Month: August 2018 (page 1 of 3)

Assume The Position

Virgo 5° (August 28)


Another beach walk first thing this morning. The bittersweetness of the season has already descended. It was one of those magical mornings where the light twinkles like crazy and you feel like you’re inside Wrinkle in Time or The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. The walks have been spectacular although they are surely touch on the feet, I must say. I believe I can begin to make myself easy, but to do so I should dedicate this Blague, today, to my to-do list and just record all the random notes that have once again began to crowd the surface of my desk. We have one appointment today with a client in Munich and then I have a phoner with one in L.A.; though it’s cliche to say the one in L.A. could very well flake out and just not call at the desginated time. (As expected.)

 I will aggragate all random thoughts and I will tie up all loose ends such that all runs like clockwork starting now (it already does). I needed to get sparkler level from Bai and perry’s and figure out who to approach vis a vis missionary sponsorships and update that doc, which I will do today. I will keep writing until my nerves calm down and I’m in the final stretch and trying to make sense of it all. I think I’m managing okay, all in all. And on deeper thought, I’d say, pretty well. I will sketch in Thursday for Hotels and Realtors, as they are an untapped but important source I ignore most years for fundraising because they are just so dire. Also the hotels already pay tax to help, so the best I can hope for is a little accommodation and anyway, theirs are the perfect places to peruse to make sure they have cards and such. Seaglass is especially on the to-do list.

I will indeed be introducing Marthe to the world tomorrow so I’m excited about that. I’ve put together three different mailers that I’m hitting everybody with and then next week I’ll go even wider for support. I have to also make a third doc for Brian King that combines Nefa Info up Front with Poster and Bio Info and send to the Nefa peeps to make sure all looks kosher. I can borrow from the Endicott release on that score.

Ugh I just got a note about our upcoming court case vis a vis the accident we had three years ago when some stupid idiot while texting plowed into us going a mile a minute while we were stopped in traffic behind a long line of traffic. I hate insurance companies and these kind of sick venal institutions that try to fight you for money when it is all their fault. I don’t know. I really am losing my faith in this country and the way things (don’t) work here. I used to be so proud of our functionality, dating back to Rondald Reagan who was a horrible person and president. Even his son, junior, seems to think so. What are you supposed to do with these kinds of people I mean really?


Afterglow Festival sponsorships traditionally start at the thousand dollar mark. And though we would never dissuade you from giving at that level, Afterglow seeks to penetrate the imaginative, supportive spirit of our kindest Provincetown and Cape Cod entrepreneurs and entities who are better able to sponsor the festival with a more modest donation. So we created an affordable sponsorship (that, in essence, pays you back in kind) for small and local businesses and enterprises—those with restaurants, inns, shops, products and services, which we already promote to our visiting festival-goers. Did you know that 85% of our audience comes from off-Cape?

Our MISSIONARY SPONSORSHIP at the $500 level is not only tax deductible to the full extent of the law, but it also entitles five employees and/or friends to half-price tickets (for two!) to all Afterglow Festival shows (September 12-16, 2017). Afterglow simply forgoes its usual cut at the box office. So not only are you supporting Afterglow, now, when we need it, you’re also giving pals and those in your employ affordable access to the hottest, newest, most progressive performances to hit Provincetown in each year.

 And that’s not all. The Afterglow Festival will feature your place of business on its website, in its newsletters, actively directing our audience to your doors. Plus, it gets better: As a Missionary Sponsor, you and your crew are guest-listed for our parties and events, including our Opening Eve Repast at Baie Bar Resto, Monday, September 10, with visiting artists and fellow friends of the Afterglow Festival.

So let’s review: Just five hundred clams you needn’t give to the government…as many as five happy employees (plus one!) and/or friends who see any and all our Afterglow shows at half-price…your whole crew on our opening night party guest list…promotion via our website, eblasts and and in print…and, oh yeah, we almost forgot: that warm and fuzzy feeling that comes from being part of and fostering, a community where art and commerce can work hand-in-hand, honoring and championing Provincetown’s birthright as a cultural center for progressive live performing arts, which crucially befits its century-old status as the birthplace of the modern American stage. How about that?

 Our roster of Missionary Sponsors has included Baie Bar Resto, Perry’s Liquors, Tim-Scapes, Kiss & Makeup, Ptown Bikes, Canteen, Strangers & Saints, Fanizzi’s, The Waterford, Shor, Roux, Ken Fulk, Mercedes Cab, TJO Home and others. Emissary Sponsors have included local businesses like Salt Hotels, Baystate Cruise Company, The Art House, , 151 Bradford Market, John Derian Co. and many more.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days.

 Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2018 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2018 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Naming Names

Virgo 4° (August 27)


We were out the door at 6:30 and it was quite good walk. Not as good as tomorrow. I just know these things. Thinking about the gaslighting thing. And of course my mind made a joke of it. It makes sense that John Derian has a nineteenth-century aesthetic and vision because, as long as I’ve known him, he’s operated by gaslighting. It just might be something that Marthe Svenjördt could get away with.

Jokes of intros for curtain speaches. Definitely doing the Provincetown thing and the Wellfleet Jewish joke. Perhaps add a thing in about surfing.   Maybe also the Manafort joke. I can’t watch tv anymore because you know it’s the same repetitive story and images on a loop. The one image that unfortunately stuck with me is that Manaforte walking shot where he shoves the cameras out of the way. His body language is so sick.

Went to the PAAM to see the Biala and the Helen Frankenthaler and both were amazing. It makes me so proud that we have such good art right here in river city. Sorry. I’m a bit punchy. Grabbed some salmon with cauliflower and spinach salad made dinner.

They used my sleigh joke tonite on Insecure. I like the show although it does sometimes seem to move sideways. I just hope nobody really caught it because it’s one of those jokes that’s so up from grabs Zeitgeist wise. Anyway, right now this Blague is designed to get my head on straight with only thirteen days to go before this fundraising year turns into a pumpkin which people in New England tend to put on door steps way too early. They probably do it in New Jersey as well. There is plenty of time when there is “collection time.”

I was struck in the letters Helen Frankenthaler wrote that she and Bob (Robert Motherwell, her husband) were working 18 hour days. Nobody ever really works 18 hour days. 12 maybe but not 18. There is a lot of faffing about in an 18-hour day, and one is so damn tired, they’re beat before they’ve begun. Like waking and baking, remember? How it used to just make you tired for your whole existence. Did you ever wake and bake? You’d walk around like a zombie. But there was that comfy cushion of it all. I liked pot before it became a super drug. Not that I liked really fatiguing dirt weed or anything; but I did like the kind of pot that didn’t make me feel like my arteries were about to explode sending me crutching, kneeling in the shower, running water over me bargaining with god if he would just make it stop. I don’t find that kind of marijuana very fun. Oh but I was talking about “collection time.”

“Collection time” refers back to when we worked in fashion and S aka L had her own sporstwear collection. Designing two seasons a year for a young designer is actually a lot and despite the unavoidable faffing about that was part of the picture (due to her partner, a too-rich-and-thus-totally-dysfunctional-and-immolized-creature who would show up to work wearing two differnt shoes or carrying the trash she was meant to drop down the incinerator in her building but instead took for a ride on the subway to their 40th street studio and showroom. Anyway….”collection time”, two but especially the one week leading up to the show/defilé required one live on about four hours sleep. Apparently, Helen and Frank got in a good six hours, which isn’t terrible, and they considered putting together party lists as part of their “work.” I do love both painters though I must say. But their party list reads like…oh never mind…there is no good way to make this joke without seeming completely anti-Semetic.



To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days.

 Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2018 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2018 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Feeling Full

Virgo 3° (August 26)


Feeling the power of the Full Pisces Moon today. It is two weeks and two days to festival and in between times Labor Day will come and go. I will be alone and am determined to make some magic here, not pushing but letting the pieces fall into place. This goes for all aspects of my life. The hallmark of my own majority has got to be the balancing of extremes. I should be able to swim through a social sea without drowning, for starters. The fact is that I have anxiety on that score which is characterized as an inability to sink into situations. Which is why, in the past, I have needed to extra chill, typically in mixed company. Though I have learned that lesson, now, without having to go to extremes on that score either, the feeling of total ease in company still eludes me, but perhaps it does most people. And then there is the other thing about feeling appreciated, mostly, for talents and the like. It’s a Libra thing for starters. The trick is letting other people see the real me.

