Month: August 2020 (page 3 of 4)

One Of Eight

Leo 18° (August 7)

The first thing I have to do is start taking inventory and start taking stock of where I am in my creative process. I have managed to do all the research I need to do and can put aside Sextrology for awhile, it was a long time coming and like pulling teeth most of the time but its done and that’s a good thing. I am bloody well exhausted and I’m licking a few more wounds—pretty much done with that; how people can treat people lousy during times as tough as these is beyond me; and I’m simply tired of dusting myself off and trying all over again. So I need to now deconstruct the process of the sample writing which should go fairly smoothly. I have to get some reckonings from the bank and get myself to the dump for sure. And I am gearing up for a month on the wag after a pretty wine-y time but while it served me then it won’t serve me now and I am pretty happy for the opportunity to get some clarity over the next week. These next eight entries are thus named because I am eight days “behind” but also want to forge forward so I’m filling these in as I go and using this as a sort of bulletin board for what is really needing doing and moreover how to do it. It’s all good as they say. One milestone in this process achieved and now the rest should be fairly motivating.

If I do all the set up first day of each week-one I can then read the Blague Bits for that sign at the end of day one and just make that a fun and easy read. It is just super important right now not to overthink (anything). I just need to put some things in some kind of order. 1. Read the sample chapter once through making notes like this is where we talk about how the person is x, y, z. Then read the starter kit for that person and note where material from that slotted into the sample chapter. Then read all the surrounding general notes and even make a nice beginning list of sidebar ideas. Then try to find the bits that we put aside to save, as per M.’s instruction, for what would be a book introduction. Then go back and make some notes, from the larger starter kit and the “deconstruction” what was still left unsaid for the VW chapter that could fill out that chapter when the time comes to do so. I will likely use all the desk space on the second floor to map out. We might also think about creating some kind of “mad libs” thing from the sample chapter that we could rif off of and get ideas flowing. It’s going to kick off quite a meditative time, not to mention a return to Bikram. And bring on the teeth whitening. Meanwhile I am keeping an extremely low profile vis a vis the visitors to Provincetown. They come to town in any case, doing what they do, and never even think to let me know they are in town. So, with love, I needn’t put myself out. I’ve already paid at the proverbial office.

A nemesis is different from an enemy whom we’re hard pressed to love. A nemesis is so antithetical to us as to be like antimatter, threatening a total eradication of self, seeking spiritual death in a sense. That was just something I found written on a piece of scrap paper and thought I would throw that paper away but preserve the idea somewhere (here). Sunday the sixteenth is going to be tough. (You see, that is the actual time I am writing this.) Because I will have come off going through the process of reading Sextrology inventory what was said, as not to repeat ourselves, but also to take stock of things that need updating—this, I thought, would be a one time process, but I realize now that I will have to go through it again in about six months time, which is fine. We want to update our version of the book and hopefully the publisher will too. We will make the case. But I’m not really pushing for anything. Anyway, that process will be done and I’ll be gearing up to actually begin the drafting process. In all, each sign will have a fortnight of work to do. Meanwhile…I stopped to write down some notes so I have no idea how to finish that sentence. Anyway, reading the book in a sense was retraumatizing because it was so hard to come up with something that big as a first time author, and we were not helped at all, really, along the way. People could have been so much nicer to us than they were. Also it was so ahead of its time and now it is so dated in so many ways, the world having changed so drastically in such a relatively short period of time. We are all feeling that with the dysfunctional and abusive being in power in any case, and not being able to leave the country, and people isolating which becomes a sort of excuse for not reaching out and touching others, which is hurtful. People continue to be (probably more) hurtful, and though I have turned the corner on feel bad being excluded from certain enclaves over time, scapegoated for having the searing insight I do into people, their glaring imperfections going largely unnoticed by other, it is convenient at this point to gaslight and ghost. And I say I am over it but it will be Sunday the sixteenth and I will be staring down a full year from that point of now really writing, in the midst of these lonely times, coming off an otherwise laissez faire time of drinking more wine than I usually would, giving it up for at least a month now for the sake of health and clarity and that Sunday feeling of melancholy will be augmented a hundred fold.


The following blocks of text are exceprts from my first year of  Blagues, nos. 676-680. I am reading through all of my Blagues, five per day, and posting some samples here. Now, in my sixth year of writing this Blague, by the time I get to my seventh, I will have journeyed through all the daily Blagues of my first five years. If that’s confusing I apologize. Year seven, I’ll only have to read through year six, once a day.  (For thirty days this paragraph will include this parentheses to say: I realized that in the summer of 2016 I actually didn’t post for some time, such that for the expanse of two months, I will continue to number the past Blagues, as above, five at a time, but there will be nothing to post from that period.)


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365/6 days per year—so they nearly, but not exactly, correlate.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2020 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2020 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Pisces Woman Rehash

Leo 17° (August 6)

too good for him but by whom he will do right. Treating her like some insatiable muse he may bankrupt his spirit and bankroll trying to elicit a passionate response from his tributes. What do you typically gets in return Is the luxury of calling her his own. Such a man claims her endowed with status similar to toting around some starlet a statement she makes her very presence to all persons with whom she comes in contact one way or another should have you know she’s special and in scoring her as arm candy many men count themselves the beneficiary of a cosmic miracle. She is willing to give herself to a man She might not even love akin to pondering why it is the ancient sweated Aphrodite to have Festus the answer he’s safe and so totally grateful to be linked with her that little demand will be placed on her. Pisces negotiates resolve into relationships that promise sanctuary a kind of sponsorship that functions for both parties. We never mentioned in pisces man that Einstein connection That real wizard ideal and how he creates miracles or perceives miracles while she is the miracle . She wants to remain in a fishbowl protect it her partner sprinkling whatever she needs for sustenance and providing accoutrement the house by furnishing Holidays that keep the muse from being bored . Sally Bowles serves as this type of muse sometimes there’s simply no pleasing her pisces petitions for more and more comfort and stability proposed outright luxury while lifting nary a finger and still she calls the shots. When and If however circumstances don’t go her way she is not one to abandoned ship rather she slips back into that martyred role she played so readily in her youth.

544 Sighing her way through hard times she makes partner feel responsible for disappointing her. This buys her more freedom as the least her partner can do is leave or put upon pisces in peace. The best that can happen for all concerned is for the mouse of a Mensch to act like a man and stand up to her. she will find this macho display from a partner she had happily written off as meek makes her weak in the knees perhaps. Indeed relationship only survives in the wake of the this man becoming less worshipful. by the same token she allows herself to grasp the latent male animal lurking within this sort of mate as he progressively asserts himself by palatable degrees. Indeed pisces metaphorical allergy to human Is based on either an inbred or conditioned fear of susceptibility to their power. Again often a result of an unfortunate liaison in her youth. Sooner or later though every pisces woman in one way or other forced to face the natural attraction That she has to zodiacs luber female feels for the more overstated males of the species

just as gay man Might find pices perfect icon The regular Joe will see her as a sort of step up self possessed ego driven Alpha male views or as grade A ***** that needs to be taken down a peg. Any piscean partnership with a man Less eminently masculine than she is feminine is bound to be lopsided. Still there is such mental indeed psychic Gulf between her and proverbial man’s man that is no easy task to fuse the two except on the physical level of attraction. Part and parcel of pisces prim proper this is her signature repression of sexual energy. Taking again Blanche dubois as an example she is as repulsed by Stanley’s base behavior as she is betrayed by her innate attraction to him. Every pisces no matter how many FOMO or henpecked husband they’ve hidden behind is fairly itching to play lady chatterley to some raw hunky games keeper. In the case of the bath and booze happy Blanche eventually raped by Stanley she suffers a nervous breakdown so severe it sends her bundled up in her della robia blue to the funny farm that profound piscean rockbottom. And yet according to Gore Vidal Tennessee Williams claimed that blanched experience is a full recovery and reclaims diva status by opening a Premier dress shop. Stanleys right rogering shatters her illusions allowing her to surface auriel productive character. She like all pisces woman finds her true self esteem which had been repressed all along with past pain and fear. Still a good screw isn’t the only key to pisces well being. The sexy momma aspect of herself doesn’t miraculously replace The Virgin Madonna or that psychic wise woman These two of her three faces keep her more latent libidinous tendencies in check even when they surface with a startling vengeance .

546 The message isn’t that pisces Blanche truly needs beastly Stanley in order to find happiness rather despite the perks of being poked by such a male figure a rough and ready guy is ironically not nearly man enough for her a relationship with so singular macho character is an explosive match where in love bond Does take on Dynamics of war Nope she needs far more well rounded a figure for that.

Tried it triple goddess clearly phallic one wielded by male gods Hindu Shiva the Shamrock God Poseidon 80s as well as the demonized Christian devil who begot the Antichrist upon the medieval Blanche floor the Lily maid who symbol fleur-de-lis Trident like . It represents the triple phallus the exact endowment it takes to mate with the three fold pisces goddess. Pisces needs a partner who is a combination of all three aspects of manhood that appealed to her and various needs. Anybody in relationship with pisces will concur she can be the most demanding least easily satisfied of women. Weather her archetypal nature that dictates this quality or her nature that gives rise to comparisons with the threefold goddess his rather chicken in the egg Alpha Omega a dilemma . 1/3 male love object 1/3 humble provider 1/3 masculine beast. He must have that three pronged key to access her multifarious affections. He needs to be emotionally sensitive material serving sexually virile. She neither requires a man of whom she could take control nor one who will be controlling of her period rather she gives a man charge of the relationship unwilling as she is to take on the role herself. All responsibility is delegated to him. But it must be clear that it is hers to entrust in the 1st place. Even in the most perfect rare relationship scenario pisces will still seek to dissolve into the protection of the bond. With this triple pranke her man is the ultimate gatekeeper entrusted with the duty of keeping the world of pay period not to say that she might not hold down a job or otherwise interact with people though and many cases she won’t it’s just that being a pisces woman alone is a full-time occupation. She is preoccupied with herself and how well or not she’s being treated by others. Her partner comes under the most direct scrutiny expected to display kind of respect do a virtuous Madonna to express the sort of sexual desire any sacred harlot would require and to afford her the brand of material comfort she deserves . Even so a mate might find this is not enough


the unsuspecting fellow who falls for her gets more than he bargained for generally apparent quickly . For someone so untouchable and hard to get she expects the bond to become instantly serious. She moves from one major relationship to another Meanwhile craving the confines of even a troublesome bond . When she happens appan Someone who fits her unconscious criteria she wastes no time securing the connection Not above using sex as meant. She needs sofoula man’s attention As to border on obsession. This is evidenced by maniacal jealous streak fueled by her wild imagination period of course in suspecting a mate is taking up with every floozy there is an element of the pot calling the kettle black. High seas may stop at nothing if she spies a primate and his marital status is of little consequence. Dissolving as she does into experience sexualises and pisces has had her illusions shattered more than a few times. Can be extra compliant when it comes to a man’s needs in the bedroom or any other room. Especially true when negotiating herself into a new bond. She may pull the horror card when she feels she has to. Providing profound sexual experiences quickest way she knows of putting man under her spell. No no women Can sweep a man office feet or out of his marriage quicker than she. She is someone other women are loathe to find themselves facing off with and the love triangle she is always victorious like Aphrodite at the judgment of Paris.

No where is her paradoxical nature more evident than *********** behavior. For this subjectively fueled creature sex something meant to be personal and experience I’ll be the one thing in life tord which is ultimately wholly objective. Rarely will her urges be suppressing as to rule her something even a prolific pisces like annias nin Seems to escape in her multitude of experience. Pisces enjoys Eroticism even in the form of dime store novel endowed with the talent for exterior rising sex whether it be her own writing or in blatant exploration of the subject in what is otherwise meant to be polite conversation. This dynamic follows her into the bedroom. Too she is open to activities that might make others hair curl. She isn’t so much passive or receptive as she is susceptible two desires of her partner

548 it’s as if she is nothing more or less then What’s needed of her. Utterly available in the moment willing to comply with pension For going around the world open to any and all oral or **** activities with equal nonchalance. She is not a passionate lover pleasure seeming to take her unawares on the other hand she never quite loses her untainted innocent vision of what sex should be more likely than not fantasizing about some underage stud with Peach fuzz on his lip when left alone to her devices. Between sexual bouts she seems to regrow that pure Virgin vision A bubble continually burst much to her delight. She never expects to enjoy the depths of sexual delight or debauch as much as she does and her partner must be prepared to encounter her unfathomable source pleasurable participation . This is where that human aspect of a mate must make itself known For once she gets started there’s no stopping her.

She isn’t particularly active in bed remaining recipient great part from whence gratification stems. Aside from the norm proclivities include being plundered . The proverbial victim of love persuaded to engage in bit of bondage with a trusted partner. Has celebrated a Golden wedding anniversary her mate will always remain somewhat a stranger to her period she is never want to discuss her internal workings ; She’d sooner do so in Group therapy or 12 step program. There must remain a line between the sexes whereby she’s allowed to Stew in the juices of her own imagination Pursuing solo creative yearning or simply alternating her days between good books good naps and a few good nips in the evening. Spending time with a partner generally gives all her attention and energy to listening to his worldly workings issues problems offering him sage consideration and counsel. Same with sex it’s all about him she is most likely to get off on a man indulging himself within an all over her period she wants to be confronted with the guys lost far more than she wants to share in some mutual expression Of it. Sex should take pisces to the limit weather straight up intercourse aimed at breaking her record for the most orgasm’s can a single night or by playing out his sexual fantasies particularly those that involve imposing control over the ecstatically floundering fish. Submissive fantasies abound and activities where she is prone to elicit his dominant nature. Then the kindness of strangers dynamic in more cases than she care to admit drives places in search of steady stream of one night stands or no strings booty calls

549 the personal sex ads and their online equivalents where women are doubtless the minority placing notices well the majority of said minority is this most wanted of signs


in a long time relationship a narrow desire to please man Unconscious guys for satisfying herself. This comes to a screeching halt at mere mention of lesbian play for partners benefit. She is loath to introduce another woman into the mix as being too jealous and competitive she wouldn’t generally be able to bear his attention directed at anybody else but her. After all she works harder than most and indulging his demands outrageous ones included. She’s not about to then see her allure and his appreciation diluted by a guest appearance of some auxiliary T&A. But it’s definitely not the idea of girl on girl action that puts her off

truth be told she as the most sapphic side points to double standard where same-sex is concerned. Despite being magnet for gay men As friends the fish typically finds the notion of gay male sex rather repulsive I don’t think that’s true anymore but she would especially Bihar Donna mate who is prone to switch hitting but when it comes to girl gain as she is most forgiving to say the least to generalize wildly seems that a large proportion of pisces women possess latent lesbianism often she’s blatantly bisexual and makes no bones about it. Many a straight even married pisces Has gay fantasies and friendships that border on flirtation. Even when doesn’t have such feelings she’s surrounded by lesbian cronies maybe the honorary dich among them. As personal demons are faced overtime she loses herself less and less in substances and immerses more and more in self help that inevitably leads to her helping others . This gives rise to involvement in charitable causes public welfare concerns in general positive manifestation of piscean dissolution wherein she gives herself over to selfless deeds and profound service. Straight or gay she increasingly associates with people who are on similar tracks owning up to themselves and clearing away subconscious cobwebs. As a result she may encounter men and women with issues surrounding addiction. Forming friendships with individuals is director for her and many of these bonds are based on a code of anonymity perfectly in keeping with her signs Association with secrecy and isolation. Bonds with other women generally form the basis and theme of female societal condition. When it comes to feelings and concerns about being a woman including the topic of sexual relations between ladies she doesn’t bat an eye. In accordance with eternel paradox that is pisces woman There is no glitch between beliefs or behaviors and those who identify as gay or straight most considering themselves to be by it would mean Little to any heterosexual price is willing to admit gay tendencies as it would to a lesbian fish to exit a long term relationship and find yourself falling into something serious with a man. Or sexual preference is concerned she is fishing. Her modis operandi changes little whether involved with man or woman. She wants to be coddled in catered to. Though she’s drawn to strong women who possess qualities she finds enviable worship goes right out the window by the time Sheena lover hit the sheets. There it’s the same old story she wants to be done for pretty much shying away from any substantial form of of reciprocation. Despite how orgasmic things may be her lesbian relationships appear rather sexless to the public eye. Indeed with the bedroom out of sight out of mind for her gay bonds smack of a sort of non niche monastic life. Relationships are kind of sister hood based on mutual better man shot through with shared spiritual aspirations. Still a pisces plays the home that he planning cooking meals while her lover willingly takes on the breadwinner role. The fish flourish is in situations where she can make her partner proud. Should her lover invite friends around pisces will always prided herself on furnishing most elegant of gatherings, understated and unladen by ceremony , always marked by quality of creating memories SP fits this internally creative creature in his company one feels blessed with the ability to take part in some epic unfolding of life the way it was meant to be to be lived the world of the pisces woman truly feels enchanted as if existing out of time and those presents in her presence gain the sense of escaping banalities of life that typically threatened to play them

The following blocks of text are exceprts from my first year of  Blagues, nos. 671-675. I am reading through all of my Blagues, five per day, and posting some samples here. Now, in my sixth year of writing this Blague, by the time I get to my seventh, I will have journeyed through all the daily Blagues of my first five years. If that’s confusing I apologize. Year seven, I’ll only have to read through year six, once a day.  (For thirty days this paragraph will include this parentheses to say: I realized that in the summer of 2016 I actually didn’t post for some time, such that for the expanse of two months, I will continue to number the past Blagues, as above, five at a time, but there will be nothing to post from that period.)


