Month: January 2019 (page 1 of 5)

Stab At It

Aquarius 9° (January 29)


I’ve decided that I miss glamour, or rather my life is missing it; no I think I meant the first thing I said more than the second. I think that’s one of the beauties of our taking this new direction—I do see that as much as we give to it, it will give to us, which is right. Part of my glamour aesthetic might be described as downtown east village, but really that is just part of the equation because I have always been less down and dirty than the glamazons who emerged from the club and drag worlds. I have never had that sort of drama or severity in me to bust out. I never stuck with any one thing, being the Libra that I am.

Anyway I’m going to really forge ahead again on writing these new thoughts on the signs experiences today which are part and parcel of my planning the next series of books. Let’s now move onto the Gemini experience:

The twelve signs of the Zodiac are unique combinations of the four elements (fire, earth, air, water) and the qualities (cardinal, fixed, mutable) respectively. As the third sign, Gemini is thus themutable-air sign. Now if we think about what all that implies, air signs being the domain of the mind and social experience, we might say mutable-air translates to thought itself, a swirl of information, what is in the air or ether and consciousness itself. Gemini people are abuzz. The sign’s planetary ruler Mercury, named for the heady, mercurial, eternally youthful god of communication, orbits, like a moth to a flame, closest to the sign. The planet symbol, with its antennae’d circle “head” on a crossed staff, depicts the winged-capped god himself, but also birds and bees and all kinds of angels and insects and the beguiling fairies. The horned Puck is Oberon’s messenger as Mercury is Zeus.

Quicksilver Mercury speaks to our speed of thought. Gemini’s sign motto is I Think. Mercury (again that small orbit) is all about immediacy, not only in time but also in space. Mercury and Puck can be here or there in an instant. Mercury is the Psychopomp, the only entity who can travel from heaven (Olympus) to hell (the Hades realm) and back again, as the “conductor of souls,” the dual god of the crossroads, coming and going, and the characters one finds there—merchants and theives, magicians, dealers, barkers, buskers, and every assortment of savvy streetwise folk, a way, if only metaphorically speaking, to describe the fast-talking, clever Gemini people, the Zodiac’s true operators. Mercury’s female counterpart is the likewise winged Eris, goddess of discord, whose main myth bring’s us to the Gemini characters of Castor and Pollux, the mortal and divine Twins (Quadruplets, really) of the sign.

Eris was the only goddess not invited to this one glam party on Olympus. She got even by causing a war which began with chucking in an apple on which she scribbled “for the fairest among you”—Hera , Athena and Aphrodite naturally thought it was for them. Jump-cut to the Judgment of Paris (prince of Troy) who over Hera (who offered power) and Athena (wisdom) as bribes for choosing them, he picked Aphrodite who offered him the most beautiful woman in the world, Helen, also, along with her sister, Clytemnestra, were the other two quadruplets to the Gemini Twins. Helen was married, Paris abducted her, and the rest is tragedy. Mercury and Eris are master manipulators; their Disney counterparts being Peter Pan and Tinker Bell, amont the modern archetypes of the Gemini people.

But let’s back up. The duality that is expressed by Castor and Pollux is that of mortality and divinity, or immortality. In the bible myth, one is expelled from the garden (the fixed-earth Taurus) by biting into yet another apple which results, in what? Concsiousness! Which is characterized as duality and knowledge of opposities, good and evil and mortality and immortality. In fact, being booted from the garden, one is no longer granted everlasting life, let alone youth.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days. 


Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox


Aquarius 8° (January 28)


I am hardpressed to write today, mainly because I have so many chores on my plate that includes some food prep, house cleaning and dump running. When one does everything for themselves, as we do when we are not living in cities, one must dedicate certain days to all the d.i.y. that comes with it. Don’t get the wrong idea: I actually love doing myself much of what is necessary to lead a functional domestic existence. I’m basically an old-fashioned whistle-while-you-work kind of character who is eternally grateful that he has never had to punch a clock in his adult life but has managed to live off his wits—I have also not had to make the kinds of compromises I’ve seen others make in order to have a surplus of riches which strikes me as more of a stress for these so-called fortunate friends who have in this way or that sold their souls to large enterprises from whom they (whether they let themselves believe it or not) take money laundered money, which has become the most prolific variety in recent decades. The Russians are coming? No they are already here (in our Western world) and have been for decades. I’ve felt this for years living in New York city in the 1990s and early aughts…or is it oughts?…oh well it doesn’t matter. You’re not even reading this. And that’s fine.

