Author: Quinn Cox (page 48 of 227)

My My

Aquarius 13° (February 1)

It’s rabbit rabbit once again. And tomorrow the Groundhog is going to do his thing in some kind of virtual way. February is one of those months where so it occupies midwinter in only three weeks time will be in the last third of the season. And when you’re doing a kind of task like I now have at hand I find that it’s like sneaking in on spring getting as much under one’s belt as one can possibly get before the fever strikes and you want to escape into the day. Started the day with prepping the kitchen I ended up doing a big clearout and going to the dump and also doing the food shopping stripping beds putting on sheets etc before settling into work. There’s an ongoing thing with bank statements and tax returns so that took a little bit of my time as well. They had a lovely carrot ginger soup for lunch. Now I’m in this sort of Limbo state where I need to get myself motivated for a timed writing in about 20 minutes so I’m going to go through and read in some of the note the prompts that I need to get myself moving such that in the worst case scenario if you wake up tomorrow and I still have Sir plus of 10 pages to do just going to use the scaffolding of what I put down here on paper today and just get up Castle hot coffee and just type my little fingers off until the cows come home no pun intended since I’m working on Taurus. 

talking about looks of things can be more important to her than others The upshot would then be what all his reflection her opposite sign goes through the looking glass Scorpio more than skin deep 

We talk about ritualistic fervor and then I’m onto JVB getting dressed 

Owning her Eve second sexiness what we said how is this not feminist really when this is the same form of respect and treatment drag Queens inspire 

Doing the same thing we did in tourist man gardens put on a shell showing talent we can say she’s a dabbler as conscious of her belief system as a price tags maybe we should instead say value system but she holds to be true’s secret about which she can reach out and touch So in no certain order say something about loving the idea of a vanity is a piece of furniture  tends to have a number of talents, a multi threat

Ability to save her life and be savard  not saved.

Back to barefoot part like Alice can be most unplugged maybe . Should also think about Kathleen what her issues might be how she should evolve we say she knows her worth but maybe we think about how she is learning that what is this sign here to learn 

Being able to respond . Let us do more with hathor. Both Eve and Iowa attract really metaphoric snakes in the grass RWT metaphor don’t know what that means Egyptian and Indian gods 

I miss sometimes a change of scenery a geographic cure works best for this preeminent sign still the point the visual is very important to her what she is admitting putting out there incarnated as tourist to focus on talents does she do too much even Renee Zellweger is a triple threat JBB sing paint act red book when we say something is sound what are we saying it is stable there is the entire Jesus myth to an Explorer in the metaphysical musings section 

Can’t help it see herself through others eyes we say that but this is about her associated value . She’s had a suggestive managerial streak asserts agendas by asking questions we already did that in the male part. We say the tourist daughter is sweetness beauty tord father. That the father rubs nose in it huh sounds kind of creepy we can do better but then again it fits the mirror myth negligent chic Bianca Jagger expensive quality garments in a comfortable form she always dresses the part how she expresses this through clothing hair makeup part of the show showing you her quality her taste which is who she is toruses or taste synonymous one with the other she is also her appetites for values but towards the same voice with her appearance the statement she’s making especially because we have told Taurus Kathleen that it’s not a superficial thing that’s all about empowerment dressing for success takes on a new meaning yes 

Performative but doesn’t know it or does she she is trying to be subtle and sometimes not at all this is not fleshed out but this is a good distinction between her and Taurus man 

Had the idea for sidebars to make more of the angles the signs next to each other the opposite signs quincunxes being a spiritual dialogue magical signature tourists and sad gioan Hera Aries and Scorpio the underground Mars etc 

Gender is in the brain so if you’re a tourist woman Reid tourist woman personally we think the trans people will know should read the sign they transition to because that is really them right 

The following blocks of text are exceprts from my first year of  Blagues, nos. 1531-1535. I am reading through all of my Blagues, five per day, and posting some samples here. Now, in my sixth year of writing this Blague, by the time I get to my seventh, I will have journeyed through all the daily Blagues of my first five years. If that’s confusing I apologize. Year seven, I’ll only have to read through year six, once a day.

I’m not posting anything today from the five blocks from July 2019. But there are too entries about Diss. Nothing but exposition of our trip to London and Suffolk but weird synchronicity given the fact that over the weekend we watched The Dig, set in Suffolk and Diss, in particular.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365/6 days per year—so they nearly, but not exactly, correlate.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2020 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2020 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.

Suck It Up

Aquarius 12° (January 31)

Day 2 of 100. Well it is the end of another month and that was quite the nail biter. I’m so concerned about this country as well we all should be. I’m going to take a very laid back approach to the day, letting the major themes be hydration and teeth whitening, in that order. There really is no reason to bore you with the banalities of the day, so I won’t long linger here. Time passes. I got a great deal done today actually, not as much as I wanted to maybe. I could use a day where I get eight pages down on paper which isn’t impossible actually. I am sleeping better now and there are no appointments lurking at all this week. And besides this is the time to do it. I am absolutely determined to make myself proud and in the process be the best friend I can be to myself. I have never been that reliable. I fair whether friend have I been to me. I have often abandoned myself just as the getting gets good. I’m so much better when the going gets tough. I get cocky, all Icarian. But I am truly ready to let that go. Tomorrow’s going to be another day and so be it. I’m prepared to write some bad pages tomorrow and just start sentences with the words…I”’ll say something like”…

I definitely plowed through and I believe came up with some new and original thoughts. I did things in a different way even reframed Paul Snow White kimmy Schmidt thing to be about resilience. I’d like to talk about the checklist in a different way I did I believe I’m not focusing so much on like her being this vanity plate although I do like the idea of re framing load Facebook thing it’s sort of like weird ironic way of keeping things the same although it doesn’t appear to the rest of us to be that I want to talk about time got into the Hall nymph thing I want to talk about the natural state not really sure where I left off but I decided to postpone speaking on one subject can’t quite bring it up but I’ll get there being rooted the law of attraction being her own power of passivity I may just cut and paste bunch of this in just for the hell of it see where it takes me I think that if I really focus a little bit of quantity today then as I start my day tomorrow I can come through all that and that should be enough planting of the seeds I am determined to beat the Clock in a sense with my schedule I’ve allowed five days per sign, but I think I can get it down to four which would move my calendar back up to where it approximately was before and that the bulk of all I need to do will be complete before any kind of summer vacation were to happen period of course the whole lawyer situation is something you really want tackle and it may be time soon too revisit the whole moratorium topic . What I need not do today is really get lost in any kind of online surfing which is really a form of addiction at this point. I’d like to keep things very clean I’d like to focus my evenings on continuing to organize and pack and maybe even get some reading done that sort of thing I find it very good for the brain overall to be waiting through all these bits and bobs. 

The following blocks of text are exceprts from my first year of  Blagues, nos. 1526-1530. I am reading through all of my Blagues, five per day, and posting some samples here. Now, in my sixth year of writing this Blague, by the time I get to my seventh, I will have journeyed through all the daily Blagues of my first five years. If that’s confusing I apologize. Year seven, I’ll only have to read through year six, once a day.

bits I’m not using today here and call it a day:

A benchmark of our philosophy and work, and what has registered most poignantly with our readers is that: the various archetypes that we’ve come to personify as mythical deities, spiritual and literary characters also live in us. Or rather, we are living personifications of them.  Each sign has main and ancillary archetypes—male, female and transgender energies cum characters—native to it. And we, the people, born under the various sun-signs are suffused with these spirits, these thought-forms, these energies, these deities, endemic to our star signs. We are, indeed, endowed with their specific brands of godhead, what we have referred to, herein, as “super powers”, particular to each of the gender-signs.  The mythic stories of these beings are metaphor for our human conditions and life paths, the hero’s journey, if you will. The Leo man hero is not the Virgo man hero nor the Virgo woman hero, for that matter. In some cases, one sign’s hero skill-set is another sign’s shadow-side manifestation, a challenge to be overcome.

In addition, and directly related, to these powerful archetypes are the innumerable other astrological assignations specific to each signfor instance: the specific combination of a sign element (fire, earth, air or water) and quality (cardinal, fixed or mutable), the fourelements times three qualities forming the element-quality mixes unique to each sign. There is a vast wealth of knowledge to glean from that combination alone and, knowledge being what it is, this too becomes a source of personal power, motivation and direction for the reader.  Other factors that provide us great insight into the personalities are the sign’s planetary ruler, the sign number, the astrological house—it alone has a laundry list of attributes—the sign’s graphic glyph, the seven-year age span associated with the sign, the sign’s and planet’s rulership of organic and inorganic objects and entities—the list of attendant attributes is probably endless, and we will pick and choose appropriately in support of both our treatise and the reader’s understanding, absorption and progressive transformation. We will thereby help and guide the reader in a healthful process of personal evolution comprised of and/or mirrored in an increase of self-acceptance, easeful relationships, social productivity, creative passion, personal value (and wealth), psychological understanding, emotional connectivity, hunger for knowledge, ownership of authority, compassion and love. We spotlight and explore the individual’s gifts and assets as well as their traps and challenges, providing specific direction for accentuating the former and negotiating the latter so that the momentum of one’s experience can be optimized, obstacles discarded, distractions and detractors silenced, and destiny callings made clearly perceptible.