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365/6 days per year—so they nearly, but not exactly, correlate.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2020 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2020 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Pisces Woman Redux

Leo 16° (August 5)

sanitized dream of what sex should be just as she seeks to obliterate all other brutal realities in life which she mostly avoids by sticking close to safety and seclusion of home. 1st that of her parents then For enchanted own One is reminded of Sally Sally Bowles in I am a camera character with Todd of an electric complex like pisces invents for herself an entire personalize reality by enchantment of her own Imagination Immortalized by pisces manelli. As the case with Sally we see tragedy and exaltation cohabiting in her character for whom life really should be in cabaret indeed what she teaches us by example is that existence is exactly but one imagines it to be lens loaded meeting to motto I believe.

Unlike pisces man Hey sis woman Isn’t content to dream all on her own. Rather she expects others to buy into the enchantment she creates for herself such that those who populate her life succumb to the mass hallucination That she is what she imagines herself to be

Age 77 to 84 age of death . Represents the sleep of death and dissolution personifies a Limbo or sort of dream state primordial spiritual soup between death and rebirth she lives in that mysterious realm most often Psychic recipient of information and inspiration being communicated from the immaterial realm … also psychology overly passive and codependent may suffer from certain fears and anxieties agorophobia susceptible to drug and alcohol abuse live in a world of fantasy be pathologically dishonest sometimes lacks ambition despite love of luxury, as a partner or parent she can be inappropriately overbearing overprotective


she urges others to be all they might imagine themselves to be. She believes in others dreams inspiring them as a muse coming to reflect conviction that ones fantasies are capable of coming true via the strength of belief alone . Despite what maybe self delusion She thanks who the hell she is. Being the zodiacs embodiment of primordial soup she is pre destined to imagine any and all potentiality’s as might emerge from her power of fancy. The most fabulous female in every sense of the word from the marvelous to the made up. Child of Neptune planet of wondrous merin culas power she is conduit of this energy represented little wonder Virgin Mary is her biblical archetypes whole notion of a woman as a miraculous environment seat of quintessentially mutable waters in Greek the word womb and fish are the same Delfi beautiful woman herself likened to a womb just as imperfect paradox represents to him both environments denoting 12 house sense of isolation and oblivion In between dream state hovering amidst ultimate oppositions of life and death. Consummate interpretation Of opposite facing fish Alpha Omega the piscean females fancying herself the be all end all of womankind. Despite meek and meager emotional beginnings sometimes phenomenal myth she creates about herself seeps into her soul. She owns the outside persona eventually. Fact infection Together into singular reality. Most over the top demta spin around the wheel. Nod to Association with death and dissolution It’s like she approaches life with them built in hindsight old adage of I had to do it over again… Making amends as she goes. She has confidence of her dubious convictions or is it lack of self esteem? To feel she has nothing to lose being as extraordinary as she can. Her diva dumb is assured in any case. As personification of dissolution she surrenders to life sacrificing humility along with responsibility she imposed on herself in youth. She is completely UN beholden to others more reliant on people than any other individual at the same time launch dubois depends on kindness of everybody strangers included the whole of her life is 1 big trust exercise or she let’s herself freefall believing there will always be abstract arms to catch her

539 archetype in myth triple goddess every woman Femininity in all aspects at once Aphrodite primal triple goddess from foam of sea some heroes also oldest of the gods or we say a primordial God mirrors Marys mother of Christ aphrodite’s classical portrayal of the goddess love lends insight into pricing character who demands adoration more than any other woman The 9 muses triple goddess in triplicate depict pisces myriad talents water sprites naiads mermaids sirens portray how men often drown for love of her.

body and soul She calls this a commotion Without even knowing it fancies herself demure and ladylike has the ability to send those around her into a tailspin. Polite Princess on first impression She will drive away to her nuts for a new glass or utensils should they be even spotted insisting on knowing every ingredient and mode of preparation Never seeming satisfied with the answers ordering food and drinks with substitutions and special directives sending Neil back slipping into martyr mode suffer through it on grounds of not wanting to be a bother too late. Perfection According to subjective specifications our preoccupation . She is constantly put off by black of it in her life. Sometimes no pleasing her. Like Blanche she expects enchantment every moment chicken elude her in the harsh light of reality she is Aphrodite forever emerging fresh from her seashell immediate reliance on others recording disappointment not personal disaster. But when it works it does like a charm she is forever soliciting worshippers who find themselves hard pressed to do right by her period she is clueless as to the turmoil she causes , couched as she must generally be in the lap of luxury at someone else’s expense. Stops at a door unapologetically waiting for it to be opened. Amuse must have the homage do her she grants endless gift of inspiration

Moves as in a dream body language slow and meditative even undertaking arduous physical tasks like 1 continually popping Valium. spider pisces woman the way she eats cutting food into small morsels chewing each 100 times for back on the plate hands dainty in lab barely a dent by the time everyone else is finished she is graceful in her carriage sitting and standing erect as if toting around proverbial book on her head

540 Bible and literature Mary archetype triple goddess all three Marys marry Aphrodite the sea blue gown trimmed in white seafoam fish symbol of Jesus and of her womb Greek word for aluminum fish is the same As for Messiah in Arthur legend she is more gang in granite and Vivian She is lady Anne who forms appear to morning Henry the fourth in Richard the third she is ondine jira do plans to blah who’s young boy his killed Blanche where’s della robia blue She is the character Trinity in the matrix

for all her composure inherently nervous Placid demeanor cultivated over years keeping it together. Simplest things pinsetter teeth on edge social gatherings essentially fragile fish to an element for which she simply not engineered. Thought of having to be on makes her feel exposed lunch under an electric light. Isn’t much interested in hearing tell of others lives loved ones accepted. Has few female friends may font and best game out how . Surrounded by people who in one way or other work or do for her . Prides herself on being beneficent dictator leaving big tips or sending housekeeper home with leftovers. Regular waiter or cleaning lady might not realize they are all the extra familial human contact she has. She not only relies on kindness of strangers but to the exclusion of others .

At a party say generally escaped to a corner bending the ear of some unsuspecting soul drawn to what she perceives as disenfranchised types her patronizing attitude will be wholly unconscious she latches on To whomever in the room she assumes might feel out of place the way she does. So if you see a dramatic looking creature with elegantly eccentric gesticulations of an aging starlet chatting up the only Eskimo old lady burn victim albino or ****** in the room it’s pretty safe bet to assume she’s a pisces. She doesn’t so much as have a conversation Or recount stories act them out. Literally channels experiences means of communication Hyperbolic sounds large intakes of startle breath pantomiming what she’s disgusting. Doesn’t look a person in the eyes as she does look inward lausten private reliving of circumstances. Eyes bulging through slitted heavy lids misted clouded drifted in different directions . When she drinks the effect becomes that much more extreme. Even when beautiful something ****** or fetal. When not blessed with good looks and someone like Edward G Robinson and drag typically not the case pointy chinned princesses sweet faced Elizabeth Taylor Isabel who bear Charlotte Church thora Birch cyd charisse Jennifer Jones Claire Trevor Jennifer Love Hewitt Christian Davis we need to update this Gloria Vanderbilt Lee rouzerville Paula Prentice Jennifer O’Neill Vanessa Williams Sharon Stone TE Leone Patsy Kent it Niki Taylor Ursula andress Kathy Ireland. Cindy Crawford beauty marks possessed frog enis bug eyed look straight evident in eccentric faces of Liza minelli Drew Barrymore Holly Hunter animan yani Joanne Woodward Jean Harlow Sandy Duncan Glenn Close Nina Simone Irene Cara Ruth Bader Ginsburg Sally jessy Raphael Tammy Faye Baker. Another giveaway is her tendency to speak out of the side of her mouth eventually everything she says has a confidential aside figure T speaks out of both sides figuratively opposite facing fish often guilty of playing all sides in an argument feigning agreement with opposing factions among friends family professional experiences. Presents us puritanical if not pedantic one believe that she’s gossiping or backbiting but she is a terrible tattletale and the stealthiest of snoops.

Straightlaced bluenose appearance can be deceiving Morse of the sexually game girls in the Zodiac. Not what people see first period invariably presents moral virginal uptight image mouth perst in a tense pucker she’s generally pale skin draw tight around her face and throat giving are stringy’s enemy look of ballet dancer . Font of WAVY hairstyles blocks short or long rarely leave the house without at least some hint of makeup green blue eye shadow pearlescent lip tones. Hairless overall remarkable lack of eyelashes and eyebrows necessitating use of liner to frame piepers gold bright green Cobalt blue unusual colors. Elizabeth Taylor Violet eyes she is the prettiest in the Zodiac rarely a smoldering beauty even when gorgeous. what saves her posting to perfect a doll face is hook nosed albiate button size crooked beak spouses Femi fashion aesthetic muted colors meshy Webbie knits tapered Princess cuts in Watts . She can be new Beijing and style 2 crystals beads talismans for jewelry generally understand in her appearance determined to look like a lady loathe to admit the prim heuristic cratic persona she puts forth it’s a delicate veneer begging to be shattered

542 unclad special to behold skin soft Dewey curvaceous figure though compact even the most rubenesque make modern burlesque Queens post so integral of form nothing extraneous will even jiggle just bumping grind. rarely anything slightly boyish her physique even when both in She exhibits an economy in form prevents her from ever being overly bodacious in the bosom Department even in rare occasion she is amply hipped she was still glide as if on a cloud. Her private parts birds of yore as her character push trim to whisper typically never requiring no boxing in her life

sex and sexuality

Like Aphrodite pisces complicated vision of sex. Love goddess wedded to every man have Festus pursued by masculine Mars most enamored of delicate Adonis. Blanches first love fragile youth like Adonis dies for the affection she heaps on him later run out of town For taking her teacher job too far Mars is equivalent is Stanley she even asks if he’s an Aries and her hephestus when she aims to marry is the Mensch like Mitch. Most every pisces woman will have a painful tragic memory of first love sensitive boy about not meant to be. Belle reve symbolized this beautiful dreams including the hope of love shared with harmless hormone list boy. Places forced to ditch delusions when faced similar harsh reality pretty boys she’s attracted to and youth are often attracted to the macho men who make her bristle. Lifelong lust for ambiguous jailbait notwithstanding she realizes her own attraction to these beasts to finding herself at delicious odds with red blooded males of the world who give up with base animalism. Inherently feels that such masculine types are merely another species animal. Mythical Venus and Mars are much archetypal lovers as they are correct and sizable rivals love and war at once extreme concepts and yet metaphorically relatable combined into love warrior keep it. We come up against pisces paradox equally attracted to and repulsed by he men of the world enticed and intoxicated by their nature yet unable to reconcile stereotypical male characters with her beautiful dream of life never meant to include smelly sneakers or back here.

543 body rule the feet compris pressure points that connect to entire body just as sign itself considered the catch all of the Zodiac also governs lymphatics system Neptune associated with mental process brain and spinal fluid tendency to foot trouble dementia brain disorders.

No woman finds front to delicate sensibilities faster than she. Natural disposition or such errors she puts on the reel and fabricated being one of the same she comes across as the bluest of prudish princesses . Blueness is a synonym for purity supposedly Snow White Blanche being costumed in Delaware via blue color from the ground of the Madonna blue dress French and white see extra phone. Pisces so purposefully proper over writing trade comes to define men’s attraction to her for better or worse. Her comme il faut if not holier than thou diva continues to attract worshipfull gay men And sometimes extends beyond friendly. Many places won’t have readily awakened from a liaison with one of her dream boys having so many sensitive decidedly female qualities in common with the man that it overrides sexual questions period like Gemini the fish might find herself in a series of marriages or relationships like Blanche or Sally Bowles with closeted gay men thinking nothing suspicious in their desire to regularly redecorate to the soothing strains of lies with busy. Pisces purposefully opted for such a bond when she and an equally persnickety male can live a sexless sequestered life she won’t be put aponta put out. in some sense she can be sexless and when she’s not completely new for maniacal the biggest paradox of this pretty fish. She has her fetishes typically include innocent young lads but can not easily abide the sexual tyranny of heterosexual relationships. She is more about special effects than she is about a solid plot. Avoids more banal realities of conditioning and puts on extravagant airs so too does she not only have but partly enjoy her own illusions about sex by which she escapes the grammar dynamics of life. She’s easily grossed out by actual kernel function and machinations the sweating the odors at the emitting of fluids total clash with her dreamy visions. 12 house Association with inhibitions and isolation She is the zodiacs untouchable. Some pasties are vehemently squeamish about sex such that when they become pregnant friends and family who know them best are inclined to suspect some form of Immaculate conception

544 she tends to associate sex often linked to inappropriate contact from her youth with feeling dirty. She is in the business of washing away sins she detects in herself. We see this in characterization of Blanche forever bathing long absolution If not dissolution. Like Aphrodite ritually renewing herself and virginity trick that appeals to pisces. But that’s just half the story Aphrodite was the original nymfo who would have had cause to renew her virginity constantly


besides attracting every gay man in earshot her enchanting sanctimoniousness attracts many straight men who view her as a top drawer lady at class act a Princess worthy of Royal treatment. The poor suckers they don’t stand a chance thinking the fish Adam you’re female deserving of all finer things in life of regular Joe might romantically approach her from the perspective that she’s

The following blocks of text are exceprts from my first year of  Blagues, nos. 666-670. I am reading through all of my Blagues, five per day, and posting some samples here. Now, in my sixth year of writing this Blague, by the time I get to my seventh, I will have journeyed through all the daily Blagues of my first five years. If that’s confusing I apologize. Year seven, I’ll only have to read through year six, once a day.  (For thirty days this paragraph will include this parentheses to say: I realized that in the summer of 2016 I actually didn’t post for some time, such that for the expanse of two months, I will continue to number the past Blagues, as above, five at a time, but there will be nothing to post from that period.)


