You have wuthering visions of ancient places, epic dinner parties and eons of solitude spent reading and daydreaming through rain-beaded window panes. And the hutzpah to realize it all.

March 15

Your whole world is misty blue-green, an expression of natural insight and extra-sensory perceptions of subtle, even psychic energies. A perfect paradox of spiritual wisdom and sultry charm, you’re like a siren, irresistible but risky to those who don’t share your depth.

March 16

Your birthday has that touch of mink, a color that, according to you, needs a new name. You are a Pisces protectress of all things helpless, which is why you have no patience for people who don’t help themselves. Lover of luxury, you don’t indulge at others’ expense.

March 17 

Your color is ashy rose (not kelly green). Memory plays a strong part in your life, whether in storytelling or a love of ancestry/history. And you’re emotionally drawn to bygone golden ages. Song or dance should be pursued or studied. Yours is an operatic life vision.

March 18

Pear is a modest shade of green that befits your unassuming personality, which inspires others to do for you. The irony is: you’re totally self-sufficient. It’s just that people see greatness in you they’d like a hand in nurturing. Your words to live by? “You shouldn’t have.”

March 19

A most delicate Pisces, pink lace is a fitting birthday color. You are a complex creature, highly sensitive and meticulously detailed in your work and creative expression. An old soul who says more with action than words, you want a great love, but need for nothing.

March 20

Seafoam is the Pisces color and you’re a Fish of the first order. You possess a primordial understanding of humanity and the circular nature of experience. The mind fascinates you as much as the graceful mechanics of the body. You take neither of your own for granted.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2022 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Empty Hallways

Pisces 8° (February 27)

Chowder day all day. And I’m happy staying in. I feel a bit shaky and hoping I’m not coming down with anything. Turns out I think I’m just a wee bit exhausted. I sound like a broken record these days but that’s because I’m in a constant state of limbo. 

March 1

Turquoise doesn’t just suggest a love of rainbow deserts, an eagle cry, or contemplating life’s big questions. It is healing, manifesting in a hands-on knack and a psychological ability. You repair your mind like an ant, her antennae, helping loved ones do likewise.

March 2

Your color is clear bubble blue, suggesting emotional, even psychic sensitivity. You don a natural shield against vampiric detractors, displaying a delicacy in negotiating your path, be it professional, social, artistic or loving, learning how not to pop under pressure.

March 3

Having an iceberg colored aura doesn’t make you frosty. It implies it takes time to really know you, to see just how powerfully you loom and so very large you can live. Admirers may go unnoticed. But you’re most oblivious to negativity and owners of narrow minds.

March 4

The mutable-water sign, Pisces born this day are changeable. So, cyan, a color ranging from blue to green, can cover even you. Constant transformation in a signature upward spiral adds up to your achieving a certain transcendence in life. Stasis? Hmm, not so good.

March 5

Deep slate green portrays the fact you’re a Pisces who settles down while never settling for second rate. You create an elegant platform in life from which to bottom line it all for everybody. Securing your base, in private and public affairs, is how you float to the top.

March 6

You’re not so ominous as your stormcloud color emanation might suggest. You’re just once, twice, three times a lady/boy, a triple god/dess befitting ruler Neptune’s trident. You are every wo/man—a sinner in certain areas, a saint in others, and resplendent in all. 

March 7

Tyrian purple expresses the might of Jupiter, your ancient planetary ruler, working through the enchanted mists of your modern master Neptune. A most tangible Pisces, you manifest magic, do business with compassion, and make big bank with supernatural ease.

March 8

With an aura color of wild blue yonder, it’s no wonder your perspective is so limitless, and your aspiration so broad. You don’t cling to close friends to show your love. You aim to meet many souls to learn from, never depending on the kindness of strangers, either.

March 9

You vibrate a misty rose, being subtly insistent and demurely directorial. Yours is the power of suggestion, an uncanny ability to let others think they’ve arrived alone at ideas. And this way, if they don’t pan out, you’re off the hook, which you are in so many ways.

March 10

Aphrodite, also called Mari, sprang from the sea. Mary’s della robbia blue gown fringed in white is the sea with foam. It’s an auspicious day-aura suggesting your great capacity for love and forgiveness. No one is more empathetic than you, the most beatific of babes.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2022 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Pisces 7° (February 26)

Stayed in today. Collecting my thoughts. I watched this strange movie, a documentary of sorts, called Gods Among Us which was truly woo woo. Nevertheless it reawaked something in me about metaphysics and spiritual matters and ones ability for self healing and so forth. It reminded me of how I use to think, naturally, about the workings of the universe. Soon this Blague shall return to being what it was originally meant to be. I must be the one to make a solo foray into publishing. There is the poetic book and also the one to do with the symbols and also the year of living cosmically which I might work out in the coming Blagues starting with the astrological new year.

February 20

You radiate coral energy, illustrating warmth and cheer. Yet one senses not to get too close too fast, as entertaining doesn’t top your agenda. You’ve learned not to be overly influenced by others, while you let your causes be championed and your praises be sung.

February 21

As a gray green sea, you are both inviting and foreboding. People don’t always know whether they’re coming or going with you. There is more feeling lashing inside you than can ever be expressed. Yet you say more in a word than others can utter in full volumes.

February 22

Stormy Neptune’s energy pools around you, a darkest agate blue. You feel things almost too intensely, staying active to not get lost in your own impressions. A furtive fantasist, you employ innuendo, keeping others guessing. Who knows, maybe you really are a spy.

February 23

A foamy cappuccino, you create a stir of anticipation, serving to inspire greatness. In your eyes one finds confidence to fulfill a destiny, as you do, grounded in keen intuition. Gut feelings are tantamount to glimpses of the future, which is ever in your power to alter.

February 24

Like the Red Sea, you part with the past, traveling light in life, open to new experiences. You’re ultra accepting of others, despite differences, inviting healthy debate. A sensualist, you will sample earthly delights without indulgence. Your spirit is candid and communal.

February 25

Azure blue speaks to your clear and open channel to cosmic forces. You’re a transmitter of loving, compassionate energy, consciously transcending the restraints of the ego. Not to be hemmed in, you need heaps of space in relationships. No one makes a better best friend.

February 26

In a cloud of gold dust, you go forth with the instinctual ease of a plains drifter, taking life as it comes. You court serendipity, sign posts that say you’re on the right path, paved, as it is, with good intentions. Struggle makes you stronger. You don’t subscribe to strife. 

February 27

A slate-blue air is characteristic of an ability to overcome obstacles and start each day fresh. You feel things nearly too deeply, cultivating detachment from sweeping humanitarian concerns. Still, you do love luxury and know the sweetness of doing nothing.

February 28

You shimmer, iridescent green, not what you seem on the surface. Possessing hidden emotional complexity, you structure your life, disciplining yourself, possibly, as a result. You dream in Technicolor, able to translate visions of your inner life out into the world.  

February 29 

Poppy red might seem out-of-character a color for a Pisces, but not when you consider the euphoric effects of that plant. You are the high priest/ess of knowing dreams from delusions, alone time from isolation, at-one-ness from oblivion. And so, love is your drug.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2022 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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