Month: September 2021 (page 2 of 4)

Opus Six

Virgo 26° (September 17)

Day Thirty Five E.D.A.N.O.W.W. Clams, Rainbow Roll. Looking back no wonder I’m not at least thirtly lbs overweight. I had no idea that I could gain this much in so little time but there you have it. The gluttony is real people the gluttony is real. What can I say about all these days except what I remember most about the blur itself. I know that I start packing up one room at a time, for the most part, starting with the upstairs. I know I make regular trips to the dump. I know I never really sit outside. I know it’s not my birthday that it’s actually hers tomorrow from the point where I’m writing came up on this funny little thing that I would love to do something with I have no idea it’s little sketch of me with my hand on my head on my hand says acting writing editing producing and clamming couldn’t possibly but maybe it does this might be from the pea town days I think so anyway doesn’t really matter I might however cut it out and keep it in my wallet just for fun for awhile then I come up on another piece of paper on which it looks like it just says charlies what do you means that another piece of paper something local and regional New England again writer editor producer yeah acting writing editing producing clamming this is like me having some kind of local experience I think and I’m looking at a list of things that had to do with starsky and Cox Joe’s pub performance and now I’m looking at something Manhattan dinner place something 2012 OK rent and mortgage travel shrink small national mood makeup I have no idea what this says um but I think I’m in some kind of zone and I don’t know if the pictures are funny I need to take photographs of the user I think because I don’t really understand this way I can Chuck them away and still delete these later if I want to and same with this guy and now I can throw these papers away now I’ve come across this other thing right this was all about Harper Collins so I don’t know what they wanted from me I think for our date time to be shipped I’m just going to throw it all away because doesn’t make any sense really here’s another piece of paper says online new media presence and website bring something in need full screen version of Chelsea lately that’s really going back something else social plans year round client list so fully blank paper Valentine’s Day event cool outreach yeah I mean there’s still something very valid about these some of this stuff which I will keep and OK this is something to do with output for the festival that’s funny I could probably read this to you but maybe I’ll wait till tomorrow because I’m getting a lot down here as it is something that says Mary Mary what is right about it all new fabulous book deal about to happen we do not have to make any we do not have to move anywhere now we have two show dates for Joe’s pub now we have Mary Mary something that we have Mary Mary something to write Mary Mary I guess that was going to be a show yeah I don’t need to do that to myself please confirm good boot papers Pam still remain intact my family if we will for some time you don’t even know what that means I’m talking about the fact that I don’t waste paper maybe that’s how I balance out overindulging in restaurants food and wine so back to brass tacks here yeah this so I have a ton of papers that I would all categorized as me the musings so I think what we can do is have a whole kind of musings section these next couple of days and that should do it for me today 

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. 

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2021 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2021 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.

Midas Touch

Virgo 25° (September 16)

