Libra 22° (October 15)
We may be flying to London on Sunday 11th or Monday 12th in November to attend a premier on the 13th. That would be a month from now. Then we would fly back on the 15th in the morning and go straight to Taja show at Oberon and then the next day drive to Montreal. It sounds like a lot. But it’s not impossible. I would def stay in hotel in Cambridge then I think. We shall see if this is even doable. I think if all can be accomplished easily will be fine. Maybe we can fly overnight on the 11th and arrive the 12th and go to hotel and just flop, or perhaps having slept well on the plane, we’d have all day Monday and all day Tuesday to kick around before going to the event on Tuesday night. So long as it’s okay not to leave until the morning of the 15th such that we arrive back at Boston in the afternoon. We can either keep the hotel rezzie or go to Reading that evening.
All in all we will be exhausted and will have to sleep on those plane rides and get our sleep on then. I will also have to have the entire show written by then without fail which is also fine. Could be fun. We have options. I want to much to make hay, now, while the sun shines so that I can be relaxed and let my good unfold; and also have time to make this show not just great but something that can move around. We really don’t have to change very much if we are focusing on getting new audience. That should be the plan.
Well it’s another Monday and a good start. I’m going to try to be through part A of my day by noon. Then my afternoon can be solidly about moving the needle forward. I must get back into my groove—it is essential. “If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear as it is: infinite.” So said William Blake. And I’m one to believe him. If I hit my marks today my own perception will be allowed to shift, if just a little, as well, opening onto a more infinite vision of, even, my own self. With the start of November, I will have two solid weeks to work all but exclusively on the upcoming show, work on which begins tomorrow evening in any case. I can finally dig back into the more creative elements of my life story that I might want to outline. This is my fourth time around the wheel writing these Blagues, meaning I’ve written upwards of 1,670 entrees thus far in my experience. Some of them are more than a page, mostly every one is two pages, so I have like 3000 some odd pages to read through for inspiration. That’s not nothing.
It’s just about getting some kind of head start, really. I mean, it would be enough to have two places for a couple of years with an office to go to. That alone would change my perspective after all this time, decades now, working from home. Everything under one roof—a full day’s work plus all the domestic chores. I don’t need Ben Sasse telling me how to feel more connected. I just need an office in a city and a transporter room from once to project some magic. That is all really. I will of course stay in our witchy wonderland of New England, in America, my spiritual home. I have a lot to be thankful for here; plus I do some of my best healing here. That’s now what I’m aiming for more than anything else. (I was just going to Google something and forgot what it is—hate that—oh well I hope it comes back to me.) I have a day of timed writing and some friendly clients. I am so fortunate that in all I do I get to uplift people, and to guide them.
To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360 degrees spread over 365 days.
Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
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