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365/6 days per year—so they nearly, but not exactly, correlate.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2020 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2020 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Pisces Woman Revisited

Leo 15° (August 4)

Astrology is prima Donna every woman Culmination Chilling compilation Of all other women

Walking talking paradox all virtue advice wrapped up in Deceivingly demure package

At once victimized by an victorious over life and M path of the 1st order Personalizes experience to such a degree; incapable of separating emotions from most removed circumstance

drama personified making a fuss over every feeling and impression

Existence loaded affair, overwhelming to her impressionable high strung nature

still tough as nails a true survivor who grows through even negative experience

more than her fair share of Hard Knocks still a cultivated creature regardless of conditioning

Always something decidedly high hat to her countenance

Craves solitude yet escapist instincts require others to do her bidding

best she maintains necessary connection to the world

In youth attracted to sensitive callow fellows even more fragile than she

eventually settled down with and assiduous man Treat her like a Princess Providing emotional sanctuary and proper pampering

With other women at once acutely submissive and withholding of affections inspiring a partner to constantly please and appease her

principle of dissolution Susceptibility and immaterial ality she lives in a blissful oblivion UN beholden soul for whom life means sinking ever deeper into the unseen Eternal realities of existence science motto I believe would best be followed by the phrase only love transcends this mortal coil and keeps the wheel of life turning

534 could begin the book with her the Alpha Omega age group 7784 represents adventive death she is rather like into primordial soup from which lifesprings whether individually in the womb or on a universal scale teeming slime from whence first organisms slithered Only immutable water sign Pointing to concept of a quintessential sea of change planet Neptune name for Roman God Greek Poseidon Precisely pisces will Jupiter is considered secondary ruler try dent of Neptune illustration of Holy Trinity of sorts with which in the case of pisces woman reflects the triple goddess ancient female deities took form and while all the other females that precede pisces draw on one sometimes 2 aspects over goddess archetype pisces derives her persona from the triplicate of the goddess Virgin mother Crone all at once. Watered down into the lovely Greek goddess of love who emerged from the sea after infamous halfshell parentless or fathered by urinis seman fertilized waters appan castration Aphrodite originally great goddess of the sea mother recognize in triple manifest ruled birth life and death as well as love she was called Marie took the form of a giant fish synonymous with Mary meaning see who also appears in triplicate at the death of Christ. Borrowing from this weighty archetype play seize status as the zodiacs every woman Shouldn’t be taken lightly she is at once beatific as the Madonna worldly wise as the Magdalen mysterious as that other Mary

manifestation Of her archetypal legacy practically palpable anyone who knows her will admit she is no easy personality to pin down It turns warm aloof accessible untouchable dignified petty righteous unscrupulous emotional rock one second and seemingly ready to snap the next she is the best friend and a backstabbing B word . And as the inyang opposite fish suggest she is opposite sfusd into a singularity like life.

535 planet symbol Neptune planet of illusion imoti reality signals need to experience life from perspective devoid of practical or ideological structure this makes pisces woman A channel to unseen planes of inspiration just as it can Leave her medium ship open to spiritual or mystical experiences it is the symbol of the triple goddess … also quadrant one’s relationship with the eternal Capricorn active faith Aquarius concrete truth pisces represents energy of love power of creation indeed procreation

She is a living testament to there being good and bad in everything and everyone opposites being inextricably linked life everybody in it expresses the same paradox. Thus equally lovable and Despicable any respectable diva should be. Like a mermaid or siren singing her mesmerizing song drawn Two or dashtop on the rocks or drown she is the most enticing enchanting but she can be incredibly difficult not dangerous to navigate . Indeed Neptune represents the principle of dissolution And the world of illusions enchantment imagery and life lived on the metaphoric imaginary plane . Astrological 12 house likewise that of amongst other things sustained subjectivity which connotes a sort of dream state ongoing transfer delusion welcome to pisces Woman’s World water represents motion and impressions as well as love and feminine source of divinity permutable fish woman in the swirling massive subjective notions and contemplative imaginings on one level can be rather self delusional fancying truths about herself some might call it lying will be it convincingly she can’t help but believe them herself. In fact each time she tells the story and she does repeat herself the plot thickens the tension builds her role in the drama becomes that much more exaggerated exalted. She approaches her relationship with the world from the inside out perspective trusting in her insights rather than hard and fast external facts to corroborate or disprove these views. She exercises metaphoric muscle more than most which is why the sign boasts psychics among its ranks period to the pisces female mind practice in extrasensory perception makes perfect. Those ultimately associated with the fish will forever applaud or poopoo her ability to search and extract the contents of a person’s psyche. Indeed she does so soul to soul keying into one spiritual conscience reading the person’s energy infiltrating by tapping into channeling others still small voice is ability to recognize and speak one’s emotional and moral condition Baby uncanny as an encounter with the fish woman Often nothing short of cathartic .

Downside to being so impressionable pisces can be a real follower especially in reuth easily swayed by opinions and demands of others . The every woman His engineered to put on many faces as people she meets feeling certain amount of expectation from each encounter she wants to be loved universally . so should someone so much as to look better sideways places can easily dissolve into tears . In effort to feel sociable she may be a pillar of strength and faced opportunity to partake in substances particularly alcohol or drugs

536 sign glyph opposite fish mythic totems erose in Aphrodite signify Alpha and Omega yin Yang construct of the universe reunited primal androgen symbol of the world as a womb being embryonic emblems of a dual system of incoming nourishment outgoing elimination … also element quality what are emotion an intuition mutable change together best described as the primordial soup from which life sprang universal level just as every human Was formed in the dreamy embryonic fluid of the womb combination is also characterized by fog mist foam that which from Aphrodite was born and he just wanted her powers to create mists as in the Iliad

drugs and alcohol contribute to signature desire to live to some degree in oblivion Neptune’s dissolution concept akin to the signs Association With advent of death proverbial return to primordial soup from whence one came aspis fits mutable water status . Pices often feels a deep need to dissolve she avoids the spotlight in her pursuits forever bent on preserving anonymity. Naturally excitable type may learn early on But a quick snort or two will steady her nerves . Pisces Association with the 12th house linked not only to withdrawal from reality but also emotional blocks will see her dropping into the drink more readily than most

iron here psychologically may be pisces unable to tolerate even slightest next zodiacs daughter of Neptune more suceptible than most to these sorts of influences. Those who have pursued path stored brand of enlightenment often speak of increasing danger of introducing artificial properties into their bodies as they achieve higher and higher levels of realization. Pisces woman is born with that sort of advanced spiritual openness leaves her much more vulnerable to deep intoxication And even psychic if not psychotic episodes. Not that this will easily stop her I’m trying to get lossed. The profound rock bottom she inevitably hits will give rise to wholehearted new lease on life . The recovered pisces becomes a champion for spiritual Wellness period until then she is generally in the business of medicating her soul one way or another attempting to invade darker recesses of subconscious mind that threatened to undo her

as early as she can remember haunted by her past period undoubtedly love her mother views her as somewhat of a albatross typically her mother is a pragmatist who is plagued by pessimism if not crippling doubts and fears. Pisces becomes her emotional anchor . Father by contrast carefree individualist UN beholden to family life. He is sensitive pursing the soul of a poet but marriage doesn’t much agree with him maybe a reckless or hapless character whereas are siblings using any laissez-faire family dynamic to overindulge their independence if not express abandoned or rebellion Pisces plays goody goody dutiful daughter. She represses her need for autonomy exchanging personal will for a certain martyrdom comes from being old reliable. Seeds of resentment or so. An odd too signs Association with sanctuary she needs a sheltered existence of her own design. Tapirs she is the proverbial priss or prude one who prefers to stay attached to mother’s apron strings eking out whatever attention She can from untenable father focusing on the pursuit of social life.

537 polarity mutable water ever changing see as well as primordial soup nurturing womb from whence lifesprings the sea represents an illusory dreamtime pisces recognizing little difference between what is imaginary and what is true or possible datadot also sign #12 number of divinity higher vibration three reduces too when numbers added together 12 tribes of Israel 12 stations across 12 Zodiac signs 12 Olympian gods

what she perceives past the best quality in father his soulful sensitivity indeed vulnerability and it’s this ingredient she looks for first in a boy . She mixes with other meek types and generally attracted to namby pamby males whose eventual sexual identities may be dubious. She is the most unrealistic of individuals when it comes to life in love blatantly evident in so-called romantic relationships over youth. Still being so sheltered places girl is rather squeamish about the opposite sex at this tender age a sentiment that is only exacerbated by the early run ends with some vague form of molestation she generally encounters

not by CS12 house concerns it hidden dangers and secret enemies: the curtailed pisces seems unwitting so that unfortunately finds herself falling prey to lecherous types. Even the subtle listing counter can sent her reeling. Still as is her nature she will completely repress the incident unconsciously rendering that much more skittish and susceptible to emotional fragility . Not only will this be the root cause of a need to anaesthetise her secret suffering in some way and give rise too subjective sustainment of a fabricated reality, her intricate woven net of casual lies designed to protect her from painful truths, it also determines taste for males she feels might be harmless. Through teenage into 20s takes up with guys who are all but noticeably lacking requisite testosterone fuel there pouncing on Proceed pisces. On one hand she wants it this way she cannot abide the harsh hormonal reality of males pressing hard onto have her she prefers to live in

The following blocks of text are exceprts from my first year of  Blagues, nos. 661-665. I am reading through all of my Blagues, five per day, and posting some samples here. Now, in my sixth year of writing this Blague, by the time I get to my seventh, I will have journeyed through all the daily Blagues of my first five years. If that’s confusing I apologize. Year seven, I’ll only have to read through year six, once a day.  (For thirty days this paragraph will include this parentheses to say: I realized that in the summer of 2016 I actually didn’t post for some time, such that for the expanse of two months, I will continue to number the past Blagues, as above, five at a time, but there will be nothing to post from that period.)


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365/6 days per year—so they nearly, but not exactly, correlate.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2020 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2020 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Pisces Man Rehash

Leo 14° (August 3)

unlike opposite Virgo pisces not a conscious svengali trying to change his mate he brings about a lovers change on an unseen subconscious level she might find herself transforming from the inside out. He is attracted to guttersnipes loving loving them unconditionally tend to undergo an alteration of their own Mary Magdalene was literally loved into changing he didn’t simply pick out some new clothes this is the effect pisces has on friends as well as lovers absolutely no expectations of others those who want to win his affection end up jumping through heap hoops to please him following in his footsteps vividly straining to win his favor in this way he turns those with whom he enters a love relationship into disciples worded as such pisces doesn’t see me ever falls in love per se his form of loving is removed devoid of expectation Borders on apathy axe asks less of a partner than any other man in the Zodiac relationships are mainly all about him behavioral psychologist BF Skinner fish guy interacts with loved ones system of punish and reward without ever saying a word

Without saying a word he either tunes in or out of partner based on her comportment if he’s pleased by her she gets attention if not he leaves the building to a spouse or lover learns to conform to such manners so as to win the prize of even his vaguest recognition Forever in this protective bubble inbox outbox system described by those opposite fish decides what is jetsam and what is flotsam in his experience

even in love human filter system that is the pisces man Is designed not to create undue karma the fish is are rather an illustration of soulful mechanism of the elimination of karma good in bad out this is of course in keeping with signs Association with death conceptually speaking the sign is predicated on the employment of 12th house ideal of escape being able to jump off the karmic carousel and apotheosized but man With brahma this is what the pisces man is doing now daily simply doesn’t become snared in in tangling human drama only individuals who likewise create undo karmic attachments are allowed to enter his environment he must in turn be loved purely and with no expectation most women attempt to romance end up singing I don’t know how to love him . He challenges partners to living away as poets have described by simultaneously setting him free allowing him the escape into solitude of life’s callings. This is the dynamic he needs to keep love alive typically too unnerving for most women Or men To abide even sex doesn’t anchor the drifter if so the Mary magdalens of the world with whom he invariably hooks up would be able to rely on standard skills not so hard pressed to change attitude and behavior to cultivate a love bond with the unfathomable fish guy

of all the gender signs in the Zodiac pisces male his least moved by sex not to say that his range of carnal experience doesn’t outstrip the rest of the population because it generally does it’s just that sex doesn’t much affect him one way or other he could watch the most hardcore porn With a room full of granny’s and not feel the slightest bit of embarrassment likewise enter a decadent sexual landscape even as vague participant which is pretty much the way he does it anyway and surface unscathed without any residual battering to his Peace of Mind. The personification of euros nothing shocks the pisces by the same token he finds nothing to be of overwhelming fascination . He remains outside sexual experience often actually easier for him to put himself in two environments or he can acknowledge and appreciate even blatant carnality without his own intimate involvement

524 in terms of clinical psychology erose refers to instinct for self preservation The ultimate paradox here who signed fish symbol Yang Yang all or nothing Christ like to the core go to hell and back with his entire being unshaken intact no character will go further in exploration of Eroticism aterm defined as the sexual quality of an experience particularly those of an abnormal nature meeting but rather than meat and potato sex which to him is just ho hum . Neptune is the planet of imagery icy sexual persona lives in this elusive realm enjoys quality erotica generally gain to film and or star in his own home movies indeed being the only mutable water man Metaphorically no stranger to primordial slime easily attend that sex venue whether the OR GS or goings on in some after hours club as easily as not. When he does he will typically just pass through stopping long enough to chat up some woman having good conversation in landscape of otherwise writhing moaning bodies is the picture of piscean insouciance . Recruiting yet another disciple if not fishing in the murky Meyer for would be magdeleine to spiritually mold into his own Madonna. How could such a soul not get the sense she was being saved granted the presence of Chrissy places in such a place might make anybody feel self conscious and despite this  extreme example the fish guy tends to force others to search their own souls and conscience try to remove any impediments to their own Peace of Mind. Unlike the pisces onlooker it could be argued that most people who might be found groping in the dark of some sex joint are doing so as a result of some past trauma or compulsion not truly therefore out of choice .

Not just notoriously prim and artsy he can also appear androgynous if not outright sexless one instance where appearances are not necessarily deceiving makes sense given Association with sweet hereafter he is gentler genderless as one might imagine a pure spirit to be since adolescence the fish may have been Very aware that he doesn’t fall prey to his libido the way others do sex doesn’t strike him as a fresh or foreign concept even in tenderest youth the natural transcendence with which he regards it at once makes him feel just ranged from superior to other mouse in particular. Instead of seeing himself as abnormal he labels others lesser holding himself up that much more Supreme being not sexually prolific doesn’t bother him in the least but the truth of the matter is as the sexual urges basically biologically amedick procreative procreation Therefore linked to other creative energies inherently channel such forces as might be aimed at his growing up tord his imaginative mind and crafty hands not so much lacking libido as converting it it is artistic fuel sex is not so big a deal a truism for him that extends to absolute understanding and forgiveness should a partner stray and hit the sack with someone else he is no hypocrite he allows a partner the same level of freedom he demands letting her experiment and make her own mistakes he doesn’t typically cheat as a rule because it creates a kind of karmic baggage he cannot abide that sense of freedom is enough he needn’t and rarely does exploit it especially when in a committed relationship or marriage contract for pisces is among the most steadfast of men apt to stay put in a bond with the same woman the sanctity of which falls within protective sphere with which he perpetually seeks to surround himself marriage especially for the womb wherein he can drift and dream and twitchy can dissolve

Another reason he might be so forgiving of a spouses dalliances is because he knows he doesn’t always deliver in the rough and ready man are a woman His woman desires . Relationships are for most spiritual marriages and he won’t necessarily begrudge his lady luxury of that sort of meat and potatoes sexual experience he doesn’t want to provide. Age old pacing and problem with just plain old getting it up. Sometimes he needs a stronger erotic impetus than We are routine urges. As his partner will agree sex tends to happen More often than not when they’re away from home having escaped the confines of routine reality he invariably finds his ***** becomes that much perkier Having to sneak or hide doing it in public on a train plane slipping away to some other room during a visit to friends these are not just turn ONS for him it’s often an essential practical part of sexual play in certain cases the exotic is so alluring he might only be able to have sex with strangers even prostitutes well marriage becomes a hands off strictly soulful bond. Drinking drugs piscean fixes of forgetfulness tend to provide enough of a crutch to keep his sex life limping along. He simply doesn’t require amount of sex that most men do periods 12 house rules both convent and monastic life and he and his partner despite often awkward attempts to keep up appearances to the contrary they might very well lead a chaste domestic life of course people generally suspicious of his sexuality in any case outsiders willing to jump to their own conclusions

is generally written for being a Sissy though meets derision with pacifism turning the other cheek never dignifying with such ridicule this sort of haranguing only further contributes to sexlessness in his nature rather than forcing him to either repress or overcompensate for any preferences who may or may not have instead simply rises above the issue altogether sweeps it into the 12,000 dust bin Just that that much more psychic surgery he performs on himself dissolving the issue . He will not tolerate any sort of stigma society being the way it is places would just as soon skirt the issue of same sex feelings often Refusing to lend them credence quickly nips such inklings in the Bud it will often be unclear even to him which way the wind might have ended up blowing . An astrological engine Uber feminine sign Might be the most effeminate heterosexual you ever met he’s never actually had a gay thought in his head and even If pisces just declared himself gay he might never do so formally this is quite dated this bit if it does he might never do some form undeniably homosexual sector isis men could never kid themselves let alone anybody else they’re nearly biological flea female lisping limp wristed sect of icy and man oh boy were born into some expansive thinking Native American tribe but undoubtedly be prized and offered the shaman special TP indeed sexuality aside a larger part of the trends gender community interesting seems to be made up of pisces men Who rivaled the tourist male population For the title most likely to undergo sexual reassignment surgery aside from this distinct sense of undeniably gay pisces who incidentally are often so caught up in their own nature is that the issue of sex takes a backseat across the board sexuality of the Fishman St again remains well fishy .

