Month: June 2020 (page 1 of 3)

Cancer Woman Revistied

Cancer 4° (June 24)


That Nicholas character is quite the phony baloney, but she has got the queer community duped and wrapped around her finger, which seems to be pointed at anyone who doesn’t identify as queer, including women, making her a huge hypocrite. She posted something recently that cisgender straight women were at fault for allowing the patriarchy to overpower society. What a naïve idiot. And people repost it. I have a trans woman friend who put that shared it and it’s like what the fuck—you have spent your whole life being supported by your friends, the bulk of whom are cisgender straight women, whom you’ve emulated and who, as artists have inspired you, but now those same women—your friends, family and artistic heroes—are the problem. I dunno folks, I’m really giving up on a lot of people I thought were sane but seem to have lost their collective noodles. And Flynn saw his charges dropped even though he pled guilty twice. Meanwhile, Manaforte and Cohen are home and safe from a virus that wasn’t anywhere near them, while Reality Winner is still locked up. It looks like there will be a travel ban on Americans, which is completely fucked but at the same time, in regard to our administration, totally karmic. I have decided to go deep into pretty much everything. I’m going to read an astrology book a week and post about it; and I’m going to work on my own self-publishing outfit. I will delegate the questions. I want to take a way more serious tack when it comes to all I’m doing and so I will. Meanwhile I have some notes to put together….

  • Unplugged, most emotive. Wellspring raw feelings, on her sleeve, expressing even when others warn it’s unwise to do so.
  • Consumed by sentiments, unabashed in affections/aversions. Comes on strong unhinging rules/systems, others’ nerves
  • Washing away outmoded, “cleaning house”, causing a welcome upheaval?
  • Eternal commotion in the ocean of her motions, swinging from party girl to sorrowful soul
  • That is in tender years, aching for loiving care. Feels at sea, challenged to find footing in a healthy lifestyle and relationships
  • Early expects to be saved, attracting tyrannical types of her urge for dependence.
  • Ultimately the best man is a rock type who goes with flow of her eddied existence
  • Other women she plays mother hen doting and dictating demands.
  • Politically and social motivated, needs romantic demonstration affectionate stroking/validation

Cancer ruled by moon mother principle presides over flows of fluids in the body as well as that symbolically represents emotions mood intuition cancer woman seems to be all feeling. Mother principle cancer views females over males as authority figures also an inherent sense of existence itself being female feminine in nature mother earth sovereign tangible source of life . She grows up in female dominated household mother unequivocal master father vague amiable. Cancer woman personifies loaded sentiments I’m guided as the ocean overwhelming but her chaotic looks can be deceiving

moon elusive moods and instincts also principle of power of the rhythm of the universe it rules the tides like clockwork. Silvery slavery orb example of order within our immediate cosmos pearly sphere denotes chaos dreaded nocturnal world unpredictable howling fears perils giving rise to confusion lunacy cancer woman’s seeming ball of chaos is who is actually a broadcast of natural order on an unseen internal level her life is about embracing herself as a natural rhythmic expression of rhyme and reason she has a tough cosmic road to home turmoil she experiences is real.

Principle mother principle via moon cancer represents model of world environment as intangible feminine entity a source from whence all life stems cancer woman in bodies principle predisposed to give and sustain life as well as being given to what might be perceived as chaotic from blades and revolts I feel and she doesn’t spades

In youth her first instinct is to fight her feelings squelch said do not accept emotional state this only compounds pain once she does psychologically shift embracing ebbs and flows she’s not only liberated from emotional demons but can channel them into home life family relationship mainstays of interpersonal experience which is often most challenging for her. Can feel inherently disfranchise for most of the beginnings she can feel cut off from strong male influences plunged into female dominated environment lack of father principle sorry

mother represents nurture especially of an emotional sort metaphorically father protection control of discipline cancer female embodies complete connection with her mother source she lacks stoical mechanism to guard her against emotional onslaught she can feel dangerously exposed may explain why many cancer female soon becomes hardened. The thing about women in mythology always being tied of rocks . maybe not because she is more the spring And floods. Becoming hard and as a nod to her shell of course. Cancer pearls can dramatically withdraw from interpersonal dealings while others out act out obnoxiously most swing between the two . The strongest emotion she must deal with his fear RTW Joseph Campbell said fear is the first experience of the human being while in the womb the party party party ruled by the sign of cancer Actually not sure rose the boom that could be Scorpio it was the gut maybe but also the breasts right 4th House of home heritage inheritance emotional conditioning so that looks to the whole Joseph Campbell thing

planetary symbol moon signify rhythm in universe controls cadence of webbings and flowing cancer woman feels this hold on her being giving rise to chaotic feelings in time she settles into rhythm an organic component of the natural world.

The glyph of cancer recalls the nurturing aspect of the female mother condition symbolizing other breasts or ovaries the form of offering nourishment the latter being female seeds of life which upon fertilization nurtured in the womb breast and stomach also fall under cancerian rulership ancient matriarchal mystery cults like eleusis celebrated fact that females are born as mothers girl babies already contained their exit birth in contrast to boys who developed sperm metaphorically speaking girls are born pregnant where you come from heredity and what’s passed on heritage under the signs rule female condition bio mythic ancestry transcending chaos over existence save yourself is only needing nurturing instead of feeling capable of offering it her whole life is the process of developing from expectancy to self deliverance RTW lack of father love this she can heap onto the relationship with intentional mate static cling very loaded also the whole born pregnant thing is pretty loaded

2nd quadrant emotional environment 4th astrological house cancer associated with 21 to 28 maturity female news from Maidenhead to marriage female moves link to sign Association of the womb happiness to embrace the matriarchal power she wields in biblical line she is the flood Cardinal initiated water motion personifies Russia’s water matriarchal source spring swelling River. In a sense she represents recreation we have since said recovery she reminds us that we are all in recovery all of our lives she personifies the notion that’s a good thing to ask for each sign does this sign personify the notion of?Flood myths are all but ignore the female figure save for the sign of the dove the symbol of the goddess and matriarchal religions I don’t know I think what we’re saying is repair but in the Greek myth Themis “waters” goddess of natural order. Well the natural order of things from a certain perspective does read as chaos (Lynne’s quote about taking and straight line from divine perspective. (We make her chapter very twelve stepppy. Hey why aren’t we bringing in the steps and superimposing them onto the signs.  She gains by embracing Themis as her goddess. Spells to the various gods is a great sidebar. Themis has them throw the bones. Zeus like Yahweh gave up on humanity, threw in the towel. So in steps a mother goddess to purify it with water

Quadrant of emotion and moral environment. Trusting feelings, developing instincts, purging of pain, emotional need into source of power.  “channeling”

Where father ambandons mother sympatheses and kisses the universe’ boo boos. Twins duality gives way to Flood. Courtship, a form of dealmaking gives way to mating, literal repairing Fluids flowing every which way on the Ark in this metaphorical womb at sea . This is cancer woman in a nutshell or symbol moon glyphs waxing full like the swelling pregnant belly for the creation of a perfect Pearl she is a walking talking harbinger of hope that must necessarily smile through her tears just as the sun shines unseen behind clouds of torrential rain or in the dark of night

quality element cardinality water need for action via motion feeling action as opposed to the previous carnal side which is bodily actionmaybe we talk about feeling goals for cancer crab girl power lies in actively purging emotions rulerships endows her with intuition she is a receptor of impressions maybe she’s wired to do both simultaneously take information in and then act really respond in kind maybe we talked about putting out feelers tennis who is Persian aspect is Artemis credited with being goddess of the moon we create the world responsible feelings of remorse add it’s being destroyed bysus cancer female in bodies mother goddess archetype flood myth a clean break she feels needs making in life ending a vision of a male created world re creating a new world for herself built in purification system her emotions are meant to wash away negative influences from past life experience the home life she’s born into is in ruins emotional unrest

sign glyph emblem two individuals floating in the same vessel couple surviving the flood at sea and on land dweller symbol may also read his breasts or ovaries lively that are a life giving qualities

cancer girl offspring of first marriage step siblings activation of her motions and to wishes to wishes to act emotionally she’s designed to endure torrents of emotion like the crab with its shell the daily grind of sea sand is what makes deal Pearl perfection and wisdom only achieved by the turmoil of emotions shellfish in her motivations she embodies quality element she is rush of emotion waterworks of pity or font of wisdom she is not nurture of the Zodiac which should come as a great relief she’s typecast in that role

archetype Cinderella 4th astrological house absent father poor Cindy how does she move forward by wishing while embracing The Ashes degradation she doesn’t act out and rebel against evil stepmother she feels her pain and fear which fueled her wishes doesn’t merely overcome she scores the real big prince and Palace

element quality carnal water lifegiving source spring River emotional expression nurturing urge lifesblood menses mothers milk

Cinderella girl of ash directing energy into hopeful action in touch with fairy godmother mater other mourning loss purging negative feelings still having hope the Ark or promise carry search secure emotional land all the action happens at night whisked off in a pumpkin grows it late by the light of the moon nocturnal mice glass slipper crystal cave entrance to Delphi world womb fairy godmother medieval Themis Her own wise womanliness not being saved like Snow White pulse yourself up by emotional bootstraps higher character going through not around negative aspects most valuable lesson life is all about process escape is not an option her glyph first quarter first quadrant already behind her The Virgin moon just as a full moon is the wise moon takes time for cancer 2 recognize herself as a Pearl of wisdom but this is when aura casting spells of wish craft during the waxing she is a witch without realizing it. She is engineered to vibe into situations

Polarity. Embody wellspring of feeling, primal source of nurturing energy.

Teaches By example power to create by trusting our own instincts goes with her gut. Indoors more than her fair share of chaos mother dominated female dominated household mother is a wedge between cancer enter father rather enslaved by the mother constant chores and curfews . Mother maybe doormat to men setting no example of feminine strength mother maybe shrewish. Crab girl mixed messages being female bottles up emotions for fear of punishment feels downtrodden . Even if mother is nice cancer girl still has a laundry list of tasks. Cancer’s mother doesn’t put much stock in the opinions of women defers to men. Quarter moon symbol sliver of understanding the kind of woman she’ll have to become to achieve happiness. Moves out as soon as she can escape mother filled the void of lacking male influence shacking up at tender age mountain width of testosterone for a change. Grab the first Ray of hope floating by cosmic joke is that in effort to escape trend send and mother issues she may repeat the pattern of making men into God like figures

sign number of substance first square in the Zodiac solidity it is also called the number of men refers to humans as four limbed creatures

body and soul her emotional quest leads straight to men seems to care a little for her own sex utter disregard for other women she may seem like a nemesis to them Themis and isis are the same figure sister “dark Isis” Nem-Isis. Points to the step sisters but also aspect of herself, perfect princess to men, wicked pain in ass to other women. Sweetheart pin to lampshade crown, party girl, pain and denial, acute loneliness “I feel”, list of women who look like they are crying.

sign age, marrying age of maturity when most women do so and get pregnant 21-28

Emotive power emotional wellspring actresses returnal victim Janet Lee drama Queen Meryl St emotional chaos Courtney Love never mind the delphic ramifications of her band hole she feels she aches vivid disposition rubs other women or wrong way vivacious scene stealing

pushes limits of emotional abandoned feeling abandoned desire to shock as addictive as substances drugs and alcohol not typically her demise hear her before you see her laughing a bit too loud voices carrying over others or she could be moping in the corner whispering only to her boyfriend depending on the course of the moon she plays the last you can take home to mother generally wholesome all-american close or colorful curvaceously cut Sharon Horgan Courtney loves baby doll getups I think mom jeans overt gestures to opposite sex throws herself at objects of her lust

psychology overemotional self pitying overanxious to please mother issues acts out rebellious ways promiscuous difficulty establishing boundaries with friends and romantic partners melancholy hysteria lunacy

something exaggerated in her looks complexion bright physically bubbly and boundless eyes beaming smile pasted on beauty pageant contestant pearly whites exaggerated mouth oversized teeth creamy lightly freckled complexion congenial hub hometown girl grab a guys package as soon as looking at him requires demand sex . Generally conservative sometimes corporate style of dress scrubs up nicely mother earth status seriously espousing crunchy granola witchy medieval style leotards tunics peasant dresses shawls polarized among breast size jugs or barely there mosquito bites boob envy slim hipped short waisted long legs women’s cut jeans large light bones broad shoulders dangling arms willowy long neck upright carriage parts back day God answer flat tummy source of pride round as not overly ample I think she’s a runner whisper thin coif

archetype myth temis meaning waters Greek Noah deucalion pyra lifeblood in tennis and pure a function of the female’s proliferator of life moon got us Celine Shepherd she fancied put into eternally youthful sleep while he snoozes she has her way giving birth only to daughters rivers and Springs personified as female deities the Ganges has the mother goddess endowed with powers of purification

lighter haired than others in her family sometimes she has help with that must appear fairer than the rest hair loose and long naturally straight not big on makeup props for natural beauty looks lips and eyes she paints mascara sometimes in the extreme

sex and sexuality starved for male affection clings to 1st eligible boy who takes notice of her the girl with the steady relationship in high school shiny happy social scene traditionally minded athletic mails counterpart to herself . She is drawn to stoical males gravitates toward unemotional aids insensitive conventional masculinity cultural backgrounds that emphasize male domination Arian. Typically comes from a broken home the put upon made seeks to social climb if only arriving at a comfortable middle class if she’s born into a life of privilege she tends to ditch her silver spoon for more Democratic existence

