Month: October 2019 (page 2 of 3)


Libra 25° (October 18)


I’ve got to be in today. I’ll start by making some copies of important guidelines I created to hang on the wall to keep me on track. I also need to read some old book proposal stuff which I think is going to turn out to be very helpful. What I realize as I sit to write is that (I’m reminded) the writing process itself triggers other stuff. I can’t be friends with Kenny cuz he was mean to you but you can be friends with a whole host of unsavory characters. Take back the negative energy of your acts and deal with it yourself. I am forever removed from this thought form. Anyway eff all.

We talk about various planetary stuff but we highlight Chiron in this chapter. He is the only son born to Cronus (Roman: Saturn) out of wedlock with Rhea who bore him the six main, first-generation Olympian gods, Zeus chief among them. So Chiron is a kind of weird uncle, the black sheep, dark horse. He is a version of a centaur, although he has human (front) legs, a monster whose mother left him to die she was so abhorred, the elephant in the room, the Elephant Man, in effect. We will not wade into how the eastern elephant god Ganesh, whose festival falls at the start of Virgo, is a godly archetype associated with the sign.

Chiron has a funny path that crosses Saturn’s orbit, then elipses closer to Uranus. So it is proferred that Chiron combines Saturn’s strict overlord denergy with that of Uranus’s break-free spirit. And if we know anything we know that Virgo woman is all about finding middle ground. Mutable earth means Middle earth in this context. Bilbo and Frodo Baggins, meanwhile inhabit this archetypal landscape as they are the Everyman. Mutable earth is Middle Ground Surrender is Acceptance. Living Life on Life’s Terms

Demeter herself is the middle ground between her two sisters. Hera, queen of the gods, is the glamour puss; Hestia, goddess of the hearth, is the scabby queen of the pantheon, and her energy hovers over both signs of Leo and Virgo. In Virginia Woolf’s The Waves, she is Susan. (Go! Read a book!) Demeter means earth mother De signifying Earth and Meter meaning Mater. I’ll never use any of this. I didn’t like Naples all that much. But imagine becoming a hippy and living like a pauper off of the tiny money I do make. Ha ha ha. I’d be a flush homeless person. I don’t know why this strikes me as humurous.The thing is is: To make every word of every chapter make it clear that they are the best. Should we write this in the second-person?? It is a very good question. I am doing the best I can. I lowered my standards today a bit I think. Probably too much if you ask me. Well who asked ya. This is Friday night. We will have some lovely Bandol. I say I’m in but I’m not. And this weekend will be a wash because I will stay up all night(s) long watching Scott & Bailey.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox


Libra 24° (October 17)

Ugh, I awoke to a pooping dream. “How common.” (Bubble from AbFab)I had to do it in a group toilet setting next to a girl I knew. The anxiety of the all-gender bathroom rearing it’s head? Perhaps. It was a rather fitful night in any case and I awoke, yet again, at two-thirty and rolled around and watched TV with no sound for another three hours. I feel okay considering but not top notch. The weather was absolutely crazy, raining and gusting, the house shaking like mad, branches down everywhere. And though no longer raining this morning it was blustery like fast moving clouds in a sky that recalls early eighteenth century English pastoral vases and paintings and miniatures. I know what I mean by that. I always maintained it wasn’t my favorite time to live. I did much prefer the early nineteenth century. It was a very wholesome and cozy and empowering time for me.

Anyway I need to put some thoughts and feels on paper for a project so I might as well do it here:

Aesthetics: Keywords: Essential, Elegant, Mystic, Metaphysical, Ethereal/Earthy, Old-World Modernist (modern from early 20th century view), Boston Brahmin, Transcendentalist, Cosmic (in Klint way), Simple Strong, Established, Old-Fashion-House-y, Powerful, Beautiful, Reassuring, Understanded Luxury.

Impressions + Narrative:

The Hilma af Klint was a big inspiration as it was an artistic communcation of a cosmic cionsciousness. She particularly stressed the essential power of the colors blue and yellow. Our existing AsterCast logo has been a sort of bluey grey and gold, which is vaguely on theme. We have explored varioations in our minds like midnight blue (sky) and palest yellow (star) to more greige and pale gold, being more neutral and seventies, stark, like a desert sand landscape under clouded sky.* We have also imagined the blue bordering on green, more sea foamy, paried with a gold. It’s a classic combination where the sea foam could take on a Tiffany blue kind of signature. It is the contrast in Klint’s conception of these essential colors that feels right and resonant, and we think that we might entertain any number of variations growing out of this basic pairing. Our ritual morning coffee turns out is had in one blue and one yellow cup. When we have a late morning coffee or tea we serve it in seafoamy cups, just a funny coincidental bit of self-reflection. (The tray on which we serve coffee and breakfast every day all these decades was purchased in a thrift shop in 1984 at the end of the school year in which we met France. It is made in Japan but looks Indian in design. Only recently did we realize that the now faded pattern depicts a circle with twelve dotted orbs, like stellar flowers, the Zodiac cosmic wheeel, set within an unfolding lotus, underscoring our thirty-six year relationship?).