Gay pisces enclave generally pretty Hardy masculine character like straight counterpart all but fully focused on career also decidedly creative making little of sexual proclivities. For starters doesn’t much mingle with other men the bulk of friendships being a single somewhat of fagg hag ish women Whom he tends to take under his wing and strucks in more fascinating if not finer things in life of any sexual persuasion pices isn’t ever caught up in materialism even when he embarks on money making ventures rather he seeks to buy freedom and up the opportunity to color his world with imaginative brushes in brandish is in his soul he said bohemian Gay pisces in particular will inhabit a world of fringe forgotten artists film makers designers other innovators typically like themselves who exhibit certain evolutionary cultural vision This way he hopes will rub off on his coterie of female friends for whom he plays surrogate husband coming over to fix this or paint that all the while exposing his bosomed buddies to music art and other such influences that make up his life. We see that Jesus magdalan connection almost ridiculously crystal clear here. Virgo women specifically fall under the female archetype the world is populated with parents of spinsterish Virgo girls and the gay piscean guys who love them


queer pisces more unbeholden drifter than straight counterpart gravitates tord artistic jobs professional magic going from place to place photographer stylist writer suits in best where he never need be in the same spot for long notorious for finding terribly inexpensive flight to some far flung exotic destination Never carrying much literal or metaphorical baggage becoming immediately immersed in miliar mixing and mingling with foreign strangers live this sort of life back home where he hasn’t infamously low overhead a single room suits him fine will rip it up with decorators paradise living inside a dream landscape of his own elaborate design . He’s free to take up any long weekend invitation or to housesit well heeled women married couples make up the bulk of his friends a societal orphan often seeks to be adopted by straight couple cronies for whom he’ll also pop over and cook a meal decorator room fix the plumbing in return for affection. He doesn’t tend to have many gay male friends like straight counterpart rather UN libidinous and cynically prejudice toward oversexed people. Incredibly secretive as to the types of activities he does get up to so who knows venturing forward to get his ya Yas out . Isn’t much into bars as a means of meeting men Happy to have few cocktails but bored with the ritual of cruising and chit chat prefer to get more directly to the point. Gay life provides more of a kind of a dark vague dreamlike environments that he appreciates finds no lack of venues to provide an anonymous wraithlike erotic involvements never throws himself into the mosh pit of some orgiastic scene rather floats around the periphery waiting to focus typically orally fixated pensions on others such loners a strike is fancy. Even In such an environment he is extremely picky drawn to masculine men whom he might assume lead straight lifestyles back on the other side of the veil this is the big turn on He is cynically prejudice toward men who call themselves bisexual. And he is notoriously allergic to gay girls however if he comes across a fellow he was fiercely attached to labor labeling himself straight except for what he might get up to with another guy alone this is Nirvana for him a sign that boasts Michelangelo pier Paolo pasolini jaykar wap Lou Reed the pisces man is homoerotic in the extreme fine line between straight and gay provides endless fascination for him stemming from youth we are in his first experiences often with the macho closeted so-called heterosexual. As aventuras he gravitates toward such types tend to be of certain ethnic extractions especially southern Europeans North African were gay straight boundaries and more steadily blurred short of moving into a Greek fishing village the live and pretty pisces does his best to land type of man with him much is left unspoken This special someone the remaining a love for many years might nonetheless just come and go forming a bond with him that is thus comprised of a series of dreaming vague interludes which suits him fine


The following blocks of text are exceprts from my first year of  Blagues, nos. 656-660. I am reading through all of my Blagues, five per day, and posting some samples here. Now, in my sixth year of writing this Blague, by the time I get to my seventh, I will have journeyed through all the daily Blagues of my first five years. If that’s confusing I apologize. Year seven, I’ll only have to read through year six, once a day.  (For thirty days this paragraph will include this parentheses to say: I realized that in the summer of 2016 I actually didn’t post for some time, such that for the expanse of two months, I will continue to number the past Blagues, as above, five at a time, but there will be nothing to post from that period.)


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365/6 days per year—so they nearly, but not exactly, correlate.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2020 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2020 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Pisces Man Redux

Leo 13° (August 2)

pisces Messiah complex remind us there Need not be be division between concept of God and man. ideological energy is the belief that he was put on earth as embodiment of Supreme being. At such great sacrifices having to put up with disappointing shenanigans of the rest of the planet’s inhabitants. He exudes AB 9 though patron izing tolerance even closest friends love ones on whom he casts patient disgruntled gays. Always will be let down by the all too human Machinations of others long ago cut loose and set adrift affecting finagle ING struggling self. Still he manages to smile reassuringly if not condescendingly at the rest of us wallowing in the mire

Transcendents of standard human cycles of existence find seeds in early childhood begins in the womb often his mother had a difficult pregnancy stressful time born prematurely they defects webbed toes feet cleft palate birthmarks the word blessed comes from the French bless a meaning to wound he is thus woon did bless it is the fruit of the womb the proverbial miracle baby birth despite complications is auspicious . Mother is a powerful force in the family but not particularly nurturing . She forms an adult bond with him who may be eraly mature for his years one of comrade ship sometimes too close for comfort oedipal patterns. His dad tends to look on his son as strange concerned about the future of his sexuality as even St East pices will be something foppish an effete . There is usually a tricky triangle of affection where by his mother feels strain and showing affection to both husband And son who are at odds. As he reaches teenage will become a brooding dark horse one of the aspects he draws from classic Neptune poseiden

517 archetype draws on eross love at once son of Aphrodite and oldest gods fish heroes of embodies the underlying energy of the universe heroes does love which pisces believes all is possible planet namesake Neptune God of C personifies the middle way in a world Of opposites represented by brothers 80s and Zeus Poseidon Trident triple phallus key to coupling with triple goddess wife amphitrite Aphrodite in her marine form Poseidon means mate of the mother


Squally personality who took over previous goddess ruled provinces carrying the Trident originally a symbol of the goddess in her triplicate form marrying amphitrite Aphrodite of the sea . Seeming digression important Aphrodite marry judeo Christian Mary synonymous with the sea water womb Jesus emerges. Jesus analogous to Greek euros unlike Cupid is at once the oldest of gods and yet eternel babe Jesus like Poseidon Is wedded to the triple goddess as well having as the godfathered himself by his mother taking Mary Magdalen As consort 3 Marys are present at crucial moments in his 333 year lifespan Including notably crucifixion . He is called the little fish constellations of pisces said to represent Aphrodite and heroes together totems We’re fish the forms they would change themselves into heroes is love Jesus is love father son and Holy Spirit male Trinity three points creating a circle wheel cycle personified in one being

pisces in nutshell his own creation Self begotten Self contained The Holy Spirit by signifying mysterious unseen aspect of personality power of self conception continually taking place in the womb of his world. The zodiacs Prince of peace designed to carve out destiny without unduly dealing with others agendas. Little wonder he recuses himself from domestic dynamics As early as he can think to do so 12 House of escape and asylum. He may live his adolescent years barricaded in his room interacting only when arm twisted . At school finds a rarified on clave surrounding artistic interest finding sanctuary . He will stay late alone to work on solo projects art art or music. He isn’t awkward shy or trying to fit in like the aquarian male rather he is heedless of others living in 12th house oblivion. He attracts a great many girls who find his searing sensitivity As well as insouciance intriguing. Heckled by other males he’ll go Christ like turning proverbial cheek the untouchable nobility attracts great majority of misfit population who become disciples of sorts elevating him to champion among meek disenfranchised status that defines him into adulthood.

Would be good to start with the swirly stormy poseidone energy that which is unexplored in our treatment of pisces man

518 Bible literature associated with Christ fish symbol Greek heroes the whole Aphrodite erose thing both figures are personifications of Supreme divine force in the cosmos Christ figures abound in literature chaucer’s Nicholas in the Millers tale steinback Jim Casey in grapes of wrath Stowe’s uncle Tom Joyce is Stephen Douglas CS Lewis Aslan In the film the matrix the savior neo Christ figure defined by immersion In Is calling the Greek word fish synonymous with Messiah

body soul pisces lives in flux makes fairly fair weather friend prefers to remain free agent Even when married 50 odd years likes to mingle solo in social settings springing on someone he may have sussed out determining whether a person would make interesting or rather interested conversation He has a definite spiel verbal routine designed to impress seeming spontaneous insights and one liners. Unique ability two key into person pinpointing playing into one state of mind if someone suddenly approaches you Keenly summing up the thoughts running through your mind at the exact moment you’re thinking them some witty aside on sequiter striking up conversation It’s pisces man 12 how’s clairvoyance kicks right in Otherwise exudes quiet charismatic air made less Intrusive by dulcet tone voice . Loves latching onto strangers entertaining and impressing acquaintances with witty Rep arte worldly knowledge regardless of their sex or identity . Can be a fancy pants if not FOP proper dress pronunciation Qualities suggesting he might have enjoyed luxury upbringing or he’s a big Sissy or both. Indeed straitest pisces notoriously suspect sexual orientation Over the top cultured gallant Felix Unger Fraser both pisces Queen Esther heterosexuals Prissy personalities in all his flamboyance puts the big an ambiguous he must break through such barriers of suspicion surrounding sexual preference.

Given his inherent lack of machismo women Women generally not threatened feel like there that he’s making ardent advances that friendship or romance will ensue much to recommend him despite frog genus in  appearance Bulging eyes gaping mouth tends to be one of the best looking of men . Hair typically dark high forehead big eyes dramatic unfocused gaze bushy sweeping brows skin extremely pale translucent veins visible beneath the skin Eyes often And indistinguishable color green or blue flecked with Brown Or so dark to appear charcoal grey papers have Milky opaque quality suggesting shrouded clouded impressionistic perspective . Pointy often slightly hooked nose dusted with freckles lips full and Lewis above square but delicate chin Many models proverbial Kendall plasticine lads Rob Lowe Kyle maclachlan Chris Klein David duchovny Kurt Russell Freddie Prinze junior Barry bostwick Pierce Brosnan Beauty boy is why he crossed cultural racial lines more than other males African descent Sidney Poitier Harry Belafonte Nat King Cole Al Jarreau Quincy Jones Spike Lee


besides pretty looks peace loving personality Mannerly uppercrust E lockjaw social light sounding patterns of speech Thurston Howell besides Tony Randall and Kelsey grammar Jim Bacchus David Niven Rex Harrison George plimpton John Updike even when the troubled sort 12th house self deception Cell phone doing manifestations of dissolution Pisces inspires sympathy On that score Kurt Cobain Bixby trebek James Taylor pair Paolo pasolini Jack Kerouac Dean Stockwell Robert Lowell . These characters all elicit compassion For their pain troubled natives often seen just well trouble being the most genteel man on the block goes a long way to explain his prolific success in particular in sexual pursuits. With lack of romale beastliness he becomes the favorite boy toy of many men and women. Notoriously naturally smooth body Wins points for kind of mannequin Masculinity just stepped out of the pages of a magazine layout

he typically boasts what is referred to in fashion as sample size perfect 40 long most men will never in their life should be in two more flamboyant the better as a fanciful fashion sense romantic Byron ask styles portray signature poetic soul However in the world of minimalist male fashion He can look like his wardrobe is direct from the Pirates of Penzance. 520 10s to wear fine wispy erelong Byron ask again christ Being fitting Jesus the first male model also inherited his archetypes love of ghazi kaftans open toe sandals embodies same peaceful demeanor lanky physique low percentage body fat chiseled angular features high cheekbones delineated jawline give way to long graceful neck Pronounced Adams Apple deep dip clavicle shoulders wide and Bony arms thin but defined chest concave requiring compensation . High muscular rear long thin spindly legs feet like hands delicately attenuated slightly erotic despite all body perfection Something amiss a curvature of the spine Bowleggedness flat feet other such defects moderately hairy definite dark fleecey treasure trail flat tummy loose floppy basket averagely endowed **** perfectly Proportionate in length and thickness ironically something nonsexual about him nudity inspires aesthetic appreciation rather than lust perhaps due to overall anatomic definition Like a life drawing model composition makes 1 Marvel At magnificent human form

sex and sexuality as early as teen years he will have and set adrift from family moving out of house as quickly as possible before legal age sometimes otherwise living home in a like a shadow we border. He will come and go as he pleases disappearing for days ghost Like presence decidedly detached from dorm room life typically latches on to domineering female often older keeps company to the exclusion of others attracted to flamboyant attention getting females gaudy body types with creative Ambitionz much like his own

521 body rulership the feet which comprise pressure points that connect to the entire body just as the sign itself is considered the catch all of the Zodiac also governs the lymphatic system Neptune is associated with mental process brain and spinal fluid tendency to foot trouble dementia brain Disorders

Love life Noel Coward esque adops adult personality perpetually bored even With his own sophistication He is seen everything nothing or nobody impresses him makes point of undermining anything or anybody that appeals to the masses out of jealousy Or justifiable disdain. Main criteria for a partner is vocal otherwise obvious corroboration of his views. Likes a bit of wear and tear turned Off by ingenues most find appealing. Looks for experience seasoning. Even as a teen attracted to older girls are those with reputations warranted or not for being around the block Once or twice or more subconsciously linked to the cyclical nature of life sooner make a Madonna out of a questionable hor then hook up with some snowy Virgin Who might only become more blackened

though this may not sound flattering on the surface to those linked with pisces man The 12 house is referred to as the dustbin of the Zodiac the dregs sediment being result of energy of dissolution The remnants of experience as well as society we already see this dynamic in pisces appealed to misfits and miscreants as pure group same pattern in love. Even the kind of sluggish girl who appeals to be used goods is viewed by pisces as someone who through experience as become a seasoned distillation of Womankind refined by circumstance if not hardship into more essential self devoid of pretense ego or other such trappings of human falsification. In being undone he believes a woman’s soul is laid bare. And it is the soul that he is seeking to wed just as erose is wedded to psyche soul if you know anything about that myth and the hell Aphrodite put psyche through you might get an idea of the oedipal pressures that invariably plague pisces. One never knows if his choices for in a partner Which strike most everyone acquainted with him as dubious is the primary reason for his mother’s disdain thord whatever girl he brings home or if conflict on that score is simply written in the stars whatever the cause pisces mother and mate typically do not see eye to eye in time however they might begin to realize that they are eerily cut from the same cloth if not born into the same generation Beautiful water change and adaptability through the feeling intuition And the primal origin of life this is what baptism signifies rebirth Erose primal force in the universe specifically sexual nature essence impetus to life water used as metaphor for love one must be open recipient while it escapes those seeking to grab it love is not selfish love to which pisces subscribes neither wants to own or be owned bye partner . The zodiacs drifter never be tide down Even in marriage will pursue individual ambitions they take him on a solo excursions retreats from his lady wife subconsciously or not seems to feel an older woman might understand the concept of cling free love only through her Hard Knocks experience. He cringes at thought of on jinu expecting conventional attachment at the hips think of Cupid and psyche where in God of love demands not to reveal himself but simply to be loved without having it known who he is . Unconditional love devoid of importance placed on appearances or ownership . Search is a woman soul for invisible quality contents of her psyche are really visible to his eye more so than her style of dress or makeup 12,000 Association with freedom from social barriers falls for women exaggerative Lee color outside the lines despite own fussiness and appearance visibility incongruous mate may be the proverbial peroxide blonde outfitted in outrageous manner

The following blocks of text are exceprts from my first year of  Blagues, nos. 651-655. I am reading through all of my Blagues, five per day, and posting some samples here. Now, in my sixth year of writing this Blague, by the time I get to my seventh, I will have journeyed through all the daily Blagues of my first five years. If that’s confusing I apologize. Year seven, I’ll only have to read through year six, once a day.  (For thirty days this paragraph will include this parentheses to say: I realized that in the summer of 2016 I actually didn’t post for some time, such that for the expanse of two months, I will continue to number the past Blagues, as above, five at a time, but there will be nothing to post from that period.)