Bible literature flood mother goddess Jonah the goddess mother Queen some aramus the babylonian to chapter DECETO the mother of Queen semiramis. Mary Ann in Jane Austen sense and sensibility in the chairs sambaram’s wife and mother to her mate trapped in circular wound like structure Eddie monsoon both watery names household of women Cinderella

styling herself and hippie dippie fashions cancer like Cinderella wants her do some human dignity not bonbon either she would have been most kind to her servants in the Castle Princess Diana on the verge of tears in conflict with inherent stoicism awesome them quality low woman on the totem pole she wants a strapping Prince scion of suburbia she’s a floodgate of churning yearnings doesn’t have casual crushes she swoons cries and Pines for love. Expresses sentiments blatantly rushes like a River into things without much circumspection sex is a means of self expression of vehicle for declaring deep seated need for unconditional love giving it away can become something of a negative pattern confuses sex with love horse are hard out to boys or willing to entertain her for affection in return for sex

gut instinct to look for a savior hero she requires is more sacrificial sort in Egyptian mythology of serious savored God wedded to isas who swallowed him up and then gave birth to him as forests how serious was nearly torn to pieces and reassembled by isis all but for his last ***** which she then replaced with a fake one made out of clay ritual castration the male can’t impose any patriarchal dominance he must take a second sex role in this relationship she sweeps him off her feet and he grumbles at hers but this isn’t who she goes for early in life perpetually drawn to loveless creeps needs a true equal partner in the Matt tree Arkle world men or sacrificial Kings or sacrificial it is with overbearing men she unleashes her Sir plus pain and anger castrating them in any case dictatorial dudes drown in her Flowers emotion even the imperious boyfriend will forgive her volatility so long as it pleases him sexually

Cancer woman has a voracious sexual appetite on the giving end doing all the major maneuvering engulfed for her own pleasure she wants to experience erotic sensation as acutely as possible deep rogering reasonable duration going down is never a chore one would think she had an unhinged obel jar hunkers down moon rolled saliva and vaginal duplication new meaning to her sign being the most wet I overly sentimental doting and mothering her could we manner of relating to men gooey manner is what seize her walked out on wide eyed baby talking overly adoring indulgent worshiper exaggerating the mother principle she fonds and fondles always having to touch her kiss PDAs originally meant to puff up her man in time it strikes him as phony he might think she has too much baggage even hitting the sheets which is typically the salve and the glue doesn’t do the trick anymore

predisposed to sexual addiction, brings oblivion (not a Cancer word). Mate may look for less psychological sexual relationship. Nobody uses sex to fill emotional void than she. Solution (liquid and answer, again this is very Pisces). She is embodiment of gut feeling, equipped to safely negotiate sexual waters thate are profound or even abysmal, Survival depends on dependence. Looking for rescue but not in vain. Deluvian Cancer, born into damage, both real and metaphoric, spending her “book of days” drifting toward repair. Life begins as a broken proposition.

Deluge of emotional relief, release, rebirth. Pours her guts out via experience, parlaying baggage into new life establishing. Everyday new hope and promise, despite moping and wining.  Melancholy brings mourning and deliverance. She does skirt issues, I feel she feels them. Life is about securing dry land. Sex is a way of feeling her way toward providence. IN the process, she and partner have abundance of erotic experience. She is most game. A partner will feel he’s hit the motherload. Every experience feels new, fresh. She never loses connection to her feelings even in throes of sexual debauch. Covered in fluid still smile up in devotion.

The following blocks of text are exceprts from my first year of  Blagues, nos. 456-460. I am reading through all of my Blagues, five per day, and posting some samples here. Now, in my sixth year of writing this Blague, by the time I get to my seventh, I will have journeyed through all the daily Blagues of my first five years. If that’s confusing I apologize. Year seven, I’ll only have to read through year six, once a day.  (For thirty days this paragraph will include this parentheses to say: I realized that in the summer of 2016 I actually didn’t post for some time, such that for the expanse of two months, I will continue to number the past Blagues, as above, five at a time, but there will be nothing to post from that period.)


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365/6 days per year—so they nearly, but not exactly, correlate.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2020 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Cancer Man Revisited

Cancer 3° (June 23)


I’m looking into quincunxes and the asteroid placement, mainly, in my own chart; but as a means of looking deeper into other people, ticking more boxes and gaining more insight. It turns out I have a yod and a boomerang to boot, if I open the orb ever so slightly, 5 minutes past three degrees. I named myself after the quincuncx, and here I finally alight on the fact that it is the most glaring aspect in my chart, which I never really consult because I don’t know my birthday time. But timing doesn’t effect the fact that I have a boomerang yod. Anyway, enough about me…

  • Prince Charming, perfect gentleman, clean cut, tailor made for traditional woman
  • Caring, sensitive, nice funny, respect moral soundness, earnest ambition
  • The marrying kind, need to nest, nurture, be nurtured. To be a good provider.
  • Artistic, careers where sensorial spirit flourishes. Expects to be handsomely remunderated
  • Art and commerce, even within company works in special solo capacity, creative imagination
  • Hopeless romantic, daydreams, heroic roles, Walter Mitty, multi-fantasist
  • Portrays himself as stable, safe, who’ll lavish mate with attention and satisfy every whim
  • Model boyfriend, husband, lover, family man. Sex is act of worship, investing every emotion.
  • Same sex bonds, straight arrow in public, not defined by sexual orientation. Privately compliant, eager to be immersed in depths of erotic experience.

mother principle model of the world as tangible female source, he subscribe via organic way he lives his life rarely imposing will going with the flow his mother was I feel ride the tide of experience assimilation rather than asserting one’s will

Most leading men in Hollywood cancerians cosmic 4th house rules general public particularly female portion . Cancer embodies the vision of male virtue from the collective female POV . The consummate romantic hero without a hint of misogyny manufactured to appeal to the estrogen crowd. Moon mother principle concerned with human environment and experience the 4th house. The sun can server presents the ideal perception of the universe universe if you will as female intangible Mother Nature. matriarchal . He is consort . Doesn’t enter relationships with a woman has a swashbuckling rogue , he is the eternal bridegroom . Rules ages 21 to 28 coming of age brink of maturity marrying age path toward desired goals. He embodies the unjaded qualities of this age all the years of his life the wonder kenned in the workplace and in private life Prince Charming . Something forever fresh and pure about him. Sex something about which he’s never come earlier.

planet simple balloon signifies rhythm in sympathetic relationship with the earth like tides regularly controlled by the moon cancer men especially can escape its effects half circle of the planets glyph symbolizes process potential for fullness feels incomplete without a nurturing emotional relationship

doesn’t squander his precious swimmers he’s the one who voluntarily saved himself from marriage playing savior role. He is the romantic hero , perceval, reputation for purity precedes him. Sacred consort Queens archetype osirus heracles beloved of Hera. Heracles is task to perform 12 labors including slaying a giant crab the sign’s namesake constellation. Perceval must fulfill obligations of Blanche Fleur who reveals to him the Mystic meanings of chivalry. Parables for cancers psychic and emotional needs , obliged to appear the perfect male protege . Even as a boy tries to appear grown up career minded motivated register on the romantic Richter scale as Primo provider. Effort into securing external trappings the perfect watch classy car tasteful wardrobe signaling his ability to caretake himself. Not trendy like Gemini goes for traditional quality labels. Subtlety his his ironic hardest hitting weapon. Persona almost insidiously aimed at looking most agreeable to the feminine sensibility. Moon governs intuitive power female intuition in particular he has ability to empathize with female view . He feelsbut it is a woman seeks. Not the fertility Idol that Taurus is cancer man is about being the perfect moral an emotional concert this chivalric ideal seeds of experience past conditioning 4th house the home come from the home one creates

quadrant battle emotional and moral environment sign ruled gut instincts approach to life circumstances from the essential feeling level

Interrelated environments cancer man’s prime preoccupation 4th house also that of the unconscious mind childhood conditioning character development points the crabs compulsive focus on personal evolution . Blatant nod to innate inability to be so ubiquitously appealing a matinee Idol. Middle of the road Joe. Moons glyph not fully waxed he’s very much in the process of becoming whole Cardinal water emotional initiative divine feminine inspiration. He is thoroughly involved with action on the unseen sensitive feeling plain. Touches a woman soft spot inspiring the affection worthy of a romantic hero grooming himself perfect young gentleman . Looks like you just walked off the set of a lifetime original movie. The eternal female champion cleaners whistle pure of heart. That of a freshly bathed in the sanctifying waters of divine inspiration . Chastely holding vigil until the perfect woman comes sauntering along. His lostboy expression leads one to believe he’s wet behind the ears but don’t buy it. Even percival’s very name gives away his true intent to Pierce the Valley. Perceval and cancer man’s hidden agenda goes mainly undetected , all unassuming stealth in the watery emotional world. Just charming dames and hope warming his way into said Valley also hoping to inspire mother love . Not all women are willing to oblige he’s able to weed out those who don’t seem capable of combined sexy Mama sentiment. As edible as it sounds clawing need for dual dynamic is endemic to cancerian Mail sexuality

sign Cliff cancer emblem recalls two individuals floating in the same vessel couple surviving in the flood crab both at seeing and land dweller symbol also read as testes source of human life procreation in a nutshell pun intended also element and quality what are denotes feeling instinct cardonal call to action cancer best illustrated as a source spring River tide on the current of emotion that cancerides particularly in the sentiments he listens in romantic bonds

cancer man it’s reformed or made whole by the flood of feeling he invokes MA lover not one of pure romantic love or less but such sentiment kind of the sense of mothering protection. The smothering lover that cancer seeks credited with making him into a man helping him realize his potential something he is unable to do on his lonesome. The environment she provides must be like a woman which he can fully develop and be were born he is purified by the flood of emotion extracts from her renewed enricht . Just as the Nile flood a symbol of renewal signals the coming of the resurrected God osirus forests both lover and child to the mother isas. Greek flood myth Themis instructs deucalion The Greek Noah and his mate pyra how to re people the planet 4th house home one creates. Bible flood marks new beginning men of the sign are branded but that same need . Also Jonah transformed the belly of the whale and Moses sent down the River from one mother to another. Moon mother principle self realization of cancer male due to the role or lack thereof that his actual mother played. Whereas cancer woman is a wellspring of emotion cancer man looks too woman for such outpourings. Cancer seeks the care of a protective female because it mirrors the cosmic vision his cosmic vision of the universe as abomey mother earth source of awe and protection he welcomes the scrutiny and instruction of women. With men on the other hand extremely guarded he is secretly cited with the pigtailed population since playing boys against the girls . Terrified of masculine scorn disguised as his emotion in Vega tempt go along with the guys

polarity cancer man isn’t a wellspring but rather elicits emotional responses from others particularly in love wants to be carried away by a partner’s deepest feelings

sappy songs and chick flicks. Adopts a stoical veneer like a shell. Cancer intensely apprehensive of being ridiculed for inherently sensitive side. Often ends up becoming the most shut down as a result. He is suckered by bogus macho stereotypes that dictate that men must be poker faced in situations that call for emotional expression. Hemingway so Butch it hurt so sensitive he opted out RTW cancerian male suicides. Born romantic he may be well into his 20s before breaking through his adopted nonchalant exterior letting his softer side show keeping his Norah Jones CDs cashed. Only when he secures a steady relationship does he feel comfortable revealing more delicate sensibilities . More than being reborn he is rather allowed to re discover his true self complete with a full range of feelings moony eyed in love deeply melancholic when dejected makes a convincing actor as in one way or other he’s pretending all his life . Like Pinocchio Jonah myth, he wants so much to be a real boy. Stuck in performance mode dragged through imitative motions of male behavior. Not embracing true self especially deep and varied sexual imagination risks having more than a growing nose give his true feelings away. Like actual crabs you can live on both land or in water cancer inhabits two worlds at once presenting himself as a concrete down-to-earth type while possessing murky mysterious sensuality. Cannot escape title ebbs and flows of natural serging’s. Sooner or later he comes clean and mids deeper urgings. Learns there must be a limit to caring what others , women, think of him

sign number the number of structure completion and protection square is the most solid of objects there are four elements Four Seasons for directions for archangels also sign age Association 21 to 28 age of the bridegroom marrying kind take home to mother spirit of promise and potential committed to relationships as if forever saying I do