* Woody Allen’s “Interiors” (1978) with its spare seventies American vision (with stark Swedish/Bergman overlay), is nonetheless powerfully loaded, and psycholoically so. The air is heavy with anticipation—in this way it’s a horror film. The nothingness makes the underlying something that much stronger. And, stylistically, we see a mix of old (painted walls and moldings and antiques) paired with more modern and contemporary elements (the dining set, the minimalism, the “plain-ness” of her hair and clothes, almost like devotional vestments, nearly expressing a Shaker sense of spirituality and life style). Ascetism despite the fact these northeast intelligentia Americans are sufficiently monied. A sense of unadorned adornment. All is visible and yet it communicates on the feeling level. There is mysticism.The final scene of the film is an outdoor shot, ironically, contrasting pale cream sand and grey sky, the same color scheme in the shot of woman in camel jumper on in greige interior. Gold and Silver.

Companies with Inspirational Brand Identies: Alaia, Frederique Malle
Images: Coffee Cups, Tea Cups


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox


Libra 23° (October 16)


I had a dream I was flying a plane. Apparently this is a generally good sign of taking control. Although the details of the dream made for a sometimes fearful, fretful ride, where I would keep having to pull up. I do remember trying to keep myself at a certain height where I wouldn’t hit (any more) trees (than I already had) but where it still felt comfortable, like, if I had to put it down, it wouldn’t be too hard or fateful. Anyway, I was sometimes flying it and sometimes not. But I think it puts me in solid stead in starting what I need to start for the next fortnight. Today my goals are simple. I’m going to re-read everything and make necessary notes for myself in the process. I have to remind myself of what we have already said anew (meaning what will be rehash) and how to otherwise break down the sections.

So far, I’m finding that there is a bit of the Metaphysical Musing bit that could work for the snapshot. S. had flagged it for section two which is also correct. Actually makes me realize that the snapshot rather connects to section two. I want to print-out the bits on the sections and hang it over my desk. I say something in this bit about the three p’s (but that’s not right since I define them as people places and things. I think I either had it written differently or never fixed it before it was edited. something.) Must definitely address that. But what I am seeing emerge from going through this first document anyway is some kind of understanding on how to group these bits into collage which is something I’m going to do as I go. I made the type of the Experience bits green so to differentiate from the Musings. Don’t worry, you’re not suppose to know what I’m talking about. Today is really for me. To talk myself through this process which isn’t all that easy, though I am trying to keep it simple. Most of the green stuff (because most of the Experience bits) are male centric and don’t apply, really, to this particular chapter. It feels so good today not to have anything in my system. The plan tomorrow is to get the snapshot drafted and work into the sign and significance section. That would be a very profitable Thursday indeed. Friday, then, can focus on the second chunk, which will largely have to be written from scratch, and that shouldn’t be too too hard either. And then I have the weekend to write the last bit. With that we should have the makings of something great.

Oops just led myself up the garden path called memory lane where I fell down a rabbit hole. This needn’t be so hard. All I have to do now is read for another two hours. Surely I can do that. Then I need to look at both bios; and that should be that. I am going to see what loss of lbs can be achieved as well during this two-week creative retreat slash clear out. I did work those two hours and have made all my notes on the sample chapter starter kit so I actually start writing a new book, the way I see it, on the morrow so that’s exciting. And it’s not the only exciting news really. But I’m trying to stay very much on an even keel. Trying to fly not to high or too low as per my dream. Anything can happen and I’m not getting carried away carrying chickens. Speaking of which I roasted one tonight and served with bok choy. Had just a thimble of Bandol and then watched Scott + Bailey, which is my new binge. So happy to have one! I could stop there but I’m going to voice some thingss here that I will feel later. I am of the mind that nomatter how undistracted you think you are or will be things have a way of slicing into your experience. The trick is to still do the one thing you need to do immediately before other things. I may have to learn that lesson, one more time, the hard way. I have given myself a fortnight with a certain project and I do need to stick to that goal. There will be other projects sliding in tomorrow over my main goal. I will need to work a very long day. I look forward to returning this Cosmic Blague to a more purisst form.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

She Emerges

Libra 22° (October 15)