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365/6 days per year—so they nearly, but not exactly, correlate.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2020 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2020 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Pisces Man Revisited

Leo 12° (August 1)

Very definition of self-made man. Ability to exist according to his own design.

He is devoid of doubht and distraction. Doesn’t stress or strive to achieve success

Patiently allows plans to gestate, visualizing himself in the present as what he wants to be in future. (Laurence always being this person).

Doesn’t “arrive”; he behaves as one who has already achieved it. Life is self-fulfilling prophecy

Drawn to artistic professions where imagination manifests

UN beholden 2 anybody but himself , trails no trace of emotional or psychological baggage

ignores brushes off Ignores evidence of the past if it doesn’t suit his mythic self image

Sees no irony in adopting a personality often hoity toity one that suits his spirits

better than the arbitrary self conditioned by birth and upbringing

posts dissolute soul of a poet freely licensed to devise landscape of his own experience

despite high brow Polish which is aimed at providing entree into more rarified enclaves you nonetheless Has a taste for raw unmade women Heartless unblushing types who provide a sense of real grounding and enable him to creatively soar all the more

With other men he is homoerotic to the core forever flirting with the fine line between friendship and fill out sexual involvement

512 principle dissolution Synonym for death symbolizes a return to the primordial soup metaphoric fetus in the process of rebirth Both a product of inherited traits end of evolution. Dissolution is also a dream state pisces representing imagination Made manifest. Dissolution also symbolizes love which embraces all diversity deliquescing into the whole holism of humanity sign motto I believe mechanism for turning dreams into reality

Jupiter attributed secondary ruler providing those born under the sign psychological bright backdrop Of optimism and expansiveness primary ruler Neptune planet of imagery signifies the universal principle of dissolution Those high seas view reality as rather dissolved. Ancient contemporary cultures and religions speak of the visible world as somesara defined as the cycle of existence click completely defiled state of mind caused by karma. The dissolute pisces seeing the world as dissolvable patina is able to live life beyond the Vale of this cycle which is what it means to reach Nirvana the liberation from the wheel of existence and thus the attainment of purified state of being. Master illusionist Neptune planet of illusion Pisces sees life as a sustainable miraculous condition That which the previous sign Aquarius only glimpsed in revelations. Aquarius woman The Zodiac salame personifying the veil drawing back pisces like the powerful oz Zedd signaling an end to the journey weather along some brick Rd or around the astrological wheel is that man behind the curtain whether you pay attention to him or not. He is the original Dharma bum a drifter on a spiritual and metaphorical plane equipped with natural understanding of absolute ironic truth of existence that the world of appearance is illusion Vapor as typified by the mighty immutable water sign thus able to be orchestrated as such. Neptune itself points to life lived on the metaphorical plane and thus the natural born poet pisces is blessed or cursed with the gift of seeing life indeed existence on such a level akin to what pisces painter pyet mondrian pegged abstract realism that of the essential all be at unseen reality believing life to be fraught with illusions allows pisces to reach beyond its Tricks and disguises appearances being ultimately deceiving pisces man teaches us by example real life is what one fancies it to be and the fish guy lives a life of fancy in every sense of the word


pisces man has a natural talent for creating whimsical unreal worlds from vast recesses Of imagination Possessing a romantic vision Of existence by which to elevate banal even degrading circumstances to sublime level. Poetic soul apparent in whatever he undertakes though many a pisces man does indeed pursue creative vocations painting decorative arts dance writing in any case to his mind all his poetry.

513 planet symbol Neptune planet of illusion imoti reality represents need to experience life from perspective devoid of practical or ideological structures. It puts pisces in touch with unseen planes of inspiration And leaves him open to spiritual or mystical experiences 3 pronged phallus Of the triple God … Also quadrant One’s relationship with the divine the eternal where is Capricorn Engages traditional practices and Aquarius grasps new truths pices combines these forces by the practical application of evolutionary ideals

via Neptune and the 12 house of dreams and impressions meaning he perceives reality or subjectively driven by internal senses and personal apprehensions rather than solid external factors or conditions , the harsher bulk of which he dains not to recognize purposeful ignorance one might say is pisces bliss his private path to perfection The fish chooses to inhabit the dreamy waters of unconscious with pointed disregard to outward influences social morays obstacles or limits that might hinder his design for living. Personification of the adage life is what you make it . Exhibits a unique ability to eliminate anything from his path that might muddy his determination to fill a specific calling. Unlike most of us who find ourselves mired in emotional blocks and self doubts familial dysfunction or discouragement pisces simply won’t see such detriment rather he embodies the be all self he fancies himself to be not so much overcoming obstacles as obliterating indeed dissolving them living the dream of what his life should be regardless of any conditions of birth or upbringing especially if dodgy

fitting that the word fancy also means breeding as in the case of animals IE developing points of excellence or beauty the making designing growing adapting for exceptional qualities to appeal to please the fancy for pisces does exactly that he propagates himself that which he pinpoints to be his finest traits. As the last aspect or logical sign Pisces is associated with the age 77 to 84 advent of not only death but the Zodiac being a wheel reincarnation Leading to the Premier sign of Aries and birth . Pisces is the Alpha and the Omega phrase associated with Christ primary architect figure of the sign depicted by the signs opposite facing Fitch how does this relate to pisces? Well from an early age he lives his life as a metaphor in a metaphoric womb tomb state where he let’s dissolve the unwanted memories of the past as he reincarnates indeed breeds himself into something new period to him the world is a womb with a view for nurturing and developing dreams and desires. The fish perceives his environment has fluid life a system that provides both incoming nourishment reinforcement for his development and ongoing cleansing psychological Waste removal the washing away of distractions and other detritus that might hinder the full realization of his fantastical ambitions just as an actual womb performs the same dual function feeding the fetus well illuminating waste . Bobbing away in life as it was one big isolation tank gives rise To his fantastical imagination Weather artistic or delusional just as he seeks to isolate and breed out and weed out wasteful attitudes are attributes  engendering only those traits that fit whom he imagines himself to be

sign glyph opposite facing fish mythic totems of erose and Aphrodite signify the Alpha and the Omega and the yin Yang construct of the Universe as the primal androgen the fish is a womb symbol opposite facing signified dualsystem of incoming nourishment outgoing illumination… also element and quality what are emotion particularly love and intuition Mutable a call for versatility change the combination best described as the sea itself a metaphor for a dream state of primordial soup from which all sprang also implies fog mist vapor synonymous with imagination dreams so called illusion

514 Neptune signals refinement via principle of Dissolution Such that pisces man Emerges as gleaming individual precisely because he is better able than most to let impediments to his successes simply melt away. Regardless of whether or not he was reared (that poisonous gas too) On the proverbial wrong side of the tracks he tends to just state genteel well bred characteristics fancying himself as aristocrat with pedigree often much to bewilderment of parents. He is detached from family dynamic and easily able to let go of the past particularly if Ken Conflict with princely self image. for him even what might be considered humble Origins can become grounds for cutting family out of his life just as he performs a sort of psychic surgery on himself determined to rid his mind of any squalid associations that might hinder signature soaring plans.


Despite his notorious flights of fancy he is most resolute character on the block . His whimsy and decisive determination are not mutually exclusive but one in the same for him desire is purpose and whereas many feel a conflict between dreams and reality he entertains no such chasm. Ambition and desire are impersonal they are manifestations in the individual of some divine plan Thus no matter how lofty his callings on some level he believes he is simply fulfilling destiny. He sees ambition or desire even of a sexual nature stemming from a divinely inspired source or force apon which he’ll happily hop and go for a ride period of course is in Tennessee Williams A streetcar named desire where the choice stop is elisian fields the mythic heaven Where cram della cram mortals are granted eternally blissful life , pisces possesses a confidence that in fully committing if not sacrificing himself to what he perceives to be his life purpose determined by his most pressing needs he will also achieve certain immortality a seat on the dais of heroic human achievement. Of course living one’s dream requires great fearlessness in the face of adversity which she possesses in abundance

coming at the end of the Zodiac we have a sense of an individual with resolution a term meaning determination But also an answer a solution . The word solution relates to the dissolution Of Neptune comes from Latin Solid tonal meaning illusing or unfastening the word solve itself from the Greek sylvo release a tone clear up or wash away a fitting denotation For this water sign. To the pisces male mind the key to the Riddle of life is letting go of 1’s problems a process of elimination or casting of burdens the literal solution being the liquidation of impediments which in their absence reveal answers that have always been there but blocked

5:15 polarity not the sea but one adrift in the sea of reverie like a lucid dreamer imagining intentions into reality … also sign number the number of divinity considered the higher vibration of the number 3 which 12 reduces to when it’s 2 digits are added together there are 12 tribes of Israel 12 stations of the cross 12 Zodiac signs 12 Olympian gods

heaven is spread out here on earth to his mind. We just have to see beyond the veil. He isn’t trapped in world of appearances lives like a lucid dreamer brings about desired circumstance through concentration In total ignorance of distraction something any lucid dreamer would tell you is no easy feat. It is his birthright to be in touch with true calling everything else is dross refuse being a principal attribute of the 12th house the dustbin Of the Zodiac. He has Nary an emotional obligation UN beholden to anyone but himself those with whom he enters relationship must fold themselves into his life making his goals there Kohl’s or remain Determined to pursue their own Path with an inherent isolation that a relationship with him and tails. Otherwise bombs become an obstacle something he will cut loose in favor of drifting tord his divinely appointed destination. Subconsciously he feels that if a relationship is able to survive given his total immersion in himself then that bond too qualifies as destiny. In a world where most people live quiet lives of desperation , by embracing his most exalted flights of fancy, he can achieve a kind of profound connection With purpose , a direction others might even allow themselves to dream of pursuing

still it could take him a lifetime to fulfill this destiny as he neither quests nor networks but slowly sales toward goals here alone is a late bloomer. and if that wouldn’t try the patience of a St his martyred life partner must Austin must also cope with his cavalier attitude tord money taking on the role of bookkeeper if not banker until his creativity begins to translate into cash. Even then material matters remain peripheral to him for whom everything in life people included is easy come easy go. But sacrifice is endemic to the sign Indeed the fish draws persona from archetype of apotheosized deities Who typically through sacrifices of death turn from men into gods . Christ is the most obvious example sacrificial character we see his birth and death as miraculous likewise pisces fish symbol for the Christ figure all about miraculous energy The Greek word for fish is the same is that for Messiah. represents Transformative change on the unseen Spiritual plane we should talk about transcendence rather than transformation Birth and death fit the criteria when taken together as part of the same cycle wheel of life repeating through reincarnation For resurrections his experience is like that Of some divine being for whom the world is embryotic liquid nurturing and purifying fluid naturally forms him into de ified man.

516 age 7 seven 284 age of death drifting comfortably in some wondrous Limbo where pure intentions are free from distractions all seems possible frog  fetal features the world is a nurturing womb isolation tank giving rise to dreams and fancies … also psychology pisces exhibits Messiah complex pathologically jealous of others successes. Hypersensitive prone to drug and alcohol abuse. Maybe oedipal comma attuned to mystical occurrences may suffer hallucinations paranoia schizophrenia

The following blocks of text are exceprts from my first year of  Blagues, nos. 646-650. I am reading through all of my Blagues, five per day, and posting some samples here. Now, in my sixth year of writing this Blague, by the time I get to my seventh, I will have journeyed through all the daily Blagues of my first five years. If that’s confusing I apologize. Year seven, I’ll only have to read through year six, once a day.  (For thirty days this paragraph will include this parentheses to say: I realized that in the summer of 2016 I actually didn’t post for some time, such that for the expanse of two months, I will continue to number the past Blagues, as above, five at a time, but there will be nothing to post from that period.)


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365/6 days per year—so they nearly, but not exactly, correlate.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2020 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2020 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Aquarius Woman Redux

Leo 11° (July 31)


Can you hear me does this work great page 498 S&S

emotionally she travels light. Of horrors belabored friendships or overly dependent love bonds. Prefers a steady someone with whom she could shared life experience. And despite evidence to the contrary she isn’t in the least sappy or clingy being happy to be attached to the hip but also pleased as punch to have solo time. Point is all is the same to her. She’ll have one close female friend as well lifelong chum otherwise everyone is simply convivial acquaintance. Belong to many 11th house groups and organizations just the sort of dispassionate interactions she welcomes socially however she will never be part of some large pack. She can’t abide complicated interwoven dynamics. Specially cannot stomach conflict. In an ongoing attempt to never make waves she may sublimate her needs. In relationships with overbearing partner which is usually her choice she’ll sooner fold herself into the mandate of her man. She can go along for the ride so completely in relationships other women in particular might label her a Patsy.

All is not what it seems. Consciously or not she will play compliant as a sort of compounding bargaining chip if and when she decides to call it quits. All the evidence on who worked to keep the relation ship going will be in her favor. Zodiacs cheerleader always her partner’s biggest fan But if things go South she’s forever blameless 11th house also that of impersonal relationships the impact of which her intimates will realize if she feels a bond is finished she doesn’t fight not that it’s all water off a duck’s back.

499 body rulership rules the legs knee ankle circulatory system uranous sudden nervous disorders fit spasms breakdowns abnormal growth like tumors.

She keeps score one day when she feels pushed too far that last straw will break and all her partner will see is the back of her head. You’re in a splat planet of sudden change and so she’s gone. Woe be to any man To hash out legalities with her she is so blameless. We have two words Mia Farrow. Innocence one might look upon Utter complicity of Aquarius personality is fairly insidious. In hindsight a guy might prefer to have piped up about the problems instead of smiling through the long list of resentments that she ultimately leverage is to make her escape. Like the entire relationship was a Mirage that proverbial rainbow fading

important to consider why she falls for megalomaniacal men in the first place simple answer no matter her parents marriage dynamic she feels cut off from father with whom she invariably connected on a soulmate level. They really are cut from the same cloth but he only becomes more and more unreachable figure as time goes on thus her model of the perfect man is somewhat naturally distant and independent but also ironically on the same wavelength and not to both the WAVY aquarian wave symbol which might be interpreted as a frequency haha we do say it since childhood she has been shopping for boyfriends in the irregular section in search of an extraordinary mate. She seeks a rugged individualist at revolutionary and eccentric of maverick not ahead heretic someone like Ann rand’s character Howard roark let’s not even get to the fountain head significance to the water bearer. Someone whose soaring aspiration’s as the common man devoid of privilege reflective is crotches self divining his own destiny. A man with singularity of mind important big fixed ideas Rosie radical finds most riveting. She might often end up attracting or falling for a guy who is just deluded enough to fancy himself some great genius without having the right to substantiate such a claim. Show label the lug misunderstood except of course by her employing her student aquarian wavelength not to mention her signs I know mantra she feels her potential would be prodigy needs Is encouragement hope courage of convictions the kind of support our cheerleader is prepared to deliver . But here’s the rub: because she is so acquiescent character she actually brings out the rodgau in most guys who wouldn’t otherwise be so domineering it’s a matter of self fulfilling prophecy she ends up with or thus create somewhat of a monster RWT yet another symptom of her signs Association with freakishness and mutation .

500 whereas he can be a real Frankenstein Something we didn’t get quite into but we should she ends up being the bride thereof like he be marrying heracles often sense of wedding a mate of lower status. Perfect archetype stellastarr Tennessee Williams streetcar classic image character making her descend to the bellowing demands for husband she comes down that staircase he is unruly beast who is nonetheless able to see through life’s illusions. And what Stella and Aquarius woman Wants to feel is Mighty Real as the zodiacs vision of loveliness this far outside inherently feels All to E theoric at times we should talk about having being put a pound the way Mary Mary P would have been earmarked has future mommy she rebels against that


She thus has an overriding urge to play on the ground sex is one particular endeavor that gives her that sense of having feet firmly planted on Terra Firma Williams makes it clear that this is what keeps Stella wedded to Stanley there abandoned erotic experience being described as getting those colored lights going like a rainbow. She comes in colors.

