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Add Tutelege

Sagittarius 1° (November 23)

Getting everything to the lawyer today going to be a marathon. Taking myself to Ciro and Sal’s. I have a feeling this would have been a mistake. The food is never really great and there is something weird about the energy there to be sure. I will make my list of places we shall go. I will start reading the book and start moving the ball forward. It really is the best thing to do and really shouldn’t be any trouble. I think if I can just get through December’s entries, here, then I can really start to focus on the task at hand. I mean the trick is to fill in a few past gaps and then make the present about the book. These need to be separated into various chores. The good thing is that I’ve begun to wade through all the other stuff that needs doing. And by the time April rolls around I could easily pack and move in the manner of a few days, it would truly be that simple. To start I could just grab any old ting but instead I am planning something of a roll-out. Here, on the date this paragraph appears, I won’t know how much in a fog I am. I might find this encouraging: To feel that in a matter of four months that something (not everything) shifts for the better. I do take comfort in that I suppose. And yet most emotions stay as bad or actually get worse, which totally sucks. Anyway I posted something in the previous Blague which I wrote in French and this is the corrected version: Je n'ai pas vraiment de meilleure ou de pire histoire de vacances à raconter, mais voici ce qui me vient à l'esprit: Comme j’ai dit, pendant ma troisième année à l’université, j’étais dans un programme d’études à l’étranger à Grenoble. Il y avait dix-sept étudiants en tout. La directrice s’appelait professeure Eileen Julien, son nom de jeune fille. Elle était mariée avec un autre professeur appelé Mead Over. Alors, son nom marié était Eileen Over. Ca veut dire, en anglais, « I lean over » ce qui peut se traduire par « je me penche ». Mais, je m’égare. Eileen a organisé une excursion pour les étudiants, et deux autres professeurs Grenoblois de la faculté, aux vignobles de Bourgognes et pour visiter les musées et sites archéologiques et tout ça de la région. À la fin de la journée nous nous sommes retrouvés dans un hôtel à Macon qui avait un restaurant basique mais pas mal de tout. Après le dîner, le propriétaire a annoncé que l’hôtel serait fermé à clef pour le reste de la soirée et que personne ne pourrait sortir. Cela a posé un défi ! Je partageais une chambre avec deux autres mecs : Philipe, un gars timide avec qui je vivais en dortoir deux ans avant, et Jean, un autre gars que j’avais rencontré récemment et qui était aussi espiègle que moi. Il n’était que 21h! Et nous n’étions qu’au premier étage ! Alors, nous avons attaché ensemble nos draps de lit et les avons attachés solidement autour de la jambe d’un meuble solide, avons demandé à Philipe de tenir fermement. Ainsi, nous nous sommes échappés et sommes allés à la seule discothèque de Macon et sommes revenus vers 4h du matin. Nous avons jeté des cailloux à la fenêtre, et un Philipe endormi nous a jetés les draps. Nous sommes remontés et nous sommes endormis instantanément. Le petit déjeuner a été manqué, et nous nous sommes réveillés quelques minutes avant le départ du bus. Pas de problème : nous n’avons pas à refaire nos bagages car nous resterions une autre nuit. Mais oui, problème : on ne pouvait pas délier les draps. Alors, quand nous sommes montés dans le bus, j’ai dit à Eileen, tout rapidement, « nous sommes sortis hier soir, nous avons attachés les draps ensembles, et nous n’avons pas pu les délier. Elle a juste cligné des yeux et m’a regardé—elle ne m’aimait pas beaucoup. Un autre jour rempli de ruines et d’églises et des ponts et des musées (et des gueules de bois), puis retour à l’hôtel. Eh bien, ce n’était pas bon. Le personnel de l’hôtel avait fait tous nos bagages et ils attendaient dans le hall d’accueil. Nous étions expulsés. Et comme nous partagions des chambres, les biens de tout le monde ont été mélangés avec tous les autres. C’était un cauchemar. Eileen était furieuse. J’ai dit « je te l’ai dit ». Elle a dit qu’elle pensait que je plaisantais. Enfin elle et les autres professeurs ont convaincu les propriétaires de nous laisser rester. John et moi n’étions pas très populaires au dîner ce soir-là et à peu près tout le monde mangeait en silence. 