In our view, much of why any of us feel the way we do—experiencing our own individual brands of existential angst or exaltation, and our own swing between them—is arguably due to our sun-sign placement and the archetype we personify at our core. Our view of life, our goals, our relationship to the world, to nature, to society-at-large and the world of ideas, to our own thoughts and experiences, and to other people, emotionally, is not as much colored by our astrological assignation as it is the color by which our life is coded. And while we’re on the subject of colors: Each sign is actually associated with not just one but a set of colors, a seemingly trivial fact, like a sign’s correspondent birth stone or precious metal, something people generally know, with the seeming importance ending there. It doesn’t. For it is the relevant vibration of colors and of those buzzy minerals that the zodiac is really pointing to with these particular points of fact per sign. And it’s true with most if not all astrological assignations; they go deeper than face value, and we’ve done the digging. What we’ve come up with is the belief that the breadth of ones feelings and behaviors are in large part, if not entirely, determined by the estate of one’s star sign. Someone might raise their hand here and say, well, what about conditioning, the early-childhood variety or the ongoing form. To that we counter thusly: We don’t know why it is true—and we can never explain it—but from our experience, both nature and nurture seem to be encoded in ones astrology—in our sessions with private clients we can perceive and pinpoint with accuracy, down to the year, the occurrence of a pivotal event which caused a trauma or a rupture or an emotional hit of some kind for the individual. Likewise, in more general terms, we can survey the kinds of emotional and psychological trials, tribulations and, yes triumphs, that an individual of a certain sex/gender-sign is likely to encounter, with certain specificity. We spoke of flowers before, now we’ll talk of trees:  Every plant, really, is governed by a particular sign and they share qualities and purposes with people born under it, offering insight into our temperament and actions, not to mention directions for the pruning of our experience to foster the most growth. (Expect a sidebar on this theme in this section.) We are all natural things. Supernatural, perhaps.

Sounds about right…..Anyway here is more of what I didn’t use in my proposal:

In our philosophy, true desire and divine callings are two parts of a whole seeking connection. The former resides within us and the latter comes from the universe. We like to say that our desires are a bit of real estate the universe owns inside us. Desire and destiny-callings do seem to share the same quality of urging us in a direction that isn’t necessarily of our conscious choosing. It is said that many are called but few answer; and why is that? Because it’s daunting—even though that call is only ever coming from inside the house, mostly deep within our subconscious, a word often paired with desire. It’s as if that bit of real-estate starts blinking or glowing—like E.T.’s heart light—drawing us “home” to fulfill said calling. Swallowing our true desires only increases their pressure on us, which can be intense. And yet, to spout another cliché, most of us lead a life of quiet desperation. Which is just a poetic way of saying not going for the gold, the brass ring, or whatever you want to call what it is you wanted—your true purpose—before life got in the way. I didn’t choose that longing, that desire, after all, one tries to convince oneself, never truly succeeding. It’s just ego. Is it? We think it’s rather more egotistical to go against the grain of that desire cum destiny, we maintain has been divinely seeded in you. But hey, who are we? We’re Starsky + Cox that’s who and we’re here to tell you George Eliot was right in saying—yes, another platitude—”it’s never too late to become what you might have been.” And, truth be told, more than anything, our work with private clients is hinged on setting people on the path of true desire toward fulfillment of that destined purpose; and together we have found that even progressing just a little ways up that path is more rewarding than the slam-dunk achievement of goals and awards that appear monumental on the outside, but hold no real value for us, inside. Spirituality is, by definition: the quality of being concerned with the human spirit. And though we are humanistic astrologers, those who deal in the development of the individual, right here on terra firma; we nonetheless embrace a transpersonal approach that includes fostering the individual’s relationship to (their own) divinity. In so doing, it is key to help our clients and our readers mete out what are their true desires from the endless yearnings of their body and our overactive, conditioned, brainwashed minds. In addition to astrology, this is where sex comes in.

The one thing about all of us that tends to be pure in its expression is that which turns us on sexually, whether or not we reveal that fully, or in part, to others. And, just like those destiny callings we are wont to ignore, many people try to put down certain sexual desires which they feel might bring them shame, embarrasment, isolation, ostricization or loss. They suppress, they repress. Compounded pressure: To the human subconscious a stifled desire is a stifled desire—it doesn’t distinguish between the repression of a sexual longing or a “spiritual” one—we use quotation marks here to underscore the fact that a true desire or purpose or destiny calling is that quality within us concerned with our spirit or, by another term, our soul. There we said it: Soul. Soul, soul, soul. It sounds so religious a thing when, really, it’s just a little word to name the boundless, non-material, wholly energetic (therefore immune to creation or destruction), eternal aspect of our being. And okay, we admit it: we’re also esoteric astrologers, those concerned with the evolution of the soul over lifetimes; but if we led with that you mightn’t have read this far. In truth, we never put too fine a point on this in our private practice, let alone in our books. It’s a backdrop belief—reincarnation—still any formally trained astrologer worth their salt would have learned to read people’s charts from this esoteric, soul perspective. Which can be mind blowing. But we were talking about sex; we tend to conflate it with spirituality…

Actually took the bus right across the way to Provincetown to catch the ferry. It was late arriving but we got to the ferry in plenty of time. It was tolerable but I wouldn’t choose it as a favored mode of transport to be honest. I’m just about at the point where I will be able to focus on nothing else but the sample copy and the promotion of the festival and its fundraising. Things are definitely in a different position than they have been in the past but then again the whole world has gone crazy. I don’t think we would have ever imagined just how unhinged one fucked up president could make us all feel, that being the operative word. He is a Gemini in the worst imaginable form but all the adjectives used to describe him, and some of the verbs, too, are downright eery in their archetypal assignation. And it will feel good to escape a certain reality for awhile; there is some kind of marker about going away on significant trips. I will miss the Cape for sure all the while and I took a photo from our last beach walk to keep my mind sorted. Anyway the ferry was fine, the water calm as can be, but then we were rattled upon arrival.

It was very clear that she needed a “real taxi” so when we were approached and the beginning of the pier by a guy asking if we wanted one she very specifically asked are you a real taxi. His car did have writing on it and the whole taxi look but the authenticity would end there. Just about a block into the journey he started pushing the buttons on his meter saying that it wasn’t working and what did we want to do about it. I said we would give him ten bucks or something regardless as we were not prepared to get out of the taxi just on the onramp to 93, which was obviously the desired response. However he said it would be more like twenty. We just sort of said whatever and then he began huffing and puffing (at the traffic not at us) and cutting in and out of the crowded lanes and honking and we were like cool it right now. We managed to get to the hotel in one piece and then offered him twenty dollars. He held the bill in his hand while staring at us manaically as if to say it was not only not enough but that he was either on drugs or not right in the head. Unfortunately our usual bulldog of a doorman, Manny, was not there to play interference, but he started sort of threatening us and staring into S.’s wallet and it was seriously weird and uncomfortable. I should point out that at this point S. made it clear that he had no cab medallion, an accusation that he couldn’t defend. And in fact we were in a serious scam situation and really had been in some danger me thinks.

He continued to hold the bill out in front of us as if to say this is not enough when I lost it a little and just said okay you don’t want it? And I took the bill back. We then took a few photos of his car and his license plate and he was suddenly holding his hands up as if to say “you got me” and got back in his car but didn’t really leave. We then called the police but that was just a round about of leaving messages. Oh first S. called the taxi number on his car but that was just as scammy as the driver. Anyway it was not a big deal in the end but we were pretty shaken by the erratic driving mainly and the fact we felt unsafe. S. had to go off to an appointment and the room wasn’t ready so I headed to one of my favorite places just a block away the Cornish Pasty and had a nice chat with the boys there while they tried to fix the keg for half an hour to give me a draft beer that wasn’t totally flat like the first try. I got into a nice conversation with a fellow I hadn’t seen there before called Brandon who turned out to be (one of?) the owner. We talked about Michael Pollen and certain new breakthroughs and discoveries in psychology of which he was a student getting some kind of higher degree.

One thing he said was that it was discovered that birds’ brains are packed with neurons. Of course this immediately triggered a Gemini connection in that birds are archeypal of the sign and also the sign rules those firing neurons. Once again illustrating how the ancient Zodiac seems to know things in advance of scientific discoveries made millennia later. It was a fascinating chat all in all and he was talking about meeting this psychologist on the beach while collecting rocks and she was a specialist in rapid eye therapy. Anyway something about hearing that made me want to reach out and try and get some therapy on that score. I think because I’ve become something of a nervous driver (since the accident) I might benefit from something that treats post traumatic symptoms in this way. Anyway it was the first thing I’d heard of this sort that rung a bell. So the room was ready and I headed back and did a little bit of work and went for a walk in the air conditioned mall and strolled all the way to the Marriot and then back to Select to meet S. There was a couple waiting for the place to open as I was and we ended up chatting the three and then four of us. They are called Maria and Paul and we are definitely going to see them again. Maria has already texted S.

Back to the hotel I took a very quick nap and then we went down to have dinner with N. and G. I don’t know if it was the beer or the nap or a combination of both but I was in an “on” mood entertaining the troops (or hijacking the conversation depending on how you look at it). In any case it was a jolly evening for me and the food (at Uni) is bloody delicious and N. and G. really liked it and they got to meet our friends at the Eliot who take such good care of us and it was a lot of fun. And I was asleep early. I have been sleeping a lot lately. From the moment I got on the ferry actually I realized how tired I’ve been. I do tend to overwork this time of year but especially this season for some reason the hill feels more uphill and I do have this proposal and sample chapter weighing on me a bit as I try to keep the festival afloat and not have to sink all my own money into it while having written next year’s books and launched the tee-shirts with Tim and getting the new product, and all the spokes of doing so, into place. It is a lot.

S. went out on some appointments this morning and I stayed in the room. I didn’t even want a coffee. And then the absurd happened in that I fell back to sleep and she was knocking at 11am to get back into the room and I didn’t even hear her. So she had to go back down and get a key. Like I have some kind of sleeping sickness. Anyway we got packed up, checked out and left the bags, did a little shopping and decidedto have a proper lunch at La Loile, inside in the air conditioning. The French waiter asked if we were frenched which is always a compliment to our accents. I have a pretty lousy vocabulary but I can surely fake a good accent. S. had a salad of course and I got the moules frites and a small salad and we had a lovely bottle of red Sancerre slightly chilled topped off by a little cheese course.