Day Thirty Four E.D.A.N.O.W.W. Oysters, Salmon w/ Udon. Looking back I really knew how to eat well I suppose. So I’m hard pressed to know exactly what it is to do with this juncture because um I’m now let’s see 24 back locked blogs into this catchup process of 100 11 or so needing to be filled in and I just spent the last couple days finding old poetry in folders which had never made it onto a computer at least not a modern computer maybe in SC30 back in the early 90s but now I’m needing to pivot and find other forms of material which I’m going to do once I finish writing this particular one once again to reiterate it’s Boxing Day December 26th 2021 and here I am writing September 16th entry which is fine because I was traumatized back then into believing that anything I was writing about was going to be used against me because ***** lawyer is such a bully and we will see evidence of that more and more as time unfolds um I want to sort of honor the time in which I’m writing this I mean I’m going to Max shack every night still trying to um give myself some semblance of a social life which isn’t real because I’m just mainly talking to bartenders but a few other guests regulars have emerged with whom I’ve formed some bonds and um there is a lot of good that will come out of all that we can’t quite quantify it as of yet but and added to that I have had some good times with Dave and Allison and had Billy and Tim over for dinner once but other than that it’s just me alone all day long coming through heart wrenching memories boxes filled forever to the brim and at this side of it I can’t even believe I survived it I can’t believe I’m alive without parents or siblings to speak of or any kind of family whatsoever that I’m here crystal alone in this existential floating spaceship by suppose but as they say in the funny papers it is what it is it’s clear to me that I’m divorcing more than one person I’m divorcing a whole slew of people whole families whole friendships that have been big part of my life for a very long time and she doesn’t really care she wants to pretend that all my so called verbal abuse was all about me being repressed and it wasn’t it was about the fact that she doesn’t ******* do anything and here now on the other side of it I realized God how right I was like she really doesn’t function she doesn’t do anything but move papers around and you know even the minutes that I’ve given her she can’t still can’t manage to like check one thing off a list so I’m going to back off continue to represent continue to do all the heavy lifting and I think at this point I have to turn a major corner and start feeling good about me and who I am and what I do and what I’m capable of and the friendships I can forge and I’d like to be around very smart people and very kind people I don’t feel like pretending anymore with the posers of the world and the lucky ones who got struck by lightning just as it was such a strange phenomenon to know people like that it’s even stranger to lose them in a divorce but I will write about all these things one day and everything will be made clear I just need a running start and I don’t know if I’ll get that if I weigh myself down with too much expense or responsibility you know basically you know I’m dealing with about less than 13,000 dollar a year rental expense which is nothing and if I could do this for two years well building back my resources then perhaps there’ll be some hope I would love to being able to get this book sold and yet I don’t know if I have much faith in the process as it has proven to unfold it’s been kind of good and bad being in Provincetown for the last two months I’ve definitely had some moments I’m not proud of but also I feel like there’s also been a lot of repair so we shall see what we shall see and will continue to reach out to friends and I’m not judging do the Christmas thing so I think I’ll do the New Year’s resolution rounds a little bit more carefully alright well that’s enough for me for today have a great time and see you tomorrow 

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. 

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2021 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2021 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.

Get Along

Virgo 24° (September 15)

Day Thirty Three E.D.A.N.O.W.W. Clams, Pork Chop, which was delicious. Funny how the people at Mac’s would have been such a huge part of my daily existence but now, writing this on Boxing Day, I can barely remember the plot of those very difficult months. Who would have thought it would have taken me until the middle of December before we would have substantive conversation. And even so, not really. There is already back tracking I fear. I came upon a sort of abstract for what would then have been my one man show. The paper starts with production credit. The word Silent over the word Wil with one L. “presents” Liam Leone I suppose was still the name I was going by and the show itself, a terrible title, was called “Struggle” billed as a “solo performance, esteemed guests.” Did I even know any esteemed guests back then—I suppose I did.The piece of paper abstract goes on to say the following: About my nightmare hard days as a celebrated fashion model and wouldn’t you just want to shoot me Polaroid and light meter me reload and focus your lens and shoot me make me bend down cut me something about maybe show more of the stripe pretend to be his wife don’t know what that means and shoot me make me bentown already said that pucker me and shoot me I was only 14 when they put make up between when they thought me to learn and fed me just lean cuisine after something play I was ****** and still my book really sucked I was down on my luck I got lost in a catalog wearing towels with hasbeens then a little voice inside me said and then it actually ends there if you can believe it or not so there’s no reason to go on there’s no reason to save these papers they are relegated to memory from now on I have the hard copy of all my original poems that’s going to have to be good enough for me I’m going to have to move on into other texts after I finish this blog and the next one I’ll have eight more to do this evening and four hours in which to do it so that should be fine more than enough time it is what it is as they say and I’d like to go back and find my earliest stuff I do want to keep going through papers and throwing things away I’m going to spend the whole restive this year doing things like that I suppose but it is the healthiest means of purgation if that’s a word I don’t know what to say anymore I’m down on my luck come down on my mood I’m just down down down down down down down I want to pick myself up this week I want to get my diet and health in order I’m going to have to postpone doctor’s appointments yet one more time I need that dry January feeling I need to lose this giant gut that’s bad building up we need to take walks every day no matter what get up and out there’s no excuse why not I have a lot of resource at my fingertips I can go and stay in England if I want to not that I do I think I’d sooner fly direct Paris and back I need to get in touch with Susie about having somewhere but my instinct is still the same too find a place that costs next to nothing that I can own and put all my stuff and make it small and cute and that can be anywhere in a way doesn’t have to be far away I mean maybe I go just off Cape or something like that and figure it out from there something along those lines anyway I probably have said enough today and so I’ll bow out but I think I’ll keep doing this dictating thing ’cause it’s a way easier method of getting lots of words down on paper so called then sitting here typing and thinking and doing the whole writing process garbage nobody needs that and nobody requires that for me and nobody needs anything even near perfect right now so I’m just going to do what I have to do without second guessing it and the rest of the planet will have to adjust to my orbit 