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. 

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2021 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2021 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.

Sure Enough

Sagittarius 0° (November 22)

At banks doing the whole payroll thing. Dinner at Strangers? Or maybe tomato soup. The jury is out. Not because those are my choices moving forward, but because I cannot remember looking back. Reviewing some French “Homwerk”: Je n'ai pas vraiment de meilleure ou de pire histoire de vacances à raconter, mais voici ce qui me vient à l'esprit: Comme j’ai dit, pendant ma troisième année à l’université, j’étais sur un programme d’études à l’étranger à Grenoble. Il y avait dix-sept étudiants en tout. La directrice s’appelait professeure Eileen Julien, son nom de jeune fille. Elle était mariée avec un autre professeur appelé Mead Over. Alors, son nom marié était Eileen Over. Ca veut dire, en anglais, « I lean over » ce qui traduire par « je me penche ». Mais, je m’égare. Eileen a organisé une excursion pour les étudiants, et deux autres professeurs Grenoblois de la faculté, aux vignobles de Bourgognes et pour visiter les musées et sites archéologiques et tout ça de la région. À la fin de la journée nous nous sommes retrouvés dans un hôtel à Macon qui avait un restaurant basique mais pas mal de tout. Après le dîner, le propriétaire a annoncé que l’hôtel serait fermé à clef pour le reste de la soirée et que personne ne pourrait sortir. Cela a posé un défi ! Je partageais une chambre avec deux autres mecs : Philipe, un gars timide avec qui je vivais en dortoir deux ans avant, et Jean, un autre gars que j’avais rencontré récemment et qui était aussi espiègle que moi. In n’était que 21h! Et nous n’étions qu’au premier étage ! Alors, nous avons attaché ensemble nos draps de lit et les avons ancrés autour de la jambe d’un meuble solide, avons demandé à Philipe de prendre fermement. Ainsi, nous nous sommes échappés et sommes allés à la seule discothèque de Macon et sommes revenus vers 4h du matin. Nous avons jeté des cailloux à la fenêtre, et un Philipe endormi nous a jetés les draps. Nous sommes remontés nous et sommes endormis instantanément. Le petit déjeuner a été manqué, et nous nous sommes réveillés quelques minutes avant le départ du bus. Pas de problème : nous n’avons pas à refaire nos bagages car nous resterions une autre nuit. Mais oui, problème : on ne pouvait pas délier les draps. Alors, quand nous sommes montés dans le bus, j’ai dit à Eileen, tout rapidement, « nous sommes sortis hier soir, nous avons attachés les draps ensembles, et nous n’avons pas pu les délier. Elle a juste cligné des yeux et m’a regardé—elle ne m’aimait pas beaucoup comme c’était. Un autre jour rempli de ruines et d’églises et des ponts et des musées (et des gueules de bois), puis retour à l’hôtel. Eh bien, ce n’était pas bon. Le personnel de l’hôtel avait fait tous nos bagages et ils attendaient dans le hall d’accueil. Nous étions expulsés. Et comme nous partagions des chambres, les biens de tout le monde ont été mélangés avec tous les autres. C’était un cauchemar. Eileen était furieuse. J’ai dit « je te l’ai dit ». Elle a dit qu’elle pensait que je plaisantais. Enfin elle et les autres professeurs ont convaincu les propriétaires de nous laisser rester. John et moi n’étions pas très populaires au dîner ce soir-là et à peu près tout le monde mangeait en silence. 

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. 

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2021 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2021 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.