Back at the hotel, bid everyone farewell, ordered a car and this lovely Ethiopian man picked us up. He told us the story of his coming to American, how he had two sons, one of whom had autism—he showed us a picture of him on his phone and he was an absolutely enormous ten year old. Anyway it was such a nice journey to Logan when it could have been the opposite. We tipped him twenty on top and projected our best intentions toward him. Check in was quick and easy but even so there was a moment where I’m in the little scanning tube with my hands over my head and the TSA agent has the nerve to bark at me: “pull your pants up.” I kept from splitting him a new infinitive. We beelined to the lounge which was very large and pretty stuffy. I didn’t even look at the buffet but people were stuffing there faces right and left. They had Coppola wine which wasn’t terrible and it paired nicely with the gummies I’d manage to sneak through.

Got on the plane had a single glass of champagne ordered dinner then never even ate it. I vaguely remember seeing a plate with salmon on it which they took away. I feel asleep and stayed asleep the entire time but for half-sleeping through about ninety minutes of turbulence in the middle. I just lay there flat on the bed bouncing away. I never even put on my blanket; nothing. I have never in my life been so completely out of it on a plane. I typically at least take advantage of the amenities in biz class and attempt to watch a film. None of that happened. (I am aware I am recounting pretty boring stuff here but I can’t really explore the world of ideas while traveling—I probably won’t be able to speak beyond the quotidien blow by blows until I’m settled in, if not in England, then next week once I reach the boat. But I will do my level best to acclimte as soon as possible.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365/6 days per year—so they nearly, but not exactly, correlate.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2020 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2020 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.

Salvé Friend

Aquarius 11° (January 30)

Where to begin today? I was up in the night for hours and hours. Then finally took some powerful gummies around six and slept till 10. Was meant to get an early jump and here it is 2:15 in the afternoon and I’ve yet to even begin my workload for the day. Still going to let the day unfold . I’m looking at my desk and all the notes that are strewn upon it and I’m gonna start just by reading these notes in and then cutting and pasting them to where they might need to go. 

Talk about the signs as parents this time around. 

In general think if so then what? 

Aries man. Man of Steel. Pure passion and fury. Easily snubbed. Overly sensitive. Unbridled energy. He is here to experience pure sensation. Morris is father of the amazons. Ares loves his daughters. Something about a brutal nature maybe he passes it on to his children. Aries and myth typically focuses on his humiliation. Slice ends: prone to mansplaining. He’s like a puppy coming at you. 

Libra Apollo equals KALOKaGATHIA.

Had a lovely flounder dinner last night, with fingerlings and spinach. And tonight will be salmon and bok choy with quinoa, red onion and thyme. Cooking is the perfect compliment to writing as you can get on your feet and just chop and such as the preparation dictates, and then take that same energetic approach to the writing at hand. Gardening also provides this same transference of creative muscle, one endeavor to another. Ended up writing only one page but it is the keystone of the chapter and I have enough notes to flow through and create another six pages, at least, tomorrow.

The following blocks of text are exceprts from my first year of  Blagues, nos. 1521-1525. I am reading through all of my Blagues, five per day, and posting some samples here. Now, in my sixth year of writing this Blague, by the time I get to my seventh, I will have journeyed through all the daily Blagues of my first five years. If that’s confusing I apologize. Year seven, I’ll only have to read through year six, once a day.

Had a text from Olen with an attached article about JD which kinda triggered me I have to say. I have a lot to get over on that score. It’s part of my psychic complex, though. I remember having visionary flashes back in 1987 when I first moved to NYC for work (lived in Hoboken at first) and I would get these images that involved JD and champagne. Well champagne turned out to be a rather literal metaphor of what was to come. I have to remind myself of how cruel JD could be; because I have a habit of beating myself up after the fact and all too easily convincing myself that there could be a healing. I have to know that this is impossible. And the fact is that he is cruel and I should have broken it off long ago instead of constantly putting up with his punishing behavior. It’s just that he is such a great faker and people are so taken with him; and because of who he is and what he does he geeds on the constant worship he receives. And he has that awful minion who constantly stirs the pot. I never liked or trusted that character.

Anyway, I have things to do and I have to banish these thoughts from my brain and shift gears in the next two days so I can really make some headway. I’m taking stock of people I’ve sent initial pleas to so to follow up. The folks who received emails from me in May with whom I haven’t followed up since include Ken, Tatiana (who was resent in June), Dan—I have sent Chris and Mark nothing thus far—Ralph/Karl, Victor, Edsel, Clark, Sproat, Fred, Steve, Chip, Fenton, Rob A has not been sent anything as of yet. Either has Skeens or Rafanelli or…..I should do a separate Missionary one for Tim, Maria, Eric Martin, Shaun O’C, Kevin Mc. And when it comes to the the sparklers I will post something on FB AF and then share that post with text. Anyway I can’t really get this particular ball rolling until after the holiday weekend which is fine. Meanwhile I can think about what I’m saying to folks. It is still ten weeks away. But starting next week I will really have to turn up the gas and get this thing cooking.

I did a little clean up on the work front and also on the house front and a bunch of clothes I orded for the trip came in and I sent a bunch back as well. We had a client today, one of my favorites, and that went really well. I took to the upstairs and had a little sneaky pete session and overshot my mark on that score, but never mind, it’s all fine. Made a rezzie for sushi dinner at Uni this coming week and Monday will basically be grooming and packing and so I have to pack it in now and get the work at hand in works. It is a bit daunting and do I wish I was travel with no work to do at all. Of course. But it is never the case and so be it. I need to do some wording of the last gasp of fundraising and marry it with our new social media person. I really can’t wait to break out that character. I will try to get the usual suspects to come through. I will then start hitting the Sparklers hard. And I will come up with something whereby I ask everyone I know to donate. It’s what I’m going to do. I have to drum up as much support as I can this year that much I do know; and I’m looking very much forward to the opening night at Baie this year as we are going to have such fun people in town.

We got a lot done, too, in terms of jewelry and I wrote a whole bunch of letters to folks and got that entire thing cooking. Wrote up instructions for our visitors and otherwise sorted through necessary plans. I really am running on fumes here today, trying to get things together that I’ll need to take with me, draging the work. Tonight is D’s party and Kate wrote to ask if we are going. We are not. I don’t know what’s up with those people but I’m getting a weird vibe so I’m staying away. I truly only enjoy being in Provincetown when I’m on my own or with La Stell. I cannot abide the general tone there anymore; and especially around the fourth of July, good grief. I think it’s become skankier and sleazier with these aging circuit boys. Can we even call them boys anymore. I don’t think so. What a weird world. I long for a genuine experience and some place I can buy a nice house, maybe with a pool. It’s become fairly untenable otherwise I have to say. We’ve gotta move the merch and I think we are doing it the right way. I just need to know how we can move the needle on all these things. I should probably touch base with my friend Dave on all this as he does have a business degree and I do not. I think the whole notion of doing limited edition something will be a good one. That’s enough for today I think I’m not feel all that creative right now and we all know from experience that we shouldn’t force it.

We are credited with being “eerily accurate” in our work. And knowing our stuff means knowing other people’s stuff. Short of meeting every reader individually, we can corral the population into these twenty-four sets of people, each set sharing enough like conditions and experience as determined by their gender-sign that it would seem we have a crystal ball tuned into the frequency of folks’ hearts, minds, and souls. We don’t. But we do have an exhaustive understanding of the near infinite landscape of each of the sign’s estates. And so, we aren’t about to give the same advice or direction toone sign as we would another. The chrysanthemum, a winter flower, ruled by snowy Capricorn, cannot be the rose that blooms, late spring, during the month of Gemini. Like these posies, people of a certain sign express the energy of the time in which they are born, and it is our job to help them to embrace and fully possess all the magic and wisdom lodged in their natural estate, so to, well, flower into the full humanhood that is their due. The original diviners of the zodiac didn’t draw this system of pretty pictures on a whim or randomly or for nothing. The zodiac was designed to endure, down through the ages, because it contains all any of us will ever need to know about how to live our lives, love those around us, and, mostly, be ourselves. We live in fast-paced times; and though the scenery changes, the truths remain the same. For one: Existence is miraculous. And we, the paragon of living things, possess powers that clearly express this miracle. We just need a little zodiac book with some clear instructions to get at the nitty-gritty of doing so.

Virgo, for instance, rules digestion, among other functions—the virgin symbol of the sign is about to ingest or impregnate herself with a phallic seeded sheaf of grain—and, yes, the character and experience of the Virgo person is hinged on their ability to digest circumstance, separating the wheat from the chaff in life, virtue from vice, discerning what is nutritious to their person and what is detritus. Virgos are vehicles, vessels for change. Their sign is mutable-earth. Like clay, they are all potential, willing to change, to make something of themselves, something useful, of service, perhaps, or something beautiful, or both. We can see this in their physicality, which can be undulating or a seeming collage of sections; we can read it in their body language, which can be hesitant and shifting, and in the states of their appearance, which tend to vary more than most’s. And without getting too far into it, let it suffice to say that all of the above would-be description relates to Virgo’s own particular mythic archetypes whose literal, visible traits Virgo people seem to inherit. The myths themselves—stories of this god being challenged by X, or that goddess overcoming Y—are allegories that live inside all of us. It is our task and our talent to draw out for our readers these stories, which have been told and retold, in infinite variation, down through the ages through oral and written literature and visual arts and ultimately in films, TV, even video games. (There are only so many tales to tell.)

As dense as our subject matter might potentially be, we have a knack for keeping it light and keeping it moving, and for providing our reader with amusement and stimulation along the way.