I really would rather lead a modest existence, financially, so long as it afforded me increased freedom and the ability to express my creativity. The well of creativity, though, is not fathomless and it needs refilling; and in order to do that one has to back off and get plenty of what is good for a person—rest, water, exercise being the simple chief things among them. I’m definitely in an existential mode. I won’t say crisis because, honestly, I feel more emotionally and mentally stable than probably ever in my life, a result of understanding how much strain I have been under in my doing all I can to fight my way out of the hole that was the end of the Bush era. As cliché as it might sound, I feel we were on the front lines of that economic downswing only because so much of our existence was based on freelance writing at that time—we weren’t focused as we are now on the consultancy which is far more rewarding a career direction in the end. I love working directly with people; and the publishing world, in the end, was almost the worst of all the industries I’ve worked in, including media and fashion and that is saying something in itself. Anway I’d like to get back into talking about these “sign experiences” I started and to see where that might take me.

Taurus people might be prone to overindulge their own appetites, at least that is the dime-story converntional wisdom on the subject. Moreso, they create hunger in others for themselves. This happens in positive ways, making people hanker for their skills and talents, but also finding ways to addict others to them. That didn’t make much sense but I think I am driving at something here. Taurus people collect other people, and they will prize certain and target others. Oh wow I really ran out of steam on that one. I will have to revisit this idea for sure as it needs fleshing out. Let’s move onto the Gemini experience…Ah! wait I have another Taurus thought:

The thing about fixed signs is they are not the originators, typically, of ideas, waves or movements in their creative work that are the cardinal signs that precede them. Cardinal signs struggle with follow through and sustenance, a Taurus word if we ever heard one. All fixed signs drill down and are all kinds of things that one might associate with being fixed. In Taurus’ case we say the sign energy can be stubborn, obstinate, determined and deliverate, grounded, etc, terms that one might apply to the Bull itself.  Taurus people don’t like complication, they naturally keep things simple, which manifests, most poignantly, in their going long and deep into specific interests, instead of being renaissance wo/men in any sense of the word. The are niche dwellers, narrowling focused, leaving no stones unturned in the cultivation of their uniquely pinpointed talents/skills with which they continually wish to flourish (flower!).


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days. 


Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Hobby Horse

Aquarius 7° (January 27)


I am noticing a shift on my behavior toward a hyperfunctionality that I find somewhat disturbing. I wrote this sentence a couple of days ago and I almost feel completely opposite now.The point is that I am a creature, as we all are, of highs and lows; and there comes a time when one really has to come to terms with Mr. Inbetween. I’ve never liked him but I’m thinking now that he might be the perfect entity to befriend at this juncture. Something about being alone on the weekend kind of shocked me into a certain realization of myself: I am the prime cause of any unhappiness I suffer. Not to say that people haven’t done me wrong because they have, but the truth is I am really ready to let go of all that now in a way I haven’t before. I must take responsibility for befriending people whom, upon meeting them, the word run was flashing across the screen of my mind. But I’ve been a glutton all my life for stones from which I can’t get blood because that was the relationship dynamic I had growing up in my household. But I’m now in my advancing years and I can’t afford this anymore. I have learned over the last five years especially how to be alone; and that has been helpful but not the entirety of the equation necessary now to lead a good life. I will admit that I am not at my best upon writing this but the happy paradox of that is what feels like a new unyielding desire to be the best I can be. This shall require baby steps because as good as I can be to myself, I too have mimicked the behavior of others in my early life and have undervalued myself in a way that is no longer tenable.

