Month: February 2019 (page 2 of 3)

Ça Souffit

Aquarius 22° (February 11)


After a few days’ break from gods know what. Let’s see this is Monday. I just got back two days ago. And that was one kinda blow-outy night and one mellow one. Not sure why I was so forgetful of shows. I mean I see them and forget them. I need reminding. I watched two fabulous art docs and I did manage to move the spoon on next week’s Desiree show—tickets are moving, we hopefully have a bit of press—and I have to make my peace with the Thrion situation. That’s my name for it. I do need to be kind. I’ve been treated so shabbily; but one can never dwell on that sort of thing, not for a moment. This is a lesson you learn over time. Some people (S) were probably evolved in this arena very early on. But people are different you see. Everyone’s path is different and we might as well just accept it.

I had a funny thought about the Universe and of god and the devil. I was watching a film called Young Messiah or some thing about Jesus as a seven-year-old (I kind of liked it) and there is a devil in it whom only seven-year-Jesus can see or hear; and they have some pretty cool (verbal) battles. Anyway, the blond haired Lucifer calls himself the Prince of Chaos and I got to thinking about quantum physics and how as we move more macrocosmically (let’s call that heavenward) the universe is divinely ordered but as we travel microcosmically, it becomes increasingly chaotic. So what if the dichotomy of god and devil was a personification thereof. Lends new meaning to the phrase the devil is in the details.

Mostly metaphorically, Scorpio’s I desire energy is linked to the sign’s rule over the genitalia of the body. I know there i more to say about that. There is more to say about everything. There is outspoken want for this book. Though it is a stand-alone volume that doesn’t presume you’ve read Sextrology or even need to, we hope it will increase that book’s sales as well. I meant to add that all kinds of conjuring could be going on. As I get into this myself it should inform the work. I’m happy to publish this when I’m sixty and to have thirty years with it. That would be a lovely thing, but I need to make changes and start pacing myself now don’t you reckon.

We were meant to do an event but it was postponed until March which is probably just as well really. I started writing this just after a recent trip and then I ended up getting swept up in more travel and potential drama, the former of which fueled a mini weight gain, and the latter of which didn’t take hold in the least. Although the would be fomentor did try his level best. There are good people in the world and there is lots of fun to be had and there are people to help and there is plenty of time to do everything. I also feel inspired not to spend any money that needn’t be spent and to make sure that all i’s are dotted and t’s crossed. There is the story about the mechanic and the one about uncle lynnies.



To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days. 

Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Going In

Aquarius 21° (February 10)


Today I’d like to write about Paris. The first time I saw Paris was in September of 1983. I spent a week there en route to Grenoble for my university year abroad. A treasure trove of stories, most of which I’ve written about elsewhere, in various forms, abound from this trip beginning that very week alone. But I’m not here now to tell stories. My impression of Paris was immediate wonder. We stayed in the 7th arrondissement on the rue Saint-Dominique, which it self stayed the same for another twenty years; so we would go back to our same restaurants and hotels, mainly Thoumieux, which was both. Then one day it all went away—the same owner, decade after decade, timeless in his leather vest, the men and women servers in uniform, the sublime same sameyness in dark red leather and shiny wood, the sexually suggestive vegetable mural-size painting on the wall, the secret upstairs hotel rooms with their 1960s swizzle-swagger. In 1983 we launched this expression—life is just a series of beds—which became a verbal meme, anachronistic though that may be. I’m finding that as I get older life is just a series of pangs for the unrecoverable past, and particular episodes thereof which were set in Paris. In 1985 we moved to Paris and lived in the 17th, the 15th and ultimately the 1st on rue des Halles. This was as banner a year if not more than the one two years previous. I was fresh out of school and faffing about before landing a magazine position, at Passion, and a restaurant job, as le barman, in an American restaurant owned by Jewish brothers-in-law in the Marais, which was then just becoming a place where things were. There were no designer shops. Our haunt was called The Swing, where we’d meet and drink cheap beer and wine. Always on our own it seemed Stella and I would go to Castel where, for some reason, they always let us right in. That reason was probably Stella. I wouldn’t have a chance on my own. I will continue these Paris reveries, but I should get a few pages down on the Scorpio experience, just to leave myself open to new insights on that score.