The zodiac itself is rich in imagery and meaning, none of which is extraneous to the character of people born under each sign. The sign symbols relate directly to classical myths and biblical stories and allegories as well as to corresponding figures found in all cultures’ spiritual systems—in the astrological view the comparative aspect of religion is a given. Archetypes are immutable, no matter how they manifest in this or that cultural corner of the world, or how they’ve trickled down through fairy tales, drama, literature, films, even comic books and cartoons.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365/6 days per year—so they nearly, but not exactly, correlate.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2020 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2020 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.

Frog In My Throat

Aquarius 10° (January 29)

Landscape of mind like a pastoral scene serene portrait of natural perfection which is why others can read to the Taurus as invasive shadow sentiment endemic to their natural subjectivity I think I know what I mean. Venus is about union but being a centrifical force magnetic drawing others tourists is about relationship to self whereas the other Venus ruled sign Libra is hinged on relationship to others Venus is all about relationship no matter where you are it speaks to a dialogue going on inside between two voices and so tourist is naturally attuned too his inner voice the two parts are the adoring and the adored . Most metaphorically reactive needing to preserve that bucolic space between their ears this relates to that precious thing likewise in literature characters that are pastoral if not pagan. A pastorale sets a complex life and modes into simple ones. That is what Taurus seeks to do . We get into that precious thing again. They do not what to be engaged really. Life is an Idyll. Fixed Earth: Taurus is Whimsy, the desired experiece of the garden. Where Taurus is Whimsey the other fixed signs are Leo Passion, Scorpio Obsession, Aquarius Truth or at the very least Conviction. 

To speed the reader along is one major goal. To inspire all readers to read the whole thing. 

Stumbled onto something interesting today in the tour which is spelled PUER I found that it was related back to wimsey which is interesting I need to do a little bit of kind of free associating here I wonder if he is sexualized by his mother on some level. Looks for strong mommies that give him full birth doesn’t have love interests once a woman who will get him in trouble cause trouble I don’t know keeps characters around to block him see if there’s anything else pretentious in inappropriate situations he might like you but he’ll pretend as long as there is a payoff why are picking Bella fork way will not fight rubbishing Ronald not aspirational in relationships doesn’t have to invest emotionally feels like it gives enough people take money gifts and advantage she will do anything to keep him boyish might be wrong word to use for him. 

The following blocks of text are exceprts from my first year of  Blagues, nos. 1516-1520. I am reading through all of my Blagues, five per day, and posting some samples here. Now, in my sixth year of writing this Blague, by the time I get to my seventh, I will have journeyed through all the daily Blagues of my first five years. If that’s confusing I apologize. Year seven, I’ll only have to read through year six, once a day.

[and we got nothing!]

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365/6 days per year—so they nearly, but not exactly, correlate.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2020 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2020 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.

Through Is Through

Aquarius 9° (January 28)

Not sure what the day will bring actually but of all the days in this process I will be expecting more of myself than usual, probably. And that is as it should be. Okay back to work. Not only the most appearance minded of individuals but tends to be body consciousness in the extreme terms of his own physical self in space as well as signals others send out through their own stature movement carriage. He may indeed have difficulty not thinking about his posture or any of his carefully designed poses having made a study of them and continuing to do so in any reflective surface If seated at table across from a date setting facing a mirror banquette he’ll be hard pressed avoid his own image in gays for the duration of they evening adjusting his form this way and that sucking in his cheeks even bucking puckering lips moves with grace ease have smiling democratically in this way he is inviting others to strike up conversation people rarely do so himself interaction is his lifeblood sweetness his seduction he is by nature prefer sowing seeds of success more big personal or otherwise measured in new admirers adding to his already many the tale of Johnny appleseed that fruit and its tree being totems of the sign factoring into the biblical tale temptation in the garden along with other associative myths applicable to Taurus regardless of gender is indeed one of proliferation think of Taurus Keith haring arguably the pop inheritor to antiwar Hall a lofty Leo elitist with his inner circle of factory corners creating pricing pieces for the few compared to little McCarron stands in stark contrast to true orders of the people taking to the streets painting his trademark branded figures ubiquitously setting up his signature popshop designed to affordably allow as many individuals as possible to own a piece of his birth although quality should never be sacrificed to quantity tourist mind the goal is to maintain certain integrity I’ve also amassing a bankroll that could choke a bull. Hungers for recognition above all else to be seen in her samples neck and throat tourist Association with the voice but that’s just part of the story refers to the gullet the appetite mainly triggered by 4 mentioned sense of smell all senses are tourists domain but the metaphorical implications of the wetted appetite her most telling by way of explanation we’re no strangers to the business of show perform an annual holiday spectacular in New York City each winter and the show changes carries the general theme of 12 signs of Christmas cousin it show how the signs of the Zodiac can be applied and turned to the various chapters of the Christmas story the pattern of the Zodiac applies to many plots and literary works just as it does to express to expressions and other media but we digress first Jesus myth starts with a star in the first see the star the Lions and shepherds correspond with her son of Ares around next we moved to the Manger scene analogous to the sign of Taurus bull nature is account off monje is French to eat so we have this bovine reference to appetite and the consumption of food also seen hinged as is his whole existence and theme of adoration or we draw others to us including three astrologers from the East to come worship bearing precious gifts murder among them not to mention Jesus is doing jazz hands in the Manger it is after all Showtime .

The following blocks of text are exceprts from my first year of  Blagues, nos. 1511-1515. I am reading through all of my Blagues, five per day, and posting some samples here. Now, in my sixth year of writing this Blague, by the time I get to my seventh, I will have journeyed through all the daily Blagues of my first five years. If that’s confusing I apologize. Year seven, I’ll only have to read through year six, once a day.

I had the weirdest fever dream that i had this pimple or cysty thing under my arm that wouldn’t sort of pop, like a boily sit that never comes to a head, and it was related to why my arm hurts all the time and finally I decided I’m extracting whatever’s in there and this teeny tiny batterie, like a computer chip, came out; and my first thought was has the battery been in there leaking and is that what all this pain is about. As I’m typing this I’m realizing that it probably relates to a fearful suspicion about the silicone thingy in my chin, (my parent’s decision I really didn’t know about prior to reparations for an accident I was in whereby I was hit by a schoolbus in a no-top, roll-top jeep which flipped completely over). Anyway, it was such a creepy dream and I just now remembered it’s what woke me up, actually, at 4am. and here I am still awake. I don’t feel I’ve done nothing and in fact it should only take me another three hours to get through six pages, which means 12 pages in six hours, which means I could conceivably deconstruct a chapter in two days which would equal forty eight days total. But if I mapped out, say, eight days a month to do two four gender signs that would only take six months. Meaning that, starting in August, through January, I would have all these chapters laid out which would be amazing. I could start with Libra and go back around. This wouldn’t be so tough, really, I would just get into a rhythm and anyway it’s a lot of Blague written in the process. I like the idea of it. Anyway I’m lost in drag queen names suddenly.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365/6 days per year—so they nearly, but not exactly, correlate.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2020 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2020 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.


Aquarius 8° (January 27)

It snowed over night last night and el FuckFace drove up and down and around or driveway. I can’t tell if he was trying to be helpful, protecting himself against something, or what; but whatever it is will be motivated by selfishness that is for sure. Okay back to work. Being performative this year it’s in your DNA what do those Flowers in the garden do they put on a shell and multimedia wanted that look and smell delicious and they taste great to the birds and the bees for whom they provide food sustenance good old-fashioned tourist substance you’ve heard associated with this earthy grounded sign and what do those feastin on what the Flowers have to offer in return proliferation just whatever Taurus man craves one way or another neither the garden nor the Flowers in it can do the job alone they need messengers to spread the seeds of their cause and the more grounded rooted in their singular person they remained the more ubiquitous in their increase . We talk about this with Taurus clients other natural patients sustained emotion pays off and two ways it is not only key to achieving the desired goal of success or even renown but it also makes life worth living in the meantime flower never knows to what degree they will have propagated but in the process they performed their full show complete dance of unfolding there there are no half measures for them nor must there be for the individual you have to fully unfold in every day and put on your show the enactment of your ultimate desire or with with or without an audience that’s your part of the bargain with your ultimate destiny as you envision it .

Typically one of the more attractive fellows you’ll find lovely Venus endowing you earthy pretty boy looks learn to my natural confidence and ease in built in power of people pleasing to the eye anyway rarely showing in either style or demeanor careful not to come on too strong or in any way alienate others . Master of negligent chic rest setting great care to look as if he barely takes any care at all in his appearance . Never wants to be labeled contrived and in fact he is the most autoheart directed of men down too his paper thin jeans perfect perfect stubble and well versed in rehearsed conversation Determined to make it all seem effortless and also natural . One wonders if there isn’t just a slightly spicy whiff of Cologne his rolled out of bed fresh niseko dulcet long term side sweeping body language accented by stolen glances shaef ability entering self consciousness appears open naive nerdy even unemployed as a male model nowhere in particular to be garden symbolizes sort of blissed out dreamtime each tourist is a permanent resident cartoon version the cartoon version of the flower garden architect is for dependable rolling in his roses embodyment present mindedness and other natural or superpower . Not nervni by nature doesn’t suffer from anxiety as a rule anything he might seem overly relaxed we too contemplative little out of it . In the extreme labeled twos often inaccurately on truth he may suffer from ADHD or other learning difficulties that belie is being pretty brainy by nature . Process information uniquely intellectual stimuli inspiring unexpected skewed reactions takes information uniquely intellectual stimuli inspiring unexpected and skewed reactions takes and interpretation epic call for fixed signs hold center with three tourist not to be and originate are but more of an innovator if not imitator who can take the seeds of intellectual creative ideas that others may have initiated and at once ground them into fertile soil of their own imagination feeding them growing them to something that much more solid and substantial beefing them up flushing them out fully allowing them Fuller expression and more flair worked not only akin to flower French Fleur but urgently mittman TSA sent an odor of fragrance a sense of smell from the old French flairier  to reek or to smell.