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. 

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2021 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2021 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.

Outta Ya Mind

Virgo 23° (September 14)

Day Thirty Two E.D.A.N.O.W.W. Clams, Tofu, Rice. Do I think I’m being healthy or something having this sort of thing as a dinner out. It was delicious I must say and I look forward to returning there next year. Right now I have to reel myself in. So as I keep on keeping on, working my way through the old written words, chucking most of it in the trash, finding a few diamonds in the rough, I am reminded of the enormity of this undertaking. I need to be clever and cut myself more slack than I normally would. I’m going to stay up tonight and get stoned and just keep writing until I can’t write anymore. There are tons and tons of files, real and virtual, from which to draw. And I just need to keep this thing afloat as best I can do. There is no reason why I shouldn’t so so. No reason at all. What is strange is that, now, on Boxing Day, I am filling in these gaps and the first round of material I am working from dates back to the first time she left me. In many ways I wish I wouldn’t have fought it then. However none of the amazing good stuff that has happened since would have happened, but niether would the terrible stuff. And who is to say, that, instead of trying to build a career for two I would have been much better without the heavy thigh slung over me. Perhaps I would have continued my acting career or my journalistic career. All I know now is that it isn’t too late. I must keep forging on. Through this slog, the plough in the mountains. That title was always going to come into play no matter what. Four pages a day. I could start tomorrow and have enough material to fill any number of Blagues; but I told myself this is the best way to do it. 

It’s not that I’m not gonna take it anymore 

I’m no longer able . I’ve evolved out of it 

Just do it. Get conscious. Don’t worry. 

You did it. The message made me mutiny. 

I was down I was dark

On the road to know where

The smell of curos

Was sweet summer sex

I’d have them stop and stair,

fall down stairs. fall asleep with drink in my hand 

Because I didn’t know myself 




Ooooh, ahhhh.

I moved around then came to town

With an attitude problem deluxe muline the click of my heels 

Was shiny and sharp

I’d pull things out and roll around 

And send faxes to glitter flatter and backstab 

All for I did not like myself 




Ooooh, ahhhh.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. 

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2021 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2021 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.

By Absentee

Virgo 22° (September 13)

Day Thirty Two E.D.A.N.O.W.W. Homemade Linguine Clam. I don’t recall if this is when Tim and Billy came over or not or maybe I just made it for myself? I kind of doubt that. I can check my phone records. Yeah doesn’t look like I made it for anybody other than myself. I don’t know why I always feel so compelled to overdo it but that’s just who I am I feel that there should be substantial contributions to this Blague every day. On that note this little stanza will need to suffice for today.


The waiting for

closes in

further and further

away pass

the feelings

the hope

the need


to the brown eyes

the red lips

the cream skin.

Here today.

Passing back

between the soft stare

and those strong arms.

The grace.

This morning

I grow out

like a tree

a greasy puppet



old of

a charm.

A clock

this cup of coffee

fuel to follow 

into sadness.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. 

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2021 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2021 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.

Listening In

Virgo 21° (September 12)

Day Thirty One E.D.A.N.O.W.W.  Oysters, Flounder Sandwich. Going through all AF posters. Gonna ask friend to help me lift a bunch of AF stuff. Not a bad idea. Some petty cash money put to good use.