Yesterday Patrick and Will came over. We had a lovely dinner at Baie earlier in the week. And I’ve worked it out to have our party there. And to get some catering going for the next night. And for wine for both parties which is awesome. I think when it comes to this coming Friday I will do a hotel tonight type thing and see what I can come up with. I will start on hotels and realtors this coming Thursday. Been watching Sharp Objects and it’s giving me some weird dreams. I’ve been resisting the so-called bullet coffee on this diet I’m on but I think I’ll take the plunge when I’m alone from Thursday. But back to Friday, I can just hop a bus pretty much any time from Wellfleet to Provincetown and just be free to roam around at will. I could stay some place S. would never stay with me—that is to say I’m not fussy on what kind of accomodations I might get. I draw the line at Crew’s Quarters lol. I can’t imagine wanting to stay in a place where people are having sex all around you. Just sounds like a landscape of hell. Also the last bus from Stop n Shop goes at 11:30 PM so I could conceivably make that if I were to simply schmooze; but if I’m to make a night of it I really should have a place. I don’t think I should just wander around until six a.m.. The very idea makes me feel strung out.

Well we spent a year working on a business plan and I have a feeling it will really pay off. I was saying yesterday how any kind of bump up in abundance wouldn’t feel like winning the lottery—lottery winners always blow through that money and go back to where they started, it seems—rather I would feel it compensation for all the work I’ve done thus far. And it would give me a sense of comfort and relaxation. There will be a lot of dividing and conquering involved too which I think will be healthy. I can’t conceive of any couple working together so closely as we do and having it be blissful, pretty much, ninety percent of the time. The thing is, maybe it’s a Libra thing, but I can face hard tasks when I’m doing it as a two-person team. I do think Libra men are born to work in a two-person team. I do think it can be that literal. I know it will be just as difficult to pull off something entrepreneurial but I am rather in the mood for making some deals and I know that the ground-levelness of our business should be stationery work.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days.

 Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2018 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2018 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Please Release Me

Virgo 2° (August 25)


As you know it has been a lot of hours talking and trying to work with Endicott College. I do have big hopes for the collaboration and I really enjoy working with the team there. I’m excited for this leg of the journey I must say and I think we have a really good release going that really sums up what it’s all about. I’ll let you decide….


Gravitational Fool, a musical circus by Brian King & What Time Is It, Mr. Fox? gets Premier Showcase at Endicott College Arts Center, September 27, with a Special Grant from the New England Foundation for the Arts (NEFA) in Debut of Moveable GLOW Festival

Beverly, MA August 2018: With an expedition grant from the New England Foundation for the Arts, Quinn Cox—founder, with Tony-award-winner John Cameron Mitchell (Hedwig and the Angry Inch) of Provincetown’s non-profit Afterglow Festival and the Afterglow-at-Oberon (Glowberon) series at the American Repertory Theater—will present Brian King’s original musical Gravitational Fool as a special showcase at the Endicott College Manninen Center for the Arts in Beverly, MA, on September 27, 2018. The (NEFA) grant is awarded to non-profits to plan tours throughout the region for New England artists. Gravitational Fool, which premiered at Afterglow and was presented at Oberon/ART, is the inaugural stage work to be presented under a new non-profit aegis: GLOW, “A Moveable Festival.”

Backed by his neo-cabaret band, What Time Is It, Mr. Fox?, singer-songwriter, Brian King performs an internal-external wrestling match onstage through monologue, make-up, costume, aerialism and original music. “Gravitational Fool is about identity and its many, many layers,” King explains.  “We have the ‘we’ everyone says we are, the ‘we’ we want to be, and the many contradictory ‘we’s we actually are.” Packed with pathos, Gravitational Fool thoughtfully surveys the relegation of the queer person to the archetype of The Fool, throughout history and artistic mediums. Nancy Bauer, Dean of Boston’s School of the Museum of Fine Arts (SMFA) says: “At once joyous and elegiac…Gravitational Fool explores the multifarious moods and personae of the clown…the show is both ethically productive and hugely fun.”

Now in its eighth year, the Afterglow Festival has produced upwards of seventy-five artists; premiering works that moved off-Broadway, like James Lecesne’s Absolute Brightness, Drew Droege’s Bright Colors and Bold Patterns; and others like Penny Arcade’s Longing Lasts Longer, Dane Terry’s Anytime Moe, Justin Vivian Bond’s Mx. America and sequel Hedwig work by John Cameron Mitchell; championing the careers of Bridget Everett, Cole Escola and John Early and others in Provincetown and Cambridge. The new GLOW will seek to create a circuit of progressive venues throughout New England for artists to tour.