I was writing some thoughts on the signs’ “experience” these last few days but I need to take a bit of a break from that because the whole point of it was to killt two birds with the same stone: to make some new ideological inroads about the signs while remaining true to this daily Blague with information you might want to read. As if I have readers. Although I realize I might be surprised. And anyway that is all about to change because I will be changing it. There is so much bubbling beneath the surface right now and I feel as if my only job is to let it and participate in that bubbling. I don’t want to overachieve in the least right now; and I’m not going to push anybody to move the needle either, despite there being so, so many needles right now. I’ve learned my lesson about rushing other people; it only ever backfires. I will wait until next week to start putting feelers out on that score. I am determined to prove to myself that I can hit my marks; but I am not going to work myself into exhaustion ever again. And I need to devote myself to the well-being of others too. That is the best part of doing client work. I can make myself completely available to other people’s happiness and fulfillment. It makes a huge difference in ones life to be fortunate enough to do that; I think I/we would do it even if it weren’t an aspect of our livelihood. In fact I know I would. It’s just how I’m built; and honestly, it is the role I played with my parents—mediator—in our earliest life together. I was psychologist to them before I was five years old, sitting them down on either side of me on our tiny sofa in our Jersey City apartment, urging them to find middle ground. This must have seemed so odd to them, now that I think about it. But when I think of myself, I almost remember feeling shocked at the time by having the wherewithall, as if I were an old soul of sorts, although I never considered myself a very, very old one.

I have gone through so many phases in my spiritual development, and I’ve entertained some pretty kooky belief systems along my path. I think I always vacilated between a certain sexual abandon and a need to find some semblance of god, in turns, during my teens and early twenties. There is nothing wrong with sowing wild oats but I seem to have been doing it in these two directions, getting as many spiritual ya yas out as I did lusty ones. Now I think it may have been the same energy flowing in not necessarily opposite but often parallel directions. I wanted some sense of the transcendent and also of comfortable oblivion and they both promised some taste I guess. Now of course I’ve spent a lifetime opening cosmic, spiritual channels. I didn’t know then, for instance, that I could be as psychic as I have exhibited over the years. Although, of late, I feel a bit dulled in regard to that faculty. But, like with the whole ball of wax I’m attempting to tackle here, I know the best course of action for better tapping into it. It’s about being clear (not to be confused with going clear). It’s about lifestyle, too, and making more rooms for passions of the more quotidien variety. This I can do.



To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days. 


Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Call and Response

Aquarius 6° (January 26)


is with the family and I am on the Cape alone, sitting by the fire, trying to focus on the work at hand and the furthering of ideas which will lay the groundwork, maybe for next year’s year-ahead books. I will need to do some social media again this week to further promote this year’s. Luxury is staying on schedule that’s for sure. I will have steak and tomatoes which, I’m sorry, is simply one of the best meals imaginable.

Strange that Taurus is the premier feminine sign but it’s symbol is the masculine Bull; after much consideration of that cunundrum it occured to us that Taurus’ symbol itself might be purposefuly ironic and speak to the subjectivity, the power of passivity, of this sign: The Bull symbolically represents that which the sign of Taurus seeks to attract not its own character at all. The Bull fertilizes (the feminine), in more ways than one; in the garden analogy. Also, the upshot of the Io myth, which ends with her being chased by a stinging gladfly across the Bosphoros straights—the “cow ford”—whereupon she emerged from heifer form, appearing, now, a goddess queen, herself, , (Isis), on par with Hera/Juno is, the upshot is, the upshot is: the myth of  Europa, the response in the call and response of Io and her descendent (by Zeus), Europa, who now travels back across the Bosphoros on the back of Zeus, her lover in most beautiful Bull form, transfiguring the narrative, Zeus, yoked in floral garlands, taking the burden of bovine form, once Io’s shame,transmuting it into Europa’s honor.