The following blocks of text are exceprts from my first year of  Blagues, nos. 1506-1510. I am reading through all of my Blagues, five per day, and posting some samples here. Now, in my sixth year of writing this Blague, by the time I get to my seventh, I will have journeyed through all the daily Blagues of my first five years. If that’s confusing I apologize. Year seven, I’ll only have to read through year six, once a day.

How ironic that it is all about to-do lists. Aries needs to do further analysis. Aries quick ot insult and anger. Athena is competititive her main myths hinged on centest. Women brag they are better than her and she’s not better enough to rise above such comments but rather this means war to her. She retaliates and by archetypal extentionso it is for Aries woman.  I feel this thing is happening I have to say. Joseph Campbell, it is said, was planning to write an astrology book before he died, which doesn’t surprise us. Because people born under the twelve signs of the zodiac, which we further breakdown in binary fashion along gender-identy lines, are themselves heroes with a thousand faces.

Page One (269) “Snapshot”

  • Bundle of contradictions
  • Paradox: unassuming vs. fierce force to be reckoned with
  • Giving and nurturing vs. reliant on others
  • Dramatic curves, generous cushion. Bottom heavy or major booty
  • Air of accessibility —Fragility; inspires equal parts lust + protection Emotional fragility
  • Good girl image even when trying not to be
  • Bedding her sweet corruption
  • Give herself to man even in sexual way; pleasing sexual lord and master
  • Demands studly power man can feel diminished
  • The anti-waif, round and juicy, sex appeal even aging
  • Deferential to men; wants to be desired, indulged, envied by women (not sure that)

Page Two (270) “Sign + Mind”

Sidebar: Principle of Reconciliation—making ammends and healing

  • Ruler in dispute, argument for earth rule
  • Lack of clarity or confusion about above equals obscurity (wrong word)and muddiness
  • Sometimes warm and sunny othertimes stoical and icey (to obfusciate her motives)
  • What drives her is anyone’s guess (she hides the lead on what she wants from others)
  • One wonders if conscious of her own motivations (compulsive, Amy, can’t stop herself)
  • Open book, blannk page empty vessel waiting to be filled (add something about the vat)
  • Above makers her seem vapid or even venal
  • 6th house of service, piece of clay, malleable to situations
  • Principles of conduct (conductivity doesn’t match sidebar which is that of reconciliation
  • Yielding her own desires o others needs—achieving synthesis (synergy)
  • To achieve common goals…..wants what you want
  • Here to help others achieve desired ends and in so doing she carves out her own niche typically as glorified helper (the niche thing relates to flightless birds)
  • Teachers, health workers, patroness (Pepper Potts is a Virgo archetype)

After all that it is strange to think. One tries to avoid problems but they nonetheless seem to follow—what is that? I decided to take a break from the wag and make a purchase which required and I was crucified. I don’t mind. It all comes out in the W A S H (women against social hostility? workers against stagnant homeowners). I’m not good at this and I don’t care. I can make myself happy anytime and anywhere; and, anyway, it is all about what ones personal style is all about. I know how my stylistic butter is spread. I’d like to get into it. I can still wear heels. But i’m going to wear rockstar wear this weekend. I’m a little heavier than I’d like to be but so fucking what. I’m healthy and I’m strong (touch wood) and if anybody has a problem with me then bring it on. Upfront. I’ve no time for the pussy footers that is for damned sure. I will contact D.C. tomorrow to say hi. Maybe he wants to learn to do stuff as I do.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365/6 days per year—so they nearly, but not exactly, correlate.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2020 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2020 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.

Too Too

Aquarius 7° (January 26)

I have to get out for a walk today and so we did a tour of Wellfleet and then ran some errands. Going back down to Eastham for a nice light Italian. We will finally get through the last episode of Call My Agent and then we are free to watch it again this time without subtitles. Listening to France Musique is really improving my comprehension it must be said. We had a pretty substantial lunch of salmon cakes and leftover pasta, so for din din it will just be some of my “green chowder.” Moving on with my work: Personifies persona defined as the aspect of someone’s character that is presented to or perceived by others and knew who didn’t that trademark eyelash that statement will feel quite proud of the fact for your careful cultivation of self is hard work well done and it is your singular superpower to take whatever skills and talents and appeal you might possess and make the very best of them fulfilling whatever promise you made to yourself and the looking glass. Nobody better at reaping benefits of naturally benign narcissism than you. Being your own love object taking yourself under your own wing being your own best friend coach mentor or should be grooming yourself from whatever image is long held us your most ideal iteration astrology 101 says you are stubborn but that’s not the half of it you are living proof of the adage that success is achieved by never giving up no matter how many times you might fail you expect to see it it’s what you do and what you might like it down typically make up for in chosen field how much you might lack in talent that is typically to make it top of your chosen field you more than make up for it Determination and pizzazz perfect combination of vitality and glamour . You see if you desire certain outcomes in your life your sign model kicks in and makes you have to have it for you desire destiny share more than an etymology if you feel you feel it you ultimately own it and this is true of tourism all genders and sexes you stay on ground you grow that Gordon you keep cultivating cultivating weirding out negativity too precious to entertain it avoiding conflicts during clear detractors even those you may be right at times to call BS those who fail to realize it’s part of the package the persona the amassing of admirers the audience building performance of living all the world is stage 

The following blocks of text are exceprts from my first year of  Blagues, nos. 1501-1505. I am reading through all of my Blagues, five per day, and posting some samples here. Now, in my sixth year of writing this Blague, by the time I get to my seventh, I will have journeyed through all the daily Blagues of my first five years. If that’s confusing I apologize. Year seven, I’ll only have to read through year six, once a day.

Virgo woman a grabbag Virgo man more up for grabs. Keanu sides with the matriarchy.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365/6 days per year—so they nearly, but not exactly, correlate.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2020 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2020 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.

Moonshadow Followed

Aquarius 6° (January 25)

The day begins with an early client and we will ritualize having an early anniversary just for the fun of it. And you know what that means: Pasta! Linguine Pesto it is for dinner, meanwhile I will make a Romaine salad with a lemony achovy dressing topped with sautéed Shrimps. It is a bit nippy out these past few days. Lucy from Jamestown. These nonsequitors are not designed to make sense. They just are what they are. Onto the work at hand: It is been our long held conviction that he draws on the archetype of male nature deities specifically flower gods hyacinthus narcissist and Adonis whose mother Meera was cursed by Aphrodite to lust after her own father by whom she came pregnant and secretly seduced after secretly seducing he chased her with his sword and was turned into a tree the Mer by the gods who took pity on her as with the myth of bull headed minotaurs or desperate lust notably of the female kind is what literally breeds these Taurus male archetypes Aphrodite found the baby gave it to Persephone Queen of the underworld to rule but as he grew you might say aphrodite’s curse backfired on her as both she and Persephone fell in love with fought over and ultimately shared him for a few months a year each the whole of the tourists archetype flips the script on the typical masculine role certainly on the objectifying masculine areas principle as Adonis and the tourist garba extension are the love objects themselves. The bull is designed to Pique interest the metaphor of the garden leads to temptation and all tourists does in the meaningful cultivation of his talents and what might be considered the superficial appearance of his persona no matter where on the spectrum between sincere and attendance at my plant is designed to dazzle the senses like those pretty posies in the park and to mix metaphors once again you might say this Zodiac will slice of beefcake is very consciously involved in his own branding so just ear as many admirers he made toward helping him along his way Marisa precious commodity and tourists will have us know that it’s this right sort of stuff of which he’s made precious also a term that one can most readily assign to this guy is first in line to buy into his own self middle mythologia mythologizing regarding himself cut above I’m prone to self obsession in the form of one another has been prime location for the first moment he realizes it was him staring back from the mirror 

The following blocks of text are exceprts from my first year of  Blagues, nos. 1496-1500. I am reading through all of my Blagues, five per day, and posting some samples here. Now, in my sixth year of writing this Blague, by the time I get to my seventh, I will have journeyed through all the daily Blagues of my first five years. If that’s confusing I apologize. Year seven, I’ll only have to read through year six, once a day.