In truth cancer man brought up in household paradoxical image of mother she looms large on an emotional level but may be incredibly passive. Even attitude of victimization. Takes household emotional hostage. He will take on mothering role to his siblings especially to dear old mom himself herself maintaining a brotherly relationship with his father who we have use as lovable but weak. His father might be missing from the scene altogether or so detached. Lacking emotional fulfillment cancer looks recuperate through a romantic bond aims to attract an Alpha female 1 who is singled out to breed mother in the strictest sense as he hopes such a woman might provide nourishing motivational environment where he can cultivate and incubate a feeling of psychological wholeness this distinction astrology fails to make that cancer is looking for codling or sakron mommy to make his life easier rather he seeks a home environment that will challenge him into accessing latent greatness . Contrary to popular belief cancer the attention cancer seeks goes beyond baby talk and being served his favorite meals.

Looks like Mr nice guy 4th house general public predominant serve successful cancer movie actors big red white and blue box office appeal. Pleasing but Placid not exactly seething with sexuality. The kind you bring home to mother. Even when good-looking doesn’t generate much heat cool and pale and spirit of the moon. Pick him out of a crowd scan for the man who seems most intent on avoiding detection that invisible shell. Downplaying his features overgrown haircut glasses inconspicuous style of clothes cuddly in closed circles addressing those within earshot

fantasy world dreamer pretender role player sycophant disassociative feelings feels like phonier fraud reclusive agoraphobe echo

keeping his back to a larger audience 1 on one conversations face to face smiling vacant expression pretending to hang on every word nods and laughs appreciatively never quite listens to answers being given. Painfully vague physicality neither too tall too short hover in the height somewhere around five 910 well proportioned not overly muscular or broad nor wimpy. Most derisive term is weedy. Lighter skinned than others in his family a washed out expression. Now see Brown meets dirty blonde no particular color. Fine and wispy hi hairline moon shaped face Oval oblong slightly hunched over head and neck chunk and shutting out copy Adams Apple . Sturdily built not burdened by excess body fat text something of a feminine look protruding nipples sensitive area kind of womanly figure trunk curves high waisted rounds at the back hourglass physique less hairy than other guys more straight than curly hair. Stomach accentuated by her lower abdomen protrudes rulership of this area broad pelvis love handles hippie even when slim. Strong shoulders toned arms flat but pear shaped.

archetype myth consort God to Kelly and directed by mother goddess Themis whose name means waters the yearly flooding of the Nile presage that coming of Osiris Isis swallowed him like the whale swallowed Jonah giving birth to him anew heracles put through the wringer by mother hero series laborers Zodiac or crab symbol of the end of aeon on and the beginning of another

Well defined legs aruva denser ***** size somewhere around average crap tends to be thick and his balls are large profuse shock of hair at the pubis can have an oddly shaped member bending to the side curving downward bulbous head foreskin too tight.

Distinct manner of moving and gesticulating kind of properties tocado Pinocchio nodding throwing his head back bend and straightness risks ankles unconsciously quirky flipping motions as if you were in water something goofy about him. This plus creative ingenuity translate to quick sharp razor wit . Styled conservatively countenance akin to collegian trying to pass for slightly older Wide eyed pale lenses blanched blue opalescent eyelids pale pink beneath light Brown shallow eyesockets Asian beaky nose pinched upper lip lisping slight speech impediment irregular or crooked teeth head round and pumpkiny. Spiffs himself up to look like he’s going places a lost expression like an orphan buttoned up spitshine for adoption appearing needy for love and determined for success haircut administered to him as if in an effort to spruce him up focus on his grooming efforts appearance and expression one of sweetness

Bible literature Noah flood renewal moral condition baby Moses sent downriver Jonas stint cancer ruled belly whale Pinocchio journey real boy perceval medieval fairy Queen Blanche Fleur pure and valiant becoming the prototype for cinderella’s Prince Charming Walter mitty romantic hero savior of mankind modern cancer character the ithyphallic figures of Percival osiris live on in wooded characters like hemingway’s Jake Barnes in the sun also rises and Buck Henry’s Benjamin and spring play with graduate


The following blocks of text are exceprts from my first year of  Blagues, nos. 451-455. I am reading through all of my Blagues, five per day, and posting some samples here. Now, in my sixth year of writing this Blague, by the time I get to my seventh, I will have journeyed through all the daily Blagues of my first five years. If that’s confusing I apologize. Year seven, I’ll only have to read through year six, once a day.  (For thirty days this paragraph will include this parentheses to say: I realized that in the summer of 2016 I actually didn’t post for some time, such that for the expanse of two months, I will continue to number the past Blagues, as above, five at a time, but there will be nothing to post from that period.)


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365/6 days per year—so they nearly, but not exactly, correlate.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2020 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2020 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Gemini Woman Revisited

Cancer 2° (June 22)


Another slow going day. It is a bit cooler today but cloudy and muggy and the air feels quite thick and I didn’t get much sleep last night so there is a nap in my immediate future. Watched the Seberg film on Amazon and of course Yvan was in it. So sad we didn’t get to have dinner with him before we left Paris but hopefully when we are next in town we can all meet up. I am missing being there so much it hurts. There has never been an uglier person than Mitch McConnell. I am imagining that Amy McGrath can bring that fucker down. But here I have to focus on the work at hand…

  • Fine line inate vulnerability/aggressive need to assert agenda
  • Aware of feminie wiles using them to best advantage, playing coy, precocious
  • No other woman creates more a stir, awesome displays of talent, upsetting w/ trademark coups
  • Not a casual or overly considerate character, she is the nerviest, greatest triumphs and trouble
  • Scoring goals, take no prisoner approach. Iconic if not cyclonic.
  • Leaves everyone /thing altered in her wake. In relationship: Indulge desire, impose dominance
  • Flirts with disaster. Eventually settles in understanding bond where she swings in personality
  • Helpless babydoll vs. Ruthless boss. With other women: imperious drawn to doting lovers who will unquestionably do her bidding.

principle of awareness Gemini cognizant of mental mechanics motto I think a master of mind games for the sake of her own amusement putting the wheels of her success in motion consciously alternates between the two previous forces avarian aggression and tourist passivity Avenger victim to outwit others

Gemini ruled Mercury Messenger crossroads Hermes principle of consciousness 3rd house Commerce communication com union. Ancient traditions Mercury the logos word of God pure intelligence first mental sign of the Zodiac cognitive faculty is key. One look at Gemini she is a woman with machinations. As the glyph suggests tiny feelers an antenna forever put a bug in someone’s ear whereas Gemini man his caught up in his own need for a buzz and stimulation Gemini woman seeks to incite such excitement in others if not send them into a frenzy

twin symbol division two distinct expressions personality which emerge at different times in her life if not within a given day. Gemini guys or both Gemini woman is either 1 extreme or the other. You might meet a different Gemini the second time you meet her. Pores on her personalities as defense mechanism. Sit at dinner party and literally turn a separate face to the guests on either side. Tough as leather philias lace depending on what would be most useful. Giggly guileless waif works for her advantage great , but of being wicked witch works then fine. Though it will take a lifetime Gemini works toward integrating these alternate sides of her borderline personality if not for the sake of her mental health. She risks depersonalization of condition characterized by distortion in how oneself in body look and feel. It is her existential mission to get herself together fostering integrity in every sense of the word.

planet symbol Mercury Fairies of medieval lore kindly Angels pesky insects air sprites whisper ideas in one error and cause mischief Gemini guilty as charged antenna signify the emergence of the human mind from the divine sphere she can alternately soar to great Heights feeder proverbial moth to the flame

Following the Bible line awareness being a third astrological house theme . Gemini woman considered a body man of two fastiv self empowered female come trouble making temptress personal fall victim progenitor of humanity she is no walk in the park rarely innocent as she pretends to be as young girl attracted to older slick with not shady types developing killer crushes seeking sweet corruption. Like if she’s bitten off more than she can comfortably chew turns around and toss the Apple at innocent guys and she in turn must reduce into action. Same in business often consummate agent holding prized clients in the palm of your hand for others to fight over. Sometimes she is the creative property pitting people against each other she could be both catalyst and monkey wrench a dream come true or one’s worst nightmare. Gemini the only Zodiac sign commutable air she projects this onto others keeping them guessing if not initiating a flurry of disinformation mutable errors versatility changeable random mentality material ether or ethos a world of pure information intelligence created . Jim negai walking talking fuzzy atmosphere she is she lives the world she lives in filled with people who must constantly negotiate her she is an unpredictable Pixie astrological daughter of wingett berkery trickery magic zodiacs tinkerbell

quadrant importance wise and intimate surroundings ministering to immediate concerns of family life career promoting certain air about herself that establish is irresistible oral interaction to her talents or ideas

tinkerbell twinkly madding personality sweetness in life light when in love but woe to any photo stands in her way particularly wholesome Wendy’s. Her attempts at cruelty might come off nearly comical like tinkerbell’s one just simply has to cope with her confusion that she creates. Like dealing with thieves fallout we have to deal with , dating her goddess of discord eris that whole story Gemini woman is errors just as she is Eve of expulsion to boot she’s all three of those Uber goddesses as well she seeks to negotiate indeed integrate all female energies that come before her the two previous signs to be exact Gemini most poignantly living prototype of the victim Helen but also the personification of the vengeful clytemnestra

mutable sign combines energies are two signs that preceded it general combines aggressive objective masculine areas with the subjective feminine Taurus she combines these dualistic forces of love and war poignantly personified in the character of Helen love of various suitors precious the Trojan War Helen means torch something that every Greek hero carried for her metaphoric flame like a tiny moth drawn

Gemini emblem duality of experience outside perspective where is Gemini man is both sides of his dualnote nature Gemini woman is typically either sweet as pie or as tough as leather at any given time

Sexy little gift as a wife Helen so soon with age group 14 to 21 time of courtship elaborate rituals brewing displays not only is Gemini archetypal Helen immutable collage of the Aries and Taurus female prototypes the ultimate gift is stoned to Paris but to mention a little baggage eating to be negotiated and thought over . She is also part bird having been born sue’s in the form of a Swan separate eggs when it comes to twin girls the division from one another D diametrically opposed nature’s Gemini woman’s condition Helen is the consummate passive the face that launched 1000 ships clytemnestra depicted violent plotter and killer of her husband agamemnon taken together you have Dominion personality the perfect amalgam of passive and aggressive girl Twins of the Zodiac represented by Helen Clytemnestra

associated with age group 1421 girls life when she’s home run in seesaw between alternating duality of childhood emerging adulthood Twins girl perpetual state of adolescent rage of adolescence into her old age John Collins Liz Hurley angst ridden freshly awakening awareness everything seems new what momentous import

element quality best illustrated as the atmosphere surrounding each and every circumstance Gemini woman seeks to affect situations to create a certain buzz of non commotion in promotion of her needs and desires