Remember we said Taurus rules the senses and appetites, thus, we might say, all of the earthly pleasures, which Taurus people may indulge, but more to the point: Taurus plays on the senses and appetites of others, that oomphy Venus energy, seeking union, weilding its power of attraction, Taurus people being most pleasing. They offer endless delight, exhibiting myriad talents in infinite milieus, eyes an ears attuned to audience reaction, making endless corrections to their work, art or enterprise to achieve their one goal: to appeal. Just as we move from the first sign of Aries to the second of Taurus, we swing from the Aries from Ram, the shepherd on the hill in the Christmas story to the nativity scene, the stable, the manger, or cow trough, being the center seat of the adoration scene, from the french, manger, to eat. We could just gobble him up, and we will later. Taurus energy not only seeks favor, to be prized and cherished, you might say it also wants to be consumed, possessed. Feminine Taurus  stands counter to masculine Aries which seeks to conquer and perhaps consume in the process, though it isn’t the usual goal.

One of the things to admire most about a Taurean is their ability to hang a high price tag on themselves. They will do the work, cultivating themselves and their talents like a master gardner, playing nice, being pleasing, if not somewhat fauning and sycophantic which is always an inside-out expression of certain narcissism. The mirror is a recurring theme in the art, music, film and literature of Taurus creatives, and the natives tend to be very exacting in their appearance, cultivating a strong look that communicates not only their sensibilties but their intentions. They are, on this score, in a word, deliberate. This, along with practical and methodical and determined and focused are Taurus watchwords, being as myopic as real bulls are, metahporically speaking, of distractions or detractors, and also of their own artistic delusions.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days. 


Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Bully For You

Aquarius 5° (January 25)


I have a surplus of phone calls to make that I really don’t want to make. I actually loathe speaking on the phone more than most things, just one of the many ways, probably, in which I have become neurotic, things falling into that category tending to be things one should work on. I have like four hours before I have to change chores here which is actually really inspiring. I’ve already gotten so much done, it feels like a luxury to sit here and write. Now seems to be about assessing situations. S. is off and running on a new venture—other projects might be more a promotional tool than providers of payoffs, which is far better than fine. I suppose I might be feeling optimistic; and it’s not that I’m being cautiously so, I just emotionally fatigued on that score so to be living frugally on surprise, that said, it could be a year of good counsel, eventful, broadcasting, bookish, show-offy, and of aesthetic and artistic expression, among other things. There will still be the impressario, the scene and playwrighting, the daily Blaguing. So I wax academic—I forgot academia!

In near direct contrast to Aries which precedes it, Taurus, the fixed-earth sign, is ruled by Venus, representing the metaphysical feminine principle. Fixed earth is the fertile garden replete with flowers, the power of attraction. Planet Venus energy is centrifugal, working in the opposite fashion from centripetal Mars, whose symbol recalling a shield and spear or the male genitalia,  Venus’s symbol, a circle over a crosed staff, conversely depicts the womb and intact hymen, innocence. It is the main theme of any garden myth, mainly as it leads to certain temptation, again that power of attraction. The gods (read: human archetypes) associated with Taurus are the earthy nubile nymphs and youthful male flower gods. The main nymph mythi is that of Io, who was turned into a snow-white heifer by Zeus to hide his affair with her from wife Hera who knew what was what and pretended she thought Zeus was giving it to her as a gift. She was going to teach her a lesson (mainly about men). The story of Snow White is a retelling of it all. Did we mention that that Venus womb symbol also recalls a mirror, vanity being one of the sign of Taurus’ pitfalls, the sign’s color being green.

The power of attraction appeals to the senses and appetites, assignations of the sign of Taurus which also rules the throat, the gullet, as well as the voice, symbolizing talents, another attribute of the sign. The second house of Taurus, whose motto is I have, encompasses value(s), talents, assets, both real and metaphoric, along with real possessions, money and all kinds of quality stuff. Whether refering to our own talents, our collectibles, or investment portfolio, it is all a matter of cultivation, tending to that which we hold most dear and at which we are most gifted, that which comes most naturally. The nymphs and flowergods toil nor do they spin, the pastoral sign of Taurus advocating for a passive, come hither, approach to even their own ambition. Their energy goes into drawing interest and audiences to them rather than doggedly chasing some quixotic dream.

You go to the garden it doesn’t come to you. And here we see the link to the vanity, Narcissus, Hyancinth, Adonis all being among those male flower gods. Unlike objective Aries, the natives of which are focused outward, perhaps the least self-consious of indifiduals, the navel (or mirror) gazing Taurus takes a subjective approach to self, inclined to see themself from the outside in, forever making adjustments based on audience appeal so to cultivate that which is most valuable to the Taurus: adulation, if not outright adoration. Cows, calfs, bulls are totems of worship and idolatry.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days. 


Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Showing Up

Aquarius 4° (January 24)


Two clients today and busy overall. The cosmic climate is feeling a little lighter and brighter. Definitely making some headway just by showing up each day, but trying not to impose ridiculous deadlines on my self, by the same token. Been making delicious meals in the kosmic kitchen and watching more Nova and Nature than any booby tubiness. I am lost in a world of dinosaurs and quantum entanglement and the evolution of horses. I will get all my last year’s financials completely finished so I’m done for tax season. Otherwise I’m working on some new asrological ideas and how the metaphysical and mythic elements of the sign further effect personality of the sign. Et voila….

In our first book Sextrology, we likened the Aries woman to the female sheep—hey Ewe!—who keeps herself aloft, on her climb, watching male rivals vie for her below; mostly this speak’s the the Aries’ woman’s ability to raise herself above arguments in wise Athenian fashion, if not pit opponents against one another to elevate her own position. And though there is the usual overlap between the sexes of the same sign, you still might say with confidence that, as a rule, Aries man tends to be embody the warrior most often on the frontline, while Aries woman is cooly strategizing from her war room, metaphorically speaking but of course. Why sheep?, you may ask. Well, besides the warlike qualities of the Ram, in mythology, the war god Mars evolved from an agrarian shepherd god, really a male fertility figure. Athena, who may partly derive from the more ancient Minoan snake goddesses, armed as they are with serpents, and the bird goddesses like the wargoddess Inana, also Ishtar—Athena’s breastplate , the sheepskin aegis, bears the venomous snake-haired head of the Gorgon; and she is associated with the owl, her wise totem, whose form she takes. Athena emerged as a defender goddess, among other attributes, a palace goddess, inextricably linked to Athens, although her Pallas pre-fix is more suggestive of a phallus, as she is appears, in full armour, as male and there we have those snakes again.

We likewise link Athena in the biblical line to Lilith, Adam’s first wife, predating Eve just as Aries precedes Taurus, whose own archetype isEve and other such “innocents.” Lilith and Adam split up because they both preferred the top position, and she too was winged with other serpentine qualities. All feminist goddesses. The symbols for Athena is a triangle or diamond shape set upon a cross—portraying yoni power above all. It is not a symbol of reception, like the Venus glyph with it’s circular womb above a crossed staff, or hymen, but, like Mars’ own genital “spear-and-shield ” symbol, it is one of definite action, even if on the defensive, blocking, yet another hard-knocks nod to the Ram, in nature, defending its flock. The gender dialectic between men and women, cisgender or transgender, in this premier masculine (air and fire signs are masculine) sign of Aries is spectrum spanning from purest objectifying masculinity to the most potent feminism, refusing to be objectified.

No surprise the sign of Aries rules the head—we enter the world head first, as a rule, and Aries people never abandon that trajectory. Mars and Athena wear brand plumed helmets, she having emerged fully formed from father Zeus’ head. This speaks to the Aries experience, suggesting they come into this world armed with their sense of purpose and ambition. Athena is the goddess of helmsmen and the Aries personality is pinioned on leadership. Mars starts wars, the first to charge into attack just as his more ancient shepherd status saw him likewise leading his charge, that is to say, the sheep in his keep. Leadership, initiation, action, ambition are all Aries’ strongest suits, coming on strong in situations, for better or worse.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days. 
Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Heart of the Deal

Aquarius 3° (January 23)


I know you think you have to, but, to the Mika Brzezinskis of the morning news, and really all so called “liberal media”, you don’t have to ask questions that make you seem impartial, especially when you put Democrats in the hotseat over this shutdown. And stop suggesting that they should be dysfunctional enablers of a lying, cheating, thieving, murdering (children held in captivity at the wall), human trafficking (where are the unaccounted for children?), propogandist, money laundering, authoratative, TRAITOROUS pseudo-president and puppet of the international mob syndicate by giving into his raging addiction to all things evil. Then again you put up with the overbearing Joe Scarboroughs of the world who won’t let you get a word in edgewise and whose suggestion it most likely was for you to start growing your hair.