Here we go. Libratime is flying fast and I’m playing chicken with my deadlines and own creativity. So I have about a half an hour to say what I want to say. Then I will make myself some sardines and red onion and capers on toast as my lunch. Only I’ll skip the toast. I was up again for hours and hours last night, and though I tried for a nap it was thwarted by Farmer Jim who is here working on the property. With astro new year, read ten Blagues dating back to the beginning. Which means when the Experience Intros are over, go into Calypso first. (You can tell us what you’re doing.) Also slowly go through Sextrology for areas of elaboration, for exploring side-bars as main text, etc for Nextrology. “Stationers” store with a used bookstore annex. I want to do something extraordinary and different. Lecture/workshop.Keep it simple talk in mantras and action items, addressing the physical self and body parts exploring myth and archetype. What to do for your body? This might be something to add to the situation. Virgos need to leave more time. They are the most likely to show up with wet hair. I am really pushing here. Was just thinking I would hijack this entire post and talk about how I was terrorized by my sister, a malignant narcissist, born on June 14, surely, for the first eighteen years of my life, and, arguably, until the second death of a parent whereupon I’ve never had to set eyes on her again. Now, for more than the past three years, I have been terrorized by yet another malignant narcissist, also born on June 14, in the form of this (I will not call him) president. If you don’t think that astrology is real—don’t get me wrong not everyone born on June 14 is a non-empath antichrist—but if you know me, or we collaborate, and you have this same birthday, please know that I have given our relationship extra thought and I have found: Many of you are paler, less dangerous versions of the two who shall not be named. While more of you have detected a certain aspect of self that can “go there” and you have gone the extra mile to be that much more good and better than you might have been without your negative propensities. This is Gemini duality: The ability to go higher than the rest of us because you can also go lower. The sign is ruled by Mercury the psychopomp who can solely travel from deepest Hades to the heavenly heights.

Hunter Biden has a very good tan. And though he doesn’t quite send me he does look rather healthy and vital—whitest teeth, nut brown skin, ruby red lips, cristal blue eyes set in shining whites therof. A friend posted a TedTalk by RL and was raving about it. To me it sounded overwritten, underrehearsed and slurring (he seemed drunk). I’m becoming more and more psychic. I dreamed about E. drinking. And then found out this morning it was the anniversary of his sobreity. I’m glad I mentioned the dream to S. who was like: um he just posted this anniversary. In the dream he was so far gone, talking jibberish. And we had driven far to this event and felt a bit put out. Literally there were no hotel rooms and we were on beds in the lobby. I am losing the plot. I have lost the plot. I got a good deal accomplished and there is still a fortnight left before being deposed and I have to use my time very wisely as there are also appointments during that spate and chores and all the rest of it. So tomorrow I have to fully map out everything. Then give Tim’s bio a peek. It looks like I’ll have to work this weekend instead of doing the Oysterfest thing. No company coming although I was very much looking forward to a guys’ weekend, it didn’t pan out and that’s okay. I’m still finding ways to procrastinate and can ill afford it. I will move the needle tomorrow if it’s the last thing I do. And it just might be. I cannot afford another day of faffing about. Everyone was delayed, now I am. And I am not now going to move on some dime for others. I have to prioritize myself and my own projects. Much, as I often say, can happen in a fortnight. In fact most things can. I have to remove disdain from my body.

Things a Virgo need rid herself of. Disdain and Doubt. She is not by nature trusting. Think of Amy and of Heather today. Make an offering to Demeter. Loss and grief are the themes of the Demeter myth. She has only one child. The pig is sacred to her. Goddess of Sacred Law and the Cycles of life. The Eleusian mysteries center on Demeter and Kore and pre-date the Olympian pantheon of gods. Her flower is the Poppy that grows among the barley. Being an earth goddess does have its underworld tones. Demeter is assigned the zodiac constellation Virgo the Virgin by Marcus Manilius in his 1st century Roman work Astronomicon. In art, constellation Virgo holds Spica, a sheaf of wheat in her hand and sits beside constellation Leo the Lion. Underground ceramic jars to store corn, grain. They are silos. When the corn of the old crop is laid on the fields, this is seen as the reunitiging of Demeter and Persephone.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Waning Is Letting Go

Libra 21° (October 14)