The move from Libra to Scorpio is like a long day’s journey into night. Just as the first uber masculine energized first sign Aries is followed by its opposite uber feminine powered Taurus, here, on the other side of the Zodiac, Libra, the sign of high consciousness, is followed by Scorpio, the deep dark recesses of the subconscious. The only sign with co-rule planets, Pluto and Mars, the former being very much the underworld version of the latter: Pluto, or the Greek Hades, with his eponymous subterranean abode is the embodiment, as is his female counter part, Persephone, of not only our own subconscious but that which is still universally so: as yet unearthed truths, mysteries, discoveries, cures and clues as to the nature of our universe.  And whether in their own mysterious interior, or in that of those in their lives, or people, society, in general Scorpio people are determined to get to the bottom of what’s making everyone and everything tick. Thus, they are the first to tune into theticks of people, places and things, seeing their way into that which others might be (consciously or subconsciously) hiding and that which is kept hidden, secret, taboo culturally and sociologically.

Oh god that was some kind of start. Oh well I’m doing the best I can. I’m not sure why I resist using past things I’ve written as a jumping off point. I suppose I feel better making the first inroads trying to invent the wheel as best as I can. I don’t know why I often pose a sentence in question form. I suppose it’s to force me to answer. Anyway it’s a good writing mechanism when you need to flush out you brain along the way.

Scorpio is the fixed-water signs–fixed signs being the second in a trio of signs—cardinal, fixed, mutable—that make up each of the astrological quadrants. Scorpio is the middle sign in the third quadrant, that which correlates to the intellectual and experiential realm of life, how one relates to other individuals and groups. One of Libra, which kicks off this quandrant, is We are (opposing the sign of Aries, I am); while Scorpio’s mottos are We have (opposing the sign of Taurus, I have) and I desire. Fixed-signs, fortify, intensify, concentrate and distill. Fixed-water translates to ice, crystals and, by extension, gems wrought by subterranean heat and pressure. Macrocosmically, gems, jewels are a metaphor for the as yet hidden meanings and wisdom and other such discoveries which effect us all, collectively, as well as repressed bits of our individual selves, awaiting to be mined. Scorpio people tend to be probling of others but rather sphynxlike themselves.

Pluto and Persphone are chtonian deities, inhabiting the underworld; as archetypes for those born under the sign, it speaks to Scorpio people’s severe penchant for privacy, default suspicious demeanor, their relatively goth perspective that sees them recoil from scenesters, showoffs, socialites or the like who seek outside approval, something Scorpio people rarely do, and sometimes to a fault.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days. 

Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Umbrella Terms

Aquarius 20° (February 9)


I’m actually writing this on February 6 because, as per never, I’m ahead of myself in this. It was actually so warm on Cape Cod yesterday that we drove around with the windows down and went for a long walk without coats. It’s real. That thing spoke last evening. We didn’t watch. Nixonian I hear. I’m waiting until it’s over I have to say. I’m done having my spirit dragged down by the daily news.

So I’m going to continue with thoughts on the Libra and work my way into Scorpio material. Really what I’m doing right now is opening new talks on the subjects. I might end up saying things I’ve said in the past, which is also fine, because the ways into the material are always new; and the same is true for where points connect to one another, on the linear path of the next character, word, phrase, run-on sentence, my favorite kind. Telling anyone to write in short snappy sentences is a learned affectation. It is tantamount in my mind to limiting expression. Anyway, I will be napping today as I awoke at 4 o’clock and I have to last through a dinner date ce soir.

So I was saying about Libra that: For the Libra, who often needs a perfectly clean, ordered environment to work in or who will change hotel rooms or restaurant tables until the vibe or feng shui is just right, there is always the sense that things could be that much more soignée, conceptually, beautifully balanced. For these children of lyric Apollo—the very invention of the word stems from the god’s playing of the lyre—all must be poetry as much as it can be. Deterining whether it is or isn’t is a conceptual exercise, art being a battle of opinions waged against would-be abstract absolutes. Art hangs us in the balance, puts us on the Libra scales. And like works of art themselves, Libra people may divide public opinion. For all their understated elegance, Libras, being defacto personifications of principle, come on strong. On the other hand they can suffer from insecurity and tend to take situations, circumstance experience more personally than others. They can be intense in close relationship in that they were born to partner and naturally bond very deeply, synergy being the subconscious goal, to the point that the relationships itself will take on its own, third-party entity. And we’re back to the myth of Daphne and the other of Apollo’s love objects, male and female, who rebuked him whereupon he turned them into trees. He cursed his priestess Cassandra by giving her a certain gift prophecy, an aspect of his divine domain, which, paradoxically, nobody would heed or believe.