Maybe that was a low blow but, I’m sorry, the gloves have to be off now: Any bit of justification of this lunatic or any inch we give him, he will take a million miles. Meanwhile I have some astrological themes to tackle today and I’m going to dedicate the next few hours to doing just that.

The sign of Aries, that of Cardinal-Fire, is the start of the astrological New Year, on the Vernal Equinox, Spring, which suggest more than a season but a launching into action. The sign is ruled by planet Mars, named for the Roman headstrong war god, Greek Ares, frrom the Greek ariete, literaly, to ram. And so theRam of the Zodiac, is characterized by purest action, launching into action, if not into battles of dominance, headlong. Mars. Both the god and the planet Mars signifies the premier, primal Male Principle in mythology and astrology. The phallic spear of the planet’s symbol portrays outward, centripetal, directive assertive energy. It is the time of shoots springing to the surface and newborn lambs niblling such suculents. It is also time for battle, the month of March and marches named for Mars. Allsuch things springing into action. Newness in itself as the premier concept. New begginings, the infancy of things, this is something, in anything or everything that is, which the sign of Aries rules: the beginnings of all things. Birth and war, the attack, are both bloody affairs and instant struggles for survival.

Athena, the war goddess, is the classical feminine archetype of the sign, representing, among other things, the temperance to temper the Mars masculine temper of the sign. One speaks of masculine and feminine energies in astrology in the abstract; which is very much different from surveying males and females of a particular sign whose make-up in character does, nonetheless, always somehow draw upon thier archetypes, here, Mars and Athena (and a myriad others, (but we’ll get to those—for now we’re spoonfeeding you). Mars and Athena are the first two off-spring of the Olympian gods’ progeny, the first born of Jupiter/Zeus and Hera/Juno. Life is foremost a war that you mightn’t win, so you have to come out fighting. Aries rules this spirit and people born under the sign are suffused with it.

Aries rules the human ages of birth to seven years, that which is defined by adjectives like “terrible” and nouns like “tantrum”, at once the most helpless lamb and most shriekingly selfish and demanding, others be damned. There is a lot to unpack here. As the Cardinal-Fire sign, which translates to a spark (of life), our ignition and animation, also purpose. Mars signifies pure energy, that fight, spearheading goals and Athena the strategy and diplomacy and prudence to support these aims. And so it is no surprise that the most singularly directed of sign-energies in the Zodiac, that Aries people are themselves singular, self-motivated, me me me, every wo/man for themself. They typically have pinpointed campaigns and quests they’re determined to go on and they do so, yes, with a certain vigiliance. It’s as if they can’t separate what might appear to us to be selfish, selfishfrom self-originating sense of duty toward fulfillment. Aries feel they were bornto do whatever they aim for, endowed (and sometimes burdened) with an outsized mantle of import such that said goaimsals feel elevated to that of a spiritually calling. Or maybe it’s vice versa. The point is singular Aries doesn’t second guess it.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days.


Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get your HAUTE ASTROLOGY 2019 Weekly Horoscope ebooks by Starsky + Cox

Of Our Own Being

Aquarius 2° (January 22)


I spent the morning writing but what I ultimately intended to publish here got cut and pasted elsewhere because it bore what should be some secret publishing plans. Writing is a tortue there is no doubt about it and, if I’m going to do it on a grand scale again I will have to be compensated enough so that I can secure myself a semi-tropical place to hole up and write like the dickens; barring that, I’d need to be in an affordable city and/or paradigm where I wouldn’t have to make a meal or a bed unless I chose to do so. Writing requires a housekeeper who, at the very least, can do some grocery shopping and chop some vegetables. And now I must resist the urge to Google “houses for rent in Sardinia” or some such nonsense. But the fact is I must undertake the redirection (another Cancerian word) of our book brand, and do so in such a way that I can be completely nutsy boltsy about it.