This botched life

a dream

not mine


what I need

knowing eyes

from this inanimate


“Why can’t I be a little older?”

The appeal to this youth

of course

I have experience.

The pinched nerve

Dripping from the swim

In these waters

The world

It’s substance

It’s hold

and understanding

it’s release.

Passing through

in deed

the end all has

Realized hope

The best of possible worlds

The luck

It all

and so the grace

and gratitude.



the simple work

the chores



and this

the same

new form

It all takes.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. 

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2021 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2021 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.

Do It

Virgo 20° (September 11)

Day Thirty E.D.A.N.O.W.W. Clams, Gnocchi w/ Lobster. Watching Bells Are Ringing which is all about a writer learning how to succeed without his partner. I would have idea what else happened on this or any of the surrounding days. I was bullied into stopping writing about my wife or any of it. Funny I just called her my wife instead of by one of her names. That’s okay. That just pass scans. So weird to know that your wife had been spying on you; not that she didn’t have reason to be. I’m not saying that. I think next year I will do nothing but poetry for each page of the Blague. As a matter of fact I return to my roots and write The Blue Book of Days. I shouldn’t complicate things. The fact is I can work here or there for X amount of time. Now would actually be a really good time to do this. Take whatever I can get. Anyway I’ve stumbled upon a poem I really seem to remember writing back in the very early nineties when I went one morning as I did many times to this café on Hudson Street where this boy called Marcus worked. He was blond with a prince valiant look to him and a “renard” pointy beard that made it look like he was on the set of Ivanhoe or some such. Anyway here is page one of the long poem that resonates most with my soul so far.

This solitude,

this freedom,


no one can share

This morning,

private ecstasy

the pain of longing

for that in reach.

The self-promise for perfection,

the time passing

the bliss‑

art of human form,

no thing this beautiful—

kindness and gentility

in eyes that ask that question.

You want in this:


To feel my beauty not

this twisted mouth 

These lazy eyes

these paths of nerves

that bring me to you.

Can I retrace

My steps to youth

Or some facsimile

Of time less well being?


this coffee


this numbness in my arms

and face this force

Freedom yet

to negotiate

the Fall:

“has been”

ecstasy damage.

Brought me here,

this pain,



To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. 

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2021 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2021 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.

Never Lose It’s Mystery

Virgo 19° (September 10)

Day Twenty Nine E.D.A.N.O.W.W. Clams, Gnocchi w/ Lobster. I have nothing but gibberish to offer on this day and so I do my best to use the collage of words I find at my finger tips. This is all about Virgo apparently: Virgo is all about the service, whether it be the ritual of a mass or sacred sexual rites, they are programmed to receive.

Question: What is a sign’s Cadence?

Hephaestus god of fire, bringing the Sun down to earth, Prometheus is his progenitor.

I’ve got to be in today. I’ll start by making some copies of important guidelines I created to hang on the wall to keep me on track. I also need to read some old book proposal stuff which I think is going to turn out to be very helpful. What I realize as I sit to write is that (I’m reminded) the writing process itself triggers other stuff. I can’t be friends with Kenny cuz he was mean to you but you can be friends with a whole host of unsavory characters. Take back the negative energy of your acts and deal with it yourself. I am forever removed from this thought form. Anyway eff all.

We talk about various planetary stuff but we highlight Chiron in this chapter. He is the only son born to Cronus (Roman: Saturn) out of wedlock with Rhea who bore him the six main, first-generation Olympian gods, Zeus chief among them. So Chiron is a kind of weird uncle, the black sheep, dark horse. He is a version of a centaur, although he has human (front) legs, a monster whose mother left him to die she was so abhorred, the elephant in the room, the Elephant Man, in effect. We will not wade into how the eastern elephant god Ganesh, whose festival falls at the start of Virgo, is a godly archetype associated with the sign.