In this literary reference we see the water bearers tendency to become involved with men who employ a sort of mind control yet one more symptom of fixed air read stuck thought Aquarius virtually asks for it she is ever in search of some guru of a man to whom she can conceptually attach and model herself after indeed behind most successful aquarian women there stands a man who they in some sense mimic when it works it’s the perfect meeting of the minds indeed the quintessential spiritual marriage but sometimes Aquarius finds she’s in a cult of two from which it is difficult to extricate herself it’s no easy task to backtrack and after being the consummate cheerleader to a man is greatest fan especially when she’s ended up feeling the fanaticism surrounding his most prodigal if not prodigious notions. She may have a series of serious long-term relationships in which this dynamic continues to emerge only to use her infamous get out of relationship hell free card as previously described when you consider the effect her constant for gifts if not doormat status has on Stanley Kowalski The Stanley kowalski’s of the world who she can reduce to bellowing babies should she threat to take a powder we gain insight into why it is she quits her bonds so abruptly she has to having been such slave salve two man She must tear herself away fast like ripping off a band aid.

She is grace personified endlessly forgiving mercifully understanding of faults and foibles seeing past such problems to the unadulterated good in others. Problem is most men waste her grace. They take her kind and adoring Nature for granted forcing her to hop that first streetcar out of town .

501 but just when one is ready to write her off as the emotional punching bag of the Zodiac there comes a realization: despite being continually disappointed by the men in her life she won’t cease and assist from that signature modis of giving selflessly to relationships. Rarely jaded she loses not one drop of hope in that seemingly bottomless loving Cup she carries willing to pour herself fully into the arms of yet another man period of course in time she does develop an ability to discriminate learning not to cast her pearls before swine. A voila : because she never compromises her utterly ungrudging indeed altruistic vision Of love , she ultimately happens appanna man who appreciates all of the joyful affection she is ready to gush without taking her own tremendous needs lightly. She is programmed to give mainly in the form of lending her infamous compassion this is what she is astrologically designed to do finding a man on whom she can spew 4th her feelings without having them trampled underfoot. She experiences rapture. Sometimes so happens that a former flame will have learned his lesson Seeking suddenly to woo her back starting over John Lennon’s ode to rekindling turbulent romance with Yoko Ono Springs to mind. Your innosys energy is eccentric unpredictable stranger things have been known to happen than Aquarius giving love a second chance with someone whom she left in the dust or Alternatively deserted her period if anyone can forgive the past it’s the Zodiac Stella who even when slapped in the face by love can turn the other cheek.

In relationships she asks little low maintenance mate whose idea of perfect evening sooner entails pizza and beer than caviar and champagne. Despite hippie Association with sinus pixius when in fact she rarely is some kind of granola crunching healthnet. She often doesn’t take as much care of her physical well billing being as she should and she similarly lackadaisical with her environment period of all the women in the Zodiac she is the most casual about her digs. She is overly relaxed when it comes to house cleaning general upkeep hands down Appalachian of the Zodiac who if she were in Beverly Hills would give the clampett to run for their money. Lack of **** retentiveness comes to define her period never a lady of the house picking up after a man in his buddies who invariably come to invade for home Allah Stella Stanley poker party. Startling symptom of her lack of concern for materialism but it often elicits the same response as that of Blanche visiting the qual skis for the first time her surroundings are visual collage rather than an orderly catalog . There will be effects from endless string of notorious hobbies crafty home arts. Curtains and bedspreads like many of her clothes may be direct with sewing machine. Tons of requisite knickknacks and memorabilia minimalism not being heard default aesthetic disposition. She likes the lived in look and nowhere in her house will that be more in evidence than in the bedroom where both decor and sexual philosophy isn’t above making a bit of a mess.

502 dash 3

Formality not her watchword. Could force anything stuffy puritanical. She is connoisseur of kitsch Americana finer points of white trash living. Turned on by men who are rough around the edges if not altogether red in the neck at least in spirit sex should never be laminated sanitized affair but rather a releasing of inhibitions. Her attitude is laissez-faire she is never demanding domineering emasculating oh contraire she gives her man much in the way space not wanting as many women do to be involved in the lion share of his experiences. The 11th house after all one of non personal and non emotional relationships it takes a lot To make her cry and that element of detachment from her mate ironically helps to ensure that their sex life remains alive and kicking for decades. For the zodiac’s renewal goddess there should be a sense of sex forever feels like the first time. Uranus ruled serendipity and surprise always important elements keeping erotic experience new and exciting. Not knowing everything about her partner’s life allowing for mystery keeps her guessing she comes to expect the unexpected. Same with sexual behavior itself. Spontaneity is arousing to her; her fantasies involve being taken abruptly she doesn’t relish or require long drawn out touchy feely sessions or romantic gazing’s into one another eyes. She’d sooner get off on being jumped by her mate from behind while she was absentmindedly washing the dishes. Real sudden human urges or what she’s all about . Not playing Footsie for hours at a restaurant as a precursor to foreplay that’s too drawn out and frustrating. It is the besteel side that attracts her most. She turns to Jelly for rugged blue collar types. If women were to take an anonymous impromptu plunge with the plumber it would be her who ironically given her sunny and nerdy disposition Might be the last few mill on the block one would expect to do so

page 503

Considering her type is a sort of progeny from the wrong side of the tracks biker scientists redneck guru mechanic philosopher janitorial genius we see in this affinity for usual hybrid species of guys not only evidence for science Association with mutative energy but also it’s correlation to the experience of the divine mind being made manifest in the common man this is the kind of fellow who is both literally and figuratively going places he is man of the future self possessed empower like hero Hercules lays waste to notions of the mythical aquarian age wrought with social consciousness harmony and understanding where blanket 11th house egalitarianism is the order of the day there would be no division between construction worker an wine connoisseur she latches on to this man of the future besides she’s bonkers for the brainiac with the body of a sexy beast.

It takes a certain breed of man to get those colored lights in the ceiling spinning she likes big lugs those who look as if they can manhandle her right amount of roughness . Sex doesn’t need to be meaningful it is what it is rather it’s about pure physical pleasure. Pleasure Aquarius is not a sensualist she’s a sexualist and she expects and appreciates a man who won’t pardon the pun beat around Bush she wants all buttons pressed preferably all at once with the least amount of ceremony possible. As a sexual persona two she is unplugged any nods through her infamous appreciation for battery operated devices not standing. Indeed more than any other female quarian Will boast so-called goodie drawer filled with colorful plastic cylindrical objects vividly flavored contraceptives tickling devices and the like. Sex is all fun and games for her itoys tend to work their way into the proceedings between she for liver. Unlike males of the sign she is surprisingly UN kinky given her science Association with deviant energy however she is 0 hangups nor any trace of religious or moral guilt surrounding sex or body isn’t so much temple as it is a fun house she is especially comfortable with artificial stimulations either enhancement sex with a partner or as a happy solo substitute for human contact. She is nitty gritty character in the bedroom though she doesn’t go in for role playing percek. Her overriding sexual characters long variations on theme of righteous Mama. Sometimes she really embraces that biker chick personality getting off and being kind of hogs and heifers poster girl’s might if appeal to her gearhead guys she goes for her boudoir wardrobe is rarely top of the line she’s more Fredericks of Hollywood than Agent provocateur

504 amazing how garish a girl can be with so little fabric per square inch of flesh . Doesn’t want to know from anything more glamorous than neon nylon. Necessarily burns with desire to sexually please her man. Does not want to look the part of the sexy ***** that does. She and her mate may document their bedroom shenanigans with are with still photos or videos in which she stars as the moxie vixen Floats her boat to be dolled up in synthetic costuming as the cosmic slot no against without part sex part conceptual art. When it comes down to astral sorry actual activity she’s fairly straightforward in desires likes to ride I mean fast hog or be driven by one otherwise do whatever pleases from man somewhat shut yourself down to the process performs oral sex but not especially delighting in it a no sex usually off limits prefers to keep what might be considered invasive to a bare minimum

astrology labels Aquarius the orgi Queen Associated with groups 11th house but spaceous conclusion Were she allowed to attend such a gathering with the understanding that she would have to do anything or anybody she probably show up out of curiosity dispassionate but much just chagrin of male partner who might want to see her get it off with another girl generally not bisexual ironically even though she’s open minded when it comes to sex there is little to no grey area .

And on the other side hard pressed to find more empowered individual than The gay Paris . She is a beacon of confidence self esteem inviting other gablin rally aroundHow society as a whole evolves whether or not person gay post less or less important as a nod to future orientated planetary rule of pureness that which signals large scale social change she prefers her preferences don’t warrant discussion. With little effort or personal agenda she possesses the sort of pied Piper appeal to other gay people lesbians in particular who wish to emulate a liberated carefree attitude to the aquarian her own vision of life as a gay person matters I’m no other than it a level of her own

505 she tends to be good deal more romantic than straight counterpart as a rule dominant in relationships eschewing feminine trappings and fashions for more androgynous if not outright masculine look this matches her hoyden Ish mindset not outright masculine how we do that it’s not that she is decidedly Butch indeed she doesn’t subscribe to extreme posturing in personality leaving more backlash symptom of sociosexual pressure just a natural condition not so much a latent masculinity as much as a perpetual childlike tomboyishness. She rarely comes across as some sort of drag King yeah she is a sporty wholesome looking with glint of mischief in her eye indecorous demeanor went outside and build yourself a tree house this is the gay aquarium brand of eccentricity : she seems the most liberated of all individuals born under the sign what oh I see of all the aquarians choose the most liberal liberated for companies infectious element of magnetism yeah really have you spoken to ******* Sue lately that piece of *** **** **** we should **** her up the *** with a ******* hot coal all fix signs and the element of magnetism is associated with her personality birthday cake Maria is that much more compelling close circle of intimates whose friendships show  retain Actually I have no idea where I am I circled drag King earlier there it is something about she will have a close circle of intimates whose friendships she’ll retain over a lifetime her choice and cronies never contingent on sexual orientation why would it be uh good clean fun What

like a callow youth for whom love is a new occurrence lesbian cueros completely transfixed by object of pure unadulterated affection. Oblivious to boundaries prefences attracted to women with Teeter tottering sexual identities and vice versa was that man Like straight women of the sign she also entices more than her fair share of opportunists take advantage of her wide eyed innocent outlook on life. As it happened she’s a naturally gallant and protective of a lover often indulging with gifts spoiling her with surprise evenings out romantic trips. Less savory might hang on for such perks does not seem to be enough unlike straight counterpart however she doesn’t go through steady series or relationships or serial marry instead she’ll sooner remain single have her heart broken More than once or twice she commits to study relationships expecting to last for a lifetime

in a nod to her planet’s Association with the unexpected find gay girl Paris at least looking for it was that man For outsized intelligence next for her signature absurdist sense of humor one reason people circle around her is because she’s so damn funny she may also come across this intellectual even though our appearance of suggest Dennis the menace more than Gertrude Stein about ****** that mean Not the father more than none the less demure naturally differential in general element of accident instigates meeting harmless Fender ****** mutual friend realizes what’s happening she’s chattering away inimitable style this is so ******* boring.

She often finds herself in a relationships that entail showing her love lesbian ropes she is patient dominant figure in the bedroom decidedly active role hands down top girl aggressor mutual satisfaction As opposed to pleasing or being pleased fashion precedence over sensual finesse  coming on strong remaining good Lord I have no idea where I was coming on strong aggressor hashing precedence over finesse Harden in physical expression Excited urgent duration of sex session remarkably oral and ever that means it rarely tucks into eater partner out unless she’s being reciprocated OK whatever toys they play with double headed must remain attached at the hip but I’m pumped achieving simbiosys if she achieves certain success or notoriety stemming from her brand of intellect her partner may function as an agent manager or otherwise act as liaison Once she finds a steady relationship she will seek to sustain it her bond comes to define her partner achieving simbiosys that they begin to function as one sort of Organism I guess oh


The following blocks of text are exceprts from my first year of  Blagues, nos. 641-645. I am reading through all of my Blagues, five per day, and posting some samples here. Now, in my sixth year of writing this Blague, by the time I get to my seventh, I will have journeyed through all the daily Blagues of my first five years. If that’s confusing I apologize. Year seven, I’ll only have to read through year six, once a day.  (For thirty days this paragraph will include this parentheses to say: I realized that in the summer of 2016 I actually didn’t post for some time, such that for the expanse of two months, I will continue to number the past Blagues, as above, five at a time, but there will be nothing to post from that period.)


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365/6 days per year—so they nearly, but not exactly, correlate.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2020 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2020 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Aquarius Woman Revisited

Leo 10° (July 30)

Inspiration. Natural disposition to see joy in everything, makes even dreary events seem fun

The world is painfully beautiful to her, greets the day with unscripted childlike awe

Open to cheery serendipity, whistles through her routine

Cares little for trends or trappings of sophsitciation; the proverbial square peg (Molly R)

Bucks social convetion, eccentric taste for outlandish, least precious about self/appearance

The finger painter, rolls up her sleeves and gets messing in her self-expression

Even in 9-5 job, she is dutiful and regimented but indulges wacky after hours hobby

In time chucks security of paycheck to gamble on dreams others label bonkers

Choice in men is suspect: Flagrant overbearing meglomanical men she thinks lack love

Guys who offer her liberal independence she requires, being so wrapped up in themselves

Woman who loves too much. Alternatively one wonders if she loves enough. Dispassion in bond

With women, adopts pedagogical, kind headmistress role, that combines sharing personal and professional aspects of life.


490 principle of diversity Aquarius celebrates uniqueness eccentricity as means of self expression And also to ensure soul full health of humanity just as a gene pool mustn’t become too restrictive lest it weaken quirion concept of spiritual diversity ensures the health of the collective consciousness which must change and grow to survive

Sign primarily ruled by your onist sudden change other things universal principle of diversity in deviation concepts as mutation revolution evolution. Saturn secondary ruler taskmaster sense of structure of discipline ironic means by which she manifests and dedicates herself to cultivation of sometimes deviant if not freaky persona. She is as water bearer suggests in the business of renewal HEBE daughter of hara actually her in Virgin form her name means youth but there are two gods poured out life’s sustaining ambrosia divine sustenance nectar She does that in life forever feeding those with whom she comes in contact with life affirming hope instilling confidence another is convictions often considered a godsend the one you found in a pinch the answer to one’s prayers it’s a role encoded in her makeup urinis rule deviation becomes a very means by which a species evolves that survives so two does the zodiacs beautiful mutant become saving grace to others on personal level as well as on societal scale. Like HEBE already made new intellectually evolved outlook on life doesn’t hold up the past looks to the future dictated by planetary rule. 11 astrological house future goals as well as reformative communal activities and the identification of the self with mass objectives that of spiritual unity


Considering concept of spiritual unity we think of commonality amongst people that’s one interpretation. But there’s more : that of the individual community with the eternal another 11th house phrase universal mind. She is naturally blessed with the understanding that separation between human condition and divine inspiration is an illusion . She inherently maintains that life is a spiritual experience but not personally wrapped up in her insights . Her male counterpart might be enraptured by relevant Tori understanding that she has no ego attachment to such perspective she is ready to pour out her divine acumen demographically because she believes everybody deserves to experience heaven on earth

491 planet Uranus namesake God of universe planet signals change on massive scale ushering in of entirely new waves and thought technology discovery invention social experiences aquarian woman adapts easily to such change helps others adjust to evolutionary trends… also… quadron Concerned with the soul of humanity she brings a sense of relief reprise to the world teaching others to detach from the weight of out loaded tradition and mores to unlock their fears


we see this mirrored also in The archetypes of the sign Committee was a mortal parvenu handpicked by Zeus to bear the Cup she whom he replaces is born immortal nonetheless happy to perform a survival function He’s brought up and she is a descending goddess Moreover being wedded to another mortal parvenu Pericles glory of hara is thus willing to come down to earth she elevates an immortalizes or spouse this pattern Predominantly echoed in Aquarius females relationship as well. She is the living embodiment of descending or emanating goddess. Like he be she’s she isn’t precious about her own divine status rather happy to commune with the common man if not romantically take up particular male parvenu population of the planet . She draws upon other emanation deities like iris the rainbow Harris Messenger an EOS the dawn whose main myths depict her love for a mere mock mortal both are personification Of natural manifestation Symbolically portraying hope and renewal we should avoid hope and keep that for cancer woman I think um I think we say rescue on some way some level intervention Joy reprise