Never readily admit to being experienced particularly concerned sex. Characterized by Lolita provocative teen character smack dab in the age group Association with the sign crux of maturity proverbial human crossroads child to adulthood . Lolita blatantly sexual but still young enough to feign naivete. Forever toying with material crossroads walking perpetual fine line between vulnerability and perpetration. Gemini represents both triumph and trouble any Association with are steeped in irony taking it up with her akin to kidnapping a killer nearly diabolical dia metrics famous females Wallace Simpson Michelle Phillips as he adored Duncan Justin Baker a bulldozer in barrettes

in business in love she is Lolita cutie diminutive form of Dolores meaning Sarah seeming innocent will rip your soul to shreds or soon as soon as look at you provocative Pixie licking her proverbial lollipop wondering if she’s staring at his crotch. She tears people into dualistic character in less after Lillian humbert humbert unwittingly doing her bidding part lecture part Blakey. Gemini possesses power of manipulation a talent should begins to home when she’s actually loudly does age. The adolescent Twins girl may become a living nabokov nightmare . The twin girls grows up in the family where father is absolute ruler but a non participatory non participatory one. Gemini girl is left in part to her own devices it doesn’t foster independence rather she feels overlooked . She is naturally aligned to the ideologies for father though she clashes with him too. Often MI a he is a covert character indulging in secret activity many are geminis father is hiding an addiction or sexuality issue . Her mother has a sisterly relationship with her with a good deal of bickering. Gemini feels parental if not Tom sometimes pitying tore her mother . On top of this the 3rd house rule of brothers and sisters becomes keynote if not a thorn in her side. She never blames her parents for the lack of love instead she points the finger at siblings whom she cites as having caused her life to be less than it to like. Gemini is a rare bird could easily shove her fellow fledglings out of the nest. She wants every bit of her parents’ attention and then doesn’t get it she lashes out. Gemini might be in astina nasty funk that lasts for years bitchee to other students as she is unbearable to other kids in her family this is all masking a deep hurt

Gemini embraces her father’s sneaky modis operandi her merging left outside the family usually involves activity activities that her father would have found unacceptable especially when it comes to relationships with boys . Her sexuality develops early drawn to bad boy rogue or hoodlum types. And not to geminis air Sprite archetype she can be like Mercury orbiting closest to the sun attracting attracted to fiery situations the moth to the flame. Shelf and gets burned. Her science Association with visceral awareness manifest as an unquenchable curiosity such that she is typically intrigued by people from the proverbial other side of the tracks. She may enter sexual relationships with characters father would find unsavory. Father is often biased if not bigoted. Gemini emerges as two people eternally dutiful daughter and the naughty sexually knowing orange new. Her own needs get overlooked in an effort to satisfy expectations she imagines are being projected onto her period she becomes something of a caretaker to her mother. Affectionately bossing her mother around in a way she witnessed her father doing in the past. Emotionally and sexually Gemini net tends to shut down on the other side of the spectrum act out in ways she can only be considered a cry for attention in many cases being trouble is the way of getting back to the world for feeling robbed of tenderness. Appearing in acting provocative Gemini invites sexual attention subconsciously hoping to fill the emotional void left from fatherly affection.

sign number the number of existence past present and future dimensionality of reality length width depth 3 hours of signifiers advent of the child offspring corresponding to geminis Association siblings so that’s the number of pro creativity and the renewal of life triangles circles are based on the numeral 3

Famous geminis gamines Monroe Collins Baker Hurley manoke Bonham Carter Hartman Cox wrestling Brooke Shields often the face that launched 1000 products Commerce divinely gifted commodities men haggle over. Error sign but not ethereal she is an accessible Pixie original ragamuffin. As child she is tomboy twinkle in her eye mischief. As a teen provocative seen as fast sexualized schoolgirl pigtails and cigarettes. To other girls she is edgy and challenging ass kicking trading clothes and gossip. Her mind develops earlier then most making her ringleader bored frustrated rolling eyes seeks out older quicker crowd. Boyish body language no fuss low maintenance

tough little bird Sparrow on the attack unassuming appearance but bursts of bellicosity like teensy weensy tweety bird fidgets fusses jumping in and out of her chair dashing about handful of tasks simultaneously.

age group sexual awakening the age when most girls lose their virginity curiosity exploration incentive conscious desire to attract impulsive experimental

Mercury nervous system forever on overload often crashes. Exhaustion half the time must learn to conserve energy and pace yourself her body has a hard time keeping up with her mind rapid fire. Her voice often catches symptom of not respirating deeply short attention span hard time focusing of all the characters she’s wound tight put benefit from meditation cheeping stillness soothing remind. One of the least self analytical characters who would benefit from introspection. One moment a clever conversationalist next brash and boisterous Patty Duke show unable to stop her moods from swinging speeds of manic enthusiasm followed by indigo Blues .

All eyes in the room around her captivating mix childlike beauty expressive exuberance . She could be on in social bill yeah face beaming eyes live from within sparkle face round is a penny her short bangs fringe Apple cheeks pronounced eyes deepset slanted squinty chin week no straighten pronounce slightly beaky lips luscious and glossed

The following blocks of text are exceprts from my first year of  Blagues, nos. 446-450. I am reading through all of my Blagues, five per day, and posting some samples here. Now, in my sixth year of writing this Blague, by the time I get to my seventh, I will have journeyed through all the daily Blagues of my first five years. If that’s confusing I apologize. Year seven, I’ll only have to read through year six, once a day.  (For thirty days this paragraph will include this parentheses to say: I realized that in the summer of 2016 I actually didn’t post for some time, such that for the expanse of two months, I will continue to number the past Blagues, as above, five at a time, but there will be nothing to post from that period.)


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365/6 days per year—so they nearly, but not exactly, correlate.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2020 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2020 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Gemini Man Revisited

Cancer 1° (June 21)


First full day of Summer and a new moon and I have precious little to say, I’m afraid. I like the notion of taking a little time for myself today, and the turning of a major corner, but I really have zero to say about life events right now unfortunately. So I’m going to let this day just float by, and if I have some notes to add as a result of my reading various chapters tomorrow then so be it. I should be going for a dip but even that feels a bit tricky and dangerous. Here are some Gmini man thoughts:


• Operator, can’t sit still, always setting wheels in motion

  • Urbane, man on pavement, ear to ground, finger on pulse of cultural (local) experience
  • Quintessential insider, infiltrates milieus that strike fancy, forming allicances, ringleading
  • Sets own rules, rabble rouser, voicing needs of common folk, rogue, anti-establisment.
  • Drawn to media driven professions, commercial exchange of ideas, revolving cast of characters
  • Craves stimulation, interaction with family friends, private clubs, lodges, cliques
  • Partygoing, playboy drawn to homegirls along American dream theme.
  • Same sex irascible fun loving, negotiates exploring “scene” against unbreakable brotherly bond


sidebar principle the principle of consciousness where Ares is objective Taurus objective Gemini step to 15 next leave you experience from both angles at once text in impression and information at the same time delivery is on messages and agenda interaction it’s all about master of Commerce communication all such exchange sign motto I think

Gemini ruled by Mercury smallest orbit around sun echoes Twins inclination for inside tracking my always close at hand hotbed of activity. Planet namesake Romans Messenger Mercury Hermes represent pure intelligence astrological principle of consciousness 3rd house attribute of Commerce community communication Aries masculine objective tourist subjective female Gemini two way St both dynamics simultaneously. Hermes neutered or bisexual combining Aphrodite or map roditis

Mercury rule Gemini fitting traditionally masculine it’s mutable every third side. Dualistic neutral istic synthesizing 2 signs that preceded. Gemini info maniacal putting his own notions in motion objective subjective. Combination masculine and feminine energy add up to being a CDC in sexuality too. Mercury God crossroads streetwize DMT downtown with the load out. Sprightly pinky God geminid character involved in handshaking really dealmaking Internet level of human interaction

combining objective subjective first individual in the Zodiac to step out of narrow personalized view of experience existence and focus on what’s happening outside of themselves field of experience. The glyph hands outstretched antenna attuned, all about plugging into immediate surroundings. 3rd house immediacy in terms of time and space the quick and dirty here and now . He lacks patient long range planning are pitfalls the first bright lights big city thinker . Scrappy St survivalist notoriously clever anticipate others needs and lose during situations to his advantage

sidebar planet symbol recall wink at God also caduceus representing  dualistic nature of life antenna symbol emergent human mind from integration of divine circle and earthly cross

Mercury God merchants thieves conducts toll to Hades psychopomp Gemini have their own underworld connection 3rd house Guilds gangs fraternities organization immediate family quotes intimates kith and kin emphasis. Small networks band of borthers.

3rd house immediacy also equals instant gratification constant stimulation information they have hub of excitement. Also need to experience life in the hood small orbit lifestyle advance being surrounded by heavy trip of cronies. Steady pool of easily acceptable female playmate. Science corresponded to age 14 to 21 gymnast Max with teen spirit somewhat anxious attitude toward romance sexuality schoolyard Romeo continually perfecting his spiel, Sales pitch till after it ingenious courtship rituals food companions Goodfellow. Gemini lives in world contingent on pecking orders him at the top. Associates with guys he can boss around. With opposite sex like you ternal high school dance field of activity friendly business outside preoccupation. Is worth determined by caliber of arm candy. While Taurus get the boudoir gigolo Gemini is presentable daytime escort Papa Roxy ready Playboy. Easily impressed over excited embarrassed by sexual exploits bragging to buddies or sheepishly avoiding the subject. Process of courtship that thrilled , playing field, like he is a material character in business

Sidebar sign quadrant portent we need to communicate communicate with small circles of friends interchange of idea information Commerce. Find glyphs duality pairs of opposite divine soul mortal body negotiating via human consciousness mind.

whatever career Gemini acts the upstart , juvenile disregard rule , riding roughshod, reputation it’s renegade . Can’t do by rote must shake it up and fly by the seat of his pants surviving pilot living on earth design rules nervous system. Expert at pony tricks questionable tactics Mercury patron jumpers jumpers magician

Bible biting into that Apple duality . Gemini most aware love his metaphoric they get there is visibility in the world just as he is proud to focus on the naughty and nice bits of everybody else design personified knowledge of good and evil fall off it. She is pure unadulterated consciousness on full throttle. Crossroads the whole of his experience process of synthesizing disparity. Fires on double barrel contract ING and conflicting sentiment. At hairpin turn the friendliest and pierces character. Smiling 1 second hearing the next. Swings between emotional extremes one big mixed message

beautiful hair changeable on intellectual and social plane. Aligned with flarity embodies black-and-white duality and every shade of Gray in between. Twin people both sides of every coin simultaneous . Multiple personality while Gemini woman split form . He strives to establish boundaries in life she works for resolve and synthesis

tough nut to crack. Hormonally raging team. Most difficult to find to understand. His exuberant makes him easy to love but he is the hardest to trust. In relationship rules change constantly 1 second follow me next kicking up storm. Bible being cast out of the garden and bliss

page 101 I love it is quality there equals social experience beautiful versatility and change Gemini best illustrated as ether static electricity information pure consciousness deadline

scrambling to survive in the world existence is chaos free for all no rules but every man for himself . Crux of Cain and Abel story each of whom had a twin sister . About pending for themselves in the wilderness. Even when born with a silver spoon in mouth he may be overshadowed by circumstances or other sibling and that he has to make good for himself. Against with creating a buzz about himself mutable air bravado employee trickster affectation in short putting on a very good show.

Robin Hood, male sprite, Oberon’s gofer, Robin of Sherwood god of thieves stricter roges, wastrels. Antihero, good-guy gangster. Fonzie is another type. You can’t disagree with a Gemini can never admit he is wrong. Ever changing moods, he’s the boss, exists on the Power of his own Postive Thinking. He must adopt hard and fast prefudices and bottom lines and rationalizations or he might second-guess everything he says or does.

polarity he is like Adam having just bitten into the Apple bastion of conscious perceptions buzzy ideas walking talking news bulletin human rolodex myriad connections opinions advice on all subjects

all comes down to outsized fear of death the biggie of them all mortality and immortality the price paid for consciousness Castor and pollux the diascuri cast your falls Pollock strikes a bargain half the year in Olympus half in Hades. All about bird imagery soul taking flight from body achieving immortality Gemini wants to make a mark to be remembered hearts and minds. This is why he’s going. Dancing as fast as he can whistling in the graveyard. Peter Pan and the complex that bears his name he turned off 14 to 21 year old attempting to escape the proverbial hook Neverland no time keeps to his flock so not to be picked off. His goosie frame of mind has roots in early childhood. His surroundings may have seemed stable but anything but.

sign number that of circumstance 3 events happen in threes experience has a beginning middle and end third party perspective knowing the difference between dual forces number of life cyclical nature couple giving birth to a child

parents may stay together for appearance sake. Home environment is dual. Static in both senses of the word stagnant and fraught. Parents preoccupied with their ongoing drama father typically off somewhere in Neverland mother is strong but agitated disciplinarian iron fist. Twins finds solace in siblings some friends his age. Mother may complain about her husband to the Gemini even sending him on spying missions. Gemini is the go between mother scout but father’s accomplished too delivering apologetic missives. Gemini may distrust other males except for those in his gang whom he rules. Strives to please mother wanting to win good boy Pat on head. Eventually strikes a bargain of vague interaction formalized indifference with his father. Still Gemini will tell you he had a happy childhood . He doesn’t know he’s over compensating playing the big shot Playboy operator ringleader as a means of healing his hurt for being ignored as a child.