For Cape Ann native King and bandmates, and Cox whose family lives on the North Shore, the state-of-the-art Manninen Center was the perfect choice of venue for this showcase. “The North Shore is home to sophisticated audiences who will appreciate Brian’s genius brand of musical, theatrical artistry,” says Cox. “Besides searing talent, all our artists embody a strong narrative and cultural conscience; and they are not only evolving the worlds of theater and live performance, but the social discourse itself.”

The Manninen Center for the Arts at Endicott College and Performing Arts Department seek to celebrate the intersection of the arts. “Gravitational Fool epitomizes our mission in 2018,” said Becca Kenneally, Chair of Visual and Performing Arts. “With relevant subject-matter, and fresh presentational style, we feel this is exactly where educational arts should live.”

Glow and Endicott College present Gravitational Fool, Thursday, September 27, at 8PM at Endicott’s Rose Hall, Manninen Center for the Arts, 376 Hale Street, Beverly, MA. Tickets or 978-998-7700 Information: (978) 232-2397 or



To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days.

 Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2018 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2018 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Come To Think Of It

Virgo 1° (August 24)


I can’t do anything perfectly and it’s ridiculous to think that I can. I’m wont to beat myself up, for instance, if an email goes from the wrong box. Big deal. Who cares. I really am doing the very best that I can and I think I’m making major strides. Right now I am mounting this festival and fundraising and producing shows, already, for the next months ahead; and I am writing books and blagues and trying to keep the business going. I need money from sponsors and asses in seats so I’m going to make this the target of my day.

I have been thinking about what I want to say in a distilled way to people, off the top of my head:

Dear Friends,

 It is just two weeks until the Eighth Annual Afterglow Festival, and we are super excited for this milestone as we hit the pavement hard in our final plea for Sponsorships and Sparklerships. Many of our most loyal supporters dating back to 2011 have fled these shores; and we’ve only begun to infiltrate the hearts and minds of new, some world-known, summertime residents. We will meet our goals, never fear—we are undaunted! Doing so, though, does require suppot from our friends, community and colleagues. 

 Afterglow has been an incubator these past seven years (as Provincetown had been for the early part of the 20th century) for many talented  emerging and evolving playwrights and performing artists working in myriad forms. We’ve premiered solo plays that moved Off-Broadway and to stages around the globe, and debuted performance pieces by artists who have headlined major festivals and theaters worldwide. Provincetown and Afterglow are now well-established in the arts-hive-mind along with festivals in major cities like Edinburgh, Sydney, London, Rome, Dublin, Berlin, Zagreb and beyond. Funded separately, our Afterglow-at-Oberon (formerly Glowberon) series at the American Repertory Theater at Harvard University in Cambridge, MA, now in its fourth year, has allowed our festival artists to further develop their work and vision and reach wider audiences and garner praise from The Boston Globe and WGBH-PBS and other media outlets with national scope. And the New England Foundation for the Arts (NEFA) has provided us a grant to create regional tours for artists. Always though, Afterglow is at the core, all works we proliferate being stamped with a “made in Provincetown” seal.

Unlike other festivals, Afterglow funds the travel and lodging of all its artists and pays them a fee—it is part of our festival mission to treat artists with the dignity they deserve. And, in an entertainment environment where stage space, like everything else, is real-estate, Afterglow pays for the venue, rent and staff, promotion, press, design, graphics, printing, administration and all ancillary costs with funds raised from our supporters. In this day and age, the only way to preserve Provincetown’s heritage as the birth place of the modern American stage and performance, and as a bastion for performing artists to explore, expand, experiment and evolve, is to do so non-profit. The Afterglow Festival is a 501 (c) (3) charitable arts organization to which sponsorships and donations, in cash or kind, are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. Please help us to continue to carve out sacred stage space in American theater’s spiritual home for creative, non-commercial, progressive performing artists who evolve the genre and the social discourse. Please help preserve Provincetown as a beacon for artistic expression for artists and a destination for eager, open, interested audiences.

Sponsorships range from $500 to the skies the limit, and carry all kinds of perks and ways we can give back. ; and Sparklerships allow generous people of limited means to donate $100 and receive pairs of tickets at half-price to all our shows If a Sparkler +1 sees all the shows they’d actually save $200!! So, again, please give; and if you can’t give this year,  please forward e this email to an interested someone who maybe can.