Aucun A Dire

Scorpio 29° (November 21)

We went to karaoke after all was said and done but David didn’t stay very long. I didn’t stay much longer but it was fun, nonetheless, to just be out, not even really spending any money. But golly am I tired and I was nearly falling asleep such that I was so desperate to get into bed once crossing the threshold home. Home. Well I suppose that’s what I’m calling it. What will happen four months on from this date is that I will still be in the thick of it. And though we will finally (after a few bad bouts) be communicating, it will not be on my terms and, more times than not, when we have set a time to speak, I will wake up to a text postponing the event. It makes me feel so unimportant and so much like just anybody somebody avoids. It also just feels unfair but that isn’t a word I can use, in a landscape where one must choose them all so carefully. It is all too easy to make the other person scare. That is exactly how I intended to write this sentence. I see from my menu plan that I just eat grilled cheese on this day which makes sense. Like a broken record I will lament eating out on a loop, but it will not stop any time soon, if ever it does. I will keep postponing trips to Boston for doctors and such, and won’t actually leave the Cape until April 1. Truly April Fool’s Day. I will still be very sad as heartache becomes the default feeling. It would  be a good line for a song. I will owe Kip some lyrics. I don’t see why I can’t get certain things down on paper. I know I am a good writer, but I put myself in positions where I constantly feel behind the eight ball and I have to do something about that pronto. Qui parla?

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. 

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2021 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2021 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.

Fried Ravioli

Scorpio 28° (November 20)

Dinner tonight with David at Spindlers, which really isn’t good. Board of meats, broccolini. Saturday. I think this might be the night was strolled down to Harbor where I grabbed my beige hat. Man I lose more hats and scarves than anyone I know. I’m in “Homwerk” mode: All French to me: “Les voyages sont l’education de la jeunesse et l’expérience de la vieillesse” (Francis Bacon). Chez les jeunes, on est tout overt, une page vierge sur laquelle la vie peut ecrire. Dans notre jeunesse, nous sommes les plus impressionables—nos cerveaux se forme encore. Le voyage stimule plus que notre intellect; il engage tous nos sens. Cela ouvre notre esprit et nous permet d’embrasser la diversité. Le voyage élargit nos horizons and nous aide de savoir ce qui est possible dans la vie. Ma troisième année à l’université, j’ai fait mes études en France et j’ai pris des nombreux voyages secondaires dans ce pays et celui-la. Et cela a completement changé le cours de mon existence. Je peux retracer toutes les bonnes chose qui me sont arrivés depuis cette année. Donc, dans la vieillesse, les voyages comprennent plus que les étoffe de la mémoire. Ils sont les auteurs de nos histoires, les architects do nos succès et même de nos échecs, les peintres de nos images imaginaires que nous appelons les memoires. Alors nous sommes nos voyages. It’s short and sweet I know but I have to keep moving the needle as best I can. I get waves of sadness multiple times a day and surely at night at the collateral loss of it all. When you have so many friends in common, which we do, most of whom originally came through me, over time you outsource the upkeep of such bonds when you’re in steady relationship, stereotypically to the woman who makes all the shared plans. You wake up then one day and she is gone and she has taken everybody you love with her. We all have our crosses to bear and in the coming months and years, probably, this is just one of mine.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. 

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2021 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2021 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.

The Marvel And The Camp

Scorpio 27° (November 19)