Body and soul. Working the room edgy enthusiasm shaking hands kissing cheeks polishing connections running the show social setting . Organizing outings with friends colleagues calling meetings aghast when associates don’t work at his Quicksilver pace. Professionally too has a pack coterie of insiders handpicks Hotshots following his self styled example. Street smart mien . Ultra slick flashy urbanite , gritty inner city chic, when artist or musician embrace the street spirit. Look of a working man. Famous geminis pointy eared chaps eternally boyish characters shot through with nervous energy an electric presence.

age 14 to 21 the teenage eternel bachelors rat pack mentality birdlike pecking order courtship ritual prankish punkish leader of a merry band mischievous juvenile delinquent

Gemini has style walks the walk snappy bouncy gate youthful confident talk the talk clear and deliberate form of speech over pronouncing each and every syllable. Self conscious employees wardrobe grooming to Telegraph image he wants to project that he is in the loop fashion conscious painfully trendy cosmopolitan looks a downtown sensibility. Fashion and music preferences inner city experience modish looks hint of street about them the zodiacs mutable air ether

wants to look hip and happening visible evidence of his Association with of the moment awareness 3rd house . Style never print more formal wants to communicate a humble neighborhood figure divorced from never divorced from common experience or ethos. Suspicious of bourgeois sensibilities and those who espouse them. When other guys in suits he might be in a fonzie variant of levis and leather. Peace for peace his garments carry a heavy price tag then the stuff shirts around him . Snazzy watch haircut trendy of the moment short laddish coughs. Gemini rules the hands penchant for rings reflections from his gesticulating mitts may ride motorbike or scooter make you real avoiding traffic

The following blocks of text are exceprts from my first year of  Blagues, nos. 441-445. I am reading through all of my Blagues, five per day, and posting some samples here. Now, in my sixth year of writing this Blague, by the time I get to my seventh, I will have journeyed through all the daily Blagues of my first five years. If that’s confusing I apologize. Year seven, I’ll only have to read through year six, once a day.  (For thirty days this paragraph will include this parentheses to say: I realized that in the summer of 2016 I actually didn’t post for some time, such that for the expanse of two months, I will continue to number the past Blagues, as above, five at a time, but there will be nothing to post from that period.)


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365/6 days per year—so they nearly, but not exactly, correlate.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2020 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2020 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox


Cancer 0° (June 20)


Yeah, well, sometimes I need the writing of this Blague purely for the reason of sanity. It is relaxing not to have to type, and to get into the flow of speaking out the words instead of forming them through some coalition of brains, screen and fingers. I was watching the Cedar waxwing’s just now grateful that they’ve moved on to the second Cherry Tree meaning they’ll be around for awhile longer. They are the most special creature I think I’ve ever encountered; they’re like spiritual beings that float in every June. The early part of today was tough; it’s a bit of a slob going through Sextrology and encountering the past . It’s a little embarrassing actually to discover the ways in which the work is not as good as I thought it was. There is relief though and the two dimensionality of the work in a sense because we didn’t say a great many things in the end and we really focused on sex so I feel pretty free to say a great deal moving forward. And still there’s more nagging at me, the friendly cancellations, the accumulated gaslight, which at this point either threatens to unravel me even more or pushes me forward into a completely new era. I’m going to go with the latter and let success unfold. Today will see me turning a corner and that was the plan in any case; however we also found out that we might be taking a boat trip this summer after all—depending on border closures and so forth—and so I have extra added insensitive to make this switcheroo. We will be having lobster rolls for dinner tonight to commemorate the start of summer at 5:43 today, and then tomorrow is a new moon, so it is as good a time as any to make this change. Drove into Provincetown this a.m. and only about half the people are wearing masks. I do not get it. I am going to limit any contact of any kind, especially with that town. I’m not sure why it is that we have no more donations, especially as certain people said that they would be sending. Not sure what’s going on there but I’m certainly not going to push. It is a very hot day here on the eastern seaboard and I’m going to do precious little on the work front today. I just want to move things along as best I can and take a nice little break so that I can accomplish all that needs accomplishing. It really needn’t be too much of a stress at this juncture.

It’s kind of annoying around here these days thanks to the loud mouth farmer and all his redneck friends crowding the property all day. I don’t know. I don’t have a lot of good to say right now. I had to unsubscribe to someone’s newsletter because she sends too many of them and she has never worked a day in her life and fancies herself an indie-rocker when she is simply a spoiled trust fund baby whose mommy (who married someone super rich) bought her a house in Provincetown so she can do nothing but self promote and make terrible music. Besides she is friends with the evil theater director who tried to shake us down for money. Idea for a one-man play parody: The Night David Drake Extorted Me. That would be quite a good piece of art. I despise that creature, he is the absolute worst. He has fooled the world though. I have pretty much gotten to the point of realization that the worst people I have ever met are those who are in recovery programs for decades. They never seem to get any better, although I suppose they could be a lot worse. But the fact remains they pretty much stay the same. You’d think if you went to forty meetings a week something might transform in your psyche, but no. And how anonymous is it anyway. I mean if you go to a meeting in a petrie dish like Provincetown and say “there is this guy who runs a performance festival and he was really mean to me” then everybody knows you’re talking about me. Seriously, the worst people seem to  make these awful meeting rooms there stage for malignant narcissism and that’s really just about that. This is a very negative space for me to be in I realize but I just can’t help it. It’s really hot out and I’m aggravated.

But I can’t leave this post today on a negative note so I will try to get some positive vibes going here. I’m going to make fried corn and lobster salad and drink a lovely pink sparkling cabernet franc and take a hot shower and let loose some prayers. Tomorrow is going to be a very big work day; and I have to move a few mountains over the course of the next week. I truly cannot believe that the GOP is now quoting one of our friends in keeping LGBTQ legislation from happening in the senate. I don’t know how we got to this particular place to be honest.

The following blocks of text are exceprts from my first year of  Blagues, nos. 436-440. I am reading through all of my Blagues, five per day, and posting some samples here. Now, in my sixth year of writing this Blague, by the time I get to my seventh, I will have journeyed through all the daily Blagues of my first five years. If that’s confusing I apologize. Year seven, I’ll only have to read through year six, once a day.  (For thirty days this paragraph will include this parentheses to say: I realized that in the summer of 2016 I actually didn’t post for some time, such that for the expanse of two months, I will continue to number the past Blagues, as above, five at a time, but there will be nothing to post from that period.)


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365/6 days per year—so they nearly, but not exactly, correlate.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2020 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2020 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox


Gemini 29° (June 18)


Well someone is in very hot water. She is a news anchor that has been taking money from a disgusting guy for some time it seems. And not just a little money but a lot of money. I don’t know why I actually feel for this person but I do. Not only is there going to be no way she could ever pay back fifteen million dollars because she never made any money she only spent it; even I am shocked though that so much money went into her projects, with so little to show for it. I thought her benefactor was some kind of mob guy, or maybe was a money launderer. What I didn’t realize was that he was an accountant for a shoe company who embezzled from the company. That is so much worse somehow because he was obviously stealing just to impress her; as the theft began right around the time she started receiving the bulk of the dough. I still cannot believe that this is how this story is ending, or at least still unfolding. I wonder why Rick doesn’t go to jail? Why is he not charged with a crime? I actually don’t get how these things work.  I guess I’m not really sure how it will shake down but what I do know is, even though she is a horrible, greedy person with one of the worst brands of energy I have ever encountered, I still can’t help but feel a little bit bad for her—I know that sounds super strange but it’s true. I don’t want to imagine anyone being so upset or frightened. But, really, what is she going to do. There is no way in hell that she could ever get another job or that any of her (always failing anyway) projects could possible take flight. What was Rick thinking? Did he expect her to truly make it? Did he just plan on continuing to steal money from the shoe company? This is really quite absurd. And she will end up penniless and alone. Is that what is going to happen here? How will she ever take care of her child, not that she ever made her daughter the priority she should have been. I mean, the woman moved to the other side of the country. She wasn’t even loyal to the criminal who was feeding her all that dough. She took up with that creepy criminally minded douchebag, Hunter, as well. And I did a search and he pretends to be an aviation expert with his own private airline which of course is not true. He is a weasel man who wrote a (self-published) book called something really stupid. Actually he only co-wrote it. She is well into her forties by now and I think he might be thirty. Or he says he is. He also claims to be a Harvard graduate which he is not. There is a story in the Crimson about how he went to the extension school, which is not the same thing, by any stretch.


I hope people get what they deserve. These are the worst kind of individuals. Something that became quite clear toward the end. To leave your children. To be given (who would’ve thunk) these great sums of money and never ask where it came from. Even if one doesn’t ask, one doesn’t then take the money no questions asked. I actually feel for this person because I know how ill equipped she is to handle what is coming her way. Why do people feel that they deserve to live an exorbitant life off the misery of others. They stole someone’s livelihood. This must be criminal, no? How are they not already arrested. Why has the FBI not taken them away. These are the questions I am asking today. I finally got out to get a haircut by my octogenarian cutter. We also went for a majorly long walk on the beach which was quite a revelation. I watched two seasons of Fleabag, finally, one in the middle of the night. I am exhausted and a little bit behind but I’m going to do some major catching up over the next three days just so that I do not have to feel undue stress. I am aware of those who say they do not like me. But the thing is I don’t think I like them. So that would make us even. I have when people sink to the lowest common denominator. It is just too easy to do. By the same token I am shocked that certain friends have only become less and less in touch with reality. I tell you: Money really corrupts things. I’m looking so forward to riding the next wave into shore. On that note the ocean feels warm enough already to swim which is weird but I’ll take it.

The following blocks of text are exceprts from my first year of  Blagues, nos. 431-435. I am reading through all of my Blagues, five per day, and posting some samples here. Now, in my sixth year of writing this Blague, by the time I get to my seventh, I will have journeyed through all the daily Blagues of my first five years. If that’s confusing I apologize. Year seven, I’ll only have to read through year six, once a day.  (For thirty days this paragraph will include this parentheses to say: I realized that in the summer of 2016 I actually didn’t post for some time, such that for the expanse of two months, I will continue to number the past Blagues, as above, five at a time, but there will be nothing to post from that period.)


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365/6 days per year—so they nearly, but not exactly, correlate.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2020 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2020 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Nothing To See Here

Gemini 28° (June 17)


The last couple of days have felt painful, not sure why exactly. But everything just seems so very empty and not because that is something new, but because it is the way it is and these present times are simply exposing the reality of the situation. I am cooking up a storm, and staying on top of work for the most part, but I am so aware, more than ever, of the ways I have personally been a target of cancel culture, mainly because I won’t kiss ass, I kick it. People have always gotten away with murder because they have plenty of people who want things from them (and to whom they give it); people literally get away with it. I remember moving to Provincetown and S. telling me how R. would sleep with people, mainly really young guys, in the early nineties, having unprotected sex, knowing that he was positive and infecting people; and that on one occasion in particular this kid found out and went to him crying his eyes out asking why didn’t R. tell him and that sociopath showed no remorse and told the kid it was his responsibility. And this R. person is someone who is worshipped ubiquitously to this day by people who privately admit he is at least a sociopath if not a psychopath. But S. still plays in a band with him and kisses his ass because when it comes to self-servingness people’s principles go right out the window. I brought many people to Ptown and most have them have sunk to the lowest common denominator, meaning that took up with the band of sociopathic follows that R. leads. This is the depths of the experience I’ve had in this town for nearly two cycles of seven years. I am finished with all of that now. I have done my level best to keep the spirit of Ptown’s live stage heritage alive but nobody gives a crap about that. All they want is to cling to their cult leaders. R. is not the only one. He inhabits and lords over the lowest rung of that hell. But there are other figures too, two of which leap to mind, both of whom have the same initials. The cancel culturalists. The ones who think they call the shots and by whom so many other people are impressed. But when you get close to them (as if that were possible) you see they are insecure puffs of smoke, pointing the finger, depressed and mean. Men in their sixties who are fourteen year old mean girls. I’m not sure how we as a culture got to such a place where our liberal ideals mean nothing in the face of what’s really important: a multipage spread in Architectural Digest.