In the history of the pantheon, Apollo is not an early arrival. Scholars note that much of his artsy estate originally belonged to Aphrodite/Venus, namesake of the sign’s planet ruler. The second half of the Zodiac begins rather ironically. The so-called opposite sign of Aries (self) to Libra (other), Aries is a masculine sign fittingly ruled by Mars, followed by feminine Taurus ruled by female Venus. The second half of the Zodiac begins with Libra a masculine sign ruled by Venus, followed by Scorpio, a feminine sign ruled by Mars and Pluto. And so these feminine attributes of beauty, grace, love are conceptualized via the masculine, mental air sign of Libra into sexless starry notions. Apollo is not warm and cozy, and, despite his gleaming perfections, he is not his father Zeus’ inheritor—in fact Zeus fears Apollo will overthrow him. Thus Apollo is akin to another light bringer, Lucifer or Luke Skywalker (a rather parapetic interpretation of the cardinal-air insignation of the sign!). Apollo’s introduction to the pantheon coincided, too, with the ideal (a very Libran word) of the love between males being a higher form of love than the heterosexual variety in keeping with a cultural shift that now favored patriarchy, particularly in Athens, as opposed to feminist Sparta, where women had far fewer rights.

Libra women might have metaphysically inherited an axe to grind on that score. They are as reclaimers and proponents of latent female power….


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days. 

Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Fall Out

Aquarius 19° (February 8)


I’m half the way through working on these new drafts per sign and, as always, it’s slower going than you think it will be. It’s always bittersweet when you near the mid-point in a process. It feels like a great accomplishment but it is doubly daunting than it was at the very start when you didn’t know how much a slog it might be. And with writing you always trying to trick yourself into doing it as opposed to just wanting to sit down to do it and being able to. That rarely happens to me when there is a chore aspect to it. Today I’ve had the extra coffeee and even a bit of chocolate and I’ve watched a movie all in the name of procrastination and/or inspiration. But can no longer avoid the obvious. Continuing my thoughts about the sign of Libra…

Cardinal (initiatory, directive) -air translates to light, itself a word that has many conceptual meanings. In Greek mythology, Apollo is the god of light and a slew of abstractions including truth (he cannot tell a lie), reason, order, harmony, balance, music, poetry, prophesy, all of which are very Libran in nature. All things being equal, the Scales speak to order and justice, of course; they also refer to music, there being seven notes to the scales. Libra is sign number seven—light itself is made up of seven colors—and the seventh day of each month is sacred to Apollo, and some scholars put his birthday at October 7, which falls into the sign of Libra. In the previous sign of Virgo we emphasized function and the increase of purity, as symbolized by the virgin; now we are focused more fully on design, especially a design for living…and doing so in harmony.  The symbol of the Scales also recalls a horizon line with sun setting or rising, hours when the evening star Venus is visible, although setting is more fitting. Libra begins at the Autumnal Equinox, when the there is equal day and night; but the equinox also signals a midway point where the nights will be getting longer, the sunset, if you will, of the year.

The literal take on evening is not lost on us here, given Libra’s democratic energy. The sign’s two mottos are I Balance (myself with others) and We Are, both pointing to certain equality, just one of related beautiful principles associated with the en-light-en-ing sign of Libra. People born under the sign have delicate sensibilities and they eschew any so-called ugliness in their lives, which can make them activists for change on the one hand or avoidists who remain in ivory towers on the other. We have cited the character Amelie from the French film of the same name as being a modern Libran archetype as she works as an agent of karma, in a sense, the effect of the cause, retibution, as justice would dictate. Libra is all about leveling the playing field and elevating the social discourse and hopefully the conditions in which we all live. The beautiful notion of democracy derives from the energy of the sign, Apollonian order bringing to mind gleaming column-lined temples or the neo-classic halls of justice which emblemize Western civilization. Apollo is no nature god; like Athena, he is an urban deity, but an even more precious one than she. Many a Apollo myth, like that of he and Daphne or Cassandra, end in him being rejected by the objects of his affection. It would seem that his lofty expectations are too much for the earthy nymphs and even the more rarefied goddesses who still like to get down and dirty, something Apollo doesn’t seem capable of doing. Dickens’ Great Expectations is a retelling of the Apollo myth; Pip forever pining for Estelle to return his affections. Rejection and disappointment are major themes in the life lessons of the Libra man, in particular; while all Libra’s grapple with frustration of experience not being up to snuff or second-rate. For the Libra, who often needs a perfectly clean, ordered environment to work in or who will change hotel rooms or restaurant tables until the vibe or feng shui is just right, there is always the sense that things could be that much better.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days. 

Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Moving On

Aquarius 18° (February 7)


I have another day to myself where I don’t have to do much more than write to my heart’s content. It’s all about getting into a nice rhythm. This time of year can be so productive. This time last year, having been sent for a loop in the previous October, which derailed me from writing my daily Blague, I found myself in early February having four months of daily Blague to catch up on. I did manage to do it, miraculously. And since then I’ve stayed ahead of, or not very far from the proverbial game. Speaking of which, apparently there was a very boring Superbowl recently. It’s at times like these I am glad I’m not a lemming. Anyway my brain is blissfully blank this morning so I don’t feel a need to spew. I think I’ll just pick up where I left off in my discussion of the signs, one by one.

I was saying about Virgo: Hephaestus is more acurately the god of the human conscience and he is, like Ganesh, a remover of obstacles. The sign of Virgo rules the digestion which is also a metaphor for said conscience—munching on experience it metes out the nutrients in our life from the detritus. In the sculpting of Pandora, Hepaestus utilizes the best features of each of the goddesses, making her a composite of these. Pandora means “all given.” We see the archetypal roots here of the Virgo male character which can lean toward the Svengali, being (a sometime male-chauvinist) Pygmalion, the Henry Higgins molding his Eliza Doolittle; and we see, too, the roots of the Virgo woman being something of a borrower herself—of all the women in the Zodiac she is most likely to cherry pick elements of style and even personality from other women she admires. It came come as a shock to her friends to see her morphing into them before their eyes. Slowly though she will morph out of being a collection of traits into a unique composition of influences, which is true of all of us to some extent. She will also let herself be Svengali’d (if we can make that a verb) doing little to stop it. Get it?

The Virgo virgin, however, is not that Pandora but rather the goddess Kore (who will become Persephone once Hades-Pluto abducts and drags her into his underworld), the “daughter” and thus the maiden-form of Demeter, the goddess of the harvest, coinciding to Virgo’s late-August-early-September time frame which ends the first half of the astrological year, at the Autumnual Equinox that began at Vernal Equinox. Demeter is also called Pandora, but here it means “all giving.” She giveth and she taketh away. That is the power of the Virgo woman, in particular, who makes herself useful in the lives of others but, if unappreciated, she will remove herself, leaving those who’ve come to rely on her lacking. Virgo’s mutable-earth status speaks to substantial change which doesn’t happen in a flash. Virgo reminds us that we are all works in progress and their brand of spirituality is devotional at its core.

Anyway, I need to move on and get some thoughts down on Libra….

The sign of Libra is distinguished by being the only sign in the Zodiac that has an inanimate symbol—all other signs are represented as humans or animals or a combination of both. The word Zodiac means “circle of animals” sharing etymology with the word zoo. There are some straight-forward inferences in regard to Libra’s inanimate symbol Scales and some twisty turny ones as well. For starters, Libra people can be conceptual and they are motivated and edified by their principles. Planet Venus, which rules Taurus on the Earth plane, here rules Libra, the cardinal-air sign. Air symbolizes the invisible world of ideas and also social experience, as e’er the twain shall meet. Names for the goddess of love and beauty, Greek Aphrodite, the planet endows natives of this sign with and aesthetically driven mind and a love a beautiful, starry notions….good I made a start.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days. 

Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Signs Salad

Aquarius 17° (February 6)


The Zodiac may in fact be the best tool for self-discovery we have in our storied culture. We talk about this being our place in the discovery.

Aries for them everything can seem as dramatic (in the beginning) as the big bang. They often disappointed in people and may reject them. Aries woman are the biggest rejectors.

Taurus add something in about taste perhaps and the representation of the material. Aries is getting your body in order, than Taurus is about adorning it, decking it out. Wow. Simple. Taurus is associated with material and materializing. Check Hathor

Gemini  just as Aries’s ruler Mars is masculine Taurus planet Venus Feminine, the adolescent is named for the adolescent androgyne god Mercury

Mercury taking the temperature of the room. Nobody can work a room like a Gemini

Nobody can blank a blank like a blank.

Body part. When we lie in savasana and slowly breath in and out we imagine tension leaving our body with each breath down our arms and out through our fingers.

Cancer fountains of feeling, even when they control it down to a trickle…seem to emit nothing more than a trickle.  And or more fully processing their past and present feelings to move onward. Ah but we have to talk about the notorious shadow side but avoid suicide. Myth Isis and Nemisis. Isis whose maternal aid in healing is invoked, is mother of the pharoah, likened to Horus, her son. She is “epitome of maternal devotion” (protecting from Set). Like Themis she is there to ease human suffering.