Okay so this is the last of the metaphysical mohegans day, and that seems fitting as it is indigenous peoples day. This is a reinvetion I can definitely get with. I am trying very hard to have a genuine experience (did you see the irony there?) but I’m not convinced it’s going to happen. The trick is to be okay when it doesn’t and to stay vigilant in some ultimate expectation of fruition and not giving up the ghost which will only cause myriad problems. The Glow Plan is simple: Drawing on the ten years of experience doing the festival and five years of the series, where we bottled the festival philosophy, the aim would be to raise money to create a “moveable festival” whereby we would partner with dozens of venues in small cities and towns, ultimately, throughout New England, enriching the cultural landscape while providing work for progressive, non-commercial artists. In effect Glow would institute a neo-vaudeville circuit of sorts in New England, all powered, non-profit through private and corporate sponsorship donations and grants. That really is the long and the short of it. I would thus like to find twenty companies who could give me fifty thousand each, as one million dollars would be needed to fund artists moving, in rotation, from one venue to the next along said circuit. I really think this doable. I am wondering if I shouldn’t … I never finished that sentence. So we have taken a little trip to the stores and bought some lovely things, sweetie. I really want to have stuffed clams on Friday with salad. Tonight is pizza night with salad. Tomorrow will be Salmon with tarragon and epinards. Wednesday and Thursday will be chicken based. I will have soup and such on Saturday and Sunday. I need to get the festival calendar. If I decide to show up with a check (to this party on the twenty-sixth) that will just be what happened. We chatted in the car about the Paris scenario. It seems so many renovations on apartments everywhere, and it’s also happened to Paris, is away from bath tubs. I don’t know girl. I think I might just decide to rent an apartment year-round there and make it work. I don’t need something this fancy. I need bold moves based on some solid intel.

Tomorrow our Haute Astrology books will go on sale and I will look for that promotion. I don’t know what to do regarding the tee shirts. I have put together the seeds of a press kit but there is no real follow through; I don’t think he understands that I am asking him to do work on it. Deliverables is something that not everyone is good at executing. I will do my two doctors calls today as well. The guys that work in the field for news agencies are always English and sort of clean-cut rugged. It’s such a type. I always feel so happy, say, on trips when we meet new people. And the bonding always happens so completely. And then it dissolves just as readily. It’s the way it goes I realize. We will stay up for a bit and play by the fire with our salad and pizza. I am coming out of whatever fog seems to have descended on me these last weeks, a result of feeling like everyone I’m dealing with it set on some lower speed than I am. I just want to get all the motors running, especially those that are creative and remuneative. It has been some time since I’ve worked with other people and I’m not that used to it I suppose. I really have no time for people’s laziness, bullshit or excuses. It’s just not something I can do. I have to be the bad cop too it seems in this equation. I got rid of that disease whose initials just happen to be V.D.. I will tomorrow change the narrative and get out of this personal ranting head and start talking about the various signs again. I’m actually thinking about all the books I want and need to write. But it really does hinge on hitting this new one out of the park. I feel a lot of pressure. Still I am up to the challenge I believe. I just need to get over this particular hump. I have to get over feelings of dread. That is probably my biggest demon to vanquish. I suppose it is a form of fear. I feel it as part of social anxiety. But mainly I feel as if I’m going to fail at things at which I previously succeed. I need to ritualize this I think in order to make a real difference. A fake it till you make it moment of sorts, but even more than that, really. Just choosing certain alchemy changing the physical landscape. This is always really important for anyone with any Virgo in them. I really am dealing with the Undeliverables on every level. But it will do me no good to be the voice of censure; I always get shot when I do that. The messenger once again putting his position out there. And so I will rise above and focus on my own happiness for the coming weeks. It can be an empowering time if I allow it. So Mote It Be.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox


Libra 20° (October 13)


Okay so here I am. It took me until three today to sit down to write today’s entry. It was a quiet day. I got a goodly amount accomplished, not nearly as much as I would have liked, however surely enough. There is time in case I need to run out and get something else from the shops, meanwhile I think I can just let go and enjoy this tiny bit of buzz I’ve created. I don’t need things to make logical sense right now. It is strange that I don’t speak to my own best man. He never liked me and I never liked him. This is something I realized only yesterday. I always had placeholder people in my life when I was young. I was more aspirational about people in my soul; but I never always managed to attract them, though there were certain times when I did so. Every day must be a process of letting go. I don’t write parodies or plays or poems or even prose. I write this and non-fiction. That’s the truth of the matter. I can feel my muscles seizing up as I write this the relaxant backfiring as it can at first often do. I’m physically full I know that but it’s okay. I could quickly drive to the store and they would never know would they? Or would they? I think I hurt my knuckles without knowing it, probably in the fall. Either that or I have a sudden auto-immune disorder. What if I just stopped. Everything. Right now. What if this is the worst it will be? Tired of tension and of twitching. Tired of watching past roll by on a two dimensional screen. This is all part of it so stay vigilant. I am talking to me and not you so don’t sweat it. I need to come down off my thrown and leave myself alone. This errant overseer won’t show up. He never finishes anything he starts. He was already in the process of suring up the deck, now it is demolished, and the back door blocked, which I’m going to consider something of a fire hazard. It has been this way for too too long. I have been overly kind and patient. But I must be cautious not to use this as an excuse either. There is always the library which can be very quiet. Or some cafe that doesn’t exist. I will not only get through this I will hit it out of the park. That is waht I have to do. I will phone about my shoulder or they will phone me. Four months ago I said this: Starting July 1 you will be writing a Blague entry a day about a place you frequent.Winter is the time for doing such things. I will make last minute apologies for Halloween. I have to be deposed and I have to focus on health and healing. This is how I’m feeling. Finally. Wonderful Full Moon tonight to mark the occasion.