 I can’t thank you enough for reading through to the end here. I know it’s a lot (and there’s so much more I’ll spare you) and, despite the etymology, there isn’t much fun in fundraising. So from all of us at the Afterglow Festival, I want to wish you another wonderful four full weeks! of actual summer, a safe Labor Day, and all good things.

Oh, and supporters save the date Monday, September 10, for our Opening Eve Repast at delicious Baie Bar Resto where our dear friend Chef Raina Stefani will create some gorgeous plates, with wine from Perry’s!

Glowingly yours,

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days.

 Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2018 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2018 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Hu Goes There

Virgo 0° (August 23)


Vulcanalia the First Day of August. I once wrote a whole thing about this. It was a for a variety show we hosted as opening night to the Afterglow Festival in 2013:

Enlightenment. Revelation. A Turning point.

A turning out.


To everything, turn turn turn.


This is a great turn-out

This is a real nice clambake

A revelation is a turning out of cosmic Truth and Grace

And a turning out of Self to receive it (Stella puts arms up in Y) See you are the chalice. You are the holy grail ready to be filled

Giving up and over


Total faith




In Love


Love, Love, love


A Sudden, Spontaneous Connection with the Divine


Not organized Religion


A word that actually means to re-link, the root word lig as in ligament, connective tissue


A re-linking implies then that there’s is a disconnect (aha moment)


See, that’s the enlightenment part.


And as far as the entertaining goes, it’s not just that we love to sing and gotta dance and (Jimmy Durante) tell jokes just like everybody does.


Ah, well, everybody should. But not every body does.


It’s that the performing arts and spiritual practice, ritual, used to be one and the same.

All coming under the heading of “lifting spirits” if you will.


Re-linking our own indivial divine sparks with the eternal flame of the All.


You’ve seen it happen. Whether a performer on stage or your math teacher in class suddenly blurring-out, becoming a pure aura of energy against the green blackboard.

Oh, beam me up, Scotty. Or to your ancestral Edinburgh home.

To be sure. That divine energetic connection will be made. As above so as below.

If we journey inward, microcosmically we find tiny central orbs being orbitted by even smaller orbs, if we journey outward, macrocosmically, we find central orbs being orbitted by smaller orbs….and


We are stardust (a la Joni)


Yes and Hu are we, (realizing they have come full circle in conversation)


Huuuuu (singing)


Hu-mans! Hu. H-u is the most ancient “name” for “god”. It’s the divine sound of the universe. We are man and we are hu. Both animal man and divine hu put together but…


there is a disconnect


…which we can relink by chanting, singing Hu, the



singing Hu activates our upliftment.

singing Hu draws us closer, in our state of consciousness to our divine being…and so we going to re-lidge, here and now, theatre and temple, stage and sacred space as well as our own man=ly sides—and I promise you you have one….


and you my dear are totally good to go


with our Hu-sides, all together, and and and we will also connect our divinely dual individual selves with each other so I want everyone to hold hands or lay your hands on one another in some fashion, those on the aisle can grasp the shoulder of the person in front of you and Stella and I will grab hold here


oh I know, you hate to be touched, that’s okay there is a simple remedy for that. You turn it out. When you don’t want to be touched, right, you recoil, your energy goes in.


So just turn it out


I use this technique especially on the subway. If someone mindlessly or intentionally rubs his leg against mine, or if i’m straphanging on a crowded train and I feel some lumber rising into my own sacred spaces i don’t recoil but instead I Turn It Out and express the full energy of my being from the area and, well, my whole being really, and the power of my energy emanating forth first relieves all my stress in the situation and it actually disallows any intrusion, repelling unwanted advances….except in those rare instances where the connection is more than you bargained for and you end up getting off …the train…a few stops earlier than planned and then have to call your girlfriend later to apologize for having had to miss your lunch date but, as I say that rarely or really never happens, but when it does you know the energy was gooood…..well it’s like you with telemarketers.



yah, yah…(increasingly pleased with himself) well I did figure out the best way to get off those pesky call lists. It’s very easy. The phone rings. And it’s like: hi it’s Ashley from Foreclosure Village or whatever and instead of hanging up or yeah recoiling in some way you Turn It Out and start getting into it like oh yeah Ashley. oh yeah I am so glad you called right now cuz I was just toying with my own foreclosure was actually just feeling… lib…..all kinds of pressure building up and I would totally love for you to talk me through the issue that needs to be worked out before it blows up in all our faces.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days.

 Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2018 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2018 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Fade To Back


Leo 29° (August 21)

It is three weeks until festival and I woke up feeling grateful to have had such good time with friends but I’m still in transition mode and need another day to truly align energy with the myriad marks I’ll need to hit. I am a bit shaky emotionally today because of what went down with LR and not just because they treated me like dirt but because I reel from people feeling they can get away with that for some reason, which is a recurring issue. I’m here to tell the yoniverse that it is not okay.

It was interesting running into Shania. It would be fun to hang out. I feel an affinity there that I don’t much feel with other people, always have. And I find it to be worth exploring. We are officiellement now working the Keto and I think it will yield some good; the thing is I don’t eat much differently, anyway. Ah, that feeling you have as a young person when you can eat and eat and eat and nothing would happen to your body; I didn’t know I would miss that visceral experience quite so much.

I was thinking this morning how I just need to move through writing on my subject rather than thinking about the world of agents and editors and publishers. Oh, my. I’m just going to continue to create and go slow; my rushing ahead is only ever about fear of not leaving no stone uncovered to cover my ass-ets. But this has funneled, along with other obsessions, into a full river called Hypervigilance, and it no longer serves me.

I know I will slowly be moving mountains this week. I have much in the way of writing and editing and emailing to do to pull off this festival. Doing so as best I can at this point really does constutute success. And I have to keep the book-writing going as well. On that note I muse on Aries:

He can’t deal with rejection in the least (while his so-called opposite sign of Libra’s whole being and existence is hinged on negoatiating it, along with all things one-on-one relationa)l. No sign takes what life may bring more personally than does Aries. Impuslive. He sees the world/existence as possessing the same qualities as he—that reality/existence is impulsive, competitive, dog-eat-dog, raw and rather random.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days.

 Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2018 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2018 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox



To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days.

 Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2018 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2018 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox


Leo 28° (August 20)


It’s (not according to the above date, which would make this yesterday, bacause I had to do some justifying since there are 366 days a year, nearly, and only 360°) Sunday morning and my high school friend David came to visit with his girlfriend Tracey. They are both biologists and very interesting and we have great conversation and food and wine and song together and it is a joy to be with them. A rare, true joy. It was supposed to be really lousy weather but they cam anyway and the whole weekend had a sneak-between-the-raindrops kind of feel.

I was about to close the roof and windows of our old Mercedes which we’d taken for its yearly gas-up and spin through Provincetown when our friends pulled up about 7:30. We had some lovely Lambrusco and I had made two chickens and potatoes and green beans; and we drank Rioja and played music, singing until three in the morning. I don’t remember falling asleep, but I awoke at seven with a start remembering I never closed up the car. It was just starting to drizzle; I made it in time. But I couldn’t fall back to sleep.

Bacon and eggs, trying to start this Keto diet I still have to read about. Then we headed to the beach as it was quite nice out, certain we would never get onto Newcomb Hollow, that the lot would be full. It wasn’t. Crazy. So we went for our full three-mile walk and drank lemonade and saw seals and a whale and various sea birds. We then went into Wellfleet town and harbor and settled at the outdoor Mac’s down by the water. They ate proper lobster rolls and tofu burritos and broiled salmon with steamed vegetables while I ate a bowl of chowder. Poor me.

We came back and tried to nap; but that didn’t work; and it began to pour, pour, pour. So we cancelled our dinner reservation at Baie; but then we had to shop for food and wine which meant Provincetown anyway, so off we went, just the three of us. S. stayed back and got collected. We did our one-stop-shop at Perry’s for pasta, nibbles, sauce, wine, Labrusco, cheese and crackers; and then Dave reasserted the art stroll, which was something they were really keen on doing. Tracey is a collector of sorts, so it was nice to see her enthralled. We got a spot right out front of Ken Fulk’s house and hit a half a dozen galleries. Tracey really connected with Pete Hocking’s work which made sense. And today they set back off to Ptown and purchased one before heading back to New York City.

The synchronicities also abound(ed) this weekend. Because the first night they were here I was saying how my favorite record was the David Byrne and Brian Eno: Everything That Happens. I have of course sang songs from this album and it has inspired me show-wise. Then last night, while we were eating our buccatini and marinara we enhanced with artichoke, S. said that while we were in Provincetown she saw that Neko Case had put on Instagram that it was the tenth anniversary of the record’s release and that is was in her top five records of all time or something. These things always happen to me.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days.

 Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2018 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Oh And

Leo 27° (August 19)


I was also encouraged at the reaction to the GLOW concept by name-escapes-me from NEFA, and we will talk about the tour grant and how it suits our mission in myriad ways 1) to champion New England artists 2) to create this neo-Vaudeville circuit for performers to help them work more regularly and in more places throughout the region 3) connecting audiences to artists who not only evolve the world of performance, in its myriad forms, but social discourse, as well, through textual, musical, or, really, any form of narrative.

We will work off the academic smell of Harvard where you performed this already—cue ivy logo —into the equally academic Endicott which we should sell the hell out off. Here we hit on your North Shore roots so we don’t have to rewrite the press release for the local papers. Off the top of your head what are the main ones? And do you have names and titles and email addresses if so please send them to me. and THEN of course we have to get into the meat of Gravitational Fool and what it’s all about. So, drawing on stuff you’ve written before, give me an edit, a sprucing up, go back into a few of those paragraphs and punch em up as you see fit or not.

We need to be SMART and we need to be super EDGY and we need to be really CLASSY and a little CHEEKY and a lot FUNNY. I mean in terms of the vibe we are putting out there for this because this is the main point about a press release. FUNDRAISING.  I know you know that we are not limited to the NEFA grant for funding this “new tour circuit” that BRIAN KING is trailblazing with us; and in fact, we need to raise X more to help off set the NEFA grant. So please go to bitch betta have my money and click on this; Or send it to Zoom.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days.

 Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2018 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2018 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Gravity Bites

Leo 26° (August 18)


Sorry I am giving you the full $3000 from that gig as I’ve said. Consider that, if you will, part grant fee and part gig fee.The aim now is to get at least 3 things booked so that I can get the balance of the grant (and then many more bookings as well). And to get the next grant money in for the actual tour. All the while starting to make (us) money on subsequent gigs.

I know you are well aware, even before starting promoting for this showcase, of the amount of time and energy that has gone into just this one thing alone.

Add in the outreach and back and forth with the other half dozen venues we are trying to intrigue. It does not work to your benefit for me to outline the costs of this in real time….

Because we’d already be at capacity with very little to show for it.

So I intend to keep up this pace and not count hours plus travel plus any of it because there is no way in hell the grant money would ever cover the months of work that will go into all of this.I’d just rather make sure to get the job done and these gigs and tour in works and get everything written and promoted which in the end would be more like a $20K job than a $6K job if we’re honest.

But I have an emotional stake in this more than this grant could ever cover and I’m never going to be like…oh, well, time’s up hour-wise. No. I am in it for the longhaul no matter how many hours or tasks it takes to get WTIIMF and GF on a grand tour.

Which brings us to part of what we have to work out which is that simple agreement between us. I think that if I am making what I make with Oberon (that is 20% of gross for any gig for which I am doing all the press, promotion and marketing et al) so long as the actual tour grant money goes toward the bands travel and lodging which an Oberon typically picks up tab for, then we have a good locomotive going! agree?

The little bits of NEFA grant money will have primed the pump for us to do what will hopefully be years’ worth of work, and got the gears to catch so we can start generating income in general. I have a good feeling about some of the venues we can take this; not just new england of course.

Afterglow is basically done but for trying to find more money and audience building and doing whatever press interviews come in. Really. All the work does happen over time. So I’m actually very free to focus on Endicott as I am on the start of Afterglow-at-Oberon. I’ve made a good friend now at City Winery in the talent producer (I am going as HIS guest to see Rizo LOL) and I have a good feeling about their small room if you get my drift!.

I will be preparing a press release. We will announce Endicott and this new Glow auspice all in one release is my idea.I think it is news alone that GF is happening at Endicott but I think if we tie it to Oberon/ART and the series too, vaguely, we can get a lot of play.

Likewise in the release i ALREADY sent to Globe, Herald, Jared Bowen, Improper, et al, which was a GLOBAL Thing about Afterglow I mentioned you of course and also Rizo (prematurely) oh well. So you’ve already co-starred in one release this season LOL. Press and Promotion are my FAVORITE Parts!!

So I think the kicker should be something like….what do you think?
Gravitational Fool, A TK TK, By Brian King & What Time Is It, Mr. Fox? Gets Premier Showcase
at Endicott College Arts Center, September 27, 2018, In Debut of New, Moveable GLOW Festival


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days.

 Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2018 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2018 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

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