Isis goddess of magic. This is the mystic moon. Spells of healing.

Mind may play tricks but feelings never lie. Rules the gut intuition, a realm of the mother. The body part ruled breats and gut. Emotional intelligence, this way of operating is akin to mysticism which is inaccessible to the intellect.

They separate themselves from conditioning they are no longer feeling. Flood myth is about Getting Lost. Losing yourself to find yourself.

Leo creativity is not imagination. Creativity is the actual doing of a thing the formation which can only come from a passionate place. From that fixed-fire. We build fires, it is the first thing we do when we enter a house.  Hestia and Artemis.

If you put Leo’s motto I will together with the notion of co-creation with god. There is no such thing as an individual act of creation as we are always co-creating with god. Cancer feelings may move us but Leo passion sustains us. The fifth house rules our passions, that is in terms of their being synonymous with our leisure activities—sports, games, contests, races— Arthurian legend begins, middles and ends with contests. Likewise the etymologically similar Artemis, one of the female archetypes of Leo, whom Homer called “lioness amongst women” is goddess of the chase. Maggie the Cat won an archery context beck in college. Katniss Everdeen in the Hunger Games. The Sun god is on a chariot race all day. The original everyday hero whose godhead is expressed through racing through the sky.

Love affairs love affair with life. This might characterize the nature of the Sun itself

Circle of fire, fires are both influence and protection. God complexed. When we try to create outside the bounds of co-creation with god. That means being the gods instrument here on earth, within the bounds and laws of natural divine order—might for right. Leo’s motto I will is a pledge and a command. But the command must be for the common good—forever employing the golden rule—lest the divine king become a despot, that is the shadow side of the sign.

Go back and add in shadow sides? It is nonetheless jungle law.

Capricorn is our higher power. A snapshot of higher power. Capricorn people represent, personify that part of (all) ourselves that is higher power, emphasis on my higher power. The fact is…

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days. 

Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Teased In

Aquarius 16° (February 5)


The purpose of my writing at this present moment is to get some thoughts on paper regarding the signs. Much of what I’m saying may be a repeat of what I’ve said before, ad nauseum, during my long career as Q(V)C. (My friend Justin Vivian Bond, whom I call Jessica, said that my middle name should also be Vivian so I’d be QVC. I said “it’s Vera”. I think that was around the same time of my Suzy Menkes story.) It’s now to be a simple matter of searching the archives for key words, for starters, and extracting. I will have written four solid years of this Blague next month. Starting with the fifth year, I will read (extract and archive and separate out, year one, the Sabian ideas) five old Blagues a day for the next 365 days—and write a new one of course each day—this will mean by that the end of next year I will not only have completed a new fifth year, but I will have also roughly archived all five years. It will be a rough cut and paste job really; andmy Blague entry for the day will serve as something of a guide and synopsis, distlled, into a text-guide of 365 days. I can also excerpt myself. Somehow I think this might be one of the most exciting ideas I’ve had in a long time.

PIcking up on what I was saying yesterday about Chiron and the sign of Virgo…

He was in fact unrelated to all other centaurs, sometimes depicted with human front legs. He is mainly an abomination, at least according to his mother who, at birth rejected him and left him to die. He is akin to Ganesh, the original elephant-man god whose festival coincides with Vulcanalia, which is the first day of Virgo, August 23. Vulcan is the Roman name for Greek Hephaestus who wasn’t born lame but made so by his dismissive father Zeus who, enraged at his son siding with his mother, Hera, in an argument—flung him around the world which he circled endless times before landing and henceforth living without the use of his legs.

What the mythical Mercury, Chiron and Vulcan share is that they are all, like Ganesh,  healers. Hephaestus-Vulcan is a potter god, a smithy, an alchemist as befits Virgo’s malleable mutable-earth sign. Despite infirmiry he doesn’t wallow but channels his disability into invention, spending all waking time at his forge, in his workshop, making all sorts of nifty tools, weapons and devices for the betterment of men and gods alike. Virgo’s sign mottos are I work and I serve. Like Prometheus who elevated mankind by gifting them with sacred fire stolen from Olympus—this mirrors the move from the fixed-fire sign of the Leo god-kings (and some fierce queens) to Virgo with its everyman assignation, mutable-earth speaking to the evolutionary effect the stolen fire is meant to have on man. As part of the punishment Zeus doled out for this theft, he had Hephaestus make, out of clay, Pandora who with her infamous box brought all vice, first disguised by virtue, into the world.