Rarely anything lofty stuck up in her nature. She is detached from desire for status preferring to be of the people for the people seemingly let go of all worldly material concerns. Fitting the scientist associated with the age group 70 to 77 a time when one Mr resigned to her own imminent communion with the great beyond having little to prove or be concerned with on the earthly plane. Or preceding sign Capricorn starts this ball rolling letting go of material concerns she takes up an acetic lifestyle away in which she distinguishes herself better than others to query and however whether one meditates and need speaking or child 15 bags of greasy chips while smoking watching porn results into her she’s beyond making judgments and best of all it doesn’t try herself with expressions of perfection. She takes herself as is and it follows she expects others do likewise . Living embodiment of renewal goddess naturally forgiving considers fellow human beings deserving of absolution Mercy grace ultimately Salvation. More than any other astrological character she wakes up thinking how she might help others become a happy. And not to her patron goddess is she’s like a rainbow indeed very presents designed to inspire encourage . Open forthright funny face whimsical style bright in a person’s day proving herself a great listener pics of conversation right where it left off

492 sign glyph symbol of divine liquid manna weather classic sense ambrosia blood of holy growl promising life about to small waters without which can’t enter Kingdom with heaven Also radio signals light waves which signal new ideas of human intervention. I think what it is is a frequency something fixed that is indeed a new and better interpretation Kind of what we do when we try and like pick up signals from other planets etc were listening

She’s a great listener picking up conversation right and left off even if months have passed one realizes she’s Democratic to the core doling out sunny funny disposition to anyone with whom she comes in contact she may seem like soul mate one has been waiting for in keeping with her archetypal patrons Messenger goddesses who make business to appear showing grace . She is spiritual mascot of the Zodiac one who brings good fortune mascot also etymologically mask infamous love of costumes notwithstanding doesn’t realize that it is her birthright to Don proverbial red rubber nose and floppy shoes humanities Comic Relief lives all her life in the throes of 2nd childhood taking every opportunity to dress up and play act everyday wardrobe suggests a bit of costuming metaphorically speaking next to being clown cheerleaders are next biggest role brings joy inspiration someday pose to make up for her own sadness and disappointment which isn’t strictly true rather she channels her personal grief and grievance into encouragement for others

her default disposition human equivalent of a 🙂 logo keeping with their status is only female fixed air sign of the Zodiac mental plane thought social experience deals in solid ideas bent upon solidifying them into fact uppercase true thinker like Ann Rand only be Aquarius or philosophy objectivism based as it is on concreteness fixed Ness of the abstract error ideas to her abstraction was real the only evil was irrationality. Indeed she is known for having reenact reacted emotionally to broad test abstraction. Whole notion of an ISM is in itself an aquarian one males of the sign forever on the Vanguard of new understanding lost in individual glimpses of reality revelation. She in contrast seeks to reveal truth two others. According to her truth divine experience exists in here and now ubiquitous through masked reality and it is her specific role on the plane to tear away the veils of illusion that cover it and in mythology iris Harris Messenger forever bringing the good news the rainbow being bridge between mortal and immortal experience in the biblical vein John the Baptist salamander striptease dance of Seven veils one for each color of the rainbow ritual performance to picked it goddess in descending revealing form drawing down to earth unlocking doors of 7th heaven Witcher lover typically immortal priest King who was sacrificed would reach immortality and become a God so that was really her making John the Baptist into a God he is spiritually wet it to salome Shalom peace his beheading represents ritual sacrifices aimed at his advocation rainbows in ancient cultures are ladders or bridges one travels to heaven Upon death or in revelatory trances.

Page 493 polarity unlike Aquarius man Caught up in his own universal truths and visions she is revelation two others dispenser of joy and Comic Relief also… The number of revelation 11 a page is turned after the completion of 1011 signifies the first reveal of a new order

Like a rainbow she is an emanation of positive reinforcement inspiration word related to simple respiration it is the very error one breathes in her presence no less uplifting spirit then she seeks to convey hoping to see people 11 hours hopes and wishes come true and still in conviction . Or company can be addictive. One feels incapable of doing wrong around her tendency that may backfire and breed complacency just as easily as spark motivation. This seems to be some of the point of her pollyanna ISM. Acting as a salve if not offering Salvation Comes to define her. Famous beacons of empowerment Susan B Anthony Rosa Parks Betty for Dan Helen gurley Brown Toni Morrison Oprah Winfrey Alice Walker Ellen DeGeneres all urge others to embrace diversity in themselves and into doing achievement levels for dignity personally advancement. She represents by example power of self help explains why so many female writers along with the aforementioned Edith Wharton Virginia Woolf Colette Gertrude Stein I’m around Laura Ingalls Wilder Judy blume are amongst the most influential socially pointed minds ever to put pen to paper meant to read as large wide an audience as possible nobody more populist in her perspective then Curry’s female the seeds for which are sewn in early life interesting I didn’t know we did this I know we did it in Sagittarius

Growing up her father considered something of an oddball typically sensitive creative type if not frustrated artist secret aspiration’s little room to surface and confines household mother most often pragmatist may even at seek to override husbands more freeform musings also still appreciating his quirky inventive spirit. Mother may have overtly put her spouse down as silly even worthless dreamer. Aquarius girl identifies with father intellectually spiritually as do females born in masculine science. Father might have a workshop of sorts considers a magic place where she will feel most comfortable and inspired health and slips away his sacred space also one of the environments in which she can bond with him

494 age 7077 time of worldly concerns and ambitions left behind focused on appreciating lasting joys of life can be time of 2nd childhood. Delta dot psychology she tends to shirk responsibility to Buck authority she can rather fanatical in interests susceptible to mind control cult Phenomenon If any sign is likely to wear a tinfoil hat and wait for her mother ship it’s her concentra from escapist fantasies exhibit deviant behavior

refuge from utilitarian family influences she may be written off as inheriting his artists aspects . But she is proud to be considered that his girl. In case of divorce she will dream of leaving home and living the Vagabond lifestyle perhaps walking in father’s footsteps. Childhood dynamic wanting to run away and join the circus was invented by her. Gleefully expressing such desire from early on she feels like a freak unlike other people considers this a good thing period she is in search for identity conscious of doing so at school and she might be a bit of outcast of conformity of any kind sets her teeth on edge . She’ll dive full force into artistic enclaves drama music consider becoming a majorette if only to wear the goofy outfit. Otherwise steers clear of social mainstream six sticks to subversive nerdish coffeehouse scene other misfits.

Not flashy or or one you consider to be fast looks can be deceiving and she is sexually more advanced than most. This is a byproduct of an emotional maturity developing early in life equips are with level headed when it comes to negotiating boys insects. Her own person slipping under the radar of mother to whom she seems too much of a goody goody to ever get into any trouble poor deluded woman: Aquarius is naturally open to sexual experience ridiculously grown up when it comes to dating play had been wifey to boyfriend as early as junior high. Rather mumsy character to begin with she will often Don’t on a guy from first date inevitably she goes for fringe dwellers like dad she may lust after eccentric brainiacs with pocket protectors or musical protege looks as if he’s never seen sunlight or taken exercise. However she is most drawn to unacademic types phantoms of repair group who might not seem to frequent any other wing of the school other than woodchopper hota body parrot she is turned on by handy boys grease monkeys whom she sees more going on than there oily hair and dirty fingernails would suggest. Her aquarium viewpoint appreciates a guy who was already thinking outside the box box dividing his own path away from the well worn conformity of pop media influenced teenage mainstream. Such a guy she feels is on her adult wavelength thus they want to commit to serious mature relationship despite the fact his upper lip still has original Peach fuzz. More times than not pretty nerdy girl with the same boyfriend all four years in high school is our oddball aquarium. She’s forever immortalized in the collective memory of high school classmates is walking through the halls with their partner hands lodged in each others back pockets the sound of denim or corduroy encased thighs rubbing rubbing together rhythmically shoop shoop shoop shoop

495 archetype draws on classic of renewal or descending goddess distinguished as coming down from heaven to commune help or made with mortals the female Cup bearer to the gods is he be Hera in her renewed re Virgil ized form he be Haram Ares Hercules bestows upon him gift of immortality EOS goddess of the dawn inspires hope iris goddess of the rainbow skates down the colorful bridge between heaven And earth delivering divine messages from hero to mankind

Body and soul she is an unplugged personality what you see is what you get reaches adulthood trades in trademark T shirts and jeans still having on the accessories seeks comfort in clothing never puts on airs nor does she indulge in material acquisition That might suggest status or wealth. Rarely dresses in pricey designer duds labels mean nothing to this off the rap Queen. She prefers bold and colorful styles to settle their state fashion statements. Even attending an elegant occasion she can’t help it add some quirky twist sneakers color tinted glass of floppy hat if not dressed herself so outlandishly from head to toe she leaves others virtually reeling. When dresses up she does so with vengeance she has love of ladylike silhouettes but always far out in some fashion. Think Laura Ashley an asset. Talking bold prints iridescent fabrics neon. One might think clothes should come with it packet of tums instead of extra buttons. If you think dressing down is any different you have another thing coming. If anybody other than mork from ork or some rogue cast of God spell or to have pair of rainbow suspenders somewhere it’s her period she who declines to be professionally styled will find themselves worst dressed list faster than you can say gauchos with leg warmers. Signs Association with second child unmistakable to her for her to open the closet one nights where she’d stumbled upon the Miss Marple collection or entire wardrobe warned by woman who played aunt Clara on bewitched vintage mink stoles and all of her style of dress doesn’t provide enough of a clue there are some dead giveaways for picking her out of the crowd: with some exceptions she tends to be small somewhat childlike juicy plumpness pliable at last ecity despite youthful attributes correspondents to age 777 written all over her wizened face often distinguished by rather old looking head plopped on his brightly physique astrology’s answer to he be seems to bear the traces metaphorically Speaking of the Crone she once was

496 Bible literature salome dance of Seven veils goddess descent Rainbow Bridge to heaven Each colored veil unlocking a key rainbow concealed future corresponding urinis is connection with evolution . In medieval literature Holy Grail associated with water bearer guarded by Queen less Ponce de joie the dispenser of joy character of the descending goddess portrait in streetcar named astaris desire by Stella who descends to reunite with her ultimate mortal husband Stanley


so if you see what appears teenager from the back but face fan exhibits vacant agent look exaggerated cheekbones sunken hollows chances are this is Aquarius she’s the offbeat beauty possessing strong who knows I don’t think so rubbery comic expression mouth notoriously turned down into grimace this describes pisces much more

If not outright frown like sad clown made all the more market by osm going for Jennifer Aniston here drastic underbite or an overly large chin or both face long cheeks appear puffed hair shiny bouncy often springy it takes much in the way of product to set in place a result she may opt for a short haircut given her hair’s texture tends to create a bit of a helmet head quirky looks but beauties like Jennifer Aniston means to marry Christina Ricci Heather Graham Sheryl Crow Jason Lee Farrah Fawcett cybil Shepard margaux Hemingway Stockard Channing Minnie driver Florence Henderson Geena Davis nessa Redgrave Laura Dern Stephanie and Caroline of Monaco among the world’s most vivid never subtle beauties. Features overstated not to spirit of emanation goddess she embodies literally beams within almost cartoonist cartoonish vitality can be goofy loud girlish laugh voice war bling ringing clear Isabel tends to communicate outward like an actress onstage having a close tet tet gesticulating when speaks those hands aren’t showed in shoved into pockets making many knee bends for emphasis striking prices original girl with the far away eyes in conversations she seems to direct much of what she says to some spot over one shoulder she is goofy peepers to begin with float around inside her head as if detached from their connective tissue effort for her to make steady contact easier to accomplish when she’s listening then when she’s talking. She is famously attentive nodding reassuringly hanging on every word tilting her head inquiringly craning her neck forward with skewed receptive expression . Adopts casual posture rarely anything nervous or shifty in her body language open and forthright present spirit is as voluptuous as body. Breasts small to medium size usually perfectly round full buoyant short waisted possesses hairpin curves ample hips bigger bottom thighs lending sturdy I’ll be it slightly pear shaped look addition to favoring tight bodices and body suits while opting for looser flowy skirts on bottom And square childlike hands abundance of bracelets rings to embellish mournument self with tattoos piercings slogan buttons badges other decorative bells and whistles youthful touch could be found here there Mickey Mouse watch Mardi Gras beads fun and frivolity. Consciously wishes to signal light heartedness karere will even tend to allow for such freedom of expression generally gravitates toward professions where she can be her own boss working for others notoriously earnest and hardworking still unconventional vacations appeal to her especially once that included element of amusement clown college very viable higher education do you think we’re kidding

seems in the stars rubbery faced aquarian feels actual affinity for life under the big top urinis rules freakishness the mainstay of many surfaced attractions but more primal connection still. As Joseph Campbell said clowns have spiritual significance in most ancient religious rights . Donning costumes people ritually transform into sacred beings usually creation gods the purpose of the funny grotesque form meant to keep people from getting stuck in the image that is the costume would immediately keep worshippers from taking the appearance of the gods too seriously and getting stuck in such appearance again he says short circuits the contact with the deep mystery . On some level she understands that she is emanation God is revealing certain truths. Her motto is I know. And back on earth by looking somewhat clownish she precludes others from building her up or putting her unduly on a pedestal something that might easily happen to one so conscious or evolved. Put her in a Donna Karan pantsuit and she becomes Oprah but remember oh before she hired a stylus if even miss Winfrey would be that much more venerated if she didn’t crack silly jokes or feigned that’s treaty southern sass. But Oprah knows what she’s doing if so consciously. Aquarian ladies don’t really want to be considered gurus that’s a sort of status her male counterpart 6 and according to her he can have it. With humor or visual signs of whimsy she wants to make it clear that she like the goddess iris is only the Messenger. She shuns the responsibility of being the proverbial answer lady even for practical reasons. She’s protective of her free time and too easily love and boarded by others seeking kind of pacifying company she naturally provides. Sure she’s happy to be bearer of divine inspiration and saving grace but she doesn’t want to be deified. So wearing converse sneakers driving a vintage purple Volkswagen Beetle with flower power application keeps would be disciples at pay period the male of the sign is wrapped by the self importance of its revelation while she seeks to downplay significance in the equation Her own significance in the equation of revealing epiphanies to other she’s determined not to lose her head over the missives she may be communicating thus laughing off even though serious situations is signature behavior. One can see it in her body language a symphonia shrugs throne of hands display amatory muggings all designed to demonstrate that she doesn’t fancy herself the final word on any subject . When push comes to shove she doesn’t want to be expected to invest much time or energy in any one other than herself

The following blocks of text are exceprts from my first year of  Blagues, nos. 636-640. I am reading through all of my Blagues, five per day, and posting some samples here. Now, in my sixth year of writing this Blague, by the time I get to my seventh, I will have journeyed through all the daily Blagues of my first five years. If that’s confusing I apologize. Year seven, I’ll only have to read through year six, once a day.  (For thirty days this paragraph will include this parentheses to say: I realized that in the summer of 2016 I actually didn’t post for some time, such that for the expanse of two months, I will continue to number the past Blagues, as above, five at a time, but there will be nothing to post from that period.)