I just learned (nearly two months later) that a local guy I became friendly with these last couple of years died in his sleep of natural causes. He was only forty two and had a young son. The randomness of this is really too much to bear. We never know what’s going on in people’s lives but there you have it. I must pause and I must go on. I didn’t know you well, but I will nonetheless carry a little bit of you forward. It is very sad. But I cannot save or change the world. And as always the only way forward is with greatest focus on self. I’m doing it again. I’m becoming distracted for no good reason. I will simply try to work my own magic. I have closed yet another local door. That is a pattern. I don’t need to be this sad anymore. I must get on my proper footing as someone who is meant to send something to me today most recently said. I do not like being made to feel like I’m high maintenance because I have high expectations. I only want people to do what they want to do—I don’t want to make people comply. That is not my responsibility. But then I certainly don’t want to be made to feel like I’m somehow uptight because people supposedly interested in working with us don’t contact us for six months. That is the problem. Not my reaction to the problem. It’s not the problem for me to say we have to move on because we have a deadline. I mean, seriously? What I’ve noticed with people as they get older is that they become very much interested in self preservation, which has its good aspects. But one of the negatives ones becomes a sort of superiority that stems from the narcissism around self care. Like I’m thin and I jog a lot so I don’t really need the  approval of other people. Well maybe none of us need the approval of any of the rest of us. Or perhaps we all do. All I know is that self-reliance is where it has always been at. Even at high levels, or even in my personal life where I had never had any kind of assist but for in this past year, nothing works unless you personally work it. And I for one am truly excited about the prospect of making something major happen today. I must say I feel a bit on edge. Where is that script for stuff, anyway? I found a letter from my primary care and I opened it only to realize it was the script he forgot to send me home with; and then somehow I lost that. I have no idea where it went. I wouldn’t have thrown it away and anyway I’ve looked through the trash and don’t see it. So very odd.

Anyway we spent last night eating lightly and having some good fun in regard to reading new thought leaders that are floating our boat these days. Beginning to feel more like myself after a good deal of time not. I’m going to spend a couple of hours creating a little narrative about where I am in my current pforcess. I have some notebooks I can work from and I’m ready to hit the ground running on Wednesday, really, if I’m being honest, working on three pages a day those three days. Meaning the snapshot should really happen by the end of the day tomorrow. You have no idea what I’m talking about and frankly I don’t give much of a damn. A little but not much. In other words, it is, as they say, all good I just need to average a page a day and I’ll be in groovy shape. Enough of this as I now hae a soul to bare for the next forty minutes. I’ll post that experience next.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Two Long

Libra 19° (October 12)


Not a whole helluva lot left to do before I can get my pea brain around what really needs addressing. So I must go back to the man in the desert. We were staying with a once and no longer friend (too many of those which is the source of so much of my pain over the last half a decade) out in Wonder Valley near Twenty Nine Palms. The distances between everything there is at least twenty minutes. So we had left the house and gone to a local lunch spot half hour away and passed the book store we kept saying we would go into and it was probably the fifth time we passe him, a Jesus figure on a bicycle whom, we now realize, was making a bunch of trips to that book store carting a small stack a time, over the course of the entire week we were there. (I do want to go back by the way). I think about moving there but I don’t like scorpions, especially, nor do I like Mormons or other religious doorsteppers show up and ringing the bell. I could say I digress but really from where? I don’t actually have a departure point here other than the fact I just piced up a book that I think I got from that book store. We finally made it there and there were these major stacks, about drug-store-counter high, as we walked in and the lady at the till looked a bit put upon. That’s when we learned that “someone” had been dropping off all these books. We took a look and not only were there a slew of astrology books in the mix, some of which were out of print and we had been trying to find for eons, but all sorts of books on metaphysics and so forth. And it seemed Jesus on the bike had been the culprit unloading them all. We bougth the lot and had them sent back to Cape Cod. Now I don’t read much…let me rephrase that: I have spent a great many years, probably a decade at least, not reading much, which (I agree) now feels like a shame. I can feel that a switch has suddenly been flipped and now I must read. And anyway Game of Thrones is over and I’m not falling for a joke(s on me for watching all these years) again. So I pick up a book today, the first from that lot, and it turns out to be a Quest book published by the Theosophical society. But you will see that one of the only papers now left on my desk is a two-year old note to myself, prompting the writing of daily Blagues with ideas. And I wrote Theosophy, folllowed by Man In Desert, followed by Nemesis, the only idea for which I had scribbled down some note. I don’t know where I’m going with this either, so just bear with me. I know this much: I am feeling very tired indeed and have a goodly amount of work to accomplish and am determined to hit my mark. New paragraph:

That was a pretty long one, so perhaps I only need write one more today. Anyway, I made a homemade cherry tomato ketchup for turkey bacon sandwiches on gluten-free English muffinss. I used what was leftover as a marinade for chicken. I’m still so hungry today that I will again roast potatoes but we will serve with kale. Tomorrow we start doing things slightly more dietitic-like. So much of what has gone down since 2007, when we first dug into Provincetown, was pretty much over by, let’s say, 2014; and I have not had the kind of community I once enjoyed, pretty much, since that time. I try to understand why it is we are shut out of things others aren’t, but there truly is no rhyme or reason to it. People can be put off by us, I think, because we aren’t conformist and we don’t kiss ass and we call people out on their shit and all of the above. But it does sting a bit when people who do not know me make it a point to telegraph that they have been forewarned or something. I know it sounds like paranoia but it isn’t. And as I say it stings a bit, but it doesn’t really hurt, and also I’m used to it. (I don’t think there is any amount of coffee in Brazil that could keep me from falling asleep at the writing wheel right now.) What was I saying. Oh yeah. Well everything happens for a reason of that I am shittin’ sure. And though I do need to check my isolation I never feel more lonely than when I’m alienated in a crowd, which has often happened—a sort of active marginalization sets in where, because I’m not the loudest activist or attention getter in the room, or maybe just because I’m INFJ, it’s not so much that I lose the thread but feel that people lose mine. I definitely need a new scene of that I am certain. We are in some ways a natural fit for Provincetown, being very liberal, open minded and rather queer adjacent, but, like everything, things are becoming so polarized and I feel that, when push comes to shove, the Ptown peoples really want to revel in their queerness, and I can’t blame them for that. It just doesn’t naturally include us, socially. It’s almost as if I feel I make people self-conscious. That and the fact that I call out bullshit where, and from whomever, I find it. So I’m really not the kind of fellow with whom one can get away with murder. I do make an effort to be kind, don’t get me wrong—but, I don’t know, I think because Provincetown is such a warped variation on a high school theme, the really popular kids are either the super rich editorial gays or the down and out artistes (who are also super rich and just pretend they aren’t). I am going to paint my office red I’ve decided. Won’t be terribly easy but not so bad either. It turns out this paragraph might actually be as long as the previous one. And this is thus a natural end.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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There Is Superstition

Libra 18° (October 11)


First thing I’ll do today is get Brad what he needs. The second thing I’ll do is petty cash—mustn’t forget all the housekeeping tips—then, thirdly, I will check on the deadline for the VSB grant. And go down the list of the witches to make sure all is feeling copacetic for the Witch Camp performance in November. I did a helluva lot more than that yesterday, oops, I mean today, he he ha ha he. Shut up. I’m drinking my favorite ale right now the Devil’s Purse Kolsch. I’m a Kolsch kinda guy. If you’re ever wondering what beer to send me (in bulk) please make it that. I wonder if I’ll be surprised any second. I know what I have to do in the next five minutes. I have to make myself easy. Try not to get worried try not to turn…All I can or will do today (which is many days) is watch Joan Didion bio-doc, over and over and over again. It must be a french name. She has a French face. Simian. Which is a symptom mainly of being a Sagittarian—my old friend Elizabeth Marvel could easily play her, they look so much alike, E. being a Sadge too. Oh well am I surprised. AS I say I can only do the best I can. I have two kids in the can. Could you imagine me a father? It is naive now to think that, even if you have kids, they will go on. Our democracy is under siege and we will take to the streets in protest. I will set up my soap box. I will ask the question can I speak publicly. And this is how far I’ve gotten. They will be home soon. And I will interact. And I will try to do my best. And tomorrow will be different. The first George Bush was so handsome when he was younger and I hate the fact that I think so. Even Dick Cheney thinks he (himself) is handsome. That’s how he presents. We have to remember that these assholes were part of the reason we are now in all this mess. All the ties to Saudi Arabia. That second Bush, too, with the erosion of civil liberties. The so-called Patriot Act. Go eff yourself.