Dinner with Michael at Strangers. Cassoulet. First we had a lovely drink at Harbor, where I will leave my hat. Not sure what brought on the Marvel/Camp thing now, except for the fact they do tend to pop up from time to time. I think Marvel was in Manifest and Camp in American Rust. I have seen everything on television and shall continue to do so until I move from this place in May I suspect. I’m always in the middle of so many things. Anyway been wanting to get together for a long time and we finally made it happen after all these years. I had no idea the extent of his musical theater background it was very interesting. Although I will come to realize that I have gotten myself to the point of utter exhaustion which will be my entire state of mind and emotional life through to black Friday. Doing my “Homwerk”. Pardon my French: Je suis tombé sur Johanna à la piscine et elle m’a dit que tu iras en Irlande ce mois-ci. Je lui ai dit que toi et moi avions prévu d’aller ensemble; et elle a laissé entendre que tu as décidé que tu ne voulais pas voyager avec moi. Johanna pense qu’il faut que j’essaie (j’essaye) de te convaincre de me laisser te rejoindre, mais ce n’est pas mon objectif et je refuse absolument de te supplier. Cependent, j’ai pour but de comprendre pourquoi to m’as coupé du plan. Je me donne pour but de décourvrir la verité de la situation et c’est tout. Évidemment, il y a une sort de malentendu ici, ou j’ai fait quelque chose pour te blesser ou t’ennuyer. Cela ne serait jamais mon intention. Je t’ecrit afin que tu aies le possibilité de t’exprimer librement et, également, pour avoir la possibilité de réagir, moi-même. Je te propose une rencontre pour discuter de tout ça afin de mettre les choses bien au clair. Je ne peux pas penser à ce que j’aurais pu faire pour t’offenser. Veuilles m’ecrire de nouveau et fixons un moment pour parler.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. 

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2021 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2021 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.

Fuck You Too

Scorpio 26° (November 18)

Going through a mountain of receipts and otherwise trying to organize my existence. Also helps me get my bearings on specific dates such that I can update my menu files. Just some wine and cheese as I power through on Afterglow banking into the night. And then back to astrological thoughts: Capricorn is also known as Ops and Cybele, associated with mountains, city towers and walls (Capricorn woman does put up walls!) from whom we get the word cymbals, because her worship involved wild, ecstatic, orgiastic parties. Rhea-Cybele is in fact the original model for (her favorite grandson) Dionysus who adopted this ritual, including being drawn in a chariot pulled by leopards. The paradox of Capricorn woman is this dichotomy between being a lofty goody-goody “who plays by the rules” customs, social conduct and restrictions, and this wild nature that begs for release. The wholesome Mary Tyler Moore character (in her signature Capri Pants) whom we later learn was something of a partier who had to seek recovery. It is the sign of supermodels like the pristine Christy Turlington but also that of Helena Christensen and Kate Moss (many a supermodel in fact!). Also the unapologetic Marianne Faithfull comes to mind. Icons. Also Capricorn is the sign of Faith (just as Pisces is the sign of Love). Leva would have a natural faith in herself and in life in general. She might not see the top of the mountain, but she has faith she will achieve. She is aspirational, she is on the ascent in life from the moment she makes her first move. And when she makes it to “the top” she would have a perspective change and, in her private archetypal mountain environment, starting crashing her cymbals—bang a gong, get it on. She fights for her right to party. She plays by the rules to gain her ultimate freedoms in life. Her path, like all the sign’s, is a valid one. We always say “you can’t escape your archetype” and it is best to embrace one’s own archetypal nature. Her strengths are: Endurance, Responsibility (meaning an ability to respond), Using all opportunities (Ops), Self-preservation, Conservation/Preservation of Self, natural Faith in herself, not so much a know-it-all but someone who naturally knows herself. Like Kate Moss, she never explains (unapologetic) and never complains. Her weaknesses are being overly defensive (that turreted nature), putting up walls, she can be condescending, but we wouldn’t call her unforgiving except when it comes to (new) social ills. Personally she will endure a lot from people she loves but at some point “in Time” if said people don’t respect her, she will take herself out; she can come off as elitist and can be overly cautious or too capricious in nature. Your “likes” are spot on; but for dislikes we would say: Waste, Climbers (she naturally ascends—the Goat doesn’t climb per se or step on others), Brutishness, Greed, Oppression, “Too Slick” people, places and things. She mightn’t like to plan her wedding, but it would be more a case of not wanting to call too much attention to herself. She doesn’t want to make too much of anything—she would find too grand a to-do to be a waste. She’d rather have an intimate gathering with those with whom she has “quality relationships”

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. 