Chiron has a funny path that crosses Saturn’s orbit, then elipses closer to Uranus. So it is proferred that Chiron combines Saturn’s strict overlord denergy with that of Uranus’s break-free spirit. And if we know anything we know that Virgo woman is all about finding middle ground. Mutable earth means Middle earth in this context. Bilbo and Frodo Baggins, meanwhile inhabit this archetypal landscape as they are the Everyman. Mutable earth is Middle Ground Surrender is Acceptance. Living Life on Life’s Terms

Demeter herself is the middle ground between her two sisters. Hera, queen of the gods, is the glamour puss; Hestia, goddess of the hearth, is the scabby queen of the pantheon, and her energy hovers over both signs of Leo and Virgo. In Virginia Woolf’s The Waves, she is Susan. (Go! Read a book!) Demeter means earth mother De signifying Earth and Meter meaning Mater. I’ll never use any of this. I didn’t like Naples all that much. But imagine becoming a hippy and living like a pauper off of the tiny money I do make. Ha ha ha. I’d be a flush homeless person. I don’t know why this strikes me as humurous.The thing is is: To make every word of every chapter make it clear that they are the best. Should we write this in the second-person?? It is a very good question. I am doing the best I can. I lowered my standards today a bit I think. Probably too much if you ask me. Well who asked ya. This is Friday night. We will have some lovely Bandol. I say I’m in but I’m not. And this weekend will be a wash because I will stay up all night(s) long watching Scott & Bailey.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. 

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2021 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2021 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.

Memories Of You

Virgo 18° (September 9)

Day Twenty Eight E.D.A.N.O.W.W. Clams, Kamikaze roll, Caesar salad. Afterglow work.

I’m in a clams phase at this point for some reason. I was so “in it” at this time that I really don’t have that much a clue as to what was going on but the blind panic of all that had to occur. Now on the other side (it’s Boxing Day) I’m filling back these days with poems and songs I wrote in the past. Like this:

The following is a song I think  under the auspice of Broke and Winded

She’s the King

She is the king of innuendo,

The velvet in her cheeks

Exude the most splintered drops

Of purposeful mystique .

She could prick her finger on your hair 

and turn her face around to face the

Moment before the incident she denies

She just erased.

Wonderment that flatulence 

could come from such a butt

surely there is no heaven then no purebreds 

Just us mutts.

No classes in her changing guards

We’re parliament next inquisitors

The scent in her bedroom reminds me 

of my old time prison days 

The correlations of Latin myth

Respond and harmonize

Through refracted stained glass light

And crystal goblets and lies 

And order never mentioned once

Is seduced too again and more

With a nerve between smiling teeth

She’s pulling as we serve 

She’s pulling as she serves me 

tension rolls and stretches 

Through the most exquisite friction 

Of intended ambigued implications

The whole room watches close

The spiral of a pirouette finger

Come to rest on a spotted board

The place where players dwindled. 

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. 

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2021 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2021 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.

Buffalo Girls

Virgo 17° (September 8)

Day Twenty Seven E.D.A.N.O.W.W. Spent the day completely sad and broken in bed. Had some smoked salmon sandwiches. Send S. a bunch of emails. Feeling incapable of handling life today. Watched a bunch of movies and was up very late watching David Bowie documentary which was excellent. (It is Boxing Day as I write all this—I am at the year’s end and filling in as much of these Blagues as I can over the course of the coming week, which shouldn’t be too too hard to accomplish as I go through an old file of poems and type them into my laptop—double duty). So here goes yet another one I found:

First thing:

either being bathed

in Jersey City

apartment kitchen

sink by Mother

or: looking up

at sister leaning

in the crib cooing—

pulling on her 

hair to escape.

Recalling skin

how like a doll

it looks

red from water

filling while enamel.

A pirouette

in plaid school uniform

to fill with air delight

Pick at basin


Soft fingernails.

Left eternal


from the drain.


shreddy towel

scoops, and I think:

dishes here.

And another one:

This week

Toast and music

News no new


Time ready

Go just

Enough to

Where situations

Spare me

And others

Talk more

work makes

what happens

Real things

do need

Hard thought

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. 

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go! Copyright 2021 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved. Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2021 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox.

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