I had a good friend in high school whose name was Dick and never once did I hear anyone make a crack about it. Dick was an athlete, an intellect, he went on to be a college professor, the fact us he became/remained an academic speaking volumes on his being a) a Virgo; b) not as type A as he appeared; and c) unambitious and priveleged in equal measure. His surname, in German, translated to Bath House. I really had such affection for him. He will never know. I would love to see him, to tell him. That his friendship toward me was a savior. We had such fun. I really cherished him. That would never go over well, I guess. I’m almost at today. Clarke Gable isn’t on the screen. I will pretend to be asleep but it won’t work. I told you this was all I was going to do today. I am going to drive over the Golden Gate Bridge. It actually doesn’t look scary at all. I’m sure I can handle it. I can’t stop thinking about flannel shirts. I have to find myself some sort, gorgeous stuff to wear this Fall. I need to do a bit of shopping. Oh and we have that stupid thing to do on the thirtieth of this month. Oh well going to keep my spirits high and power through. Not that much to do really and plenty of time in which to do it. First things first, and second. I must realize that I don’t always want what I think I want. And I’m always left feeling worse. I think back to those days of youth, lying on the beach, when I would very much enjoy being left alone to space out completely, finding that sense of utter peace. Becoming one with the all. I owe it to myself to feel like that again. It will take some doing that’s for sure. It has been terrible weather which is fine and dandy. Nobody needs to go to a comedy festival in the rain. And yet it looks like it might have been fun. I am way too easily distracted. Are we there yet?

The answer is a resounding No. I am living in a construction zone, peace and quiet aren’t mine right now. I need sound noise cancelling headphones this week. I need to watch my diet and calories intake. I need to find increasing middle ground. I need to get this leg of the journey over with. I need to get what we need into works. It isn’t easy I’ll tell you that. But it is necessary and I can be more rested and dinner tonight can’t be simpler. I did make some delicious salmon cakes and as if that wasn’t enough I also breaded the cod and roasted potatoes. I have such a flavory appetite. And I never eat junk food so I shouldn’t feel too bad. I did enjoy having some chocolate after supper however. Salted dark chocolate from my friends local company. It is delicious. I haven’t to work very hard on coming down and not feeling so alienated. I’m not sure I know what’s wrong with me. My brain is just so freaking scrambled today. Now I want eggs—dammit. See what I mean? I can’t seem to keep a single thought in my brain. It’s not that big a deal but I think I need to unsoak myself every so slightly and I need to give my nerves a break as well. All came back from teh dr. okie-dokie, but I still have to scedule this MRI. I hope to hear back from that office tomorrow. I think it was 586 1906 but I could be wrong about that. Never mind I will call again and leave another message ans see what i will see.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Minutes To Go

Libra 17° (October 10)


Today I’m slightly more productive but only because we decided to keep it somewhat real. Watched the end of the entire series of Unbelievable and I have to say it was fairly ok. I am zeroing in on my work and on my feelings. Today is not today. Today is two days hence. And for the third night in a row I have awoken at two-thirty in the morning. This is not good, and once again I feel I need to take a bit of a mental health day, where I will finish the so-called busy work, I will make some headway on tee shirts. I will write a check and put it in an envelope and mail it. I will map out my schedule. I will put through laundry. And I will read and read and re-read all my notes. I need to get off the merry go round which actually has stopped. I will figure out all this doctor stuff. It’s just boring and nothing more. I don’t know how I feel about Griffin Dunne, but I do know I love Vanessa Redgrave. I see people, drunk, presenting live missives on social media and all I can think is that they are operating in a blackout. I will watch the Joan Didion documentary several times over and over. The evenings have been ending badly and I can’t even tell you now which one is which. I think tonight will be particularly maleficent but I’m not really clear on that either. I know I’m nearly ready. It’s now six thirty and I’ve been up for four hours. I don’t mind being this shagged out. I will find a way, without fail to sleep in the day. I only hope I won’t have someone under my window playing a radio. I’m panicked at the thought of it actually. I must find various ways to stave off that sort of aggravation. The true recovery begins today. I’m not good to anybody being this tired. The timing really couldn’t be worse for this doucebag and hi evil deck that injured me so severely. I think I’m finally getting angray about it. I need to make sure that all is okay. I need to also mention to the doc that I have a terrible ache now that it wakes me up. I will get myself the rehabilitation i deserve. My bones feel a bit creakier than they should but that is just a matter of being too sedentary these past months.

I have a good eighteen to twenty days to make a wow, here. And even then it will be handed off and looked at and polished to perfection or else what would be the point in submitting it. Those evil fuckers at the William Morris Agency. They will pay. Well, really, they already have haven’t they? Because they have to be agents. Anyway it’s weird to watch a show and know a whole bunch of actors on it. I really just need to get some major thoughts down today. I do not have to reinvent the wheel. I’m going to do what I need to do for myself today and then I can be available to others. I actually couldn’t remember the name of the agent who represented us for years at William Morris—I spent an hour trying to let the name come to me. It isn’t so much a matter of my memory. It is hinged upon the fact, not only that the trauma of the experience drives her from my brain, but because she was so vacuuous a being in the end, a nervously blinking adding machine, making money for the WME factory. Today I am doing this entry, the one for tomorrow and the one for the day after. That is my job. Then I will have met myself, if you know what I mean by that. If you have spent anytime reading me on here you would know that.