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365/6 days per year—so they nearly, but not exactly, correlate.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2020 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2020 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Aquarius Man Redux

Leo 9° (July 29)

476 his eyes are narrowed nearly wolfish maybe save that for Libra but it is funny ’cause it suits charmed out too . Latching onto people as he does with smarmy conversational routine might be mistaken for a letch which he isn’t at least not necessarily still those shifty eyes can make him seem like a big Batty who is after a girls basket of goodies any attempt to appear clean cut may Only make more of an impression He’s a Wolf in sheeps clothing

hard to believe given his tendency to be handsome and hunky that he was an awkward adolescent. He is quite tall azharul with ruggedly angular physique suddenly mutative energy of uranous sees him getting fat or bloating for extended periods of time he blew up just as he will experience hair loss typically. urinis rules gonads and penial gland given its frontal position in the brain then thought to correspond to mystic third eye thus associated with clairvoyance is gland also credited with promoting Accelerated development. Freakish growth gigantism associated with the planet traces sneak into aquarians anatomy often to his delight sometimes to his annoyance such grandiosity might be centered South of a desired target and settled in his own gonads. That’s why he often prefers standing to sitting maybe Alan coming. Makes up a major part of any big and tall shop. He experiences adolescent growth spurt earlier than peers source of pain Ridicule already felt unusual given unique personality now finds himself labeled weird in more ways than one period he made have difficulty in school brand of intelligence often misunderstood rarely nurtured by traditional curricula. Further along in education will find an outlet and acceptance 4 abstract thinking. This will see his nerd status become more defined egghead personality doesn’t help he also looks the part. Having shot up so quickly in youth his body will be weedy head looming appearance in comparison Tends to have a lightbulb shaped head covered with Peach fuzz wispy hair hi Mozart hairline looks somewhat like a sketch of aliens claimed by those who were kidnapped . Ridge of brow dramatically pronounced Frankenstein fashion Aquiline nose a nod to Greek water bearer we didn’t mention Frankenstein in literatureso there is something to do. Despite seeming gruesome description Nonetheless jells swanlike more beautiful men in Zodiac secondary ruler Saturn Takes its time in his physical development suddenly forming fully into exquisite beauty more than fair share of suitors male and female. Paul Newman rutger Hauer Peter Gabriel Elijah wood Christian Bale John Travolta James Dean

477 great part of charm is being ugly duckling good looks never quite go to his head women quick to label him a Wolf realize he isn’t nearly so wrapped up in appearances as he is wrapped by external revelations about life we didn’t get into anything bat teeth yet Dracula interesting  That he may have exquisite looks just icing on cake beefcake that is. He is One to fill out his Speedo bulk of bulge based in jumbo balls . Planet of unexpected might encounter this when This geek whips out freakish member. Typically tight compact upper body center we arms curvacious waste swelled hips and arched or swayback exaggerated bubble butt girly air to his rear view specially in trousers. It doesn’t help he walks with a wee bit of a wiggle legs strong and stocky calf muscles bulbous hands and feet long and tapered sensitivity creative expression Has a duck footed goofiness to his gate wiggle and waddle fairer skinned than relatives hair typically dark Brown or black salt and pepper re prematurely pale peepers raise suspicion He’s milkman’s child always something of the anomaly about him . Not especially hairy only scarcely so some future dweller who has evolved out of caveman characteristics nothing in his personality suggests ever cart a woman by the hair. Typically up for grabs seeking adoption by developed partner who allows him freedom of unique visions while helping him assimilate into society

478 sex and sexuality

Doesn’t fall prey to the machinations of his only libido a nod to galahad quite simply seems beyond sex more focused on lofty ideals aspiration If you need to go above the fray of human experience personal perspective outside objective the visitor of the Zodiac outside objectivity a Not a person driven by sensation emotion or even hormones. Takes control desires makes damn Sure they never show he believes you can’t grab that chalice of immortality and heaven If you allow yourself to be weighted down by desire I think we learned as a way of really compartmentalizing and typically obsessive about work very much nocturnal creature that’s where the bat comes in Just as he became accused labeled odd he now hopes to cash in on exceptional status . What he wants what he promises a mate is not ordinary love Tough catch to land gives impression he’s unavailable out of other peoples League azharul suitors throw themselves at him seems less than an overt play for his attentions doesn’t register you have to be obvious

makes people feel base for having feelings for him this is a bit of a ploy galahad might not be as pure as he would have you believe . Indeed no Mail has a sleazy are side I’ll be a secretive one might be saying better luck next time to some Pretty Woman While he’s slapping slapping and tickling paid escorts.

In public relationships insists on maintaining exalted position Expects worker worship not as the Taurus but as the immortalization Ganymede. This is so true: a mate must put him on a pedestal. Won’t play on the ground like a mere mortal rather requires loads of esteem needs a blind devotee someone he’s he deems of similar high quality while he remains the leader won’t count for much unless he is a mover shaker inspires a kind of on in others. All other power couples pale in comparison He is often labeled a parvenu social climber marry above his station. Symptom rather than the cause of his efforts as he makes little distinction between utopian social visions and what strikes him as ’cause she’s to Societal heaven . Capable of being peoples profit while out for personal profit accused of being venal up for grabs to the flush IST bitter when he does marry some high priestess our mover shaker typically sees her fade into the background trading her own status for the mantle of his chief disciple. With his calculated system for success he converts a woman to his programming reinforce his every whim with affirmative nods can’t live a life of debate or even open discussion Must be immediately set in stone very rigid needs lots of rules for doing this it’s odd it’s where the Saturn bit of him comes into play like Henry overbearing Doesn’t think anyone’s out of his League self conviction is a secret of securing relationships RW T with most eligible bachelorettes on planet even when he’s less the looker sees himself as a God definitely lacks humility astrology is made mistake of referring to him as socially liberated and sexually emancipated as if they are 1960s commune surely if such a lifestyle or part of his vision that it would be great but the point is he feels free to envision the world according to whatever his idea of utopia is. when images don’t conform to his vision he just cuts them out of the picture . He is the most rigid person when it comes to his Mo . Ideologies and beliefs might seem bizarre due to Uranus but the way he regiments his life is pure Saturn He is a slave driver who  gets others to do his bidding he is the top of the food chain Like communism free liberal communal on the outside inside all rules and regulations . Rules the most freeform belief systems with a firm mechanical hammer and sickle

480 body rule legs from knee to ankle circulatory system associated with nervous disorders Fitz spasms breakdowns and abnormal growth like tumors ankles evolved last Cannot put impose severe ethics onto loved ones. Like guru seduces would be adherents into believing but he knows his best for her period followed Lee chill live life the right way. Meanwhile he makes his lover feel special chosen and rot like him of the exceptional stuff. Annoys his partner metaphorically spanking her with divine blessing letting her sip from his Cup. Often attracts women who are seriously lacking father love looking for someone to please. Just as it tends to turn a woman into his primary caretaker. Suddenly he can’t seem to tie his own laces.

It happens time and again makes a woman his host relying on her for daily sustenance while he focuses fully on all those lofty universal concepts that grace his mind do something with the host taking in the host eating the host communion Some kind of God bats are about rebirth Insinuates himself into her life he’s got some guard of a man Who will offer guidance and protection Slowly turned into that 77 year old who needs to be checked on Doesn’t leave the house wearing two kinds of shoes still inability to pay attention to the little things means he is achieving greatness on a universal scale

11th house loved one receives compared with 5th house both sides preoccupied with authority often translates into desired sexual activities passionately oh very vanilla would be shocked to know it just passionate aquarian gets up to Needless to say Aquarius the least emotionally involved sexual persona . He isn’t above screwing his way to the top since such behavior doesn’t touch him personally. 11th house freedom via repression Sees Aquarius being able to move on a diamond life squelching his feelings something to do with an ex wife and Waterbury undoubtedly a test period tends not to exhibit the slightest remorse at ditching relationships decades in the making. We see this dynamic in his sexual exploits 2 will travel farthest reaches of erotic activity actual rolling scenarios remains incredibly restrained restrained. Disciplinary actions spanking turned on by humiliating a mate several sets of rubber sheets but never involve himself in anything more so called perverted than unzipping his fly relieving himself in a play mate

481 Golden showering rule Urans

Self appointed God tinkle is manna he is no milquetoast sexual character more pure and nightly galahad might be in public the more prurient and kinky and private . Aquarius perceives relationships as part and parcel of his public not his private life. His wife therefore generally not the one squealing and squeaking around on rubber sheets she might find herself increasingly wanting in the relationship


though he does sexually deviate more than most tends to be very focused in specific. like with his ideological views Burnishes his thoughts into preoccupations. The most mono maniacal individual on the wheel, sex with him always smacks of a mind ****. Internet chatrooms made for Him indulge desires with variety of people . Not just some cyber slug will meet women for real time sex as well preferring one shot deals. His trademark hands-off interaction He worries little about bringing anything home to his doting spouse who assumes her genius husband is only increasingly beyond sex , galahad guarding his purity with mounting vigor. Truth be told the spark goes out of relationships very easily for him and the bond must be supplemented regularly if not daily by vague dalliances. Eventually longs for something more one thing remains certain He likes to be considered out of reach necessitating his lover to petition if not beg him to be stove his sexual favors

he is goober idealized vision Perhaps overly concerned with form or look of love rather than actual content of his relationships. Enjoys the beginnings of bonds bests. Thrills at newness this is very true given the fact that they Ditch you. tends to become so attached to feeling a freshness that seeks to keep heightened sensation of exaltation alive in varying ways. With marriage tends to act like a neophyte on a job so long as he still going through some kind of orientation you won’t have to really dig down into the work of managing the business of love. Mork from ork engenders more affection from his mate who for a time sees his boyish exuberance he keeps bonds superficial.

482 likes to stay in the courtship aspect of love until it borders on the ridiculous every minute a celebratory anniversary or get away . Over the top in his praise flattery formal PDAs strangers assume he’s on honeymoon Rather than running errands . Every day existence is to ho hum. He does what he can To heighten even most common circumstance. Often his partner is type of woman who requires this brand of constant lip service she may lack the ability to cope with deeper feelings and challenges. When it comes to marriage he leaves the building after the preacher or justice of peace says for better or

need for thrills poking around for what can only be described as adoration of the masses 11th house global relationship large scale community means that blanket not individual attention is really what he craves. Like a many wives zella never stops seeking new brides for Haram. Everywhere he goes will be installed fawning female whose affections he foster. Favorite female fellow exec at office preferred lunchtime waitress Cut his hair massages and so on. In the air these Gaga girls imagine he might swoop down and carry them away and those thoughts increasingly occupy his spouse as well in new relationships he makes it appoint to have sex with his partner every day amazing ability to psych himself up whenever he needs to those cameras rolling expecting the money shot . All he demands from lover is that she expressed as much pleasure with his performance as possible he is the how to like that baby guy and a woman needs to put her most enthusiastic face on. That sex with him like everything else is absolute heaven. God forbid she get bored. Uranous signals sudden change accident serendipity along such themes that he will make his case for having found somebody else even after years of what appeared to be the happiest of marriages it just happens. Predators lust swoops down and carries him off to new means for maintaining his immortality IE younger women or men for that matter


483 no one has a trickier time negotiating his sexuality than Aquarius naturally far out he can naturally entertain any activity . If it can be imagined it can be done which scares him sometimes. Like Ganymede homosexuality is thrust upon him typically in youth. Son of urinis being so naturally you pick with us sexual desires or all over the map RTW urinis being omnipresent  this is precisely why he must find freedom in repression Uranus and Saturn . Tall handsome gallahad with perfect lady wife and 2.5 kids might be taking boys out of the woodshed or bending girls over his knee. Because he remains so completely on the surface of sexual activity it allows him to experiment unscathed in a number of scenarios beyond paddling and pee pee such interludes never touch him deeply. Doesn’t feel defined by them. Rarely has a heterosexual aquarian Not had sex with at least one man. Well essentially straight Aquarius does so with frequency as whatever interfere with his utopian lifestyle. He may repress homosexual stirrings which gives rise to any number of fetishes we can run with the fact that he is fetishy by nature that is non sexual As sex is so stigmatized by society he removes that part of himself from his programming exline uranous rules homosexuality and homophobia as well Aquarius is especially cagey when it comes to man to man content. Such displays are measured contained even when Unabashedly gay identified. Despite sexual preference the aquarium native of House of acquaintances is more comfortable having casual impersonal sex with a number of people that he is having intimate relationship with one he might have a long term partner but that’s not where the sex comes from This is why when he does commit he tries to keep the focus on the appearance of the bond rather than the substance of it . The Rain Man of the Zodiac is more about sprinkling himself around then he is pouring himself into one certain perhaps limiting scenario. Fixed air atmosphere have any relation Can seem stale or stagnant like the Baptist he must spread the word even if it’s about himself reaching as many devotees as possible. He more than most will be subscriber to casual anonymous sex period since adolescence when had to succumb to compromising situations , he has seen himself develop from awkward vulnerable chicken into sharp talent predator . As other signs tend to repeat patterns imprinted upon them , he evolves through the experience and in an effort to overcome victimization becomes a kind of obsessive or controlling sexual character. Nothing must impinge on personal freedom the way uh none so little unsolicited episode in his youth may have done.

His mantra I know that such a thing must never happen again . When tender Ganymede himself pillowy soft rosenburg he depicted the character as a pillow implying a pair of buttocks the aquarius will turn the tables and use his cheeky appeal to his best advantage. Who gets the better end of the deal Zeus or G? Playing on youthful allure young Aquarius is immediately aware of his value too powerful older men Who might help rocket him to success . Young gay Aquarius consummate water bearer if not poor boy who somehow ends up inheriting older lover mentors the state right from under family members. Anything but sexually prudish furthers the cause. homing device for power honed so early. Insinuates himself into the life of brilliant intellects and artists. Not so much finding someone rich and influential but looking to be major domo or God his talents are the source oh immortalization . He wants to be passed the Cup of preeminence. Carry forth an emblem of rightly inherited state of grace. Most any aquarian who was on the fence regarding sexual preference will commit himself to a lover to being the lover of a great and glorious divinity of a man.

Just as a good amount of aquarium straight people could swim in the gay pool so to NK identified aquarians be attracted to women I think we might amend this anything but misogynistic don’t know about that either neither two turned on or turned off by same or opposite sex communes with the person that might be true Meanwhile men seemed to him more restrained by social application The bulk of his friendships will be with women Will be extraordinary once he’s drawn Based on a certain Aspect of personality he’s the one with the fabulous female friends climbing his way to their cozy laps of ladies who lunch patronises evolve from boy toy to genius and a similarly exalted character in his own Such scenarios sudden death and inheritance notwithstanding might see him simply slipping into the vacated throne an older lover during her for the gay aquarian to make a clean break from the man with whom he received his training his immortality to start constructing a heaven of his own making. Let’s break up Sir messy mainly because straight counter like a straight counterpart they often come out of nowhere sudden change aspect of urinis being painful

What he may do then is find a houseboy of his own Combo lover servant. Think Lone Ranger and Tonto sometimes this has a literal manifestation is the Aquarius his notoriously attracted to small ethnic often Asian men. Just in case you can’t quite stomach the image of our proverbial masked man doing it to his faithful companion Amid squinting shouts of kimosabe might help to realize bonsant which the older querying enters are fairly platonic submission has always been something very aquarium 6 two inspire psychologically more than physically this points to a lifelong aquarian truth: sex is almost always just a means to an end. He can be the most far out in his activity rarely has anything to do with his own desire. Rather symptom of his signature detachment from it. What every aquarian male regardless of sexuality seeks is ultimate authority control on such a grand scale like Big Brother can easily go undetected. He thus makes himself available to the world to avoid fixing an air of conviction Around the relationship heading home the fact that he no lover perfectly tongue and groove fit about things to create such truth as others are forever chasing. Having no strict adherence to any ego driven personality there’s always a sense of being happy to be what you want to be that proverbial missing link in one’s life.

There is a lot to unpack here I think what I want to say for starters is Robbie Williams bad teeth and Billie Joe Armstrong both identify is bisexual certainly one can argue John Travolta huh but they seemed to be able to compartmentalize to some degree and also um something about Big Brother yeah like has spies everywhere also The Lone Ranger thing is an interesting lone voice in the wilderness concept to use for this next phase

The following blocks of text are exceprts from my first year of  Blagues, nos. 631-635. I am reading through all of my Blagues, five per day, and posting some samples here. Now, in my sixth year of writing this Blague, by the time I get to my seventh, I will have journeyed through all the daily Blagues of my first five years. If that’s confusing I apologize. Year seven, I’ll only have to read through year six, once a day.  (For thirty days this paragraph will include this parentheses to say: I realized that in the summer of 2016 I actually didn’t post for some time, such that for the expanse of two months, I will continue to number the past Blagues, as above, five at a time, but there will be nothing to post from that period.)


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Cosmic Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree point of the Sabian Symbol may at times be one degree higher than the one listed here. The Blague portrays the starting degree of for this day ( 0°,  for instance), as I typically post in the morning, while the Sabian number corresponds to the end point (1°) of that same 0°-1° period. There are 360  degrees spread over 365/6 days per year—so they nearly, but not exactly, correlate.

Typos happen. I don’t have a proofreader. And I like to just write, post and go!
Copyright 2020 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2020 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

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