I will do the best I can today, as it is all I truly can do. But the fact remains I don’t want to be bitter. I’m not bitter. I’m disappointed by the fact that the so-called bastion of artistry and diversity has turned into one of the worst elitist enclaves on the planet. I want to simply disappear from this environment into the kind of memory where one day someone wakes to ask, where did he go? It will be a good question. I have to figure out a way to disable my social media presence too. Fine for the brand to have one but I really can no longer sustain this book of face, for instance. It is something that must be sacrificed in favor of my happiness. We are finally returning to a more anonymous existence and I want to make the most of the fact, I truly do. I am saddened by the kinds of characters I’ve had to contend with in this place for so long. I fully now lost my interest in this environment which has been ravaged by the disease of superficiality. Everyone sinks or rises to their right level and I am now on the ultimate rise. I have tried to be helpful, I have tried to contribute as best I can. What I won’t suffer are these greedy fools who need so much and give so little. I’d like to say we had a good run but I’m not even sure that much is true. I will make the best of what is on offer. I will plow through. I will come up with great ideas and I will make magic in the process, but first I have to let go and enjoy this exile and let it rid me, like Circe, of the painful treatments of the past. I am willing to dig deep, deep, deep to come up with something. I am no longer anybody’s fool, I can tell you that. Credit due is not always credit given. I’ve decided to begin the great unraveling and to figure out a way to give to the cause without having too stress to much in the process. I think others are being so cavalier at this juncture, posting pictures of their perfect rooms and water views while pretending to care about the sick and dying from disease and the victims of brutality; but even pictures people post of themselves protesting are meant to telegraph to us who they are, not really to help the cause. Look at me, I’m out in the street with a mask on for a few minutes using protesting people behind me as props. I know that sounds cynical but I also know the personalities of whom I am speaking. I have known them for decades and some people will do anything for attention and social media audience build. I don’t want this. I want to go higher. I want to live in a world of peace a stillness and power. I have far too long cared what the person sitting next to me thinks. It is now time for people to mind what I am thinking and feeling and saying. With power goes responsibility this I realize



The following blocks of text are exceprts from my first year of  Blagues, nos. 426-430. I am reading through all of my Blagues, five per day, and posting some samples here. Now, in my sixth year of writing this Blague, by the time I get to my seventh, I will have journeyed through all the daily Blagues of my first five years. If that’s confusing I apologize. Year seven, I’ll only have to read through year six, once a day.  (For thirty days this paragraph will include this parentheses to say: I realized that in the summer of 2016 I actually didn’t post for some time, such that for the expanse of two months, I will continue to number the past Blagues, as above, five at a time, but there will be nothing to post from that period.)


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365/6 days per year—so they nearly, but not exactly, correlate.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2020 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2020 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Wisteria And Cedar Wax Wings

Gemini 27° (June 16)


And so here I am, back to random thoughts about people of the various signs.

Taurus man page 52 quiescent is that a word and yesterday and today notes To Do List also page 52 the spelling of Avant gardist Taurus man the Gardner Taurus woman the garden Aries man initiation initiative Aries woman the director of natural force embodiment of pure life force…………..the myth of Myrra from which we get the word Myrrh

we do say Aries man is the fat folk but I’m thinking actually it’s touristsAries man symbolizes life force carnal fire coursing through his veins Aries woman harnessing that power. Athena is a director of life force.

chapter says Aries needs to open his quote “viewer”. But I think we change this in the new book since it is Taurus that is myopic.

Aries nomadic, conquering herds and hordes, living “off the animal”  lots of fleece and mutton in contrast to Taurus where the Bull is the fructifying agent.

Everytime a Bull appears in mythology it becomes this kind of love-object. Zeus as the Bull beckons to be ridden, he does not force his maleness.

“The concept of male changes from Aries to Taurus dramatically.” And Gemini is both and in order to be so, successfully, he must be clever.

Aries Nomads versus agrarian farmer Taurus. He farms for friends and those to people his life. His life is his garden. b

What does myopic really mean and metaphorically speaking

theseus is careless forgets his commitment for something better ariadne as female Taurus archetype the one left behind ends up wedding dionysos Fact Check which would be another quincunxas Dionysus is Sagittarius archetype.

tourists sense is a superpower . What keywords signal super powers in the sidebars go back starting with Aries to figure that out

latency not mentioned in tourists psychology or in main text how he can win the right friends thinks the company he keeps is of utmost importance it’s actually who he sees himself as both men and women are huge namedroppers I think what we spoke about is

seeing that which is latent in others

Machiavelli was a Taurus. Throat gullet ingesting devouring relates to the minotaur. Garden needs to be fed and watered

note to make: note to may: in the tourist chapter we may flirt with the notion of the for instance gay male tourists Taurus um being so feminine as to border on trans sexual or be MTF transsexual but what we don’t do is discuss the trans Taurus man that is to say FTM to whom this chapter more holy applies. It’s finally funnily paradoxical

in the couplings section add words like marriage material to the gay combinations

Taurus. Body rule. Voice and taste and appetite, thirst, like garden Flowers thirsty Burlington

Taurus man Adonis add on a meaning Lord.

We have to speak about Taurus man being the Bull liking to cuckold. She does it too but not as a turn on.

we have cited all about Eve as analogous to Snow White fairy tale which is a retelling of the bio meth uh huh iron Io myth. But what we didn’t say was that what Eve wants most is applause. She wants praise more than anything else but she confuses it with love as does Taurus woman as a rule.

Kathleen will create security at all costs and get praised for doing so but poor substitute for love her choice

fixed earth glue a fixative that by which we keep things together create union Venus Taurus woman especially plays this part even if passive. Gabriela Collins brings everyone into a center

what happened you don’t love me anymore but am I bothering you by talking oh what if you loved me more than you do I have to tell you something or not I like getting a shift in but I have to say that the dictation is a very good tool for me good I am so like yes we put it on the To Do List today

Taurus women want what other women have. Kimmy Schmidt archetype. They actually learn through relationship with other women in particular. That’s the main takeaway from the Io myth. There should be a pop culture sidebar. Also Hannah in girls it wasn’t called women what sign Dakota Fanning Pisces and Aries.

The move from Pisces to Aries is like that from Dakota to Elle Fanning.

Taurus names. Get to Megan Fox. Cleo Demetriou (young!), Emily Alynlind (young!) Catherine Tate, Ellie Kemper. Amber Heard, Kelly Clarkson, Lana Condor, Lily Allen, Candice King., Gal Gadot, Adele, Carmen Electra, J. J., Kehlani,

Wonder Woman is both love object and superheroine, the two aspects being intertwined. Her “weapon” is a lasso of truth. A lasso draws one in. Very Venus. She flies an invisible plain. She let’s herself soar with total transparency. Maybe better for Leo?

Pisces people take our advice and implement it more than any other sign, client-wise.

The following blocks of text are exceprts from my first year of  Blagues, nos. 421-425. I am reading through all of my Blagues, five per day, and posting some samples here. Now, in my sixth year of writing this Blague, by the time I get to my seventh, I will have journeyed through all the daily Blagues of my first five years. If that’s confusing I apologize. Year seven, I’ll only have to read through year six, once a day.  (For thirty days this paragraph will include this parentheses to say: I realized that in the summer of 2016 I actually didn’t post for some time, such that for the expanse of two months, I will continue to number the past Blagues, as above, five at a time, but there will be nothing to post from that period.)


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365/6 days per year—so they nearly, but not exactly, correlate.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2020 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2020 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox


Reviews And Postelection

Gemini 26° (June 15)


I supposed if I’ve learned anything today it’s that I have a pretty terrible memory. I really thought that I had written this Blague every day for the last five and a half years. I knew there was a period a couple of years ago where I went months without writing and then actually wrote seven Blagues a day for months in order to catch up and fill that gap. What I didn’t realize was that in the summer of 2016 I stopped again and started up again, only to completely stop again for a few months—no surprise—the day after it won the election. Today, though this will appear on the June fifteenth post, I am writing this on the fourteenth, which is that birthdate of that monstrosity. It is time to invoke the gods for an end to this tyranny. And I suppose in some way I am accepting of the fact that I am temporarily relieved from the tyranny of sorting through old bits of text. And the good news is it will make next (the seventh) year’s process of writing this Blague that much easier, as I seek to categorize all my work to date into files that are at this point undelienated to me. The only thing is, in recompense, that I will need to write in things here instead, which is also fine, I hasten to add, because I will be going through mountains of other writing to create new departure points in thought for a creative project at hand. And so I accept what this Blague is telling (and giving) me; and anyway, I didn’t mean to lie to you dear reader. I truly believed I didn’t let a day go by without writing and I dare say I can’t imagine a single one of you (and I mean that litereally, in addressing my readership) will discover the truth of the matter. Still, please forgive my unwitting mendacity in all of this.

The following blocks of text are exceprts from my first year of  Blagues, nos. 416-420. I am reading through all of my Blagues, five per day, and posting some samples here. Now, in my sixth year of writing this Blague, by the time I get to my seventh, I will have journeyed through all the daily Blagues of my first five years. If that’s confusing I apologize. Year seven, I’ll only have to read through year six, once a day.  (For thirty days this paragraph will include this parentheses to say: I realized that in the summer of 2016 I actually didn’t post for some time, such that for the expanse of two months, I will continue to number the past Blagues, as above, five at a time, but there will be nothing to post from that period.)

Originally excerpted June 8, 2016:

Library Journal

“While many astrologists lump the genders together under the signs, Starsky and Cox, who consult private clients in New York City, here separate the very different male and female qualities. For each of the 12 signs, there is a corresponding chapter that includes subchapters on men and women. Both genders are described in three ways: “Sign + Mind” covers general personality traits, “Body + Soul” indicates eerily accurate physical attributes and modes of expression, and “Sex + Sexuality” details sexual attitudes and behavior, the feature that is the most fun. These descriptions are accurate and entertaining, even encompassing gay and lesbian sexuality. The result is an extremely engaging, detailed book; readers will easily recognize themselves and their loved ones. Libraries that own Linda Goodman’s classic Love Signs will want this winner, a strong candidate for a Valentine’s Day display.-Marija Sanderling, Wells, ME (c) Copyright 2010. Library Journals LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Media Source, Inc. No redistribution permitted.”

Publishers Weekly

“Juicy, gossipy and occasionally titillating, this astrology guide by New York authors Starsky & Cox explores the zodiac signs “from the perspective of gender, sexual identity and sexual behavior.” The authors contend that each astrological sign actually contains two signs-one male and one female-and that men and women of the same sign often manifest their sign’s energy in opposite fashions. Thus, a Capricorn man may be “an unadulterated sybarite who puts the pursuit of pleasure and laughs first in life” while his female counterpart usually sees life as “a long, hard road that requires pacing and careful negotiation.” Determined to give each sex its due share, the authors divide their book into 24 chapters (Aries Man, Aries Woman, Taurus Man, etc.). Each chapter contains a psychological profile of the sign, an analysis of the sign’s physical attributes and expressions and a description of the sign’s sexual attitudes and behavior. This last section can often be quite explicit, describing not only romantic ideals and compulsions but also specific positions and fetishes. In discussing Scorpio’s sexuality, for example, the authors declare that “of all the women in the zodiac, Scorpio may be the most open to anal sex.” In addition to the usual lists of famous sign natives, Starsky & Cox pepper their chapters with allusions to movies and books, artists and writers-J.D. Salinger, Matthew Barney, Sylvia Plath-making this book a good choice for stargazing bookworms and artists. Also notable is their decision to consider both straight and gay relationship matches. In their introduction, the authors declare that the zodiac is “a mandala of human existence,” and their book gives readers a chance to contemplate that mandala in all its variations. (Feb.) Copyright 2004 Reed Business Information.”