Wisteria                       Romance

Oak                             Power & Courage

Palm                            Peace

Cherry                         Good Fortune, Love, Romance

Birch                           New Beginnings

Elms                            Intuition and Inner Strength

Redwood                     “Forever” Eternity

Maple                         Balance & Promise

Cedar                           Healing & Cleansing

Japanese Maple          Blessings & Peaceful Retreat

Fir                               Springtime

Apple                          Youth, happiness, health, beauty, magic

Ash                             Sacrifice, sensitivity, Higher awareness

Bamboo                       Spirit, Regeneration, renewal flexibility

Beech                          Tolerance, patience, lightness of spirit and words     GEMINI

Bonsai                         Meditation, harmony, peace all that is good

Birch                           New beginnings, cleansing of the past and vision quests

Cedar                           Healing, protection, cleansing                                     VIRGO

Cypress                      Role of sacrifice

Elder                            New life, renewal and the fairy realm

Elm                              Inner strength, realm of intuition                                CANCER

Eucalyptus                  Wealth abundance fortelling

Fir                               Springtime, fortitue, immortality

Hazel                           Hidden wisdom, dousing, divination, cleansing healing SCORPIO

Heather                       Healing from within, immortality, rites of passage

Holly                           Protection, overcoming anger, winter solstice

Juniper                                    Journeying, staying true to self, integrity       SAGITTARIUS

Maple                         Balance, promise, practical magic

Oak                             Courage, power, might

Olive                           Repair relationships, reward, victory, strength, purification, fruitful

Palm                            Peace, soul-enrichment

Pine                             Reaching for the stars, eternal life

Redwood                     Eternity, ancient wisdom

Sequoia                        Lofty dreams, stretching limits, reaching for starts

Wisteria                       Romance, great and enduring love

Willow                                    Fulfilling wishes of the heart, learning from the past, innervisions

Vibrating at a high cosmic level, Pisces people prove this newly invented adage, that: the more accepting one is of what is, the more one may change it into what could be. Acceptance is the gateway to Love on every level. While in this cosmic context of Pisces we aren’t speaking of romantic love, but of the purely spiritual form of Love as, we might agree, the animating force in the Universe. The great primordial goddess of the sea, who emerged from the foam thereof, is Aphrodite (Roman: Venus). Though planet Venus rules Taurus on the earth plane (nymphs and flower god archetype) and Libra on the astral plane (airy Apollo and prophentic high-priestesses) the archetype of Aphrodite-Venus powers the sign of Pisces. We think of her as the goddess of lower-case love and beauty but she was rather demoted to that post upon entering the patriarchal pantheon which struggled to place. We see her in emanation, too, as the wife of  Poseidon-Neptune, Amphitrite, his famed trident originally being her symbol, that of the great triple goddess, as is the shamrock, the lily (Aphrodite’s sacred flower), the fleur de lis. The mother of Poseidon’s two daughters are alternately, dually, attributed to both goddesses. The name Amphitrite literally means “the third one who circles the sea.” Three points making a circle, the triple god/desses portray the whole of human existence, youth-maturity-age. This speaks, here and now, to Pisces people having a more wholistic sense of the entirety of their life than the rest of us, being more accutely in tune with their own alpha-omeganess—it also speaks to their being something of an every-wo/man empath who can relate more readily to others, if to a fault. Pisces people will gravitate to those they don’t already know in a given room or gathering. For males of the sign, the trident is the triple phallus, meant to mate with the triple goddess, and thus points, despite his signature unpredictability, to the ability of the god Poseidon (and his human Pisces sons) to be the life-long mate who plays the eternal lover of the maiden, to the mother (of his children) and to the inherent wise woman she becomes. Pisces men can be lifers when it comes to love relationships.

Another name for Aphrodite is called Mari (the sea) and she is thus cognate to Mary, Stella Maris, the star of the sea. Both Aphrodite and Mary have sons, Eros and Jesus, who are embodiments with Love. Eros, which means love, like Jesus, is the eternal babe, yet he is also the oldest, most primordial of the creation gods, just as Jesus is one and the same with the father-creator. Aphrodite and Eros took fish form and we know all about the Jesus fish from certain people’s automobile decoration. All this to say that the philosophical concept of Pisces is thus: That if you were to remove all physical manifestation from the world (which isn’t physical but energetic or spiritual anyway) what is behind it all, the very backdrop of existence, is, essentially Love. And someone once supposedly said something like: blessed are those who believe without seeing.

The body part ruled by Pisces is the feet which, metaphorically, speaks to Pisces people being parapetitic, if not perpetually adrift. Of all the signs, Pisces are the least moored to their origins, both in terms of their actual home and family rearing, but also in the assignations that go along with it. From birth, nearly, Pisces people move in a desired direction of character and bearing, most often fancying themself to be erudite, if not encyclopedic in their knowledge, with a certain lockjaw upper crustiness. They are indeed fancy. And we don’t use the word lightly. For Pisces people it is an actionable verb whereby they fancy themselves, art-directing their own personality and, really, they’re very being. They always embody a departure from their roots and they will stay in motion (unless, paradoxically, they isolate and roam around an inner world of their own making instead). It is the belief that they can be anything they want to be and, to look at the feet, again: before we can walk on water we best believe that we can. Science ultimately proves many a belief. Like: all isenergy; and energy can neither be created nor destroyed. So the primordial soup, expressed by Pisces, is all that is and will ever be. Pisces people seem to personify this notion. They are not attached, as a rule, to people places and things; the other side of the paradox of beint the most empathetic of beings. In Sextrologywe joke that Pisces woman, in particular, rely on the kindness of strangers, being embodiment of the Blanche du Bois archetype (she wears della robbia blue which is the color of Mary’s robe); but Pisces people, regardless of gender, are at home with people, among strangers, even as they travel to distant corners of world. They tend to treat everyone equally, which can seem strange to significant others or even their own children. It’s as if they understand the impermanance and eternity of our shared existence.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365/6 days per year—so they nearly, but not exactly, correlate.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2020 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2020 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.

Sundown Better Take Care

Aquarius 5° (January 24)

And the list goes on…another sleepless night, in and out, mostly in, meaning I had to take the morning to try to pass out. I actually had a real-feeling dream that I told Stella I’ve started a new program of “intermittent sleeping.” The banalties of the day. Take a chill pill, do my weekly “requests,” (you don’t need to know what that means), do the washing up from last night, chop scallions, defrost frozen clams, ablutions, eat lunch of oatcakes, (at least schedule) doing a deep clean, make a chicken stock, plan next week’s menu, do some garde manger, print out the new worksheets—add the positive and negative tidbits—rejig the schedule, menu, blog entries, fill in the three days I am behind—this should consist of getting back up and running with the dicatition feature. Then I need to make a chowder, a vegetable stew, marinate shrimp, make a lemony Caesar dressing, all of which should put me in good stead for the week ahead. Must meet with Stella on May 6 through July 14 editing process, at which time I will also be drafting text boxes. S. should also be setting up chat with Russell. Okay now to continue some editing…

Why one wonders with the Premier fam sign all things girly B emblem ized by bullet ball the reason we divide is at the bull itself symbol of worship and adultery so ironically outsourced past the desired other in this astrological equation where the straightforward carbon fire energy of Aries makes perfect sense embody it in the head butting ram tourists earth garden has as its symbol not itself embodied but the outside other that the garden needs as fertilization the seconding agent to ensure its growth it is the only son with A twist of this kind but that shouldn’t surprise anyone Taurus has unique take on and puts and unique spin on everything thinker creative to the larger part of his peel the subtitles of each chapter evolutionary path and without even realize it until the actual writing of this bit of the section did we realize that even that carries an ironic theme because when we say the path of desire we aren’t speaking tourists desire without which he inspires for him in others such as the path carries along unfolding as he goes rather than forging it this is something you can put into practice imagining your journey from this unique perspective allowing as their stay road writes to meet you. Learning to attract unify garner praise making the world more pleasurable this includes TKTK deep work of being you self discovery true nature living life according to it might sound easy on the surface but it is particularly challenge for the ball feels himself lacking almost from birth stopped elements of personality behavior appearance interests feels full blanket Lee people please on multiple levels no one spends more time in the mirror not just out of vanity but assessing and adjusting searching soul for clues as to who he is being fixed earth gardener life begins feeling like something of a vacant lot so makes sense he seeks to make it himself as attractive as possible as quirky as can be fixing on heroes to emulate mimic coopt plagiarize adopt identity’s others find appealing can make him seem like something poser intellectually especially fierce appearing empty headed Once Upon a time friend visit Paris weekend packed with nothing but underwear and got 20 books we were like we get it you read but she didn’t actually do it all not putting it down here but we want to eliminate the fact that this is part of your process and younger days you might be hands down biggest ******** around them block but what better way to prepare the soil of your own self cultivation than by spreading around a little fertilizer first being full of BS ironically an expression of your own true nature. 

The following blocks of text are exceprts from my first year of  Blagues, nos. 1491-1495. I am reading through all of my Blagues, five per day, and posting some samples here. Now, in my sixth year of writing this Blague, by the time I get to my seventh, I will have journeyed through all the daily Blagues of my first five years. If that’s confusing I apologize. Year seven, I’ll only have to read through year six, once a day.

Even the fact that Uranus is named for the Greek god of the Universe, while all the other planets bear the Roman versions of their mythic namesakes, suggest something of a departure from the norm that characterizes the sign of Aquarius. Uranus, meaning sky or heaven, has many a debatable and probably composite etymology. We derive the modern word urine from the name, and most root words have watery origins and associations, like “to moisten”—it is said that Aphrodite emerged from the sea fertilized by Uranus’ castrated bits (Saturn struck him down just as he was later struck down by his own usurping son, replacing him as chief god). Uranus is associated specifically with dew, which parallels the Aquarius female archetype of, among others, the goddess of the dawn. Ruled by this starry god the universe, and placed opposite Leo (ruled by the Sun) on the astrological wheel, Aquarius is associated with other, distant suns, a single star, if not the infinitely sparkled heavens filled with countless ones. In the Tarot, the Star card depicts the astrological Water Bearer; but Aquarius isn’t a water sign but the sole fixed-air sign, again a point of light if not a billion of them. Air signs are ideological, and so fixed-air translates to a steady beacon, immutable fact, upper-case Truth and conviction. The sign’s motto is the very definite I knowand, as a rule, Aquarians are emphatic and insistent in their intellectual viewpoints despite the fact that they are often a lone voice in the wildnerness, the proverbial weirdo who is really just ahead of their time. That biblical Water Bearer, John the Baptist, lives outside of societal norms, going out on a limb to deliver his fixed-air version of the truth, the good news, speaking of what (and who) is to come, bidding others “prepare ye the way” for some sudden and sweeping change. And  in so doing, Aquarians do lose their head a bit in the expression of their zeal.