Hephaestus is an ironic god of the human condition. He understands humanity and knows loss and humility, rare in a god. He knows that one’s reactions to loss can go either way, from victimization to victory, from self-pity or -destruction, from dysfunction to contribution,  to making lemonade from lemons. His crippling becomes the nature of his godhead, his superpowers deriving from being parapalegic if only a metaphor for being cut at the knees. This is true alchemy, the undergoing of personal change on the most human of levels. What is alchemy but getting the lead out? And, both metaphorically and metaphysically, Virgo is about undergoing such internal alteration, not sitting there like a lump of clay but making yourself useful, purifying oneself, removing our baser elements, obstacles, in the crucible of one’s own conscience. Hephaestus is more acurately the god of the human conscience and he is, like Ganesh, a remover of obstacles. The sign of Virgo rules the digestion which is also a metaphor for said conscience—munching on experience it metes out the nutrients in our life from the detritus


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days. 

Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Wonders Never Cease

Aquarius 15° (February 4)


I’m feeling very much interested, today, in the continuation of the clearing-out that I’ve initiated. In our winter stay-at-home world we have been indulging in a few guilty pleasures, like Friday nights cracking open a bottle of organic red wine and watching Drag Race, you know, life’s simple pleasures. But I’ve become so accustomed to the deep, childlike sleep I experience with nary a drop of even a healthful draught in my system, that it’s more important to me than any fleeting buzz the slightest imbibing might impart. There is such benefit to being a clean liver, the greatest one being the knowledge that you’re doing it. Things like this: they are good for your body of course, but they are all the better for your mind by virtue of the fact that doing right by yourself becomes a kind of silent, incessant prayer. It’s all about energy and it’s fun to change it up on an alchemical level which is what changes in lifestyle actually do.

I need to pick up my yukelele and drop off my boots. I need to learn botany and read everything Robert Graves. I clicked Like on an Aleister Crowley Facebook page and the second I did it I felt sick so I Unliked it straightaway. I am intrigued but I’ve never let myself go there. I studied Theosophy as a senior in college. I brush up agains the occult all the time, but I never quite go there. I want to rearrange all my books and decide how and where to ultimately house them. I want to go bathing suit shopping. I want a VW bus, forest green maybe. I want to make potato pancakes and eat them with sour cream and apple sauce. I’d like to get stoned without feeling edgy and watch a series of old movies. I would like to lie for hours in a hammam and then sip fresh oysters. I’d like to have a lot of mates in the English vernacular and disappear for long weekends to Ireland to fish. Adult male relationships are terribly hard to make unless you wrap it around a sport it seems. I suppose I could work on my piano and play but the notion of being in a dad band frightens me to death not least of all because I am not a dad. I’d like my hair to go white and grow down insead of up or out; and I’d like to wear little suits that still felt roomy.

I wonder: Will it be possible to do all I want to do where I want to do it. And to move around at will like I’ve been doing. To get some kind of residency thing going so even if I have to leave every three months I know that I can come back. I’m excited that things are not too long awaiting, that we are close to the edit on this old life. My brain needs a break that much is for sure. I also needn’t push or torture myself on a daily basis. Peu à peu.

So I’m moving on to thinking about Virgo today.  Whereas Leo is fueled by pride, which is an imporant positive energy until it isn’t, Virgo’s superpower is humility which, by logic of the upward spiral that is the dynamic (not static flat circle) upward spiral of the Zodiac, is stronger than pride. We’ve said it before but the planetary ruler of Virgo is somewhat in dispute; traditionally it falls under Mercury’s rule, which also governs the sign of Gemini; while others believe it is ruled by Chiron, once a planet which was pummeled by asteroids and “disabled”; and others still believe there is a planet Vulcan out there…or rather inthere, orbiting between Mercury and the Sun, and therefore near impossible to detect. Wigned Mercury, the trickster, messenger god, is a perfect match for the mutable-air sign of Gemini; and it’s fitting for the mutable-earth sign of Virgo too, in a sense: Mercury embodies the two forms of magic—the tricky sleight of hand brand that matches Gemini’s mercurial and prankish nature, but also the more substantial form of alchemy which is the primary watchword of the sign of Virgo. Alchemy is akin to medicine, in both cases ridding the substance/body of baser elements; and Mercury’s staff, the Caduceus, is, to this day, the symbol for the medical profession. Mercury was called Hermes by the Greeks and we speak of hermits (alchemists working in secrecy) and all things hermetic, meaning: relating to an ancient occult tradition that encompasses alchemy, astrology (hello!) and theosophy. Chiron, too, the wisest of the centaurs who alone among them rose above his beastly nature was taught by Apollo the art of medicine and herbs and is credited with the discovery of botany and pharmacy.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days. 

Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Hear Me Roar

Aquarius 14° (February 3)


I keep having to remind myself that the work I’m doing is great; and that it’s even more amazing that I have the drive and the will to forge ahead the way I do, day after day. Sometimes there is magic but only if we create it. For the past fifteen years I’ve been playing the same theatrical role on the stage of life. The character’s name is Quinn Cox and the show has been running twenty-four hours a day all these many years. I wake every day trying to figure out the next design for living, meanwhile I’m living this present formula, but I’ve always been like that. There is always some new paradigm calling me but I can’t quite articulate it to myself. I get flashes of this reality or that one, but I never get the full picture and I want it pretty badly. And just because said vision has never come clear, I believe it may be about to, as I plow through the stuff on my to-do list (that I want to do the least) during these winter months. Since the Solstice and through the holidays I have managed to make some major headway already; but I’ve also been having extinction bursts of holiday revelry—now, however, I feel deep into what you may have heard me call “second semester” a traditional time of spartan living, acetic thinking and a kind of early lent if you will.

The cardinal-water sign of Cancer, with its associative flood myths (symbolic of recovery), is followed by the fixed-fire sign of Leo, which is about the re-establishment, or restoration, and self-creation, metaphorically and metaphysically speaking. The fire element symbolizes spirit and the fixed quality speaks to a concentrated, stationary, magnetic quality. Fittingly, the ruler of Leo is the Sun which is the fiery center of our planetary system whose creative energy is life giving. One body part ruled by Leo is the heart, which is the center of our being, and it’s etymologically linked hearth is that which offers warmth and protection, gathering others to it. The sign of Leo is a cosmic snapshot of this energy and Leo people themselves are personifications of it. Where Cancerian emotion (that sign’s motto is I feel) moves us toward change, promise and deliverance, the sign of Leo is the promise delivered, fulfilled—Leo’s motto is I will. The inspiring emotion of cardinal-water now gives way to fixed-fire, which is strong and steady burning passion, the eternal flame that burns within all of us, in effect that which we do with the cardinal-fire of Aries (that spark of life within us, our purpose). Leo is the creation, the building upon, the edification of our self-perceived purpose fueled by our will. Aries might be what we want, Leo is what we are willing to do to bring about its full realization. Another body part ruled by Leo is the spine, thus our backbone, our might of will. Not surprising, the Strength card in the Tarot features the lion, king of beasts.

Leo does comprise our ability to rule the lesser, more beastly attributes of our nature. It symbolizes the divine right of kings (and some pretty fierce queens) that burns within all of us. To further delve the meaning of the rulership over the spine: Leo is about standing to your fullest height, embodying the energy of pride, a word that also comprises a group of lions. Leo is where our nobility lies, and as embodiments of that fact, Leo people never let their own majestic compartment slip. We liken cardinal-fire Aries to big-bang creation; and fixed-earth Taurus to the garden, Edenic bliss; Gemini, mutable-air, is the heady consciousness that charcterizes, the fall; and we said Cancer is the flood and also Exodus, the parting of the waters. Leo, it follows, is the age of miracles, the biblical book of Kings like young and gleaming David (and Queens like Bathsheba, associated with feline energy, Sheba being a de rigeur name for your pet kitty. Remember, we all have all the signs (and sign energies) in us; people of a particular sign are simply the best distillations, personifications in identity of, poster children for, that particular energy.

In Greek mythology, Helios is the Sun god-king; and as exalted as that might sound it’s a heavy responsibility. Like his sister Moon, Selene, does every night, he must drive his fiery horse-drawn chariot every night, maintaining a steady course, bridled with heavy responsibility. So is the life of a truly good monarch, the paradox being that they are at once the pinacle ruler but in complete devoted service to their subjects. This helps us understand the default frame of mind of Leo people in the main. They are divinely endowed with a healthy ego and yet they rely upon others loyalty and very audience to maintain it. Authority is a primary watchword of the sign, which goes beyond its face-value meaning of simply being in charge. It is more precisely about authorship, which links to Leo’s astrological fifth house of creation, or more precisely “co-creation with god.”