Originally posted November 9, 2016:

It’s not like I don’t have enough (writing) to do, but I must bring back the Cosmic Blague as a daily practice, now, if only for my own sanity. And maybe some bits of yours. Let’s hope. The knee jerk reaction is: Today is a dark day. And in large part that is true. That said, it also feels like an opportunity to stop doing things the same way and expecting different results—the definition of insanity. My first go-round of the Cosmic Blague was in exploration of the Sabian Symbols. I will link to those former posts corresponding to the degree-point on the astrological wheel for each day; but I’m not going to get into to that. I hope the remain helpful—you’ll tell me—but I can’t go back and read them at this juncture. I must be all forward movement. Though I do think the title of today’s Sabian Symbol does match that sentiment.

Trump won the presidency a few short hours ago. I have moved from shock to a sort of quiet resolve not to watch any cable news—I will watch Judy Woodruff on PBS and that’s about it. I’ve not just had enough of the constant news coming from the television screen or the screen on which I’m currently typing this. I’m in a sense tired of my own blind optimism, not just on a grand scale, but in my own life as well. As I type this I am awaiting responses from a number of emails from “friends and colleagues” who are keeping me in a holding pattern. And with this sentence I release them. And the next: Anybody whom I empowered with decision making over any subsequent next moves in my life is hereby absolved of that responsibility. I’m doing it for myself. And I’m chasing noone.

I feel for Hillary. I feel for Bernie. I feel for Stella. I feel for anyone like myself who invested time and energy and upper-case Hope in an outcome over which we had scant control. We voted. We did our best. We lost. That’s the reality. And though the way my molecules feel newly arranged today was not of my choosing, it is so. I am not just mourning the lost of this election, I am mourning a large part of myself, whom I was, and whom I shall never be again. And for that I’m strangely thankful.

Mars entered Aquarius this morning and so we shall probably see a great deal of anger and revolt played out on large scale—in protests and demonstrations—as well as unrest and upheaval shifting to humanity at large. Paradoxically, as Americans voted narrowly for isolationism, they have thrust themselves onto the world stage, no longer safe within the bubble of some shining mansion on the hill. We are no longer a beacon. We are evidence of undereducation. Nothing romantic about it. Just the plain truth: We are two nations. Unfortunately, the other nation here all turned out to rally around a common orange cause from their rural strongholds. While much of our nation stayed at home in their cities, failing to get out the vote as they did, twice, for the now present lame duck president. But what are you going to do.

I’m certainly not going to spend a second longer than I have to feeling bad about myself or what is assuredly a sorry state of affairs. Fuck it. I’m going to go higher in my personal and would-be shared aspirations and and I’m going to sit deeper into self-reliance and purposeful solitude. I have a profession with many prongs, the first of which is helping others over hurdles via my combined talents as an expert astrologer and metaphysician and as an intuitive with powers that pass through me and to which I can claim no award—as to do so, I suspect, would dull them. And nothing makes me happier or lifts me out of a blue mood (or a would-be deep abyss) more readily than giving of myself to clients who benefit from the work I do as honorably as I might.

I am also a creative. I am an author. I am a writer of all sorts. I am also a performer and an actor, not being one and the same. I love to sing and play music and write and perform things that make people think and make them laugh. I also have other talents that I’ve used for personal and professional purposes. But I say now, with Mars in Aquarius, sneaking up on my natal Moon, that I am going to be far more selective in my work as a producer and promoter of other peoples; and far mor indulgent in arts and crafts that I do in the privacy of my home which, I’m grateful to say, has enough rooms in which I can steal myself away.

I am fortunate. I am fortunate because I made myself fortunate. I am reliant on nobody else for my peace and happiness which is why even the slightest self-destructive move can cause more devestation to me than others. I cannot phone anything in or just subsist and let weekly paychecks roll in. I have to be a warrior. And today, as the warrior Mars is in the reformational sign of Aquarius, that of new orders, I am examining what that means to me, foremost, with a tertiary glance, perhaps, at what that means for the world. I am a  warrior for myself. The path is indeed illuminated as the script of the below Sabian Symbol suggests. But it is illuminated not by blind faith. It is illuminated by my determination. I am a warrior for myself. Then for my loved ones, who are few. Then for my clients, my readers, my audience such as it is.  People say all shall be revealed. That’s great. I prefer to be the revelation. Armageddon? It only means a drawing back of the veil. The veil—the parting clouds of Iris’ rainbow over which we go, the rainbow colored veils of Salome—are endemic to the sign of Aquarius (John the Baptist being one personification of the Water Bearer). Mars rips through the veils and I say: Shred that shit up. I’m thankful for my illusions having been removed. It potentially only makes my own path clearer.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365/6 days per year—so they nearly, but not exactly, correlate.


Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2020 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2020 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox


Election, Salad Days, Value & Belonging,

Gemini 25° (June 14)

Surely one of the darkest of dates given the birth of two creatures who have wreaked havoc on my micro- and macro-cosmic worlds. But never you mind. I am now officially cooking with gas in regard to a certain project that will be my main work for the next calendar year. I am getting my brain around it all, and just doing what I can to make some artistic and intellectual beauty. In the process, it has been decided, I refuse stress its way. Anyway I have some random notes which need typing up in any case so I might as well just put them down here:

We will include: The quincunx, birthstone or crystal, tree, animal totem——who ram, ewe, boar?—Parenting what kinds of offspring did Ares have?

Needing final list of jewelry styles. Aries men needs to be more the Shepherd archetype leading the flock solo endeavour. The hero archetype maybe even work in heracles having to go through self imposed trials. Iron Man. Reading house lists for ideas. Aries is outwardly challenging loves to debate. Jim Parsons? Issa? Kumal? Jessica Williams. Eddie Redmayne. The woman in the Danish girl. John Oliver. How were work with clients .

Aries man is the most self obsessed of the astrological characters. He fascinates at his own experience personal experience that which is right in front of him the metaphorical equivalent of the baby playing with his own body and entertaining only that which is in his immediate via. He wears an open expression like Ewan McGregor, typically pitched forward in conversation talking at others with a challenging glint in his eye. Very rarely someone you’d describe as laid back . Forever proving a point , convincing others of his position. Even if the strong silent type there is a sense of seething beneath the surface. He is never retiring. Learning to be a team player because it does not come naturally. Site Michael imperioli.

Aries man is the most indie of the sign. Vincent Gallo. Diane von Furstenberg. Ares is the God of blood. Research his foreign equivalents. He is most cut and dry.

What sign is Betty Friedan? Where does Pallas come from? What does it say that Athena takes on her name? She is the most irascible. What sign is the actress who plays Wonder Woman? I wish to say more about Lilith. Aries is the type of girl that could survive for 50 years on the tiniest trust fund. Along with psychology look to the sign quadrant also the sign glyph for inspiration. If he is most cut and dry she is most cut and run. Ewe is an animal form of the primordial goddess. sign glyph: we didn’t say it is her brow and wisdom. Nor have we discussed her as goddess of helmsmen. In the Bible Rachel is the holy Ewe.

I feel like she would be the person to raise a single child as a single mother….connect to that myth and the link to Hephaestus.


The following blocks of text are exceprts from my first year of  Blagues, nos. 411-415 . I am reading through all of my Blagues, five per day, and posting some samples here. Now, in my sixth year of writing this Blague, by the time I get to my seventh, I will have journeyed through all the daily Blagues of my first five years. If that’s confusing I apologize. Year seven, I’ll only have to read through year six, once a day. 

Originally posted June 2, 2016:

It would seem that every person I pass on the street is more qualified than Trump. Why are the so few who run for the highest office in the land so wrong for it compared to, well, just about anybody. How did this happen. Is it really just money? Or is it related to sanity. Especially on the Republican side. Is having a screw loose a prerequisite for candidacy? Or, okay, people that are already in politics. Why isn’t Al Franken the next president. I mean we got lucky with Obama but I still think he’s a certain kind of crazy in that, if he didn’t have an outsized ego, he wouldn’t have grabbed for that brass ring. He is the unruffled king (Leo) far more than the teflon Bill Clinton (Leo) was. Obama, it seems, plans to pride himself on having lasted all eight years with out going ballistic over anything. Trump can’t last eight seconds without doing so. Surely there is something in between. Obama’s stealthy and above-censure moves, after all, have seen him quietly launch over 500 drone strikes. I’m not arguing the validity of having done so; but it is very much in keeping with his persona, characterized as it is, by having a cool remove.

Drone strikes, as opposed to conventional military strikes involving people in pilot seats or behind tanks or on the ground, are arguablly less humane because the human conscience isn’t that directly involved. Nowadays we train thousands more remote drone pilots than actual ones. If we’re not seeing the collateral damage and the thousands of innocent people, women and children included, being killed, it doesn’t emotionally register, we don’t feel it. And if we are emotionally responsible for the killings than we are that much more densitized not only to war but to human life in general. Surely that will seap further into mass consciousness. Drone pilots, in effect, are not very different from children playing video games, only what they see on the screen isn’t the be all end all, it is an abstract of a grim reality. We detach, we detach and yet, what? We want more attention. We want the greatest number of hits and clicks and followers in an on-screen world that is a representation of our lives, not the one we’re actually living. This two-dimensional reality is more than just concept fodder for science fiction novels, we are becoming less dimensional, not more so, as human beings.

We act differently in the two-dimensional world. We are more black or white. We make blanket statements that inspire pointed reactions. We get into online battles with people over politics or social concerns. We say more than we should, perhaps, behind the safety of our black and white screens. If we later were to bump into the individual we met earlier on the laptop battlefield, we might hem and haw, retract and reposition, because there is more nuance to human interaction in the flesh. There is chemical reaction that might inspire more empathy or other forms of kindred spiritedness that might prevent you from attacking or blocking as you do electronically. Even though, a generation ago, the notion was floated that”we’ve got to get ourselves back to the garden,” we have done the opposite. We are creating a wilderness of wires and fibers and satellites and other muscle and sinew of isolation. And yet, what do we most want from this virtual non-dimensional world—every possible shred of fandom we can amass; and why is that? Money. We want more money. We want all the money. It isn’t enough to have the accolades alone unless they monetize. And that is all fear. Fear, fear, fear.

Not to say I blame you for being afraid. It’s what is expected of you. It’s what makes you malleable. It’s what militarizes you. But you should be most afraid of what you’re putting in place to protect you. And get off the fucking computer.


The sign of Taurus rules the ages 7-14 when we can be at our most vulnerable. I would venture to guess that most molestations occur to people during this span of their life. My “experience” surely did, pretty much right smack dab in the middle. As relates to my personal experience, I don’t embrace the word molestation. Although the other individual was older than me it wasn’t by all that much. It’s similar but different, I think, from having been abused by someone undeniably adult. Though any kind of sexual experience that is imposed upon a person who is as yet not of sexual age, therefore lacking the mental ability, never mind the physical equipment, to cope with it is not to be excused; I have always considered myself relatively lucky in the scheme of premature seduction in that the so-called perp was still, relatively, a peer; such that “our little secret” still managed to smack of something between friends that we are simply not choosing to tell our parents who were off somewhere doing something fueled by alcohol no doubt—at the beach with a cooler, at the track, out to a fancy boozy lunch, on the golf course—leaving, as you unfortunately did, kids home alone to fend form themselves. Besides, and I’ll get flack for admitting this, I actually found it fun at the time; blissfully unaware of how this might be sending me down a path of self-loathing, fear and making me prone to any number of floaters up and out from Pandora’s box.

The fixed sign of Taurus, as I’ve said, is associated with the garden and the dichotomy of innocence and temptation. We know the biblical line; but the Greek mythological landscape in which these archetypes live is that of Arcadia, wherein the nubile nymphs and flower gods provide temptation to even the highest ranking of gods—divine noblesse is no match for a lecherous mind and constitution. My own Arcadia happened to be the Jersey Shore where I was forever left to my own newly deviant devices at the very same moment that I was becoming obsessed with mythology and magic. I had more crushes on divine beings than I did on any real people my or any age. I fancied myself emerging from silken pools filled with immortalizing liquids and expending my natural energy running nearly naked along untrodden paths; when in fact I was simply awaking before anyone else in my jam-packed beach town to swim in the calmer waters, close to the jetty, the ocean pink from the gumdrop Sun emerging from it on the horizon, running along the water’s edge wiped clean of footprints, fueling my fantasy of total privacy and blissful isolation. I would recite incantations in my head to Apollo and Dionysus, to whom I would also make invocations dressed in robes I made out of old curtains. Not sure if I learned this trick either from The Sound of Music or Gone With The Window. Either way, I was watching way too much TV. But not in the summer!