In classical mythology, the female cup bearer, Hebe, pours the nectar that restores gods’ youthful immortality (just as John the Baptist bears baptismal waters offering everlasting life). Hebe (the maiden form of Hera) is wedded to Heracles, a mortal, who elevates to a god via their union; the name Heracles means beloved of Hera. This makes her a descending goddess, one designed to elevate the mortal experience. Likewise, Eos, the goddess of the dawn, also falls in love with a mortal, and, again we again have reference to the dew, one of the interpretation of the name Uranus. In a sense, the dawn which brings the dew, is a water bearer itself. The goddess of the rainbow Iris, who also carried a pitcher of water/nectar (and sometimes doubles for Hebe) is the messenger of Hera and, like the other descending goddesses, is the link between the divine world and that of we mere mortals. Back to the bible: Salome, the female counterpart to John the Baptist, with her seven colored veils isthe rainbow goddess, her striptease is the drawing away the veil, inviting us over the rainbow bridge, just like Iris, drawing us upward to the heavens, yet another interpretation of the that fixedplace in the air.

If Trump is Gumby that makes Pence Pokey. And you know what that means.

Anyway some more cosmic thoughts about the Waterbearer…

Aquarius is all about drawing back the veil on everything, exposing realities heretofore unbeknownst to us, that is what revelation is: the revealing of that which has been true all along. What is social or cultural evolution but the discovery of natural facts that inform our own invention subsequent innovation. If we wish to fly a plane it should be designed on a bird, or the helicopter, the dragon fly. Revelations are sudden and sweeping. They are the dawning of immutable notions that ultimately alter the course of our life. Aha’s happen in a moment and we newly navigate from there, sudden revelations being quite like biological mutations in this dynamic.

Making a seemingly sharp turn: the sign of Aquarius rules the ankles. Now guess which human body part among the most recent evolutionarily? Yep. As we were raised upright, the ankle went through an accelerated reinvention, which is why, you see, it’s also among the most fragile parts of us. Fragility is thus an element of the Aquarian spirit which you will readily agree with in light of those of the sign in your lives. They are in this way extreme: Of all of us they are the most solid in their convinctions, indeed synonomous with them, living, like a devout follower, or more likely the guru or cult leader, navigating life according to strict and typically lofty, radical and sweeping ideologies, if only personal ones; and yet they are the first to crumble if you say boo to contradict them. They are all too quick, Aquarian men, especially, to take any form of criticism or contradiction as outright persecution. Things become very heightened for these children of the heavens.

Now, we’ve spoken of the sky god Uranus but what of his mother-wife, Gaia, the personification of the Earth itself, also a Waterbearer, the planet being three-quarters covered (not to mention ice caps, glaciers, ubiquitous moisture and the vapor-filled air—clouds, too, bear water)? Gaia is a primordial goddess, second only to Chaos; she is the great- (great) grand mother goddess who bore the Titans who in turn bore the Olympians and their reigning progeny. (Note: the Sagittarian archetypes are Olympian, followed by Capricornian’s Titan archetypes, and now we are one more time removed a generation in Aquarius with its archetypes.) And with Gaia as mother to Uranus she is once more removed herself. This speaks to the difference in personality between men and women of the sign, too. Aquarius man, as befits his sky-god assignation, can be equal parts distant and utterly imposing, whereas Aquarius woman who is probably more detached a personality, still, is more lovingly so.

They are universal mothers in the sense that, though they may rise to guru status like their male counterparts, they are seen as nurturing, indeed mothering forces. But make no mistake: the likes of Aquarians Oprah and Ellen are charismatic cult leaders just the same. Regardless of gender of which there may be many—this is among the least binary of signs—Aquarians are the most impersonal of folk. They divest emotion generally, universally, and what they lack in intimacy they make up for in multiplicity, knowing a great many people whom they treat rather equally. They make the most affable acquaintances while showing little more affection in their otherwise closest bonds.

  Aquarius rules the ages 70-77 which, at least metaphorically, may coincide with a certain second childhood—an ironic correlation perhaps to the renewal energy of the cupbearer doling out eternal youth. Following the 10th house of individual career achievement, status and standing, the 11th house is where we use that sway for universal benefit. It is the world stage, vast networking, large groups and organization and the affecting of positive change via sweeping platforms. You might say we see a return to a sort of free-form, wide-scale adult-kindergarten where focus is on collaboration and sharing. Someone said “unless you become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven,” that fixed, airy paradise Aquarius seeks to establish here on earth.

I have been overthinking about my performance heroes which do include Spaulding Grey and Eric Bagosian. That’s really what I’m going for. I’d like to put together a whole bunch of writing and just sit in a chair until I felt like getting up. That’s my idea of performance. I don’t get a lot of what I see. But that’s just me. Anyway, I’ve said it before but it’s on the list of life challenges I’ve yet to meet; but I gotta say, for the first time probably ever I can say: that I’m definitely there. Believe me it isn’t a boast I would readily make if such a boast could be. Forty five to go. It’s six weeks basically and I’m feeling confident about it. I am looking so forward, too, to swimming in a warm pool. I might figure out how to do just that on Saturday as well. Yes that is what I will do I will find a pool to go to and just stay in it. Harkens me back to glorious times on the roof of the Printing House—how I loved taking jacuzzis with the likes of Robert Sean Leonard. What ever happened to him? He’s like a younger JCM in so many ways.

I think Libra people really let other people have it, which sounds bad; but, more times than not, they do call out others on their worst stuff—they shine a light on it, draw it to the surface, into the light, they expose others, provide disinfectant. Of course she’s a Libra: Judge Judy is like the funnest example we have of this. It’s a good way to think about it given the sign’s association with light (August Lumière), the abstract image “the personality” as a snapshot, a projection. Anyway just another passing thought. Also if a Libra is finding any one of the infinite relationships they have to be lop-sided, unequally reciprocating, they are not above saying so. Justice isn’t blind, it’s bitchy. People of the sign would do well to let some things go, if only for the fact that it often creates more upset for the Libra to be that long arm of the law than it does for the target of Libra’s rebuke. I myself have regretted the severity with which I have censured people in this situation. I have too strong and cutting a way with words and it is probably my most prominent character flaw. So I like to take my life experience and make it general fodder for a Libra chapter in some book. And there’s nothing wrong with that.

The fact is I might have gotten all I could get onto paper right now. Not to say I won’t keep delivering even as I get ready for my afternoon meeting. I’m looking forward to it I think. Well I’m definitely into the project we are currently working, which actually launches in under three weeks. What fun that is going to be. I really want to promote the pooh out of it. And do all we can to proliferate the entire enterprise. I would love it if they would take off in all different ways and when I say they I mean the product. There’s a clue…the meeting went quite well and yet we have to pull back on some things like photo shoots; but I have my eyes and ears open for other creative possibilities. The point is to be as creative (prolific) as possible; it is the creation of the thing. All very Leo (followed by critical Virgo which may improve upon the pure output of Leo). The sheer proliferation of Leo (that is a nice phrase). The path of proliferation? Perhaps not. At this point I have written three chunky enough paragraphs to tie this thing off and call it a Blague.

Oh screw it. I ended up fixing up some Pisces content after all:

In our book Sextrology, the Pisces woman and man chapters are titled The Dreamand The Drifter, respectively, and, of all the individuals on the astrological block, they are best at giving in and/or over to living life on life’s terms. That is to say dissolving into the here and now of their circumstance, if only sometimes treading water, seeking foremost to avoid struggle, all of which requires a great sacrificing of ego. They posses, once again, paradoxically, the greatest potential for transcendence via their power of belief (whatever their particular brand of sublimity might be) and yet they are most challenged to achieve such an end, feeling more lost than the rest of us in the soup of life. Their superpower is to perform magic, if not miracles, which is no easy feat. Still there is something (about the metaphysics of this sign) that compels its natives to let go all expectation (of the how and the when of their successes) while holding firmly to best possibleintention. Pisces’s sign motto is I Believewhich is more than just faith (Capricorn) or conviction (Aquarius); as a mutable sign, which blends the energies of its two previous sign, we thus perceive belief to be such an amalgam of purest faith and truest conviction as to infiltrate the very fabric of reality not forcing, but allowing it to yield Pisces goodly intentions. This is the true meaning of the mutable-water assignation, and of Neptune’s dissolving force:If all we perceive isn’t truly fixed, but fields of energy blending, one into another, than the so-called substance of being is determined by the energy we are, and that which we are putting out there via our belief. If we dissolve the impediments to them—circumstance and limiting thoughts—and we remove the notion of space and time (trusting in inevitability of the manifestion of our belief) that which we belief in, primarily our self, is already coming into being. We, all of us, possess this power. It’s just that, for Pisces people, it is decidedly frontloaded. They more readily give over to the plot of life as it is already happening, like a lucid dreamer must do if s/he would have the dream continue. Any lucid dreamer will tell you that if you try to impose your will on the dream it will dissolve before your mind’s eye). But if you continually give over to the plot of the dream, yourself dissolving into it, you will be taken on an inner journey of phantasmagorical depth and dimension. Such is the desired dynamic of Pisces’s actual existence and their default approach to bringing such a vivid path to life.

Vibrating at a high cosmic level, Pisces people prove this newly invented adage, that: the more accepting one is of what is, the more one may change it into what could be. Acceptance is the gateway to Love on every level. While in this cosmic context of Pisces we aren’t speaking of romantic love, but of the purely spiritual form of Love as, we might agree, the animating force in the Universe. The great primordial goddess of the sea, who emerged from the foam thereof, is Aphrodite (Roman: Venus). Though planet Venus rules Taurus on the earth plane (nymphs and flower god archetype) and Libra on the astral plane (airy Apollo and prophentic high-priestesses) the archetype of Aphrodite-Venus powers the sign of Pisces. We think of her as the goddess of lower-case love and beauty but she was rather demoted to that post upon entering the patriarchal pantheon which struggled to place. We see her in emanation, too, as the wife of  Poseidon-Neptune, Amphitrite, his famed trident originally being her symbol, that of the great triple goddess, as is the shamrock, the lily (Aphrodite’s sacred flower), the fleur de lis. The mother of Poseidon’s two daughters are alternately, dually, attributed to both goddesses. The name Amphitrite means “the third one who circles the sea.” Three points making a circle, the triple god/desses portray the whole of human existence, youth-maturity-age; and speaks, here and now, to Pisces people’s sense of the all of their life, all at once, you might say, their own alpha-omeganess; but also tho being something of an every-wo/man or an empath who can relate to the all of life, including the people in it. Pisces people will gravitate to the strangers in a room at any given gathering. For males of the sign, the trident is the triple phallus, meant to mate with the triple goddess, and thus points, despite his signature unpredictability, to the ability of the god Poseidon (and his human Pisces sons) to be the life-long mate who plays the eternal lover of the maiden, to the mother (of his children) and to the inherent wise woman she becomes. Pisces men can be lifers when it comes to love relationships.