Oh I see what’s going on here. We are living in illusion or is it allusion. We only have a few minutes to make some magic here so we better get cracking. The places your mind will go. Oh, Amy, I had your back. It’s so sad how sad things can be. Her mother died and obviously she got to a place where she had more free money and it turned her a bit into an asshole, but she was always a different kind of one anyway. I loved Anne. I tried a thousand times with Amy. And then she ended up turning on me anyway. I want to record this somewhere. Otherwise it would be so unfair to myself. The trouble with angels. Virgo woman is not my favorite character. Maybe I’ll do another sign first. I’ll do Sagittarius first and then Virgo, or some such. Virgo fucking depresses me. The Radiance. The Rhythm. The Beat. The Best. The Spark. The Pilot. The Pure. It is very possible I need to do a quick disappearing disguise act (how Virgo) because soon I will not be alone and I need to be asleep frankly. I know what I need. I need to meet people in real time. And I need to take myself out for a few days. I need to swim and spa. I think that might be what I do? With my time? When I’m alone spree for a spa? Is this really me. No. It most definitely is not. I am listening to commercial, terrestrial radio playing hits from the seventies, with some early eighties sprinkled in. Oh em gee the early eighties. I was at the coming of age age and it feels so wonderful to remember the feeling which makes me feel really happy to know that I was happy then when my mind would have convinced me I was unhappy then I guess I wasn’t. I loved being alive at that time of life. I loved going off to college, reading my catalogue, something that became a later theme,


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Libra 16° (October 9)


Well needless to say today wasn’t a great day. All I could do, really, was watch Dick Van Dyke all morning and afternoon. The evening will culminate in a nice salmon dinner and some back and forth on all the emotion. There is actually a lot going on. I don’t understand people saying be straight with me. I shudder to think things only take three weeks. I would have imagined they require a helluva lot more than that. I don’t think I quite understood the process here. It really shouldn’t matter as all will come right round in the end. But why is it I always end up feeling like the bad guy when I’m not. Maybe I just don’t know how to properly relate to people in the way others can. That is entirely possible after all. I going to inhale one more time and then take this baby home for another twenty minutes. Holy merde is this baby actually going to wait until tomorrow. I think that’s okay. There is one more place that is now off limits. I am happy I had a weirdly manifesting French day, though. I went to the mechanics only to discover that everyone there spoke French; and then after a few oysters at Macs, on my way home, I questionably stopped at this other place, where I sat down next to a French baker and chatted. I really like him. I started following him on Instagram. He’s Adidas obsessed. I will have to send him that Adrien Below song. I wonder if Adrian Wills…Willis? still alive. When I was still nineteen I think or I dunno maybe twenty—I remember almost exactly what I was wearing, I can tell you that. I took the train myself to Florence and stayed at a pensione that doubled as a cat house. I thought I would go off and meet someone Italian. Instead I took up with the English bloke who was older and funny. And when I went to London with S. and friends that Christmas he took me to the Black Cab or was it Cat, I really can’t remember. He was a very nice fellow, tall and blond. And I was just a kid and he was trying to mentor me in gay philosophy I think although my mind would not quite go there. Such is the way of things.

I am going to take five more minutes to write this next paragraph. You have to understand what desperate measures I seem needing to make. I want to go back to Boston soon and spend some time with S. in Back Bay tootsing around. Maybe I’ll add an extra night. I really do want to have some good clean fun in the tiny city. I am almost tempted to walk to the North End. I’m just in that kind of mood if you know what I mean. I think I will spend the next month being super good to myself so that I can be superbad in Boston. It is one of my favorite cities and to be honest I’d often sooner tool around there then NYC, which will never cease being my home. But so many homes really. We will be in Paris for three months and get things majorly cooking. My sense is that work with the sister might have prevented some inroads from being made. I don’t want anybody to be disappointed. I want to think people’s hearts are in things. I’m glad to hear people are still feeling motivated. I’m sure the cautioning was correct. I think timing, being what it is, takes on different forms. I think that maybe we are ending up doing the right thing after all. It’s heard to know what the experience might be. Just a page or two no great brief or anything. Phase one, two and three. That kind of works for me. We can skip the news if we so choose. Should we just watch Chris Hayes and Rachel. Is that a better plan. I wish I knew. I’m still on two days ago, which isn’t all that bad really. I mean, I could use yesterday and today and, ultimately, tomorrow to start the ball rolling. It wouldn’t be that tragic. Or I could start everything two days hence and finish all I have to do.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree pointof the Sabian Symbol will be one degree higher than the one listed for today. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 or 6 days per year—so they near but not exactly correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

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