In the summer, I entered into a fantasy bubble, much the way I would have done at two years old, entering into fairy worlds by crawling inside empty duvet covers or other wrinkles in quotidian reality. But at the age of ten or eleven, I would be ripped away, in June, from summers spent with the kids I went to school with, never having the kind of summer-bonding experiences others did when they returned in September with matching tans and inside jokes. I went to the beach each June where I didn’t really know anyone but a casual acquaintance or two I’d meet on the beach. Mostly I lived inside my own head with no parental guidance at all. One day I walked to a movie theater and sat and watched the same film four times in a row. It was hot. The theater was air conditioned. They had soda and popcorn and nobody missed me. There was a certain beauty to those anonymous days; nothing really costing more than a quarter or maybe a dollar or two for the movie, easily affordable entertainment on a weekly allowance of two to five dollars; and of course there was always change looking within the tobacco flakes at the bottom of my mothers’ myriad handbags.

So with summer arriving I feel nauseous. It might be the fact that the whole of my childhood existence was ripped away, not a single shred of it remaining. Relations all dead or estranged, the towns and houses of my youth left in the dissipating fog of memory dating back some thirty, forty years, now. I don’t have Proustian remembrances, I have waves of nausea. Is it the same nausea I felt in the first moments of being urged to do things beyond my ken? Is it trauma of these having been terrible times resurfacing in my viscera. Or is it a result of being flung so far out, as if on the tilt-a-whirl or spidey rides of my summer youth on rides in Asbury Park to which I would ride my bike, increasingly, ten or twelve or fifteen miles from where I lived or worked in Belmar, Spring Lake or Sea Girt as a young teen, still alone, nobody knowing if I return directly home from my evening restaurant shift or if I drive further toward Asbury to enter a seedy landscape of bars and clubs where nobody checked your age upon entering to drink endless Cape Codders, mostly for free, because the feather-haired bartender with the turquoise rings would give them to you and any child brave enough to enter into such a place at the age of fourteen or fifteen. I had such an education. Most folks I encounter have no idea. The lives I lived before I even had a drivers’ license. Thankfully, that life was led mainly if not primarily as an observer. And the bubble in which I kept myself was pretty secure. Trying to see myself through the eyes of….what was turquoise bartender’s name?…he went on to open the Raspberry Cafe in Ocean Grove? Oh, well, it will come to me…trying to see myself, say, through his eyes, I must have seemed like some kind of sexually confused autistic Holden Caulfield. Better known as, well, Holden Caulfield, only small and without the patch of grey hair.


Two Taurus keywords are Value and Belonging. It’s funny how seemingly disparate things find a connection in the astrological houses associated with any given sign. I was just sitting here meditating on how these go together and I’m not certain I’ve come up with anything earth-shattering but I do have random thoughts I could share.

I was never a joiner. There might have been a time that I wanted to be one. Back where I grew up I was a pariah for much of grade school and surely the lowest level of hell aka junior high where I was only popular for a week at school-year’s end when I would be cast in a starring role in the school musical. Otherwise, I was severely mocked—as a matter of fact, in Wyckoff, New Jersey, the local insult was “a mock”; one would say, “Oh, Billy, you’re such a mock.” Seriously I’m not making this shite up. All this to say that I didn’t even try, though I longed, to fit in, until well after going to high school at the age of 13. If anything, I defied the whole concept of fitting in—careful not to join any band of underground newspaper editors or the a/v club or anything even mildly subversive.

If you’ve read this Blague before and no anything about me I led a sort of adult life from a very early age, specifically in summers where I drank at bars and smoked pot and even had (a form of) sex on the beach from the time my age reached double digits. So that when I returned back to “normal” suburban life I felt that I was in cognito, a sort of Clark Kent, without the bone structure or muscle tone, pretending to live as a child going through rights of passage that I had already been speeded through arguably prematurely. So I hung out with people two or three years older than myself. Not like pot-heads did. Remember pot-heads. They were their own counter culture. And a girl or boy would enter high school as a freshman but he or she might have been one of those kids that lived a pot-head lifestyle with absentee parents and older siblings whose houses always seemed a bordel with sticky floors and broken screened backdoors and mutliple siblings all taking care of themselves like they do on Shameless; such that said “child” would enter high school and already be hanging with pot-head seniors in a designated location—in our high school it was “the wall”—although there were two walls: one wall where the popular mainly senior population plopped themselves like gods of a pantheon on a concrete dais; and the other wall which separated our outdoor courtyard from our playing fields which were a good six feet below the courtyard such that crouching and smoking bowls somehow went unnoticed? Well, in the late 1970s early 1980s they did. I’m off track. I’ll get back…oh right…Value and Belonging.

So, I never cared about belonging. I had no natural belonging in my family, my one sibling being a hostile nightmare that tried to make me feel that I didn’t belong and then again I didn’t want to belong to my family, really, because my father struck me as a Neanderthaal for the most part, despite his good qualities, and my mother, though genius, was too weak to leave and take me with her which would have been my fantasy. To me: belonging would have been she and I playing out some Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore fantasy which would have made for a much better reality than liviing with my mostly horrible father and my only ever horrible sister. But you know, my mother never had to work. She had summers alone. She had house cleaners and frozen food you popped in the oven and a new Buick every other year so she wasn’t going anywhere. Again with the digression.

Okay I had no self esteem as a child. And nobody really telling me how great I was on the homefront. My mother would tell me I was smart but she eyed me with a desire to perform plastic surgery. I think she was happy my junior year of high school when my neighbor friend drove me to school in his open topped Jeep with the “roll bar” the concept of which was put to the test when, Jeff yelled “I think we can make it” gunning the Jeep from the side street leading to the entrance/exit of the school with school busses, full and empty, coming either way only to find he didn’t (make it) and we got hit by a school bus and the Jeep did indeed roll over and when we were upside down for that split moment I (thankfully?) banged my head and face into the roll bar—people said the roll bar saved me that if i hadn’t hit it i would have been crushed underneath the rolling car because, remember the dates, nobody is wearing seat belts—such that I emerged with a gashed head, amnesia and a broken nose that needed immediate repair…once I remembered who I was.

I imagine the glee my mother would have secretly felt. She had the excuse to bring me to a plastic surgeon (an at least locally famous one with twelve children a half dozen of whom I knew by sight and a few I was friendly with) and “repair” the damage. But she had other things up her sleeve. That will have to wait for another Blague, perhaps the next one, because I’m talking about Value and Belonging. Am I talking about it here? Am I saying that my mother would have a stronger sense of belonging toward me her son if she could alter my face a bit surgically. I might be saying that. But it isn’t what’s driving me. Must keep on theme

Value and Belonging. So imagine you’re me. You’ve already been through something of a ringer by the time you enter high school. You have secrets. A sort of secret life maybe. You’ve been mocked by the preppies in pink and green, LL Bean duck boots and you could give a shit. You have two art classes back to back first and second period. Typically you wake and bake so you’re super chill and detached. Yes, you’ve continued to at least be “featured” in every musical and experienced waves of recognition. And still the “middle management” of your school is married to you’re being not only “a mock” or or worse sling you’re already bullet proofed against, knowing full well, if push came to shove, and somebody called you out to physically fight, you’d be more afraid you’d kill said person with the strength of your pent up secret than if they gave you a fat lip or bloody nose. Meanwhile you’re just the weirdo trying to keep his head down, not a pot-head, but smoking a lot of pot, hanging out with adults in your spare time, going into New York, to clubs, getting drunk on champagne poured into bathtubs, having Chinese food in the village, seeing Broadway plays in matinee, and not giving a shit. Until one day…somewhere during the last few weeks of your junior year in high school…you’re like..

Fuck this. I’m missing out. I’m in high school. I’m not only my outside cached world. I’m here. I’m here now. And here and now totally sucks. I am not Valued. I don’t Belong. Something needs to be done. And so I did it. I was online in the crap cafeteria chosing some semblance of something I could call food—I was already “this person” when it comes to diet—and exiting the line, instead of finding some remote corner of a table where I could sit alone and read without having anything thrown at me or anything stolen off my tray (yes i was that lowly guy), I beelined for the elite table filled with the uber pantheon residents of the wall. There were no football players. Here, there were soccer stars, all swarthy, and not all cheerleaders but only the select upper echelon of cheerleaders who were raised by hippie single mothers and, though they ran the squad, they weren’t “of” the squad. These were the untouchables. In New Jersey, at this time, when everyone was prepped out and listening to Bruce Springsteen, this bunch, like me, was not. We drove our cars up Skyline Drive to find rare records by Buffalo Springfield and the Doors. Stuff I later found out after: I walked over and plopped my red tray down and wiggled my bony ass into a space between this supposed god and goddess and I just started eating my lunch. And they scarcely noticed. That was the best part, learning about Value and Belonging. It was as if they didn’t notice I hadn’t been there alll along. And I listened to them talk, admittedly self-conscious, and then suddenly one girl, making a point about something that happened in class earlier, punctuated by saying, “Billy knows, Billy was there”. As if somehow I had entered into this scene, yes, seemingly unnoticed, but right on cue.

So I made myself belong? I didn’t know I didn’t belong. Others assumed I did already. When you come from a family of shifting sands it’s very hard to know where you stand in a landscape of people who maybe have been on teams all their lives or they don’t come from dysfunctional families but from familes where twelve siblings all love and respect each other or they don’t feel downtrodden so they have no understanding of those who do and perhaps they don’t even view themselves as some sort of pantheon but that’s something others put on them and they are as easy, as a group, to infiltrate as any, provided you have the confidence. Because it was confidence that plopped me down at that cafeteria table and yet that was the last time that plopping was interesting. I’m still friends with many of those high school characters. Turns out the most loving people live at the top. It’s mister/mistress in between you have to look at for. I write on this subject all day. Must shut myself down.


Originally posted June 6, 2016:

I think I wanted to go somewhere different on the theme of belonging but found myself stuck in the same sort of head I’ve been in lately regarding my past which is in so many ways unresolved. I think I wanted to talk about a different angle.

It is no secret that, besides my career as an author, advisor, astrologist and sometime alchemist (alliteration not intended but welcomed), I producer theater and performance and run a festival I founded on Cape Cod. I put on a lot of group shows and I often invite artists to participate. People tend to rely on me for that perhaps, but sometimes it would be nice to be asked to participate in other people’s doings. But I’m never asked. Which is fine for the most part—I’m used to it; I suppose people don’t assume I’d like to be the participant and not the producer from time to time.

Still, given the choice of being a leader or a follower slash joiner, I would always pick the former as I’ve always done. It’s part and parcel of being a cardinal sign, perhaps I’m always initiating. I’m always on the front lines. I’m always spearheading, but it often feels like an uphill battle. But I’m not hear to complain. I suppose I make things look easy and that I don’t read as someone who would seek assistance. Mostly true, but I would like to sit back and go along for a ride at some point.

For now I just need a little rest before cranking up the machinery again. Failure or falling short are never an option. I might be just writing anything. Perhaps I don’t always have something to say. I think maybe I should stop here.


After a recent discourse on belonging, I attended an annual party I enjoy so much. Not only are the hosts super gracious but the guests, many of whom I haven’t see but at this party once a year, make for a wonderful mix; and there was an unspoken sense that this group does enjoy some cohesion at this point, based on the serial coming-together year on year.

Many moons ago, in New York City, we could throw a party and it would be pretty packed. Our NYC life, that was something quite throbbing twenty years ago, surely dissolved as so many friends have left the city, either to have kids or to strike out on their own in parts unknown. I still have friends who can send out a tweet for a party and hundreds would show—that’s not me—but it is nice to be able to be a guest in these cases.

It does add up to one’s sense of Value to be included and to made to feel you do Belong. At this point it’s probably that London is the singular location where most close friends reside. But I don’t get there as often as I’d like. I guess it comes down to the fact that we used to do the majority of hosting, something we haven’t done in probably a decade. I miss playing the host but the places where we live are necessarily where we know people.

This time of year does serve a reminder that it’s important not to isolate and to cultivate your garden of friends and relations. It’s partcularly challenging for me.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365/6 days per year—so they nearly, but not exactly, correlate.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
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