I found myself, upon opening Facebook, saying aloud: “I can’t do this anymore.” And the point is I’m not sure I can. I need some college interns to handle that sort of thing. Some marketing and pr interns I can put in charge of social media and the management of all things digital. Another good reason to remain based in Boston with its many schools. Of all the cities in the country (most of which I have never visited so take that with a grain of salt) I think Boston is the most liveable for me. It is the perfect backdrop for my human existence, at once a place to love and rely on, though it mightn’t provide much excitement, and a sort of bedroom community to my New York existence that necessarily needs representing, more and more. Today is the 22nd and I’ve 22 days till our next major public event and so here I am in the first throes of redirection which, ironically, is about attending to what is already on my plate. Interesting irony about the word recovery as it suggests making profound changes while pointing to certain reclamation of a past state of being, bringing something back that was lost. Ourselves?

The day shall be long and I will need patience to put the wheels needing to be in motion. I am happy for the still two months of winter as the Spring will bring much in the way of travel. I am looking for putting that particular time line in place. Starting tomorrow I will be focusing my writing on creating next year’s book intros. I think with those in place, and a couple focused weeks in March, I should be ready to release the next Craken. I have two full years to get my household itinerary honed and consolidated down to some very portable boxes; and to simply move the domestic existence to another place, so that is truly an ongoing meditation. So much of my existence is represented in books and CDs. I think I will ask Emerson what he thinks one should do about ones entire library of CDs. It would be wonderful if someone were to (or has?) invented a device that, as you play a CD, it records that CD, digitally someplace, apart from iTunes from whence ones Library can seemingly disappear (how does that happen), so that it truly belongs to you the owner. I wonder if that’s a thing or if it could be invented. But I digress…

After I make my way through what might entail four pages a day, for the next twelve days, I will then be free to return to the process of mining myself reading back through a lot of what I’ve written these nearly full four years, pulling out bits, working them, fleshing them out, as possible passages for something different. I’m not sure where it is I’ll be going with all that but I know that I won’t have to keep reinventing the wheel but that I can start creating a series of gears from what has already been forged.


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days.


Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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All That

Aquarius 1° (January 21)


One of the purposes, and the sometime practice of this Blague is to allow for certain stream of conscious. Last night I dreamt I passed by a famous colleague and he snubbed me. I feel that I myself am in a constitutional crisis. That that which metaphysically makes me up is being shaken to its foundation by the tsuami swirl of this current administration. It seems to me that we should be protesting daily, perhaps, in the evening and asking for a new charter—the Chartists were a theme of last night’s “Victoria” on Masterpiece. One point is: being snubbed as such comes as no surprise: One of my ongoing life lessons has been in rejection, a Libra experience for sure—the premier myth of Apollo, a main archetype of the sign, is that of his rejection by Daphne; likewise he is not the chosen inheritor-son of his supreme ruling father Zeus, hat is Dionysus, in effect, his own male-youth form whom he birthed from his fatherly thigh, the body part ruled by Sagittarius, ruled by planet Jupiter (Greek: Zeus). Ah how it all goes together and slides around. But that is part and parcel of what I am currently needing to express in my next messaging about publishing.

But back to this notion of being in a constitutional crisis, from crux, a word akin to crossroads. The duality of Gemini, ruled by planet Mercury, for the messenger god of the crossroads, is that of extremes, no sign best representing the notion of divinity on one hand and merest mortality on the other (Pollux and Castor) than Gemini. And people of the sign being the most vivid example of how these energies play out, personifications of this energy, Geminians portray the notion that people can reach soaring heights of divinity while falling the furthers into the depths of human desperation, whether in turns or at the same time, or both (the operative word of the sign of Gemini). We see in the biblical line that The Fall is characterized by duality as the manifestation of sudden consciousness provided by a bite of an apple—Gemini’s motto is I think. Gemini people personifiy the notion that we are all essentially dual, that we all in various ways continually at a crossroads if not in crisis, as said crossroads in a natural endowment of the human condition….and so forth. And so what comes after being at a crossroads, in crisis, but change, recovery. I never really made the precise link that the following sign of Cancer might simply be change but of course it is and synchronistically we assigned Cool Change to be our “Cancer song” in our recent musical show, written by a Moonchild but of course.