Leo people are best at giving themselves license, authority, here, adding up to a simple green light. Leo’s have pride in themselves because their main objective is to make themselves proud. If that Cancerian flood myth spells promise (ark, in both senses of the word) then Leo is the keeping of it, the fulfillment of the compact, a word one associates with the rules, say, of a new settlement, which is the perfect metaphor for the Leo experience. The fifth astrological house is that of legacy, and Leo people more readily set upon building their “keep” as it is a signature pledge they make to themselves. Whereve they fix their fire, their passion, they will then build their world around it, seeing that it will provide, too for others on whom they in turn rely to help build their castles, lest they rest on sand.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days. 

Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

La Source

Aquarius 13° (February 2)


Gosh you know I just need a few minutes to get started here. I am doing double duty by trying to drum up new ideas, or new takes on old ones, sign by sign by sign. Everything is moving as well as it should in the right direction. I think I see other people making great strides rather effortlessly, but nobody even knows the truth about anyone else in actuality. I noticed a rather famous friend unfriended me on Facebook. I take everything personally, I’ve always been that way. What’s changed is how that effects me, which it does at this point extremely little. And anyway, I’m sure this friend has gotten so big now that he isn’t even managing his own social media so I can’t really take it as an affront in any stretch of the imagination. It’s part and parcel of the larger emotions I’m lately feeling. The truth is I feel expansive. And very happy to make and have made myself scarce these past years, moving the many mountains I’ve been doing from deep under and inside them. Meanwhile making appearances, when required, giving no clue that my full occupation of late has been: mole man.

Oh and I know what I was going to say. I was going to say that the sorts of things I’m coming up with anew, that I’m writing in the present tense can actually be the evolutionary philosophy of the new project. Anyway, this is just a reminder to myself to express this thought to S., as cryptic as it might be to you.

After the duplicity of Gemini, Themis separates fiction from fact, demanding open honesty, something even the ancient gods thought made the best policy. Themis is a Titanesss, belonging to a pantheon older than the Olympian gods, with Zeus/Jupiter as their king. Zeus’s Titan father Cronos/Saturn ruled the golden age when there was no vice of any kind and perfect bounty and humans remained youthful, living hundreds of years. Zeus was her only consort—and remember it was he who ordered the flood—and among their children are the Horae, a trio of goddesses, meaning: the right moment, embodying the correctness of order unfolding in time. And Cancerian people do seem to ultimately flow with the go more than the rest of us, though they may perhaps at first struggle, more than we do, too, to float on the everunfolding, specifically in their earliest years. Cancerian typically experience a sense of being held hostage by their childhoods emerging with a sort of Stockholm syndrome brand of affection for their parents whos lifestyle tends to run counter to the Cancerian’s natural order of things.

Speaking of being rhythmically attued: The Moon of course rules Cancer and it represents the mother principle in astrology and myraid other esoteric disciplines. Mother is the source of life, deliverance and nurture; Cancer’s cosmic energy of cardinal-water (cardinal is initiatory and forward moving) echoing that gurgling fountain, spring, source of the rivers running to the sea. Likewise the Moon rules the tides, natural, ordered, ebb and flow, oe’r the estuaries of our existence, the same natural unfolding and right order that Themis and her progeny prescribe. And Cancer people are the most capable of sinking into those natural or cosmic rhythms, as they are one with the same, synching with the process of life and the expectation of its right unfolding. Where the mental sign of Gemini might employ the power of positive thinking or other such tricks as befits its clever and mischievous Mercury rule—manipulate, bargain, wheel and deal, if not pull a few fast ones—to ensure certain successes, Cancer people picture that farther shore, the culmination of goals and fulfillment, meanwhile digging in, in Crablike fashion, keeping their head down, letting time and tide take them to the next correct moment along their journey, content to let it be a cumulative one.

Ironically, as much as the Cancer digs down into his tasks at hand, in the here and now, the rate at which a Cancerian’s outer circumstance changes, in the main for the better, tends to outstrip other sign’s trajectories. To boot, the Cancerian might do the exact same job for eons, their usual routine altering little for decades, success finding them in their own, often very private process of making their dreams come true, seemingly on their own terms. One might argue, the Cancerian themself, that it’s much the opposite—that they live life on life’s terms, taking what it gives them, day to day, making hay while the Sun shines, and lemonade out of any lemons. They rarely chase success, nor do they overthink or strategize—they plot a simple course and patiently tack their way.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days. 

Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

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