Another name for Aphrodite is called Mari (the sea) and she is thus cognate to Mary, Stella Maris, the star of the sea. Both Aphrodite and Mary have sons, Eros and Jesus, who are embodiments with Love. Eros, which means love, like Jesus, is the eternal babe, yet he is also the oldest, most primordial of the creation gods, just as Jesus is one and the same with the father-creator. Aphrodite and Eros took fish form and we know all about the Jesus fish from certain people’s automobile decoration. All this to say that the philosophical concept of Pisces is thus: That if you were to remove all physical manifestation from the world (which isn’t physical but energetic or spiritual anyway) what is behind it all, the very backdrop of existence, is, essentially Love. And someone once supposedly said something like: blessed are those who believe without seeing.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365/6 days per year—so they nearly, but not exactly, correlate.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2020 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2020 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.


Aquarius 4° (January 23)

I don’t know what’s wrong with me that I can’t move forward but I’m going to do my best now to continue to talk while I edit the subject is Taurus owning up to motivations behavior and agenda not obfuscate ING easier said than done which is ironic since the sign motto is I have it’s all about that witch they possess 2nd house all about it and this idea doesn’t distinguish between literal and figurative variety material metaphorical wealth and or value. Assets are assets as far as astrology is concerned this is the sole fix earthside the analogy of a garden in which to be cultivated contents that provide sustenance blooming bits of beauty food and Flowers which whets your appetite stimulates many senses ruled by Venus premiere feminine sign trust real plane name from Alice of love. Rules the masculine carnal sign of Libra the astral plane some maintain punishment be the main ruler more than one that the earth itself is the true ruler . Makes no difference to us tours energy inviting alluring opposite of areas which precedes it that Mars ruled sign objective here now subjective tourists are designed to appeal that cannot be removed from larger conversation on people born under the sun areas people have to work at including other stars people can help but not which can be tough garden path to hoe tourist notoriously UN straightforward be obliq asking others a series of questions to which he already know the answers tours designed to illustrate desired agenda without seeming to assert it quite genius and ability to make others believe desired outcomes or all their ideas evocative women it literally you draw others out decisions take action signature leading questions do you think we should maybe do this or that such that you seem to only ever be offering suggestions and therefore off the hook for responsibility should things go pear shaped selective in relationships better or worse every person tends to have purpose for him aspiration was at the front of his mind said Taurus is propelled forward in life for primary through his associations not typically one to go it alone actually not ever. Needs to be appreciated never since the word his own sense of value linked to others influence. Paradoxical in that can be sycophantically extreme tours those whose company he seeks to keep while at the same time he would be relegating these folks to role as stepping stones may be useful necessity in navigating figurative garden landscape of his experience evolutionary path in particular which as it tends to be for garden or landscape architect is revealed rather than imposed subjective not objective energy at work text cues from nature the most natural Pagan in the astrological pantheon cited in previous works modern archetype Chauncey Gardner being there. Present minded character unfolding agenda exist in the minds and influences of others including romantic interest and called that named Eve . Fiery areas Big Bang fixed earth Taurus represents pastoral Eden one is a combination of completely innocent totally blissed out describes chancey tuati and by extension desired state of being firm Taurus as well he isn’t often as guileless as he would have people believe which is where he could trip himself up doesn’t him stuff to service and pretending that his life is just one happy accident after another because overtime the rest of us have difficulty buying it and they keep their begin to deny him many assists he requires. Another in the stream of ironies that defines his default behavior is in fact he would engender more support and guidance outright entree if he didn’t feign indifference tardies legs up. Symbol of the bullets of ironic and speak to the subjective energy of the sign he was Venus bears the familiar female symbol recalls hand mirror mirror of Aphrodite itself speaks to Taurus is reflexive reflective view prioritizing not just being there but being seen over seeing for oneself absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to be seen for who we are and boatloads of talent naturally possess but counterproductive to worry about how you’re seeing in the sense of an overemphasis on concern of how others might judge that you overthink overcompensate with phony Navy T but we’re speaking but the irony of the bull symbol dot dot parrot 

The following blocks of text are exceprts from my first year of  Blagues, nos. 1486-1490. I am reading through all of my Blagues, five per day, and posting some samples here. Now, in my sixth year of writing this Blague, by the time I get to my seventh, I will have journeyed through all the daily Blagues of my first five years. If that’s confusing I apologize. Year seven, I’ll only have to read through year six, once a day.

My mind is a swirl of France and Maine, of the past, hoisted upon me from a giant shelf of books I haven’t read. I’m lost at sea in my sense of sanity, questionable, like everyone’s, due to consciousness. Still feeling so young and free and determined and impatient for the reality I’m not living and ever minding the gap. I could be less silently demanding and more at easy relationship; daily drama, a distraction from total backdrop of truth and inevitability.

I guess it was time to start a new poetry file. I was thinking about Gemini, being the bird, and how they like to sing. I wish I had a very good Gemini friend. I had two bad ones in my family growing up but I have encountered such good (women, mainly) Twinsies. Ah, I do have a friend called Damon* who’s a good one—I really need to make a point to see them. Segue. I’m kind of hungry. That’s what you get for waking at 4:43 AM and having breakfast half an hour later. Back to the Gemini thing: Expressing what feels like that crux of consciousness (different from Virgo conscience). I wonder how many times a day I hit delete. I’ve always liked the name Stuart, although I don’t think I could ever pull it off. Coming back does feel harder this time around. But I know I can do it. Vanity being such a good motivator.

It can be a gentle turning of the wheel, and it can include some significant moves. In just over a year’s time we will have something Boston environs. I wonder what would happen to Facebook if we all took just one day to block all our Facebook friends. There will be that investment. We will have the vertical existence. We will put those pieces into place. And all things Glow will be under a completely separate roof. We will be on our way to realizing a new era without having to change much from the existing one, which is great. It’s such a doable formula and includes such great press and promotional possibilities. It’s something I’ve always dreamed of honestly. And we will take the Fall and the Spring to delve the depths of possibility in terms of manufacturing in New England, which will dovetail with my non-profit work.

*As I write this on the posting (if not the actual entry) date, having just wrote this morning about Damian, wouldn’t you know it!: Damian and wife got in touch with us this morning after months “out of the blue”. So guess what folks. we captured a little of that kind of magic I had originally hoped would make it into most of these entries, in one way or another, over the course of time. Sometimes by theme, but today, by way of a little synchronicity.

Okay I am forging ahead and going to do a little timed writing on the Aquarius experience:

Following Capricorn, the cardinal-earthsign, which correlates, among other things, to the old-guard and the edification of tradition, comes the eleventh sign of Aquarius, breaking through what has come before with explosive energy. Aquarius, fixed-air, is about the establishment of new orders, air signifying the world of ideas, sets of ideals, as well as social ideology. The signis associated with all things revolutionary and evolutionary, the sweeping in of new waves and epochs, new concepts, paradigms and constructs. The sign symbol depicts two waves, air-waves, new waves of frequency to which we are all are colletively attuning. The sign’s ruler, Uranus, is the deemed “the awakener,” and its cosmic force is sudden and sweeping. Named for the god of the universe it points to our collective consciousness and, well, univerality—the eleventh astrological house rules large groups and organizations such as would usher in sweeping new modes of thinking. This is also, among many other attriubtes, the astrological house of the future—all that is new to explore, and what uncharted territory, metaphysical or otherwise, into which one can boldly go forth. How better do we represent the future and that which is still left to explore by us but by the concept of infinite outer space, itself, that which the sky-god Uranus personifies in mythology. The fact that Aquarius people are known to be far out or freaky is more than pop-astrology, it speaks to the future energy of the sign.

Uranus signals divergence from the norm, in keeping with its revolutionary power. Now think of it biologically: What is a sudden mutation but an oddity in the present which nonetheless will become the mainstay of the future. It is a glimpse of what is to come. Diversity, all too often a dirty word to conventional thinking and society, is actually the most crucial aspect of the survival of any species. The mutation ultimately  becomes the mainstay. And so if you want to know what the general norm of the human personality will Look like down the line in our history, look to your Aquarian friends and family and they will give you some idea. Shocking isn’t it? Well, shockis that sudden sweepingness of the new. And who knew that Darwinism was thus encoded into this most ancient Zodiac—those crazy Chaldeans! Of course Chrlie himself was born under this most evolutionarily minded sign along with other light-bulb heads like Galileo, Thomas Edison, Copernicus and H.G. Wells who could never have predicted that his steam-punk sensibility might still be trendy into the twenty-first century. Or maybe he did. The male and female Aquarian chapters in our book Sextrologyare titled The Visitorand The Vision, respectively. Taken together they speak to the alien(ated) quality of the sign, as if they are visitors from outer time-space, and to the revelatory energy of the sign, both in their own epiphanous experience as well as that very same effect they can have on others.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365/6 days per year—so they nearly, but not exactly, correlate.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2020 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2020 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.

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