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2021 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2021 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.

Add Titties

Scorpio 25° (November 17)

My most productive day here so far since I moved to town. Got all I needed to get to fill in any gaps to lawyer. Sorted out all the insurances. Got the house in order. Am feeling just that much better. So nice to be able to walk out the door in the five o’clock hour and do a little shopping. Shades of being in France. Tiny shades. Had a nice long talk with the Sip. Blueberries and yoghurt and smoked salmon with capers sandwich. Back to work: The planet Saturn is often called “the taskmaster” and yet, in mythological terms, during Saturn and Rhea’s rule over the “Golden Age” of the Titans (who precede their progeny, the Olympians) there was no crime, no disease, no problems and mortals, who lived among the gods, lived for hundreds of years—endurance being a result of zero strife?! So Leva might seem high and mighty but she might be onto something. Being “conservative” is literally that—she is conserving her energy. The Cornucopia (the goat horny of plenty) is a container of bounty. And Capricorns are thus “reserved.” But, again, they get younger as they age, over time, revealing their more “capricious” nature. Think about the mountain goat and their weird ability to be “at ease” in the most treacherous terrain. Rhea is the “mountain goddess” like the Mata Horn (mother mountain), it is the cardinal-earth sign, the heights of the earthly plane, the land of mountain lakes (reservoirs), retreats, protected fortresses. Rhea wears a “turreted” crown, a symbol of her self-preservational nature. The Capricorn woman is no flash in the pan or lover of fads; she expresses her iconic nature through the adoption of the “tried and true.” This is the root of her so-called traditional nature. She is about quality over quantity. She will save for the Chanel bag, the Cartier watch and she will use, that is to say wear, the hell out of them. Being the archetypal mountain mama, she is naturally disposed to express a “high” status, she is an elevated character to whom others must aspire. We say she is worth the climb. Leva’s job would be determined by that. She wants to corner office with the view (or so she thinks on her early ascent in life) however, again, she might have a come-to-Rhea moment and chuck it all later in life. Rhea has a party-animal nature underneath it all.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. 

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2021 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2021 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.

In Shock Still

Scorpio 24° (November 16)

Stayed in bed all morning just to pass the time, waiting to go get booster shot. Which I did. I did feel almost immediately ill. Still it didn’t stop me from living on a dinner diet of paté and baguette. One thing about being a single person is nobody is looking over your shoulder, which is both a good and bad thing. Had chat with A about Afterglow and expressed my need to take better care of myself these next five and a half months. Ate a ton of hot homemade tomato chicken broth I made. Organized the Afterglow office and got some supplies from East End. Anyway… Capricorn Woman: Leva may be responsible, but responsibility is often heaped on Cap girls at too early an age. It makes sense she is the older sister. To find sympathy with the character it may be important to consider the fact that, in her conservative household, Leva found love by being what her parents wanted her to be. She is made old before her time. Capricorn is thus the “grand-mother” archetype of the zodiac, associated with the Titan goddess Rhea who takes goat form. She has that “grand perspective”, a cool remove, an old soul who is really a natural wise woman as if she’s lived many lives and is born experienced. She doesn’t so much play the know-it-all however because she isn’t insecure about her innate wisdom. The Capricorn gets younger with age. I think the trap here is getting stuck on the notion this sign is stodgy. Cap woman can seem haughty, stand-offish but that is her natural defense. The wife of Cronus (Roman: Saturn, whose namesake planet rules the sign), she is sometimes called Rhea-Cronus and in mythology Saturn, with his scythe, is both Father Time and The Grim Reaper. The Rhea archetype which Capricorn woman embodies is thus, on some level, aware of the ephemeral nature of life and she is disposed not to waste that most precious commodity of Time—this is the root of her not suffering fools. She won’t make fast friends or do anything in a rushed state. The motto of Capricorn is I use (as in “my Time wisely” thus the opposite of I waste). She thinks ahead, she is in it for the long game, she is ever the tortoise, not the hare. She is all about endurance (Endora, the “grand mother” in the show “Bewitched” is the most haughty and foreboding of characters but we cannot help loving her as a true icon of personal power). The name Rhea means “ease” which is very important because it points to Capricorn’s own paradox: Because the Capricorn embodies the notion of life being something of a struggle, hard enough as it is, people of the sign don’t seek to add to this dynamic.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. 