I’m perfectly content, today, to float around these ideas. Cancer is the sign of recovery, change, positive change. To change, to evolve, to move on dot org. Duh that the fourth house is that of the home you come from and the home you create, which we have already associated with passage, promise, deliverance, hope (which floats, Cancer being the premier Water sign)—and fresh water at that. The sign is Cardinal Water which is fresh, moving, life-giving waters whether it be rain (following the electric static of Gemini’s Mutable Air, leading to such a torrent), or the resulting rising and roaring rivers, springs and sources, the origin (home you come from) and where it goes, and what changes it makes along the way.

There is a archetypal, metaphsyical and, at the very least, a philosophical genius encoded into the Zodiac. It is the onion we ourselves continually peel, that which never ceases to reveal layers, revelations. There is some primordial logic to it that draws on, connects, and expresses our elaborate mythologies to which it is inextricably linked…it’s all that…


To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days.


Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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The Only Whatever You’ll Ever Need

Aquarius 0° (January 20)


I didn’t binge-watch Grace and Frankie, that didn’t happen. It wasn’t my whole day. That’s ridiculous. (I really wasn’t even very good but anytime either or both of the stars are on screen they make even the crappy script somehow magical). Anyway it’s fun to stretch out into a day and it’s good for the creative juices and goals. I have been watching a lot of royal themed shows for which I am an absolute sucker. I don’t have a proletariat soul I’ve learned. Anyway, I really want to keep my ideas flowing here today and “aim for four hours” each time I sit down to write. (I watched the Colette film and really loved it.) I need to get out of the house more for sure, in any case; taking some drives when I can in the old cream Mercedes that otherwise just goes to the dump in winter. But sooner than soon we will be walking in the beach on our daily constitutionals and everything will feel as it once did around here.

One of my goals for the coming weeks is to actually slot items on my to-do list into actual days on my calendar. Funnily enough my calendar has just stopped synching. I think it’s a result of not having the Cloud thing happening. I actually hate the whole concept of the Cloud. I feel like I’m spending money for people to steal from me, whether it’s Facebook or whatever other seeming involuntary system I’m locked into. It’s so gross and scary and dehumanizing—I miss the anonymity of a less technically advanced society. All of this only trips to the growing sense of inauthenticity that experience has slowly and insidiously taken on. But no matter. I am undaunted. I am just going to go down the list and start knocking things off of it. I am fortunate to have afforded myself the luxury of working on what I want to next, getting projects out there and spinning.

Taking a bit of a break, these next two weeks, on any ingestible that transmutes to sugar—it’s something I’ve been meaning to do these last twenty days, something of a soft resolution. This can be a very productive time of year for the body and for jumpstarting healthful and, almost more importantly, meditative practices (tho ere the twine shall meet). I found time for such things in my youth, even as I had to go to an evening job at the end of most days. It is possible, I’m confident, to get back into that kind of a head again. Saturdays shall be my major reading day. Thursday is design day, it seems. Friday will always be a good day to shop and clean and all that jazz—a good day to take myself to lunch as well. Four hours of “ridding” on Sundays also leaves room for reading and the minimal of writing, which is what I’m going to be doing this year in any case. I think Mondays will be my hard and fast, shall we say, nugget days, working on anything to do with books and the like. I don’t need to start that process, really, until March for next year; and I won’t do any other major writing until I get a hefty advance. And, when I do, I shall only write at four hour intervals, mostly, in the morning.

On the subject of the Zodiac, it does seem to me to have an inherent logic. There are so many different ways, of course, to slice and dice it. A crime novelist I know says may be using an astrological theme in an upcoming book. I actually forget I was told this, basically, until now. I may have blocked it out. Anyway there is one book that may be referenced in so doing—one which I myself haven’t read but wouldn’t mind doing.

To view the original Sabian Symbol themed 2015 Blague corresponding to this day: Flashback! The degree of the Sabian Symbol may be higher than the one listed here  as the symbols cluminate in the next degree. There are 360  degrees spread over 365 days.


Typos happen—I don’t have time or an intern to edit.*
Copyright 2019 Wheel Atelier Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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