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2021 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2021 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.

I Knew It All Along

Scorpio 23° (November 15)

Will sleep most of the day as am feeling depressed. Probably clinically. I will watch as many movies as I’ve never seen as possible. There seems to be a “Graduate” theme running through my options. I called Bartlett and Dowd and neither one will end up calling me back. Friends are becoming increasingly hard to find in the end. I have to reckon with the fact that I have been cancelled by a great many people, but I will use that to my advantage. Maybe a one-man-show called cancelled. We shall see. I will go deep perhaps into relaunching the festival. I have to do something. I will get some octopus at Strangers but I do need to stop spending money on food as it is becoming draining. It is just so hard to make a meal for oneself, sit down and eat it, then do the dishes, all alone. It is the saddest thing about this new life. I have no family. I am living in a strange place. I don’t really have friends here—reenter that cancelled thing; maybe I should just tell people that it would be really important to me to be able to chat for five minutes, as I am going through something so major in life. I’ll try that and see what happens. I am not only hurt by the person who left me I am hurt by all the friends who have likewise taken the opportunity to drop me like a hot potato. Will sleep most of the day as am feeling depressed. Probably clinically. I will watch as many movies as I’ve never seen as possible. There seems to be a “Graduate” theme running through my options. I called Bartlett and Dowd and neither one will end up calling me back. Friends are becoming increasingly hard to find in the end. I have to reckon with the fact that I have been cancelled by a great many people, but I will use that to my advantage. Maybe a one-man-show called cancelled. We shall see. I will go deep perhaps into relaunching the festival. I have to do something. I will get some octopus at Strangers but I do need to stop spending money on food as it is becoming draining. It is just so hard to make a meal for oneself, sit down and eat it, then do the dishes, all alone. It is the saddest thing about this new life. I have no family. I am living in a strange place. I don’t really have friends here—reenter that cancelled thing; maybe I should just tell people that it would be really important to me to be able to chat for five minutes, as I am going through something so major in life. I’ll try that and see what happens. I am not only hurt by the person who left me I am hurt by all the friends who have likewise taken the opportunity to drop me like a hot potato. More about Virgo: Mary Magdalene’s song in Jesus Christ (Pisces archetype) Superstar is “I Don’t Know How To Love Him” which speaks volumes on both character’s natures. Whereas the Fish man cannot be reeled in, the Virgin woman struggles with going for characters that are unavailable. As we discussed, she invents relationships that exist only in her head, her objects of affection often never having a clue. The Peanuts character Sally Brown is a Virgo (as is Charlie, the Everyman, the lame but lovable mensch Hephaestus archetype); she is the tag-along little sister who is notoriously in love with Linus (I accidentally said Shroeder in our meeting) who is/chooses to be oblivious to her affections. So perhaps, on some level, Stevie is really in love with Manny the Linus who is unavailable for obvious reasons—yet theirs is a love affair of sorts. The traits you outlined for Virgo are spot on for the most part; but for the museum work. Think Monica and the meaning of her name “to advise”; it would be the perfect job in which to overachieve and when put in know-it-all positions, Virgo is totally comfortable in the spotlight; also Virgo never stops asking for help (why all the other Friends run from Monica at times). Virgo Stevie and Libra Manny share the same sense of love alluding them but in different ways. You mention worry and yes Virgo can be fairly neurotic and suffer from certain disorders, anorexia in particular. Why is Monica so thin. She is always serving others but does she herself eat? The mottos of Virgo are I work and I serve, both of which, in the modern vernacular, are pretty “fierce” expressions. In Sextrology her chapter is called The Vessel because she is a conduit, meant to be “working it” and “serving realness.” She may always be trying some new self-help routine. Her life lesson to learn is discretion (stop serial complaining to everyone in her contacts, for example) and to realize her own true nature, albeit (paradoxically) through the adoption, appropriation or knowledge and influences of others, the mimicking little sister becoming a woman in her own right. This is the mutable-earth sign, so it is about change but the change is slow, nearly tectonic. Her choosing unavailable characters (and imagining relationships that aren’t there)  is a subconscious way of delaying the inevitable, perhaps, while still acting “as if” she is in the sexual game. Also subconscious: To remain pure, which is why Virgo’s are not only clean freaks but also germ phobes. The Virgin is holding a phallic symbol which she knows if she ingests (or, with which, she gestates) she will be changed by the act. The discretion aspect of the sign is discerning between what is nutrient and what is waste in life. Another archetype is Pandora who brings all virtue and vice into the world. Pandora means “all-given” and she is an amalgamation of all the goddesses best traits (just like Virgo girl is that borrower thereof); but it also means “all-giver” and is another dame for Demeter, the earth goddess, whom Virgo woman ultimately, archetypally becomes. The sign is ruled by Mercury on the earthly plane (unlike Gemini on the air plane)—so there is an alchemy to the sign. The caduceus “staff” of Mercury is the symbol of the medical profession to this day. It is about removing dis-ease, impurities, curing, literally making alchemical changes to the material body (earth).

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. 

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2021 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2021 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.

Oh Yeah Then What

Scorpio 22° (November 14)

Had dinner at like four a.m. My body clock is all off. Made a lovely chicken but promptly realized I can’t eat it by myself. I have to get off this current roller coaster and start making things real for myself. I will eat Spiritus pizza as my only other (late) meal of the day and oh my god is it good. Back to work: She likes to keep all her friendships separate (mainly because she is delivering the same monologue to everyone, individually. As I say she might bend your ear on the phone talking about how the world is currently serving her lemons and then hang up with you and pick up the phone with someone else and do exactly the same thing. She is a habitual self-helper, but the self-help rarely seems to take hold. The thing is: She can be VERY funny. It is one of the more comedic signs. And comedy is often a way for her to exorcise her self-esteem issues, through self-deprecation or simply acting wacky, and especially juvenile. Think of Molly Shannon, Lily Tomlin, Melissa McCarthy, Nicole Byers, Leslie Jones, Maria Bramford—the list goes on. The notion of being stuck in a sort of eternal adolescence not only befits the Virgo myth of the virgin Kore (whose mother aspect is Demeter) and her mother issues but it also speaks to her being the “eager beaver” of the zodiac who, often times, can’t seem to give it away. (Stevie’s anxiety might be over not losing her virginity.) The character Monica in “Friends” is a Virgo archetype. The name means among other things: alone (mono) but also to advise and even nun. Monica is outshined by her brother in her parents’ eyes, and yet she is also indulged (she is given the rent stabilized apartment); her experience as an adult is hinged on having been an (overweight) adolescent. Virgo rules digestion and she becomes a chef. She is also a highly competitive know-it-all and is the caretaker of the group, playing mother. Virgo women especially play the role of den mother, especially to gay men. This might inform Stevie’s relationship with Manny; but she would likely also have other gay besties or administer to his group of friends. Using that art school analogy again, she is the proverbial, dare I say “fag hag”, as un-p.c. as it is to do so. Virgo (the opposite sign to Pisces) is that of Mary Magdalene who, let’s face it, was the original groupie to a bunch of guys. Whereas Virgo makes mothers of other women, copping their styles, she looks to (gay) men for her education in all things art, fashion, music and culture. The zodiac’s eternal little sister (to males), the tag-along, she insinuates herself, administering to their needs, rendering them reliant on her.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. 

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2021 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2021 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.

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